Unit 4 Unforgettable experiences教学案一体化 (新课标版高一英语教案教学设计)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案学案设计 手机版

I. General Goals for this Unit
1) words and expressions
unforgettable, seismograph, tomb, host, iceberg, earthquake, sink, waitress, disaster, experience, typhoon, roar, advance, seize, swallow, crack, strike, naughty;
take place, think twice, look around, a mass of, sweep away, get on one’s feet, go down, cut down, a part of, take a photo, look up, be afraid of, look into, look down
2) expressions for communicative uses
When did the earthquake happen?
Where was the man when it happened?
What was the first thing …?
What had he been doing before …?
First … Next … Then … Finally …
3) Sentence Drills
Flora heard somebody shouting.
4) Grammar
The Attributive Clause (I) 定语从句 (1)
II. Language Studies
Warming up
get the chance to host the 2008 Olympic Games
①host n. 东道主,主人,主办人,节目主持人
____ the _____ ___ the party we thanked our host and went home. (在…结束时)
Miss White will be host of today’s program. 担任今天的节目主持人
China is the _________ _____________ of the 2008 Olympiad. (东道国)
v. 作…的东道主,主办
Each country is fighting to __________ the next ___________ Games. (主办亚运会)
(hostess n. 女主人)
②The Olympic Games _______ (be) held __________ ________ years. (每四年)
1) take place “发生、举行”,该词组是不及物的,不能加宾语,当然也没有被动。
China has taken place great changes since 1978.
Great changes have been taken place in China since 1978.
Great changes have taken place in China since 1978.
Happen 也没有被动,意即come about,一般指事故等偶然时间的发生。
交通事故是何时发生的? When _________ the __________ accident __________?
2) Hank was caught in the earthquake. Hank 被困于地震。
catch “(使)绊住、缠住、挂住” be caught “陷入困境、进退两难”,表示人遇到下雨、刮风、交通堵塞等,可用句型:somebody + be caught + 介词的结构。
The car was caught ______________ two trucks. (夹在…之间)
He was _________ ____ the _________ hour traffic. (受困于高峰期的车流中)
Thousands of people were caught in the buildings when the World Trade Center was attacked by terrorists.
I got caught in a shower / rain on my way back home yesterday.
☆☆☆3) the broken road 被破坏了的路
an ___________ speech(激动人心的) ____________ tears (激动的)
A broken cup a ____________ face (惊奇的)
an interesting story ___________ English 口语
a flying plane A ___________ boy (正在睡觉的)
developing countries 发展中国家 _______________ countries 发达国家
____________ leaves (空中的落叶) Fallen leaves
The man __________ __ _____ ____________ (在会上发言的) is our headmaster.
Can you read the book _________ ____ _________________ (用英语写的)?
be on fire 在燃烧(表示状态)
Look! That house is on fire. (= That house is burning.)
The house _____ __________ _______ __________ (已经烧了) for three hours.
Catch fire 着火(表示动作)(没有被动)改正下列有错误的句子:
①Paper is caught fire easily. ②Paper can be caught fire easily.
③Paper catches fire easily.
play with fire 玩火 set fire to something 放火烧…
That house has _______ _______ _______ _____ by those bad guys. (被点着了)
作 “火灾、炉火、火堆”解,是可数名词:
He _________ _____ _____________ (生火) in his room.
A fire __________ _______ (爆发) in the street yesterday.
fire v. 开火;解雇:
The soldiers fired at the enemy.
Bob _____ _______ ______ his boss yesterday. (被老板开除)
1) Flora heard somebody shouting. Flora听到有人(正在)叫
现在分词作宾补,一般表示宾语正在进行的动作;而过去分词作宾补,表示宾语的被动行为;如果用省略 to 的不定式作宾补的话,则表示动作的全过程。
感官动词主要有 see, hear, watch, feel, notice, look at, listen to, observe, find 等
I saw him getting into a car.
理解: I saw him get into a car and drive off.
I heard him knocking the door.
理解: I heard him knock the door three times.
I saw him crossing the road.
理解: I saw him cross the road.
I heard your sister playing that music when I passed your house yesterday.
理解: I heard your sister play that music several times.
We feel our hope _____________ (被打碎).
He found his wallet ____________ (被偷).
He saw the window ________________ (被打碎) after he arrived home.
2) look around 环顾四周
look into 朝…里面看;调查
We’ll _______ ______ the ________ (调查这件事情) as soon as possible.
Look down upon / on 藐视、小看、看轻
Women ________ _______ ________ ______ (被藐视) in the past.
Look forward to something / doing something 盼望;期望
I am ________ ________ to ________ you again. (正盼望再次见到你)
look into one’ s face 直视… 的脸
look back upon / on 回顾
We ______ _______ _______ the _______ with pride. (回顾过去)
3) Before she could move, she heard a loud noise, which grew to a terrible roar.
①before 的本义是“在…之前”,但英语句子里的before往往有漂亮的翻译。试翻译:
The fire lasted 4 hours before people got there.
He fell asleep before I could take off his clothes.
☆It won’t be long before great changes take place here.
The holiday ended before I knew it.
②grow to = become / turn into 变成
The gentle voice grew to a loud noise.
4) There she saw a wall of water that was quickly advancing towards her.
advance v. & n. 前进;进展;提前
All the trucks _________ _________ __________ (朝着…慢慢行进) the work site.
Her English _____ __________ ____________ (正在快速提高).
Our teacher has _________ the ________ for handing ____ homework ____ one week. (老师把脚作业的截至日期提前了一个礼拜。)
in advance 提前
I’m sorry not to have let you know the date in advance.
advanced adj. 先进的;高级的
We must _________ ______ (引进) more advanced technologies.
5) “Run!” Jeff shouted, seizing her arm.
seize v. 抓住,夺取,获得
The baby seized his mother’s hand and didn’t let her go.
Try to _________ __________ _____________ (抓住每一个机会) of development.
The soldiers ________ the __________ (占领飞机场) of that city.
6) sweep (…) down 把…吹倒/刮倒 sweep away 扫走/清除掉/冲走
A lot of trees were ________ _________ by the wind and all the fallen leaves were ________ __________.
Please sweep these banana skins away.
They were swept away by the water.
7) He was standing, holding onto a tree that grew against the wall.
①hold onto something “紧紧抓住…不放”,有时含有不容易做到之意。
She tried to hold onto her job ____ __________ _____________ (通过努力工作).
He ______ ____ ___ _______ (抓牢一棵树) so as to stop him ______ falling down.
You must hold onto that house now. The price will ________ (上升) soon.
区别:hold on “继续(坚持)下去”,“(打电话用语)别挂断”
Hold on until help comes! 坚持到救援人员的到来!
Hold on a minute – Mr Li will be here soon. 稍等片刻,Mr马上就到。
hold to “信守…、坚持(意见等)”
He always holds to his own idea / promise.
②grew against the wall 靠墙生长
against 的本义是“反对、对抗”,可以引申出很多意思,如下列句子中的against,请把下列句子正确地翻译出来:
Put the ladder against the wall. ____________________________________
They fought against slavery. ________________________________________
Are you for or against my plan? __________________________________________
It is against the law to do that. ________________________________________
They are walking against the wind. _____________________________________
Tom hit his head against a tree. _________________________________________
A red flag is flying against the blue sky. __________________________________
He took the job against his own will. _____________________________________
8) (get) on one’s feet “站起来、病后恢复健康、经济上自立”
He _____ ____ get / stand on his feet, but he failed. (试图)
He has been on his feet all day. 他站了一整天了。
He has _________ ____ (长大); he can stand on his feet. 他长大了,可以自立了。
on foot 步行
9) She fought for her life. 她为活命而战。
fight for 为得到/争取…而斗争
The blacks have been fighting for their _____________ (平等的) rights.
fight against 为反对…而战
They fought against the Japanese during those years.
10) Jeff and Flora looked into each other’s face with a look of fright.
with a look of … “面带…的表情”,look 作名词,有表情的意思。又如:
The girl ______ _____ (抬头看) with a _________ (惊奇的) look on her face.
fright n. “惊吓、害怕”
The news gave her a little fright.
I got a fright when the dog came at me.
frighten v. “使…惊吓”
Don’t _________ _____ (不要吓我). He is _______ (讲) the truth.
frightening adj. 吓人的 frightened adj. 吓坏了的
I was ____________ by the __________________ news. (我被这个吓人的消息吓怀了)
11) be around the corner 在转弯处;即将到来
Look! The bus is just around the corner.
New Year’s Day is around the corner. 元旦即将到来。
12) Another big wave struck the wall. 又一个巨浪打在墙上。
strike v. 袭击;打击;罢工;(钟)敲(几点);划火柴;使…有印象
He struck me in the face.
He struck a match in the dark and lit the room.
The workers were striking because they wanted more money. 工人们在罢工,因为他们要求增加工资。
(注意在be on strike “在罢工” 和go on strike “去罢工”里的strike 是名词,如:The workers are on strike. 工人们在罢工。)
The clock struck nine. 钟敲了九下
They were struck by the beautiful scenery. 它们被美丽的风景打动了。
13) go down “下降、倒下、(物价)下跌、(船只)沉没、(日月)下落、(风浪等)平息”
The price _______ _________ ____________ (已经下跌).
The ship went down at last.
The sun is doing down quickly.
Tree after tree went down in the flood.
14) look out of 从…望出去
Looking out of the window, he saw a lot of students playing on the ground.
look out = watch out 当心;小心
Watch out / Look out! The car is coming fast.
15) Tree after tree went down, …
①tree after tree “一棵接一棵的树”,注意类似该结构的词组非常多:
Year after year they worked in the fields.
He went shop after shop to find a gift for his friend.
They came in one by one.
They walked hand in hand.
They are talking face to face.
②cut down “砍倒、消减、压缩、缩短”
A lot of tree ______ _______ _______ ________ (已经被砍倒) in this place.
The price / cost has been cut down. (区别:The price / cost has gone down.)
The soldiers were cut down by bullets(子弹).
cut off 切断、隔绝、断绝:cut off the water / food supply
16) A terrible noise went through the house. 巨大的声音响彻房屋。
go through 本来是“穿过、穿越”之意,这里指声音的“响彻”。
____ _________ _____ ________ (穿过森林), and you can reach the river.
He has __________ _____________ many hardships. 他吃过很多苦。
17) up and down 来来回回,上上下下,前前后后,到处
In that earthquake people could feel houses move up and down.
The teacher is walking up and down the classroom. (注意the classroom之前不用in)
The teacher is walking up and down outside the classroom.
Cars and buses are running up and down the street. (注意the street之前不用in)
He looked me up and down.
Language study
The man whose leg broke in a match used to be a football player.
①used to + 动词原形,意即“过去常常…”
He used to walk to school, ________________? 或_________________?
People used to think that the earth was the center of the universe.
There used to be a school here, _________________? 或_______________?
________ you to walk to school? 或______ you ______ _____ walk to school?
②be used to + 动词原形,“被用来…”
This machine is ______ ___ ______ metal _______ pieces. (被用来切割…成)
③be used to + 名词或动名词,“习惯于…”
He is used to living here.
变成现在完成时态:He ________________________________.
Be used to something / doing something 中的be可以用get, become, grow来代替,表示过程:
You will soon get used to the life in the countryside.
Integrating skills
1) go on a holiday / vacation 去度假
go on a two-day trip to +地名 “作一个为期两天的到某地去的旅行”
go on separate holidays 去度各自不同的假
2) Wei Bin take a photo of us standing in front of the Buddha.
Take a photo of somebody doing something “拍一张某人正在做某事的照片”,注意doing something 是分词作宾语补足语。又如:
I have _________ a lot of photos ____ Li Ping _________ (学)English in his spare time.
Take a photo for somebody 为…拍照(也许他不会操作相机):
_________ (劳驾) me, but can you take a photo ____ the building _______ me?
3) in a second / minute 片刻之后
I’ll ____ _____ ________ ____ ____________ (一会儿之后就回来).
In a second she came to herself again. 片刻后她醒过来了。
4) It was fun to see the monkeys eat from his hand.
It is fun to do something “做某事很有趣”,注意fun是不可数名词,前面不能加冠词(参见前面单元有关内容)
5) towards evening 傍晚
The Attributive Clause (I)
Basic concepts about The Attributive Clause 基本概念
⑤关系词有:关系代词:that, which, who, whom, whose, as; 关系副词:when, where, why
The uses of that, which, who, whom, whose 基本用法
1) that 指物,也指人。在定语从句中作主语或宾语。
A plane is a ________ ______ can ________. (能飞的机器)
The pen (_____) he ______ last week ______ very good. (上周买的)
〔成分:______ ★作宾语的关系代词常可省略〕
The man _______ is _______ the ________ over there is a teacher. (正在读报)
☆注:定语从句在以下几种场合下只能用that 引导:
a)先行词为 few, everything, nothing, anything, all, little, much 等不定代词时:
Everything (______) we ______ was ______.(所见的一切有趣)
All I _____ _____ _____ (所知道的就是这).
All ______ can ____ _____ must be ______ at once.(所能作的事必须立刻做)
There is nothing _____ ______ ________ these boys in the book. (能够引起…的注意)
b)先行词被few, little, all, every, no, some, any 等修饰:
I watched all the ______(杯子) ______ ______ on the table fall onto the floor.
This is the first bridge that we built over the river.
This is ____ ______ _____ ______ I have read.(最好的书)
d)先行词被 the only, the very, the same, the last 等修饰
He is the last man that I want to see here.
I am the very person that can answer your question.
e)当主句是以 who 开头的特殊疑问句时,定语从句用 that 而不用 who / whom引导:
Who is the man ____ _____ _____ at the _____?(正站在门口)
f) 先行词是人和物的混合体时,定语从句用 that
I still remember the things and persons ______ ________ important to me in my college life. (对我来说证明是正确的)
2) which 指物,在从句里作主语或宾语:
A bookstore is a ________ _______ _________ __________(卖书的店)
The film _____ we _____ yesterday ______ ______.(昨天看的电影是有趣的)
〔成分:_______ 可省略吗?______ 可用that 代替吗?_____〕
3) who 指人,在从句里作主语;whom 作宾语(在口语,如前面无介词,则常用who代替);whose指所有格,“人的”或“物的”,在从句中作定语。
The man ____ ____ ____ (站)there is Mr Li.
〔成分:_________ 可省略吗?________ 可用that吗?_________〕
Those ____ _____ to see the film ____ ______ tickets.(那些要看电影的人应买票)
Where is the man _______ I saw this morning?
〔成分:_______ 可省略吗?______ 能用哪些关系词?__________________〕
Do you know the name of the book _______ cover (封面) is red?
〔成分:______ 可省略吗?___ 可用其他引导词 代替吗?______〕

Basic Exercises on The Attributive Clause 基本训练
1 Fill in the blanks with that, which, who, whom, whose
1) The earthquake _________ hit the city in 1906 was the biggest in American history.
2) We don’t know the number of people _____ lost their homes in the earthquake.
3) The house ________ they built in 1987 stayed up in the earthquake.
4) A house ______ is built on sand may fall down in an earthquake.
5) Luckily none of the people ________ I knew were killed in the earthquake.
6) People _________ study earthquake think that there will be another big one soon.
2 Combine the following pairs of sentences, using that, which, who
1) The road was destroyed in the earthquake. It has now been built stronger.
2) The people were in danger. The soldiers have saved them.
3) The waiter was very friendly and polite. He served us tea.
4) A dictionary is a book. You can use it to learn more words.
5) Xiao Ming works in a shop. The shop sells photo cameras.
6) What was the name of the farmer? He discovered the Tomb of Qin Shi Huang.
7) I really like traveling. I like beautiful places.
8) The bus goers to the airport. It runs every half hour.
3 Combine the following pairs of sentences, using that, which, who
1) The letter is from my uncle. I received it yesterday.
2) The teacher saw what happened. He was standing nearby.
3) The girl is not here. She told me the news.
4) This is the tree. He was climbing it yesterday.
5) Don’t drink water. It has not been boiled.
6) The student is in the room. His name is Tom.
7) The house is our library. Its door is painted red.




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