学习手册Unit7 Cultural relics(人教版高一英语上册教案教学设计)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

relics,protect,select,represent,suggest,proud,event,as,include,destroy,attack,give in,living,in ruins,lie,in pieces,hide,bring…back to life,with the help (of),missing,replace,recreate,once again,solve,come true,damage,limited
What/How about…?Why not…?
Why don't you…? Can't we…?
Let's … Maybe we could…
proud,include,suggest,living,destroy,give in,lie,hide,missing,replace,solve
1.proud adj.
(1)proud 骄傲、自豪
I'm proud to be your friend.
(2)proudly adv.
She looked at them proudly.
(3)pride n.
Pride goes before a fall.[谚]
(4)take (a) pride in sth.
He takes great pride in his work.
She's proud ________ what you've done.
A.in B.of
答案:B 固定搭配be proud of sb./sth.。
2.include vt.
(1)include v. 包括,包含
The plan includes most of my suggestions.
(2)including 介词
Everyone here has a book including myself.
(3)included 
Everyone laughed,me included.
contain vt. 里面(装有),包含,含有
The paper parcel(包裹) contained a clean shirt,socks and a hankerchief.
(1)It's a book ________ 26 separate stories.
(2)At least 80 persons were injured,________ 5 policemen.
(3)They will send you the book for $2.75,postage(邮资)________.
答案:(1)containing。“一本有26个故事的书”,include接部分,contain可接全部,“26个故事”是全部。 (2)including (3)included。“邮资”在“include”之前,postage与include是被动关系。
3.suggest vt.
(1)suggest 建议
I suggest bringing the meeting to an end.
I suggested that we(should) have lunch now.
(2)suggest 暗示
The white look on his face suggested fear. (3)suggestion n. 建议[可数] 轻微的迹象
I have a suggestion to make.
There was a suggestion of anger in his voice.
suggest (sb.) doing
advise doing
advise sb. to do
advice n. [不可数]
a piece of advice
His attitude suggests that he ________ really interested.
A shouldn't be B.isn't
答案:B suggest这里不表示建议,所以从句不用(should)do。suggest表暗示,接从句时,从句时态人称按正常变化。
4.destroy vt.
(1)destroy 摧毁,损毁
The forest was destroyed by fire.
(2) destruction 毁坏/灭 n.
(1)damage n.&v. 损坏,损害
When she sees the damage that you've done she'll be angry.
Mind you don't damage it.
(2)ruin vt. 毁坏/掉;使倾家荡产
The storm ruined the crops.
If we should fail in this,we are ruined.
n. 毁坏,破产
Drink led to his ruin.
(be) in ruins 是一片废墟,落空
The building is in ruins.
Our plans are in ruins.
(1)I was ________ by that law case;I'm a ________ man!
(2)She feared that the rain would ________ her new shoes.
(3)The ________ of the railway was a big loss to the country.
答案:(1)ruined,ruined (2)damage或ruin,表示“损坏,弄坏”。 (3)destruction damage和ruin表示的受损程度比destruction轻。
5.give in (to sb./sth.) (向……)屈服,让步
They never give in the enemy.
(1)give up 放弃
She didn't give up her job when she got married.
(2)give away 赠送;泄露(机密)
She gave away most of his money to the poor.
Please don't give my secret away.
(3)give off 发出(气味、热)
This fire doesn't seem to be giving off much heat.
(4)give out 分发;宣布;被用完
The teacher gave out the exam papers.
He gave out that he was going to England.
The supplies are beginning to give out.
(1)He ________ to the wish of other people.
(2)He pretended to be French,but his German accent ________ him ________.
A.give in B.give up C.give away
答案:(1)A (2)C
6.lie vi.
(1)lie 平躺/放
I lay awake fro about 10 minutes.
His hat was lying on the table.
The city lies to the north of the city.
lie lay lain lying vi.
lay laid laid laying vt.放(置),下蛋
lie lied lied lying 说谎
(1)He ________ about his reasons for being late.
(2)Four or five miles to the east of them ________ the blue waters of Lake Michigan.
(3)They ________ me down on the bed.
答案:(1)lied (2)lay 表示“位于”,用lie的过去式。 (3)laid 及物动词lay的过去式。
7.hide v.
(1)hide 躲,藏
Where are you hiding?
I hid the gift under the bed.
(2)(be)hidden 作表语或宾语补足语表状态
The boy was hidden behind the door.
I found the boy hidden behind the door.
The sun was ________ by the clouds.
A.hiding B.hidden
答案:B 此题表示太阳被云遮住,表状态用be hidden。
8.missing adj.丢失
Is there anything missing?
wearing=dressed in
Our teacher stayed ________ so long that he felt very tired.
A.sit B.to sit
C.seated D.seating
答案:C 此题stay seated表示“保持坐着”的状态。
9.replace v.
(1)replace 代替
John is ill and has been replaced in our team by Tom.
(2)replace 放回原处,归还
All books must be replaced on the shelves.
You must replace the stolen money.
take one's place 代替(职务或工作),接替;入座,取得地位
Shall we take our places at the table?
The new work will take its place among the most important paintings of this century.
________,please.We are about to start.
A.Take your places B.Take place
C.Take your place D.Replace
答案:A 表示“入座”。C选项表示“代替你”或“请你入座”,人称数不符合题意。
10.solve vt.
(1)solve 解决(问题,困难);猜(谜)
He finally solved the difficulty.
The clever boy solved the riddle quickly.
(2)solution n. 解决(办法),答案
There seems to be no solution to the problem.
(1)settle v.解决,处理,决定
I hope the boys settle their quarrel and become friends.
He settled in Canada after his retirement.
(3)settle down 安定下来
After years of travelling,he decided to settle down.
It's not ________ whether I'm going to America.
A.settled B.solved
答案:A settle表示“解决”时,通常接表示“不同、争论”之类的词,如disagreement等。此处表“决定”。
(1)结构:have/has been done
I have told him.→He has been told.
She has given him the book.→He has been given the book.
→The book has been given to him.
She has named the dog Lucy.→The dog has been named Lucy.
I have taken care of the child.→The child has been taken care of (by me).
He hasn't paid attention to what I said.→What I said hasn't been paid attention to (by him).

表示过去已经开始,持续到现在的动作或状态。可以和表示从过去某一时刻延续到现在(包括“现在”在内)的一段时间的状语连用:now,just,today,this morning,this month,this year,for,since,all the time和already,never,every,just,before,lately,recently,yet,so far,up to the present,up till now,in the past/last few years等状语连用。

常与有介词for,during,in within,over引导的时间状语连用,表示从过去的某一行为一直延续到现在。
We have discussed the topic (for) the last 3 weeks.→The topic has been discussed (for) the last 3 weeks.
②It is the+序数词+时间+定语从句用现在完成时
It was the+序数词+时间+定语从句用过去完成时

1.—Whose advice do you think I should take?
A.You speak B.That's it
C.It's up to you D.You got it
2.In Switzerland,six miles west of Geneva,________ a collection of laboratory buildings.
A.lie B.are lying
C.lies D.lays
3.What a pity!He ________ the only chance of success.
A.threw away B.put down
C.gave in D.broke off
4.—What do you think of the manager of your company?
—Oh,he is ________ manager who is pleasant to work with.It's ________ pleasure to work with him.
A.the;the B.a;a
C.a;the D.the;/
5.To celebrate the winning of China's successful bid for the 2008 Olympic Games,Beijing city held an outdoor ________,which attracted a crowd of million people.
A.case B.action
C.affair D.event
6.With a lot of problems ________,the principal decided to hold a meeting to have a thorough discussion about them.
A.to solve B.being solved
C.solving D.solved
7.—Don't look down upon John.He has his own advantages.
—Oh,yes.________ others are weak,he is strong.
A.If B.When
C.Though D.Where
8.—Why not join us in the game?
A.Sure,please do B.No,you do the same
C.Oh,that's all right D.OK,coming
9.Compared with Jack,Tom was always ________ well and neatly.
A.dressed B.wearing
C.dressing D.putting on
10.His tired face suggested that he ________ really tired after the long walk.
A.had been B.was
C.be D.should be
11.My suggestion is that a few more people ________ there to help me.
A.be sent B.have sent
C.sent D.should send
12.Shortly after we ________,a waiter came over to our table with a smile.
A.seated B.were seated
C.sat ourselves D.took places
13.Have a good rest,you need to ________ your energy for the tennis match this afternoon.
A.leave B.save
C.hold D.get
14.—Are all telephone numbers ________ in the directory?
—Yes,all ________ Jane's.
A.listed;included B.listing;includes
C.listed;including D.being listed;being included
15.—How about this kind of fruit?
—Oh,this kind of fruit ________ lots of vitamine C and B.
A.remains B.includes
C.contains D.holds
16.The simple joy of reading is something we take for granted.But many people have had to ________ this pleasure because of poor eyesight.
A.give in B.give off
C.give out D.give up
17.The ________ boy was last seen ________ near the East Lake.
A.missing;playing B.missing;play
C.missed;played D.missed;to play
18.The ________ look on Miss White's face told us that she was ________ great trouble.
A.worrying;in B.worried;in
C.worrying;with D.worried;with
19.The gas tank ________ twenty gallons of gas,but now it may ________ only three gallons. A.holds;contain B.holds;include
C.is held;be contained D.is held;include
20.I've always ________ coming to China,and now my dream has ________.
A.dreamt;been realized B.dreamt of;realized
C.dreamt of;come true D.dreamt;gone true
21.The way they talked ________ the problem seemed impossible.
A.about solving B.to solve
C.of solving D.about to solve
22.The hunter ________ his gun against the pine tree and ________ down for a rest.
A.laid;lay B.lay;laid
C.laid;lied D.lied;lay
23.Many scientists say the computer will ________ human beings sooner or later.
A.take place of B.take its place
C.replace D.take place
24.However,that night was the worst one in ________.
A.a history B.history
C.the history D.any history
25.As he entered the room,he found many books ________ scattered on the floor.
A.laying B.lied
C.lain D.lying
“There is no arguing about taste”-runs the Latin proverb.But taste did not just happen.Cultural,historical,biological and environmental events have interacted to cause frogs,for example,to be viewed as delicious in southern China but to be regarded with revulsion(厌恶) in northern China.Even though much remains unknown,tastes cannot be dismissed as inarguable or illogical;an attempt will be made here to discover why,as Lucretius put it,“What is food to one man may be fierce poison to others.”
Among the thirty million tribal people of India,a total of 250 animal species(物种) are avoided by one group or another.Most of these people will not eat meat from a tiger or any of various snakes.Although they say they feel a relationship with these animals,it is obvious that both are highly dangerous and that hunting them systematically would be foolish.
Monkeys are avoided,probably because they look like human beings in appearance;in these tribes,man-eating is viewed as extremely cruel.That the tribal people don't eat some female animals has come from respect for the mother's role,but it could also be due to a policy of allowing the females to reproduce and provide more young for people.Many tribes avoid eating any animal that has died of unknown causes—an intelligent attitude in view of the possibility that the animal might have died from a disease that could spread to humans.Animals that consume garbage are similarly avoided—an adaptive step that prevents contact with parasites(寄生虫),and that might explain why members of one tribe eat any of twenty-one different species of rats,but not the house rats.
1.“There is no arguing about taste”,which means ________.
A.people don't like to talk about food
B.one's taste in food is hard to explain
C.there is no quarrelling about to eat
D.no arguments about taste have been heard of before
2.It can be concluded from the first paragraph that ________.
A.the author is against eating frogs
B.taste is illogical and inarguable C.some types of frogs are poisonous
D.taste is determined by many factors
3.The tribal people in India may not eat the following animals EXCEPT________ .
C.female deer
D.house rats
4.The passage is probably written for the purpose of ________.
A.introducing the eating habit of Indian tribal people
B.tell different types of taste apart
C.describing people's different choices of taste
D.explaining the relationship between taste and tribes
5.Which is not the possible reason of not eating female monkeys?
A.People respect mothers of all kinds.
B.Female monkeys and human beings look alike.
C.Female monkeys give birth to more young.
D.Female monkeys may spread a certain disease.
When I was a young child,search for grey hairs for 1.________
my father was a great favorite of mine,because of I 2.________
could get a reward of one jiao if I found it.At 3.________
that time,I was eager that all my father's hair 4.________
would be grey…Ten years late,I was lucky 5.________
enough to accepted by a famous university.The 6.________
day I left,father kept telling me take care of 7.________
myself and studied hard and so on.To my surprise, 8.________
most of my hair had turned grey over-night,but I 9.________
didn't feel as happily as before.Tears danced in my eyes. 10.________
Now,I always think of my father's grey hair…
课外活动时间 活动项目 最受欢迎的项目 希望与建议
5:00 p.m

球类比赛歌咏演讲比赛微机 增加课外活动时间,减少作业量。多安排专题讲座,多组织旅游参观以了解社会。
Out-of-class Activities in Our School
1.You can see the house ________ for years.
A.isn't painted B.hasn't painted
C.hasn't been painted D.hadn't been painted
2.Some new oil fields ________ since 1976.
A.were opened up
B.has opened up
C.have been opened up
D.had been opened up
3.A good deal of money ________ spent on books.
A.have B.has
C.have been D.has been
4.—Why does Ling Ling look so unhappy?
—She has ________ by her classmates.
A.laughed B.laughed at
C.been laughed D.been laughed at
5.This is a photo of the power station that ________ in my hometown.
A.has set up B.has been set up
C.was set up D.is set up
6.Great changes ________ in the city,and a lot of factories ________.
A.have been taken place;have been set up
B.have taken place;have been set up
C.have taken place;have set up
D.were taken place;were set up
7.No permission has ________ for anybody to enter the building.
A.been given B.given
C.to give D.been giving
8.The police found that the house ________ and a lot of things ________.
A.had broken into;had been stolen
B.had broken into;had been stolen
C.had been broken into;stolen
D.has been broken into;stolen
9.—Have you moved into the new house?
—Not yet.The rooms ________.
A.are painted B.have been painted
C.are being painted D.are being painting
10.—Do you know our town at all?
—No,this is the first time I ________ here.
A.was B.have been
C.came D.am coming
11.—________ the sports meet might be put off.
—Yes,it all depends on the weather.
A.I've been told B.I've told
C.I'm told D.I told
12.All the performances for the task ________,and we're ready to start.
A.completed B.complete
C.had been completed D.have been completed
13.The manager entered the office and was happy to learn that four-fifths of the tickets ________.
A.was booked B.had been booked
C.were booked D.have been booked
14.Every possible means ________ to prevent the air pollution,but the sky is still not clear.
A.is used B.are used
C.had been used D.have been used
15.Mrs Green wants to buy that kind of cloth because she ________ that the cloth ________ very well.
A.has been told;washes
B.has told;washes
C.has been told;is washed
D.is told;is washed
16.—Is the house at the end of the street still for sale?
—No,it ________.
A.was sold B.had sold
C.has sold D.has been sold
17.—________ to buy some new dishes?
—Yes,all of our dinner plates ________.
A.Would you go;has broken
B.Are you going;has been broken
C.Will you go;are breaking
D.Have you gone;had been broken
18.Now many ways ________ to prevent the water from ________.
A.were taken;polluting 
B.have been taken;being polluted
C.are taken;pollution 
D.are taken;polluted
19.The train ________ because of an accident.Many passengers are now waiting anxiously at the railway station.
A.had been delayed B.delayed
C.has delayed D.has been delayed
20.The teaching building of our school ________ for many times.
A.has been added to B.had been added up to
C.has added to D.has added up to
1.C 表示“由你决定”。
2.C 地点状语+谓语+主语,此句是个倒装句,主语a collection of laboratory buildings 决定谓语lie是不及物动词,表“位于”。
3.A throw away表“丢弃”“未能利用某物”。put down镇压。give in屈服、让步。break off中断。
4.B pleasure表具体的令人快乐的人或事时, 为可数名词,常用单数。
5.D 表运动项目。
6.A 根据句意“有许多问题要解决”,表未发生用to do。D选项表示“解决完了”。
7.D where表示“……的地方”,引导状语从句。
9.A be dressed表状态。wear需要接宾语。
11.A suggestion表建议,从句用(should) do。
12.B seat为及物动词,常用于seat oneself和be seated表达中。
13.B 表节省。
14.C 答语是省略句,all including Jane's是主语。
15.C contain表“含有”。
16.D give up表“放弃”。give off表“发出(气味等)”,give out表“分发”“被用完”。 17.A missing表丢失,等于lost。小男孩被看见在湖边玩,所以用see sb. doing。
18.B -ed分词修饰look,expression,voice等,表示人流露出……的表情、声音。
19.A hold表容纳,contain表(里面)装有。
20.C dream of/about doing;come true相当于be realized,表“被实现”。
21.D they talked about是定语从句修饰the way。“to solve the problem”作定语也修饰the way。
22.A 第一空需填及物动词lay,第二空则需填不及物动词lie。lay,laid,laid;lie,lay,lain。 23.C 表代替,相当于take the place of。tkae place表“发生”。
25.D found接宾语many books,再接宾补,lying是lie“平躺、平放”的分词,表明books的状态。
1.B 本文讲述造成饮食习惯的原因是多方面的,是无法去争吵或解释的。
2.D 本文的第一段的第二句是第一段的主旨句,前一句引起读者注意,第二句说明原因,后面举例说明原因,最后一句作用在于引出下文。
3.A 排除法可得出A。
4.C 本文介绍了人们不同的饮食选择及部分原因,不仅仅指印度人的饮食习惯。
5.D 
1.search→searching 2.去掉of 3.if→once 4.√ 5.late→later 6.to∧accepted加be 7.me∧take加to 8.studied→study 9.my→his 10.happily→happy
Out-of-class Activities in Our School
Students in our school have one period for out-of-class activities from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. every day.We can join in singing and dancing,do reading or take part in many interest groups.Our favorite activities are sports/ball games,singing,speech contests and learning how to use computers.We've learnt a lot from these activities.
We hope that we'll be given more time for such activities and less homework to do after class.It is our suggestion that more lectures on some interesting subjects be held.
1.C for years作状语,句子使用完成时;house与paint是被动关系,所以选C。
2.C since短语作状语,句子用现在完成时;主语fields与open up是被动关系。
3.D 现在完成时表影响。money与spend是被动关系。
4.D laugh at sb.表“嘲笑某人”。Ling Ling因为被人嘲笑而不开心,所以用被动。
5.B 定语从句中,that作主语,替代the power station,所以从句谓语用单数,且从句谓语与the power station是被动关系,故选B。
6.B take place,happen,break out表“发生”,都没有被动语态。
7.A permission与give是被动关系。
8.A break into表“闯入”,与the house是被动关系。that宾语从句中,and连接两个句子。
9.C 据题意,“还没搬进新房”,所以新房应是正在被粉刷。
10.B It is the+序+ time+从句,此结构中,从句用现在完成时。
11.A C选项时态错误,“我”是过去被告知的。
12.D performance与complete是被动关系,从后半句可知不是过去的时态。
13.B book动作发生在entered之前,故用过去完成时。book表“预定”,与tickets是被动关系。
14.C 表影响,用完成时。means单复数同形,every means接单数谓语。
15.A 前半句she与tell是被动关系。后半句中,wash+副词,描述事物性质,用主动表被动。
16.D 表影响,且是被动关系,用现在完成时被动语态。
17.B be broken表“碎了,坏了”。
18.B take ways to do sth.中way与take是动宾关系,way作主语,take 则用被动。prevent+sb./sth.from doing,表“使……免于……”,水与pollute是被动关系。19.D
20.A add to…表“增建,扩建,增加”。




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