
中学英语教学资源网英语教案高考复习指导 手机版

smooth, opposite, state, replace, ashamed, remark, delight, burst, envy, crazy, steadily
keep off 让开;不接近 fall to pieces 崩溃;倒塌
take on 呈现 once in a while 偶尔
watch over 查看;监视 in a poor state 境况很差
masses of 大多数;大部分 at war 作战;打仗
to make things worse 更糟糕的是 change one’s mind 改变主意
burst into tears 突然哭起来 on board 在船上
on the point of 正要……的时候 but for 要不是;若不
make it 约定;赶得上 upon one’s word 保证
What can we do to make it look less ugly?
I think we should paint it white.
It looks a bit ugly as it is.
—I’m sorry to have done that. I don’t mean to be so rude.
—It doesn’t matter.
You just don’t consider anyone but yourself.
I was so disappinted not to be going out.
What good fortune that I travelled with you as my captain!
And in the end he did land us safe.
1.watch over
Will you watch over my clothes while I go shopping.
Watch out(for sth.)意为“注意”,“监视”,“当心”。如:
The doctor told her to watch out for anything unusual.
I don ‘t want to go out for a walk. Besides, I’m feeling tired.
3.take on; take sth. on意为“从事”,“担任”,“承担”。如:
①He is taking on a new job.
②You’ve taken on too much.
take sb. on接受挑战
如:He took Jack on at golf.
take on a new look呈现新面貌
如:Our country has taken on a new look every where.
4.there is no need…
need 在此为不可数名词,意为“需要”、“必须”,使用时应该注意它使用的句式结构,即我们只能说“There is no need for +n./(for sb.)to do ...”
不能说“It is no need (for sb.)to do sth.”
5.unless与if … not
unless 经常用来代替if…not.如:
He will accept the job if the salary’s not too low/unless the salary is too low.
6.be ahead of
He is well ahead of all the other students in English.
7.as good as
as good as 作为固定词组意为“几乎一样”,“实际上等于”,作为同级比较结构,意为“和……一样好”。如:
①He is as good at English as me.
②My bike is as good as yours.
8.to one’s delight
该词组意为“使某人高兴”,还可以表达为“to the delight of sb.”。
能这样表达的还有to one’s joy,to one’s surprise,to one’s sorrow等。如:
To my shame, I completely forgot our date.
9.nowhere can there be…
Nowhere is there a place for him to settle down.
类似的副词还有hardly scarcely, no sooner,seldom, never, little等。
10.up until…
Up until yesterday two sides had agreed on all the items of this contract.
11.where necessary
这是一省略结构,它的完整表达为:where it was necessary to do so, where,when,if等连词引起的从句,特别当主谓语是it is/was时,主谓语常可省略,只保留从句中的必要成分。如:
We can discuss it again if necessary.
12.keep one’s word
该动宾词组意为“守信”,“遵守诺言”。词组里word不能用复数形式words.同义词组为“keep a promise”,反义词组为“break one’s word”。如:
Once you promise someone to do something,you should keep your word.
13.change one’s mind
If one always change one’s mind, he succeeds in nothing.
14.apologize for doing sth.
apologize是不及物动词,意为“道歉”,其表达式为“apologize to sb.for sth.”。如:
You must apologize to your sister for being so rude.
它的名词形式是apology, 复数形式是apologizes.
make one’s apologies to sb. for sth.= make an apology to sb. for sth.如:
He make his apologies to me for coming late.
15.mean to do sth.
I’m very sorry if I hurt your feelings in fact.I didn’t mean to.
16.keep off
A board stands by the house on which were written “keep off”.
At night they made a fire to keep wild animals off.
17.masses of…
该词组意为“大量的”,与lots of 相同,后接可数名词或不可数名词。如:They saved masses of money by improving technology.
a mass of…意为“一大堆……”,“一大片……”。
18.…as it is
该固定词组表达意思是“就以(现在)这个样子,”“根据现在的情况”。如:He decided to buy the house as it is.
19.at war
The U.S.A.and Iraq are at war again.
20.fall to pieces
①Most buildings fell to pieces in the earthquake in this city.
②Most organizations fell to pieces after political reform.
21.burst into tears
①He put too much air into the balloon and it burst.
②The funny joke made the children burst their sides with laughing.
burst into tears/laughter(突然大哭/大笑)
burst into song(突然唱起歌来)
burst into angry speech(大发雷庭)
burst into bloom(开花)
burst into view/sight(景象,奇观的)突然出现
burst into the room(闯入房间)
burst out/forth laughing(捧腹大笑)
burst out/forth crying(突然大哭)
如:On hearing the sad news, she burst into tears.
22.so long as
so long as = as long as 作为词组有两层意思,一是“只要”(=on condition that),引导条件状语从句;二是“在……的时候”(=while),引导时间状语从句。如:
You shall never enter this house as /so long as I live in it.
另外,so/as long as 还可构成同级比较句型。as long as 可用于肯定句和否定句中,而so long as 只用于否定句中。如:
①This rope is as long as that one.
②I can’t walk so long distance as you.
23.to be honest
该固定词组意为“老实说”,是动词不定式结构,与“to tell the truth”同义,它常用来表达某人的期望。如:
To be honest, I didn’t go there.
24.take charge
该词组意为“掌管”,“负责”,常与of介词连用,后接宾语,与“be responsible for”同意。如:
Betty took charge of all the preparations for the exhibition sales.
25.like crazy
In order to finish his work on time, he worked like crazy.
Most youths are crazy about famous stars.
26.but for
该短语介词意为“要不是……”,后接名词(=without + n.),but for…短语相当于一个虚拟条件句,因此,句中谓语动词用虚拟语气。如:
The boy would have drowned but for your help.
如果接的是句子,but for要换用成but that… 如:
He would have helped us but that he was short of money at the time.(= if it had not been the fact that he was…)
27.on the point of…
该短语常在句中作表语,意为“正要(去做某事)”,意思相当于be about to do sth.。如:
We were on the point of calling him up when he came.
①if/when it comes to the point如果/当时机到来(时)如:
When it comes to the point,he refused to help.
②from sb.’s point of view从某人的角度来看 如:
Try to look at school from the child’s point of view.
题1 (上海 2001)
A computer can only do __________ you have instructed it to do.
A.how B.after C.what D.when
分析:C。该题考查引导宾语从句的连接词的用法。how 和when可作连接副词引导宾语从句,并在从句中作状语。what为连接代词,意思是“……的”,既引导宾语从句,又在该句中作及物动词do的宾语。
题2 (NMET 1999)
—Hey, look where you are going!
—Oh, I’m terribly sorry. ___________.
A.I’m not noticing B.I wasn’t noticing
C.I haven’t noticed D.I don’t notice
题3 (NMET 1998)
—Hi, Tracy, you look tired.
—I’m tired. I__________ the living room all day.
A.painted B.had painted
C.have been painting D.have painted
分析:C。从题干中I am tired和all day 这一时间状语,不难看出该空的时态应用现在完成进行时,表明“我一整天在油漆起居室”。
题4 (NMET 2000春)
—You’re drinking too much.
—Only at home. No one___________ me but you.
A.it seeing B.had seen C.sees D.saw
题5 (MET 1992)
—Do you know our town at all?
—No. This is the first time I ________ here.
A.was B.have been C.came D.am coming
分析:B。此题考的是“That/This/It is the first/second…time + that从句”这一固定句式,that从句里面用现在完成时,若将is 改成was则从句用过去完成时。
题6 (NMET 1998)
Shirley __________ a book about China last year but I don’t know whether she has finished it.
A.has written B.wrote C.had written D.was writing
分析:D。根据时间状语last year和后达的“是否完成”判断,应用过去进行时。
题7 (NMET 1997)
I first met Lisa three years ago. She _________ at a radio at that time.
A.has worked B.was working
C.had been working D.had worked
分析:B。由时间状语three years ago 和at that time判断,此题应用过去进行时。
题8 (NMET 1995)
—Your phone number again? I _________quite catch it.
—It’s 9563442
A.didn’t B.couldn’t C.don’t D.can’t
分析:A。根据again一词来推断,对方已说了一遍电话号码,所以是“刚才”没听清,应用过去时,而couldn’t 表示“不能够”,不合题意。
题9 (NMET 1992)
—We could have walked to the station, it was so near.
—Yes.A taxi________ at all necessary.
A.wasn’t B.hadn’t been C.wouldn’t D.won’t
分析:A。could have walked 意为“本可以步行去”。由此推断并没有步行去,再看下句可知,不是“步行”而是坐出租车去的车站,动作已发生,故用过去时。
题10 (上海 2001)
_____________ such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river.
A.Having suffered B.Suffering C.To suffer D.Suffered




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