A Person Of Great Determination(新课标版高三英语教案教学设计) |
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【抛砖引玉】 本单元同学们要学习的是一个名叫 William Hartley 的人如何从少年时代就立志远大,培养自己优秀的做人品质。他大约 12 岁时为了得到一本书四处奔跑给人留下深刻的印象。30 年后他当了船长,凭着自己坚强的意志和高尚的品质又在船沉没之前率领全船人员拼搏前进,让船终于抵达利物浦港,挽救了乘客的性命。他的一言一行的催人奋进,他坚强的决心、意志和勇气催人泪下。 今天,在实施素质教育的过程中,我们中学生就需要培养像课文中主人公所具有的良好的健康的心理素质,这种素质就如同人生海洋中冲浪的坚船。人的一生就是在不断的追求中升华,就是在失败中奋发,就是在挫折中坚强,就是在绝望中再生。因此,人必须具备坚强的意志和非凡的勇气。泰戈尔有句名言:“世界之路并没有铺满鲜花,每一步都有荆棘,但是你必须走过那条荆棘的路,愉快微笑,这是对人的考验,你必须把愁转变为有所得,变辛酸为甜蜜。”坚强得意志和非凡得勇气就如同人生路上披荆斩棘的开山斧。失败了,跌倒了,不要哭泣,不要叹息,要挺其身板,擦干泪水,忍住痛苦,昂起不屈的头,勇敢坚强的克服重重困难,去实现自己心中美好的愿望。 所以,坚强的意志就是人生长河的渡船,虽然有惊涛骇浪,虽然有暗礁浅滩,虽然有急流陡转,只要有了像William Hartley那样坚强的意志,我们的航船就一定能顺利达到胜利的彼岸。 同学们还会透彻地学习到如何表达自己的歉意行为。在西方国家,随处可以听见“Sorry”, “Excuse me”等之类表示道歉的话,如上车踩了别人的脚、拨错了电话号码、当着别人的面打喷嚏、打断别人的话或者耽误了约会时间,都会说声“对不起”。 当要说的话、要做的事、要引起别人注意等可能引起对方不快时常先说一声“Excuse me”。为已经做的事表示歉意用“Sorry”。这样做一是给对方感情上的弥补,二是自身文明素质的体现。接受别人的道歉时要向道歉者表示安慰。 【指点迷津】 A. 大纲规定的单元日常核心交际用语指南 Apologies and responses (道歉与应答) ● Idiomatic Sentences 功能套语 50 句 1. Excuse me for my smoking here . 请原谅我在这抽烟了。 2. I am afraid I‘ve brought you too much trouble . 恐怕我已经给你带来了许多麻烦。 3. I’m awfully sorry . I didn‘t realize . 非常抱歉,我没有意识到。 4. I am sorry , it was all my fault . 对不起,都是我的过错。 5. I am sorry . I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings . 对不起,我不是有意伤害你感情的。 6. I am terribly sorry about that . 我对此非常抱歉。 7. I am very sorry for what I‘ve said to you . 对你说了这些话,我很抱歉。 8. It was most careless of me . 我真是非常粗心。 9. It was wrong of me to pick up your umbrella . 错拿了你的伞,这是我的不对。 10. Pardon me for sneezing . 原谅我一下,我得打个喷嚏。 11. Please excuse me coming late . 我来迟了,请原谅。 12. A thousand pardons for taking up so much of your time . 占了你这么多时间,抱歉,抱歉。 14. Oh , my fault for breaking the glass . 哦,打碎玻璃是我的过错。 15. Sorry for not phoning you . 对不起,没给你打电话。 16. I apologize for what I said just now . 我为刚才说的话向你道歉。 17. I can’t tell you how sorry I am . 我实在难以表达我的歉意。 17. I can‘t tell you how sorry I am for giving you such a surprise . 让你这么受惊吓,我实在难以表达我的歉意。 18. I do apologize about that . = I do beg your pardon . = I do hope you will excuse me . = I do hope you will forgive me . 我确实要为此向您道歉。 19. I hope you will pardon me for my carelessness . 我希望您原谅我的疏忽大意。 20. I must make an apology for losing my temper . 请原谅我刚才不该发脾气。 21. May I offer you my sincerest apologies for the trouble I have given you ? 给您添了这些麻烦,谨向您表示最真诚的歉意。 22. Please forgive me for having lost your dictionary . 请原谅,我把你的字典弄丢了。 23. Please forgive me . I really didn’t mean that . 请原谅,我实在不是这个意思。 24. I am sorry about that . 25. I apologize for being so angry with you . 26. I am sorry to have done that . 27. I didn‘t mean to be so rude . 28. — I feel rather ashamed . I didn’t mean to hurt you . — It is not important . = That‘s OK . =That’s all right . = Never mind . = That‘s nothing . 29. Excuse me for a moment . I’ll go to the toilet . 对不起,我去一下洗手间。 30. What a pity ! / What a shame ! 真遗憾 ! 31. It doesn‘t matter at all . / That’s all right . / Not at all . / It‘s nothing . / That’s nothing . 一点儿没关系。 32. It‘s not your fault . 这不是你的过错。 33. Never mind . It doesn’t really matter . 没关系,实在没有什么要紧的。 34. Please don‘t worry . / Please think nothing of it . / Let’s forget it . / No harm done . 35. Please don‘t feel bad about it . 请别为此事不快。 36. Not to worry . 不用担心。 37. Apologies are really quite unnecessary . 道歉实在没有必要。 38. It’s really of no importance . 这实在是微不足道的事。 39. Please don‘t blame yourself . 请别自责。 40. There is no need for you to worry in the least . 您完全不必担心。 41. There’s no reason to apologize for such a thing . 没有理由为此事担心。 42. Please don‘t let it worry . 43. Please don’t give it another thought . 请再也别想这件事了。 44. It‘s nothing to worry about , I suppose . 我觉得这没有什么可担心的。 45. I quite understand . Please don’t worry . 46. — I‘m sorry to have kept you waiting . — It doesn’t matter . 47. — Excuse me , but smoking isn‘t allowed . — Oh , sorry , I didn’t know . 48. — I‘m sorry . I lost the magazine you lent me the other day . — Not to worry any more . 49. Sorry , I hope you haven’t been waiting long . 50. Excuse me , could you tell me the way to the station ? ● Model Dialogues 交际示范 A Tod:May I come in ? Dean:Come in , please . You‘re here at last . Tod:Good evening , Dean . Sorry I’m late . Dean:That‘s all right . We’re glad you could come . Tod:I should have arrived earlier , but I was held up by the traffic . Dean:Yes , the traffic is busy this hour . Please take a seat and have a drink . The birthday party will begin in a few minutes . B Young man:I beg your pardon , Madame . Did I hurt you ? Old lady:Oh , not a bit . Don‘t worry about it . Young man:But your trousers get dirty . Old lady:Never mind , young man . Be careful when you ride next time . Young man:Yes . Thank you , Madame . C Smith:Come in , please . Waiter:Sorry to disturb you , Mr . Smith . We’ve found this wallet and we believe it‘s yours . Smith:Why , yes , it’s mine . I must have left it in the restaurant . Waiter:Yes , we found it just after you left . Will you please see if there‘s anything missing ? Waiter:I‘d rather you did . Smith:Well , if you insist … . Everything is here . I’m sorry to have caused you so much trouble . It‘s all my fault . Waiter:No trouble at all . ● 典题范例 1. — I must apologize for ahead of time . — That’s all right . A. letting you not know B. not letting you know C. letting you know not D. letting not you know 2. — Excuse me for interrupting you . — . A. Take it easy B. Don‘t excuse me C. That’s right D. That‘s all right . 3. — I’m sorry to have got you into trouble . — . A. Don‘t say so B. No worry C. It doesn’t matter D. Nothing 答案:BDC B. 单元重点新词透视 1. anyhow 作副词是“不管怎样,无论如何,不论用何种方法;马马虎虎” Anyhow I must finish this work today . 无论如何,我今天必须完成这项工作。 It seemed as if I couldn‘t think of the right word anyhow . 我似乎怎么也想不出恰当的字眼来了。 I may fail , but I shall try hard anyhow . 我也许会失败,但我无论如何要努力一试。 The door won’t open anyhow . 门怎么也打不开。 测试要点:(1)anyhow = anyway 。副词作状语时不要把 anyhow 写成 any how 。 The house was empty and I couldn‘t get in anyhow . 房子是空的,我无论如何都进不去。 (2)会区别 anyway 和 (in) any way She wasn’t very polite , but anyway , I helped her . 她不太礼貌,不过我还是帮助了她。 Can I help you in any way ? 我可以通过什么方法帮助你吗 ? 2. argument 辩论,争论;论据 An argument between parents about children‘s homework will be ended . There are many arguments against smoking . = There are many arguments that one should not smoke . 反对吸烟的理由有很多。 Let’s not waste time in argument . 我们别再争辩而浪费时间了。 测试要点: (1) 注意该词的名词不要误写成 arguement 。常见搭配有:accept an argument 接受论点,explain an argument 说明论点,get into an argument with与……争论,prove an argument 证明论点,put forward an argument 提出论点,support an argument 支持一个论点,have an argument with sb about sth They got into quite a heated argument . 他们展开了相当激烈的辩论。 (2) 动词 argue 作不及物动词和及物动词,侧重指就自己的看法或立场提出论证和别人进行辩论,特别以推理的方式陈述观点或者以激烈的方式交换意见。如: He argued that the experiment could be done in another way . 他论证说这项实验可以换一种方法进行。 argue sb into doing sth 说服某人做某事 特别要注意在表示“争论,辩论”之意时不能用 argue sth ,要用 argue over sth 。如: We argued over the new novel this morning . They spent hours in argument about where to go . 他们花了几个小时来争论去什么地方。 3. misunderstanding 作名词“误会,误解”。 I don‘t want any misunderstanding . It is possible that they have some misunderstandings in this problem . Be sure not to cause misunderstandings in your deeds . I apologized for my misunderstanding of your kindness . 很抱歉,我误会了你的好心。 4. ashamed 惭愧的,害臊的。该词指由于所作之事而感到羞耻,该词只作表语, He was ashamed of asking such a simple question .他由于问了这么简单的问题而感到惭愧。 I am ashamed of your conduct . 我为你的行为感到羞耻。 He felt ashamed that he had done so little . 他为自己只尽了这点力而感到惭愧。 Joan was ashamed of her rudeness . 琼为自己的无礼感到羞耻。 测试要点:搭配为 be ashamed of + -ing 、be ashamed + to do 、be ashamed + that 从句。为某人感到羞耻用 be ashamed for sb 。It’s ashamed that … I am ashamed to have mentioned it , please forgive me . 提起那件事我真惭愧,请原谅我。 She felt ashamed that she has done so little for the people . She was ashamed , both for herself and for her sister . 她既为自己也为自己的姐姐感到害臊。 5. disappointment 失望,沮丧;令人失望的人或者物 She is a disappointment to me . 她真使我失望。 That magazine is a disappointment . 那部小说真令人失望。 测试要点: (1) 词组: to one‘s disappointment = to the disappointment of sb 使某人失望的使 to one’s great disappointment = to the great disappointment of sb = much to one‘s disappointment 使某人十分失望的是。注意 to 是介词,disappointment 是不可数名词。be a great disappointment to sb 对某人是失望的。 To our great disappointment , she refused to take our advice . 使我们大为失望的是她竟然拒绝了我们的建议。 (2) 注意由 disappoint 构成的搭配:be disappointed at 因为不满意某一事实、行为而感到失望。be disappointed in 因某人某事不合理想而感到失望。be disappointed of 因得不到什么而感到失望。be disappointed with 对某人或者某事不满意。be disappointed to do 干……很失望。 I was much disappointed at his absence . 他不在,我很失望。 I am greatly disappointed in him . 我对他大失所望。 I was disappointed of the bus . 汽车等不到,我感到失望。 I am afraid you’re very disappointed with me . 恐怕你对我非常不满意吧。 (3) 注意区别 disappointed “失望的,失意的”和 disappointing “令人失望的,令人扫兴的”。 After he got the disappointing news , he looked disappointed . 得到了令人失望的消息后,他显得十分失望。 6. remark 作动词和名词“陈述,评论,议论,谈起” He made no remark about this point . 关于这一点他未加评论。 They all made nice remarks about the good food . 饭菜丰盛,他们都表示赞赏。 The chairman made a few remarks , then introduced the speaker . 主席说了几句话后就介绍了演讲人。 The editor remarked that the article was well-written . 编者评论说那篇文章写的好。 7. delight 作名词是“快乐,乐事”;作动词是“使快乐,使愉快”(程度比pleased 强) He is delighted at / by the results . 他听到那消息感到高兴。 She is delighted with your work . 她对你们的工作很满意。 The news delighted the whole nation . I am delighted to hear the conclusion . She is delighted that she succeeded . I‘ll be delighted to see you . 测试要点: take / find (a)delight in 以……为乐。be in high delight 非常高兴。to one’s delight 使某人高兴的是。with delight 高兴地。give delights to sb 给某人快乐。with much / great delight 十分高兴地。 He takes delight in reading . 他爱读书。 To the teachers‘ great delight , all his students passed the examination . (2) delighted 作形容词是“自己感到满意的,自己感到愉快的”。delightful 是“令人高兴的,使人快乐的”。如:a delighted child 一个快乐的孩子。a delightful poet 一首使人感到快乐的诗。 8. burst (burst , burst)突然发作,突然发生,爆炸 The river has burst its banks . 河堤决口。 The balloon burst . 测试要点:burst into tears = burst out crying 突然哭起来。burst into laughter = burst out laughing 突然笑起来。burst into 突然闯入,突然发作。burst into sight / view 突然出现。burst open 猛然打开。burst in 闯进来。burst out of 突然从……起来。 A group of men burst into his office . To her great surprise , a group of men burst in . A team of Young Pioneers burst into sight / view . Having lost her keys , she had to burst the door open . The gate suddenly gave way and an angry crowd burst out of the yard . 大门突然塌了,愤怒地人群冲出乐院子。 The audience burst into stormy applause . 观众中突然响起了暴风雨般地掌声。 9. envy (envied , envied)作名词或者动词“嫉妒;羡慕” She said that out of envy . 她出于嫉妒说了那些话。 They know much . How I envy them ! 他们知道地真多,我真羡慕他们! They envy him his success . 他们嫉妒他的成功。 They watched her excellent performance with envy . 他们羡慕地看着她的精彩表演。 测试要点: (1) envy 后可跟一个宾语,也可跟双宾语,但不能跟从句。 (对) James envied his friend’s job . (错)James envied that his friend had a good job . (2) envy sb for sth = envy sb account of sth 羡慕某人的……方面 They envied her for her good luck . (3) envy 作羡慕或者嫉妒的对象时不与不定冠词连用,与定冠词连用。 She was the envy of all her neighbours . His success was the envy of us all . (4) admire 后常跟 for 表示原因,admire 后不能跟双宾语。 (错)I admire her the bravery . (对)I admire her for her bravery . 10. understanding 作不可数名词是“领会,理解”。作形容词是“了解的,有理解力的”。 There is (a) deep understanding between them . He is a man of / without understanding . 他是(不是)一个明白事理的人。 She gave us an understanding smile . 她给我们会心的微笑。 11. will 作名词“意志;意志力;决心;遗嘱” He has no will of his own . 他没有独立的意志。 He is a man of iron will . 他是个有钢铁般意志的人。 We mustn‘t do anything against the will of the people . 我们不能做违背人民意志的事。 Where there is a will , there is a way . (谚语) 有志者,事竟成。 The old man will make his will . 那老汉要立个遗嘱。 测试要点: (1) against one’s will 违心地;违背意愿地 (2) if you will 如果你愿意那样地话 12. shoulder 肩膀。注意发音不要与 should 混淆。 He give his son a ride on his shoulders . 他让孩子骑在他地肩膀上。 测试要点: (1) shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩 The two girls are standing shoulder to shoulder . (注意介词 to) (2) pat sb on the shoulder 拍某人地肩膀 (3) have square / broad shoulders 有宽肩膀 C. 单元重点词组扫瞄 Lesson 29 1. See you next Friday . 下周五见。 2. go away for the weekend 外出度周末 3. come out to dinner with sb 和某人一起出去吃饭 4. check with sb 与某人商议,check with sth 与……相核实 Please check with your secretary before signing the papers . 在签署这些文件之前,请你和秘书商议一下。 Don‘t leave the house without checking with me first . These students checked their answers with the key at the end of the book . 5. keep one’s word 遵守诺言,守信用 You said you would come . But you didn‘t keep your word . 测试要点:注意由 word 构成地短语经常用于测试中。 in words 口头上。have a word with sb 和某人谈谈。have words with sb 与某人争吵。break one’s word 失信,食言。in a / one word 总而言之。in other words 也就是说,换句话说。leave word 留言。say a few words 即席说几句话。upon my word = my word upon it 我担保。word for word 逐字地。 6. change one‘s mind 改变注意,改变计划 He was going to drive but then changed his mind and took the bus . You’ll change your mind as you grow older . 7. at (the) last minute = at the last moment 在最后一刻 How can you change your mind at the last moment ? She was afraid that at the last minute he might give up the plan . 8. argue with sb about sth 为某事同某人争辩 It‘s not good for you to argue with her about this answer . 9. apologize to sb for sth ; apologize to sb for doing = make an apology to sb for sth 因为……向某人道歉 You must apologize to her for your being late for the meeting . 10. have a misunderstanding about 对……发生误解 I’m sorry about that . I suppose we just had a misunderstanding about this design . 11. be very disappointed not to do 对不能做……感到失望 My roommate feels / is very disappointed not to passed this test . 12. feel rather ashamed 感到相当惭愧 13. There is no need for … ; There is no need to do ; have no need of ; have no need to do “……没有用”。 There is no need for a guide on our journey . You have need to hurry . Lesson 30 1. in search of 寻找。in one‘s search for 寻找 2. a boy of about twelve 一个大约 12 岁地男孩 a twelve-year-old boy 一个 12 岁地男孩 3. for sale 待售,卖,出售。 He asked whether they had any geography books for sale . Are these machines for sale ? 对比:on sale 正出售地,正上市地 Grapes are on sale . 葡萄上市了。 4. How much do they cost ? 多少钱 ? 5. look up at 抬头看着…… She lay there , looking up at the stars . 6. look disappointed 显得失望 7. with a weak smile 无可奈何地微笑着 8. come along 一起走,快点,走吧 Come along , it’s nearly 12 o‘clock . John wants to come along with us to the concert . Come along . I’ll show you to your room myself . 9. get on 上车,相处,进展,穿衣 Get on the bus , or you can‘t catch the train . He gets on quite well with his neighbours . How are you getting on / along with the work ? Haven’t seen you for a long time . How are you getting on these days ? These shoes are too tight . I can‘t get them on . 10. in surprise 吃惊地。to one’s surprise 使某人吃惊地是。 He just stood under the roof , in surprise . To the great surprise of her , her sister remarried . 11. in town 在城里 12. ahead of 在……的前面,比……超前 He walked ahead of me . 他在我前面走。 This building was finished ahead of time . 这座建筑物提前竣工了。 He is far ahead of his classmates in English , chemistry , physics and biology . The bus came ahead of time , and Mary was not ready . He likes to arrive ahead of time rather than late . Betty finished her test ahead of the others . He studied all the time , because he wants to stay ahead of his classmates . 13. know about 了解;知道关于……的情况 Did you know about your son‘s breaking the glass of the classroom ? know of 知道 I don’t know him , but I know of him . 我不认识他,但我了解他。 14. with a curious look 带着好奇的神色 15. pay me the rest of the money 为我付其余的钱 16. as good as = almost the same thing as 和……几乎一样,实际上 The noise of this machine is so low , it is as good as silent . 这台机器的噪音很低,简直像没有声音一样。 She as good as agreed to help us as soon as possible . 她实际上等于同意尽可能快的帮助我们。 His silence has as good as suggested his attitude . 他实际上等于表明了他的态度。 17. in that / this case 如果那(这)样的话,在那(这)样的情况下 In that case I have no more to say . In this case , we had better hold a discussion about our future . He may not return the book today . In this case I come next week to make sure . 注意由 case 构成的短语还有:in all cases 在任何情况下。in another case 在另外的情况下,in most 。cases 在大多数情况下。in the present case 在目的情况下。in the worst case 在最坏的情况下。in case 假。使,免得,以防万一。in case of 假使,如果发生,万一。 In case it rains , don‘t expect me . The bus is usually on time , but start early , just in case . In case of fire , ring the alarm bell . The wall was built along the river in case of floods . 18. as well = too , also 也,还 He will take part in this sports meet as well . 他也要参加这次运动会。 My elder sister supplies me with food and clothes as well . 注意区别 as well as “不但……而且……”,谓语动词与前面的主语一致。 He as well as his daughters likes playing the violin . 19. at the boy’s last remark 听到那男孩的最后一句话 20. a nice new pencil 一只漂亮的新铅笔 21. look into sb‘s face 端详着某人的面孔 注意对比:look sb in the face = stare sb in the face 盯着……的脸 22. Tears of joy filled eyes . 某人热泪盈眶 23. for one moment 那会儿 注意由 moment 构成的词组:(for) a moment 一会儿。at any moment 在任何时候。at the moment 此刻。for the moment 目前,暂时。in a moment 立刻,马上。the moment = as soon as 一……就。 24. leave sb doing 让某人处于干…… His remarks left all of the students thinking hard . 他的评论让所有的同学都苦思冥想。 25. be determined to do = make up one’s mind to do 决心干…… 26. some other 某一(+ 单数名词);一些其它(+ 复数名词) He was talking to some other professor . 他在同另一个教授交谈。 She is busy for the moment , see her some other day , please . 现在她忙的不可开交,改天再见她吧。 Such TV plays can be found in some other European countries . 注意理解 some 作“某一”讲。 He had a satisfying job in some computer company . Lesson 31 1. have pleasant weather 有令人惬意的天气 2. come up (风、雨的)出现,上楼,从土中发芽,走近,临近 On our way home , a storm came up . The seeds haven‘t come up yet . Please don’t wait down there ; come straight up . 请不要在下面等,直接上楼来吧。 He came up and introduced himself . 他走上前来并作自我介绍。 Christmas is coming up soon . 圣诞节快到了。 3. on board = on a ship (plane , train) 在船(飞机、火车),上船(飞机、火车) There were fifty people on board when the ship sank . I returned after they got on board the train . 他们上了火车后我就返回了。 On his first night on board he didn‘t sleep very much . He lay awake . 上船的第一个晚上他没有睡好。大半夜他都醒着。 As soon as I’m on board I always feel sick . 我一到船上就总是恶心。 4. but for 若非,如果不是(主句常用虚拟语气) But for the stores of grain they would die of hunger . = They would die of hunger if it were not for the stores of grain . But for your immediate help , I should have been drowned . = If it had not been for your help , I should have been drowned . 5. be on the point of 正要…… He was on the point of leaving for Tianjin when his wife came back from there . I was on the point of going out when the telephone rang . I was on the point of asking who he was , when he told me his name . 6. take charge (of) 负责处理……;掌管 The captain , as soon as he realized the situation , took charge . 船长一看到这种情况就立即亲自上阵。 Mr Wang will take charge while I am away . His father , who is our manager , takes charge of a lot of things every day . Mary promised to take charge of all the arrangements for the dance . 玛丽答应负责舞会的一切安排。 7. like crazy 疯狂地,拼命地,非常迅速地 We had to drive like crazy to get there on time . 8. so long as = as long as = on condition that 只要…… You will get high pay so long as you follow my advice . So long as you promise to be back before 12 , you can go out . 9. upon one‘s word 一定,的确,敢担保,决不虚言 Upon my word , he is an experienced engineer . Upon his word , he can offer you a number of magazines . 10. stay strong and firm with sb 顽强地、坚定地同某人在一起 11. land sb safe 使某人平安抵达 12. tie up to 把……系在……;停泊 The ship was tied up at Shanghai . 船在上海港停泊。 Do you tie up the dog to the tree ? 你把狗栓在树上了吗 ? 13. hurry off 匆忙离开;赶快走 She hurried off to the hospital at the news . 14. have so much difficulty (in) + ing 在……有巨大地困难 15. to be honest 老实说,说实在话 To be honest with you , he does not work as hard as you . To be honest , I really wonder where he got so much money . 16. scold sb for 因……责骂某人 17. tire oneself out 累得疲惫不堪 18. in his study 在他得书房 19. give out sth to sb 向某人分发…… 20. try on the gloves 试戴手套 21. tidy the office 整理好办公室 22. from now on 从现在起 23. ever since that day 自从那天起 24. catch up with 追上,赶上 Finally she caught up with the first and got the first prize . If you put your heart into the studies , you will catch up with the rest of the class soon . 25. apologize for the misunderstanding 就误解作出道歉 D. 单元语法学习目标 本单元要求复习的语法有过去进行时(The Past Continuous Tense)、一般过去时(The Past Indefinite Tense)、过去完成时(The Past Perfect Tense)、一般过去时被动语态(The Past Indefinite Passive Tense)。 ● 过去进行时的 12 个测试要点 1. 过去进行时表示在过去某一时刻或某一段时间进行的饿动作,常与特定的表过去的时间状语连用。这些状语有:this morning , the whole morning , all day long , yesterday , from nine to ten last evening 等。 What were you doing last night at ten o’clock ? I was trying to fix a machine before you arrived . When I went downstairs , they were already eating breakfast . When I got up this morning , it was snowing . While I was driving here , I was thinking about you . While you were talking to her , I was reading a magazine . While the guide was lecturing about the Roman ruins , some of the tourists were resting their feet in the cafe across the road . They were building a dam last winter . 2. 过去进行时用在时间或者条件分句中表示过去将来正进行的动作。 He promised not to mention this when he was talking to her . He told me to wake him up if he was sleeping . 3. 在口语或者记叙文中可以用过去进行时表示的持续动作作为背景,以引出由一般过去时表示的新动作。 While I was preparing a speech , my secretary entered my office . The accident happened while I was working in the garden . We were doing our homework when the teacher stepped in . We were doing our homework when the light went out . One morning the three sisters were together in the drawing room . Mary was sewing . Lucy was playing the piano , and Jane was doing nothing ; then suddenly the door opened and John burst in . 4. 过去进行时与 always , forever , constantly 连用表示羡慕、讨厌、赞扬、不满等感情色彩。 He was always changing his mind . 5. 过去进行时表示按计划安排过去某时将发生的动作。 They were leaving a few days later . 6. 动词 hope , want , wonder 的过去进行时用来提出请求,表达婉转的口气。实际上表示的时现在的情况,虽然一般过去时、现在进行时也可以表达委婉的语气,但都不如过去进行时那样婉转。 I was hoping you could send me some monkey stamps . I was wondering if you could help me . 7. 过去进行时在某些结构中作想象性用法,表示与现在事实相反,或表示将来的臆想情况。 If they were leaving tonight , I‘d like to go with them . 若今晚他们要走,我很想一块走。 I wish they were not speaking so loudly . 但愿他们不大声喧哗。 8. 有时用 come , go , plan , expect , hope , intend , look forward to 等的过去进行时表达本来打算而实际没有做成的事情。 He was expecting to finish the work last month , but unexpectedly the machines went out of order . 他原想上个月做完这件工作,但不巧机器出了故障。(= had expected) I was going to the cinema tonight , but the manager told us to attend a meeting . 今晚我本想去看电影,但经理告诉我要去参加一个会。 9. 过去进行时还可以表示该动作还未结束或已进入一个新阶段。 By the time he was ten , Edison was already doing experiment in chemistry . 到十岁时,爱迪生已经在做化学实验了。 Soon all the people of the city were talking of the wonderful cloth . 很快全城的人都在谈论这种神奇的布。 10. 在口语中,过去进行时有时既不是表示某时某刻正在进行的动作,也不是表示婉转口气或铺叙背景,而只是说明最近过去的事情。 I was asking what you thought of it . 我是问你是怎么想的 。 I was hearing John had got a new job . 我听说约翰有了新工作。 11. “过去进行时”与“一般过去时”的区别在于,前者主要描述一个持续性的动作,而后者表示一个完成的动作。对比: They were building a dam last winter . (指在建造中) They built a dam last winter . (指造好了) 12. 使用过去进行时应注意,有些瞬间动词(accept , allow , admit , complete , decide , end , give , receive , refuse , permit , promise , break , fall , slip , stop , marry , …)没有进行时,开始的时间就是结束的时间。 误:The new secretary was supposed to report to the boss as soon as she was allowing it . 正:The new secretary was supposed to report to the boss as soon as she allowed it . 综上所述,开头的那道NMET 99 时态题应这样理解:从第一个人的话“喂!你是怎么走的?”可以悟出具有责备的口气。第二个人应是对刚才自己的行为表示歉意,“真是太抱歉了,我真的没有注意到”,强调刚才的举止行为,符合上面的第十点解释。 【针对练习】 1. Shirley a book about China last year but I don’t know whether she has finished it . 【NMET98】 A. has written B. wrote C. had written D. was writing 2 .As she the newspaper , Granny asleep .【MET95】 A. was reading ; fell B. read ; was falling C. was reading ; was falling D. read ; fell 3. I don‘t think Jim saw me ; he into space . 【MET95】 A. just stared B. has just stared C. was just staring D. had just stared 4. He his leg when he in a football match against another school .【MET87】 A. broke ; played B. was breaking ; was playing C. broke ; was playing D. was breaking ; played 5. Tom into the house when no one . 【MET92】 A. slipped ; was looking B. had slipped ; looked C. slipped ; had looked D. was slipping ; looked 6. She morning exercises when I passed by her house . 【MET92】 A. did B. has done C. will do D. was doing (Key: 1.D 2. A 3.C 4.C 5.A 6.D ) ● 一般过去时与过去完成时的 11 个测试点 一般过去时与过去完成时都可表示过去的动作或状态,它们既有联系又有区别,极易混淆。 1. 表示过去未实现的希望、计划或打算,用过去完成时。常用的动词有intend , mean , hope , expect , suppose , think , want 等。 I had meant to call on you , but was prevented from doing so .我本打算给你打电话,但被其它事给耽搁了。 We had hoped to be able to come and see you . 我们本来打算能来看望你。 They had wanted to help her but couldn’t get there in time . 他们本想帮她的忙,却没有及时赶到那里。 过去完成时的这种用法也可以换为:Had + hoped (…) = hoped + to + have + done I had wanted to see you , but found you were out . = I wanted to have seen you , but found you were out . 2. 在由 told , said , knew , heard , thought 等动词后的宾语从句中常用过去完成时。 She said she had never been to Paris . 3. 注意在句型 hardly … when , no sooner … than 的主句中用过去完成时。当hardly 和 no sooner 谓语句首时主句要用倒装结构。 She had hardly sat down when she heard her name called by the monitor . = Hardly had she sat down when she heard her name called by the teacher . 4. 表达过去两个动作如第一个动作完成后才能引起第二个动作,则第一个动作用过去完成时,第二个用一般过去时。 When he had drunk all the wine , he left his house . When he reached home , he found his house had been broken into and lot of things stolen . 5. 若句中有表示过去的时间时,在由 had rather ;I wish 后的宾语从句中用过去完成时。 I would rather you had told me the truth last time . 我宁愿你上次把实话告诉我。 She wished she had been there yesterday . (事实是:She wasn‘t there) 6. 在与过去相反的虚拟语气中,条件句用过去完成时。特别要注意该结构省略 if 后的倒装结构。 If John had studied hard last term , he would have made great progress . Had he known that you were busy last week , he wouldn’t have given you so much trouble . 7. 在过去某时之前的继续动作,表示某事继续到过去某时已有一段时间,则用过去完成时,并与 for , since 等词连用。 He had been ill for a week when he was went to the hospital .他被送医院时已病了一星期了。 He said he had worked in that factory since 1984 . 他说他从 1984 年以来 一直在那家工厂工作。 8. 两个或两个以上的动作,用 and , then 或 but 等连接,按照动作发生的顺序表达时,用一般过去时,表示过去发生的连续的动作。 The man got up , put on his cap and went away . 那人站了起来,戴上帽子走了。 I lost the hat which I had bought . 9. 过去完成时以过去某时间为起点,表示过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生或完成的动作或存在的状态。也就是,过去完成时是一个相对的时态,表示的是“过去的过去”,只和过去某时间或某动作相比较时才能用到它。一般过去时以现在时间为起点,表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态。 He died three years ago . 他三年前死了。 The film had already begun when I got to the cinema . 我到达电影院时,电影已经开始了。 We had learned 1000 English words by the end of last term . 到上学期末我们已学了 1000个英语单词。 10. 在间接引语中,以过去完成时代替直接引语中的一般过去时和现在完成时。但是如果叙述的是历史事实时,只用一般过去时,不用过去完成时。 She said that she had seen the film . 她说她已看过这个电影。 He asked me whether I had done it the night before . 他问我昨天是否做了那件事。 Our teacher told us that Columbus discovered (不用 had discovered) America in 1492 . 我们老师告诉我们哥伦布是 1492 年发现美洲的。 11. 由 before , after , as soon as 等引导的从句中,由于这些连词本身已表示出时间的先后比较紧凑,所以可用过去时来代替过去完成时。 After he closed the door , he left the house . 他关上门,离开了屋子。 We (had ) arrived home before it rained .下雨前我们到家了。 试比较下列两句的时态:① The train started just before we reached the station .② The train had gone when we arrived the station . 另外,常与过去完成时连用的时间状语有 already , still , yet , just , ever , never , hardly , scarcely 以及由 by , before , since , for ,after , until , as soon as 等构成的短语或从句。常与一般过去时连用的时间状语有:yesterday , last night , then , at that time , just now , a few days ago, in 1960 , once upon a time 以及由 when , while , after , before 等引导的表示过去时间的状语从句。 二、学海导航 【学法指要】 单元难点释疑 Lesson 29 ◆ I‘ve been looking forward to it . 我一直在等着这一天。 〖释疑〗句中使用了现在完成进行时。NMET测试已经注意考查现在完成进行体。如:NMET’98 24小题 — Hi , Tracy , you look tired . — I am tired . I ____ the living room all day . A . painted B . had painted C . have been painting D . have painted 正确答案为C,此题考查的是现在完成进行时的用法。 现在完成进行时是表示动作从过去某一时间开始一直持续到现在,这个动作可能刚刚停止,也可能还要继续下去,其构成是 “have / has been + 现在分词”。 使用现在完成进行时应注意: We‘ve just been talking about you . 我们正谈你来着。(动作刚刚停止) The CCTV has been broadcasting English programmes ever since 1977 . (SEFC SBIA P46) 自1977年起中央电视台一直在播送英语节目。(动作仍在继续) 现在完成进行时也可以用来表示现在以前这段时间反复发生的事情。如: She has been cycling to work for the last three weeks . 最近三星期她一直骑自行车上班。 现在完成时与现在完成进行时用法比较: 1 . 现在完成时强调的是完成或对现在有影响的动作,而现在完成进行时强调的是持续了一段时间的动作,这个动作刚刚停止或仍在继续。请比较: I have written an article . (已完成) I have been writing an article . (还在写) 又如: The Chinese have been making paper for two thousand years . (SBIB , P22) 中国人造纸已有两千年的历史了。(动作仍在继续) They have been widening the road . (还在进行) They have widened the road . (已经完成) 2 . 表示状态、感觉、心理活动的静态动词一般不用于现在完成进行时;若表示状态一直持续到现在,可用现在完成时。即现在完成进行时不能代替以下例句中的现在完成时。 We have known each other since childhood . I haven’t seen him for years . They have always had a big garden . 他们一直有座大花园。 How long have you known that ? 你知道这事多久了 ? 3 . 现在完成进行时可以和时间短语连用,也可以不用,其意义区别不大;而现在完成时一般要与象 for two years、since July , since early morning , these few days 等一些时间短语连用,若不用时间短语,现在完成时只表示完成了的单一动作。如: My shoe has been pressing against my foot . So it hurts a bit . (SB2A , P61) 我的鞋子挤脚,所以脚有点疼。(不用时间短语) I have already closed the door . 我已经把门关上了。(表示完成的单一动作) He has been back for two days . 他回来两天了。(与时间短语连用) He has been trying to work out the maths problem since early morning . We have been having fine weather for the past few days . I‘m rather tired . I’ve been playing basketball since breakfast . 4 . 有些延续性动词,如 live , teach , work , study , learn , stay 有时用现在完成时与用现在完成进行时意义区别不大。如: I have lived here for ten years . (= I have been living here for ten years .) 我住在这儿已十年了。 How long have you studied English ? (=How long have you been studying English ? ) 你学习英语多久了 ? 另需注意的是:现在完成进行时一般不用于被动语态。 5. 在现代英语中,动词 sit , lie , wait , stay 等用现在完成进行时比用现在完成时更合习惯。 I‘ve been sitting here all afternoon . I’ve been waiting for you since morning . I‘ve been staying in a hotel so far . 6. 用“How long … ?”结构询问目前正在进行的动作的时间长度时多用现在完成进行时。 How long have you been sewing ? How long have you been learning English . ◆ I’m sorry to have done that . 我那样作,真对不起。 〖释疑〗本句中的 to have done 时不定式的完成式,表示动作提前完成。使用不定式的完成式应注意: 1 . 动词不定式的完成体 1) 如果不定式动作是瞬间动作动词,它表示一个在现在或过去某时之前已经完成的动作;如果是持续动作动词,它表示一个一直持续到现在或过去某时的动作。 a . 常见的可接不定式完成体的动词有: happen / see / appear / prove / pretend / seem , etc . He seemed to have lived a happy life . 他似乎一直过得很幸福。(他的幸福生活一直持续到现在) b . 常见的可用于“主语+ be said + to have done / been”相当于主动句“People say + that”结构的句型有:be said / reported / thought / supposed / expected / believed / considered / known 等。如: Her husband is said to have given up smoking . 据说她丈夫已经戒烟了。(“戒烟”发生在“据说”之前) The girl is reported to have been a League member for five years . 据报道那姑娘入团已经5年了。(不定式表示谓语动作前所处的状态) c . 常见的可接不定式完成体的形容词有 glad / happy / sad / disappointed / satisfied / sorry / surprised 等。如: I‘m sorry to have given you so much trouble . 对不起,给你带来了那么多麻烦。 比较下面不定式的一般时和完成时的区别: I’m happy to have seen you . 见到你很高兴。(分手时说) I‘m happy to see you . 见到你很高兴。(见面时说) I’m sorry to keep you waiting for a minute . 对不起,要请你等会儿。(说话时还未等) I‘m sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time . 对不起,让你久等了。(说话时已经等了很久) 2) be + 不定式完成时态表示该做或想做但未做的动作。如: You were to have arrived there early that day . 那天你们应该早点到那儿。(但你们晚到了) I was to have helped him then . but I was too busy . 当时我本想帮他的忙,可我太忙了。(未帮他的忙) 3) 表示“意图,打算”之意的动词如 hope , wish , expect , think , suppose , want , plan , agree , mean , try 等用过去时,又后接不定式完成式作宾语时,表示想做而未做的事情。这种意义也可用这类词的“过去完成时+不定式的一般式”表达。如: We wished to have put out the fire in thirty minutes . (=We had wished to put…) 我们本打算半小时就把火扑灭的。(结果没有) The engineers planned to have removed the temple before the dam was completed . (= The engineers had planned to remove the…) 工程师们本决定大坝建成之前把那座寺庙移走的。(结果没有) 2 . 动词不定式的完成进行体 动词不定式的完成进行体表示不定式动作发生在谓语动作之前,并一直在进行着。其结构与不定式的完成体类似。如: He is said to have been translating Luxun’s works into English . 据说他一直把鲁迅的著作译成英文。(现仍然在译) She seems to have been teaching in that school for fifteen years . 她似乎已经在那所学校教了15年书了。(仍在教,强调继续教) The kind-hearted millionaire is very happy to have been helping the poor . 那个善良的富翁一直在帮助穷人,并为此感到非常高兴。(仍在帮) We supposed to have been living here till our children grew up . 我们原以为可以在这一直住下去,直到我们的孩子长大。(但我们得搬家了) 3 . 动词不定式完成体的被动式 当主语与不定式动词有被动关系,且不定式所表示的动作又先于谓语动词动作发生时,动词不定式就要用完成体的被式。如: The book is said to have been translated into many languages . 据说这本书被译成很多种语言。 The oranges were thought to have all been sold out . 人们认为桔子已经全部卖完。 He is very sad to have lost four bikes in less than one year . 他因不到一年就丢了4部自行车而感到很伤心。 Lesson 30 ◆ … and four times I saw the boy‘s eager face turn to disappointment . 我四次看到那男孩热切的面孔转成失望的神情。 〖释疑〗句中的 turn to … 式受感官动词 see 的影响,其后的不定式作宾补省略 to 表示动作的完成性。这样的动词还有:look at , watch , observe , notice , make , have , let , hear , listen to 。 She made me sing a song at the party . = I was made to sing a song at the party . (注意在被动句中加 to) … and four times the boy’s eager face was seen to turn to disappointment . ◆ At the boy‘s last remark , … 听到那男孩的最后一句话…… 〖释疑〗句中的 at 表示“一听到”。 at the sound of 一听到……的声音。at the thought of 一想到……。at the sight of 一看到……。另外注意介词 at 的下列 10 点用法: 1. 表示在小地方;在中点站 at the station , at the bus stop , at my house , stand at the door , change trains at Beijing , at 125 Renmin Road (但on Hazel Street ), at the edge of 。 2. 表达“在……时刻”“在……年龄”在……时间“” at sunset , at middy , at dusk , at dawn , at noon , at midnight , at ten o’clock , at (the age of) 12 , at that time 3. 表达目标与方向性 shout at , shoot at , point at , knock at , strike at , throw at , laugh at 。 4. 表达原因“由于,因为” be angry at my words ,be pleased at , be amused at , be surprised at . 5. 表示“在……方面” be good at , be , clever at , be bad at 6. 表达“从事于;处于……状态” at work , at war , at school , at rest , at present , at sea 。 7. 用在表示最高级的形容词前面。 at (the) least 至少;at (the) most 最多;at (the) worst最坏的情况 ;at (the ) best 最好, 8. 表达速度、价格、比率、等级、距离等。 at (a speed of ) 50 kilometres an hour , sell them at a low cost , at 90℃ , at first , at a distance of 90 miles 9. 在节日的对比中:at Christmas = on Christmas Day , at Easter 在复活节,at Thanksgiving 在感恩节,at New Year = On New Year‘s Day , on Easter Monday 在复活节后的星期一,at / on the weekend 。 10. 指空间的某一点。 My house is at the third crossroad after the bridge . 我家住在桥那边第三个十字路口。 If you are at the North Pole , every direction is south . 如果你站在北极点上,每一个方向都是向南的。 Lesson 31 ◆ … the ship would have sunk with all on board but for the effort of the captain . 如果不是由于船长的努力,那么这艘船连同船上所有的人必将沉入大海。 〖释疑〗本句通过介词短语 but for 引起虚拟语气。虚拟语气在其它情况下的应用有: 虚拟语气按谓语形式分为两大类,即表示与现在事实相反和与过去事实相反时,谓语动词用过去式(动词 to be 用 were)和 had + p . p . 。另一类是谓语使用 should + 动词原形,其中 should 可省略。 1 . 虚拟语气可用来表示愿望、建议、命令等。在下面几类从句中,谓语动词都需要用虚拟语气。 ★ wish 后的宾语从句。 在这类从句中,动词都用相当于陈述语气过去式时态或过去将来时态的形式。 I wish he would try again . 我希望他再试试。 How I wish it wasn’t raining ! 如果现在不下雨该多好! 另外,在“would rather(sooner)”后也可用虚拟语气。 I would rather he came tomorrow . 我宁愿他明天来。 I could go myself but I would sooner he went . 我自己也能去,但我宁愿他去。 ★ 在含有 suggest , order , demand , propose , command , request , insist 等动词后的宾语从句。 I suggest we (should) set off at once . 我建议马上动身。 I insisted that he (should) take up the matter at the meeting . 我坚持他在会上谈这个问题。 The head of the station ordered that all the people (should) leave . 站长命令所有的人离开。 ★ 在含有 it is suggested , it is requested , it was ordered , it is necessary , it is important , it has been decided 等结构后的主语从句。 It is requested that Comrade Li (should) have a word at the meeting . 有人请求李同志在会上谈几句话。 It is important that we (should) unite with all that can be united in the struggle . 在斗争中团结一切可以团结的人是非常重要的。 ★在含有 suggestion , order , plan , idea 等后面的表语从句和同位语从句。 My suggestion is that we (should) send a few comrades to help the other groups . 我的建议是我们派几个同志去帮助别的小组。 My idea is that we (should) challenge the other groups to a friendly competition . 我的意见是向别的组挑战,我们来一个友谊竞赛。 2 . 在下列状语从句中,要用虚拟语气。 ★ 以 in order that , so that 引起的从句(谓语多用 may 或 might 加动词原形构成,在口语中也常用 can 或 could 加动词原形)。 Let‘s hand in the exercises earlier so that the teacher may have time to correct them . 让我们早点交练习以便让老师有空儿修改。 The teacher spoke slowly in order that the students could / might hear clearly . 老师说得很慢,好让学生们听得清楚些。 ★ 以 lest (以免),for fear that 和 in case 引起的从句中谓语多用“should + 动词原形”这一结构形式。 He took his umbrella with him lest it should rain . 他带了雨伞,以免下雨。 Here’s some money in case you should need it . 这儿有些钱以防你需要用。 以 what , whatever , whoever , no matter what 三类代词或词组引起的从句中谓语多用“may + 动词原形”这一结构形式。 Come what may , we will go ahead . 不管发生什么情况,我们都要干下去。 这时如果指的是一个过去的动作,may 后面的动词就要用完成形式。 We mustn‘t be proud however much you may have achieved . 不管我们有多么大的成就,都不应该骄傲。 3 . 虚拟语气还可用在口语中,使语气显得比较委婉、客气,这时谓语动词多用“should (would , could , might) + 动词原形”这一结构形式。 ★ 陈述自己的看法。 I should be glad to talk to you . 我愿意跟你谈谈。 ★ 提出请求或邀请。 Would you mind shutting the door ? 劳驾把门关上。 ★ 提出建议或劝告。 You’d better leave the matter to him . 你最好把这件事交给他。 ★ 提出问题。 Do you think you could spare me a few minutes ? 我能占你几分钟时间吗 ? 4 . 此外,某些表示祝愿的句子中也需要用虚拟语气,常见的有如下几类: ★ 用原形。 “Damn it , ”cursed he . 他骂道:“真混蛋!” ★ 由“may + 动词原形”构成。 Carry the revolutionary tradition forward , may you gain still greater glory ! 发扬革命传统,争取更大光荣。 ★ 用在 if only 引起的感叹句之中。 If only I hadn‘t lost it ! 如果没丢失它该多好! 5 . 在It’s necessary (important , natural , strange , unusual , a pity , a shame , no wonder , etc . )that 句形中,主语从句中的谓语也常用(should) + 动词原形。 It‘s unusual that he (should) go to school so early . It’s necessary that Mr . Smith (should) be sent to a hospital as soon as possible . It‘s a pity that he (should) be careless . It’s strange that he (should) pass the examination . 注意:在 It‘s (high) time that 句型中,从句中谓语动词常用过去式,也可以用 should + 动词原形,但 should 不能省略。 It’s high time that we went (should go) to bed . 6. 含蓄型虚拟语气。通过介词或者介词短语 but for , with , without 和or , otherwise 来引导虚拟语气。 But for the leadership of the Party , we could not live a happy life today . = It it were not for the leadership of the Party , … Without (= If there were no )chemicals , life itself would be impossible . For lack of water , plants would not grow well . 没有水,植物就长不好。 Without steel , there would be hardly any industry to talk about . I was busy that day . Otherwise ( = If I had not been busy ) I would have come to see you . 7. 通过分词或者独立主格结构表达虚拟。 Not having ( = If he had not )done his work , he would not have left the office . Given ( = If I had been given ) more time , I could have done it better . Time permitting ( = If time permitted ) , I would watch TV tonight . 采用这种分类方法进行虚拟语气的学习,可以避免只见木不见林的现象,可以摆脱虚拟语气杂乱无章,变幻莫测,极难掌握的虚幻感。有利于形成知识体系,在实际运用中,更容易产生联想,举一反三。同时可以在学习中逐步养成对头绪纷繁的语言现象进行归纳分类整理的习惯。提高练习与检测的正确率,提高英语学习的效率。 ◆ As I expressed to him my thanks , he held my hand firmly , looked into my eyes … 当我向他致谢时,他紧紧握主我的手,盯住我的眼睛…… 〖释疑〗句中 firmly 不能用 firm ,但可以用 stand firm , 站得稳。hold firm 固守。 有些形容词有两种副词形式,一种与形容词同形,另一种是在形容词后加 ly 构成。它们的用法异同有如下三种情况: 一、词义各异,不能互换 1 . hard / hardly hard 劝告;刻苦地;猛烈地;困难地。例如: He studies very hard . 他学习非常努力。 It began to blow quite hard , just before midnight . 只是在午夜前,才开始刮起了大风。 The old man is breathing very hard . 这位老人呼吸非常困难。 hardly 几乎不;简直不。例如: We hardly had time to eat breakfast . 我们简直没时间吃早饭。 Hardly had the plane landed when the people ran toward it . 飞机几乎还未着陆,人们就朝它跑去了。 [注]当 hardly 用于句首的时候,主句一般要部分倒装。 2 . high / highly high 高高地;地位高;声音高。例如: The plane flies high . 飞机飞得很高。 The bird sang high and clearly . 鸟叫声嘹亮。 highly 高度地;非常(常和 praise , speak 等动词连用)。例如: They spoke very highly of him . 他们称赞他。 3 . deep / deeply adv . 这两个副词均作“深地”解,但用法上有差别: (1) 修饰具体动作时,往往两个词可换用,但多用deep。如: They had to dig very deep(deeply) in order to find water . 他们必须挖得很深,才能发现水。 (2) 表示静止状态时只用 deep (此时多与介词、副词连用)。例如: The meeting continued deep into the night . 会议持续到了深夜。 He stood there thinking , his hands deep in his pockets . 他两手深深地插在口袋里,站在那儿思索。 (3) 修饰形容词或过去分词只能用 deeply,此时 deeply 多用于引伸含义,表示个人情感。例如: I am deeply grateful to you . 我非常感谢你。 He is deeply interested in English . 他对英语很感兴趣。 (4) deeply 可与 hate , dislike , regret , admire , love , value 等动词连用,但不能与动词 like 连用。如: I deeply regret his death . 我对他的去世深感遗憾。 4 . late / lately late 迟;晚。例如: he bus arrived 5 minutes late . 公共汽车迟到了五分钟。 We went to bed late . 我们很晚才上床。 lately 最近;不久前 (同 recently )。例如: What have you been doing lately ? 最近你在做什么 ? as late as 与 as lately as 都有“近至;直到”之意,用法相同。例如: I saw him as late(lately) as yesterday . 直到昨天我才看见他。 5 . pretty / prettily pretty 十分地;相当地;颇。例如: I feel pretty tired . 我感到相当疲倦。 prettily 漂亮地。例如: Sometimes my wife is prettily dressed . 有时我妻子穿得漂亮。 6 . near / nearly near 近;临近;在附近。例如: The train came nearer and nearer . 火车越来越近了。 nearly 几乎;差不多;将近。例如: It is nearly ten o‘clock . 差不多十点钟了。 The child slipped and nearly fell . 孩子滑了一下险些摔倒。 7 . dead / deadly dead 的确;完全;突然。例如: She had gone dead tired . 她已极为疲劳。 She stopped dead . 她突然停了下来。 deadly 非常地;极其地;死了似的。例如: I was deadly sleepy . 我非常困。 She was deadly pale . 她苍白得像死人。 8 . wide / widely wide 广大地;充分地;完全地。例如: The doors of universities are wide open to you . 大学的门向你们敞开着。 He was wide awake . 他完全清醒了。 widely 广泛地;大大地。例如: English is widely used in the world . 英语在世界上被广泛地应用。 He is widely reading . 他博览群书。 9 . most / mostly most 的用法有: (1) much 的最高级。例如: What struck me most was his courage . 最使我感动的是他的勇气。 (2) 帮助二个音节以上的形容词或副词构成最高级。例如: This is the most serious accident this year . 这是今年最严重的事故。 (3) 加强语气,意为“极,很,十分”,前用不定冠词。例如: It was a most touching scene . 那是极其动人的场面。 mostly (无比较级和最高级)主要地;多半;基本上。例如: The remaining population was mostly children and old people . 留下来的人大多数是儿童和老人。 10 . clean / cleanly clean (无比较级和最高级)完全地;彻底地。例如: I clean forgot about it . 这事我全忘了。 My view is clean contrary . 我的看法完全相反。 cleanly 干净地;利落地。例如: He caught the ball cleanly . 他接球干净利落。 11 . close / closely close 靠近;挨近;接近。例如: Come close so that I can see you . 走近点以便我能看清你。 They sat down , close together , hand in hand . 他们手拉着手,紧挨着坐了下来。 He was standing close to the door . 他靠近门站着。 closely 紧密地;紧紧地;秘密地;仔细地;严密地。例如: We followed closely after him . 我们紧紧地跟在他后面。 He looked at the portrait more closely . 他更加仔细地注视着这幅画像。 The prisoner were closely guarded . 囚犯被严密地监视着。 有时表示“势均力敌地”。例如: It was a closely contested election . 这是一个势均力敌的竞选。 12 . dear / dearly dear 昂贵的。例如: He got rich by buying cheap and selling dear . 他靠低价买高价卖发了财。 He sells his goods very dear . 他的货卖得很贵。 dearly 深深地(爱);非常地(想)。 He loved his mother dearly . 他深深地爱着他的母亲。 有时表示“昂贵地,以巨大代价”的意思。例如: He paid dearly for his experience . 他为他的经验付出了巨大的代价。 13 . fair / fairly 副词 fair 为“公平地”,而 fairly “相当,很”。如: One learns to fight hard but fight fair , to win without pride and to lose with grace . 一个人要学会奋力拼搏,但要公平竞争,要胜不骄,败不馁。 It’s fairly warm today . 今天相当暖和。 14 . short / shortly 副词 short 意为“简短地,唐突地”,而 shortly 则意为“不久”。如: 1 . Paper is running short . 纸快用完了。 2 . He‘ll be back shortly . 他马上就回来。 15 . loud / loudly / aloud 副词 loud 为“高声地,大声地”,有比较级形式,常与 speak , talk , laugh , say , shout 连用,还可作可言词用。loudly常含“喧闹、嘈杂”之意。aloud含“出声地,而不是在脑子里默默地说,只有修饰 cry , shout 时才表“大声”地 , aloud 没有比较级。 |
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