学习手册Unit9 Technology(人教版高一英语上册教案教学设计)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

creative,decide,image,add to,latest,remind,obey,dare,spend,call of,whatever,material,in the way,survive,allow,defeat,force,instead,succeed,imagine,describe,solve,call phone,mobile,role,
I think …
—What does it looks like?
—It looks like…
Ⅲ.语法 学习被动语态的进行时的用法。
decide,word,add to,remind,allow,spend,call for,wear,material,in the way,defeat,force,succeed,
1.decide v.—decision n.
(1)decide to do sth.
(2)make a decision
(3)make up one's mind
(4)determine to do sth.(强调动作)
We have determined to get the work done before October 1.
(5)be determined to do sth.(determined起形容词作用,说明一种状态,即:坚定不移的决心)
(1)word 字,词;言语,话
He is a man of few words.(=He doesn't say much.)
(2)word 信息,消息
There's been no word from her for weeks.
(3)word 简短的交谈;谈话
Can I have a few words with you/a word with you?
I heard that they had words with each other.(我听说他们吵嘴了。)
3.add to
(1)add A to B:把A加到B上/里
If you add 5 to 5,you get 10.
She added sugar to her tea.
(2)add to:增加,加强
This adds to our difficulties.
(3)add up to ①(数量)总计……;②(总起来看)说明……
The money I spend every month adds up to 1 000 yuan.
Can you tell me what five ________,eighty is,boy?
A.adds B.added to
C.adds up D.adds up to
答案:B 指“加”。数学上的“加”可以用:and,plus和add to。
(1)remind sb. (of sth.):提醒……,使……想起……
I've forgotten his name ________ will you remind me of it?
(2)remind sb. to do sth.:提醒
Remind me to write to Mother.
(3)remind sb. that+从句:提醒
She reminded me that I hadn't written to Mother.
(1)warn sb. of sth.:警告,提醒
Warn him of the danger.
(2)inform sb. of sth.:通知,告知
I wasn't informed of the decision until too late.
(3)rob sb. of sth.:抢劫
The man robbed the old lady of her bag.
(1)spend 消磨(时间),度过(时间)
We spent our holiday in Beijing.
(2)spend 用(钱),花费
Would you spend $200 on a new coat?
Would you spend $200 (in) buying a new coat?

(3)sth. cost sb.+金钱

I spend 20 yuan on the book/(in) buying the book.
I paid 20 yuan for the book.
The book cost me 20 yuan.
It took me 20 yuan to buy the book.
Saving the boy ________ him his life.
A.lost B.cost
C.valued D.spent
答案:B “cost”除了指“花费”,还指“使……付出……代价”解。
6.in the way
(1)in the way 妨碍,挡路,用……方法
That chair is in the way.Move it please.
I did the experiment in the way you told me.
(1)on the way (to)
I will come to Paris on my way back to England.
Better weather is on the way.
The new machine you ordered is on its way.
He is on the way to success.
(2)in this/that way 这样/那样
In this way,you can get rid of the flies.
(3)by the way 顺便说一句
Oh,by the way,have you seen John lately?
(4)by way of 经由,取道
I came by way of London.
(5)in a way 在某种程度上;in some way(s) 在某(些)方面,在某种程度上
The work is well done in a/some way.
(6)in no way 怎么也不,一点也不
We can in no way allow this to happen.
(1)________from Paris to London,the plane stopped.
(2)I cooked this ________ you showed me.
(3)________,where is my coat?
(4)Yes,________he has been very successful.
(5)Children get ________ during the holidays.
答案:(1)On the way (2)in the way (3)By the way (4)in a way (5)in the way
(1)take sth. for example 以……为例
Take health for example,it can't be lost.
(2)set an example to sb. 为……树立榜样
Lei Feng set a good example to us.
(3)for example=for instance/for example=e.g.
改错:Parents should set a good example for their children.
8.imagine 想像,设想
Can you imagine life on the moon?
You can't imagine how I missed the bird.
Try to imagine being on the moon.
(1)imagination n.想像,想像力
The difficulty is beyond my imagination.
(2)imaginative adj.富于想像的;善于想像的
This is imaginative writing.
(3)imaginary adj. 想像的,虚构的
All the characters in this book are imaginary.
(1)force v.
The soldiers forced their prisoners to give up their arms.
I've lost the key to my house,so I'll have to force an entry.(破门而入)
It's foolish to force your foot into a shoe that's too small for you.
Although he was in great pain,he forced a smile.
(2)force n.
The force of the explosion broke all the windows in the building.
The thief took the money from the old man by force.
Both land and sea forces were employed in the war.
(3)strength 力量,力气

10.latest adj.
(1)latest adj. 最新的;也是late(晚,adj./adv.)的最高级,最晚的/地
(2)later adj./adv. 后来(的),过后。也是late的比较级。
(3)late adj./adv. 晚的/地
(4)lately adv. 最近地,与完成时连用
(5)later adj. 后者的,后面的 the former(前者),the latter(后者)
(1)I was ________ for the meeting.
(2)His ________ novel(小说) is a great success.
(3)I'll call you again ________.
(4)I haven't seen him ________.
(5)He often sits up ________ at night.
(6)Two visitors came to see me.The former is Lucy and the ________ is Jim.
答案:(1)late (2)latest (3)later (4)lately (5)late (6)latter
11.dare 敢……
(1)dare (情态动词)直接加动词原形

(2)dare (实义动词) dare+(to) do sth.(有时to可省略)

(3)daresay/dare say (我)想是,大概是……
I daresay you're right.
(4)dare n.(=challenge) 挑战
On a dare,I jumped off the high diving board.
(5)daring adj. 勇敢的,大胆的
He had proved(证明) himself a most daring man.
(1)need (情态动词)直接加动词原形,一般用于疑问句和否定句中。
Oh,Mother,you really needn't dust them.
(2)need (实义动词)跟不定式

(1)You needn't go to the town,________?
A.needn't you B.need you
C.don't you D.do you
(2)You don't need to walk there,________?
A.do you B.don't you
C.need you D.needn't you
(3)She doesn't dare to walk in the forest alone,________?
A.does she B.doesn't she
C.dare she D.daren't she
(4)She dare do the dangerous job,________?
A.dare she B.daren't she
C.does she D.doesn't she
主动语态 句子的主语是谓语动作的执行者 We read the book.
被动语态 句子的主语是谓语动作的承受者 The book is read by us.
(2)过去进行时:was/were+being done
We are being taught English(by him) now.
We were being taught English (by him) at that time.
(1)—Hi,Francy,you look tired.
—I'm tired,I ________ the living room all day.
A.painted B.had painted
C.have been painting D.have painted
(2)The bridge can't be used because it ________ now.
A.repairs B.is repaired
C.is being repaired D.has been repaired
答案:(1)C 此句意为“我整天一直在刷漆,所以现在很累”。
(2)C 此句意为“桥无法使用,此刻正在修理中”。
1.The students often ________ with the PLA men.
A.pay a visit B.call on
C.help out D.get together
2.The little girl often ________ Einstein on her way from home to school.
A.dropped in at B.looked in on
C.paid a visit D.paid a call
3.He isn't the type of person I admire(欣赏,羡慕),but ________ I like him.
A.in my way B.by the way
C.in a way D.on the way
4.How long does it ________ you to go to Beijing from here by train?
A.cost B.took
C.spent D.pay
5.She hurriedly ________ her son and took him to the kindergarten(幼儿园).
A.wore B.put on
C.pulled on D.dressed
6.Compared with(与……相比)Jack,Tom was always ________ well and neatly.
A.dressed B.wearing
C.dressing D.putting on
7.To regain their ________ after an exhausting(令人疲惫的) game,the players lay in the grass. A.force B.energy
C.power D.health
8.—You ________ stop me.
—Even if you ________ it,I won't allow you to swim across the river.
A.mustn't;dare not do B.may;dare not do
C.can;dare to do D.needn't;dare to do
9.________ is known to all,good friends ________ happiness and value to life.
A.It;add B.As;add
C.It;add up D.As;add to
10.—Extremely(极端地) fast speed ________ him his life in the road accident yesterday evening.
—I'm sorry to hear that.
A.spent B.took
C.lost D.cost
11.This child is so full of ________ that he can't keep still.
A.force B.energy
C.power D.strength
12.The teaching building of our school ________ for many times.
A.has been added to B.has added to
C.has been added up to D.has added up to
13.—Let's go to the lecture on International Trade this evening.
—That's great.I'll ________ you at 6:30.
A.call up B.call to
C.call on D.call for
14.These ________ to those are twenty-five in all.Do you think that's enough?
A.adding B.being added
C.added D.to be added
15.I wonder how he ________ that to his parents.
A.dare to say B.dared say
C.dares to say D.not dare say
16.There are many different forms(形式) of ________ that we can make use of,such as gas,oil,winds,waves and so on.
A.energy B.source
C.force D.matter
17.—What happened to you yesterday?
—At the bus-stop a thief ________ my handbag and ran off down the street.
A.caught B.robbed
C.stole D.snatched
18.Don't all speak at once!________,please.
A.Each at one time B.On by one time
C.One for each time D.One at a time
19.He dare do the dangerous job,________?
A.dare he B.daren't he
C.does he D.doesn't he
20.She doesn't dare to walk in the forest alone,________?
A.does she B.doesn't she
C.dare she D.daren't she
21.The total number of the population of China ________ about 1 100 million on April 14,1989.
A.added up B.was
C.were D.rose
22.Crusoe had to stay in his cave,________ go out,even for food.
A.daring not to B.not daring to
C.not daring D.daring not
23.My little son ________ out alone at night.
A.dares not go B.dares not to go
C.dare not to go D.doesn't dare to go
24.He promised to drop in ________ me sometime next month.
A.to B.on
C.for D.with
25.She is very popular ________ her schoolmates,for her deeds were wonderful ________ a girl of her age.
A.with;for B.in;for
C.with;to D.in;to
These days,experiences,like many other things,are becoming increasingly expensive.One has got to pay a lot for them,even an ordinary one.
Not long ago,I wanted to invite my friend to lunch.What we really need was a good and quiet place so that we could talk,not a big meal.So I selected one club.I belong to that club,too.What could be nicer?“Let's go to the club.”I told my friend.
When I ordered a day in advance,I was asked whether I would have a 20 yuan or 30 yuan lunch.I said,“30 yuan.”I didn't realize,until I was asked to pay after lunch,that 30 yuan was for each person.
There are five people that day,and all of us were surprised by the quality of the 30 yuan meal (for all,we thought).The bill came at last.It was 216.40 yuan (150 for the five of us plus the money for drinks,fruits and air conditioning),I paid the bill without a word.
What could I say?It was not the club's fault.It was my own ignorance(无知) that made me pay the largest bill in my life.On the whole,it was not so bad;we had a good lunch at a quiet place.Besides,this experience will help in other years.
To support my idea,I have developed my own calculation(算法) 30 yuan for the lunch and 186.40 for the experience.
The experience has made me ten times wiser.
1.Now many things are becoming ________.
A.less experiential
B.are not so experiential
C.as expensive as before
D.more expensive
2.What we really wanted to have was ________.
A.a good meal
B.a good and quiet place to talk
C.a club
D.an experience
3.I thought that I had ordered a meal that cost ________.
A.me 20 yuan
B.me 30 yuan
C.us 20 yuan each
D.us 30 yuan each

4.What do you think makes me pay the largest bill in my life?
A.My fault.
B.My mistake.
C.The club's trick.
D.The club's mistake.
5.“The experience has made me ten times wiser” expresses ________.
A.my thanks to the club
B.my pleasure to be ten times wiser
C.my honesty
D.my anger
Mr Rurner worked in the shop.The stop sold 1.________
cleaned and repaired hearing aids(助听器).One day a 2.________
old woman came in and put one in the front of him 3.________
without say a word,“What's the matter with it?”Mr 4.________
Rurner asked.The woman did not answer.He
thought she must deaf and that something must be wrong 5.________
to her hearing said,“What's wrong?”he asked 6.________
again but again.She said nothing.So he shouted as 7.________
loudly as he could.The woman wrote,“It
is unnecessary to shout while speak to me.My 8.________
ears are as good as yours.This hearing aid is 9.________
my husband,not mine.My problem is that I can't 10.________
speak because of an operation.”
1.保罗•罗伯逊(Paul Roberson)出生于一个贫苦的黑人家庭。
1.The stone on the river bank rolled under her feet;she was ________ into the river,and she called out for help.
A.being jumped B.jumped
C.pulled D.being pulled
2.—Have you moved into the new classroom?
—Not yet.The classroom ________.
A.is being painted B.is painting
C.is painted D.has been painted
3.—Where is George?He said he would meet me here at 3 o'clock.
—He seems ________ with Mr. Brown in the office.
A.to talk B.to be talking
C.to have talked D.talking
4.The robber broke into the store,trying to grab the money just as it ________ by Mr. Smith.
A.had been counted B.was counted
C.was being counted D.would count
5.We can't use the bridge now,because it ________.
A.had been repaired B.is repairing
C.is repaired D.is being repaired
6.A new cinema ________ here.They hope to finish it next month.
A.will be built B.is built
C.had been built D.is being built
7.Someone ________ my umbrella.It's all wet and it was wet yesterday and the day before yesterday.
A.was using B.must have used
C.has used D.has been using
8.The last time when we visited the place around here,the bridge ________.
A.is being built B.has been built
C.was being built D.had built
9.It haven't seen Mary these past few days.I'm afraid she ________ herself for some time.
A.hadn't been feeling B.isn't feeling
C.hasn't been feeling D.wasn't feeling
10.You ________ television.Why not do something more active(积极的)?
A.always watch
B.are always watching 
C.have always watched
D.have always been watching
11.The plane ________ over the landing field for twenty minutes when the pilot was told that he should use the east side field.
A.had been circling B.are circling
C.was circling D.has been circling
12.In this experiment,they are woken up several times during the night,and asked to report what they ________.
A.had just been dreaming B.are just dreaming
C.have just been dreaming D.had just dreamt
13.Mary is said ________ abroad,but I don't know which country she studies in.
A.to be studying B.to study
C.to have studied D.to have been studied
14.—Have the workers started to work on your new house?
—Yes,it ________ now.
A.is building B.is being built
C.is to be built D.has built
15.Don't get that ink on your shirt,for it ________.
A.won't wash out B.won't be washing out
C.isn't washing out D.doesn't wash away
16.Jackson ________ to work in a government office though he hated serving there.
A.wanted B.had wanted
C.was wanted D.was wanting
17.My sister wants to work in a power plant(电厂) which ________ still ________.
A.is;being built B.is;building
C.is;to be built D.has;been built
18.—Harry!You ________ on the phone.
—Oh,I'm coming.Thank you.
A.want B.are wanting
C.are wanted D.are being wanted
19.The telephone ________ for five minutes before it ________.
A.had been ringing;was answered
B.had rung;answered
C.has rung;answers
D.has been ringing;answers
20.When we got off the train,it happened ________.
A.raining B.to rain
C.to raining D.to be raining
1.D “get together”与……聚在一起,拜访用call on sb.=pay a visit to sb.。
2.B 拜访drop in on sb.因此排除A,pay a visit to sb.又排除C。look in on sb.也有“拜访”之意。
3.C in a way=in some way“在某种程度上”,其他词意不符。
4.B it作主语,又是花时间只用take。
5.D dress sb.是“给某人穿衣服”之意,其他三个选项只能表示自己穿衣服。
6.A 表状态,只有A和B,而wear是及物动词,必须加宾语,因此只能选A。
7.B 比赛过后应恢复“体力,精力”,故选B。
8.D 此题解题关键要区分dare的词性,然后确定是肯定句还是否定句。
9.B “众所周知”是as is known to us all或it is known to us all that…,对因为add A to B是“把A加到B里”之意,故选B。
10.D cost除了作“花费”解,还有“使……付出……代价”之意,而lose只用于lose one's life。
11.B 
12.A add to有“增加”之意,本题又需用被动完成式故选A,而add up to只有“总计”之意。
13.D call for除了作“需要”解外,还有“接(人)”之意。
14.C 数学中的“加”有:added to,and 和plus几种表达法,“减”有minus,“乘以”有times和multiplied by,“除以”只用“divided by”。
15.B 此题考查的是dare的词性,C选项时态不对,故选B。
16.A 这里“energy”作“能源”解,source表“来源”。
17.D rob sb. of sth.,steal sth.from sb.与此题中的情境不符,故选D。
18.D 这里“at once”有“同时”之意,故应一个一个地说或一次一个,at a time表“每次”表示频率,at one time表“过去”,而B选项如果改成one by one也可以。
19.B 此题中dare是情态动词。
20.A 此题中dare是实义动词。
21.B “the number of…”表“……的数量”谓语动词需用单数形式,而A项必须用add up to。
22.B 此题中dare应是实义动词,而分词作状语net位于分词之前,故选B。
23.D 此题中dare是实义动词。
24.B drop in on+人,drop in at+地点。
25.A be popular with/among sb.表“受……欢迎”,for表“就……而言”。
1.D 根据文中第一自然段第一句话“These days,experiences,like many other things,are becoming increasingly expensive.”可确定D为正确答案。
2.B 根据文中第二自然段第二句话“What we really need was a good and quiet place so that we could talk,”可知B为正确答案。
3.B 根据文中第三自然段可确定B为正确答案。
4.C 根据文中第四、第五自然段可确定C为正确答案。
5.D 该题应统篇考虑。
1.the→a 第一次提到某名词,有能用表特指的the。
2.a→an old为元音音标开头,冠词应用an。
3.去掉the in the front of表示内部的前面,而相对于人来说是不可能的,故用in front of sb.在某人面前。
4.say→saying without为介词,其后应接名词或动名词。
5.must后加be deaf adj.放于情态动词后必须要加上一个be,表示推测。
6.to→with be wrong with sb./sth.表示“某人/物怎么了,出了毛病”。
7.but→and again and again为固定词组,“再一次、又一次”。
8.speak→speaking speaking放于连词while之后作状语,其逻辑主语为you。
10.husband→husband's 表所属关系。
Paul Roberson,the famous American singer,was born in a poor family of black people.He had to make a living first on farms and then in factories at the age of twelve.
He loved music.He made full use of his spare time after work,practising with his wonderful voice.Later he became well-known to all American People.He is regarded as people's singer and singer for freedom.
1.D 强调当时的情景。
2.A “教室正被刷着呢!”
3.B seem to do sth.其中不定式后可用各种时态,此题表此时还与Brown先生谈话。
4.C “当Mr. Smith正数钱时,钱被抢了。”
5.D “桥此刻无法使用,因为它正处在维修中。”
6.D “电影院正在建设中”。
7.D 从“it's all wet”确定此处应用现在时,不表推测故排除B。
8.C 同第5题,但应用过去进行时,因有“the last time”。
9.A “从I haven't seen…”判断,此空也应用现在完成时。
10.B be always doing表示“不满,埋怨”等语气。
11.A 从“When the pilot was told…”判断应用过去时,完成进行时更佳。
12.C 从“they are woken up…”判断不应用过去时,故选C。
13.A 从“which country she studies in”判断应用进行时。 14.B
15.A wash在此题中不应用被动语态,won't/wouldn't+动词表“拒绝”之意。
16.C 从“what serving there”判断,Jackson是不愿在那工作,故用被动。 17.A
18.C 口语中表示“有你的电话”用“you are wanted on the phone.”
19.A 首先从“接电话”判断,第二空应用被动,第一空表“一直响了五分钟”。
20.D 强调当时的情况。




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