
中学英语教学资源网英语教案中考复习指导 手机版

There are ten rooms in the house.
Would you please make room for the old man.
There is not enough room for you.
The oranges on the tree are red now.
I’d like a glass of orange.
There is a school near the park.
We often buy some books in the bookshop near the school.
We often clean our classroom after school.
Let’s go to school now.
My elder brother is a worker. My younger brother is at school.
My home is far away from the school.
On the way home, he saw a boy crying on the road.
He will be home in half an hour.
home cooking家常菜
thanks用于表示“感谢”时,常用复数,多用于口语中,可以与thank you替换;thanks与介词to结合构成的词组不再用于表示“感谢”,而是“由于、因为”的意思。
--May I use your pen?
--Yes. Here you are.
--Thanks(thank you).
Thanks to the bad weather, we have to stay at home today.
I don’t know how to answer the question.
Can you answer the telephone? I’m busy now.
Do you know the answer to the question?
She likes light green.
This box is much lighter than that one.
There are eight windows in the walls of our classroom. The light is enough.
There is two lights on the wall.
The bag is too heavy for me to carry.
There will be heavy rain in the south China.
The workers have lunch in thr factory.
The old man often has porridge for supper.
What are you eating now?
Remember take medicine on time.
Don’t read in bed.
She is ill in bed.
Y ou’d better go to bed early.
There are some books on(in) the bed.
There is a big bed in the bedroom.
英语中表达“乘坐交通工具”的方法有:“by+交通工具名称”、“in(on) aan(the)+ 交通工具名称”和“take aan+交通工具名称”。
--How do you go to school every day?
-- Sometimes by bike, sometimes by bus.
He went back to his hometown in a bus.
I go to the office on a bike every day.
He took a bus to his hometown.
我们可以用maybe、may be和must be来表达“推测”语气。maybe是副词,用于实意动词之前,情态动词、助动词和be动词之后,或置于句首。may be和must be是由情态动词加be动词构成的,may be表示没有把握、根据不足的情况下的推测,must be表示有根据的肯定推测。
He maybe forgot the time.
He didn’t come today. He may be ill.(Maybe he is ill.)
I saw him in the doctor’s. He must be ill today.
I hope all of you grow healthily.
The farmers in the south grow rice.
If you eat too much, you’ll grow fatter and fatter.
15.look up用法
look up有两个词义:“查阅(资料等)”和“向上看、抬头看”。当表示“向上看、抬头看某物或人”时,要加上介词at。当表示“查阅(资料等)”时,作及物动词词组用,可以直接带宾语。
He looked up at me and said nothing.
Look up! A plane!
If you don’t know the words, please look up them in the dictionairy.
1.—How many children have been to the Great Wall?
A. None B. No one
C. No any one D. Nothing
2.Japan is ____ the east of China.
A. in B. to C. on D. at
3.I ____ you to come soon.
A. hope B. wish C. hope that D. wish that
4.The baby is too young to ____ himself.
A. put on B. wear C. have D. dress
5.I’ll have my hair ____ this evening.
A. cutted B. cutting C. cut D. cuts
6.Walk along this street ____ and you’ll find the hospital.
A. in the end B. to the end
C. by the end D. at the end
7.—____ are you late for school?
A. How long B. How soon
C. How often D. How much
8.He sang ____ beautiful a song in the party.
A. so B. such C. too D. quite
9.The basket is too heavy for ____ to lift.
A. nobody B. anybody
C. somebody D. everybody
10.She likes to ____ others but never writes to them.
A. hear of B. hear about
C. hear from D. hear
1.答案选A。none是“没有任何人和物”,是回答how many 问句的;no one“没有人”
是回答who 问句的;nothing“没有任何东西”,是回答what问句的。
2.答案选B。“in/on/to + the+方位词+of+地点”结构中,in表示“在……境内”,on表示“接壤”,to表示“在……境外”。
3.答案选B。wish有“希望,想要”的意思。可接不定式作宾语或接复合宾语,而hope则不接复合宾语。句中you to come 是复合宾语。
4.答案选D。put on 是“穿上衣服”。wear是“穿着……衣服”,have 常与on 搭配,它们都以衣服名称作宾语;dress是“给……穿衣服”,常用“某人”作宾语。
5.答案选C。have sth done 词组是“让某事由别人做”的意思。have 用法较多,在这里用作使役动词。
6.答案选B。in the end 是“最后”的意思,可直接作状语;“by the end +of +时间/地点”表示“在……时间/地点的末端”。本题to the end与walk对应,表示“走到……尽头”。
7.答案选C。根据答语never,选择how often,表示动作或状态发生的频率;how soon 表示“多久以后”,一般用于对“in+一段时间”结构提问;How long 是“多久”,一般用for或 since引导的时间状语来回答;how much 表示“多少”,不用于回答时间。
8.答案选A。so 用于修饰形容词或副词,such用于修饰名词(词组)。本题中把beautiful从a beautiful song 词组中提前,用so修饰。
9.答案选C。 本题考查四个选项的用法区别。hear form=get a letter from,“收到某人来信”;hear of 和hear about是“听说”的意义,hear 是“听见”,如果用作“听说”,后面一般跟宾语从句。
10.答案选B。本题虽然没有否定词,但too…to 结构含有否定意义,仍然把该句视为否定句,nobody是否定的,不能再用。everybody 和somebody常用于肯定句中,所以只有anybody适合。




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