学习手册Unit1 Good friends(人教版高一英语上册教案教学设计)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

quality;smart;honest;brave;loyal;handsome;argue;be fond of;survive;deserted;hunt for;make fire;treat as;care about;make friends with;on board;tell lies;regard as;be quick in mind and action;wait for sb. to do sth.;scared;drop sb. a line
I think…
I like/I love/I hate…
I enjoy…
My interests are…
especially;nor;like;boring;interest;everyday;deserted;hunt;make fire;treat as;share;care;on board the plane
Ⅱ.语法 
especially adv.特殊的,尤其是
I like all the subjects at school,especially English.
(2)especially 后可接介词短语或从句。 I like the country,especially in spring. 
Noise is unpleasant,especially when you are trying to sleep.
specially 侧重特意地,专门地做某事。
I made a chocolate cake specially for you.
I like it very much,________ the last part.
A.especial B.specially
C.special D.especially
2.nor conj.也不
(1)nor在引导分句时,分句要用倒装句,即:nor+助动词/be动词/情态动词+主语+其他I don't know,nor do I care.
I have neither time nor money for the concert.
Neither the students nor the teacher understands the problem.
I can't finish the job on time.Nor(Neither)can Jim.
If you don't want to go to the concert,________.
A.me,too B.nor do I
C.so shall I D.nor will I
答案:D 本题为倒装句与条件状语从句时态呼应知识的综合运用。
like doing sth. 经常喜欢做某事 
I like walking.
like to do sth. 偶然,某次喜欢做某事
I don't like to walk,for it's raining.
与like类似用法的还有其他表示喜好、厌恶的词:love, prefer,dislike,hate等。
I like people ________(tell) the truth.
答案: to tell like sb. to do.sth.=should/would like sb.to do sth.想要某人做某事
4.boring adj. 令人厌烦的
bore(vt.) boring,bored
bore (vt.) 令人厌烦
This book bores me.
boring adj.令人厌烦的
The book is very boring.
bored adj.感到厌烦的
I'm bored with the book.
The student was excited at the exciting news.
5.interest n.兴趣; 爱好
have an interest in sth./in doing sth.对某方面有兴趣
show interest in sth./in doing sth.对某方面显示兴趣
take(an) interest in sth./in doing sth对某方面有兴趣
develop interest in sth./in doing sth.对某方面培养出兴趣
find interest in sth./in doing sth.对某方面培养出兴趣
feel interest in sth./in doing sth.对某方面感兴趣
lose interest in sth./in doing sth.对某方面失去兴趣
His father took no interest in him.
They find interest in studying English in that way.
有时interest 可与不定冠词连用。
He developed an interest in science。
His interests include reading and tennis.
(1)His ________ in life are music and painting.
(2)I've lost my ________ in natural history.
答案:(1)interests (2)interest
6.everyday adj.日常的
everyday adj.连写,“日常的”作定语;every day分写,“每天”,作状语。
We speak English .
答案: everyday every day
7.deserted adj.被抛弃的 
desert [dezt]n.沙漠 the Sahara Desert撒哈拉沙漠
He deserted his wife and children after becoming rich.
deserted adj.荒废的,空的
The city was deserted during the war.
Gebi ________ was once a prosperous place which ________ because the environment there was destroyed.
A.desert;deserted B.Desert;was deserted 
C.Desert;deserted D.desert;was deserted
答案: B
8.hunt v.打猎;搜寻
hunt for= hunt after搜寻;逐猎
hunt down 终于找到,追捕
hunt out搜寻出
hunt through找遍;翻找
(1)I have hunted ________ the house but I cannot find my pen.
(2)I've found the book I was hunting ________.
(3)I'll have to hunt ________ the children's old clothes to give to the beggar.
(4)The police hunted ________ the escaped prisoner at last.
答案:(1)through (2) for (3) out (4) down
9.make fire点火
be on fire着火了(表示状态)
catch fire燃着;着火(表示动作)
play with fire干冒险的事
set sth. on fire=set fire to sth.放火烧……
make (a) fire点火;生火
start/cause a fire引起火灾
put out the fire扑灭火灾
The fire is out.火灭了。
(1)They are ________ a fire to cook the meal.
(2)The house ________ fire yesterday evening.And it has ________ on fire for two hours.
(3)If I ________ fire to this book,it would burn.
(4)The fire was ________ by careless smoking.
答案:(1)making (2) caught,been (3) set (4) caused
The kind lady treated me as her own daughter.
表示 “认为” 的短语还有:
think of…as…,
look on/upon…as…,
I don't ________ him my best friend.
A.treat B.regard
C.consider D.think of
Let's share the loaf of bread among us.
The two friends share joys and sorrows with each other.
(3)share in分担……
I'll share with you in the cost.
(1)He shared ________ the planning of the picnic.
(2)She and Mary shared ________ the same tastes and interests.
(3)Please share your newspaper ________me.
答案:(1)in (2)/(3) with
12.care v.
care for 喜欢;照顾,照料
care about在意;关心
(1)I don't care ________ Paris.
(2)She thinks only of herself;she doesn't care ________ other people.
(3)The house looked well cared________.
(4)The professor said that he was interested only in research;he didn't care ________ his students.
答案:(1)for (2) about (3) for (4) about
直接引语 间接引语
He said,“I'm afraid I can't finish this work. 一般过去时
He said that he was afraid he couldn't finish that work.
He said,“I'm using the knife.” 过去进行时
He said that he was using the knife.
一般将来时 
Zhou Lan said,“I'll do it after class.” 过去将来时
Zhou Lan said that she would do it after class.
He said,“I came to help you.” 过去完成时
He said that he had come to help me.
She said,“I have not heard from him since May. 过去完成时
She said that she had not heard from him since May.
He said,“I had finished my homework before supper.” 过去完成时
He said that he had finished his homework before supper.
He said,“I like it very much.”→He said that he liked it very much.
He said to me,“I've left my book in your room.” → He told me that he had left his book in my room.
(3)指示代词的变化this→ that;these→ those
She said ,“I'll come this morning.”→She said that she would go that morning.
He said,“These books are mine.”→ He said that those books were his.
(4)时间状语的变化now→then;today→that day,yesterday→the day before;tomorrow→the next day/the following day
He said,“It is nine o'clock now.”
→ He said that it was nine o'clock then.
She said,“I haven't seen her today.”
→ He said that he hadn't seen her that day.
She said,“I went there yesterday.”
→ She said that she had gone there the day before.
She said,“I'll go there tomorrow.”
→ She said that she would go there the next (following) day.
(5)地点状语的变化here→ there 
He said,“My sister was here three days ago.”
→He said that his sister had been there three days before.
(6)动词的变化come →go 
She said,“I will come here this evening.”
→She said that she would go there that evening.
直接引语句式 间接引语连词
He said,“You are a good girl.” 用that 连接(that)可以省略:He said (that) she was a good girl.
He said,“Are you interested in English? 用if或whether连接,said改为asked,其后还可以加sb.,句子用陈述句语序。
He asked me if I was interested in English.
“What do you want?”he asked me. 用原来的特殊疑问词引导,句子用陈述句语序。
He asked me what I wanted.
1.—What does your new house look like?
A.It looks well B.It is bright and large 
C.It looks like a cave D.I don't like it
2.—I can't see the picture well from here.
—________ .
A.Nor can't I B.Neither I can 
C.I can't,neither D.Nor can I
3.Little ________ what others think.
A.does he care about B.care he about 
C.about he cared D.about cared he.
4.She likes ________,but she doesn't like ________ this afternoon.She'd like ________some other day.
A.swimming;swimming;to swim
B.to swim;swimming;to swim 
C.swim;to swim;swimming
D.swimming;to swim;to swim
5.At school,what he enjoys ________ football.
A.playing B.to play
C.is playing D.played
6.At the ________ news,all the women present burst out crying.
A.unexpecting B.disappointing 
C.disappointed D.interesting
7.The speech was very ________,and we were ________ to tears.
A.moved;moved B.moving;moving 
C.moving;moved D.moved;moving
8.The wolf said in a ________voice and the scholar felt________.
A.frighting;frightened B.frightened;frightened 
C.frightened;frightening D.frightening;frightening
9.In our ________ life,English is ________ used.
A.everyday;wide B.everyday;widely 
C.every day;wide D.every day;widely
10.—Hello,Mary.I've got a girlfriend.
—What's she like?
A.I don't know
B.She's like her mother,not father
C.She likes music
D.Not bad! Quite pretty
11.It is always difficult being in a foreign country,________ if you don't speak the language.
A.extremely B.naturally
C.basically D.especially
12.________ I met him,he was working in that company.
A.The first time which B.As the first time 
C.The first time D.Since the first time
13.The fire ________ for half an hour before the fire fighters arrived.
A.had put on B.was put on 
C.had been out D.had broken out
14.Before I could catch the letter she dropped,it was already ________ fire.
A.on the B.on a
C.on D.in
15.It has been suggested that the land ________ equally among the peasants.
A.be shared B.should be spared 
C.saved D.be spent
16.She took ________ in physics and read ________ on the subject.
A.interest;as books many as she could 
B.an interest;as many books as she could 
C.interested;as many books as she can 
D.interests;as books as she could
17.—How's the young man?
A.He's twenty B.He's a doctor 
C.He is much better D.He's David
18.Let Harry play with your toys as well,Clare—you must learn to ________.
A.support B.care
C.spare D.share
19.—Do you remember the lecture given by that famous professor?
—Yes,________ forget it.
A.Never I shall B.Never shall I
C.Neither shall I D.Nor do I
20.—What about your classmate,Susan?
—Our teacher ________ her a good and clever student.
A.regards B.believes
C.suggests D.considers
21.The ________ look on his face suggested that he ________ that.
A.surprising;hadn't expected
B.surprising;would expect 
C.surprised;hadn't expected
D.surprised;shouldn't expected
22.—Do you know Mr Li is going aboard?
—I don't know,________.
A.either B.nor do I care
C.and I don't care it D.too
23.Those T-shirts are usually $35 each,but today they have a ________price of $19 in the shopping center.
A.special B.regular
C.cheap D.particular
24.Everybody in our village,men and women,young and old,________ sports and games.
A.are fond of B.joins
C.enjoys D.go in for
25.—My brother never washes his own dirty clothes.
—Oh,really? ________.
A.I don't care B.don't be sorry 
C.It doesn't matter D .It's OK with me
Jonathan Rivers lived alone in a neat house in Compton Street and worked in London.Like many other single men in their middle age,he was getting rather set in his ways.He looked after the house well and had a beautiful garden.Before he left the house in the morning,he would carefully close all the doors downstairs,open some windows upstairs to let the air in and lock the front door.One summer evening Jonathan returned home as usual,just at five minutes to seven.When he opened the front gate he immediately noticed something strange.There was a heavy footprint(脚印)in the earth in one of the flower beds.Jonathan was just going to blame the milkman when he noticed that one of the white curtains in the front room downstairs was out of place.Jonathan never left anything out of place.
He walked up to the front door and opened it quietly.He listened carefully for a few moments but could hear nothing.The front-room door was half-open.Jonathan studied it thoughtfully,wondering if he had forgotten to close it that morning.He had never forgotten to do it before.He stepped silently across the hall to the door and looked inside the room.The shadow of a man was clearly reflected on the far wall in the evening sunlight.The man had clearly been standing behind the door since Jonathan's return.Jonathan immediately locked the door.Then he calmly picked up the telephone in the hall and set about calling the police.
The burglar(盗贼),a tall fellow with a beard,tried to climb through a windows to get out but Jonathan had expected that.He attacked him with his umbrella,using it like a sword.Three minutes later the police arrived on the scene.Jonathan was a little annoyed that he had to have dinner later than usual but on the whole he felt quite pleased with himself.
1.From the sentence“Like many other single men in their middle age,he was getting rather set in his ways”we learn that ________.
A.middle-aged men are likely to have different ways of living
B.many other single men in the world would rather live like Jonathan
C.Jonathan liked to do things in the same way as other middleaged single men did
D.Jonathan was getting into the habit of doing things in the same way every day.
2.What was the first thing Jonathan noticed when he came back home one summer evening?
A.A curtaining in the front room was not in its place.
B.The windows of the front room were open.
C.There was a sign of the postman's entering his room.
D.A heavy footprint was in one of the flower beds.
3.Did the burglar know Jonathan's coming home?How do you know?
A.Yes,because he hid himself behind the half-opened door.
B.Yes,because he was ready to hit Jonathan on the back.
C.No,because he was still stealing in the room.
D.No,because he kept the door half-open.
4.What did Jonathan do when the burglar attempted to escape from the window?
A.He called the police by shouting at the top his voice.
B.He immediately locked the door and rushed to the police station.
C.He hit the burglar with the point of his umbrella.
D.He had expected that the burglar would hit him.
5.We learn from the passage that Jonathan ________.
A.was strong enough to fight the burglar
B.was quite inexperienced in dealing with burglars
C.had a close friend who was a policeman
D.hated his routine to be disturbed by anything unexpected
My Favourite Sport
My favourite sport is football.I was a member of 1.________
our school football team.We practise for three times 2.________
every week and often watch football match on TV 3.________
together.Play football not only makes us grow up 4.________
tall and strong but also give us a sense of fair play and 5.________
team spirit.We must keep in mind that we play 6.________
for the team instead ourselves.Also,the sport 7.________
teaches us the important of obedience(服从).Each 8.________
player must obey captain,who is the leader of 9.________
the team.And they must not break the rules too 10.________
often if we want to win the game.
周末活动(减负前) 周末活动(减负后)
白天:上课、做作业 白天:参观博物馆、学习电脑、绘画等
晚上:做作业 晚上:看新闻、读书、看报
就寝时间:11:30 就寝时间:10:00
注意:1. 词数100左右;
2. 开头已为你写好。生词:减轻学习负担: reduce learning load
Dear Dick,
How nice to hear from you again.
Best wishes.
Li Hua
1.The teacher said,“I've taken some good pictures in the mountain.”
The teacher said that ________ ________ taken some good pictures in the mountain.
2.The teacher said,“Water can change into steam.”
The teacher said that water ________ change into steam.
3.Tom asked Mary,“Are you tired?”
Tom asked Mary ________ ________ ________tired.
4.He asked,“What can I do?”
He asked me ________ ________ ________do.
5.“Will you please pass me that book?” he asked.
He asked me ________ ________ ________pass ________that book.
6.The driver said,“I will pick up a passenger at West Street.”
The driver said that ________ ________ pick up a passenger at West Street.
7.He said,“I was born in 1982.” 
He said ________ ________ born in 1982.
8.The man asked,“What's the matter with the boy?”
The man asked what ________ ________ ________with the boy.
9.The stranger asked me,“Where do you think I can find the disc?” 
The stranger asked me where ________ ________ he ________ find the disc.
10.He said,“Did you see him last night?”
He asked ________ ________ ________ him ________ ________ ________.
1.Can you tell me ________ the railway station?
A.how I can get to B.how can I get to
C.where I can get to D.where can I get to
2.They asked ________ to help us.
A.what could they do B.what they could do 
C.how they could D.how could they
3.The mother asked ________ the gold ring.
A.where Alice had put B.where had Alice put 
C.where Alice has put D.where has Alice put
4.The boy asked me ________in a million years.
A.what man would look like B.what would man look like 
C.what look would man like D.man would look like what
5.There are many kinds of tape-recorders on sale that I can't make up my mind ________ to buy.
A.what B.which
C.how D.where
6.I remember ________ this used to be a quiet village.
A.when B.how
C.where D.what 
7.—Do you remember ________ he came?
—Yes,I do,he came by car.
A.how B.when
C.that D.if
8.He asked ________ for the violin.
A.did I pay how much B.I paid how much 
C.how much did I pay D.how much I paid
9.You can't imagine ________ when they received these nice Christmas gifts.
A.how they were excited B.how excited they were 
C.how excited were they D.they were how excited
10.It was a matter of ________ would take the position.
A.who B.whoever
C.whom D.whomever
1.B 回答主语的特征。
2.D 用倒装句“也不”。
3.A little为否定副词,在句首用部分倒装。
4.D like doing…经常喜欢做……。
5.C what he enjoys为主语从句。主句谓语动词为be。表语为playing football。不要误以为playing是enjoy的宾语而误选 A。
6.B 联系语境,所有在场的妇女都哭了,因此为disappointing。令人失望的消息。
7.C moving令人感动的;moved受到感动的。
8.A frightening,令人害怕;frightened,感到害怕。
9.B everyday widely adv.。
10.D 表外表。
11.D especially可加从句。
12.C 连词词组。
13.C be out火熄灭。
14.C on fire着火。
15.A suggest后用虚拟语气。be shared前用should省略。
16.B 
17.C how is sb.某人身体如何。
18.D share分享;support支持;care在意;spare抽出;空余的。
19.B never用在句首用部分倒装。
20.D consider…as…认为……是……,as可省略。
21.C surprised感到吃惊的表情,因此用surprised他没料到已经发生,用 hadn't表示过去完成时。
23.A a special price特价
24.C everybody为单数,作句子主语.men and women……为它的同位语; 因此v.用单数,A、B均不能选;B.join后加上in。
25.A 我不在乎。
1.D 形成了习惯每天做什么。
2.D 花圃中有脚印。
3.A 小偷藏在半开的门的后面。
4.C 倒数第一段信息。
5.D 他不愿让他的生活被一些意外的事情干扰。
1.was→am 2.去掉for 3.match→matches 4.Play→Playing 5.give→gives 6.√ 7.ourselves前加of 8.important→importance9.captain前加the 10.they→we
Dear Dick,
How nice to hear from you again. You want to know what is going on in schools in China? In short, things have begun to improve since schools were called on to reduce learning load. I don't know about others, but I used to have to work even at weekends doing endless homework and attending classes as well. Now I have more free time. I can follow my own interests such as reading book, visiting museums, and taking computer lessons. In the evenings I can watch news on TV or read newspapers. What's more, I can go to bed earlier. As far as I know, everyone is happy about this new arrangement of things.Best wishes.
Li Hua
(Ⅰ)1.he had 2.can 3.if she was 4.what he could 5.if I would;him 6.he would 7.he was 8.was the matter 9.I thought;could 10.if I saw;the night before
(Ⅱ)1.A 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.A 8.D 9.A 10.A




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