学习手册Unit3 Going places(人教版高一英语上册教案教学设计)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

transportation,means,destination,postcard,adventure,adventurous,experience,get away
from,hiking,rafting,get close to,basic,equipment,backpack,tip,successful,sunscreen,watch out,spider,poisonous,protect,paddle,normal,handle,put…in danger,leather,similarity,benefit,
particular,effect,see…off,say“Hi”to Bob for me,combine,on the other hand,unpack,pick up
Where would you prefer going?
In which year would you like to go there?
Why would you like to go there…?
Do you think so?
When are you going off to…?
Is anybody seeing you off?
My plane leaves at seven.
Are you going anywhere for the holidays?
Well,I must be off.
Go skiing.
Go for walks.
Have a picnic.
prefer,means,instead of,close,fun,successful,get away from,consider,watch out,protect,normal,
wear,put…in danger,similarity,benefit,effect,on the other hand,pick up
1.prefer v.宁愿,更喜欢
(1)prefer + n./pron. The boy preferred a detective story.
(2)prefer + v.-ing Do you prefer living abroad?
(3)prefer +to do She prefers to live among the working people.
(4)prefer sb.to do sth. She preferred him to stay at home.
(5)prefer +n./pron./doing + to +n./pron./doing喜欢……而不喜欢
I prefer the town to the country.
While he was in the office he preferred doing something to doing nothing.
(6)prefer to do… rather than do 宁愿……而不愿
I prefer to walk there rather than go by bus.
(7) prefer + 从句(谓语动词用should do,should 可省略)
She preferred that he should do it in the kitchen.
可以用would rather do…than do.转换prefer to do…rather than do…
I would rather walk there than go by bus.
Rather than go with us,he preferred ________at home.
A.stay B.to stay
C.staying D.to staying
答案:B prefer to do… rather than do…短语变换顺序。
2.means n.手段,办法
(1) by means of 用……,依靠……
The water may be carried by means of a pipe.
(2) by all means 一定,务必
Try by all/every means to persuade him to come.
(3) by no means 完全不是,一点也不,决不
This is by no means the first time you have been late.
(1)Every means ________(have ) been tried.
(2) Such means ________ (be ) unpleasant.
答案:(1)has (2)are
means单复数同形,根据句意决定1.means是单数,2.means 是复数。3.instead of prep.代替,而不
(1)instead of +n./pron.
Give me the red one instead of the green one.
(2)instead of + doing
We walked down the stairs instead of taking the elevator.
(3)instead of +介词短语
He studies in the evening instead of during the day.
横向比较法: 
(1)instead adv.作为替代(……而),代替
If Harry is not well enough to go with you,take me instead.
(2)rather than而不是,与其…宁愿
The colour seems green rather than blue.
He ran rather than walked.
(3)in place of 代替,……而不用
The Chinese use chopsticks in place of knives and forks.
We'll have the discussion in the garden ________the hall.
A.instead of B.instead in
C.instead of in D.instead
答案: C 综合运用instead of 与instead 的使用方法。
(1)close [klus] adj.靠近,接近
The church is close to the shops.
亲密,密切 Are you a close friend of theirs?
周密,仔细 Keep a close watch on the children.
(2)close [klus] adv.靠近,接近 He was standing close to door.
(3)close [kluz] v.关上,闭上 She closed her eyes.
关闭,(对外)不开放 The post office closes at half past six.
结束 Then he closed the interview.
At eleven the meeting closed.
(4)closely adv.紧密地
He got more closely in touch with the magazines of the day.
仔细地,密切地 The little baby was closely looked after by her.
(1)close 与closely 作副词时,close 含具体之意,closely 含抽象之意。
wide (很开,宽)—widely(广泛地),low(低的)—lowly(低贱的)(作形容词)
改错: The child sat there deeply in thought.
答案:把deeply 改为deep,deep in thought 是固定短语,“陷入沉思中”
5.fun n.高兴,乐趣,有趣的人或事
(1)for fun 为了高兴,为着好玩 I only did it for fun.
(2)make fun of 开……的玩笑,取笑
It is wrong to make fun of a cripple.
(1)laugh at 笑(某人),嘲笑
It's unkind to laugh at a person who is in trouble.
(2)play a joke on 开(某人的)玩笑 
Let's play a joke on the teacher and lock the door so that she can't get in.
________ fun we had!
A.What B.How
C.What a D.How a 
答案:A 解此题应综合运用感叹句知识,fun 是不可数名词,而how 不能连接不可数名词。
6.successful adj.成功的,有成就的
The operation was quite successful.
(1)success n.成功 She wished him success in his new shop.
成功的人或事 Jane was a great success in the play.
(2)succeed v. I did not succeed in my first lecture.
Congratulations ________ your success ________ the book.It reminds me ________my childhood.
A.for;in;about B.on;in;for
C.for;about;of D.on;in;of
答案: D 解此题须综合运用congratulation 和remind的知识。succeed in sth.在某方面取得成功,congratulations on sb.祝贺某人,remind sb.of sth.使某人想起某事。
7.get away (from)
(1)摆脱 With the small farm there is no getting away from poverty.
(2)走开,离开 The girls get away from work at five p.m.
She didn't get away until nine last night.
(3)逃走,使离开 The bank robbers used a stolen car to get away.
(4)拿走 Get all these party dishes away!
(1)get out (of)躲避(做某事),避免(做某事)
You can't get out of paying your debts.
Several men got out yesterday.
(2)get off 下车,动身,寄出,下班
They got off (the bus) and walked away quickly.
get rid of 摆脱,除掉,处理掉
You must have a thorough rest and get rid of your sleeplessness and headaches.
I really don't want to go to the party,but I don't see how I can ________ it.
A.get back from B.get out of
C.get away D.get off
答案:B 联系语境,我不知道怎样摆脱它。C.get away不能接宾语。
8.consider v.
(1)考虑 consider + n./doing
I sat down by the fire to consider my question.
He considered going abroad.
(2) 认为consider + n.+ as +n./adj.
I do not consider Mary as my best friend.
consider +n.+to be+n./adj.
Most people considered to be innocent.
consider + n.+ n./adj.
They considered Paris the brain and heart of the country.
除了consider… as…表认为外,还有 regard…as…,look on… as…,take… as…,think of… as…
—He failed his exam again.
—But what did you ________?Had he ever been working hard?
A.think B.expect C.consider D.regard
答案:B 表你还能期待什么?think,consider,regard表认为,consider 还表考虑,不符合语境。
9.watch out 当心,注意
You'll be cheated if you don't watch out.
Watch out! The police are coming.
(1)watch out for 提防,当心
You must always watch out for the traffic here!
(2)watch for 留心找寻,小心等候
You had better wait and watch for a better chance.
(3)watch over 照看,看守,负责
The mother bird is watching over her young.
(1)look out (for) 当心
Look out when you're crossing the road.
When you're eating fish,look out for bones.
(2)take care (of) 当心,注意
Take care of your head on that low ceiling.
(3)be careful 小心,当心,注意
It's all right,of course,but still we'll have to be careful.
________! There's a train coming.
A.Look up B.Look out
C.Look around D.Look on
答案:B 小心,look up 查找,look on旁观 
10.normal adj.正常的,正规的
the normal temperature
(1)regular 规则的,有规律的
keep regular hours 生活有规律,按时作息
(2)common一般的,平常的 Tom is a common name in Britain.
共有的,公共的 become common knowledge 成为众所周知的事情 
(3) usual 惯常的,惯例的
It's usual with him to go to the office on foot.
(4)ordinary 平凡的,普通 in ordinary dress 
A person's ________ body temperature is about 37℃.
A.ordinary B.normal C.common D.usual
答案: B 联系语境,正常体温。
11.wear v.
(1)穿着:He is wearing an overcoat today.
She wears red.
(2)戴:wear glasses
(3)蓄留着(须,发):wear one's hair short
(4)(脸容等)呈现,显出:wear a happy smile
(5)磨损:The coat is much worn.
(6)wear away:(使)磨损,(使)磨灭 :
The waterfall is wearing away the rock.
(印象、时间等)消逝,(人)衰退:The year is wearing away.
(7)wear out(把)穿破,(把)用坏: I have worn out my shoes.
(使)疲乏,(使)耗尽: My patience wore(was worn) out.
(1)put on 侧重穿着的动作
Put on your sweater,otherwise you will feel cold.
(2)dress sb.(in sth.) 或be dressed (in sth.) 注意:穿的衣服接在in 之后。
Mother dressed her baby and then they went downstairs.
(3)have on 表示穿着的状态,注意不能用进行时。
At the spring festival,all children have on new clothes.
(4)be in 表示穿着的状态。
There was a girl in red.
The girl was in a coat.
(5)try on 试穿
Mother was trying on a new dress.
Jack is ________ a black jacket today.
A.having on B.put on
C.wearing D.dressed
答案:C have on不能用在进行时中,put on 表示动作,本题表达的是今天的穿着,是状态,dress 不能直接接衣服。
12.put… in danger使…处于危险之中
Don't do it,or you will put yourself in danger.
(1)in danger 在危险中
The flood is coming and all villagers are in danger.
(2)out of danger脱离危险
After the successful operation,the patient was out of danger.
(3)be in danger of有……的危险
The whole village was in danger of being flooded.
(1)dangerous adj.危险的
That man was dangerous.意为那个人很危险,不要靠近。
(2)in danger
That man was in danger.意味着那个人的生命有危险.
(1)n.利益,好处 That will be of benefit to you.
(2)vt.有益于 This medicine will benefit you.
(3)vi.受益 We benefit from daily exercises.
14.effect n.效果,作用 on sth.
His words had a great pushing effect on his students.
(1)be of no effect 无效
(2)come into effect 开始生效,开始实行
affect vt.影响 The climate affected the amount of the rainfall.
The new law will come into ________ on the day it is passed.(1999上海)
A.effect B.use
C.service D.existence
答案: A come into use 开始被使用,come into existence开始存在,产生,成立,不符和语境。 15.on the other hand 另一方面,常用于on the one hand,…on the other hand 表示一方面,另一方面……
The boy likes to ask questions,on the other hand ,he does not like to listen to answers.
16.pick up
(1)拾起,捡起 The monkey picked up the hat for the old man.
When he was in Japan,he picked up some Japanese.
Using a short wave radio,you can pick up BBC and VOA.
The train stopped to pick up some passengers.
He is beginning to pick up.
(1)pick 摘
Boys were busy helping farmers to pick apples.
(2)pick out 选出,拣出
Please pick out what you like best.
Look! The monkey is climbing the banana tree.
2.表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。(说话时动作不一定正在进行。) We are preparing for the meeting to be held next Friday now.
3.表示说话人现在对主语的行为表示赞叹、惊讶、厌恶等。(常与always,constantly,continually,all the time,forever等副词连用),表反复的动作。
He is always thinking of others.(表赞许)
She is always asking the same question.(表厌恶)
You are always changing your mind.(表抱怨)
He is starting the work in a few minutes.
He is leaving for Beijing tomorrow morning.
understand,forget,remember,believe,want,wish,hope,mind,agree,belong to,depend on,own,have等。
2.用进行时的特殊词有系动词get turn,grow,become,go,come,fall等表由一种状态转入另一种状态时,用进行时表示渐近。
Today,many rivers that were polluted are getting cleaner and cleaner.
—How are you getting to the airport?
—By taxi.Bob is coming with me to the airport.
(2)will do和shall do 表客观将来
I will/shall finish middle school next month.
表有科学根据的预测。The weather report says it will rain tomorrow.
Man will make mistakes.
(3)be going to 表现在打算在近期或将来要做某事。
I'm going to finish my homework tonight.
It's so dark outside,I think it's going to rain.
be going to 不与come,go连用,用be coming,be going 形式。
Mary is coming here this evening.
Our plane leaves at 6:00 a.m.
1.I'll go to the railway station to ________you ________.
A.see;of B.take;off
C.see;off D.see;away
2.The visiting professor ________giving lectures to students ________ invited to meeting at times.
A.preferred;to being B.preferred to;rather than
C.preferred;than being D.preferred;to
3.No one can be sure ________ in a million years.
A.what man will look like B.what will man look like
C.what look will man like D.man will look like what
4.Please say “Hi” to Bob ________ me.
A.to B.for
C.about D.from
5.As soon as I ________the bus stop,the bus ________.
A.got;reach B.arrived;got 
C.reached;arrived D.got;arrived
6.Let us ________ out for ________,________?
A.go;a drive;shall we B.go;drive;shall we
C.go;a drive;will you D.to go;drive;will you
7.David jumped ________to get the first ________ the beginning of the sports.
A.enough high;in B.enough highly;in
C.high enough;at D.highly enough;at
8.—Why does Ling Ling look so unhappy?
—She has ________ by her classmates.
A.laughed B.laughed at
C.been laughed D.been laughed at
9.Rather than ________ on a crowded bus,he always prefers ________ a bicycle.
A.ride;ride B.riding;ride
C.ride;to ride D.to ride;riding
10.The farmer taught the students how to ________ seeds.
A.elect B.select
C.look D.choose
11.I often ________ English programs with my radio.
A.accept B.listen to
C.pick out D.pick up
12.Tom is a naughty boy,and he likes to ________ others.
A.make fun B.make fun on
C.make fun of D.make funs of
13.The child ________ away from his father and ran out.
A.took B.broke
C.drove D.caught
14.His invention ________ useless by the scientists of that time.
A.considered being B.was considered being
C.considered to be D.was considered to be
15.It ________that the whole world pay attention to ________ wild life.
A.hopes;protect B.is hoped;protect
C.is hoped;protecting D.was hoped;protecting
16.She asked her daughter to ________the new dress.
A.be wearing B.try on
C.fit on D.dress in
17.He is a man of ________ and he had ________ interesting ________in his life.
A.much experience;a lot of;experiences
B.many experiences;much;experience
C.many experiences;much;experiences
D.much experiences;a lot of;experiences
18.The girl ________ is her sister.
A.dressing in red B.wearing red
C.dressed in red D.worn a red coat
19.I tried to ________ last night to tell you the good news,but no one answered the phone.
A.call you up B.call on you
C.call for you D.call you out
20.This is not a match.We're playing chess just for ________.
A.habit B.hobby
C.fun D.game
21.Every possible means ________ to prevent the air pollution,but the sky is still not clear.
A.is used B.are used
C.has been used D.have been used
22.A person's ________ body temperature is about 37℃.
A.ordinary B.normal
C.common D.usual
23.I really don't want to go to the party,but I don't see how I can ________ it.
A.get back from B.get out of
C.get away D.get off
24.Was it in 1969 ________ the American astronaut succeeded ________ landing on the moon? A.when;on B.that;on
C.when;in D.that;in
25.They ________ the train until it disappeared in the distance.
A.saw B.watched
C.noticed D.observed Ⅱ.阅读理解
My wife and I spent two weeks in London last year.We went there in the autumn.We think it is the best season to visit English.The weather is usually good and there aren't too many tourists in October.
We stayed in a small hotel in the West End.It was convenient as we did most of our sightseeing on foot.Taxis were too expensive,we couldn't understand the bus routes,and my wife didn't like traveling on the underground.She said it made her feel sick.
We went to look at the places which all tourists see.We saw Buckingham Palace and the National Gallery.We went shopping in Oxford Street and spend too much money.What we liked most,though,was going to the theatre.We don't have the chance to see such wonderful plays at home.A lot of people say English food is very bad.We didn't think so.It's true that most of the restaurants are French or Italian or Chinese,but we had some very good meals.
In fact,we enjoyed our holiday so much that we have already booked again for this year.We're going to take our umbrellas,though.I'm sure we'll need them sometimes.
1.The speaker and his wife got around in London ________.
A.by taxi B.by bus
C.on foot D.by car
2.They haven't been to________ during their stay in London.
A.Buckingham Palace B.Oxford Street
C.the National Gallery D.the British Museum
3.They could ________ in London that they can't do at home.
A.have some very good meals
B.go shopping
C.see some very good plays
D.do sightseeing
4.Which of the following is NOT true about the couple?
A.They thought English food was bad.
B.They will visit London again.
C.The couple saw a lot in London.
D.They didn't take their umbrellas last year.
5.Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A.The couple enjoyed themselves very much in London.
B.London is the best place to visit.
C.The couple saw a lot in London.
D.It often rains in London.
Besides Egyptians,people of Mexico also builded 1.________
pyramids.They didn't build the pyramid for tomb.They 2.________
were used to build a pyramid and then build a temple on 3.________
top of them.The pyramids of Mexico are not as high as 4.________
that of Egypt,but they are bigger.Each pyramid has a wide 5.________
stairway that go from the bottom to the top. 6.________
The biggest pyramid in Mexico is almost 2 000 year old. 7.________
Scientists think it spent 10 000 men more than ten years 8.________
to build.On top of it they built a temple to worship 9.________
the sun.The temple is no longer there and people call it 10.________
the pyramid of the sun.
活动内容: 1.9月20日去香山公园爬山
集合时间及地点: 1.早晨7:00集合,7:20开车
注意事项: 1.穿运动鞋
生词:植物园the botanical garden,报名 to enter one's name
1.The doctor will be free ________.
A.10 minutes later B.after 10 minutes
C.in 10 minutes D.10 minutes after
2.One more week,________ we will accomplish the task.
A.or B.so that
C.and D.if
3.Look at the clouds.It ________ .
A.rains B.is going to rain
C.was raining D.will rain
4.You may leave the classroom when you ________ writing.
A.will finish B.finished
C.have finished D.had finished
5.Let's get in the wheat before the sun ________.
A.will set B.was set
C.set D.sets
6.We will start as soon as our team leader ________.
A.comes B.will come
C.come D.is coming
7.Don't get off the bus until it ________.
A.has stopped B.stopped
C.will stop D.shall stop
8.Do you think Sam'll call his old teacher as soon as he ________ in town?
A.will be arrived B.is arrived
C.arrives D.will arrive
9.The new secretary is supposed to report to the manager as soon as she ________.
A.will arrive B.arrives
C.is going to arrive D.is arriving
10.The volleyball match will be put off if it ________.
A.will rain B.rains
C.rained D.is raining
11.If city noises ________ from increasing,people ________ shout to be heard even at the dinner table 20 years from now.
A.are not kept;will have to B.are not kept;have to
C.do not keep;will have to D.do not keep;have to
12.—Do you like the material?
—Yes,it ________ very soft.
A.is feeling B.felt
C.feels D.is felt
13.—Don't forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow.
— ________.
A.I don't B.I won't
C.I can't D.I haven't
14.—Is this raincoat yours?
—No,mine ________ there behind the door.
A.is hanging B.has hung
C.hangs D.hung
15.________ it with me and I'll see what I can do.
A.When left B.Leaving
C.If you leave D.Leave
16.The water will be further polluted unless some measures ________.
A.will be taken B.are taken 
C.were taken D.be taken of
17.He'll be an astronaut by the time he ________ thirty.
A.is B.had been 
C.will be D.is going to be
18.Hundreds of jobs ________ if the factory closes.
A.lose B.will be lost
C.are lost D.will lose
19.I've won a holiday for two to Florida.I ________ my mum.
A.am taking B.have taken 
C.take D.will have taken
20.Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology ________so rapidly.
A.is changing B.has changed
C.will have changed D.will change
1.C see sb.off为……送行,take sb.off带领,把……带往。
2.A prefer doing to doing,或prefer to do… rather than do…,B项应是 prefer to do… rather than be invited.表示被动关系。
3.A 使用陈述句语序。
4.D say “Hi” to sb.from me.请代我向……问好。
5.C 表示“到达”时用get /reach/arrive ,其中,reach是及物动词,直接加地点,get是不及物动词,get + n.或get + adv.,arrive是不及物动词,可以单独使用,也可arrive + in+ 大地点,或arrive+ at+ 小地点,或arrive + adv.。
6.C 解此题须综合运用反意疑问句的知识,祈使句的反意疑问句为will you?,go out for a drive 为固定短语。祈使句Let us…和 Let's…的反意疑问句不同,Let us…,will you?Let's …,shall we?。
7.C 综合运用,enough的用法是 adj./adv.+ enough,或enough + n.,此题中 “跳得高”表示的是具体的高度,这时应用high,而不是highly(表示抽象意义),另外,at the beginning of + n.,而in the beginning 一般不与of +n.连用。
8.D 她被嘲笑,短语是laugh at,且表示被动关系。
9.C 短语正常顺序是prefer to do… rather than do…。
10.B 选种子应是select seeds,select常指有目的地仔细认真地选择,elect选举,choose指在所提供的对象中选择。
11.D 我的收音机可接收英语节目。accept主动接受,listen to强调听的动作,pick out挑选。
12.C make fun of sb.固定词组,取笑某人。
13.B break away 是动词短语,脱离或断绝往来,break away from sb./sth.表同……脱离关系,take away拿走,drive away开车离开。
14.D 他的发明被认为是无用的,consider 在本题中是认为的意思,因此用法为consider sb./sth.to be/as …,变为被动语态,为be considered to be/as…,to be/as 可以省略。consider 表示考虑时,用法为 consider + n./doing。
15.C It is hoped that … 是固定句型,表人们希望,pay attention to是固定短语,表注意,to是介词,后接n./pron./doing.。
16.B 她让女儿试穿新裙子,try on表示试穿(衣服),dress 表示穿着时用be dressed in + 衣服,fit on表试穿时用fit + 衣服 + on sb.。
17.A experience表“经验”,是不可数名词,表“经历,体验”,是可数名词。
18.C 穿红衣的女孩是她的妹妹,wear不接颜色,看分词与被修饰的名词的关系,表示主动关系用现在分词,表示被动关系用过去分词,因此wear 应用wearing表示主动关系,而dress的用法是be dressed in …,故用过去分词。
19.A call sb.up给某人打电话,call for sb.来找某人,call sb.on拜访某人,call sb.out叫某人出来,请某人出来。
20.C 下象棋仅仅是为了乐趣,for fun 为了乐趣,是固定短语。
21.C 综合运用主谓一致的知识,此题中means由every决定,是单数名词,谓语动词也用单数。
22.B normal表正常的,ordinary表平凡的,大众的,common表普通的,常见的,或共有的,usual表通常的。
23.B 我不想去,但不知道怎么从中摆脱出来, get out of 摆脱,逃避,get back from从……回来,get away逃离,应使用get away from+n.,get off 下来,动身。
24.D 强调句型为It is/was+被强调部分+that+句子其他部分,本题强调时间状语in 1969,succeed in+n./doing 表在某方面取得成功。
25.B 目送火车离去,see强调看见的结果,notice注意到,observe观察。
1.C 第二段写出。
2.D 第三段写出。
3.C 第三段 We don't have the chance to see such wonderful plays at home.
4.A 第三段最后一句but we had some very good meals.
5.D 最后一段可以推断出We're going to take our umbrellas.
3.去掉were used to do表过去,而be used to do表被动。
4.them→it 指代pyramid
5.that→those 指代pyramids
8.spent→took it takes/took sb.some time to do sth.指花费某人时间做某事。
The students of Senior Grade One and Two will go to Xiangshan Park on September 20.We will climb up the hill and have a picnic on the top of it.After that,we will visit the famous botanical garden nearby.Please wear your sports shoes and bring lunch and some drinking water with you.
We will meet in front of our school gate at seven o'clock in the morning.The buses are going to leave at twenty past seven.So be sure to come on time.
Those who want to go should enter your names at the Student Union before Thursday.
The Student Union
1.C 将来时的时间状语用法:in +时间段,after +时间点。
2.C 将来时的特殊句型:祈使句+and/or ,主句。此题中,数词+名词 可作祈使句,联系语境,用and而不用or。
3.B 天上有云,表示有下雨的迹象,用be going to。
4.C 主句是将来时,时间状语从句或条件状语从句用现在时。本题中主句用情态动词may,表示将来。
5.D 祈使句表示将来。
6.A 另外come是瞬间动词,用进行时表示将要发生的动作。
7.A 8.C
9.B be supposed to do 应该做……,含将来意义。arrive是瞬间动词,用进行时表将要发生的动作。
10.B 
11.A 根据时间状语20 years from now 从现在起20年后,表示将来,因此主句用将来时,条件句用现在时,noise噪音应该被阻止,用被动语态。
12.C feel表示状态的系动词,不用进行时,不用被动语态。
13.B 祈使句表将来。
14.A 表示正在挂着的状态,一般时表客观真理。
15.D and是连词,前后并列成分,结构相同,后是句子,前用leave开头的祈使句。
16.B 
17.A by the time到……时,是时间状语从句。
18.B if引导的条件状语是现在时,主句应用将来时,且要表示被动关系。
19.A 联系语境,用进行时表将来。
20.A 联系语境,so rapidly决定现在仍然在变化中,has changed 完成时表动作已结束,与句意不符。




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