学习手册Unit8 Sports(人教版高一英语上册教案教学设计)

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interest,hobby,stand for,well-known,score(v.),beat,tie,would rather,compete,allow,born,join in,rank,host(v.),prepare,light(v.),in preparation for,honour,responsibility,effect,by hand,skill,live one's dream,professional,in one's eyes
Which do you like/prefer,…or…?
What your favourite sport?
Which sport do you like best?
Are you interested in…?
Sure.Yes,very much./No,not very.
I'd rather watch it than play it.
interest,score,beat,tie,would rather,allow,join in,prepare,honour,effect
(1)interest n.兴趣;爱好
He no longer takes any interest in his stamp collection.
Her main interests in life are music,tennis,and cooking.
(2)interest vt.对……感兴趣
That's a topic that interests me greatly.
(3)interesting adj.有趣的
That's an interesting book.
(4)interested adj.(对……)感到有兴趣的
Are you interested in history?
如:tire,surprise,excite,puzzle,encourage,frighten,move,disappoint,satisfy,please,astonish等。 联系语境法:
His ________ look suggested he felt ________at the ________ question.
答案:puzzled,puzzled,puzzling 表示人流露出的表情、声音(如look,expression,voice)用-ed形容词修饰。
(1)score n.(比赛、考试)分数
What's my score?
(2)二十 
I want two score of eggs.
(3)scores (of)许多(的)
—How many people were there?
—There were scores (of them).
score v. 得(分)
She scored 120 in the IQ test.
(1)dozen n. 十二
I want two dozen eggs.
(2)dozens (of) 许多(的)
(1)改错:He got 80 scores out of 100 for geography.
答案:scores改为marks。mark“分”,score“分数”。此句还可说“He made a score of 80 out of 100 for geography.”
(2)There are ________ eggs left in the refrigerator.
A.3 dozen B.3 scores of
C.3 score D.3 dozen of
答案:A score和dozen表示“二十”“十二”时,单复数同形,而且“score”后需有“of”再接名词。B、C选项若是“3 score of”就是正确的。
3.tie v.
(1)tie (用绳等)固定
I tied the sticks together.
(2)tie 打成平局
The two teams tied for the first place.
(1)fix v. 使固定
He fixed the picture on the wall.
(2)fasten v. 使牢固
Fasten a horse to a tree.
(1)He tied the book ________ string.
(2)He tied the dog ________ a tree.
答案:(1)with (2)to 第一句指“用”绳捆,第二句表示“把狗捆到树上”。“把……和……固定到一起”为“tie…to…”。
4.would rather 宁愿
(1)would rather (not) do 
I would rather stay here.
(2)would rather 接从句(从句用虚拟语气)
I would rather you told me the truth now.
(3)would rather do …than do 宁愿……也不愿……
He would rather play than work.
It's time,wish和would you mind接从句时,从句也需虚拟语气。
(1)I wish I ________ a bird.
A.am B.were C.was
(2)It's time we ________ lunch.
A.had B.have
答案:(1)B be动词的虚拟语气用were (2)A
5.allow vt.
(1)allow 允许
We don't allow smoking in this house.
Passengers are not allowed to smoke.
(2)allow sb. in/out/up 允许某人进入(离开,起来)
She won't allow children in until they've wiped their shoes.
(3)allowance n. 津贴,零用钱
I didn't receive any allowance from my father.
permit v.
(1)permit 允许 (与allow,forbid和advise用法相同:直接加“-ing” 或加“sb. to do”) (2) permit 使(某事物)有可能性
The windows permit light and air to enter.
(3)permit /′p:mit/ n.通行证
We cannot enter the base without a permit.
(4)permission n. 允许,许可
They entered the area without permission.
The heavy rain forbade me ________ to school.
A.from my coming B.to come
C.come D.my coming
6.join in
(1)join in 参加(活动)
Can I join in (the game)?
(2)join sb.(in doing/to do sth.) 与某人一起做某事
He joined us to sing “Happy Birthday” to the teacher.
(3)join…to/onto… 连结
The island is joined to the mainland by a bridge.
(4)join up 参军
We both joined up in 1939.
During the break she began to sing an English song and we all ________.
A.took part in B.joined C.joined in 答案:C A选项take part in需要接宾语,而join in可接宾语也可不接。
7.prepare v.
(1)prepare sth.准备
I have a speech to prepare.
(2)prepare for sth.为……做准备
Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
(3)be prepared for 为……做好准备
They are prepared for the worst.
(4)be prepared to do 准备做/愿意做某事
He is prepared to leave the country.
He wasn't prepared to help me.
(5)make preparations for 为……做准备
She is making preparations for her marriage.
(6)in preparation for
They put chairs in the hall in preparation for the concert.
Bob ________ the coming test while his mother ________ supper.
A.prepared B.prepared for
答案:B,A prepare接准备的事物;如“lesson,meal”等;prepare for接名词表目的,“为……做准备”,如“test,party”等。
8.honour n.
(1)honour 光荣,荣幸,荣誉
My great-grandfather won honour in the war.
(2)honour 尊敬,敬重
One must show honour to one's parents.
(3)in honour of 为了纪念(……)
This monument was built in honour of the general.
改错:It is great honour to be invited.
Ⅱ.语法部分 将来时被动语态的用法
(1)结构:will/shall be done
be to be done
be going to be done
He will teach us English soon.→We will be taught English (by him) soon.
He is to hold a birthday party.→A birthday party is to be held (by him).
She is going to name the child Lucy.→The child is going to be named Lucy.
I will take care of the child.→The child will be taken care of.
Everybody is to hand in their homework.→Homework is to be handed in. (3)won't+及物动词作不及物动词用,表示事物的性质、特点。常用此主动表被动结构的动词有act,bend,burn,wash,lock,cut,read,close,open等。
The door won't lock.
This wood won't burn.
This saw won't cut.
(1)表示将来发生的行为或存在的状态,常与soon,tomorrow (morning…);next week(year…),some day,from now on,the day after tomorrow,in(the) future等表示将来的时间状语连用。
1.I've visited a lot of different places and stayed in lots of different hotels,but none of them ________ this one.
A.makes B.beats
C.compares D.matches
2.—How much is the T-shirt ________?
—65 dollars.
A.worth B.cost
C.worthy D.paid
3.________ full preparations,we decided to put off the meeting till next week.
A.We did not make B.Having not made
C.We had not made D.Not having made
4.—Have you ever been to Rome?
—No,but that's the city ________.
A.where I most like to visit
B.I'd most like to visit
C.which I like to visit most
D.where I'd like most to visit
5.—________ in the workshop,please stop it.
—Sorry,I ________.
A.Not smoking;am not sure
B.Don't smoke;have no idea
C.Smoking is not allowed;don't know
D.Smoking is forbidden;didn't know
6.The teacher took the naughty boy by surprise and he ________ to think of an excuse.
A.had no time B.managed
C.was prepared D.was afraid
7.China,the world's most populous nation,________ the WTO on November 10,2001,
________ China a new place at the table of nations.
A.attended;given B.joined;offering
C.joined;offered D.took part in;giving
8.Although she had the hope of winning the first prize in the oral English contest,the girl refused to ________ in it.
A.take part B.join it
C.play a part in D.act part
9.—Were you busy last weekend?
—Very.Rather than ________ time playing cards as usual,I devoted every effort to ________ an advertisement.
A.waste;make B.wasting;making
C.to waste;make D.a waste of;making
10.________ the big snake,the little girl stood under the tree ________ out of her life.
A.Seeing;frightened B.Seeing;frightening
C.Seen;frightened D.To see;frightening
11.He was so excited that he could say nothing but hold his sister's hand firmly.His sister said nothing either,________ tears coming into her face.
A.surprising B.surprised
C.exciting D.excited
12.I ________ it myself ________ your homework.
A.prefer to do;rather than copy
B.prefer doing;than copy
C.would do;rather than copy
D.would rather do;than to copy
13.—She seems a ________ waitress.
—Yes,each of us always feels ________ with her good manners and service.
A.pleased;pleased B.pleasant;pleasant
C.pleased;pleasant D.pleasant;pleased
14.The Foreign Minister walked on the platform,seated himself in a chair and ________ for answering questions.
A.had prepared B.being prepared
C.prepared D.preparing
15.She had a nature that quickly ________ the friendship of her classmates.
A.made B.won
C.caught D.seized
16.—You tie looks smart.It ________ with your shirt perfectly.
—Thanks.I'm glad you like it.
A.matches B.meets
C.agrees D.goes
17.You may not understand it,but this is a kind of thing we policemen ________ as a secret.
A.think of B.think of it
C.think it over D.think about
18.John had ________ me to do this,but he didn't.
A.promised B.allowed 
C.permitted D.told
19.Do you mind if I leave the window open?Well,I'd rather you ________.
A.don't B.didn't 
C.won't D.mustn't
20.It's time that you ________ the whole book.
A.must go over B.can you over
C.went over D.have gone over
21.Shortly after the accident,two ________ police were sent to the spot to keep order.
A.dozen of B.dozens 
C.dozen D.dozens of
22.He went to the market and bought ________ the eggs I told him to buy.
A.three dozen of B.three dozen
C.three dozens D.three dozens of
23.The new law will come into ________ on the day it is passed.
A.effect B.use
C.sevice D.existence
24.The class named ________ Lei Feng is one of the best classes in this school.
A.in honour of B.in the place of
C.in favor of D.in the way of
25.Will you ________ me ________ out this problem myself?
A.permit;working B.let;work
C.allowed;to work D.forbid;to work
After lunch,without permission from parents,the two boys set off to explore the part of the beach which lay beyond the headland(陆岬,伸出海面尖形高地).They had persuaded their young sister to 1 ,saying that the long walk would be too 2 for her.Once they had got in the headland,the beach reached away endless before them.It was like 3 a new world.There were damp,dark caves to 4 ,there were many 5 among the rocks,full of sea creatures(生物);and,here and there along the beach were those 6 objects,washed up and 7 by the tide.
The afternoon passed 8 .The sun was already 9 when the boys reluctantly (恋恋不舍地) 10 to make their 11 homewards.But long before they reached the headland,they could see that the tide had come in so suddenly that they were now 12 from either end of the beach.Their only chance of 13 was to find a way up the cliff(悬崖) nearby. They soon found a narrow path 14 the cliff top.But half way up,their path was 15 by a large rock which they could not climb 16 .The two boys had to 17 at the top of their voices, 18 that someone might 19 over the top of the rock,and finally came their father with two policemen. 20 of them climbed down a rope which was lowered over the rock.The boys were then pulled to safety,and thus saved from spending a miserable night on the cliff.
1.A.keep quiet B.stay behind
C.take a rest D.join them
2.A.tiring B.exciting
C.uninteresting D.impossible
3.A.discovering B.facing
C.enjoying D.imagining
4.A.look up B.explore
C.hide in D.search
5.A.lakes B.rivers
C.water falls D.pools
6.A.dirty B.light
C.strange D.clean
7.A.moved B.covered
C.beaten D.left
8.A.quickly B.unexpectedly
C.finally D.suddenly
9.A.leaving B.dropping
C.going D.setting
10.A.forgot B.decided
C.succeeded D.turned
11.A.road B.way
C.track D.path
12.A.cut off B.left behind
C.held back D.put away
13.A.running off B.keeping clear
C.getting away D.turning to
14.A.reaching B.passing
C.going up D.leading to
15.A.blocked B.covered
C.stopped D.filled
16.A.on B.over
C.round D.through
17.A.shout B.shoot
C.repeat D.renew
18.A.wanting B.guessing
C.believing D.hoping
19.A.turned B.appeared
C.hid D.climbed
20.A.Any B.None
C.One D.First
I can't swim because I have a strong fear of water.
Look back at my childhood experience,I think 1.________
that three reason might explain the fear.The first reason 2.________
is that I was not allowed to go near the water 3.________
when I was a child,for my mother had unreasonable 4.________
fear of it.So,even as a child I was taught see 5.________
the water as something danger.Second,my eyes 6.________
became bad ones when I was five.If I took off 7.________
my glasses in the water,I couldn't see anything,but 8.________
this increased my fear.The worst part of your experience 9.________
is that as a child of ten I see a neighbor drowned. 10.________
Since then I have more frightened.

1.You are not to leave ________.
A.except you are told B.as you are told
C.until you will be told D.until you are told
2.A new cinema ________ here.They hope to finish it next month.
A.will be built B.is built
C.has been built D.is being built
3.It's reported that a new school ________ here next year.
A.would be set up B.was going to set up
C.will be set up D.is going to set up
4.The judge ordered that the thief ________ punished.
A.would be B.were to be
C.should be D.must be
5.I insist that a doctor ________ immediately.
A.has been sent for B.will be sent for
C.be sent for D.sent for
6.I promise that the matter ________.
A.be taken care B.will be taken care of
C.will take care of D.has been taken care
7.The volleyball match ________ if it ________.
A.will put off;rains B.will be put off;will rain
C.will be put off;rains D.is to put off;rains
8.—Are you going to the movies tonight?
—Yes.By then this painting ________.
A.is finished B.would be finished
C.will have been finished D.will finish
9.He can certainly buy a new house if more ________ next year.
A.will be built B.are built
C.have built D.built
10.The next morning the boy ________ lying in bed,dead.
A.was found B.has found
C.will be found D.found
11.The sports meet ________.
A.is put off B.is to put off
C.is to be put off D.puts off
12.It is said that he ________ sent to Austria to improve his English.
A.would be B.was to be
C.had been D.had been
13.I shall have finished reading the novel by dinner time.=This novel ________ reading (by me) by dinner time.
A.must be finished B.ought to have finished
C.shall be finished D.will have been finished
14.You are about to write a poem,aren't you?=A poem (by you),________?
A.is about to be written,aren't you
B.is about to be writing;isn't it
C.is about to be writing;aren't you
D.is about to be written;isn't it
15.The novel ________ by the time the author comes back from abroad.
A.will have published B.will be published
C.will have been published D.have been published
16.The maths problem ________ among the students soon.
A.is going to to have been discussed
B.is to discuss
C.is about to discuss
D.is going to be discussed
17.All the homework ________ before class is over.
A.will hand in B.has to be handed in
C.are handed D.is going to be handed
18.—Where is George going this afternoon?
—He ________ to see the newly-built factory.
A.is taken B.is to be taken
C.will taken D.is going to take
19.An exhibition of paintings ________ at the museum next week.
A.are to be held B.is to be held
C.will hold D.are holding
20.—Did you telephone the governor's office?
—Yes,he ________ back before tomorrow noon.
A.expects B.is expected
C.will be expected D.is to expect
1.D match表示“与……相匹敌”。
2.A be worth接钱数。
3.D 逗号分开两部分,没有连词,所以前半句不是句子,而是状语。v.-ing作状语,否定时not在前。
4.B 定语从句修饰the city。关系词在从句中作visit宾语,可以省略。
5.D B、C、D第一个空的答案都可以。“我”过去不知道,现在知道了,故选D。
6.A 据题意,老师让这个小男孩很吃惊,所以他“没有时间想出借口”。
7.B attend表示“出席”;take part in表“参加(活动)”;join表“加入(组织)”。-ing表伴随,表结果。
8.A take part (in sth.)参加。
9.B 本句应用rather than doing to doing,表示“比起做……更愿意做……”。
10.A 分词作状语,主动或被动由主语决定,主语the girl与see是主动关系,故用seeing。
11.D 据题意,姐弟二人都很兴奋。-ed形容词接tears,look,voice等表示“人流露出……的”眼泪,表情。
12.A prefer to do rather than do,表示“愿……也不愿……”。
13.D pleased表示“人感到满意的/高兴的”,pleasant表示“(使人/令人)愉快的”。
14.C and并列连接的是两个词语,seated…和prepared…。
15.B win表“赢得”。seize表“抓住”。
16.D match表“与……相配”时,是及物动词,不用with。“go with”表示“与……配合良好”“与……协调”。
17.A think of sth. as…表示“认为某事……”。
19.B would rather接从句时,从句用虚拟语气。
20.C It's time接从句时,从句用虚拟语气。
21.C dozen表“十二”时,用作单数,直接接名词。若名词前有冠词或指示代词则需加of。
22.A 
23.A come into effect表示“开始生效”。came into use表示“开始被使用”。
24.A in honour of表示“为了纪念……”;in favour of 表示“赞成,支持……”。
25.B permit sb. to do;let sb. do。C选项allow时态错误。
1.B 从上下文看,A、C、D不符合,故不选。
2.A 上文说劝阻young sister不去,只能说long walk would be too tiring。
3.B 通过上下文看,facing是作like的宾语。表示“面对”的意思。
4.B explore指探索。
5.D 岩石间应是pools。
6.C two boys没有见过海里的东西,故选strange。
7.D 被潮水冲上来,并留下的东西用leave。
8.A quickly可指时间过得飞快。
9.D 太阳落山用set。
10.B 没有turn to do这个搭配,succeed in doing,forget to do语境不对。
11.A make one's road homewards指找道回家。 12.A
13.C get away指逃走,离开,run off吓跑,撵走。turn back返回,打退堂鼓,故选C。 14.D reach指到达,lead指通向。
15.A be blocked指阻塞。
16.B climb over the rock指爬上岩石。
17.A shout at the top of one's voice指高声地喊。
18.D hoping 表伴随,希望。
19.B appear指希望某人出现在岩石上。
20.C one of them,them指their father and two policemen。
1.Look→Looking 2.reason→reasons 3.√ 4.had后加an 5.taught后加to 6.danger→dangerous 7.去掉ones 8.but→and 9.your→my 10.see→saw
On the morning of last Friday,Peter went to school as usual.He was walking along the road when he saw a well which was not covered.He thought it was dangerous for passers-by,so he decided to cover the well.The cover was so heavy that he took great trouble to remove it.At last he covered the well with difficulty.Hardly had he turned his back and gone when he heard a cry for help coming from the well.So he returned to the well and moved the cover away.To his surprise,a worker was inside the well.Peter tried his best to pull the worker out of the well.After that Peter covered the well again.
1.D 时间状语从句一般现在时表将来。
2.D 据题意“他们希望下个月建完新电影院”,可知电影院正在被建。
3.C D选项若改为is going to be set up,则正确。
4.C order表“命令”接从句时,从句用(should) do,故不选其他项。
5.C insist此句中表示“坚决要求”,从句用(should) do。医生与send for是被动关系。 6.B take care of是固定短语,变被动时应作为一体。
7.C 
8.C by短语作状语时,句子用完成时,故选C。
9.B 
10.A the next morning是过去时间状语,表“第二天早晨”。
11.C 将来时被动语态be to be done。
12.C 主句为现在时,从句与其保持一致,故不选A、B、D。
13.D by短语与完成时搭配。此题是把主动语态变为被动语态。主动语态为将来时,变为被动时时态不变。
14.D 主动变被动时态不变。被动句中,主语为a poem,故反义疑问句用isn't it。
15.C by短语与完成时搭配,且novel与publish是被动关系。
16.D problem与discuss是被动关系。时间状语soon表明用将来时态。
17.B hand in表示“上交”,变为被动时应视为一体,故不选D。
18.B He与take是被动关系,表示“他将被带去参观新建的工厂”。
19.B exhibition(展览)与hold是被动关系。
20.B expect表“期待”。he指the governor,别人expect the governor back,所以he与expect是被动关系。谈话当时别人就期待着了,故不用将来时。




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