新教材Unit 8 sports(新课标版高一英语教案教学设计)

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Teaching Goals
1. Talk about sports
2. Talk about interests and hobbies
3. Talk about the Olympics
3. Write a sports star’s profile
Period Arrangements six periods
Students intermediate level
【Teaching Aims】
A. Abilities
1. Be able to use the following sentences
Which do you like…or …?
What’s your favorite sport?
Which sport do you like best?
Which do you prefer…or…?
What about…?
Are you interested in…?
2. Be able to say something about sports.
B. Knowledge
1. vocabulary continent well-known athlete gold medal torch badminton tie final dive shooting Greece competitor motto further rank gymnastics prepare preparation effect flame compete flag weight position superstar point skill weigh title gesture facial stand for because of speed skating track and field take part in preparation for
2. grammar
Passive Voice in the future tense
【Studying method】
Preview—to get the students form the good habit of study first by themselves. To improve their study ability.
【Teaching Methods】
1. Talking method to enable the students to express themselves freely.
2. Listening method to improve the students’ listening ability.
【Teaching Aids】
1. a recorder 2. a computer and some slides
【Teaching procedures】
Teaching Procedures of Period 1:
【Teaching Goals】
1. Improve the students listening ability by listening to some materials.
2. Master the useful expressions by using them in the dialogue, meanwhile educate the students to love sports so that they can be healthier and stronger.
【Teaching Methods】
1. Talking methods to enable the students to express themselves freely.
2. Listening method to improve the students’ listening ability.
【Teaching Aids】
1. a recorder 2. a computer
Step1.Warming up
Ss know a lot about sports from everyday life and media, so I arrange such a task -discussion(group of 4):
Q: What do you know about sports?
During this process, if Ss can’t express themselves in English, Chinese is also all right. Besides, it is a good chance to present new words. If necessary, make some complements. At the same time, present them as many pictures about sports as possible.
Possible response:
school sports meet
Sports meet the National Games
the Asian Games
the Olympic Games
the World Cup
ball games: volleyball, basket ball, football, table tennis,
tennis ,golf, badminton, bowling, baseball, American
football, ice hockey etc
Events of sports
track and field: relay race, long jump, high jump, pole jump, discus, shot, javelin etc
gymnastic: rings, double bars, high and low bars, horse , free exercise
swimming/shooting/skiing/ ice sports/diving/aquatic sports etc
Sport stars : Beckham, Mike Owen, Michael Jordan etc
Purpose: This activity is designed to encourage students to think about sports and activate relevant vocabulary.
Step 2. Speaking
Task1(pair work): Talk about their favourite sports, favourite sports stars, and the reason why they like them, with the following expressions as a guide.(See SB p52)
Task2(pair work): A survey about physical fitness (See postscript 1)
Task3(group work): Add up their total scores and divide by the number of people. Then get their group’s average scores. Discuss their survey answers.
1). Do you think your group is doing well or not? Why ?
2). How can you become fitter?
Purpose: The students will use the information from the above step to
talk about their interests and hobbies and to practise giving reasons for their
Step 3. Listening
Task 1: Brainstorming(encourage Ss to tell me as many words about that as possible)
Purpose: to work as a guide of listening part
Task 2: Listen to three sports reports and fill in the missing information
Purpose: In this activity, the students will hear three sports reports about basketball, football table tennis. It is what they are interested in and to learn to understand sports news report.
Step 4. Homework Assignment
Task: Find out some background information about the Olympics. Teacher will offer them some websites as well:
www.olympic.org www.specialolympics.org/
www.athens.olympics.org/ www.beijing-2008.org
Purpose: This activity is related to the reading material of next period. To encourage Ss to find out the information by themselves.
Teaching procedures of period 2
【Teaching aims】
1. Improve the students’ reading ability by fast-reading and reading.
2. Enable the students to master the new words and expressions, as well as the language points.
3. Train the students to love and take an active part in the sports.
【Teaching method】
1. Discussion method to make the students understand what they’ve learned better.
2. Pair work or group work to get every students to take an active part in teaching-and-learning activities.
【Teaching Aids】 1. a recorder 2. a computer
【Teaching procedure】
Step1. Lead-in
Task 1. Collect the information Ss have found, and this is a good chance to present new words. If necessary, warming up Ex can work as a guide. At the same time T will display some relevant pictures.
Five rings Aisa Europe Africa America Oceania
Colour Red Yellow Green Blue
IOC International Olympic committee
Headquater Lausanne Switzerland
Motto swifter higher stronger
Present President Jac ques Rogge
Official language English French Spanish Russian German
Host city of 2000 Olympics Sydney Australia
Host city of 2004 Olympics Athens Greece
Host city of 2008 Olympics Beijing China
Host city of the first Olympics Athens Greece
kinds Winter Olympics Summer Olympics
Purpose: to help Ss get as much background knowledge about the Olympics as possible
Task 2.Group work to discuss any of following questions:
1).Why do so many athletes want to take part in the Olympic Games?
2).Are the Olympic Games important to our society? Why or why not?
Purpose: the activity is designed to get Ss to think about the Olympics as a preliminary activity related to the reading material.
Step2. Reading
Task1.Skimming to find out what is the reading material going to talk about.
Possible answer: the Olympics
Task2. Scanning to find the topic words
Possible answer: the Winter Olympics , the Summer Olympics, the ancient Olympics, the modern Olympics, the Olympic motto, the 2008 Olympics
Purpose: to train Ss to glance through the passage quickly to get a general idea.
Task3. Careful reading to find out the main idea of each paragraph.
Purpose: to train Ss how to find out the main idea of a paragraph.
Task1. Play the passage through once and ask Ss to underline some words and phrases they think useful.
Task2.Match the new words and their meanings(See WB Ex)
Task3.Fill in a form about the passage
Olympics Year place China’s gold medals competitors
old Greece no female competitors
1st in modern times
2008 ? ?
Purpose: to have a better understanding of the passage and note some useful words and phrases.
Task1: Group work (group of 4) to discuss the following topics and they can choose whichever they are interested in talking about.
Topic1. What is the spirit of the Olympic Games? What can you learn from it?
Topic2. Do you agree that” faster, higher, stronger” is a good motto not only for sports but also for life in general? Why?
Topic3.Is it important to win in a sports match? Why or why not?
Topic4.Discuss the causes and effects of some serious problems of the Olympics and think of the possible solutions.
Task2: Debate
Hosting the Olympic games is a great honour and a great responsibility. Since china has won the bidding
of hosting the 2008 Olympics, what will the Olympics bring to China, good effects or bad effects.
good effects bad effects
promote the economy costing a large amount of money
make china better known to the world cause disorder to our society
Purpose: to have a further understanding about the Olympics.
Step5.Homework assignment
Write a report based on the debate carried out in class about the good effects and bad effects of the Olympics. And encourage Ss to express their own idea in the report.
Purpose: to cultivate them how to write discussed topics
Teaching procedures of period 3
【Teaching aims】
1. Review the Future Passive Voice.
2.. Enable the students to be able to use the structures in real situations
【Teaching method】
1. Reading method to improve the students reading ability.
2. Doing-drills to get the students to master what they should master.
3. Pair work and group work may enable them to form the habit of cooperation with others .
【Teaching Aids】 a computer
【Teaching procedure】
Step1. Extensive reading (WB)
Task 1. Read the passage and have a discussion about some related questions.
1).What are some problems that unknown athletes have to deal with?
2).Why are the Olympic Games so important to many athletes?
3).Why do stars like Michael Jordan make more money than other athletes?
Task 2.Pair work Compare the sports listed. Are they popular in china? Why or why not?
Sports Popular /not very popular Reasons
Table tennis
Purpose: to know more about sports and the Olympics.
Task 1. China is going to host the 2008 Olympic Games. To make it the most wonderful and successful one, what will be done ? If necessary, T can display two pictures for contrast.
Task 2. As for Ss, being Chinese, what will they do for the 2008 Olympics?
Purpose: to make Ss note the use of Future Passive Voice and Future Active Voice.
Step3. Language focus
Task1. Group work to get a conclusion of the Future Passive Voice and give T more examples.
Structure: Subject+ will be done
Task2. Show Ss a passage about the Olympics, and ask them to change it into passive
voice.(See postscript 2)
Task3. Pair work to ask questions about the passage with what , when, where, how etc.
Task4. T has left a note to you ,asking you to write a notice for the students in Future Passive Voice. Work with their partners and write down the notice. Then report it to class orally.
Next week we are going to clear the school as follows:
Monday--- Classroom Building No.1
Tuesday--- Classroom Building No.2
Wednesday--- the computer center and language lab
Thursday--- the science labs
Friday--- the library
Purpose: to consolidate their understanding about the Future Passive Voice
Step4.Homework assignment
Task1. Finish some consolidation Ex of the Future Passive Voice
Task2. Find out as much information as possible about their favourite sports stars Purpose: to encourage Ss to do what they are interested in
Teaching procedures of period 4
【Teaching aims】
1. Review some useful words in the text.
2. Train the students’ writing ability by writing a profile
3. Improve the students’ listening ability.
【Teaching methods】
1. listening to improve the students listening ability
2. Demonstration method to show the students how to write.
3. Discussion method to make every students have a clear idea.
【Teaching Aids】1. a recorder 2. a computer
【Teaching procedure】
Ss will hear something about some sports stars and make their own decision according to what they have heard.
Guessing Game. Check what Ss have got about their favourite sports star.. Ask some Ss to come up to the front to tell what they have found while others guess the names of the sports stars.
Purpose: to work as a preliminary step of writing
Task 1.Brainstorming. Ask Ss to think out information about Yao ming as much as possible.
Task 2. Read the profile about Yao ming and find out what are the useful information for writing a profile.
Purpose: This activity is to let Ss find out how to write a profile by themselves.
Task 3. Write similar profiles about their favourite sports stars and check some typical ones in class.
Step4.Homework assigment
Suppose the Chinese Olympic Committee is inviting applications for volunteer jobs for the 2008 Olympic Games and Ss want to apply for the job. Try to write a profile to introduce themselves.
Teaching procedures of period 5
【Teaching Aims】
1. Enable the students to master the useful expressions by making sentences with them
2. Improve the students listening ability
【Teaching methods】
1. Dictation to improve the students listening ability and consolidate the use of some of the phrases they have learnt.
2. Writing to improve their writing ability and encourage them to use their imagination to think about in the future.
【Teaching Aids】 1. a recorder 2. a computer
【Teaching precedure】
Give students a dictation about the words , phrases and several important sentences
Purpose: to make Ss get used to listening and consolidate what they have learnt in this unit.
Imagine the world in the year 5,000. What will our life be like then? Make a list of the things that you think will be done differently. Try to use the Passive Voice as much as possible.
Example sentences:
Eating food I think all food will be turned into juice and chopsticks won’t be used.
Drinking water
Wearing clothes
Building houses
Driving cars
Reading books
…Purpose: to revise the language focus in this unit.
Read a complementary reading material about sports and finish the relevant Ex.(See postscript 4) Purpose: to offer Ss further information about sports so that they will have better understanding.
Task 1: Group work to talk about the sports as the sample. One member of the group write down what they have got during their discussion and another report what they have written down.
Sport: Soccer Objective: Shoot the ball into the other Team’s goalNumber of players: Two teams of eleven players:ten outfielders and a goalkeepersSports field: Grass playing fieldEquipment: Football,two goalsBasic rules:1. Players are not allowed to use their hands.2. … Sport: Table tennisObjective:Number of players:Sports field:Equipment:Basic rules: Sport:Objective: Number of players:Sports field:Equipment:Basic rules: Sport:Objective:Number of players: Sports field:Equipment:Basic rules:
Task 2: Write a short essay in which you compare two sports
Step5.Homework Assignment
Task1: Since Ss have learned the whole unit, they must know more about sports. After class, ask Ss to find some scenes which have make them moved and tell us the reasons.
Purpose: This activity is designed to check what Ss have learned from this unit
Task2: Assessment
Purpose: to help Ss to reflect on how and what they have learned from this unit
Through the whole unit a good many different kinds of assessment have been presented in the form of listening, speaking, reading and writing. But as a whole unit, I design such two forms to let Ss clearly know their own performances.
Form 1: (total score 5)
listening speaking reading writing
Self assessment
Peer assessment
Teacher assessment
Form 2: set improvement goal
Your name Date
a. What were your goals for this unit?
b. Did you reach your goal?
c. What different ways of learning did you use?
d. Which did you like best?
e. What your goals for the next unit?
f. How do you plan to reach them?
g. Will you ask some of your classmates for ideas and try new ways of learning?
The Olympic Games
Our country will




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