Unit2 教案,知识点讲解(新课标版高二英语上册教案教学设计)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

I. Teaching aims and demands
1. After the learning of this unit the students are supposed to master the following words and expressions:
Media reliable fire face difficulty nosy editor reason elect
Injure headline inform relate talent switch interviewee present reflect truthfully effort passion spiritual fulfillment seldom addict social ignore attention tolerate
Critical source current affair concern neutral telegram locate retire complete overseas bore attitude disappoint troublemaker guard responsible caring citizen
2. The students are required to understand and also be able to use the daily expressions in communication:
3. Grammar: The past participle is used as attribute and predictive
4. Language use: The students are got involved in listening, speaking, reading and writing practice to improve their language use abilities.
5.Ethics teaching: After learning this unit, the students can know the importance of media and know how to use media to get information and solve problems.
II. Time arrangement:
This unit is going to be finished in 7 teaching periods including a unit test.
III. Key and difficult points of this unit:
1. Grammar: The past participle is used as attribute and predictive.
2. Words and useful expressions
3. Daily expressions in communication
4. Listening and writing practice
IV. Teaching aids
tape recorder / computer/ multimedia education software
V. Teaching procedures:
Step 1. to learn all the new words of unit 2.
Step 2. Listening
1. listen to the tape and try to get the information..
2. try to finish the exercises.
Step 3: Speaking
A. Warming up:
1. deal with language points:
a. media
The media can help us solve many problems.
These days, Duli becomes a media personality.
b. reliable = dependable
He is my reliable friend.
The watch that I bought five years ago is still reliable now.
My memory is not very reliable recently.
2. Ask the Ss to look at the pictures and tell what kind of media they are.
3. ask the Ss to discuss the following problems:
a. Which of the news media above is the most reliable? Why?
b. Which of the news media do you like best?
c. How are the media above different from each other?
d. How do you know whether what you hear, see or read is true?
B. Speaking
1. learn the use of the new words and deal with
language points.
a. elect
We elected him as our monitor.
She has been elected to committee.
b. rob sb of sth
He was robbed of his cash and cheque-book.
c. burn down
After the war, the factory has been burnt down.
d. burn up
You should burn up all the rubbish.
e. jnjure
He was injured in the accident.
f. rumour
I heard a rumour that he was leaving.
Rumour says that he was fired.
2. learn the useful expressions.
a. What do you think of….?
What do you think of the film?
b. Why do you choose the watch?
I would rather choose that one.
c. Maybe it would be better to choose that one.
3. Work in pairs and make a dialogue.
Step 4: Reading
1. pre-reading: Discuss these questions with your partner.
Which part will be talked about in the text.
2. reading
1. ask the Ss to read the text and underline the sentences that they don’t understand.
2. deal with the language points.
a. informed: adj inform: vt
He informed the police that some money is missing.
He can get the champion, my guess is informed.
He is an informed person.
b. relate to sb/ sth 理解并同情某人; 与….有关
Some adults can’t relate to children.
I can’t relate to rock music.
Wealth is seldom related to happiness.
The new law relates to environment.
c. switch = change or exchange
You two should switch your seats.
Will you please switch TV to the 8th channel.
Husband and wife should switch the roles occasionally.
d. for once
He was lost for once during his childhood.
I have heard from him for once.
e. rather than…..
I prefer to stay at home rather than go skating.
f. contact: vt, n
Where can I contact you tomorrow?
I have lost contact with her for 10 years.
They avoid eye contact with each other.
g. present
He presented a report to the headmaster.
He presented some flowers to the singer.
May I present my assistant to you?
h. reflect
The mirror reflects my face.
The mountains were reflected in the lake.
Her sad looks reflected the nature of her thoughts.
i. effort: un力量和精力 cn 努力,奋斗
It took us a lot of effort to lift the table.
Playing card is a waste of time and effort.
I will make every effort to arrive on time.
I will make efforts to finish the work.
j. adapt to
Our eyes slowly adapted to the dark.
She adapted herself quickly to the new climate.
k. passion: strong feeling
She argued with great passion.
Music is her passion.
l. spiritual
The pope is the spiritual leader of many Christians.
Everyone should has his spiritual country .
I admire his spiritual beauty.
m. fulfilment
He gets a great sense of fulfilment from the work.
The fulfilment of the work made us happy.
n. addict be addicted to
Many children are addicted to computer game now.
Never be addicted to drugs.
o. suffer from
He is suffering from fever now.
Our school suffers from the lack of teachers.
p. ignore
The boy is completely ignored at the party.
It is not right to ignore environmental problems.
q. on all sides.
The party are reforming the society on all sides.
The disaster is on all sides.
r. tolerate.
I can’t tolerate your behaviour.
We have to tolerate his bad temper.
s. critical
We arrived at the critical moment.
Why are you always so critical?
The patient’s condition is critical
t. comment on : n vt
There are many comments on the Olympic games on net.
He has some comments on the affair.
Don’t comment on current affairs.
3. post-reading
to finish the four exercises.
Step 5: Language Study and Grammar
1. Word study
1) deal with the language points:
a. complete
He completed the novel in three years.
They have imported complete equipment.
b. look up to
We all look up to Mr Wang, he is a good teacher.
c. fall in love
He fell in love with a woman doctor.
I’ve fallen in love with your new house.
2) Complete the sentences with the verbs from
the box. You may change the form if necessary.
3) Look at the words in the box. Do they have a positive, negative or neutral meaning?
2. Grammar:
1) The Past Participle used as Attribute and Predicative
2) to finish all the exercises.
Step 6: Integrating skills
1. read the text and try to find some sentences that you don’t understand and underline them.
2. deal with the language points.
a. update update sb on sth
They have decided to update the textbooks.
I updated the committee on our progress.
Homework: To write a paragraph in which you compare two kinds of media, for example websites and newspapers.









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