Teaching notes for Unit 11 BookIII(新课标版高三英语教案教学设计)

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Teaching demands:
Ⅰ. Words and expressions
Four skills:
make a promise take one's seat be seated
use one's head take...in one's arm
drop(n.) queen oneself
Three skills:
bitter weakness judgement desire greet greeting
according according to agreement
punishment comfort pride take pride in relation role
play the role of poet
Ⅱ.Everyday English
Learn everyday English in the play.
Ⅲ. Grammar
Revise the usage of the infinitive.
Lesson 41-42
Step 1:Something about the writer:
William Shakespeare(1564-1616)was one of the greatest writers in the world。He was an outstanding English playwright and poet。He wrote 36 plays,including tragedies, comedies and historial plays and many wonderful poems(150 sonnets,2narrative poems.)
famous plays:Hamlet,Twelfth Night,King Lear,Macbeth,Othello,Henry VIII,Lomeo and Juliet...
1.Who wrote this play?
2.What do you know about him?
3.What nationality was he?
4.What did he write?
5.Do you know the titles of any of his plays?
Step 2:Read the instruction
1.Main idea:Tell sth abouat the main characters and the relation between them so that we can know the background and the situation of the play below.
1)what kind of a person was A?
2)Where were A's ships?
3)Who was A's best friend and what did he want to do?
4)What was the problem?
5)Who lent B the money?
6)Who lent B the money?
7)What was the agreement between A and S?
8)What news did B receive?
9)What did Portia decide to do?
Step 3:Read Part 1 of the play
1.main idea:D and B tried to persuade S to give up carrying out the agreement ,but they were refused.At that time P came and takes her seat as judge.
1)What does the Duke ask S to do?
2)What is S's reply?
3)What does B offer?
4)What is S's reply?
5)What letter does N bring?
6)What does the letter say?
Step 4:Comprehension
Discuss the Qs
Step5:Read Part2 of the play.
1.Main idea:P tried to ask S to show mercy to A ,but was refused .So she agreed to let him carry out the agreement.
Step 6:Language points:
1.Scold sb for being greedy and cruel
He could not speak for sorrow.
Forgive me for keeping you waiting.
Many thanks to youo for what you have told me.
Dad scolded me for coming home late.
being lazy.
being rude to you.
2.on one condition 在一个条件下
on this/that /what condition
on condition+that -clause 按。。。条件,条件是
He was allowed to go swimming on condition that he kept near the other boys.
I'll come in condition that John is invited,too.
3.make a promise n.
keep/carry out/fulfil /break one's promise
promise to do/sb sth v.
4.flesh 指人或动物身上的肉,也指供食用的兽类的肉(鱼,家禽除外)
meat :供食用的肉的总称(鱼,家禽除外)
You are losing flesh.
Lions are flesh-eating animals
I like meat while my sister likes fish.
The spirt is willing,but the flesh is weak.
5.pretend+to do /that-clause
The child pretended to be a doctor
to be working hard.
to have read the book.
that he was ill.
6.dress oneself/sb (up) as
she dressed herself/Lily as a teacher.
7.have mercy on/upon sb
show mercy to sb
Have mercy on me.
They had no mercy on their prisons.
They showed mercy to the defeated enemy.
No mercy was shown to the prisoners.
8.If=even if
If I was wrong,you are wrong too.
I will go if I die for it.
9.so young a body
Did you notice that you had made so serious a misstake?
It's too difficult a book for beginners.
How woderful a plan it would be?
10.take one's seat
seat vt.be seated,seat oneself
Please be seated.
When we seated ourselves the music began.
The man seated /sitting in a chair is my teacher.
I found him seated/sitting in an arm chair,thinking.
Step 7.Listen and read and act out
Step 8.Workbook
Lesson 43
Step 1:Review
1.be always ready to help others
2.trade with
3.be in love with
4.scold sb publicly for being greedy and cruel
5.on one condition
6.make a promise to do
7.think a promise to do
8.pretend to be a lawyer.
9.dress oneself as a clerk
10.have mercy on sb.
11.argue with sb.about sth.
12.pass judgement on sb
13.a most troublesome case
14.be seated
145.use one's mind
16.according to the law
17.prepare to do the deed
18.take sb.in one's arms.
Step 2:Reading
1.Read and Qs:What happens to S at last?
He has to give half of his money to the city of Venice.He has to promise to leave the other half of his money upon his deatjh to his daughter and her husband.
2.read again.Qs:
What mustn't S take? (Any blood)
What does S decide to take instead of the pound of flesh? (Three times the money that he is owed)
Why cannot he take the money instead?
(He only wanted right to be done)
3.Language points:
model v.警告,许诺,命令亲自,决心,强制
We shall start for Beijing tomorrow .
You shall have a nice present for your birthday.
When he comes in nobody shall say a word.
Nothing shall stop us from cauuying out this plan.
2.be at the mercy of=in the power of
I shouldn't like to be at the mercy of such a cruel man.
They were lost at sea,at the mercy of the winds and the waves.
3.go down on one's knees=be on one's knees
go down on one knee(before sb)
They went down /were on their knees to pray.
4.beg for mercy
He went down on his knees and begged her for mercy.
He would rather die than beg for mercy.
5.play the role of sb.in...
Gu Yue played the role of ChairMao in the film "The Long March"
6.have relations(with...) 有交往,交情,事物
He has relations with that store.
1.Make sentences
2.take great pride in
have relations(with)
Step 4.Part4 and Part 5
Play the role of...in...
Step 5.Workbook
Step6.For homework
1.take sth away from sb
2.be at the mercy of sb
3.go down on one's knees
4.be a dear to me as life.
5.be as dear to me as life
6.take pride in his work
7.learn all by oneself
8.play the role of queen in the play
9.learn all by one self
10.cut the foot to fit the shoe
Step2.Listening comprehension
Step 3.Word study
Step4.Writing :Practice Indirect Speech
1.Read the instruction
2.Let the Ss do it in pairs
3.Give them a sample version
Step 6.Test
I.Fill in the blanks with the correct words:
1.The man ______________ towards me,shouting and waving his fist.
2.The US _________ war on Englans in 1812.
3.MR Smith ______________ me in the street with a friendly wave of hand.
4.Jenny was good-looking,rich and full of humour,and all the girls__________ her.
5.she ____________herself like a queen and then went to the ball.
6.He ___________ to drive us to the station,but we preferred to walk there.
7.Nothing could I do or say could______________ her when her son died.
8.fortunately we are both _________with good health.
II.Fill in the blanks with suitable phrases:
1.He made a living by____________ his bread from door to door.
2.The boy _______________ being late for school again yesterday.
3.When everybody was seated,she _________________ the letter to us.
4.China ____________ now ____________nearly all the countries in the world.
5.The king was very cruel and never______________ to his people.
6.At last he _______________ the suggestion that the company would get more people to
help us.
7._______________ and try to work out the problem by yourself.
8.Who ____________ the young lawyer in the play?
9.We should _________________ the best and prepare for the worst.
10.She always _________ great ________her children's success.
11.Don't ________ that you can't keep.
12.One of his fingers ______________ in the accident.
III.Choose the correct answer:
1.The reason_______her absence was_________she had to look after her mother at home.
A.why / because B.for / that C.that / for D.because / why
2.She is busy _____________ and can't speak to you.
A.just a minute B.in a moment C.at present D.right away
3.This year,they will produce _________ they did last year.
A.as twice many computers as B.twice as many than computers
C.computers twice many that D.twice as many computers as
4.A library with five thousand books ___________ to the children as a gift.
A.has offered B.is offered C.have offered D.are offered
5.This is ________that you should attend it.
A.such a important meeting B.such important a meeting
C.so an important meeting D.so importaant a meeting
6.This rope is four times ________that one.
A.the lenth of B.longer of C.the length as D.than
7.The days when we were___________ the foreigners have gone forever.
A.without mercy B.going down on our knees
C.at the mercy of D.shown mercy by
8.The pole is four feet longer than we needed.So we have to _______the extra length.
A.cut off B.cup up C.cup away D.cut down
9.You know we ___________you to be happy.
A.hope B.wish C.think D.condsider
10.Steve is lucky,and everyone in the conmpany _________him his success.
A.greets B.blesses C.envies D.trusts
11.Eric left me a message ____________ he would probably be a little late.
A.to say B.saying C.and said D.said




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