学习手册Unit2 English around the world(人教版高一英语上册教案教学设计)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

make yourself at home;the majority of;total;have a good knowledge of;come about;while;have difficulty in doing sth.;bring in;a great many
Did you have a good flight?
You must be very tired.
Just make yourself at home.
Can you tell me how to pronounce …?
Get it.
for the first time;What is it that…?at all;make yourself at home;the majority of;total;except for;come about;while;just as;end up with;have difficulty (in) doing…;bring in;a great many Ⅱ.语法
1.for the first time 第一次
(1) for the first time 第一次,后面不加从句, 在句中作状语
They came to Beijing for the first time.
(2)the first time 名词短语,在从句中充当连词,后接从句,不接that,when等连词。有同样用法的短语还有:
every time;next time;the last time
They liked Beijing the first time they went there.
(3) It's the first time that + 从句(用现在完成时)这是……的第一次
(1)________ that I have ever been abroad at all.
(2) They loved each other ________ they met.
(3) They were there ________.
答案:(1)It's the first time (2) the first time (3) for the first time
2.What is it that…?
(1)结构:It is /It was(过去时间)+被强调部分+that/who(专指人)+其他部分 
(2)用法: 除了谓语动词不能强调,句子的每部分均可强调。
Jim met the student in the street last week.
主语 宾语 地点状语 时间状语
强调主语:It was Jim who/that met the student in the street last week.
强调宾语:It was the student whom/that Jim met in the street last week.
强调地点状语:It was in the street that Jim met the student last week.
强调时间状语:It was last week that Jim met the student in the street.
Was it Dr Wang who spoke to you just now?
Who is it that will visit our class?
Where is it that he has gone?
When was it that she went?
It was not until then that I realized I was wrong.
It was not until she had arrived home ________ she remembered ________ the key in the office.
A.when;to leave B.and;leaving
C.that;leaving D.that;to leave
答案:C 本题为强调句与remember doing sth.句型的综合运用。
3.at all 
(1) 用在肯定句中,“竟然”
I'm surprised that you came at all.
There was nothing to worry about at all.
Have you been there at all?
(4)用在条件句中,“真的,确实” 
If you do it at all,do it well.
at all;in all;after all;first of all;above all 
(1)at all用法见at all“纵向归纳法”
(2)in all=altogether
总共There are ten students in all.
(3)after all毕竟
Don't scold him.After all,he's only a child of six.
(4)first of all首先(强调顺序)
We should do several things.But first of all,we must take these magazines to Mary.
(5)above all最主要的
Children read many things;but above all they need love.
In order to continue to learn by ourselves when we have left school,we must ________ learn how to study in the school now.
A.in all B.after all
C.above all D.at all
答案: C
4.make yourself at home 别拘束
(1)make yourself at home别拘束 (做客时的委婉语) 
—Good evening,Jim.
—Good evening,Mary.Come in and make yourself at home.
(2)(all) by oneself 独自 (没有别人帮助)
You can't possibly do it all by yourself.
(3)enjoy oneself=have a good time 玩的高兴
(4)for oneself 亲自;为自己
The student wants to think it for himself.
One should not live for oneself alone.
(5)of oneself 自动地The door closed of itself suddenly.
(6)be oneself (身体或情绪好)I am not myself today.
(7)help oneself to +n/pron.随便……
(8)in oneself 本身
This is not a bad idea in itself.
(9)come to oneself苏醒
(10)between ourselves 私下说的话
All this is between ourselves.
(1)They made the machine all ________themselves.
(2)You'll have to judge (判断) ________ yourself.
(3)Please ________ yourself to some fish.
(4)Please ________ yourself at the party and ________ yourself at home.
答案:(1)by (2)for (3)help (4)enjoy;make
5.the majority of… ……的大多数
(1)the majority of +名词复数,作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式或单数形式。
The majority of people seem to prefer watching games to playing games.
(2)a majority of+名词复数,……的多数
She won the election by a majority of 900 votes.
A few people were killed in the fire,but ________ were saved.
A.the most B.most of whom 
C.the majority D.the majority of whom
答案: C 本题为并列句与the majority of … 短语的综合运用。
6.total n./adj.全部(的) 
(1) in total 加起来
In total,there must have been 20000 people there.
(2) a total of总共
His expenses(支出)reached a total of $100.
(3) the total of… ……的总数
The total of the bill is 230 dollars.
改错:The total of 20000 visited the castle(城堡) on the first day.
7.except for…除了……
表示除了的词或短语有:except ;but;except for;besides等。
All are here except Jim.(排除Jim)
What other languages do you know besides English?(English 与other languages都属于know之中)
(3)except for… 只不过……,整体肯定,部分修正,for后连接部分在意义上包含在前者之中
Your article is well written except for a few spelling mistakes.(spelling mistakes 包含于article之中)
(4)except that+从句,意义与except for相同。
Your article is well written except that there are a few spelling mistakes.
(5)except when/what等+从句。
He is never late except when something happens unexpectedly .
(1)I know nothing about the actress except ________ I read in the newspaper.
(2)He never comes late except ________ there is heavy traffic.
答案:(1)what (2) when
8.come about发生;造成
How did the accident come about?
(1)come across…=meet with…=run into… 偶然遇到
(2)come along 跟着去,快点
(3)come around 到来
(4)come at 向……扑去
(5)come back 回来
(6)come down 下来;降价
(7)come into being 形成;产生
(8)come into effect 开始生效
(9)come into power 开始执政
(10)come off 脱落
(11)come on 加油
(12)come out发芽;开花
(13)come to 来到;谈到;总计;苏醒;得出
(14)come up 走过来;长出来
The student of English wants to know how the differences between British English and American English ________.
A.come into B.come out
C.come about D.come over
9.while conj.
(1)while 从属连词,引导时间状语从句,从句动词用延续性动词,主句的动词发生在从句之中。
Come on,get these things away while I make the tea.
I like tea while she likes coffee.
Some people waste food while others haven't enough.
While we don't agree,we continue to be friendly.
Mother is cooking________father is reading newspapers.
A.when B.while
C.why D.however
10.just as… 就像……
(1)just as…,as为连词;加介词短语或从句
He came here on time just as he was expected.
Football is popular in China just as in Italy.
(2)just like…+n./pron.
He teaches me everything just like my lifetime teacher.
The house is just ________ it was in Shakespeare's time.
11.end up with… 以……结束 
end up with +n.以……结束
The party ended up with the singing of Auld Lang Syne.
(2)end up as…最后成为……
He will end up as a president some day.
(3)end up+地点状语 最后(有……结局)
If you drive your car like that,you'll end (up) in hospital.
We ended the dinner up ________ fruit and coffee.
A.in B.to  C.off D.with
12.have difficulty in +动名词 做……有困难
(1)have difficulty:difficulty 是不可数名词,前可由little;no;much;a lot of;any修饰
(2)have difficulty(in)+ 动名词,in可以省略;很费劲……
We had a lot of difficulty in finding your house.
(3) have difficulty with +n./pron. 有……的困难
Do you have any difficulty with your English?
注意:trouble n.麻烦。difficulty 用法类似。
13. bring in
(1)bring in 赢利,赚钱
The boys are bringing in¥60 a week.
(2)bring in 引进
Some new equipment has been brought in since last year.
14.a great many 许多
(1) a great many +名词复数,中间无“of”。
A great many people have seen the film.
(2) a great many + of+the/these/those/one's +名词复数 
A great many of the people have seen the film.
A great many of workers lost their jobs.
答案: 去掉of
转述祈使句时,要将祈使句的动词原形变为带“to”的不定式,并在不定式的前面根据句子的意思加上“tell, ask,order”等动词,如果祈使句为否定式, 在不定式的前面加“not”。 She said to us,“Please sit down.”→She asked us to sit down.
He said to him,“Go away.”→He ordered him to go away.
Mother said to me,“Come back before 10:00.”→Mother told me to come back before 10:00. He said,”Don't make so much noise,boys.”→He told the boys not to make so much noise.
Ⅰ.单项选择 
1.Well known for his expert advice,he was able to help a ________ of people with their personal affairs.
A.dozen B.great deal
C.many D.number
2.________ total of the workers here ________200.
A.A;is B.A;are
C.The;is D.The;are
3.No one can imagine the difficulty I have ________ your home.
A.with B.to find 
C.finding D.with finding
4.The speech ________ a famous poem.
A.ended up with B.broke in with 
C.came with with D.turned up with
5.Without your help,we ________ the problem.
A.took trouble in solving 
B.had much trouble to solving 
C.kept difficulty to solve
D.would have had much trouble solving
6.________ of money has been spent on research.
A.A great many B.A great number 
C.A great amount D.A good many
7.It was here ________ I first met him.
A.where B.that
C .in which D.what
8.Which of the following sentences is right?
A.How do you know the accident happened?
B.How do you believe did the accident take place?
C.How do you guess the accident brought about?
D.How do you think the accident came about?
9.Every time she went there,she would take with her ________ food.
A.a good many B.a great many 
C.plenty of D.a large number of
10.Travellers from many parts of the world have ________ something new to our country.
A.brought in B.brought out 
C.introduced in D.come about
11.In order to continue to learn by ourselves when we have left school,we must ________ study how to learn in the school now.
A.in all B.after all
C.above all D.at all
12.—I'm sorry I didn't do a good job.
—Never mind.________,you have tried your best.
A.Above all B.In all
C.At all D.After all
13.I know nothing about the young lady ________she is from Beijing.
A.except B.except for
C.except that D.besides
14.There are many sports lovers in his office.Some love climbing,________ others enjoy swimming.
A.while B.when
C.but D.so
15.She knew nothing about his journey ________ he was likely to be away for three months.
A.except B.except for  C.except that D.in addition
16.Mr Mike didn't understand ________ made his wife so upset this morning.
A.what was it B.why it was this 
C.how that was D.what it was that
17.—How did you find him out?
—I ________ his name by chance on the list.
A.came down B.came about 
C.came up D.came across
18.Who ________ you that two American Airlines planes ploughed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center?
A.was it to tell B.was that told 
C.was it that told D.did it tell
19.This suit fitted him well ________ the colour was a little brighter.
A.except for B.except that 
C.except when D.besides
20.He has done everything ________ what I asked him to do.
A.beside B.besides
C.except D.accept
21.It was for this reason ________ her uncle moved out of New York and settled down in a small village.
A.which B.why
C.that D.how
22.—Do you know our town at all?
—No,this is the first time I ________ here.
A.was B.have been
C.came D.am coming 
23.Was it in this place ________ the last Emperor died?
A.that B.in which
C.in where D.which
24.It is the ability to do the job ________ matters not where you come from or what you are. A.one B.that
C.what D.it
25.Many people agree that ________ knowledge of English is a must in ________ international trade today.
A.a;the B.the;an
C.the;the D./;the
The Depression(萧条)didn't make much change in my grandparents' lives.But it did bring an unending flow of men out of 1 ,drifting(being carried)from job to job,to the farm.The 2 to show up at the door of the kitchen was a man in rags.He quickly 3 that he hadn't eaten for a while.Grandpa stood watching him a 4 ,then said,“There's a stack(堆,垛)of firewood against the fence behind the barn(谷仓).I've been 5 to get it moved to the other side of the fence.You have just about 6 time to finish the job before lunch.”
Grandma said a 7 thing happened.The man got a 8 in his eyes and he hurried to the barn at once.She 9 another place at the table and made an apple pie.During lunch,the stranger didn't 10 much,but when he left,his 11 straightened.\!Nothing ruins a man like 12 himself-respect,”Grandpa later told me.
Soon after,another man 13 up asking for a meal.This one was dressed 14 a suit and carried a small suitcase.Grandpa came out,looked at the man and offered a 15 .\!There is a stack of firewood along the fence down the barn.I've been meaning to get it moved.It'd sure be a 16 to me.And we'd be pleased to have you 17 for lunch.
The fellow set his suitcase 18 and neatly laid his coat on top.Then he set 19 to work.
Grandma says she doesn't remember how many strangers they 20 a meal with during those Depression days—or how many times that stack of firewood got moved.
1.A.life B.business
C.farming D.work
2.A.guest B.first
C.second D.next
3.A.explained B.spoke
C.described D.talked
4.A.glance B.little
C.bit D.look
5.A.dreaming B.meaning
C.wishing D.hoping
6.A.some B.full
C.much D.enough
7.A.fearing B.funny
C.serious D.surprising
8.A.light B.flame
C.shine D.fire
9.A.put B.took
C.set D.sat
10.A.say B.drink
C.eat D.have
11.A.shoulders B.arms
C.feet D.hands
12.A.throwing B.losing
C.hurting D.protecting
13.A.went B.appeared
C.came D.showed
14.A.up B.in
C.with D.by
15.A.smile B.wave
C.nod D.handshake
16.A.favour B.offer
C.help D.wonder
17.A.stay B.remain
C.honour D.wait
18.A.away B.aside
C.along D.around
19.A.for B.off
C.of D.upon
20.A.spared B.supplied
C.supported D.shared
Dear Peter,
Thanks very much on inviting me to your birthday 1.________
party on Sunday. I'd like very much come but 2.________
I had an examination on Monday morning. It is 3.________
a very important exam but I can't afford to 4.________
fail it. I'll spend all the whole weekend reading 5.________
and prepare for it. So I'm really sorry that 6.________
I won't be able to come in this time. Hope you 7.________
can understand. I'll take this chance to wish 8.________
you wonderful time on your birthday. Happy 9.________
birthday, Peter, and many happy return of the day! 10.________Yours,
Li Ming
60%的同学认为: 40%的同学认为:
3.如收门票,需建大门、围墙、会影响城市形象 1.应收门票,票价不宜高
3.参考词汇:门票 : entrance fee
1.“Please explain why you're one and a half hours late,” the boss said.
The boss told him ________ ________ why ________ ________ one and a half hours late.
2.“Don't spend all your money on food and drinks!” he said.
He told her ________ ________ spend all ________ money on food and drinks.
3.“Go to bed and don't get up till you are called.” his father ordered.
His father ordered him ________ go to bed and ________ ________ get up till ________ ________called.
4.“Don't pass until the green light is on,” the policeman said to him.
The policeman ________ him ________ ________ pass until the green light ________ on.
5.“Let me stay up a little longer tonight,” the little girl said to her mother.
The little girl ________ her mother ________ let ________ stay up a little longer ________ ________.
6.I said,“Let's go to the cinema.” 
I ________ my mother ________ let ________ ________go to the cinema.
7.“Will you please pass me that book?” he asked.
He asked ________ ________ I ________ pass ________ that book.
8.“Why don't you go with us?” he asked.
He asked me ________ ________ go with ________.
9.“Don't be afraid,” Tom said to Dick.
Tom ________ Dick ________ ________ be afraid.
10.“Stop the thief!” the police officer said to his men.
The police officer ________ his men ________ stop the thief.
1.The teacher told him to go to her office at once.
The teacher said to him,“ ________to ________ office at once!”
2.Mother asked the police officer to show her the way to the hospital.
Mother asked the police officer,“________ show ________ the way to the hospital.”
3.Napolean(拿破仑) ordered his man to climb the mountain the next day.
Napolean ordered his man,“________ the mountain ________.”
4.The doctor told him not to smoke any more.
The doctor ________,“________ smoke any more.”
5.The young man asked his boss to let him go home earlier that day.
The young man asked his boss,“________ ________ go home earlier ________,________.” 6.The teacher didn't allow us to smoke in the library.
The teacher ________,“________ smoke in the library.”
7.I advised him to go over the textbook carefully.
I ________ to him,“________ ________ go over the textbook carefully.”
8.He asked us to pay attention to our pronunciation.
He said,“________attention to ________ pronunciation,________.”
9.The boy asked the doctor to look him over.
The boy ________to the doctor,“look ________ over,________.”
10.The old woman asked her daughter to cook dinner for her.
The old woman asked,“Cook dinner for ________!”
1.D a dozen+名词。 复数;不加of;a great deal of+不可数名词;a number of若干。
2.C a total of… ……的总数是……;v.用单数。
3.C have difficulty (in) doing sth.在做……上有困难。
4.A end up with以……结束。
5.D take trouble to do sth.不辞劳苦做……have trouble (in) doing sth.做……有麻烦。
6.C a great/good many of +the/these/those +名词复数;或a great/good many +名词复数;a great amount of +不可数名词。 
7.B 强调句;强调地点状语here。
9.C plenty of 既可修饰可数名词n.;又可修饰不可数名词。
10.A 引进;介绍。
11.C 首先;尤其重要的是。
12.D 毕竟。
13.C 接从句。
14.A 然而;but转折,语气太硬。
16.D 宾语从句用陈述句语序。
17.D 遇到。
18.C 强调特殊疑问词who。
19.B 20.C
21.C 强调句。
22.B 时态呼应。
23.A 24.B
25.A a knowledge of… 固定搭配。
1.D 失业。
2.B 来到农场的第一个人。
4.C a bit一点儿。
7.D 令人惊讶的事情。
8.B flame in ones eyes 眼里冒着怒火。
9.C 安置。
10.A 话语不多。
12.B 失去自尊。
13.D 出现
14.B be dressed in穿着……
16.C 帮忙。
17.A 留下来吃午饭。
18.B set sth.aside把……放到一边。
19.B set off 动身。
20.D share sth.with sb.和……分享
1.on→for 2.come前加to 3.had→have 4.but→and/so 5.去掉all 6.prepare→preparing 7.去掉in 8.√ 9.wonderful前加a 10.return→returns
Dear Editor,
I'm writing to tell you about the discussion we've had about whether an entrance fee should be charged for parks.
Opinions are divided on the question. 60% of the students are against the idea of entrance fees. They believe a public park should be free of charge. People need a place where they can rest and enjoy themselves. Charging entrance fees will no doubt keep some people away. What is more, it will become necessary to build gates and walls, which will do harm to the appearance of a city.
On the other hand, 40% think that fees should be charged because you need money to pay gardeners and other workers, and to buy plants and young trees. They suggest, however, fees should be charged low.
Yours truly,
Li Hua
(Ⅰ)1.to explain;he was 2.not to;her 3.to;not to;her was 4.told;not to;was 5.asked;to;her;that night 6.asked;to;with me 7.me if;would;him 8.why not;him 9.told;not to 10.ordered;to
(Ⅱ)1.come;my 2.please;me 3.climb;tomorrow 4.said;Don't 5.Let me;today;please 6.said;Don't 7.said;You'd better 8.Pay;your,please 9.said;me;please 10.me




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