teaching plan for Book 1A,Unit 2(新课标版八年级英语上册教学反思)

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I. Key points
1. Words and expressions:flight,make oneself at home,address,ketchup,majority,in total,mother tongue,situation,equal,global,knowledge,communicate,on the radio,directly trade,come about,
Independent,stay the same,end up with,more or less,bring in,a great many,except for,closet,
2. Patterns:(1)An equal number of people learn English as a second language.
(2)People from the two countries don’t have any difficulty in understanding each other.
(3)Mother told me not to leave the door open after midnight.
(4)Most of the native speakers of English are found in……
3. Grammar:Direct speech and indirect speech;requests and orders or commands.
4. Goals:(1)Learn about differences between American English and British English.
(2)Learn about communication skills.
(3)Write a passage comparing Amecican English and British English.
II. Teaching plans:seven periods
1. Period one:Warming up,listening,speaking,G1-YY-030926-1
Step1(close books)ask the students to listen to the dialogue and answer two questions.
①What is the relationship between the two.
②What are they talk about.
Step2 read the dialogue and answer another two questions.
①What is it that Joe can’t find in the bathroom?
②Why can’t he find it?
This is the best to deal with some language points.
1. For the first time第一次,初次(介词短语作状语,后不接从句)
The first time(第一次…时,后可接从句)
This∕It is the first time(后接that引导的定语从句,用现在完成时)
eg.They were there for the first time.他们是第一次到那儿。
I remembered John the first time I saw him.我第一次见到约翰时就记住了他。
This is⁄It is my first time that I have been abroad.这是我第一次出国。
2. We flew all the way direct from Seattle to London.句中all the way一路上;从远道;一直
eg.He came all the way from Australia.他从澳大利亚远道而来。
3. Make yourself at home 别拘束(像在自己家里一样)
be⁄feel at home感到安适,自在;精通。
eg.Make yourself at home and help yourself to these. 别拘束,随便吃。
He is completely at home in chemistry.他精通化学。
Step3:Listen to the tape and ask the student to write down requests and demands.Then tell “requests” from “demands”.

Step4:ask the students to read the following dialogues in pairs or act them out if necessary and it is
good time to ask the students to report requests and demands.
Step5:exercises for period 1
1. 我总共有2000册书(total)
2. 英语发展成为世界上用得最广泛的语言
3. 汤姆和另外三个孩子一起去看电影去了(as well as)
4. 这个人长相很好,只是满头白发(except for)
Period two:Pre-reading,Reading,Post-reading,G1-YY-030927-2
Step1:One question to draw the students’ attention:In what situation do you use English?
Step2:Listen to the tape once and then read the text.Answer somes about the text.
Step3:Read the text again and give the main idea of each paragraph.
Step4:Retell the text briefly (write some key words on the blackboard)
Exercises for period 2. (单项选择)
1. The child imagined______a plane to the moon and______there for a week.
A.to take,to live B.to take,living C.taking.living D.taking,to live
2. Wilson explained______the teacher why he was late______that week.
A.to ,every day B.X,every day C.to,everyday D.X,everyday
3. The Blacks were______a flight______the Pacific Ocean then.
A.in,on B.for,across C.to,over D.on,across
4. The plane crashed and the______on a______island in the Pacific Ocean.
A.landed,deserting B.were landed,deserting
C.landed,deserted B.were landed,deserted
5. Paul likes to make______those who______other.
A.friends to,care about B.friends with,care about
C.friend with,care about D.friends with,care
6. The people______all felt very safe.
A.on plane B.on board the plane
C.on the plane board D.on board on plane
7. Not only the the student but also Tom______about the answer.
A.is sure B.are sure C.sure D.sures
8. —I’ve got your invitation. —Oh,good______. (2002春高考)
A.Can you come? B.Thanks a lot C.I’ll take it D.May I help you?
Period3:Some language points in reading,word study,grammar:G1-YY-030928-3
Step1:Check homework or ask students to retell the text if necessary.
Step2:Deal with some language points.
1. In only fifty years,English has developed into the language most widely spoken and used in the world.
①develop vtvi 发展,壮大,完善,生长
eg. Plants develop from seeds. 植物由种子发育而成。
Some children develop more slowly than others. 有些儿童比其他儿童发育得慢。



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