Unit 15 Thanks for the message (JEFC 2B )(人教版八年级英语下册教案教学设计)

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Thanks for the message

Teaching Aims
1. Words & Phrases:
telephone, phone, call, ring, photo, story, enough, really, afraid, pleasure ,harvest answer the telephone; be out; at the moment; by the way; the next day; ring up; take a message; at the cinema; be afraid; lots of
2. Useful Expressions:
1 Could you answer the telephone, please?
2 He’s out at the moment.
3 Please ring him
4 Could I speak to him, please?
5 Can I take a message?
6 It’s a pleasure.
7 Could you ask him to call me, please?
8 I’m afraid....

Teaching Importance
and Difficulties
3. Grammar:
1. The simple past tense of “There be….”
2. “Could …?” expresses the polite request

Teaching Methods
Five Steps Method
Aural-oral Method
Comprehensive Method

Lesson 57
Step 1. Greeting
T: You’re welcome back to school. (I’m glad to see you all back to school.)
Free talk:
1. Did you stay at home or go out in the winter holidays?
2. Where did you go for your holiday?
3. How/When did you go there?
4. What did you do there?
5. Did you see anything interesting?
6. What did you see there?
7. Did you have a good time?
8. When did you usually get up every day in the holidays?
9. What did you usually do in the morning/afternoon/evening?
10. Did you do a lot of homework?
11. Did you help your parents with the housework?
12. Did you go shopping with your parents? What did you buy?
13. Did you enjoy your holidays?
14. Are you glad to be back at school/to see your friends again?
教师准备一个铃或让学生模仿电话铃声。铃响后教师对学生说:Listen! The telephone is ringing. 然后提问一名学生:×××, Could you answer the telephone, please? I’m busy. 教师帮助学生回答:OK, I’ll get it.
Step 2. 学生听完录音后,两人一组练习这两句话。
Step 3. 教师和学生演示对话。
T: Hello. 68485950
S1: Hello. Could I speak to Mr. Green, please?
T: I’m afraid he’s out at the moment. Can I take a message?
S1: Yes. Could I have your name, please?
T: Jim.
S1: Could you spell it, please?
T: J-I-M, Jim.
S1: And your telephone number, please?
T: 6-4-double 6-3-4-1-1.
S1: 6-4-double 6-3-4-1-1. Thanks a lot. Bye.
T: It’s a pleasure. Bye.
Step 4. 教师解释单词和短语后,让学生听录音和练习对话。
1. Could you answer the telephone, please?
could是can的过去式,但并不是过去时态,表示比较客气委婉地请求,比 can更客气。Could you …? 表示说话人的一种委婉请求或要求。
answer the telephone接电话。answer还有“回答”的意思。e.g.:
Could I have fall one,please?
Could you carry the books to the classroom, please?
Could I open the door?
My sister answered the telephone.
I’m sorry I can’t answer your questions?
2. I’ll get it? 我来接电话。
3. Could I speak to Jim, please?这是句电话用语。句中的speak 不能换成talk 或者say。
ask sb. to do sth.意思是“请某人做某事。”如:
She asked me to help her with English this afternoo
4. I’m afraid he’s at the moment.
be afraid +从句,意为“恐怕”,表示一种委婉否定的意思,相当于I’m sorry 无“害怕”之意。
e.g. I’m afraid I can’t come.
be afraid of+名词,意为“害怕”。
e.g. I’m afraid of dogs. 我害怕狗。
“be afraid”常用于口语中,表示遗憾,歉意及来不确定的语气。如:
I’m afraid he’s out at the moment. 这里“he’s out at the moment.”是宾语从句。
5. Could you ask him to call me, please?
call me “给我打电话”,= call me up= telephone me= phone me= ring me。e.g.:
I want to telephone my sister.
Who phoned you yesterday?
Please ring me up at six o’clock tomorrow morning.
6. It’s a pleasure.(My pleasure.)这是一件愉快的事。此句为回答谢意的一种方式。回答谢意还有几种方式:
² You are welcome.
² With pleasure.
² Not at all.
² Don’t mention it.
² That’s all right.
² That’s ok.
Thanks a lot.= Thank You.= Thank You very much. =Thanks a lot. =Thanks. many thanks .
7. Write down the answers?
write…down 表示“把…写(记)下来” 。后面可跟介词短语on… 。e.g.:
Please write these words on your exercise books.
Would you like to write your name down on my book,please?
类似的词组还有turn on, put away, put on, pick up, take off.等。如:Will you please pick it up?
Bb work
Unit 15

Lesson 57

From: Bruce To: Lucy
Date: February 3 Time: 4:50
Message: Please ring him. His phone number is 9673340

Lesson 58
Step 1. 教师就L57的对话提问题,引出新课内容。
T: Where was Jim when Li Lei called?
Ss: He was at the cinema.
T: Who answered the telephone?
Ss: Kate.
T: Did Kate take the message?
Ss: Yes, she did.
T: What was the message?
Ss: Li Lei wanted Jim to call him when he came back.
T: Jim comes home from the cinema now. Kate is going to tell him about the telephone call. Now listen to the dialogue.
Step 2. Now Li Lei knows about the telephone call. What is he going to do next? Can you guess? Yes, he’s going to ring Li Lei. What are they going to talk about? Listen to the tape and find out the answer. 听完录音后,教师可以先问几个问题,然后让学生练习对话。
Step 3 Explanation
1. by the way是介词短语,用于插入语,用来表示要谈论另外一件事顺便说一下,如:
By the way, what’s your name?
2. Is that Li Lei ? Yes It Is.该句是打电话常用的。用英语打电话和汉语不同。如:
Who’s speaking? This is/It’s….speaking. Is it/that…speaking? Hold on, please.
Bb Work
Unit 15

Lesson 58

have a good time have a party have a sports meeting
have a read have a rest have a try
have a swim have a look at have a meeting
have lessons have a drink of… have a good harvest
have to have a baby had better…
Thank you for having us. 谢谢你请我们来做客。

Lesson 59
Step 1. 教师通过边放投影片边提问的方式,帮助学生回忆李雷和他的同学们在农场摘苹果的情况。
Step 2. 学生阅读文章后回答教师提出的问题。
1) When did the students go to the farm?
2) Were there many apples on the tree?
3) Why did the farmers need help?
4) Did the students enjoy the work?
5) Why did they need ladders?
6) Who picked the most apples?
1. the next day 与 tomorrow 的区别:
the next day用于过去时态;而tomorrow用于将来时态。
He will go to Beijing tomorrow.
He went to Beijing the next day.
next+时间名词,指从现在开始的“下一个”,“第二个”,用在将来时中,the next+时间名词,指过去某一个时间的“下一个”,“第二个”。如:
The next day I left home very early .
She’s going to Hangzhou next month.
2. There were many apples on the trees.
There were ….表示存在的句型,是 there be….的过去式。e.g.:
There were many trees in our school.
Was there a car before our classroom yesterday?
There be 结构的过去时态。
be的现在式为am, is, are; 过去式为was, were.
am, is---was; are-were
e.g. There was a big tree in front of the house last year.
There were some people in the room just now.
there be结构的否定式在be后加not,即was not(=wasn’t)
were not(=weren’t);疑问句是将was,were置句首。
There wasn’t a message.
Was there a message?
Yes, there was./No, there wasn’t.
There weren’t enough nuts.
Were there enough nuts?
Yes, there were./ No, there weren’t.
3. But there were not enough people to pick them.句中的enough为形容词,意思是“足够的”。修饰名词people,enough一词作为副词,它修饰形容词,副词时,放在形容词或副词之后,e.g.:She is old enough to look after herself.
enough 修饰名词时,通常放在前面;而修饰形容词、副词时必须置于其后。
e.g.:We have enough time to go to the station.
My sister is old enough to go to school.
There were not enough people to pick apples.(形容词) That’s enough.(名词)
He runs fast enough.
3. The men and woman lifted the fruit on to the trucks.句中on to“到…上面去”,在此句中为介词还可以合在一起合成onto如:He jumped onto the horse.
Bb Work
Unit 15

Lesson 59

1. the next day & next day 2. There was/ were….
3. into & onto/ on to 3. want (sb.) to do sth.
4. bring it to school/ bring sth. for sb./ bring sb. Sth.
5. by the way by oneself by mistake by now到目前为止
on the way to …. In the/one’s way 挡路 妨碍

Lesson 60
1. answer = give a reply to a question
2. telephone = talk with someone by telephone
3. afraid = frightened
4. moment = a short period of time
5. cinema = a place where you can see films
6. ring = get into communication with sb. by telephone
7. photo = picture
8. story = an account of something that happened
9. enough = as much (many) as may be wanted
10. really = in fact; truly
Bb Work
Unit 15

Lesson 60

1. answer the telephone 2. speak to 3. be out
4. at the moment 5. at the cinema 6. take a message for…
7. take a message to … 8. ring sb. 9. have a good time
10.by the way 11. a telephone call 12. write down
13. last October 14.bring sth. to school 15. the next day
16. give sb. some photos 17. on the tree 18.hard work
19. climb up the trees 20. with ladders 21.lift…onto the trucks
22. It’s a pleasure.




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