Units15-26初二英语下册教案(新课标版八年级英语下册教案教学设计) |
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Lesson 57 Step 1 Revision 1 Check the homework the students did during the winter vacation . 2 Have the students talk about their holidays using the language they know. Have them especially talk about the food they ate, even though there might not be an English word for some for some of the food. Step 2 Presentation Draw a picture of a cupboard with salt, pepper, oil, sugar, etc. On the Bb. Ask What’s in this cupboard? Then ask What is in your cupboard at home? Draw a picture of a table. Ask What is on your table at home during dinner? Draw pictures or stick pictures, or use the colour pictures on page 1 of the SB to teach the new vocabulary for this lesson. Step 4 Presentation Present this dialogue: A: I eat a lot of pork. B: Oh, I don’t I eat a lot of chicken. A: So do I. Explain that I eat a lot of chicken, too. Practise the dialogue with the students. Step 5 Learn and discuss SB Page 1, Part 2. Collect more food words and put them into the table on page 1. discuss the question with several students to give some examples. Then get the students to work in pairs. Call out some of them to demonstrate. Their conversations. Step 6 Puzzle dialogues SB page 1. Part 3. Pair work. Check the answers as a class. In small groups, have the students role-play as if they are at a dinner. Homework Have the students go home and make a list of some of the things in their kitchens. If the students live on campus, have them make a list of the things they can remember that are in their families’ kitchens. Lesson 58 Sep 1 Revision 1 Revise the names of the food and tableware in SB Lesson 57. 2 Revise the dialogues from SB Part 3 and Wb Lesson 57, Ex. 3. Choose several groups to share their rol-plays. Step 2 Presentation Tell the students that this table shows Li Lei’s favourite meat, Jim’s favourite meat, Jim’s favourite vegetables and Ann’s favourite fruit. Say Li Lei likes pork better. He likes chicken best. Repeat for Jim an Ann. Then get students to listen and repeat the sentences. Ask Which does Ann like better, apples or oranges? Which does she like best? Students work in pairs asking and answering about their favourite foods. Step 3 Reading SB Page 2, Part2, Speech Cassette Lesson 58. Have the students look at the picture. Ask What kind of food do you see? What countries do these foods come from? Ask What’s the most popular food in the world? The students scan the passage for the answer. Discuss the passage. Ask Do you Do you like fish / pizza / hamburgers? What’s your favourite Chinese food? Step 4 Ask and answer SB Page 2, Part 3. Ask the students the questions and help them answer I think pork/ rice is very popular in China. Do you agree? Explain to the student the difference between I don’t really agree and I really don’t agree. I don’t really agree means that you just disagree a little bit, but are open to hear the other person’s point of view, and that you may change your opinion. However, I really don’t agree means that you strongly disagree with the other person and nothing will change your mind. Homework Have the students review the new words for this lesson. Lesson 59 Step 1 Revision 1 Write lists of meat, vegetables, fruit and others on the Bb. Ask Whose favourite food is chocolate? Etc. hands up! Students vote on their favourite kind of food. 2 Competition: Ask students to give an example of a verb, a noun, a pronoun, and adjective and an adverb. Then hold a competition. In small groups, the students see which group is the first to write down eight to ten verbs/ nouns/ adjectives/ pronouns/ adverbs. Check the answers. Step 2 Study SB Page 3, Part 1. Let the students read through the sentences in the first box carefully. Ask them if they can discover the common feature in the sentences. Point out that all these sentences contain a noun or pronoun denoting the doer and a verb. Do the same with the sentences in the rest of the boxes. Point out the different parts of the simple sentence. Step 3 Presentation Ask What does your mother/ father do at home? Do you help with the housework? In small groups, have the students make a list of what their mothers/ fathers/ themselves do at home. As a class, discuss the answers. Step 4 Read and discuss SB Page 3, Part 2, Speech Cassette, Lesson 59. Tell the students to look at the first passage. Ask them to quickly skim the text and tell you the main idea. Play the tape and have the students repeat. Tell the students to look at the second passage, Ask Who is the busiest in Indira’s family? Have the students scan the passage for the answer. Explain the use of either…or and neither… nor Homework Finish off any workbook exercises if needed. Review the five kinds of simple sentences. Lesson 60 Step 1 Revision 1 Revise either…or…by saying, Either I’m at home, or I’m at school. Then ask, What two places are you at usually? Help the students to answer, Either I’m at _______ or I’m at _______. Now ask a second student about where the first student usually is, only use two different places. 2 Revise the food items in this unit. Step 2 Presentation In small groups role-play a parent and a son/ daughter who has a foreign friend over for dinner. Remind the students to use the phrases from SB Lesson 57, part 3. Get several of the groups to share their rope-play with the rest of the class. Step 3 Read and act SB Page 4., Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 60. Books closed! Ask What are they eating for dinner? Play the tape. Check the answer. Play the tape again, students listen and repeat. Step 4 Listening SB Page 4, Part 2. Listening Cassette Lesson 60. Check the answers with the whole class. Step 5 Read and act SB Pages 4-5, Part 3. Speech cassette Lesson 60. Play the tape while students listen and repeat. Then in groups of three, have the students read and act out the dialogue. Choose several groups to perform their dialogue for the class. Step 6 Writing SB Page 5, Part 4. For example: China is very famous for its food in the world. There are many kinds of food in China. The north part of China is famous for its dumplings. There can be meat such as pork or beef or vegetables inside dumplings In the south part of China along the Changjiang River, people eat much fish. In Shanghai the food is sweet. But no matter where you are in China, the food is always delicious. Go through Checkpoint 15 in the usual way. Explain any problems that the students may have. Get the students to go over the grammar notes on pages 158-159 for Member of the sentence, Types of Sentences and Five Kinds of Simple Sentences. Homework Finish off the workbook exercise. Lesson 61 Step 1 Revision Check homework Get the students to revise Wb Lesson 60, Ex. 4. Step 2 Presentation 1 Draw a street plan on the Bb, showing different buildings. Add a church, library, café, men’s and ladies’ rooms and video shop. Revise Where’s the …? It’s next to / in front of / behind/ outside the … 3 Revise giving directions: Excuse me, is there a hospital near here? Walk along this road and take the first turning on the left. Teach the new words. Get students to ask and answer. 4 Give the street names. Say excuse me, where’s North street, please? Help the students to answer. Step 3 Look and say SB Page 6, Part 1. In pairs, have students look at the picture and ask and answer questions as in the presentation. Choose several pairs to share their answers. Step 4 Read and act SB Page 6, Part 2, Speech cassette Lesson 61. Books closed. Teach the new words. Point the differences between cross and across and crossing. Ask How do you get to the library? Tell the students to write down the directions as they hear them. Play the tape twice. Check the answer. Note the difference between the usage of reach, arrive and get to. In pairs have the students read the dialogue. They should pay attention to their intonation as they are giving directions. Step 5 Practice SB Page 6, Part 3. ask a student to volunteer to help you model a dialogue. Then ask the student, How can I get to the church? Help the student to answer with the choices from the box, for example, Go along this road and take the second turning to the right. Walk across a bridge. Go on until you reach the end. You can’t miss it. In pairs, have students make similar dialogues. Choose several pairs to share their answers with the class. Homework Finish off the workbook exercises. Do Wb Lesson 61, Exx. 1 and 2 as written homework. Lesson 62 Step 1 Revision Review Lesson 61 by drawing a small, simple street plan of your town or city on the Bb, or by looking at the map on SB Lesson 61, Page 6. As you draw, ask Where’s the video shop? Get the students to say It’s next to the Ladies’ Room. Say, That’s right, it’s on the corner. Ask the students, What other places are on corners? Ask the students to give you directions to different places. Step 2 Presentation On the street play, draw three or four bus routes with different coloured chalk. The bus routes should go past the buildings on the street plan. Present this dialogue: A: Excuse me! Which is the way to the hospital? B: Sorry, I don’t know. Ask the man over there. He may know. A: Excuse me! Where’s the hospital, please? C: It’s a long way. You’d better take a bus. A: Which bus goes there? C: The number 9. It’ll take about half an hour. Explain the use of may in He may know. Repeat, using different places and bus numbers. Get the students to play the part of B and C. Then they can practise in pairs or groups of three. Step 4 Read and act. SB Page 7, Part 2, Speech Cassette Lesson 62. Books closed! Ask Where is the woman going? What number bus do they catch? Play the tape for the students to find the answers. Books open! Look at the pictures. Get the students to describe the two people. Play the tape again for the students to listen and repeat. Explain the new words and expressions. Step 5 Practice Get the students to act out the dialogue in groups of three. Divide the whole dialogue into two parts. Read and act out each part. Finally set some groups to act out the dialogue, performing all the actions. The actors should use their books for reference only. Let them look at each line before they say it-they should try to avoid reading each line directly. Homework Finish off the workbook exercises. Lesson 63 Step 1 Revision Get the students to retell the story in Lesson 62 in pairs. Check some of the students. Step 2 Read and think SB Page 8, Part 1. Have the students look at the pictures. Choose student volunteers to read the dialogue in each of the pictures. See if the students can guess the meaning of the word cut. Ask the students if they can see the difference in the use of may in the second and third picture. Step 3 Presentation Tell the students I can’t find my pen. I know! It may be in my pocket! No, it may be on the floor! No, it isn’t. Continue with more It may …! No it isn’t. Then It may be in my desk! Oh yes, here it is! Repeat with other subjects in the room, and get the students to suggest where the object may be. Write may be and maybe on the Bb and tell the difference. Step 4 Practice 1 SB Page 8, Part 2. Read through the example with the students. Teach geography, physics, history and key. Then let the students work in pairs. 2 If there is time, play the eraser game, but the student who has to find the eraser says It may be in …’s right hand. That student will answer No, it isn’t / Yes, it is. Step 5 Presentation Draw a picture of Jim on the Bb. Perform this dialogue with him. T: Jim, what are you going to do when you are older? J: I’m not sure. May be sell computers. Repeat for Lucy. Say the sentences again. Get the students to listen and repeat. Teach the meaning of I’m not sure. Ask some students What are you going to do when you are older? Help them to answer. Then students ask and answer in pairs. Step 6 Ask and answer SB Page 8, part 3. Read through the dialogues with the students. Then let the students work in pairs. At the end of the exercise, ask some students What are you going to do tonight, etc…? Homework Finish off the workbook exercises. Do Wb Lesson 53, Ex. 2 as written work. Lesson 64 Step 1 Revision Revise I can’t find my …! It may be … Send two students out of the room. Hid A’s pen. Call A and B back into the room. Tell B to make suggestions like this: A: I can’t find my pen! B: It may be on the floor. A: No, it isn’t. B: It may be in your desk. Repeat with another pair of students. Step 2 Listening SB Page 9, Part `, Listening Cassette Lesson 64. Do Wb Lesson 64, Ex.1 as the students listen to the tape. Your may need to play the tape more than once. Check the answers with the class. Step 3 Presentation Spelling game. Play this game in small groups. Give an example with the whole class first. A: How do you spell “hospital”, B? B: I’m not sure. C may know. C: H-o-s-p-I-t-a-l. How do you spell “cinema” D? D: I’m not sure. A may know. Etc. Step 4 Practice SB Page 9, part 2. Go through the dialogues with the students. The students work in pairs asking and answering. Do Wb Lesson 64, Ex. 2. Step 5 Read and draw SB Page 9, Part 3. Go through the dialogue with the whole class. Draw a map showing where B’s home is on the Bb. Then the students practise in pairs. One of the students has to give directions and draw a little map. The students may change the dialogue to fit their real-life home. Then the students change roles. Ask some pairs to act out their dialogues. Step 6 Writing SB Page 9, Part 4. In small groups, have the students write a dialogue about how to get somewhere that is on the map on Page 6. Make sure the students write a dialogue where everyone in the groups to share their dialogue with the class. Step 7 Reading SB Pages 9- 10, Part 5, Speech Cassette Lesson 64. This part is optional. Books closed! Ask Why did Mrs Lee have to return to the restaurant? Play the tape and check the answer and have the students listen and repeat. Step 8 Checkpoint 16 Go through Checkpoint 16 in the usual way. Discuss any problems that the students raise. Homework Finish of the Wb exercises. Lesson 65 Step 1 Revision 1 Ask directions to different places in your town. 2. Check homework: Wb Lesson 64, Ex. 5. Call out several students to show their maps and read aloud the instructions for their guests to find their homes. Step 2 Presentation Draw a road on the Bb. Say Joan wants to cross the road. First, se must stop. Then she must look carefully. Then she can cross the road. But she must walk across the road. But she must walk across the road. She mustn’t run! Perform actions for each sentence. Say the sentences again and get the students to listen and repeat. Explain that must is used when we tell someone what to do. Get the students to tell you how Ann should cross the road. Step 3Read and act. SB page 11, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 65. Talk about the picture: Who can you see? What does Kate want to do? What is Jim saying to her? Etc. Play the tape the students to listen and repeat. Then students practice the dialogue in pairs. Get some pairs to act it out. Using appropriate. Step 4 Read and say SB Page 11, Part 2, Speech Cassette Lesson 65. Students read the instructions Then ask What must you do when the lights are green /red? Explain when as a conjunction. Give further examples of duties, e.g. When the telephone rings, I must answer it. When I get up, I must wash my face. Give some half-sentences for the students to finish. Now take the students’ sentences and switch them around, making the subordinating clause the second clause in the sentence, e.g. I must wash my face, when I get up. It is important to show the students that unlike in Chinese, the when clause ma come second in an English sentence. Step 5 Presentation SB Page 11, Part 3. Introduce the word if by saying If it rains tomorrow, I will be unhappy. If it is sunny tomorrow, I will be happy. Get the students to guess the meaning of if. Tell the students that if is usually used with the Simple Present Tense even when the main clause is in the Future tense. Get them to make sentences about the weather in the same way. Some of the answers may be used more than once. Step 6.Workbook Wb Lesson 65, Exx.1 and 2 can be done orally in class. Ask individual students to volunteer reading the sentences to the rest of the class in Ex. 2 and translate them into Chinese. For Ex.3, have the students either work in pairs or in small groups to discuss the pictures. Homework Have students write a few sentences giving advice to friend. They must use the words must and mustn’t. Write down the sentences in the exercise book for Wb Lesson 65, Ex. 3 Lesson 66 Step 1 Revision Revise Lesson 65. Give the students an example of a school rule, e.g. You must do eye exercises every day/ wear your school uniform. Get students to use must and must not to give some school rules. Write them on the Bb. Step 2 Presentation Present the two dialogues: 1 A: If the weather is fine on Sunday, I will go for a walk. B: Are you sure? A: Yes. 2 A: If the weather is fine / hot on Sunday, I may go for a walk. B: Are you sure? A: No, I’m not sure. Explain in Chinese that if sentences with will are used for definite plans or results, but sentences with may are for plans or results that are not definite. Step 3 Presentation Before you start this presentation, take two students aside and tell them to jump the queue. Tell five other students to line up. As they are lining up, the two students will probably get a little upset because the two students jumped the queue. Say Look at the 2 students.. They jumped the queue and the other students are not pleased with them. Step 4 Reading SB Page 12, Part 2, Speech cassette Lesson 66. Ask Was the queue jumper really a queue jumper? Let the students scan the passage quickly to find the answer. Then read it more slowly. Explain the new words and expressions in the text. Then play the tape as a model for the students to practice reading aloud. Ask the students When the woman says, “If I get there early, I can see the doctor quickly,” is she sure or not sure? Step 5 Workbook Wb Lesson 66, Exx. 2 and 3. For Ex. 2, have the students work individually to fill in the blanks. Check their answers with the whole class. If time permits, get some of them to retell the story. Ex. 3 can be done orally in class. Homework Finish off the workbook exercises. Lesson 67 Step 1 Revision Get the students to retell the story “The queue jumper.” Step 2 presentation In small groups, have the students discuss the following question. Ask What must you do when you are sick? Have the students make a list of the things they must do, i.e., drink lots of water, see a doctor, etc. As a class discuss the answers. Step 3 Read and act 1 SB page 13, Part 1, Speech cassette Lesson 67. Books closed! Ask What’s wrong with Kate? Play the tape for the students to find the answer. Books open! Play the tape again. Students listen and repeat. Ask Why does Kate feel better? Expain the sentence You mustn’t eat anything until you see the doctor by translation. 2 Get some pairs to act out the dialogue. See who can do it without books.. Students may change the names of the characters to their own if they wish. 3 Do Wb Lesson 67, Ex. 1. Step 4 Learn SB Page 13, Part. Read over the sentences with the students. Have the students guess the similarities between them. Explain that when, if, after and before are used as subordinating conjunctions. The clause that follows a subordinating conjunction, is not a complete sentence. Step 5 Practice SB Page 12, part3. have the students finish the sentences individually. Then have the students share their answers with the class. Step 6 Workbook Wb Lesson 67, Ex. 3 Get the students to work together in pairs. Homework Revise the use of if, when before and after in subordinating clauses. Write the complete sentences down in the exercise book for Wb Lesson 67, Ex. 3 Lesson 68 Step 1 Revision 1 Check homework. 2 Revise Lesson 67 by asking several more students to share their answers from part 3. Step 2 Listening SB Page 14, Part 1, Listening Cassette Lesson 68. Wb Lesson 68, Ex. 2. Ask the students to raise their hands as soon as they hear a mistake. You may need to play the tape two or three time for everyone to hear the mistakes. Check the answers with the class. Step 3 Presentation Teach a song that is very energetic. If it has motions, that is better. You need something to get the students a little noisy. When they are a little too loud say, YOuo must stop making so much noise! Step 4 Read and answer SB Page 14, Part 2, Speech Cassette Lesson 68. Give the students 3 minutes to skim the passage for the main idea. Check the answer. Teach the new words and expressions change, bell, arrive, surprise, police, enjoy oneself and themselves by having the students guess the words from the context. Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat. Ask the class as a whole the questions orally. If the students think the answer is right they should put their thumb up. If they think the answer is wrong, they should put their thumb down. Step 5 Writing Sb Page 15, Part 3. This Part is optional. Have the students work in pairs to fill in the blanks. Then you may want to assign the writing part as homework if time is not enough. Step 6 Checkpoint 17 Go through Checkpoint 17 in the usual way. Go over the grammar notes on Types of Sentences and the Adverbial Clause on pages 159-160 of the SB. Practise the “useful expressions”. Explain any problems the students raise. Homework Finish off the workbook exercise. Write Ex. 7 down in the exercise book. Lesson 69 Step 1 Revision 1 Go over the homework. 2 Revise the parts of the body: eyes, ears, mouth, head, back, arm, foot, leg, etc. Step 2 Presentation Present this dialogue A: I don’t feel very well. B: Oh dear! What’s the trouble? A: I’ve got a headache. B: Oh, you’d better stay in bed. See if the students can guess the meaning of trouble. Get the students to listen and repeat. Divide the class into two halves to practice the dialogue. Make sure the students use gestures. Change the dialogue to I’ve caught a cold and practice again. Let the students practice the dialogues in pairs. Step 3 Read and act SB Page 16, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 69. Play tape and have the students listen and repeat, paying careful attention to the intonation. Teach the word the terrible. Step 4 Puzzle dialogue SB Page 16,. Part 2. Teach the meaning of serious. Divide the students into groups of three. Have them fill in the blanks with the correct answers. Then get the students to role-play the dialogue. They may change the dialogue to create a new situation at the doctor’s if they wish. Step 5 Look, say and write SB Page 16, part 3. Get students to work pairs. Check the answers as a class. Homework Finish off the workbook exercises. Write down Ex. 3 in the exercise book. Lesson 70 Step 1 Revision 1 Check the homework. Get some students to read aloud their notes asking for sick leave. 2 Revise the dialogue from SB Page 16, part 2. Get several small groups to act it out for the class. Step 2 Presentation Have the students look at the picture on SB Page 17. Ask What is the boy doing ? What do you think he is dreaming about? Say I had the worst dream last night. I was running and running but I couldn’t wake up. Finally I woke up and stopped dreaming. Then I went back to sleep, but as soon as I fell asleep again, I started dreaming that I was running and running again. Today I’m very tired. Write on the Bb the new words. Say fast asleep is an idiom. Step 4 Reading SB Page 17, Part 2, Speech Cassette Lesson 70. Ask Did Roy finally get a good night sleep? Books closed! Play the tape and students listen for the answer. Books open. Play the tape again and have students read the text along with the tape. Teach the words and phrases. Step 4 Practice Do Wb Lesson 70, Ex. 1 and 2 In pairs ask the students to write down a dream they have had using at least three of the new vocabulary words and phrases. In small groups, have the students read their dreams to each other. Homework Finish off the workbook exercises. Review the new vocabulary and phrase. Lesson 71 Step 1 Revision 1 Revise the new vocabulary by asking the students to share the dreams they wrote down. 2 Revise the text in Lesson 70 by asking the students to tell what kind of dreams Roy had and what he dreamt of after he listened to music. Step 2 Presentation Say I like to eat chocolate. It tastes delicious, but I mustn’t eat too much, or I’ll become too heavy. Ask What do you like to eat that tastes delicious? Write the suggestions on the Bb. Ask Which foods mustn’t you eat too much of? Check these. Step 3 Practice SB Page 18, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 71. Books closed ! Ask How much chocolate can the wife eat? Play the tape and check the answer. Books open. Divide the class into two groups –boys and girls. The boys read the man’s part and the girls read the woman’s part. Step 4 Look, match and read SB Lesson 71m Page 18, Part 2. Read through the sentences with the students. Point out the linking verbs be, taste, seem, feel and smell which are followed by adjectives. Describe the new words angry, hard and smell with gestures. In pairs, get the students to match the sentences with the pictures. Step 5 presentation Ask What do you want to become when you grow up? Teach become. Write the following on the Bb: I want to become a … when I grow up.. Have the students tell their partners what they want to be. Step 6 Reading SB Page 18, Part 3, Speech Cassette Lesson 71. Before reading about Florence Nightingale ask the students to skim the reading and look for the main idea. Teach rich. Now have the students scan the reading about Henry Norman Bethune for the answer to the following questions, Where was Dr. Bethune born? And Why did he become very popular in China? Tell them to read more about Florence Nightingale and Dr Henry Norman Bethune in the notes on SB Page 137. Get the students to practice reading the passages aloud to their partners. Homework Finish off the workbook exercises. Write Ex. 1 in the exercise book. Lesson 72 Step 1 Revision 1 Check the homework. 2 Revise the linking verbs in SB Lesson 71 by asking students to make sentences with them. 3 Revise Part 3 in SB Lesson 71 by asking students to say something about Florence Nightingale and Dr Bethune. Step 2 Listening SB Page 19, Part 1, Listening Cassette Lesson 72. Wb Lesson 72m Ex 1. Books closed! Say Mr Brown’s head hurts. Ask What part of his head hurts? Play the tape for the students to answer the question. Then read through the questions in Wb Ex. 1 Make sure the students understand them. Play the tape once or twice for the students to find the answer. Let the students discuss their answers in pairs. Finally check the answers with whole class. Step 3 Practice SB Page 19, Part 2. Teach the word instead. In pairs, have the students match the sentences. Walk around and give help where needed. Ask several pairs to share their answers with the whole class. Step 4 Read and answer 1 SB Page 19-20, Part 3, Speech Cassette Lesson 72. Say to the students, Look at the picture. What can you see? What’s happening? Now read the dialogue quickly and find the answer to this question: What’s wrong with Mrs Brown? Let the students find the answer. 2 Teach the words and phrases instead of, enough, and thin. Tell the students to read the dialogue more carefully. Get them to discuss the questions after reading the story in pairs, 3 Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat. Then let the students practice the dialogue in pairs in the usual way. Step 5 Writing SB Page 20, Part 4. Students work individually to write the letter to their penfriend. Step 6 Checkpoint 18 Go through Checkpoint 18. Give the students extra practice when necessary: You can revise the dialogue from earlier lessons. Spend time on the “useful expressions.” Revise the new vocabulary in the unit. Homework Finish off the Wb exercises. Unit 19 A visit to island Lesson 73 Step 1 revision 1. Check homework 3 Get some students to retell the story about Mrs Brown SB Lessson 72. Step 2 read and act SB Page 21 Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 73. Books closed! Play the tape. Ask where are Bruce and Bill going to meet? When are they going to meet? Check the answers Play the tape again. Students listen and repeat. Then books open. Practise the dialogue with the students. Let the students work in pairs. Get some pairs to act out the dialogue, without books if possible. Step3 Presentation 1. talk about the picture on SB Page 21. Get the students to give us much information as they can: ask: How many islands can you see? Which is near? Which is farther/ the farthest? Where are the children? What are they doing? ect. Note the spelling of island. Let the students practice the pronunciation before they see the spelling. When you write the word on the SB, explain that the letter “s” is silent. 2. Ask three students (A, B and C) to come to the front and to stand one next to each other, close to you, like this: T_______A_______B_____C Say C is near. B is nearer than C, but A is the nearest. Repeat, then students listen and repeat. Then get the three students listen and repeat. Then get the three students to move away from you : T______________A______B______C Say A is far. B is farther than A, but C is the farthest. Get the students to listen and repeat. Ask students questions: Who is nearer, A or B? Who is farther/the farthest? etc. Step 4 Read and act SB Page 21 Part2, Speech Cassette, Lesson 73. Books closed! Ask Which island will they go to? Play the tape for the students to find the answer. Books open . Play the tae again for the students to listen and repeat. Then practice the dialogue in pairs. Ask some pairs to act it out. Step 5 Workbook Ex.2 should be done orally in small groups. Lesson 74. Step 1 revision 1. Check the homework. 2. Revise far/ farther/ farthest by asking about objects around the room. For example ask Which is farther from me, the door or the window? You may also ask students how far they can jump. Then make comparisons by asking Who jumps farther, A or B? who jumps farthest, A,B or C? Step 2 Pre-read SB Page 22, Part1. turn out the lights in the classroom. Then have the students close their eyes. Tell the students You are going to make a picture in your mind. Think that you are on an island with many trees. The wind is blowing and you hear the sea hit the beach. It smells funny and you hear strange noises. You are all alone. Give the students a few minutes of silence to thoroughly imagine themselves on the island. Now ask them to open their eyes and with their partners, discuss the questions. Then call out some students to give their answers. Step 3 Presentation 1. Draw a house on the Bb and teach this dialogue: A: Is there anybody in the house? B: Yes, I think there’s somebody in it. C: No. I don’t think there’s anybody in it/ There is nobody in it. Drill the dialogue using in the room/building/village/boat/or on the island, etc. Then show the students a handbag or a box and teach this dialogue: A: Is there anything in this bag? B: I don’t think there’s anything in it. C: I think there is something in it. Open your bag and tell the students if there is anything in it. Say: Yes, there’s something in it. Or there is nothing in it. Explain the use of anything, anybody, something, somebody, nothing and nobody. 2. Now draw a picture of children pulling a boat up from the water on the Bb. Then tell the story in SB Page 22. Explain the new words by gesture or facial expression, eg. happily, lots of and cry. Step4 Reading SB Page 22, Part2, Speech Cassette Lesson 74. Ask What do the children do on the island? Let the student scan the passage again more slowly. Ask the questions in WB L74, Ex1,and get the students to guess what happened to the children’s picnic. Reming the students of the use of negative questions when expresses pleasure in the same way. Tell them the meaning of all by ourselves, perhaps, no longer and get back. Now play the tape for the students to practice reading aloud Step5 Practice Divide the class into groups of six. One of them plays the part of a narrator. The others play Lucy, Jim, Kate, Bruce and Ah Fang. Read the text aloud. Change the roles. Act out the conversation. Ask one or two to give their performance in front of the class. Step6 Workbook Lesson 75 Step 1 Revision Get the students to retell the story from SB page 22, Part 2, L74. If your students have difficulty, you may ask questions about the story to help them. Step2 Presentation Revise the parts of the face. Teach the students these sentences, performing appropriate actions: I see with my eyes. I hear with my mouth. Get some students to act them out. Step3 Ask and answer Page 23, Part 1, Speech Cassette L75. Books closed! Ask what or who are on the island with the children? Play the tape and check the answer. Books open. Play the tape again and students listen and repeat. Point out the use of something, somebody, anything, and nobody, which corresponds to some, any, and no. We often use any, anything, and nobody in questions, e.g. Is there anybody on the island? Can’t you hear anything? We also use them in negative sentences, e.g. I can’t hear anything. Some, something and somebody are usually used in statements. In pairs have students substitute the answers in the box to make new dialogues. Ask several pairs to share their new dialogue. Do Wb Lessson 75, Ex.1 Step 4 Puzzle dialogues Sb Page 23, Part2. Read through the parts of the dialogues with the students. Explain too---to--- and everybody. Then get the students to work in pairs making sentences. Step5 Read and say SB Page 23, Part 3, Speech Cassette Lesson 75. Have the students cover up the dialogue with their hand. Then have them describe the picture to you. For example, The mom/sister is talking on the telephone. The boy is working/playing on the computer. The girls/twins are playing on the floor with a truck. There is a plant in the room, etc. Play the tape and get the students to read and repeat. Then ask the students to practice the dialogue in pairs. Step 6 workbook Lesson 76 Step 1 revision Get the students to retell the story in this unit. To help them with the reading, show the pictures in each lesson or ask questions. Step 2 Presentation Ask what did the children lose on the island? If it wasn’t mentioned in the retelling of the story. Ask Do you think the children will get the picnic basket back? If the students answers Yes, have him or her tell why they think that. The same goes for the students who answers No. Step3 reading SB Page 24 Part1, Speech Cassette Lesson 76. Tell the students to look at the pictures. Ask the students again, Do you think the children will get the picnic basket back? Who has the basket? How did the children get the basket back? Ask Where is the boat? Have students scan the passage for the answer. Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat. Teach as and eat up. Step 4 Listening SB Page 24 Part 2, Listening Cassette Lesson 76. Wb Lesson 76, Ex 2. Step 5 Listen, write and draw SB Pages 24-25, part 3. Before you read the text for the students, explain to them that you are going to read something to them and they need to follow the directions. You may need to read two or three times. Step 6 Writing Part 4. this part is optional. In small groups, have students write a report about their last school trip. Remember to tell the students that everyone must contribute to the report. Ask a group to read their report. Step 7 rhyme Part 5 Play the tape and let the students listen and repeat. Step 8 Checkpoint 19 Go through Checkpoint 19 in the usual way. Step 9 Workbook Unit 20 Mainly revision Lesson 77 Step 1 Revision Check the homework Step 2 Presentation Say I just got a computer, but I don’t know how to use it yet. I’ll have to learn how to use it by myself. Ask How many of you have a computer? How did you learn how to use it? Write the following dialogue on the Bb: A: I just got a computer, but I don’t know how to use it yet. B: Who is going to teach you, your parents? A: No, they don’t know anything about computers. B: Oh, neither do mine. A: I’ll have to learn by myself. Get the students to guess the meaning of yet and by myself. In pairs have the students practice the dialogue. Step 3 Read and act SB Page 26, Part 1, Speech cassette Lesson 77. Section A. Play the tape and have the students read and listen. Ask What does Han Mei’s cousin do? Check the answer. Play the tape again and have students repeat. Section B. Ask What do you have to do at home/ Do you have some kind of work to do to help your family? Play the tape while students read and listen. Ask Why did Paul have to take care of himself and his little brother? Check the answer. Play the tape again and have student practice both dialogues. Allow them to change the dialogue to fit a situation they might have at home. Ask several pairs to act out their dialogues. Step 4 Write SB Page 26, Part. Get the students to guess them meaning of sad. Have the students make a list of things that make them happy and 5 things that make them sad. Then have a class scramble where the students walk around the class and ask at least three other people what makes them sad and happy. As a class ask the students to share what they have discovered. Homework Finish off the workbook exercises. Do Wb Lesson 77, Ex. 1 in the exercise book. Lesson 78 Step 1 Revision Check the homework Revise the family relationships of aunt, uncle and cousin, etc. Step 2 Presentation Books closed! Show the students how to begin writing a diary. On the Bb draw a rectangle that represents a page from a diary. Place the date and day on the top left hand side, and the weather on the right hand side. Now give the students a few minutes to do the same on a piece of paper. Now have the students write something in their diary. They should write in English. They may use their dictionaries if necessary. However, encourage the students to use the language they know. Step 3 Reading SB page 27, Part 2, Speech Cassette Lesson 78. Ask What’s the main idea of the diary? Give the students about three minutes to skim the test for the main idea of the reading. Check the answer. Teach the new words. Play the tape while the students read along silently. Play the tape again and get the students to repeat. Step 5 Read and act Get the class to read the dialogue in pairs. Huang: Grandma is sick. I have to take her to hospital. But my baby …/ I can’t leave her by herself. What can I do? Ling: I don’t have any lessons this afternoon. I can look after her for you. Huang: Oh that’s great! Thanks so much, Xiao Feng. Call out several pairs to act out the dialogue. Step 6 Practice In pairs, have the students retell the story. Then ask them to tell their own story of what in waas like to watch a younger child, or play with a younger child, if possible. Homework Finish off the workbook exercises. Revise the new vocabulary. Write a diary as Wb Lesson 78, Ex. 3 requires. Lesson 79 Check the homework. Get some students to answer the questions about Ling Feng’s diary. Then ask some students to retell the story. Step 2 Presentation Revise dates and months. Say It’ll be July soon. We’ll have the exams. After we finish the exams, we’ll have our summer holidays. Ask the class What are you going to do in your summer holidays? Then you may say what you are going to do, e.g. I’ll go to my hometown. I’ll visit my uncle and aunt there. And I’ll also go to visit a few cities-places of interest in China. Then ask the students Where shall I go for my holiday? What other places shall I go to see? Step 3 Read and act SB Page 28, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 79. Let the students listen to the tape to find the answers these questions: What cities is Emma going to visit in her summer holidays? What will Hu Xin do? Check the answers. Have the students guess the meaning of the new word wonderful. The listen to the tape again and repeat after it. Get the students to read the dialogue in pairs. Call out several pairs to act out the dialogue. Step 4 Write SSB Page 28, Part 3. Have the students individually make two lists. One a can do list, and the other a can’t do list. Then have the students talk about their lists in pairs. As a class, take a poll and see how many students can do something and can’t do something. Homework Write Wb Lesson 79, ex 3 in the exercise book. Lesson 80 Step 1 Revision Check the homework. Get several pairs to tell their stories from Wb Lesson 79, Ex 3. Step 2 Study and match SB Page 29, Part 1. Go through each of the sentences carefully and point out every part of the sentences. Give more examples when necessary. Note that S stands for the subject, V for the Verb, O for the object and P for the predicative. In pairs ask the students to match the kinds of sentence patterns with the sentences, Check the answers with the whole class. Step 3 Listening SB Page 29, Part2. Listening cassette Lesson 80. Play the tape. Then look at the questions in Wb Lesson 80, Ex. 1. see how many of the question s the students can answer orally. If the students can answer all of he question go on, if not, play the tape again while the students are looking at the questions. Step 4 Writing SB Page 29-30, Part 4. In groups of four, have the students fill in the blanks with the correct words. Check the answers as a class. Then have the students practice the dialogue. Encourage the students who are playing the part of the teacher to use intonation and body language that show anger. Ask several groups to act out the dialogue for the class. Step 6 Read and answer SB Page 30, Part 5, Speech Cassette Lesson 80. Let the students scan the passage quickly to find the answer to the question why did the monkey laugh in the end of the story? Check the answer. Books closed. Play the tape for the students to listen to the story. Write down the new words on the Bb. Get the students to guess the meaning of these words form the context of the story. Play the tape again for the students to practice reading aloud. If there is time, ask students to role-play the story. Homework Finish off the workbook exercises. Write Wb Lesson 80, Ex. 7 in the exercise book. Lesson 81 Step 1 Revision Check the homework Step 2 Presentation Say I just got a computer, but I don’t know how to use it yet. I’ll have to learn how to use it by myself. Ask How many of you have a computer? How did you learn how to use it? Write the following dialogue on the Bb: A: I just got a computer, but I don’t know how to use it yet. B: Who is going to teach you, your parents? A: No, they don’t know anything about computers. B: Oh, neither do mine. A: I’ll have to learn by myself. Get the students to guess the meaning of yet and by myself. In pairs have the students practice the dialogue. Step 3 Read and act SB Page 26, Part 1, Speech cassette Lesson 77. Section A. Play the tape and have the students read and listen. Ask What does Han Mei’s cousin do? Check the answer. Play the tape again and have students repeat. Section B. Ask What do you have to do at home/ Do you have some kind of work to do to help your family? Play the tape while students read and listen. Ask Why did Paul have to take care of himself and his little brother? Check the answer. Play the tape again and have student practice both dialogues. Allow them to change the dialogue to fit a situation they might have at home. Ask several pairs to act out their dialogues. Step 4 Write SB Page 26, Part. Get the students to guess them meaning of sad. Have the students make a list of things that make them happy and 5 things that make them sad. Then have a class scramble where the students walk around the class and ask at least three other people what makes them sad and happy. As a class ask the students to share what they have discovered. Homework Finish off the workbook exercises. Do Wb Lesson 77, Ex. 1 in the exercise book. Lesson 82 Step 1 Revision Check the homework Revise the family relationships of aunt, uncle and cousin, etc. Step 2 Presentation Books closed! Show the students how to begin writing a diary. On the Bb draw a rectangle that represents a page from a diary. Place the date and day on the top left hand side, and the weather on the right hand side. Now give the students a few minutes to do the same on a piece of paper. Now have the students write something in their diary. They should write in English. They may use their dictionaries if necessary. However, encourage the students to use the language they know. Step 3 Reading SB page 27, Part 2, Speech Cassette Lesson 78. Ask What’s the main idea of the diary? Give the students about three minutes to skim the test for the main idea of the reading. Check the answer. Teach the new words. Play the tape while the students read along silently. Play the tape again and get the students to repeat. Step 5 Read and act Get the class to read the dialogue in pairs. Huang: Grandma is sick. I have to take her to hospital. But my baby …/ I can’t leave her by herself. What can I do? Ling: I don’t have any lessons this afternoon. I can look after her for you. Huang: Oh that’s great! Thanks so much, Xiao Feng. Call out several pairs to act out the dialogue. Step 6 Practice In pairs, have the students retell the story. Then ask them to tell their own story of what in waas like to watch a younger child, or play with a younger child, if possible. Homework Finish off the workbook exercises. Revise the new vocabulary. Write a diary as Wb Lesson 78, Ex. 3 requires. Lesson 83 Check the homework. Get some students to answer the questions about Ling Feng’s diary. Then ask some students to retell the story. Step 2 Presentation Revise dates and months. Say It’ll be July soon. We’ll have the exams. After we finish the exams, we’ll have our summer holidays. Ask the class What are you going to do in your summer holidays? Then you may say what you are going to do, e.g. I’ll go to my hometown. I’ll visit my uncle and aunt there. And I’ll also go to visit a few cities-places of interest in China. Then ask the students Where shall I go for my holiday? What other places shall I go to see? Step 3 Read and act SB Page 28, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 79. Let the students listen to the tape to find the answers these questions: What cities is Emma going to visit in her summer holidays? What will Hu Xin do? Check the answers. Have the students guess the meaning of the new word wonderful. The listen to the tape again and repeat after it. Get the students to read the dialogue in pairs. Call out several pairs to act out the dialogue. Step 4 Write SSB Page 28, Part 3. Have the students individually make two lists. One a can do list, and the other a can’t do list. Then have the students talk about their lists in pairs. As a class, take a poll and see how many students can do something and can’t do something. Homework Write Wb Lesson 79, ex 3 in the exercise book. Lesson 84 Step 1 Revision Check the homework. Get several pairs to tell their stories from Wb Lesson 79, Ex 3. Step 2 Study and match SB Page 29, Part 1. Go through each of the sentences carefully and point out every part of the sentences. Give more examples when necessary. Note that S stands for the subject, V for the Verb, O for the object and P for the predicative. In pairs ask the students to match the kinds of sentence patterns with the sentences, Check the answers with the whole class. Step 3 Listening SB Page 29, Part2. Listening cassette Lesson 80. Play the tape. Then look at the questions in Wb Lesson 80, Ex. 1. see how many of the question s the students can answer orally. If the students can answer all of he question go on, if not, play the tape again while the students are looking at the questions. Step 4 Writing SB Page 29-30, Part 4. In groups of four, have the students fill in the blanks with the correct words. Check the answers as a class. Then have the students practice the dialogue. Encourage the students who are playing the part of the teacher to use intonation and body language that show anger. Ask several groups to act out the dialogue for the class. Step 6 Read and answer SB Page 30, Part 5, Speech Cassette Lesson 80. Let the students scan the passage quickly to find the answer to the question why did the monkey laugh in the end of the story? Check the answer. Books closed. Play the tape for the students to listen to the story. Write down the new words on the Bb. Get the students to guess the meaning of these words form the context of the story. Play the tape again for the students to practice reading aloud. If there is time, ask students to role-play the story. Homework Finish off the workbook exercises. Write Wb Lesson 80, Ex. 7 in the exercise book. Unit 22 Lesson 85 Step 1 revision 2. Check homework 4 Get some students to retell the story about Mrs Brown SB Lessson 72. Step 2 read and act SB Page 21 Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 73. Books closed! Play the tape. Ask where are Bruce and Bill going to meet? When are they going to meet? Check the answers Play the tape again. Students listen and repeat. Then books open. Practise the dialogue with the students. Let the students work in pairs. Get some pairs to act out the dialogue, without books if possible. Step3 Presentation 3. talk about the picture on SB Page 21. Get the students to give us much information as they can: ask: How many islands can you see? Which is near? Which is farther/ the farthest? Where are the children? What are they doing? ect. Note the spelling of island. Let the students practice the pronunciation before they see the spelling. When you write the word on the SB, explain that the letter “s” is silent. 4. Ask three students (A, B and C) to come to the front and to stand one next to each other, close to you, like this: T_______A_______B_____C Say C is near. B is nearer than C, but A is the nearest. Repeat, then students listen and repeat. Then get the three students listen and repeat. Then get the three students to move away from you : T______________A______B______C Say A is far. B is farther than A, but C is the farthest. Get the students to listen and repeat. Ask students questions: Who is nearer, A or B? Who is farther/the farthest? etc. Step 4 Read and act SB Page 21 Part2, Speech Cassette, Lesson 73. Books closed! Ask Which island will they go to? Play the tape for the students to find the answer. Books open . Play the tae again for the students to listen and repeat. Then practice the dialogue in pairs. Ask some pairs to act it out. Step 5 Workbook Ex.2 should be done orally in small groups. Lesson 86 Step 1 revision 3. Check the homework. 4. Revise far/ farther/ farthest by asking about objects around the room. For example ask Which is farther from me, the door or the window? You may also ask students how far they can jump. Then make comparisons by asking Who jumps farther, A or B? who jumps farthest, A,B or C? Step 2 Pre-read SB Page 22, Part1. turn out the lights in the classroom. Then have the students close their eyes. Tell the students You are going to make a picture in your mind. Think that you are on an island with many trees. The wind is blowing and you hear the sea hit the beach. It smells funny and you hear strange noises. You are all alone. Give the students a few minutes of silence to thoroughly imagine themselves on the island. Now ask them to open their eyes and with their partners, discuss the questions. Then call out some students to give their answers. Step 3 Presentation 3. Draw a house on the Bb and teach this dialogue: A: Is there anybody in the house? B: Yes, I think there’s somebody in it. C: No. I don’t think there’s anybody in it/ There is nobody in it. Drill the dialogue using in the room/building/village/boat/or on the island, etc. Then show the students a handbag or a box and teach this dialogue: A: Is there anything in this bag? B: I don’t think there’s anything in it. C: I think there is something in it. Open your bag and tell the students if there is anything in it. Say: Yes, there’s something in it. Or there is nothing in it. Explain the use of anything, anybody, something, somebody, nothing and nobody. 4. Now draw a picture of children pulling a boat up from the water on the Bb. Then tell the story in SB Page 22. Explain the new words by gesture or facial expression, eg. happily, lots of and cry. Step4 Reading SB Page 22, Part2, Speech Cassette Lesson 74. Ask What do the children do on the island? Let the student scan the passage again more slowly. Ask the questions in WB L74, Ex1,and get the students to guess what happened to the children’s picnic. Reming the students of the use of negative questions when expresses pleasure in the same way. Tell them the meaning of all by ourselves, perhaps, no longer and get back. Now play the tape for the students to practice reading aloud Step5 Practice Divide the class into groups of six. One of them plays the part of a narrator. The others play Lucy, Jim, Kate, Bruce and Ah Fang. Read the text aloud. Change the roles. Act out the conversation. Ask one or two to give their performance in front of the class. Step6 Workbook Lesson 87 Step 1 Revision Get the students to retell the story from SB page 22, Part 2, L74. If your students have difficulty, you may ask questions about the story to help them. Step2 Presentation Revise the parts of the face. Teach the students these sentences, performing appropriate actions: I see with my eyes. I hear with my mouth. Get some students to act them out. Step3 Ask and answer Page 23, Part 1, Speech Cassette L75. Books closed! Ask what or who are on the island with the children? Play the tape and check the answer. Books open. Play the tape again and students listen and repeat. Point out the use of something, somebody, anything, and nobody, which corresponds to some, any, and no. We often use any, anything, and nobody in questions, e.g. Is there anybody on the island? Can’t you hear anything? We also use them in negative sentences, e.g. I can’t hear anything. Some, something and somebody are usually used in statements. In pairs have students substitute the answers in the box to make new dialogues. Ask several pairs to share their new dialogue. Do Wb Lessson 75, Ex.1 Step 4 Puzzle dialogues Sb Page 23, Part2. Read through the parts of the dialogues with the students. Explain too---to--- and everybody. Then get the students to work in pairs making sentences. Step5 Read and say SB Page 23, Part 3, Speech Cassette Lesson 75. Have the students cover up the dialogue with their hand. Then have them describe the picture to you. For example, The mom/sister is talking on the telephone. The boy is working/playing on the computer. The girls/twins are playing on the floor with a truck. There is a plant in the room, etc. Play the tape and get the students to read and repeat. Then ask the students to practice the dialogue in pairs. Step 6 workbook Lesson 88 Step 1 revision Get the students to retell the story in this unit. To help them with the reading, show the pictures in each lesson or ask questions. Step 2 Presentation Ask what did the children lose on the island? If it wasn’t mentioned in the retelling of the story. Ask Do you think the children will get the picnic basket back? If the students answers Yes, have him or her tell why they think that. The same goes for the students who answers No. Step3 reading SB Page 24 Part1, Speech Cassette Lesson 76. Tell the students to look at the pictures. Ask the students again, Do you think the children will get the picnic basket back? Who has the basket? How did the children get the basket back? Ask Where is the boat? Have students scan the passage for the answer. Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat. Teach as and eat up. Step 4 Listening SB Page 24 Part 2, Listening Cassette Lesson 76. Wb Lesson 76, Ex 2. Step 5 Listen, write and draw SB Pages 24-25, part 3. Before you read the text for the students, explain to them that you are going to read something to them and they need to follow the directions. You may need to read two or three times. Step 6 Writing Part 4. this part is optional. In small groups, have students write a report about their last school trip. Remember to tell the students that everyone must contribute to the report. Ask a group to read their report. Step 7 rhyme Part 5 Play the tape and let the students listen and repeat. Step 8 Checkpoint 19 Go through Checkpoint 19 in the usual way. Step 9 Workbook Lesson 89 Step 1 Revision Check the writing tasks: a report about the sports meeting and the 8 sentences from Wb Lesson 88, Ex. 5 Step 2 Presentation Say Last night I watched a movie with Zhang Ziyi in it. I think she is a famous person. Write on the Bb, Who is a famous person that you like? Why? Get the students to guess the meaning of person. In pairs, have the students discuss the question s. Then ask several students to discuss who they think is famous and why. Say It’s not just actors / actresses and musicians who are famous. What are some other things that people do to make them famous? Get the students to give suggestions such as writers, politicians. Step 2 Read and act SB Page 41, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 89. Ask the students to find the answer to the question, Why does Jim like Bill Gates? Play the tape and have the students listen and repeat. Teach the word and phrase interested and be interested in. See if the students understand thought, technology, and best-seller from the context. In pairs have the students practice the dialogue. Step 4 Presentation Say I always wanted to be a teacher. Ask What do you want to be? Have a class scramble where the students ask each other, What do you want to be? Write this sentence on the Bb. Each students needs to ask 5 other students what they want to be. Then have them come back as a class and take a poll as to how many students want to be businessmen, teachers, etc. Ask Can a person do more than one thing/ Ask the students to give you some examples such as a teacher who also writes books, etc. Step 5 Read and practise SB Page 41, Part 2. In pairs have the students read the dialogue. Then have students make up their own dialogues based on the dialogue given. Ask several pairs to say their new dialogues for the class. Be sure that you ask different pairs of students each time so that every student has a chance to share with the class. Homework Finish off the workbook exercises. Write the answers to the interview from Wb Lesson 89, Ex. 2 and the sentences in Ex. 3 in the exercise book. Lesson 90 Step 1 Revision 1 Check the homework 2 Ask several students to share some of their answers from their interviews and their sentences from Wb Lesson 89, Ex. 3. Step 2 Pre-read SB Page 42, Part 1. In small groups have the students discuss the questions. Then have the students share their answers together. If the students don’t know much about Bill Gates, ask the students if they know what a personal computer is. Then ask if they know the names of different computer software companies. Guide them to answer Microsoft. Say Bill Gates helped Microsoft make things easier for people to use their programmes, such as Microsoft word. Help the students to guess the meaning of programme. Step 3 Reading SB Page 42, Part 2, Speech Cassette Lesson 90. Review how to skim a text. For Skimming, a person should read only the first and last sentence of each paragraph. Give the students three minutes to skim the test for the main idea. Point out how the text is laid out to give the students clues about the main idea. Ask the students to scan the text for the answer to the following question: Check the answer. Teach the new words. Play the tape and have the students listen and read along. Do Wb Lesson 90, Ex 1. Step 4 Workbook Wb Lesson 90. Exx. 2 and 3. Ex 2 can be done orally in pairs. Before starting to do Ex. 3, get the students to revise the new words and expression s in the reading passage. After the sentences are |
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