新目标七年级下Unit3 I’d like a large pizza教案(新目标版七年级英语下册教案教学设计) |
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Do you know? 同学们,本单元我们学习的Would you like…? 与Do you like…? 两个句型看起来很相似,但用法各不相同,你知道吗? 1、 表达的意思有区别 (1)Would you like…?中的like后常接名词、代词和不定式,不接动词的-ing形式,表示“你想要…吗?”。与“Do you like…?”意思相近,但语气比want委婉。主要用来婉转地提出建议,征求对方意见或表达个人的想法, 为此表示“一些”这个意思是常用some,而不用any。例如: Would you like a large pizza? Would you like to drink a cup of tea? (2)Do you like…? 中的like市“喜欢”之意,用来询问对方的兴趣和爱好。 Like后可接名词、代词、动词的-ing形式和不定式。例如: Do you like to have eggs for breakfast ? 你早饭喜欢吃鸡蛋吗? Do you like swimming or skating? 你爱好游泳还是滑冰? 2、 答语有别 (1)对于Would you like…?提出的建议或要求,肯定回答用“Yes, please.”或“Yes, I would ( I’d ) love / like to.”(这里的不可以省略,它代替动词不定式);否定回答用“Np, thanks.”。例如: -Would you like to go fishing with me?你愿意和我一起去钓鱼吗? -Yes, I’d like to.是的,我乐意。 (2)对于Do you like…?提出的问题,肯定回答用“Yes, I do.”;否定回答用“No, I don’t.”。 Reading A Read and judge 你在网上结识了一位意大利的小朋友Yagpu。这是Yagpu给你发来的e-mail。请你在下面的图中确认Yagpu的喜好(√)。 Yagpu is a good name,isn’t it?Yagpu is an Italian boy of 12 in Rome. It is me. I have once been to Beijing, China, with my mother .I like Chinese food very much—Beijing roast duck, dumplings and other things. Children in Rome like hamburgers, pizza, hot dogs and coke. But I don’t. At school I like Chinese very much. I want to learn more about China, so I am working hard at Chinese. They say Chinese is very difficult. Yes, it is. But I think difficult things are interesting. I want to go to China again to learn it. I often finish homework early, so I can do a lot of things I like after school. I watch TV every day. I go to play football with my friends once or twice a week. If the weather is bad, I read at home. On Saturday I often go out to watch a football match with my father. It’s exciting! On Sunday my father and I often go to the park or go to the zoo. Isn’t it a wonderful life? How about you? Please write soon and tell me about your life and what you like. Love, Yagpu P75初一(下) (Beijing roast duck, dumplings ,Chinese, football ,reading, going to the zoo) 阅读Reading A中的Yagpu的e-mail,并参阅下面所给信息,给Yagpu发一个e-mail介绍你的情况。 Dear Yagpu, Thank you for your e-mail. I’m writing to tellyou something about my like and what I like. LIKES DISLIKES Studies English, history, music,… Studies maths, arts,… Sports Basketball, football,… Sports swimming, table tennis,… Activities Watching TV, playing computer games,… Activities seeing films, watering flowers, doing housework,… Food and drink Hamburgers, noodles, coke… Food and drink Potato chips, vegetables, finish,… (此表仅供参考,你可以按照自己的实际情况来写。) Complete the dialogue 用方框中合适的选项完成对话。 a. Which players are your favorite? b. But the most important is that they have taken the first step to attend such great games. c. I’m so busy, you know. d. What do you think of the Chinese team? e. They nearly beat the Brazilian team. f. I watched most of the matches. g. They didn’t even score a goal in the World Cup. A:I hear you are a football fan. B:Not really. I only like watching football games, not playing it. A:Did you watch the World Cup finals on TV? B:Of course. ___________________________ A:____________________________________ B:Beckham of England and Ronaldo of Brazil. A:____________________________________ B:I don’t think it is strong enough. ____________________________________ A:____________________________________ B:Yes, I think so. (f, a, d, g, b) in the world, last for, head ( v.), call, kick, pick up, score, stop… from, take Fill in the blanks 用下列所给词语的适当形式填空。 Soccer, or football, is one of the very popular sports in the world. There are eleven players on a soccer team. Players try to __________ goals. You score a goal if you __________ or __________ the ball into the goal. The goalkeeper tries to __________ the ball __________ going into the goal. The goalkeeper is the only player who can stop the ball with his or her hands. And he/she is also the only player who is allowed to __________ the ball. A soccer game __________ ninety minutes. After forty-five minutes, the players __________ a rest. This is ___________ half-time. Then they play for another forty-five minutes. The most important soccer competition is the World Cup. Teams from almost every country __________ Play in the World Cup. (score, kick, head, stop, from, pick up, lasts for, take, called, in the world) Match the sports with the pictures. 闲谈风靡世界的比萨饼 提起比萨饼,也许有人会把它与意大利的比萨斜塔联系起来。是否真的有渊源?从前意大利南部比较贫穷,为了节约,人们以面粉垫底,把吃剩下的鱼、肉、菜等,铺于表面,烤熟成饼,久而久之,就成了风味小吃。当地有的百年老店,一直生产经销比萨饼,经久不衰。由于生产发展,生活改善,现在的比萨饼经过改良、异化,已不是残羹剩菜做的了。各地根据人们的口味,精选配料,制成各色比萨饼;顾客还可到食品店订购,指定配料,吃到满意的比萨饼,一时,风靡世界。 这种西点,只闻其名未尝其味,来到意大利,很想吃到正宗的比萨饼。这种薄型比萨饼底层比较香脆,表层涂了芝士黄油和番茄酱,撒了一些方肉片、香菇、洋葱、萝卜等,头一回尝试,口感尚可。据说,厚型比萨饼,很松软,然而,无论是薄型还是厚型的,配料不尽相同,味道也有差异。但细看,饼的表面只有几小块薄薄的方肉片和果脯,再涂了一层黄油,虽不难吃, 但觉配料太小,过于单薄,真可谓"一分价钱一分货",档次高的比萨饼,配料丰富,味道又佳,花几十元,似乎也值得。 意大利大餐 意大利的美食如同它的文化:高贵、典雅、味道独特。精美可口的面食、奶酪、火腿和葡萄酒成为世界各国美食家向往的天堂。位于东三环京广新世界饭店七层的文荟西餐厅于11月6日至11月15日推出丰盛正宗的意大利美食节,不出国门,让您也尽可享受异国佳肴。 传统的意大利式正餐一般会有四至五道菜式:头盘:意大利文称Antipasto,是“用餐之前”的意思。文荟西餐厅的行政总厨精心准备的鲜牛肉薄片和意式沙拉及意式奶酪沙拉一定会让您食欲大振,胃口大开。第一道菜主要是指汤(Zuppe)、意粉或烩饭(Risotto),意大利文是Primo Pratto。由于之后仍有主菜,所以分量会较少。在京广文荟西餐厅,您可以选择意大利蔬菜汤、蟹肉玉米浓汤或面食、局鸡肉面卷、牛肉面片、意式空心粉和海鲜天使面。意大利面食饮誉全球,所以您可千万不要错过这道可口的面点。第二道菜即主菜:是整个正餐的灵魂,主要是海鲜或肉类菜式。不少主菜菜式都是以烧烤或油炸方式烹调,享用时随意加点桌上的盐或橄榄油便可食用。文荟西餐厅现为您提供的主菜有:意式煎鸡胸、意式小牛仔肉、意式大虾和香煎猪排。西餐非常注重甜品,而意式甜品极为出色。意大利文中甜品Dlolce本身就是“甜”的意思。通常是在享用主菜后才点选的。法国前总统戴高乐将军有句名言:“这个国家奶酪种类太多,无法治理。”意大利情况“更糟”,因为它的奶酪种类之多,产量之丰,品质之高,均令法国望尘莫及。当然还有意大利咖啡冰激凌,没有美国咖啡的淡而无味,没有土耳其咖啡的不伦不类,只将意大利咖啡的浓郁,芳香融入冰激凌中,真是好滋、好味、好享受。 Make a list of five kinds of food that your parents like and another list of five kinds of food that you like. Do you see any similarities and /or differences in your likes? What do you think about that?分别列出你父母喜欢吃的五种事物和你喜欢吃的五种事物。你能从中发现自己和父母在口味上有那些相同和不同之处吗?你觉得这些相同和不同之处能说明什么? Read and answer Read the short passage.,Talk about Jane’s likes and dislikes. Then try to answer the two questions below.阅读短文,谈论一下Jane喜欢和不喜欢的食物、习惯等等,然后回答文后的问题。 I like many things. From food, I like grapes. I also love oranges. I used to love bananas but now I don’t,because I got sick. Um…apples. I’m allergic to. But I used to like apple sauce and apple juice. Anyway those are foods. Ilove music too. I love dancing because you can move your whole body to one song. And it’s just wonderful. Um…I love talking. I can talk for hours and hours and hours. And listening ya know I like it but sometimes I don’t di it too often. I love being a leader. I love walking and …walking fast,actually. If I was… if I had a team of fast walkers in my hometown would join it. But I don’t have a team so…Threr’s nothing so many things in the world to like and I like a lot of things . Answer the two questions: 1. Why doesn’t she like banana any more? __________________________________ 2. Does she like walking? Why? __________________________________ Writing Jane thinks there’s so many interesting things in the world. Do you think so ? Can you talk about your likes and dislikes.Write it down,OK? Frist talk about it with your partners. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Read the paragraph. Then complets the sentences by circling★the correct answers. My mane is Dan and I have two brothers, Bob and Ray. We like hamburgers for lunch. Bob and I like French fries, but Ray doesn’t. I don’t like eggs ror breakfast, but Bob and Ray do. Ilike fruit for breakfast. We really like chicken and salad for dinner. Example:________likes Trench fries. A. He B. She C. Dave ★ 1._______doesn’t like French fries. A. Dan B. Bob C. Ray D. Dan and Bob 2._________ like hamburgers . A. Dan and Bob B. Ran and Bob C. Dan , Bob and Ray D. Dan and Ray 3. _________doesn’t like eggsfor breakfast. A. Ran and Bob B. Dan C. Bob D. Ray 4. __________likes fruit for breakfast. A. Ran and Bob B. Dan C. Bob D. Ray 5. __________like chicken. A. Dan and Bob B. Bob and Ray C. Dan and Ray D. Dan , Bob and Ray Find the words in the puzzle. the words. A H O B A N A N A J I I T A P P L E P E P P E R O N I K F C B H N M R U O R P D F G S Z X W Q O N I O N S I J H B V L P H A M B U R G E R O P F U I C E C R E A M U Y J U I C U L I R F S P I Z Z A U O J G R D K F B O Y R M U S H R O M S T O M A T O E S P H F S Z W G B N J G F T U R O P L U |
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