Unit 3 Australia Teaching plan(人教版高三英语教案教学设计)

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Lesson 9---- Dialogue
Aims and demands:
1. words and expressions
fix up , beyond, die of thirst
2. useful expressions :
Be careful!
Don’t throw your cigarette out of the window.
You must smoke while you are walking around in the bush either .
Look out!
Don’t tie it to that old branch.
Take care.
Step 1. Warming –up
T: Where is Australia in relation to China? (South)
Is it a continent? (Yes)
Which language is spoken there? (English and other languages)
What’s the capital? (Canberra)
What’s the largest city? (Sydney)
And it is the place where the 2000 Olympic Games were held now.
At that time China lost the chance to hold the 2000 Olympic Games by only one vote.
But to our great joy, we win the competition to hold the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing .
Step 2. Presentation
T: Today is Sunday. Yang Pei and Jackie are going camping in the Australian bush with some other friends. Jackie suggests going to a good place for a camp where there is plenty of shade under the trees.
Yang Pei advises not to throw cigarette everywhere, and should put the ash into the ashtray, because that may start a bush fire. They have decided to go into the valley and fix up the sheet (tent) there. In Australia, there are a lot of strange animals , such as bears that climbed trees, birds that ran but didn’t fly and large animals jumped about on two legs carrying their young in a stomach pocket. Do you know what these large animals are?
Ss: They a re kangaroos.
T: Yes, kangaroo is a large animal and it can damage the car badly. Besides, in Australia, it is very hot. So you’d better bring a sun hat with you. Or you’ll get sunburnt.
Then read the new words .
Step 3. Reading
Read the dialogue silently and find out the answers.
(Bb) 1. How many people are in the party?------Five
2. Where do they decide to make their camp?------ In the bush, near a river and some trees.
Step 3. Listening then read by themselves
Choose the correct answer ( 3A Lesson9 )
1. Yang Pei and Jackie are going ___ with some other friends.
A. swimming B. shopping C. hunting D. camping
2. Yang Pei asks ___ not to throw his cigarette.
A. Burt B. Jackie C. Jeff D. Bonny
3. Jackie asks bonny to take the road ____.
A. on the right B. on the left C. in the middle D. down
4. Jeff wants to fix up his sheet to ____.
A. have a rest B. lie down C. get some shade D. have lunch
5. Yang Pei is going to ___ the river.
A. jump across B. swim in C. go along D. cross
Step 4. Practice the dialogue in groups
Step 5. Language points:
1. go camping 去露营
go + doing 表示去干某事
(1) 多指从事与体育,娱乐有关的活动
go camping go boating go climbing go cycling go fishing go dancing
go riding go hunting go swimming go shopping go shooting go walking
(2 ) 此结构还可以表示从事某种职业
go farming(务农) go nursing(当护士) go soldiering(从军)
go teaching(从教)
2. beyond 在… 那边
They stopped (parked ) their car three metres beyond the tree.
Some people suggested going behind the mountain to have a look.
3. fix up
(1) put up 搭起,安装, 修理
We must fix up a tent ( sheet ) here.
They are busy fixing up the lights.
(2 ) 安排(住宿). 提供
We must have a friend to fix us up there for the weekend.
You can ask your father to fix you up with a good bike.
4. What a lovely place (it is )!
How lovely the place is!
(1) What a (an) + n. + 主语 + 谓语
What a fine day it is !
What fine weather it is !
(2) How +adj / adv + 主语 + 谓语
How bright the boy is !
How ( hard ) they are working!
(3) How + 主语 + 谓语
How (fast ) time flies!
How (hard ) they work!
How 后面跟副词可以省略
Step 6. 2 Practice
die of (内因) 由于疾病,情感等原因造成的死亡
die from (外因) 除了…以外的原因而造成的死亡
The baby died of a fever.
The soldier died from a chest wound .
Lots of people died from a terrible flood.
Step 7. Workbook
Step 8. Consolidation:
Make a dialogue in groups , with books shut, change the situation to a school picnic.
Unit 3 --- Lesson 10 The discovery of Australia
Aims and demands:
1. Develop the Ss’ reading ability and let the Ss know something about Australia
2. Try to retell the text
3. Language points:
Hand down, be experienced at doing, make up , rather than…
Step 1. Revision
Step 2. Presentation
T: Do you like traveling ? Where do you want to travel?
I think you’d better go to the English-speaking countries.
What kind of language do the Australians speak?
Australia has a lot of beautiful cities, Sidney is one of them . Perhaps that’s the reason why the 2000 Olympic Games were held in Sydney. Do you think so?
Today we are going to learn something more about Australia.
Talk about the pictures in this lesson and describe what you can see.
Read aloud the questions and let the students try to guess the answers. Then read the text and find out the answers.
1. From Asia.
2. A curiously shaped piece of wood.
3. More than / Over 250.
Step 3. Reading
Read the text carefully and do the comprehension exercise.
Reading comprehension ( Lesson 10) CBDAB CABCC
1. This text mainly talks about ___.
A. special plants and animals in Australia
B. natural discoveries in Australia
C. Kooris and their life
D. Kooris’ discovering ability
2. What is not possible according to the text?
A. Kooris were the first people into Australia.
B. Kooris were treated equally as the white people.
C. Cave paintings in Australia are perhaps the oldest form of art on the earth.
D. People crossed the land bridge while the water level was low.
3. What does “faith” in Line 7 mean?
A. Fate B. Rail C. Force D. Belief
4. According to paragraph 2, Kooris were quite ___.
A. clever B. lazy C. slow D. developed
5. Kooris quite depend on ___.
A. farming B. nature C. the white people d. the government
6. What does “curiously” in paragraph 2 mean?
A. Badly B. Carefully C. Strangely D. Interestingly
7. What didn’t the Kooris lose since the foreign settlers’ arriving?
A. Their faith B. Their health
C. Their lives D. Their lands
8. What is not true for Kooris?
A. The population of Kooris was decreasing.
B. Kooris’ defense was changing the settler’s ruling.
C. Kooris had no way to understand lessons at school.
D. Kooris had defended their rights.
9. According to the text Kooris are treated _ in Australia.
A. equally B. specially C. unfairly D. kindly
10. The changes in language means ___.
A. Kooris are developing very fast
B. Kooris are living a poor life
C. Kooris can’t develop their culture
D. Kooris are better educated
Step 4. Note making
Step 5. Deal with the language points
1. be known as 被称作。。。
be known to 为。。。 所知
be known for 以。。。出名
a. He is known as a great lawyer.
b. Hongzhou is known for the West Lake.
c. It is known to all that Luxun is known as “the Corby(高尔基) in China”.
d. The West Lake is known for its beauty.
2. … knowledge, customs and memories were handed down by…
hand down (从上代)传下来(给下一代)
pass down
T: Do you know the song <学习雷锋好榜样…>
My mother taught me this song . I learned this song from my mother. That is to say :
This song is handed down by my mother. And I will teach this song to my daughter.
So this song will be handed down from generation to generation.
The old house has been handed down for three generations.
这种风俗是从18 世纪传下来的。
This custom has been handed down since the 18th century.
3. a curiously shaped piece of wood
一种广泛使用的语言 a widely used language
一个发错了的音 a wrongly pronounced sound
一幢新建的房子 a newly built house
4. be / become experienced at sth. / doing sth
对某事/ 做某事有经验
( make up a sentence )
They are quite experienced at teaching children.
He is very experienced at repairing cars.
He is quite experienced in this kind of work..
She is an experienced teacher.= She is a skilled teacher.
( Captain Cook learned fast and quickly became a skilled seaman. )
5. make up 占;构成;编写;弥补
make up for 弥补
make up one’s minds 下决心
be made up of 由。。。组成
eg. a. There are 18 students in our class, which make up one third of the number of students in our class.
b. The medical team is made up of nine nurses and a doctor. That is, nine nurses make up the medical team.
e. The teacher asked us to make up a dialogue.
f. We must make up for the lessons we lost.
g. They have made up their minds to make up for the lost time.
6… no school lessons were held in language rather than English. (不是)
the lessons were taught / held only in English.
a. rather than 连接两个平衡结构,表示“是。。。而不是”、与其说。。。不如说。。。”
They ran rather than walked.
I think I’ll have a cold drink rather than coffee.
b. rather than 表示“与其”、“不是”,是介词短语,后面跟名词、代词或动名词。
I think Tom, rather than you , is to be praised.
c. rather than 用于prefer to do 后时, 表示选择关系,通常译为“宁愿。。。而不愿”,其后必须与动词原形连用。
d. rather than用于 would 后时,也表示选择关系,通常译为“宁愿。。。而不愿”,其后必须用相同的词性,可构成would …rather than … 和would rather… than …两种句型。
Eg. a. Rather than ride on a crowded bus , he always prefers to ride a bicycle. (ride)
b. Rather than allow the vegetables to go bad, the farmer sold them at half price.(allow)
c. The boy really did a god job. Rather than being punished , he should be praised. (punish)
d. Rather than cause trouble he left.-------他宁可走开而不愿引起麻烦。
Exercises for Lesson 10 (3A)
1. Edison was known as a great inventor in the world.
2. Hongzhou is known for the West Lake.
3. The West Lake is known for its beauty.
4. It is known to all that the Great Wall is known as one of the wonders in the world.
5. English is ______ (广泛应用的语言).
6. I have moved into _______ (一幢新建的房子).
7. Some scientists have set out for the ___(新发现的岛屿).
8. There are 18 students in our class, which make up one third(占三分之一) of the number of students in our class.
9. The medical team is made up of (由… 组成)nine
nurses and a doctor. That is, nine nurses make up (组成)the medical team.
10. The teacher asked us to make up a dialogue(编对话).
11. We must make up for (弥补)the lessons we lost.
12. They have made up their minds (下决心)to make up for the lost time.
13. When he is late, he always _____ (编借口).
14. I think Tom, ___ you, ___ to blame.
A. rather than , is B. rather than, are
C. more than, are D. less than, is
15. Rather than ___ the vegetables to go bad, the farmer sold them at half price.
A. to allow B. to allowing C. allow D. allowing
16. He would take the slowest train __ by air.
A. rather than going B. rather than go
C. rather go D. or rather go
17. The boy really did a good job. Rather than ___ , he should be praised.
A. to be punished B. be punished
C. to being punished D. being punished
18. In our school women teachers ___ 55% of the teachers.
A. make of B. make up of
C. make up D. are made up of
19. His old car needs ____.
A. fixed up B. to be repaired
C. fixing up D. to be mending
Step 5. Listening
Step 7. Oral practice (work in pairs)
(Your partner is an Australia, you are the CCTV reporter. Now you’re gong to interview your partner about the Kooris. Use the notes part 3--- Note making as reference.)
T: Nice to meet you.
S1: Nice to meet you , too.
T: Where do you come from?
S: I come from….
T: May I ask you some questions ?
S: Yes. Of course.
T: When did the first people arrive in Australia?
S: About 53,000 years ago.
T: How many years have the cave paintings been found?
S: At least 20,000 years.
T: What kind of food do you know they ate?
S: They ate animals, birds , fish, roots, nuts and wild fruits.
T: Ok. Then how could they get animals , birds and fish?
S: They invented different kinds of fishing nets, and a curiously shaped piece of wood for hunting.
T: What kind of special skills do you know about Kooris?
S: They were experienced at finding underground springs;
T: What’s the population of past Koori?
S; Maybe between 300,000 and 3 million.
T: Do you know the percentage of past population of Australia?
S: Yes, Kooris made up 100% of the population in the past.
T: What about it now?
S: Today they only make up a little over 1% of the population.
T: Why are there so many kooris died?
S: They died of diseases which were brought by the foreign settlers, and they were killed by the foreign settlers for defending their rights. ‘
T: How many kinds of Koori languages were there in the past?
S: More than 250.
T: When did Kooris make citizens of Australia?
S: In 1960.
T: Thank you , Good bye.
S: Bye-bye.
Step 8. Discussion
1. What do you think of Kooris? (clever, brave , kind , pitiful…)
2. If you were President of Australia, what would you do with the Kooris?
(give some money to them, build a school for them, let them live a peaceful life…)
3 . Ask Ss what they have learnt about Australia so far during this unit, particularly anything surprising.
Unit 3 Lesson 11 Australia
Aims and demands:
1. Developed the Ss’ reading ability and let the Ss have a good understanding of the text
2. Language points:
Give birth to… , in area , keep out , round up , all the year round , outside , catch sb. doing
3. The usage of participle.
4. 分数,倍数的表达法
Step 1. Revision
Ask questions about Australia based on the text in the previous lesson
1. How did the first people get to Australia?
2. What kind of society did the Kooris develop ?
3. What kind of country is Australia, geographically?
4. Why did so many Kooris die?
5. In what ways were Kooris not treated as well as other citizen?
Step 2. Fast reading
Write these headings on the Bb
History / Geography / Food / Climate / Sports / TV / Schools / Animals / Population / Politics / Music
Read the text quickly and find out which of these subjects are mentioned in the text.
Geography , Climate, Sports, Animals , Population
Step 3. Careful reading
Read the text carefully and finish the comprehension exercise
Reading comprehension for Lesson 11 DBCDB DABDA
1. What is not mentioned in the text?
A. Special animals in Australia
B. Weather in Australia
C. Agriculture in Australia
D. History of Australia
2. How many types of marsupial animals(有袋动物) in Australia are mentioned in the text?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
3. According to the text, Australia is famous for its ___.
A. industrial products B. educational products
C. agricultural products D. recreational products
4. We can’t find fruit or vegetables growing in ___ of Australia.
A. the south B. the north C. the west D. the center
5. Farms in the middle of Australia show that ___.
A. farming is developing all the time
B. farming is quite developed there
C. farming is fully developed there
D. farming is under developed there
6. What does “precious” in paragraph 3 mean?
A. rich B. expensive C. wealthy D. valuable
7. What sport is impossible in Australia?
A. skiing B. swimming C. tennis D. basketball
8. The weather in Australia encourages ___.
A. indoor activities B. Outdoor activities
C. entertainment D. industry
9. Australia is ___.
A. ancient B. modern
C. neither A nor B D. both A and B
10. “Round” in this text has ___ meanings.
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
Fill in the blanks:
Area: it is about the same size as the USA ( without Alaska )
Population: 18 million
Distance from north to south: 3,220 km.
Animals: kangaroos, koala bears, parrots, snake , sheep, cattle , dog---- dingo
Natural sources: metals, precious stones, coal , iron mines
Agricultural products: grain , wines, wheat , fruit and vegetable
Animal products: meat , wool
Percentage of dry area: 2/3 of the country is dry and desert
Percentage of the world’s sheep: 1/6 of the world’s sheep
Percentage of the world’s wool : 1/3 of it wool
What’s the weather like in Australia?
Summer Winter
The south warm, dry cool wet
The north hot wet warm dry
The centre hot dry hot dry
all the year round
Step 4. Listen to the tape and deal with the language points
1. Having been separated from other continents for… Australia has been… , Australia has…
Having finished his homework, he went to bed.
Having been rebuilt, the house looks more beautiful.
Having fixed up / put up the tent, they began to cook their supper.
当他们在公园散步时, 她看到她的一个老朋友.
Walking in the park, she saw an old friend.
Standing on ( the ) top of the hill, we can see the whole city.
Standing on ( the ) top of the hill, the whole city can be seen.(That’s wrong)
2. give birth to 生,生产
eg. She give birth to a child last month.
He gave birth to a poem.
3. in area it is about the same size as ……
(1) in area 在面积方面
(2) in size
(3) in length / in height / in depth / in width
China is large in area and rich in resources.
这艘商船有板有32 米长.
The merchant ship was just over 32 metres in length.
他们修了一个长30 米的篱笆.
They built a fence 30 metres in length.
(4) A is …… times as + adj / adv. + as B
A是B 的几倍(大小,多少,长段…)
A is + 倍数 + the size ( length, height , weight, width…. ) as B
A is + 倍数 + as large ( long, high , heavy, wide…. ) as B
A is + 倍数 + larger ( longer, higher , heavier, wider…. ) as B
这房间(的面积) 是那个房间的三倍.
This room is three times as large as that one.
This room is twice bigger than that one.
This room is three times the size of that one.
我们学校的学生数是那个学校(学生数) 的两倍.
The students in our school are twice as many as those in that school.
(3 ) Two thirds of the country is dry or desert.
More than two thirds of the earth’s surface is covered by water.
One third of the students are girl students.
(4 ) keep out 不让…入内
Danger! Keep out.
We closed all the windows to keep out the cold.
We put fence round the vegetable garden to keep the chickens out.
( 5 ) round up 使聚集, 把… 赶拢来
to collect animals by driving them together
In autumn, the cattle have to be rounded up and counted.
( 6 ) all the year round
all night long
( 7 ) out side
He seldom eats his meals inside. He often eats outside.
( 8 ) 2 practice
catch sb. doing sth.发觉某人在做某事
be caught in sth.突然碰上…而受阻
The farmer caught a man stealing his apples.
On my way home yesterday, I was caught in the rain.
Step5. Workbook
Step 6. Discussion
Practise in pairs:
One is a CCTV reporter , the other is a Chinese who has just come back from Australia to see your parents and your hometown. The reporter asks a few questions about Australia.
Homework: Translation
1. 完成作业后,他去打篮球.
2. 四分之三的学生的团员.
3. 我们把门关上免得让风近来.
4. 那个地区的人口是我们这个地区的五倍.
Exercises for Unit 3
1. ___ in 1936, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States.
A. Being founded B. It was founded
C. Founded D. Founding
2. The ____ boy was last seen ____ near the East Lake.
A. missing, playing B. missing, play
C. missed, played D. missed, to play
3. The bell ____ the end of the period rang, ____ our heated discussion.
A. indicating, interrupting B. indicated, interrupting C. indicating, interrupted D. indicated, interrupted
4.____ such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clear up the river.
A. Having suffered B. Suffering
C. To suffer D. Suffered
Correct the mistakes: (3A Unit 8)
Australia was discovered at about 1.____
53000 years ago. Possibly the early 2.____
settlers crossing into Australia came from Asia
on a great land bridge at a time when the 3.____
water level was lower. Once they were know 4.____
to people as “aborigines”, that means “the 5.____
first people of a country”. But today settlers
come from country like Britain, Italy, 6.____
Greece and Southeast Asian. So society in 7.____
Australia has changing a lot. Let’s take 8.____
food as a example, you can find Indian, 9.____
Greek, Italian, American and Chinese food 10.____
in any city in Australia.
1. at about –about 2. earliest 3. a --- the 4. known 5. which 6. countries 7. Asia
8. changed 9. an 10. true




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