Unit4 Teaching plan(人教版高三英语教案教学设计)

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Lesson 13 Dialogue
Aims and demands:
1. let the Ss know how to order sth to eat in a café, restaurant ect.
2. words and expressions: help oneself to, café, menu, ox, waitress, wipe, ham, hot dog, jam, sauce
3. useful expressions:
I’d like to invite you to dinner at my flat….
Have you ordered yet?
Would you like something to eat?
Anything to follow?
What would you like to have?
Would you like some more?
Help yourself to some…
Just a little, please.
I’m full , thank you.
Step 1. Presentation
T: In this unit, we are going to talk about “ Feed the world”
1. What kind of food do you eat? ( in China, in the east )
2. What kind of food do people eat in the west?
Tell us the words for some western food.
Ham, hot dog, sauce, pie , jam
T: Loot at the picture and answer the questions:
1. Where are they? (They are at a café )
2. What are they doing? ( They are looking at the menu)
3. Who is the girl beside the table? ( waitress )
Step 2. Listening
Listen to the tape and answer the question;
What are Wang Bing’s plans for the future?
He’s going to start work at the Farm Institute next month.
Do the listening comprehension: Lesson 13 (3A) DBCBB
1. What are Wang Bing and Carl doing in a café? They are _____.
A. having a talk B. sitting there
C. waiting for a friend D. having lunch
2. Wang Bing says he is ___ to eat an ox.
A. too hungry B. hungry enough
C. rather hungry D. enough hungry
3. What is Carl going to have?
A. a hot dog B. a potato salad
C. a ham salad D. a ham
4. Who will start work at the Farm Institute next month?
A. Carl B. Wang Bing
C. the waiter D. the waitress
5. Carl suggests fixing a date. What are they going to do?
They are going to have dinner ___.
A. together B. at Wang Bing’s flat
C. in a café D. at Carl’s flat
Step 3. Dialogue
Read after the tape and then answer some questions.
Step 4. Language points
1. Have you ordered yet?
He ordered a glass of beer.
Shall we order our dinner now?
Has the waitress brought your order?
Not yet.
I ordered some new clothes a month ago.
2. Are you hungry?
3. I’ll take your order.
I’ll write down which food you want and pass it to the kitchen.
4. Anything to follow?
5. now and again: from time to time / now and then
6. invite sb. to dinner
Step 5. Practice
Step 6. Workbook
Extra exercises (3A Unit 4) AAD ACBAD CCD
1. I’m just looking at the menu. ( L 13)
2. I’m looking forward to that. (L 13 )
3. ___ this book and tell me what you think of it.( 90)
A. Look through B. Look on
C. Look into D. Look up
4. ____! There’s a train coming. ( 91)
A. Look out B. Look around
C. Look forward D. Look on
5. Many foreigners ____ the Great Wall as the World’s Seventh Wonder. ( 92)
A. look at B. look for
C. look around D. look on
6. We all ____ her ____ our best friend.
A. look on, as B. look up, to
C. look for , as D. look at, in
7. We should ____ our teachers.
A. look up B. look down upon
C. look up to D. look out
8. Li Lei will ____ the dog when we are away.
A. look through B. look after
C. look about D. look into
9. “What are you ____?” “ The dictionary.”
A. looking for B. looking on
C. looking around D. looking up
10. What does the weather ____ today?
A. look on B. look back to
C. look for D. look like
11. I will have my bad tooth ____.
A. looked back B. looked at
C. looked through D. looked on
12. ____ this book and tell me if it is worth reading.
A. Look at B. Look out
C. Look through D. Look up to
13. The boy is old enough to ___ himself.
A. look on B. look for
C. look forward to D. look after
Homework Finish the Wb and the paper exercise
Lesson 14 Feed the world (1)
Aims and demands:
1. Develop the Ss’ reading ability and let the Ss know the problem of feeding the world
2. useful expressions:
in a word , ruin, damp , loss, day by day , irrigate, storage
Step 1. Presentation:
T: As we know the population of the world is about 5.7 billion. Two thirds of the earth’s surface is covered by water, and only about 11% of the earth’s land surface is suitable for growing crops. And this area is becoming smaller and smaller day by day. Then let’s come to see
Why is the area of farmland in the world getting smaller?
And how to feed a growing world population?
Step 2. Listen to the tape and tell the general idea of each paragraph
1. General description of food production.
2. Farmland is lost for several reasons.
3. Hunger is a big problem in the world today.
4. Various things can be done to increase the food supply.
5. Scientists continue to develop new types of plants.
Step 3. Careful reading
Read it carefully and do the note making
Facts: (page 21)
Reasons for loss of farmland---- Why is the area of farmland in the world getting smaller?
1. It is being built on.
2. It is being lost by the actions of the wind and the rain.
3. Land is becoming too salty.
Ways of increasing food production ----What are some of the ways of increasing food production?
1. You can increase the area of farmland by irrigation;
2. You can build dams and water your fields;
3. You can pump water from low-lying area;
4. You can develop new plants which produce heavier crops;
5. You can develop new plants which grow in poor soil;
6. You can develop new plants which are less likely to be attacked by pests and diseases;
Step 4. Reading comprehension
Reading comprehension: ( 3A Unit 4 --- Lesson 14) DCBCD BDBDC
1. People first began to grow crops in ___.
A. Asia B. Europe C. Africa D. both A and C
2. This text is mainly about ___.
A. agricultural development
B. farmland problems
C. the problems in agriculture and some solutions
D. the present agricultural situation and problems
3. The difficulty in solving feeding problem mentioned in paragraph 1 is that ___.
A. the growing world population is too big
B. the farmland in the world is limited
C. the development of farming can’t catch up with the population growth
D. farming development is too slow
4. The suitable farming land is about __ of the earth surface.
A. 1.5% C. 2.5% C. 3.5% D. 4.5%
5. What can’t we do to stop the loss of farmland according to the text?
A. Make careful plans for building.
B. Plant more trees.
C. Make the land rich.
D. Develop some man-made land.
6. What does “remove” in paragraph 2 mean?
A. get rid of B. take away C. move D. move again
7. Crops are damaged ___ .
A. before growing C. during growing
C. after growing D. both B and C
8. How many examples are given to show that irrigation and some other ways can increase the area of farmlands?
A. Two B. Three C. Four D. None
9. New types of plants being developed should be better in ___.
A. quantity B. quality C. size D. both A and B
10. The word with the same meaning as “irrigate” is ___.
A. increase B. grow C. water D. pump
Step 5. Language points:
1. earn one’s (a) living
make one’s (a) living
T: How do I make a living?
He began to earn his living at the age of twelve.
They earned their living by hunting.
2. for one thing 首先。。。 一则。。。
for another 其次。。。 再则。。。
I can’t go . For one thing, I have no money; for another, I have no time.
We should invite Jenny to the party. For one thing, she is fond of dancing and singing.
I don’t want to buy the coat. For one thing, I don’t like the colour, and for another, the price is too high.
3. in the form of
4. be suitable for doing sth..
be fit for
The soil here is suitable for growing crops.
5. day by day 强调人或事的逐渐变化,(gradually)
day after day 强调每日的重复,不强调其变化
year by year / year after year
eg. In autumn , the leaves on the trees are turning yellow day by day .
Day after day you would see an old man walking alone on the road.
The old professor is growing old year by year , and his students come to see him year after year.
6. make great efforts to do sth.
take great trouble to do sth.
have great trouble in doing sth.
have difficulty in doing sth.
7. protect 保护
prevent 防止,阻止
eg. Wearing dark glassed can protect your eyes.
We must protect the plants from frost.
How can we prevent such had things ( from ) happening?
8. First, it is being built on.
Various kinds of buildings are being built on the farmland.
This question is being talked about.
People are talking about this question.
9.,work out 计算出,设计出,(强调结果)
work on 忙于, 从事于,(强调动作)
eg. He has worked out the maths problem.
They have worked out the plan.
He is working on a novel recently.
10. in a word = in one word 总之,一句话
in other word 换一句话,也就是说
11. one in ten
one out of ten
12. starve to death
freeze to death
frighten to death
13. take … for example
Step 6. Discussion
1. Compared with the farming policy in India, what’s the advantage of Chinese farming policy?
2. Do you have any other good opinion to solve the problem of feeding the world?
Lesson 15 Feed the world(2)
Aims and demands:
1. Develop the Ss’ reading ability
2. Useful expressions:
Go hungry, it has been proved, whichever, result in , in debt, make sense
Step 1. Revision
Ask the Ss to tell at least 10 things that they have learnt so far in this unit
1. The present world population is 5.7 billion.
2. Farming population is about 1 billion.
3. 2/3 of the earth’s surface is water.
4. Only about 11% of the earth’s land surface is suitable for growing crops.
5. Farmland is being built on.
6. Wind and rain have removed a lot of the soil.
7. A lot of irrigated land has become too salty.
8. Every year about 40 million people starve to death.
9. We can increase the area by irrigation.( build the dams and water the fields. Pump water from low-lying areas.)
10. Scientists continue to develop now types of plants which produce heavier crops.
11. scientists develop new plants that are less likely to be attacked by pests and diseases.
Step 2. Preparation for reading
T: we are going to read a text about world hunger. Do you know:
1. In which country or countries in the world are people hungry?
2. Why are people hungry in the world?
Step 3. Reading
Reasons for world hungry
1. In EU a. Food is bought from farmers and thrown away.
b. Farmers are paid not to grow crops.
2. In India Most land is owned by rich landowners.
3. In less-developed countries: Farmers are forced to plant cash crops .
4. In western countries: Grain is fed to beef cattle.
Step 4. Read it carefully and do the comprehension exercises
Reading Comprehension (3A Unit 4 ---Lesson 15) CDDDC DDBCD
1. This text is about ___.
A. how to feed the world well
B. people’s wrongdoings in the world
C. present problems in feeding the world and some suggestions
D. the reason for lack of food
2. Paragraph 2 doesn’t tell us ___.
A. in some places food is more than enough
B. there is not lack of food everywhere
C. developed countries don’t lack of food
D. how to solve the unbalance of food in the world
3. In the European Union, farmers are quite lucky because ___.
A. the price of crop is the best in the world
B. the farmland is quite good for crop growing
C. the farming is quite developed there
D. they can get money without growing crops
4. Paragraph 3 tells just the problem in feeding the world also exists in ___.
A. the crop’s quality B. the quantity of crops
C. the farmland D. the ownership of farmlands
5. Paragraph 3 tells us that India is not a(an) ___ country.
A. developing B. agricultural C. fair D. poor
6. Cash crops can’t be used to produce ___.
A. oil B. drinks C. cigarettes D. food
7. Cash crops can’t ___.
A. make money
B. feed people
C. help less-developed countries out of starvation
D. both B and C
8. What does “repay” in paragraph 4 mean?
A. pay again B. pay back C. lend D. borrow
9. What does “raise” in the last paragraph mean?
A. rise B. increase C. feed D. kill
10. The suggestion made in the last paragraph is that __.
A. we should raise more cattle or sheep
B. we shouldn’t raise cattle or sheep on farmlands
C. we shouldn’t use grain to feed cattle
D. both B and C
Step 5. Language points:
1. make sure that 确保
2. go hungry : be hungry
go wrong 出差
go mad 发狂
3. It has been proved …
It has been proved that the earth is round.
4. result in 导致。。。, 造成。。。结果,
lead to
lie in 在于。。。
This accident resulted in three deaths.
His angry words resulted in a fight.
His carelessness resulted in a serious car accident.
5. less-developed countries
6. in debt
His losses put him deeply in debt.
7. make sense 讲得通,有道理,有意思
It doesn’t make any sense to me.
What he says makes sense.
What you said doesn’t make sense.
8. 虚拟语气
1)If the peasants could farm the land themselves, food production would be much higher.
2)They would not vote to lose their land and wealth, even if it resulted in a fairer society.
3)If fewer cash crops were grown, more food could be produced and there would be less or no starvation.
I’m busy now. If I had time, I would go.
I’m a teacher. If I were a doctor , I would save a lot of patients.
I didn’t come yesterday. If I had come yesterday, I would have met you.
I won’t have a chance to go to Sydney . If I had a chance to go to Sydney , I would go.
If I should have a chance to go ….
Step 6. Exercises:
Correct the mistakes:
1. Eating and drink too much result in many illnesses. ---- drinking
2. Take Li Ling as example, many students are fond of English. ---for
3. I regret telling you that I can’t go there with you. ----to tell
4. He placed an order for a car to our company. --- with
5. Is that true that he will go to America? -----it
6. It is known by us that he gets along well with his classmates. ---to
7. Xiao Hong is so homesick that she looks forward to hear from her parents. -----hearing
8. As is known that the earth moves round the sun. ------It
9. No matter who did this should be punished. ------Whoever
10. I used to be in debts. -----debt
Fill in the blanks with a proper word:
1. We are looking forward _to_ seeing you again.
2. The election resulted __in_ a great victory _for__ their party.
3. Help yourself _to__ some fish.
4. He _earned__ his living __by_ selling newspapers __on_ a train.
5. His losses put him deeply __in_ debt.
6. The FAO has worked _out__ that up _to__ 30% of food is lost __in_ storage.
7. Because there is not enough food for people , many people starve _to__ death every year.
8. The news __that_ he intended to come gave us much pleasure.
9. I have no idea _how__ far the airport is from here.
10. I have no idea _where__ he lives.
Step 7. Discussion
What can we do to make sure that no one in the world goes hungry?
Step 8. Find out the facts that show humans have so far not been wise enough to make correct decisions in order to make sure that no one in the world goes hungry.
Exercises for 3A Unit 4
Correct the mistakes:
1. Eating and drink too much result in many illnesses.
2. Take Li Ling as example, many students are fond of English.
3. I regret telling you that I can’t go there with you.
4. He placed an order for a car to our company.
5. Is that true that he will go to America?
6. It is known by us that he gets along well with his classmates.
7. Xiao Hong is so homesick that she looks forward to hear from her parents.
8. As is known that the earth moves round the sun.
9. Who did this should be punished.
10. I used to be in debts.
Fill in the blanks with a proper word:
1. We are looking forward __ seeing you again.
2. The election resulted __ a great victory __ their party.
3. Help yourself ___ some fish.
4. He __ his living __selling newspapers __ a train.
5. His losses put him deeply ___debt.
6. The FAO has worked ___ that up ___ 30% of food is lost __ storage.
7. Because there is not enough food for people , many people starve ___ death every year.
8. The news ___ he intended to come gave us much pleasure.
9. I have no idea __ far the airport is from here.
10. I have no idea ___ he lives.
Unit 4
本单元的语法重点是名词性从句,而名词性从句的考查在高考试卷单项选择一题中一般情况下占20%,即在20个小题中有一个小题。如: 答案:1.A;2.A
1.─I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week.
─Is that _____ you had a few days off ?
A. why B. when C. what D. where (NMET99)
2.─It was _____ he said _____ disappointed me.
A. what; that B. that; that
C. what; what D. that; what (上海99)
句1:从题干和所给的4个选择中不难看出本题考查的是表语从句。“I drove to Zhuhai for the air show.”提出一个事实,而第二句表明“I”不在的原因。故答案为A.why。
句2:该句考查的是强调句和主语从句。该句强调的是句中的主语,而该句的主语又是一个从句。从这个结构中可以看出第二个空和“It was”构成强调句,故第二个空应该是that;第一个空和“he said”构成主语从句;在这个从句中“said”一词后缺少宾语,故答案为A.what;that。
Correct the mistakes ( 3A Unit 4)
How humans support themself is a 1.____
big problem. What can we do to solve a 2.____
problem nowadays? We must sure to 3.____
make nobody in the world goes hungry. 4.____
You know, there is no problem in the
European Union which there is often too 5.____
much food and so it is in the USA . 6.____
However, in some other countries as India , 7.____
the rich give little money to the peasants
work in the fields. So a change in land 8.____
ownership needed. In order to pay 9.____
off the debts, many developing countries
are forced plant coffee, tea, cocoa, etc. 10____
while crops should be grown. Also much
of the grain in many western countries 11.____
should be used to feed humans rather
then animals. 12.____
1. themselves 2. a—the 3. be sure 4. go 5. which – where 6. so is in the USA
7. like India 8. working / who work 9. is needed 10. to plant 11. true 12. than
名词性从句 10 注意(3A Unit 4)
1. 主语是 reason 的表语从句要用 that 引导,而不用 because。
The reason (why) I came to school late today was that I didn‘t get up on time . 今天我上学晚的理由是我没准时起床。
2. that 作连接词,除少数介词(except , but , in)外,一般不能作介词宾语。that 引导的从句如果作其它介词的宾语,就需用 it 先行一步作形式宾语,把 that 从句后置。
I didn’t look anywhere except / but (that I looked) in your room . 除了你的寝室以外,我那儿也没找。
You may depend on it that they will support you . 你可以依靠他们来帮你。
3. whether 引导所有名词性从句,能用于作介词宾语从句;和 or not 连用;用在 discuss , argue 等动词后和 sure , certain 等形容词后,引导宾语从句。
Whether it is true remains a question . 此事是否属实有待证明。
Please tell me whether he is there or not . 请告诉我他是否在那里。
We discussed whether we should close the shop . 我们讨论是否关闭这家商店。
4. 动词 doubt 用在疑问句或否定句时,其后宾语从句常用 that 作连接词;用在肯定句时,连接词用 whether 或 if 皆可,而不用 that。
Do you doubt that he will win ? 你难道怀疑他将取胜 ?
I don‘t doubt that your proposition is wrong . 我相信你的建议是错的。
He doubt whether I know it . 他怀疑我知道了此事。
5. 连接代词不仅有连接作用,而且还在从句中充当主语,表语、定语等句子成分。常见连接代词有 who , whom , whose which , what , whatever , whoever。
What surprised me most was that he won the first prize . 最使我吃惊的是他赢得了一等奖。(what 作从句主语)
6. 连接副词除了连接从句外,还在从句中作状语。常见连接副词有 when , where , why , how。
How he became a great success is known to us all . 他怎样成了一个成功人物大家都知道。(how 在主语从句中作状语)
7. 名词性从句的语序。无论名词性从句是疑问句,还是陈述句,它的语序应为陈述语序。
Do you know when he will come back ? 知道他何时回来吗 ?
8. 正确掌握名词性从句谓语动词的时态。这是学习和掌握名词性从句的难题之一,在名词性从句中重点是宾语从句谓语动词的时态。
● 若主句谓语动词为一般现在时和一般将来时,宾语从句的动词可根据句意用它所需要的任何状态。
Will you tell me how you learned English well ? 告诉我你怎么学好英语的,好吗 ?
I think he’ll be back in an hour . 我想一小时后他会来的。
● 若主句谓语动词是过去时态时,从句中的动词须用过去的相应时态。
I thought they were having lessons . 我想他们正在上课。
She said she had done her homework . 她说她已做完了作业。
Mary said she would help me with my English . 玛丽说她将帮我学英语。
● 宾语从句表达客观真理,不论主句是什么时态,从句都用一般现在时。
The teacher told us light travels faster than sound . 老师告诉我们光的速度比声音快。
9. 否定转移问题。在主句为第一人称主语后跟 think , believe , suppose , expect , guess , imagine 等动词时,宾语从句的否定形式应转移到主句中。
We don‘t expect he will come tonight , will he ?




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