unit 17 Famous women peiod3(新课标版高一英语上册教案教学设计)

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The Third Period
Teaching Aims:
1.Review the words in the last two periods.
2.Learn the rules of Subject-Verb Agreement.
Teaching Important Points:
1.Master the rules of Subject-Verb Agreement.
2.Choose the correct verb forms to complete the sentences according to the grammar item.
Teaching Difficult Point:
How to use the singular or plural form of the verb if the subject is the collective noun (army,family,group,government…).
Teaching Methods:
1.Review method to consolidate the words we've learned in the last two periods.
2.Individual or pair work to make every student work in class.
3.Inductive method to help the students master the grammar item—Subject-Verb Agreement.
Teaching Aids:
1.a projector and some slides
2.the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step Ⅰ. Greetings and Revision
Greet the whole class as usual.
T:Yesterday we learnt a text about a famous woman named Helen Thayer,who travelled to the South Pole at the age of 60.Who can retell the story to us?
S1:Let me try.Helen Thayer,who was born on 1st November,1937,travelled alone to the North Pole at 50. She was the first woman to go alone to the North Pole.Ten years later,she began another dangerous and adventurous travel to the South Pole.Although she met with many difficulties,she still succeeded in finishing her journey by her strong will and determination.
T:Very good.Thank you.
Step Ⅱ. Word Study
T:In the last two periods,we've learnt some new words.Now let's review them.Look at the screen,please.Try to think of their meanings and their usages.Then finish the exercise on the screen to check if you can use them correctly.After you finish,you may check your answers with your partner.
(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)
Complete these sentences with the words from the box.Some words may not be used.
cheerful mean miserable threaten inspiration optimistic shelter solo slope stormy generous challenge value
1.She is__________today,because she got an“A+”for her composition.
2.After many hours of hard work without success you may have a sudden moment of__________.
3.She is very__________with money.She wouldn't give a cent to help the poor child.
4.The boy told me that his life was so__________that he decided to leave his home.
5.The man__________the little girl with a knife.
6.In winter,many people think it is exciting to ski down the mountain__________.
7.She is quite__________about the company.She thinks it will become successful soon.
8.Suddenly it started to rain.They had to take __________under a big tree.
9.The young pianist who won the first prize in the international competition last year held his first __________performance earlier this week.
10.China's role in keeping the world peace is highly__________by many countries.
(A few minutes later,the teacher may ask some students to read out their answers and give the Chinese meaning of each sentence.The teacher corrects mistakes if any and gives some explanations.)
Suggested answers:
1.cheerful 今天她非常高兴,因为她的作文得了A+。
2.inspiration 在连续好几个小时的努力工作却没有成功之后,你也许突然间会产生一种灵感。
3.mean 她非常吝啬,一分钱也不愿拿出来帮助穷孩子。
4.miserable 那个男孩子告诉我,他的生活是如此悲惨以致于他决定离开家。
5.threatened 这位男子用刀威胁那个小女孩。
6.slope 冬天,许多人认为顺着山坡滑雪是非常刺激的。
7.optimistic 她对公司前景相当乐观。她认为公司很快就会经营成功。
8.shelter 突然天下雨了,他们只好到大树下避雨。
9.solo 去年在国际比赛中荣获一等奖的那位年轻钢琴家,这周的前些天举办了他的第一次个人演奏会。
10.valued 中国在维护世界和平中的作用受到了许多国家的高度重视。
Step Ⅲ. Grammar
T:Well done.Now,please look at the sentences on the screen.Pay attention to the underlined part in each sentence and find the rules of them.
(Show the following on the screen.)
1.The story was so interesting that I couldn't help laughing.
2.They are working on the farm.
3.There are many people in the meeting room.
4.The police are looking for the lost child.
5.The cattle are eating grass in the field.
6.My family is a big one.
7.My family are watching TV.
T:Who'd like to say the rules of these underlined parts?
S2:Let me try.Singular nouns are often used with singular verbs.Plural nouns are used with plural verbs.The sentences 1 and 2 are examples.Some collective nouns,such as people,police,cattle,have no singular form and can only be with plural verbs.Such are sentences 3,4 and 5.But I don't know why different verbs are used in the sixth sentence and the seventh one.
T:It doesn't matter.Sit down,please.Who knows?
Ss:Sorry.We don't know.
T:Well.I'll explain that to you.Besides the collective nouns you just referred to,there are other collective nouns,such as family,group,team,army,class,government.But these nouns can have a singular or plural verb.If the noun refers to the individual member of a unit,the verb is plural.If it refers to a whole unit,the verb is singular.In the sixth sentence,the noun“my family”refers to a whole unit,so the verb is singular.In the seventh sentence,“my family”here refers to the individual member of a unit,so the verb is plural.Is that clear?
T:Now,look at another two examples on the Bb.
The boys' team has some good players,but the girls' is a better team.
My dog team weren't with me to pull my sled.
(Teacher asks two students to explain them.)
T:Very good.Now,let's do an exercise.Please turn to Page 25. and do Ex 1.First do it by yourself,and then check your answers with your partner.I'll give you four minutes to do it.After that,I'll check your answers in class.OK?
T:(Four minutes later.)Time is up.Have you finished?
(Teacher asks some students to report their answers.)
Suggested answers:
1.is 2.Do 3.is 4.are 5.is/are 6.is 7.is 8.are 9.is/are 10.is 11.is 12.are
Step Ⅳ. Consolidation
T:In order to master the grammar item better,we'll have a quiz.Please look at the screen.Fill in the gaps.You need to write your answers on a piece of paper.After a while,I'll collect them.
(Teacher shows the screen.)
Fill in the gaps.
1.The news__________very interesting.
2.Everyone__________enjoying themselves.
3.I think physics__________not easy to study.
4.Most people__________fond of pop music.
5.The army__________going to remain in this town.
6.The army__________rescued the travellers.
7.Class Four__________on the third floor.
8.Class Four__________unable to agree upon a monitor.
9.Do you know which team__________won the Asian Cup Football match?
10.The police__________searching for the prisoner.
Suggested answers:
1.was/is 2.was/is 3.is 4.are 5.is 6.have 7.is 8.are 9.has 10.are
T:Well done.Let's look at Ex.2 on Page 25.Use the words given in brackets to answer these questions.First look at the example.(Teacher reads it.)Then do the exercise on a piece of paper.A few minutes later,I'll ask some of you to read out your sentences.Is that clear?
T:Well.Please begin.(After a few minutes.)Have you finished?
T:Well.I'll ask some of you to read out your sentences.One student,one sentence.
SA 1.Everybody is probably preparing for a party.
SB 2.The party is probably very wonderful.Everyone seems to enjoy themselves.
SC 3.Yes.If anyone finishes work today,they will probably be free tomorrow.
SD 4.I want you to tell everyone that there is probably a meeting this morning.
SE 5.If anyone wants to know,you should tell him to phone this number.
T:You're quite right.The word“probably”here means“most likely”.For example,Jim's late.He's probably stuck in a traffic jam.
Step Ⅴ. Summary and Homework
T:Today we've reviewed the new words in the last two periods.We've also learnt the rules of Subject-Verb Agreement.In the grammar item,we should pay more attention to the collective words:people,police,cattle,family,group,team,army,class,government.(Write them on the Bb.)They're all collective nouns,but they have different verb forms.After class,you should do more exercises to master them better.Besides,preview next period.Class is over.
Step Ⅵ. The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard
Unit 17 Famous women
The Third Period
Grammar:Subject-Verb Agreement
The boys' team has some good players,but the girls' is a better team. My dog team weren't with me to pull my sled.
Ⅱ.Collective nouns:
people police cattle family group team army class government
Step Ⅶ. Record after Teaching




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