Unit 15 The Necklace reading(人教版高一英语下册教案教学设计)

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Unit15 The Necklace
Reading The necklace
1. To get to learn more information about drama
2. To have a better understanding of the outline of the drama
3. To learn some basic reading skills
4. To develop students’ imagination and creativity by continuing the play
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1: Warming ups
Task 1: Get students to discuss the following two questions
1. What kind of plays do you like best? (funny plays, serious plays or sad plays) Why?
2. Can you tell me some famous playwrights in China or abroad?
(Caoyu, Laoshe, Shakespeare, Charlie Chaplin, Maupassant, etc)
Task 2: Competition To see who is the fastest to match the writers and their works and countries

Caoyu The Thunder Storm
Britain Shakespeare The Merchant of Venice
France Maupassant The Million Note
China Mark Twain The Necklace
America Laoshe Tea House
Step 2: Reading
Task 1: Pre-reading
Ask one student to do the daily report
Topic: Maupassant ----- a great French writer
Task 2: Skimming
Ask students to listen to the passage and then find out how many scenes there are and how many characters there are in the play
(The answers: 3 scenes; 3 characters)
Task 3: Scanning
Ask students to read each scene fast by themselves and sum up the main idea of each scene
Suggested answers:
Scene 1: Mathilde met with Jeanne in a park in Paris
Scene 2: The Pierres talked about their going to the ball in the home
Scene3: Mathilde continued to tell Jeanne what had happened to her and why she had changed a lot
Task 4: Careful reading
Group work: ask students to discuss each scene and find more information about the play by filling in a table
Task 5: Post-reading
1. Let students discuss in groups and give a description of the characters in the play using adjective
Suggested answers:
2. Summary
Let students discuss the following questions to further understand the story
1) What can Mathilde do next?
2) What can Mathilde say to her husband when she gets home?
3) What can Jeanne do next?
4) What do you think of the ending?
Step 3: Acting
Task 1: Ask students to discuss in groups to continue the story and write a scene in mind in which Mathilde comes back home to tell her husband about her meeting with Jeanne
Task 2: Choose several groups to act out their play in front of the class
(Remind students of using some stage properties and stage directions while acting out the play
Step 4: Homework
1. Written
1) Exercise book
2) Write an ending which is based on the story
2. Oral
Read the passage for 3 times and find out some good sentences to recite



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