3A Unit 5(人教版高三英语教案教学设计)

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Lesson 17 Dialogue
Aims and demands:
1. Develop the Ss listening ability and let the Ss know how to express one’s opinion
2. Language points:
Express one’s satisfaction with, for one thing , for another thing , bring in, if any
Step 1. Presentation
1. Where can you find advertisements?
2. Why do companies advertise?
3. Do you watch advertisements on TV?
4. Which are your favourite advertisements?
Step 2. Reading
Read the dialogue silently and find out the answer to the question:
Whose ideas for advertising programme are the best? (Bob’s)
Step 3 . Listening
Choose the correct answers: (3A Unit 5 --- Lesson 17) BCABD
1. How many people are having a discussion about a future advertising programme?
A. three B. four C. five D. two
2. what company will they produce an advertisement for?
A. IBM B. Great Wall C. Legend D. HP
3. Bob says he can’t agree with _____.
A. “D” B. “C” C. “A” D. “D” and “ C”
4. Who do they ask about this machine?
A. sellers B. users C. Bob D. the company
5. How can they get to know who are using these computers?
A. ask the users B. ask the passers-by C. go out and search D. ask the company
Step 4. Dialogue
After listening to the tape, answer the questions .
1. What are they doing?
They are discussing a future advertising programme.
2. What kind of advertisement do they plan to do?
They plan to produce an advertisement for this famous computer which is supplied by …
3. What’s Bob’s opinion/ idea?
To collect comments from secretaries and typists…
4. Why does he think it would be a good idea to do that?
They can express their satisfaction with the product.
5. But does C agree with him (Bob)? No.
6. What’s D’s opinion? Does D agree with B? Yes.
We should have a picture of the computer and five a description of the product.
7. But does Bob agree with him (D)? Why?
Because it is not a good way of persuading people to buy it.
8. How does Bob suggest producing the advertisement ?
Photograph them using it.
Put their comments at the top of the advertisement in big print.
Bring in some humour .
9. Do you think D is very satisfied with B’s idea? Why ?
Because he thinks it takes a long time to carry out interviews .
10. Does A agree with B or D? How do you know?
A agrees with B.
He’ll ask the company for a list of recent customers.
Step 4. Language points
1. Any ideas?
Have you got any ideas?
2. express one’s satisfaction with sth. 对。。。表示满意
3. be satisfied with 对。。。表示满意
express oneself 表达自己
The teacher expressed his satisfaction with the result for(of ) the experiment.
They expressed their satisfaction with the preparations for the conference.
The teacher expressed her satisfaction at my answer to her question.
4. For one thing , for another thing.
Make up sentences,…..
I went to Beijing, for one thing I had never been there, for another thing it is really a beautiful place.
I don’t want to go to America, for one thing , I have no money, for another thing, I have no time.
5. bring in 引进, 带来, 插进
In old China , a lot of words were brought in from some foreign countries. (oil, umbrella, cloth…)
He intends to bring in some reform.
They bring in a new fashion.(
Step 5. Workbook
Prepare the text
Unit 5 Lesson 18 Advertising
Aims and demands:
1. Develop the Ss’ reading ability and let the Ss have a good understanding of the text.
2. Grasp the following expressions
Hand in hand, be popular with, again and again, would say, think up
Also present will be…… try…out…
Step 1. Warming-up
1. Where can you find the advertisements ?
2. Do you think they will spend a lot of money on ad?
3. Why do they spend a lot of money on ad? Do you think it is necessary ? Does it make the products cheaper or expensive?
4. Then what’s the advantage of advertising?
Step 2. Fast reading
Read the text quickly and find the answers to the two questions:
1. It makes a product cheaper.
2. Five people.
Step 3. Careful reading
1. Read the first paragraph and tell the main idea of the paragraph.
Why is advertising so popular?
Advertising increases products sales. Therefore advertising makes a product cheaper instead of more expensive.
2. Read the second paragraph and tell the main idea.
What can you advertise? And how can you advertise?
(1) We can advertise products, services, political leaders in the western countries……
(2) By using radio , TV , cinema, magazines, newspapers, large boards, signs, mail or gifts, balloons…...
3. Read the third paragraph and find the main idea.
Why is now advertising now a scientific usiness?
All parts of an advertising programme are properly measured and researched.
4. Read the fourth paragraph and tell the main idea.
How are advertisements made?
A company goes to an advertising firm to discuss the advertising of its product.
The firm collects as much information as possible about the product and the customers who might buy it.
The person who are in charge of the matter holds a meeting.
A person will think up an idea for an advertisement.
A person will buy space in newspapers or time on TV.
A person will write the text for the advertisement.
A person will design the advertisement, using pictures or photographs and the text.
5. Read the last paragraph and find the main idea.
What do they do when the ad is ready?
A. It is shown to the company.
B. If the company agrees, they may try it out in ……
C. If they do, then it will be used throughout the country.
D. If the advertising fails , the whole programme will be reviewed.
Step 4. Careful reading
Read it carefully and do the comprehension exercises
Reading comprehension ( 3A Lesson 18) DBBCA BDBAD
1. The author thinks that advertisements ___.
A. are welcomed by everybody
B. can increase the cost of products
C. can increase product sales immediately
D. can win more customers for a company
2. In paragraph 1, which word shows that the writer thinks that advertising is common?
A. developed B. popular C. proved D. increase
3. According to the text, advertisements may be used in ___.
A. everything B. election
C. scientific research D. producing gods
4. How many means of advertising are mentioned in the text?
A. Seven B. Nine C. Eleven D. Thirteen
5. Which paragraph talks about the purpose of advertising?
A. Para 1 B. Para 2 C. Para 3 D. Para 4 and 5
6. When an advertising company makes advertisements , which happens first?
A. Have a meeting. B. Collect information.
C. Write a letter. D. Design the advertisements.
7. What does “interview” mean in the last paragraph?
A. see B. select C. visit D. ask questions
8. The following could be an advertisement except __.
A. mail B. news
C. a sign outside a shop D. products free of charge
9. The purpose that a company tries its advertisement in a small part of the country first is not ___.
A. to save money B. to see whether the advertisement is perfect C. to see whether people like it d. to see whether the advertisement is effective
10. In the text, the writer does not tell us ___.
A. advertisements can be used in tourism
B. balloons can be used to advertise
C. advertising may make a product cheaper
D. advertisement in Europe is more common than that in Asia
Step 5. Language points
1. a highly developed twentieth-century industry
a curiously shaped piece of wood
a widely used language
2. hand in hand
shoulder to shoulder
face to face
side by side
3. popular
be popular with sb.
a popular song
The popular song is popular with the young people.
4. again and again
over and over
over and over again
5. instead of
He will stay in school instead of going home.
6. Once managers would say jokingly…表示过去习惯性
Used to say…
7. measure
make .. to one’s measure
to one’s taste
8. Also present will be a person who thinks up ……
A person who thinks up … will also be present…
With him was a man of no more than forty.
9. think up
think of
think about
think it over
She thought up a fumy game for children to play.
The prisoners tried to think up a plan for escape.
11. try it out
12. Isn’t it time you made someone’s life a bit easier?
It is time sb. did sth.
It is time we went to bed.
It is time we started our work.
It is time you gave a reply to us.
Is it time you got everything ready?
Step 6. Discussion
1. Do you think it necessary to spend so much money in advertising a product? Give your reasons.
2. What’s the advantage / disadvantage of making an ad?
3. We can make an ad. in various ways as the text have mentioned, are these the only ways of making advertisements?
4. We produce various kinds of glasses in our company. Please make an advertisement for us.
Unit 5 Lesson 19 Advertising (2)
Aims and demands:
1. Develop the Ss’ reading ability , and let them have a good understanding of the text
2. Language points:
Make , when translated, attract one’s attention, point out to sb.
3. Retell the story
Step 1. Revision
Ask the Ss to tell about 5 advertisements which they have seem recently
Step 2. Fast reading
Read the text quickly and find out the answer to the question:
What is one danger with selling your product abroad?
You must make sure that the translation is correct.
Step 3. Careful reading
1. Why do people read advertisements?
For information
Because they are interesting
2. What mistake was made in the translation of the ad for hair cream?
---- when translated it meant “ X puts living things into dry hair”
3. What mistake was made in the car ad?
---- The British name of the car meant “ animal waste” in German.
Comprehension (3A Unit 5 Lesson 19) DCCBC
1. People read advertisements for ___.
A. information B. fun
C. killing time D. both A and B
2. Why do most advertisements begin with a question?
A. Because nobody knows the answer.
B. Because a question can make an advertisement funny.
C. Because readers will be interested in finding the answer.
D. Because a question will win more customers for a company.
3. What is very important in an advertisement?
A. A question B. Information
C. Humor D. A story.
4. What is one danger of a series of advertisements?
A. Readers will be tired of reading too many texts.
B. Readers will forget the mane of the product.
C. Readers will lose patience.
D. Readers will remember the advertisement.
5. What may turn a good advertisement into a bad one?
A. A question. B. A story.
C. Bad translation. D. High price of the product
Step 4. Language points:
1. What makes a good advertisement? 怎样才能使广告做的好呢?
Vt. (有条件)成为
What makes an advertisement a good one?
David will make a very good football player.
What makes a good translation?
2. attract one’s attention 引起某人的注意
3. when translated
when it is translated
When + 过去分词, 相当于一个时间状语从句
Your exercises must be handed in immediately when finished.
He always didn’t make an answer / made no answer when spoken to .
4. point out
point at
point to
Step 5. Past participle
Tell what is the function of each participle in the following sentences:
1. This is one of the factories built in the 1980s.---Attributive
2. You can take the new freeway opened last year.---Attributive
3. The street are lined with trees.---Predicative
4. The article is very well typed.---Predicative
5. He is going to have his hair cut. ---Object complement
6. We had the idea tried out.---Object complement
7. Seen from the hill , the park looks beautiful.---Adverbial
8. Disturbed by the noise, we had to finished the meeting earlier.---Adverbial
Step 6. Practice
Step 7. workbook




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