Unit 2 Captain Cook(新课标版高三英语教案教学设计)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

Ⅰ.Words and Phrases
store,fall ill,sickness,live(adj.) L.5 Four
defend,set out L.6
raise,pass by,be worth doing L.7
seaman,fever,litre/liter L.5
skilled L.6
in search of,astonish,astonishing,bear,thinking,celebrate,
sink,nowhere L.7
passage L.8
expedition,Endeavour,at sea L.5
chart,landowner,Quebec,St.Lawrence,warship,take…by surprise,planet, Venus,seamanship,in charge of,onion,take an interest in
Tahiti,strait,Tasmania,bay,botany,mainland,Great Barrier,disaster,crew,Java,New Zealand,coastline,set sail L.7
Aleutian Islands,Hawaii L.8
Ⅱ.Everyday English
I have decided to take live animals.
I insist on taking proper food for this expedition.
I shall insist that they do…
Have you decided which boat to take?
I suggest taking a lot of vinegar.
Further study the-ing Form used as Object,Subject and Predicative.
Ⅳ.Language Use
Using the learned language,teachers and students complete the tasks of listening,speaking and writing which the textbook and workbook provide.Reading material “Captain Cook” should be further understood.The exercises concerned should be completed and let the students learn about the contributions that Captain Cook made to exploring,sailing,charting and navigation hygience.
Ⅴ.Teaching Time:Five periods
合成法; 派生法; 转化法
sea+man—seaman(海员) sea+man+ship—seamanship(航海技术)
main+land—mainland(大陆) coast+line—coastline(海岸线)
cook(n.)厨师—cook(v.)烹调 water(n.)水—water(v.)浇水
merchant(adj.)商人的—merchant(n.)商人 date(n.)日期—date(v.)约会
fair 公平的—unfair 不公平的 believable 可信的—unbelievable 不可信的
lucky 幸运的—unlucky 不幸运的 certain 确信的—uncertain 不确信的
Background Information
James Cook
James Cook was a great explorer, who was sent by England to explore the Pacific Ocean. Before he started exploring, maps of the Pacific Ocean were almost empty. He visited hundreds of islands across the Pacific Ocean and put them in the correct places on the map.He made maps of the coastlines of Australia and New Zealand.James Cook was born in England in 1728.His parents were poor farm workers.When James was 18,he found a job on a coast ship.He worked on the ship until he was 27 years old,and then he joined the navy.He fought in eastern coast of Canada in a war against France,and he mapped some of the eastern coast of Canada.In 1768 King George Ⅲ made him Captain of a ship and sent him to the Pacific.He was gone for nearly three years.When he returned,he was regarded as a national hero.
He started his third voyage in 1776.On this trip he visited Hawaii.He was the first European to set foot on this beautiful island.Then he mapped the western coast of North America.After that he returned to Hawaii.Unfortunately there was some trouble between the Hawaiians and the white men and they started fighting.In the end Captain Cook was killed in a clash with the locals.
Columbus's Voyages
Columbus made four voyages to the west between 1492 and 1504 in his vain(徒劳的)search for a sea route to Asia.The mystery of why he failed to find it haunted(萦绕在心头)him and filled him with sadness.
Wherever he went—to Cuba,Puerto,Rico,Jamaica,South America,Panama,down the coast of Central America—it was always the same story.Instead of golden palaces,there were grass huts and palm-leaf tents.Instead of silk-robed merchant princes,he found “Indians”who did not have so much as a shirt on their backs.
When Columbus explored the West Indies in 1493,he heard tales of a fierce Indian tribe(部落)who really devoured(吞噬)its defeated enemies after a battle.This people was called by many names in the area,including Calina,Canima,Carib,Cariba and Caniba.Columbus recorded the name of the American natives as Canibales in Spanish,a word which came to refer,within a few years,to any eater of human flesh.In the similar fashion,the word Caribbean, a title for the sea as well as for the region,came into English.
At times Columbus became reconciled(意见一致)to the truth that this new land was not China,not Japan,not the Spice Islands.He seemed to accept it as a part of the earth that the geographers to Europe had never heard of before.It was another world—and he called it exactly that—but Columbus also insisted until he died that the land he had reached was an unknown part of Asia.
astonishing(adj.) 令人惊讶的
(1) astonish(v.)使惊讶
如:They found Australia to be an 0 land. 他们发现澳大利亚是一个令人惊奇的地方。
Did you notice his astonished face at that time? 你当时注意到他惊讶的面孔了吗?
The bad news astonished all the listeners. 这令人吃惊的消息令所有的人惊讶。
All the listeners are astonished at the bad news.
小结:astonishing常用来修饰说明事; astonished常用来修饰说明人
(2)seize the city 占领这个城市
如:When he was about to run across the street,his mother seized him by the arm.
I didn't seize the meaning of his remark. 我不太明白他话中的意思。
He should seize the chance to go abroad for further study. 他应该抓住出国深造的机会。
切记:seize sb.by the arm抓住某人的胳膊
Seized ________________,the thief tried to break away from the policeman.
A.by his arm B.by the arm 答案:B
take the enemy by surprise 突袭敌人
(3) in surprise 吃惊地
to one's surprise 使某人吃惊的是
(sth.)surprise sb.(某事)使某人吃惊
如:He hid himself in surprise. 他惊慌中躲了起来。
To my surprise,she was the mother of two children. 令我吃惊的是,她是两个孩子的妈妈。
The ring of the phone surprised the man sleeping during the working hours.
切记:to one's+感情名词=to the+感情名词+of sb.
如:to the teacher's surprise=to the surprise of the teacher
take an interest in 对……感兴趣,相当于have/show interest in
(4) be/become interested in 对……感兴趣
(sth.)interest sb.(某事)使某人感兴趣
如:Foreign stamps interest him—He is interested in foreign stamps. 他对外国集邮感兴趣。
小结:“take an interest in”中“take”是及物动词,“interest”是名词,前可被形容词修饰。“become/be interested in”
insist on leaving at 7 a.m. sharp 坚持在7:00整离开
(5) insist+that 从句,意为“坚持(应该)”,that从句用虚拟语气公式
为:should do (should可省略)意为“坚持说”,that从句用所需时态
如:We insisted that he join the navy. 我们坚持他参加海军。
She insisted that what she said was right. 她坚持说她的话是对的。
切记:insist on后接动词作宾语用-ing形式;insist后接宾语从句可用虚拟语气,条件是从句的动作尚未实现。
[改错]The man insisted that he see the dog yesterday. (see→had seen)
in search of/in one's search for寻找
search sb./sp.搜某人身体/地方
(6) search for 寻找
search(through)sp.+for sth.搜遍……找……
如:He settled in America in search of a better job. 他在美国安顿下来为寻找更好的工作。
The police searched the house carefully to find the stolen jewelry.
I have been searching for the same kind of shoes as these.
He searched through all the drawers for the keys. 他翻遍所有的抽屉找钥匙。
切记:“search”为“搜”是及物动词,后直接跟被搜的对象;“search for”译为“寻找”。
[改错]They started to search the missing boy immediately. (search后加for)
(7) What shoes do you want me to order?句中的“order”译为“订购”
order sb.to do 命令某人做……
order that sb.(should)do命令某人做……(宾语从句用虚拟语气)
place an order for…订购
如:The captain ordered the soldier to dive into the water to save the drowning child.
Do you wish to place an order for the bicycles at present? 你愿意现在就订自行车吗?
切记:“order”后接宾语从句用虚拟语气,公式为:should do(should可省略)
[改错]I ordered the work must be finished in a week. (must→should)
(8)join the navy参加海军
join in+活动/比赛
join…to… 把……连到……上
join up连接起来
如:My wish is to join the army after graduation. 我的愿望是毕业后参军。
Why didn't you join in the talk last night? 你昨晚为什么不参加座谈?
Can you join this wire to that wire? 你能把这条线接到那条线上吗?
To keep the enemy out his empire,Qin Shihuang had all the walls joined up.
切记:join in+活动
because of lack of fresh meat由于缺鲜肉类
(9) lack用作动词、名词,缺乏、缺少
词组be lacking in“缺乏、缺少”
如:He lacks common sense.他缺乏常识。
He can't go abroad due to (a)lack of money. 由于缺钱他不能出国。
He is lacking in teaching experience. 他缺乏教学经验。

如:John defeated/beat me at tennis just now. 在刚才的网球比赛中,约翰打败了我。
Bill won the first prize for the composition. 比尔获得作文一等奖。
Hard work won him the position of manager. 辛勤工作使他获得经理职位。
小结:defeat/beat+sb.;不可说win sb.。
at sea 在航海中,全然不知所措。
at the sea 在海边。
如:They spent half the year at sea.他们有半年的时间在海上渡过。
A lot of travellers are going on a picnic at the sea. 很多旅行者在海边野餐。
[改错]He was at the sea when he began his new job.(去掉the)
rise vi.上升、起身、起床、上涨
raise vt.举起、抬高、饲养、抚育
如:The wounded man fell and was too weak to rise. 那个受伤的人跌倒了,无力爬起来。
The level of the scientific research has been raised. 我们的科研水平有所提高。
[改错]The river has been risen two feet. (去掉been)
in charge 主管、负责,常用作表语或后置定语
(4) in charge of 管理、负责
in the charge of 由……主管(负责)也可用in one's charge
如:The doctor in charge graduated from a famous university. 主管医生毕业于一所名校。
I'll be in charge of the whole factory next month when the manager is away.
The house has been in my charge for more than a year. 这房子由我照管一年多了。
切记:“in charge of”主语是主管者,“of”后的宾语是被管理者。
“in the charge of”主语是被管理者,“of”后的宾语是管理者。
[改错]The prisoner was in charge of the guard. (in后加the)
set sail for… 启航……
set about 着手……
set out 出发、着手……、陈述、宣布
(2) set off 动身、出发、引爆(炸弹)、燃放(烟火鞭炮)
set off for 动身去,相当于start for,leave for
set up 树立、建立
set the watch 对钟表
如:They got ready to set sail for Italy.他们准备起航到意大利。
The young worker found a lot of shortcomings in himself and he set about getting rid of it.
When everything was ready,the doctor set out to perform the operation.
A new ship set off from England to America on its first trip.
After setting off the fireworks in the street,the child set off for home.
切记:set about后接动词作宾语,用-doing形式。即set about doing。
set out后接动词作宾语,用to do形式。即set out to do。
(2)be worth“值得”后跟名词、代词、动名词,即be worth doing/be worth sth.。如:
The fur coat is worth the money. 这件皮衣物有所值。
Her suggestion is worth considering. 她的建议值得考虑。
want(need,require)+doing=want(need,require)to be done
如:The patient requires taking good care of.
= The patient requires to be taken good care of. 这位病人需要好好照顾。
be worthy of being done
worthy值得的 值得做某事
be worthy to be done
be worthwhile to do
worthwhile值得的 值得做某事
be worthwhile doing
This question is worthy of consideration.
=This question is worthy of being considered.
=This question is worthy to be considered.
=This question is worthwhile to consider.
=This question is worthwhile considering.
=This question is worth considering.
切记:be worth doing是动名词主动表被动结构,不可换成be worth to be done且注意be worth being done是错误结构。
(3)Why take vinegar?为什么带醋呢?
why not do?表示建议,即提议某人去做某事。
why do?表示疑问或持异议。
如:Why stay here since it is too hot at present?
Why not go to Beijing for your holiday?It's too hot here.
切记:why not do?/why do?是动词不带“to”结构
see/hear/listen to/feel/watch/look at/notice/observe/+…+do
had better do最好做某事
would rather do than do宁愿……而不愿
may/might as well do 不妨……无妨……(比had better委婉)
如:You may as well know the truth.你知道真实情形也无妨。
如:What do you like to do besides swim?除了游泳,你还爱好什么?
cannot but do/cannot help but do/cannot choose but do只好做某事。
如:It is raining hard.I cannot help but stay at home. 天正下大雨, 我只好呆在家里。
如:He was made to work from morning till night. 他被迫从早干到晚。
(4)as well as
not only…but also…不仅……而且
as well也。常用于句末
如:The girl is lively as well as healthy. 这女孩既健康又聪明。
The teacher as well as his students was praised. 学生和老师们都受到了表扬。
Not only I but also he takes(an)interest in English. 我和他都对英语感兴趣。
He is a professor,and a writer as well.他是教授也是作家。
切记:as well as连接主语时,句子的谓语动词应与前面的名词、代词的人称和数一致。
not only…but also…连接主语时,句子的谓语动词应采用就近一致的原则。
联想as well as又得到:
as far as
到……程度,也可写为so far as
如:My friends walked as far as the foot of the mountain. 我朋友散步远到山脚下。
As/So far as I know,he hasn't been to England. 就我所知,他没到过英国。
as long as
只要,也可写为so long as
如:You can stay as long as you can. 你愿意留多久就留多久。
As/So long as you need me,I'll be at your service. 只要你需要我,我随时为你服务。
as good as
如:His composition is as good as hers. 他的作文与她的一样好。
He is as good as dead. 他几乎和死了一样。
[改错]Air as well as water are used people.(are→is)
动名词是一个动词的 –ing 形式, 在句子中起名词的作用, 例如, walking, playing, running 等等. 动名词在句子中可以用作主语, 动词宾语, 介词宾语, 和表语等成分.
I. 动名词在句子中作主语: Subject of a sentence:
Riding a horse is fun.骑马非常有意思.
Mastering a second language takes time and patience.掌握一门外语需要时间和耐心.
Hearing the other side of the story is necessary.倾听不同意见是很有必要的
Teaching is my full time joy.教书是我的全日工作.
II. 动名词作部分动词的宾语: Objects of certain verbs:
A. finish, appreciate, avoid, delay, enjoy, consider, miss, mind, keep, discuss, imagine, admit, escape, risk, resist, understand, stand, practise, complete, prevent, suggest, save, spend (time doing)
1. We finished eating at 7:30 last night. 我们昨晚7:30 吃完晚饭.
2. I don’t enjoy being laughed at by other people. 我不喜欢被其他人嘲笑.
3. It kept raining for three days. 雨持续下了三天.
4. We appreciate having had the opportunity to meet the king.
B. 英语中部分动词可以由动名词和不定式作宾语, 但意思有所不同.
remember, forget, stop, try, regret, help, need, prefer, mean, be sorry for –ing/be sorry to do
to do停下来去做别的事
to do 记住要做
to do接着做另一件事
go on
to do为将要讲的事感到遗憾
to do尽力做
to do打算做某事
Do you mean to go without money?
Missing the train means waiting for an hour.
1. a. I remember driving along the river before the accident happened.
b. He never remembers to water the plant. 他总也记不住给植物浇水. 
  2. a. I’ll never forget seeing the Alps for the first time.
    b. She forgot to buy some milk. 她忘记买牛奶了.
  3. a. The girl couldn’t help crying when she heard the sad story.
    b. Could you help me (to) paint the house? 你能帮助我粉刷房屋吗?
4. a. He regretted saying that immediately. 他说完立刻就感到后悔了. 
b. We regret to tell you that you have not been accepted on the MBA course.
a. The classroom needs cleaning. It is too dirty. 教室需要打扫.太脏了.
b. I need to know your opinion. 我需要知道你的看法. 
a. Try listening to some classical music --- it’s very relaxing.
试试听点古典音乐, 很令人放松的. 
b. She tried to catch up with her classmates. 她尽全力追赶她班上的同学们.
a. I won’t take English lessons if it means studying all the time.
b. I mean to finish reading the book by Christmas. 我打算圣诞节前看完这本书.  
a. I’m sorry for giving you so much trouble. 对不起,给您添了这么多的麻烦. 
b. I’m sorry to hear that you won’t be able to come.听说你不能来了,我感到很遗憾.
C. like, dislike, love, hate, prefer 在这些词后面使用动名词表示抽象或
D. go + shopping / swimming / fishing / hunting / skiing / bowling / dancing /
hiking / mountain-climbing
III. 动名词作介词宾语: Object of a preposition
A. 1. I’m used to sleeping with the windows open. 我习惯开着窗子睡觉.
2. We are interested in learning more about your work.
我们对你的工作很感兴趣, 想多了解点有关情况.
3. The Americans succeeded in landing on the moon. 美国人成功的登上了月球.
B. by + doing sth.
1. Pat turned off the tape recorder by pushing the stop button.
派特按下停止键, 关上了录音机.
2. We show other people that we are happy by smiling. 我们通过微笑表示高兴.
3. Wang improved his English by watching films.通过看电影,王提高了他的英语水平.
IV. 与动名词连用的短语Special expressions with –ing form:
• have fun doing sth.
• have a good time doing sth.
• have trouble (in) doing sth.
• have difficulty (in) doing sth
• have a hard time doing sth.
• sit/ stand/ lie + place + doing
He sat at the desk reading.
He lay in bed thinking.
• can’t help doing
• can’t stand doing
• be worth doing
• be busy doing
• it is no use doing
• it is no good doing
• feel like doing
• be used to doing
• look forward to doing
• stick to (doing) sth.
• object to doing
• what about doing…
• how about doing …
• waste (money, time, etc) doing
①need/want/require/deserve+doing=need/want/require/deserve+to be done
e.g.These flowers need/want/require watering.这些花需要浇水。
e.g.I don't want to be examined.我不需要检查。
②be worth doing
如:The patient needs looking after=The patient needs to be looked after.
The problem is worth discussing.
切记:be worth doing不可转换为be worth to be done.
(1)It is no good doing sth. 做……没好处
e.g.It is no good saying so.这样说没好处。
(2)It is no use doing sth. 做……无用,无益
e.g.It is no use arguing with him.和他争吵无用。
(3)There is no doing sth. 不能做某事,做某事是不可能的
e.g.There is no talking aloud in class.课上不能大声交谈。
There is no knowing what will happen in the future.不可能知道将来发生什么事。
(4)No doing! 不准……,这种句型多用于公共场所的招牌上。
e.g.No smoking here!这儿禁止吸烟。No parking!禁止停车。
A. 用正确的介词和动词形式填空:
1. Allison is not interested _____ ________ (look) for a new job.
2. Henry is excited _____ _______(leave) for China.
3. I have no excuse _____ _______ (be) late.
4. The rain prevented us _____ _______ (complete) the work on time.
5. Instead ____ _____(study), Margaret went to a ball game with her friends.
6. Thank you ____ _____( help) me carry the boxes to my office.
7. I’m looking forward ____ _____(see) my family back home.
8. He showed us how to get to his house ____ _____(draw) a map.
9. The weather is terrible tonight. I won’t blame you ____ ______(not want) to attend the meeting.
10. Who is responsible ____ ______(take ) care of the sick person?
11. The angry look on his face stopped me ____ _____(speak) my mind.
12. Alex caught his mother’s attention ____ ______ (break) the window.
B. 用动词的正确形式填空:
13. Even though I asked the people sitting in front of me at the movie _____ (keep) quiet, they kept _____ (talk).
14. He prefers _____(watch) TV at home to _____(go ) to the cinema.
15. Did Carol agree ____ (go) _____ (shop) with you?
16. I can remember _____( feel) so proud and happy when I graduated from the high school.
17. --- Did you remember _____(give) Jack my message?
--- Yes, I did when I met him in the library.
18. I can’t ever forget _____(watch) our team score the winning goal in the last seconds of the game _____ (win) the national championship.
19. She is standing at the stop _____(wait) for the bus.
20. It was a beautiful spring day. Dorothy was lying on the grass _____(enjoy) the sunshine and _____(listen) to the birds ______(sing).
21. _____(walk) alone in that section of the city at night is very dangerous.
22. I hope _____ (see) you off yesterday, but I didn’t have time.
23. It is the greatest happiness on earth ____ ( love ) and _____(love).
24. We all think it most foolish of you _____ (make) the same mistake again.
25. It is important for parents and young people to learn how to get through to each other
and develop skills in __________ (understand) and _____ (understand).
Key A.
1. in, looking 2. about, leaving 3. for, being 4. from, completing
5. of, studying 6. for, helping 7. to, seeing 8. by, drawing
9. for, not wanting 10. for, taking 11. from, speaking 12. by breaking
13. to keep, talking 14. watching, going 15. to go, shopping
16. feeling 17. to give 18. watching, to win
19. waiting 20. enjoying, listening, singing
21. Walking 22. to have seen 23. to love, to be loved
24. to make 25. understanding, being understood
1.in charge of,in the charge of
(1)in charge of意思是“(主语)负责……”或“管理……”,其主语多是表示人的词语,表示主动意义。
e.g.The nurse is in charge of the patients.
Mr.Wang is in charge of this department.
(2)in the charge of意思是“(主语)由……负责/管理”或“在……的掌管下”,其主语多是被管理的对象,表示被动意义。相当于in sb's charge。
e.g.All these children are in the charge of Miss Wang.
The department is in the charge of Mr.Wang.
2.set up,set out,set off,set about,set sail
(1)set up 建立“组织、国家、机构”等。
e.g.They set up a committee to investigate the matter.
(2)set out “出发,动身”相当于set off,start out/off,其后常跟介词for,表示“动身去某处”。
e.g.They will set out for Beijing tomorrow.
另外,set out还可表示“开始……”或“着手……”,其后接动词不定式,即set out to do sth.。
e.g.He set out to prepare for the final exam as soon as he was back at school.
(3)set off “出发,动身”,其后常跟介词for表示“出发去某处”。
e.g.The next day they set off early.
另外set off还可表示“使……爆炸”为及物动词短语。
e.g.Do be careful with those fireworks;the slightest spark could set them off.
(4)set about“开始做某事”或“着手干某事”,其后接名词或者动名词。
e.g.He set about writing the report.
I advise you to set about your work.
(5)set sail “启航,扬帆”,常跟介词for表示“启航到某地”。
e.g.When did she set sail for England?
1.The red army took the group of enemy in surprise.
简析:in改为by,因in surprise 表示“惊讶地”,by surprise表示“出其不意地”的意思。 2.Remember not standing so close to the fire.
简析:standing改为to stand。因“remember to do sth.”意思为“记住去做某事”,“remember doing sth.”意思为“记得做过某事”。
3.The captain got sick while at the sea.
简析:把the去掉。因“at sea”为固定短语,意思是“在海上”。
4.In what purpose did they set off for Xi'an in a hurry.
简析:把“In”改为“For”或“With”。因“for the purpose”意为“为了……的目的”,“with the purpose”意为“带着……的目的”。二者区别不大。
5.Tell me why these eggs go badly.
简析:把“badly”改为“bad”。因为本句意为“告诉我为什么这些鸡蛋坏了”。表示“变坏”就用“go bad”。
When he was a boy,he ________ ________ ________ ________in history.
简析:took a great interest。因为“take a great interest in”意为“对……很感兴趣”。
The matter needs________ ________.
简析:thinking over。因为“think over”为“再三/仔细考虑”,“need”接v.-ing形式表示被动意思。
The teacher________ ________ ________ so that we could hear him clearly.
简析:raised his voice。因为“raise one's voice”为固定短语,意思为“提高嗓音”。
He insisted that he________ ________ ________ ________.
简析:did his homework himself。因为“insist”当“坚持认为”或“坚持说”讲时,宾语从句的动词用陈述语气。
________ ________ ________,they________ the enemy________ ________.
简析:To our surprise,attacked,by surprise。因为“to one's surprise”意思为“使某人吃惊的是”;“by surprise”意思为“出其不意地”。
1.(1998上海)What worried the child most was________to visit his mother in the hospital.
A.his not allowing
B.his not being allowed
C.his being not allowed
D.having not been allowed
2.(2000上海)Tony was very unhappy for________to the party.
A.having not been invited
B.not having invited
C.having not invited
D.not having been invited
3.(2002上海)Though ________money,his parents managed to send him to university.
A.lacked B.lacking of
C.lacking D.lacked in
简析:选C。因为从句中的主语和主句中的主语一致,所以从句中的主语和be动词可省去。从句中省去了they were,即Though (they were)lacking money,…。
4.(NMET 2002)Meeting my uncle after________all these years was an unforgettable moment,I will always treasure.
A.that B.one
C.it D.what
简析:选B。“one”在此相当于“a moment”,作an unforgettable的同位语;one后又接了一个省去that的定语从句,补充说明这一难忘时刻。
5.(2003上海春)________the meeting himself gave them a great deal of encouragement.
A.The president will attend
B.The president to attend
C.The president attended
D.The president's attending
5.语法天地 动名词专项辅导
时态 主动 被动
一般时 doing being done
完成时 having done having been done
如:She dreams of becoming a teacher.
如:I'm sorry for having kept you waiting for such a long time.
分析:having kept发生在am sorry之前。
Excuse me for being late.
On hearing the news,they burst into tears.
Thank you for giving us so much good advice.
You can't enter the office without being asked.
[改错]Everybody dislikes laughing at.(laughing→being laughed)
主语 表语 宾语 补足语 定语 状语
动名词 V V V V
To scold her would not be just.
Reading aloud is important in learning a foreign language.
切记:“for sb.to do”构成动词不定式的复合结构。
“of sb.to do”适用于某些反映人的品行、性格的形容词作表语时。如:
It's not an easy thing for us to master a language.
It is impolite of them to leave at once.
My job is teaching English.
My job is to teach you how to swim.
To see is to believe.=Seeing is believing
[改错]Saving time is to lengthen life.(Saving→To save)
I like playing tennis,but I don't like to play it in such hot weather.
B.有些动词或词组后用动名词。如admit, advise, can't help(禁不住),
consider, delay, excuse, enjoy, escape, finish, imagine, keep, mind, practise, suggest, understand, give up, feel like, appreciate, be busy等。
切记:feel like+doing;would like+to do
can't help doing(禁不住做)
can't help(to)do(不能帮助做)
consider doing(考虑)
[改错]I can't help cry when I heard the news.(cry→crying)
C.有些动词后用不定式。如wish, hope, manage, ask, offer, promise, pretend, decide, learn, agree, choose,determine,care,demand,expect,fail,plan,prepare,refuse,desire等。如:
He offered to help me with my housework.
to do停下来去做别的事
to do 记住要做
to do接着做另一件事
go on
to do为将要讲的事感到遗憾
to do尽力做
to do打算做某事
Do you mean to go without money?
Missing the train means waiting for an hour.
a writing table=a table for writing
You've given me much to think about.
[改错]Here is a box to put things.(things后加in)
Their coming to help us was a great encouragement to us.(主语)
What's troubling them is their not having enough money.(表语)
Do you mind my reading your paper?(宾语)
如:The noise of desks being opened and closed could be heard in the street.
[改错]Tom coming late made the teacher angry.(Tom→Tom's)
①need/want/require/deserve+doing=need/want/require/deserve+to be done
②be worth doing
如:The patient needs looking after=The patient needs to be looked after.
The problem is worth discussing.
切记:be worth doing不可转换为be worth to be done.
e.g.These flowers need/want/require watering.这些花需要浇水。
e.g.I don't want to be examined.我不需要检查。
e.g.He doesn't allow smoking here.他不允许在这儿抽烟。
He doesn't allow me to smoke here.他不允许我在这儿抽烟。
(1)It is no good doing sth. 做……没好处
e.g.It is no good saying so.这样说没好处。
(2)It is no use doing sth. 做……无用,无益
e.g.It is no use arguing with him.和他争吵无用。
(3)There is no doing sth. 不能做某事,做某事是不可能的
e.g.There is no talking aloud in class.课上不能大声交谈。
There is no knowing what will happen in the future.不可能知道将来发生什么事。
(4)No doing! 不准……,这种句型多用于公共场所的招牌上。
e.g.No smoking here!这儿禁止吸烟。
No parking!禁止停车。
e.g.I insisted on going there with them.我坚决要求跟他们去那儿。
They insisted on my phoning at once.他们建议我马上打电话。
The teacher should insist on the students writing in the corrections.
They always insist on the boy's honesty.他们总是坚持认为这个男孩是诚实的。
We insist upon a definite answer.我们一定要得到一个肯定的答复。
e.g.They insisted that we(should)carry out the plan.他们坚决要求我们实施这项计划。
He insisted that the work(should)be started at once.他坚决主张立刻开始这项工作。
e.g.He insisted that what he said was right.他坚持认为他讲的是正确的。
He insisted that he hadn't stolen the bike.他坚持说他没有偷自行车。




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