unit 14 Festivals词组(人教版高一英语下册教案教学设计) |
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1. dress up 2. celebrate & congratulate 3. would & used to 4. as well as & as well 5. as much as 6. each time & time-clause 7. Earth Day 8. Day Off & Day On 9. the living and the dead 10. rather & fairly, quite, pretty, very 表示程度 11. April Fool's Day 12. play tricks on sb 13. take in 14. decorate 15. jealous & envy 16. grave & tomb 17. lunar calendar & solar calendar Word Study 1. theme ⑴ a subject of a talk or piece of writing 题目;主题;话题 Stamp collecting was the theme of his talk. ⑵ an idea that is developed or repeated in the work of a writer or artist 主题,中心思想 2. dress up (Point 1) ⑴ put on one's best or special clothes穿上盛装 All the family members dressed up for the party. ⑵ make sth or sb more attractive, as with clothing装饰;使变得更具魅力 ⑶ put on a costume for fun or clothes for a part in a play 化装 Mary was dressed up to play Cinderella in her school play. 3. parade: an occasion when a group of people stand or walk in a procession so that people can look at them 游行 ;行进 there used to be a military parade in Red square on I May. 4. Ramadan: the ninth month of the year in the Moslem calendar 斋月 5. Arabic: of or relating to Arabia, the Arabs, their language, or their culture. 阿拉伯人的(尤指其语言或其文学) ㈠ Arab: a member of an Arabic-speaking people; a member of a people who lived originally in Arabia and who now live in many part of the Middle East and North Africa 阿拉伯人 ㈡ Arabia: a peninsula of southwest Asia between the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf. Politically, it includes Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, and Kuwait. Arabia has an estimated one third of the world's oil reserves.阿拉伯半岛 亚洲西南部的一个半岛,位于红海与波斯湾之间。政治上它包 括沙特阿拉伯、也门、阿曼、阿联酋、卡塔尔、巴林及科威特。据估计, 阿拉伯半岛拥有世界储油量的三分之一 ㈢ Arabian: of Arabia, esp the peninsula consisting Saudi Arabia and several other countries 阿拉伯的, 阿拉伯人的 Arabian bird 凤凰 Arabian jasmine 白茉莉 Arabian camel (阿拉伯产的)单峰驼 Arabian Nights《一千零一夜》(《天方夜谭》) ㈣ Arabic : the Semitic language or writing of the Arabs which is the main language of North Arabia, the Middle East and Arabia 阿拉伯语 6. holy ⑴connected with God or with religion and therefore very special or sacred 神圣的;上帝的 ⑵ (used about a person) serving God; living according to a strict or highly moral religious or spiritual system; pure; saintly 圣洁的 7. Easter: the Sunday in March or April when Christians celebrate Christ's return to life 复活节 8. symbol ㈠ symbol ⑴ something that represents or suggests something else such as an idea or quality 象征 The lion is often used as a symbol of courage. The colour white is a symbol of purity. In the picture the tree is the symbol of life and the snake the symbol of evil. ⑵(for) a letter, sign or figure which expresses a sound, operation, number, chemical substance, etc. 符号,记号, 标记 H2O is the chemical symbol for water. In maths, x is the symbol for an unknown quantity. The marks +、-、× and ÷ are symbols for add, subtract, multiply, and divide. ㈡sign ⑴a standard mark, something which is seen and represents a generally-known meaning; symbol 符号,记号 The signs for add, subtract, multiply and divide are +、-、×、÷. A red flag was placed there as a sign of danger. ⑵a movement of the body intended to express a particular meaning or command; signal 手势,姿势,信号 He nodded as sign of agreement. She put her finger to her tips as a sign to be quiet. He made a sign for me to follow him. ⑶ a notice giving information, warning, direction, etc. 标志,标记,告示 The sign by the road said ‘No Parking'. ⑷ (of) something that shows or points to the presence or likely future existence of a particular condition, fact or quality 迹象;痕迹, 征兆 There are no signs of life about the house. 这房子没有有人住的迹象。 She saw no sign that he would change his mind. ㈢signal: something intended to warn, command, or give a message, such as a special sound of action; a indicator, such as a gesture or colored light, that serves as a means of communication. 信号,暗号 The railway signal showed that the train could pass. Traffic signals tell drivers when to stop and go. 9. fighting: the occasion when people fight 战斗, 打仗 10. conflict ⑴ a fight or argument 打斗; 争执 a hand -to-hand conflict 短兵相接 a bloody conflict 血战 ⑵ a difference between two or more ideas, wishes 冲突; 矛盾 conflict between the two countries 两国间的冲突 conflict between religion and science 宗教与科学之间的冲突 11. argument ⑴ a disagreement esp one that is noisy; quarrel 争论, 争辩, 争吵 The argument among the two parties was blown up by the press.夸大了 They were having an argument about whose turn it was to do the cooking. They got into an argument about politics. ⑵ (for, against) a reason given to support or disprove something 论据; 理由; 理由 There are many arguments against smoking. This argument, however, does not hold water. The risk of heart disease is a powerful argument against smoking. ⑶ the use of reason to decide something or persuade someone 按理; 说理; 辩论; 说服 We must settle this by argument not by fighting. ⑷ a short account of the story or subject of a book, poem, etc; summary (文学作品的)梗概; 概要; 指要; 主题 ⑸ (idm) put forward an argument 提出论点 ⑹ (idm) drive an argument / a point home: make one's point clear 把论点讲透彻, 阐明观点 He drove home his point by citing specific examples. ⑺ (idm) fall into an argument with 与...发生争论 12. destruction ㈠ destruction: destroying or being destroyed摧毁;毁灭;毁坏 The fire caused the destruction of my books. ㈡ construction: building or being built 建设,建造 construction industry 建筑业 The new airport is still under construction 13. opinion ⑴ what a person thinks about sth. based on personal judgment rather than actual facts 意见,看法, 主张 ⑵ what people in general think about something 舆论 ⑶ professional judgment or advice [专业性的] 鉴定,劝告,意见 You should get a second opinion from another doctor. ⑷ (idm) in one's opinion: as sb thinks; as information, experience lead him to believe照某人的意见 In my opinion, he is not right. 14. major ⑴ great in size, importance, seriousness重大的; 主要的 the major part 主要部分 major subjects 主修(专业)课程 major party (有竞选力量的)主要政党 a major surgical operation 外科大手术 ⑵ an officer of middle rank in the army 陆军少校 15. probably ㈠ probably: almost (but not quite) certainly; according to what is likely; most likely; presumably 很可能地;大概 ㈡ possibly: perhaps; according what is possible 或许;也许 16. honour ⑴n something that gives pride or pleasure 光荣 It was a great honour to be asked to speak at the conference. ⑵ the respect from other people that a person, country gets because of high standards of behaviour and moral character 崇敬 ⑶ v to; show great respect for sb or sth or to give sb pride or pleasure 向...表示敬意 I am very honoured by the confidence you have shown in me. ⑷ to keep a promise to do sth履行诺言 17. ancestor ㈠ ancestor: a person in your family who lived a long time before you, from whom you are descended; forebear 祖先 Mary's ancestor settled in our country a hundred years ago. ㈡ offspring: a child or children; the young of an animal后代 ㈢ descendant: a person, an animal, or a plant whose descent can be traced to a particular individual or group 子孙 18. principle ⑴ a basic general rule or truth about sth原则;主义 We believe in the principle of equal opportunity for everyone. ⑵a rule for good behaviour, based on what each person believes is right 行为准则 a person of high moral principles ⑶ a law of science 原理/ 定律 The system works on the principle that heat rises. 19. unity: the situation in which people are untied or in agreement 联合,团结, 统一 the unity of opposites 对立的统一 the unity of motive and effective 动机和效果的统一 Unity is strength, unity is victory. 团结就是力量, 团结就是胜利。 20. community ⑴the group of people who live in a particular place, area or country 社会, 社区 community welfare department 社会福利部 Recent increases in crime have disturbed the whole community. ⑵ a group of people who have sth in common 团体,社团,界 the Chinese community (纽约的)华侨(界) the community of scholars 学术界 community antenna television (缩写为CATV)共用天线电视 ⑶ society as a whole; the public 大众 He did it for the interests of the community. 为了公众的利益才这么做 21. nation ⑴ a people who share common customs, origins, history, and frequently language; a nationality 民族, the Chinese nation 中华民族 ⑵ a relatively large group of people organized under a single, usually independent government; a country 国家 a most favoured nation 最惠国 the United Nations 联合国 22. purpose: an aim or a goal; an intention or plan; a person's reason for an action ⑴ the reason for doing or meaning sth 目的;意图 The main purpose of this meeting is to decide what we should do about the problem of noise. ⑵ having an aim or plan and acting according to it 有目标 a good leader inspires people with a sense of purpose. ⑶ (idm) on purpose: not by accident; with a particular intention 故意;蓄意 I came a it early on purpose to see if I could help you. 23. creativity: the ability to make or produce new things, especially using skill or imagination 创造力; 艺术创新 We want teaching that encourages children's creativity. 24. faith ⑴ firm belief; trust; complete confidence 信心;信念;信任 Children usually have faith in their parents. I have faith in his ability. We have faith in ourselves. We should have faith in our Party and our government. He has faith in my ability. I have faith in you; I am sure you will do well. He still has great talent, but he has lost faith in himself. ⑵ (loyalty to one's) word of; honour; promise (对承诺,诺言等的)信守 You must keep faith with him. You cannot expect your friends to trust you if you do not keep faith with them. Don't break faith with him. I kept faith with them. I told her in all good faith that I would be there, but I wasn't able to go. ⑶ (in) belief and trust in God 对上帝的信仰 Had it not been for her great faith in God, she would have given up. ⑷ a system of religious belief; religion 宗教信仰 Faith can remove mountains. The Christian faith He is a member of the Catholic faith Islamic faith. The ceremony was attended by representatives of the Christian and Jewish faiths. 25. commercial ⑴ connected with buying and selling goods 商业的;商务的 commercial traveller 旅行推销员 A commercial college teaches things that would be useful in business. ⑵ making a profit 获得利润的;可获利的 Oil has been found in commercial quantities. 发现大量有商业价值的石油 26. joy ⑴ a feeling of great happiness 欢乐, 喜悦, 快乐,乐事, 乐趣 We'd like to wish you joy and success in your life together. ⑵ a person or thing that gives ;you great pleasure 使人高兴的人或事 That class is a joy to teach. 27. light ⑴ v make sth start to burn or shine(常与up连用)点火,点燃 Will you light the fire for me? ⑵ give light to sth so that you can see it dearly照亮;使光明 We lit the candle and the candle lit the room. ⑶to become bright with pleasure or excitement (常与up连用)使容光焕发,喜形于色 Her face lit up with joy when she saw her mother coming. ⑷ n the natural force that takes away darkness so that objects can be seen 光,光亮 The sun gives us light during the day. He worked by the light of a candle / the moon. ⑸sth that produces light and allows other things to be seen , such as a lamp or torch发光物;光源; 灯 ⑹adj of little weight, not heavy 轻的,不重的 The basket is very light; I can easily pick it up. 28. similar ⑴ like or alike; of the same kind; almost but not exactly the same in nature or appearance 近似的; 类似的;相似的 ⑵ exactly the same in shape but not size 相似的 similar triangles have equal angles 29. generation: the children or the parents or the grandparents ⑴ a period of time in which a human being can grow up and have a family, about 25 or 30 years 代,一代(约25 - 30年) Members of my family have lived in this house for generations. ⑵ all the members of a family of about the same age(一家庭中的)一代人 We belong to the same generation. This family photo shows three generations: myself, my parents, and my grandparents. ⑶ all people of about the same age 世代; 一代人, 同龄人 Most people of my father's generation have experienced war. ⑷ all the members of a developing class of things at a certain stage 同一时代的产物 second generation computers ⑸ the act of process of generating 产生, 生产 the generation of electricity by water-power ⑹ (idm) generation gap: the difference in ideas, feelings and interests between older and younger people, esp. considered as causing lack of understanding; a broad difference in values and attitudes between one generation and another, especially between young people and their parents 代沟,两代人之间的隔阂 How can teachers help to bridge the generation gap between parents and their teenage children? 30. play a trick on sb: deceive sb for fun or profit开某人的玩笑;欺骗某人 Tom got very angry when the other boys played a trick on him and hid his show when he was swimming. Don't play tricks on me I want to know the truth. 31. salute ⑴a sign that a soldier, etc makes to show respect, by raising he hand to the forehead军礼(行举手礼、鸣礼炮、降旗礼) The soldier saluted his officer. ⑵ an action that shows respect for sb 致敬表示 The next programme is a salute to one of the world's greatest film stars. ⑶ v to show respect with a salute(常与to连用)向… 致意,向…致敬 The soldiers saluted as they marched past the general. This is the day on which we salute those who died in the war. 32. kiss touch someone with your lips to show your love or to say hello or goodbye; to touch or caress with the lips as an expression of affection, greeting, respect, or amorousness 接吻 kiss her goodbye 和其他用语 ⑴ to say goodbye to sb ⑵ to wave goodbye to sb ⑶ to nod goodbye to sb ⑷ to kiss sb goodbye ⑸ Goodbye till tomorrow! ⑹ Goodbye for today. 33. cheek: one of the two parts of your face that are on each side of your nose and mouth and below your eyes; the fleshy part of either side of the face below the eye and between the nose and ear脸颊;面颊 Her cheeks became red after she ran up the stairs to the six floor. 34. nod ⑴ to lower and raise the head quickly, as in agreement or acknowledgment (he act of admitting or owning to something 承认) 点头, 表示同意或致意 ⑵ to let the head fall forward when sleepy 打盹;短时的小睡 He nodded off on the train. 在火车上打瞌睡 35. celebration: the act or occasion of doing sth enjoyable because sth good has happened or because it is a special day 庆祝, 庆典 36. reminder: sb or sth that makes you remember sth.提醒的人, 暗示 We received a reminder that we hadn't paid the electricity bill. 37. respect ⑴ v to admire or have a high opinion of sb or sth (与of, for连用) 尊敬; 尊重 I respect his courage.敬佩他的勇气 I'll respect your wishes. 尊重你的愿望 ⑵ to show care for or pay attention to sb or sth; to show careful consideration for 关心;注意;重视 We should respect other people's cultures and values. I promise to respect your wishes. ⑶ n (for) the feeling that one admires someone or something very much and that they or it should be treated well and honourably 尊敬; 尊重 They stood in silence for one minute as a mark of respect for the dead. The young should show respect to those who are older The students have great respect for their teachers. ⑷ (for) consideration or care 关心;考虑;顾虑; 重视 The secret police show little respect for human rights. Electricity is dangerous and should be treated with respect. ⑸ a detail; particular point 细节;方面 In many respects the new version is less good than the old one. 38. Mexico: a country of south-central North America 墨西哥 39. skeleton: the structure formed by all the bones in a human or animal body(人或动物的)骨骼 a dinosaur skeleton in the Natural History Museum 40. gift ⑴ something which is given willingly; present 礼品;赠品 Christmas gifts ⑵ (for) a natural ability to do something; talent 天赋,天资;才能 He has a gift for poetry. a man of many gifts 多才多艺的人 gift of the gab 口才 ⑶ v to present with a gift 赠送礼物 41. cycle ⑴ v to ride a bicycle, motorcycle, or similar vehicle 骑车骑自行车等 He usually cycles to school. Go cycling is a common way of talking about cycling for pleasure. ⑵ n a series of events, etc that happen repeatedly in the same order 循环;周而复始 the cycle of the season the seemingly endless cycle of violence in this troubled part of the world ⑶ the period of time needed for this to be completed 周时, 周年 the life cycle of insects ⑷ a bicycle, motorcycle, or similar vehicle. 自行车,摩托车自行车,摩托车,或者类似的交通工具 42. fool ⑴ n a person who is lacking in judgment or good sense 蠢人, 傻瓜; 白痴 I'm a fool, I left my coat on the train. ⑵ v to deceive; trick 愚弄;欺骗 He fooled me into giving him money. You can't fool her; she's much too clever for that. 43. take in (Point 13) ⑴ to receive into one's home; provide lodgings for a person接待;留宿 He had nowhere to sleep so we offered to take him in. ⑵ to include 包含;包括 This is the total cost of the holiday, taking everything in. When I go to New Year for meetings, I usually take in a movie. ⑶ to understand fully; grasp充分理解;掌握 It took me a long time to take in what you said. ⑷ to deceive 欺骗 Don't be taken in by his promise. 44. invitation: inviting or being invited 请帖;邀请 We had three invitations to parties. 45. occasion ⑴ a particular time when sth happens特殊场合; 特殊时刻 a great occasion 盛大的场面 ⑵ the suitable or right time for sth良机;机会 I shall tell her what I think if the occasion arises. ⑶ usage: ① You used occasion when you mean the time is right or suitable for sth. I saw them at the funeral, but it was not a suitable occasion for discussing holiday plans. ② You use opportunityor chance when you mean that it is possible to do something. I was only in Paris for one day and I didn't get the opportunity / chance to visit the Louvre. (巴黎的)卢佛尔宫 ⑷ a special event, ceremony; a happening; an incident重大的事件;事故 II Language Points 1. dress up (Word 1) ⑴ put on one's best or special clothes穿上盛装 All the family members dressed up for the party. ⑵ make sth or sb more attractive, as with clothing装饰;使变得更具魅力 ⑶ put on a costume for fun or clothes for a part in a play 化装 Mary was dressed up to play Cinderella in her school play. You don't need to dress up for this dinner. I don't want to go to their wedding because I hate dressing up. ⑷ Notes: ① dress up 后接in表示"穿...服装打扮" I just love the fun of dressing up in ancient clothing. ② dress up 后接as表示"打扮成..." The little girl dressed herself up as a angle. (天使) ③ be dress in "穿着..." She is always dressed in white. 2. celebrate & congratulate ㈠celebrate: do sth special and enjoyable on an important day or because of an important event 庆祝, 祝贺, 庆贺 The people celebrated the victory. We celebrated Christmas with a tree and presents. we had a party to celebrate Mother's silver wedding. ㈡congratulate: to express one's pleasure, praise, or admiration for sb because of a happy event or sth. successfully done 恭喜;祝贺,向...祝贺 I congratulated my friend on her birthday. Let me congratulate you on the birth of your daughter. We all came up to congratulate on the winner. I'm writing to congratulate you on your being awarded the first prize in the contest. I congratulate you on your great success. 3. would & used to ㈠would ⑴ used as the past form of 'will' when you report what sb says or thinks They said that they would help us. ⑵ used with 'like' or 'love' as a way of asking or saying what sb wants Would you like to come with us? ⑶ used for talking about things that often happened in the past 过去常常 When he was young he would often walk in these woods. ㈡used to ⑴ used to: habits or states that existed in the past but no longer exist He used to be a teacher in our school. His father used to play football very well when he was young. ⑵ be (get) used to: in the habit of sth or doing sth习惯于 She is used to the weather here. He has got used to getting up early. ⑶ be used to do: passive voice Coal is used to cook our food. Steel is used to make a lot of things. 4. as well as & as well ㈠ as well as ⑴ equally excellent; no less than同样好 You can't do it as well as I can. ⑵ in addition to; and also; besides和;及; 除...之外 He was my friend as well ;as my doctor. The book tells about the author's life as well as about his writings. ㈡ as well (as sb or sth): too; also; in conjunction with sb or sth specified; in addition to sth 还;也;此外还 She knows English and French as well. When we asked them to stay for the weekend we didn't realise they would be bringing a couple of dogs as well. 5. as much as ⑴ to the extent, degree, or quantity as 尽多,一样多 Take as much as you like. ⑵ (or so much as) just the same as; almost; practically; really 等于;几乎;实际上;真正地 By running away he as much as admitted that he had taken the money. ⑶ (or much as) even though; although 虽然;尽管 As much as I hate to do it, I must stay home and study tonight. ⑷ as much as, as well as, no more than, no less than, rather than, but, with , along with, together with, like, besides, except, in addition to和 "of +名词"等,连接两个并列主语时,动词的单复数和第一个主 语保持一致. Mary as well as her classmates has learned to drive a tractor. My classmates as much as I are glad to hear that. The teacher together with his students is going to visit the Great Wall I rather than he am to blame. No one except Xiao Wang and Xiao Li has been to Beijing. He, like you and me, likes to play football. The number of the students of our class is 50. He, no less than you, is worthy of being praised. His brother, no more than Jim, are to be answered for it. 6. each time & time-clause ⑴each time (every time) 每次 Each time I meet an Englishman, he starts off the conversation with some comments on the weather. Every time I travelled by boat, I got seasick. ⑵ by the time 到...时候 He had studied English for three years by the time he came to our school. The truck will have arrived by the time you have all the things packed up. ⑶ the last time 在最后一次 The last time she saw Mr Brown, she was sitting on a sofa. ⑷ the first time 在第一次 The first time he spoke in public, he felt shy. ⑸ the second time 在第二次 The second time (that) we met, he replied to a lot of questions. ⑹ all the time 一直;始终 There were twelve of us, who never took a European meal all the time we were in China. ⑺ at the time 在...时候 I told you at the time that I thought you were stupid. ⑻ from the time 自从...时候起 From the time the Red Army first came into being, its relationship with people, in the words of Mao Zedong, was the relationship of fish and water. ⑼ next time 在下一次... Next time you come, you will see him. ⑽ the day 在那天 I saw them the day I left for Europe. ⑾ the week (that) 在...那周 We were there the week that it snowed so heavily. 7. Earth Day Earth Day was first celebrated in 1970 to show international concern for the environment. It is not, however, an official government holiday in many countries. 8. Day Off & Day On: 休息日和奋斗日 To have "a day off" means to stay home from work for a day, usually to relax. A "day on" means that although an American doesn't work that day, they should do something serious to honour the man for whom the holiday is given. 9. the living and the dead 某些形容词前加 the 表示一类人,其意义为复数。 如: the poor, the rich, the old, the young, the sick, the dead, the brave, the deaf and dumb, the oppressed, the injured, the wounded, the unemployed 等。 The old are taken good care of. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer in many countries. 10. rather & fairly, quite, pretty, very 表示程度 fairly good = 60 points very good = 100 points rather (pretty, quite) good = 80 points or so ㈢ Note: ⑴ 只有rather能接比较级和too, 其余三个不能 rather warmer, rather too sure I can't make a decision now, I need rather more time to think it over. 稍多 ⑵quite 和 rather 可用在冠词前,也可和动词连用,其余两个不能 quite a good film, rather a good idea, Rather the impression I wanted to give you. I quite like her. I rather enjoy doing nothing. ⑶ quite, fairly 和 rather也可放在a(n)之后,只有名词前有形容词时,才这 样用 a quite good film, a fairly interesting lecture, a rather good idea ⑷ quite可与绝对形容词连用,其他三个不能 quite right, quite completely, quite perfect, quite absolutely, quite mistaken, quite round 11. April Fool's Day: April Fool's Day is traditionally a day to play practical jokes on others, send people on fool's errands, and fool the unsuspecting. No one knows how this holiday began , it was thought to have originated in France. 12. play tricks on sb(Word 30) deceive sb for fun or profit开某人的玩笑;欺骗某人 Tom got very angry when the other boys played a trick on him and hid his show when he was swimming. Don't play tricks on me I want to know the truth. 13. take in (Word 43) ⑴ to deceive; cheat; fool 欺骗;愚弄 Don't be taken in by his promise. Many a person has been taken in by that trick. ⑵ to understand fully; grasp充分理解;掌握 He needs some time to take the situation in. It took me a long time to take in what you said. ⑶ to receive into one's home; provide lodgings for a person接待;留宿 Now that his parents are dead, who will take athe boy in? He had nowhere to sleep so we offered to take him in. ⑷to include 包含;包括 This is the total cost of the holiday, taking everything in. When I go to New Year for meetings, I usually take in a movie. 14. decorate ⑴to add sth in order to make a thing more attractive to look at装饰;点缀 We usually decorate the main streets with flags on holidays. Decorate the cake with cherries and nuts. ⑵ to put paint and wallpaper onto walls, ceilings and doors in a room or building 油漆;粉刷 I think it's about time we decorated the living-room. 15. jealous & envy ㈠ jealous ⑴ feeling upset because you think that sb loves another person more than you 吃醋 Tom seems to be jealous whenever Mary speaks to another boy! ⑵ feeling angry or sad because you want to be like sb else or because you want what sb else has 嫉妒 He is jealous of their success. ⑶ wanting to keep what one has; envious (常与of连用)妒羡的;羡慕的 She is jealous of our success. I was jealous of Sarah when she got her new bicycle. I was very jealous of Sarah's new bicycle. ㈡ envy ⑴ n. (at, of, towards) the feeling you have towards sb. when you wish that you had their qualities or possession 羡慕; 妒嫉 They are full of green of envy when they saw my new car. Their beautiful garden is the envy of all the neighbours. He was filled with envy at my success. His success is the envy of us all. ⑵ v. feel envy towards sb. because of sth. 羡慕; ;妒嫉 I envy your ability to work so fast. I don't envy you your journey in this bad weather. I envy you your health. I envy him his experience. They envy him his success. The award made him envy you and he is no longer your friend. 16. grave & tomb ㈠grave ⑴ the place in the ground where a dead person is buried 坟墓,墓地 He put some flowers on the grave. ⑵ death 死亡 Is there life beyond grave? ㈡ tomb ⑴a place where a body is buried, often one with a large decorated stone above 坟墓 the Ming Tombs reservoir ⑵a monument commemorating the dead 墓碑 17. lunar calendar & solar calendar ㈠ calendar ⑴ a list that shows the days, weeks and months of a particular year 日历, 月历, 年历 tree ring calendar 年轮历 A calendar is often hung on a wall and may have a separate page for each month, sometimes with a picture or photograph. ⑵ a system for dividing time into fixed periods and for marking the beginning and end of a year 历法 the Muslim calendar From January 1st to February 1st is one calendar month. ⑶ a list of dates and events in a year that are important in a particular area of activity 全年大事表;一览表;记录表 school calendar, academic calendar 校历 ㈡ lunar: of, for, or to the moon; be connected with the moon; involving, caused by, or affecting the moon 月球的 ㈢solar: of or from the sun; relating to, or proceeding from the sun 太阳的 |
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