非谓语动词在句中作定语 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)

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在英语句子中,不定式to do,分词v+ing 和v+ed 以及动名词v+ing 是非谓语动词,除不能作谓语外,其他成份都可担当,其中一个成份就是作定语。
不定式to do在句中作定语置于被修饰名词后,常同该名词构成动宾关系,要是不定式是不及物动词,其后应加上必要的介词。例:
I have something to say. (to say something )
I’ll give you a magazine to read.
That is a good company to work for.
He is a pleasant fellow to work with.
Would you bring me a bench to sit on?
有些名词常接不定式作定语,如:chance ,time ,reason ,way ,effort ,right (权利), movement等,例:
You haven’t any reason to leave me.
You have no right to do such a thing.
He succeeded in his effort to overcome his fatal weakness.
He put himself out of the way to help others.
We have no time to lose..
Thank you for giving me the chance to make the speech.
The first ,the last ,the second ,the best 等常与不定式连用作定语。例:
He is always the first to come.
She would be the last to agree to our plan.
You are the second to ask me that question.
I’ll do my poor best to fix it up.
当to go ,to spare 作“剩下”讲时可作定语。例:
He had five minutes to go before time was up.
They had only 100 dollars to spare.
There are many difficulties to overcome.
= There are many difficulties that will have to be overcome.
He has a large family to support.
= He has a large family that he must support.
boiling water (主动、进行)
boiled water (被动、完成)
the fallen leaves (动作已完成)
developed countries (动作已完成)
an interested party (被动)
China is a developing country.
He lit a fire and from it took a burning stick.
America is a developed country.
有些单个分词(尤其是现在分词)作定语时也可以置于被修饰词之后,特别如一些不定代词 anything ,something ,everything ,nothing 等则应后置。例:
the experience gained (获得的经验)
for the time being (暂时)
for years running ( 一连数年)
She found the window open and something stolen.
There is nothing doing.
There is nothing interesting in today’s paper.
They can see everything happening on the line.
Is there anything interesting in the book?
The pen lying on the table belongs to you.
The boy making faces is my son.
I like songs performed by Mao Aming.
The pen which is lying on the table belongs to you.
The boy who is making faces is my son.
I like songs which was performed by Mao Aming.
Can you see the star moving in the sky?
There is a piano standing in the corner.
I want to know the man breaking the window. (X)
Break 的动作是先发生
上例不能用现在分词,应改为定语从句。如:….who broke the window.
Do you know anyone having lost money. (X)
Do you know anyone who lost money. (V)
Did you see the man (who was) talking to the headmaster?
The hospital which stands /standing across the street was set up last year.
(stands 表示一个经常性的状态)
过去分词在时间上,表示的动作发生在谓语动词之间,表示与句中谓语动词相应的经常性动作;或表示一个正在进行的动作,用being +过去分词结构。例:
Is this the book written ( which was written) by Henry James?
He was then a teacher respected ( who was respected ) by all his students.
The matter being discussed ( which is being discussed ) is of great importance.
He was invited to a meeting to be held ( which was to be held ) the next day.
动名词单个词作定语时也置于被修饰词前,表示被修饰词的用途、类属等。例 ;
a writing table = a table for writing (动名词)
a sleeping child = a child who is sleeping (现在分词)
a swimming pool = a pool for swimming (动名词)
a waiting room = a room for waiting (动名词)
drinking water = water for drinking (动名词)
No one is allowed to speak aloud in the reading room. (动名词)
That is a shop dealing in walking stick. (动名词)
The sleeping child was in a sound sleep. (现在分词)
All bedrooms in this hotel have hot cold running water. (现在分词)
He is in the habit of rising early.
( of rising 修饰名词habit )
She has a good idea of playing snowball.
( of playing 修饰名词idea )
That is the way of setting the problem.
That is the way to settle the problem.
time for doing sth. Reason of doing sth.
Time to do sth. Reason to do sth.
Freedom in doing sth. Chance of doing sth.
Freedom to do sth. Chance to do sth.
Failure in doing sth. Patience in doing sth
Failure to do sth. Patience to do sth.
Choice of doing sth. Opportunity of doing sth.
Choice to do sth. Opportunity to do sth.
但有些名词和purpose ,method ,idea ,habit 等后面只能接of + 动名词,不接不定式,有些名词如promise ,effort ,desire ,attempt ,ability ,refusal ,determination ,failure 不接of + 动名词,但可以接不定式。例:
It is surprising that they should choose this method of passing the evening. (不用……method to pass)
The old man is in the habit of reading the newspaper at breakfast. (不用……habit to do )
Idon’t trust his promise to come for a visit. (不用……promise of coming )
She had persisted in her refusal to spend Christmas in Bursley . (不用……refusal of spending)
But his efforts to get her back were vain. (不用……efforts of getting)
考题1 ---What do you think of the middle school?
---It is a very good ___.
A. school to study B. School to study in
C. Studying school D. school for children to study
解析 从本题的答案看并结合提干的要求接上一个名词school,后在这个名词后面使用不定式作该名词的定语,从答案中看给的不定式to study,在此是作不及物动词,因此不定式的后面应加上一个介词in才合乎题意,所以选B。
考题2 Snow was falling when they went along a mountain path ___ to the front.
A. to lead B. Led C. Leading D. being led
解析 据题意提干前有一个名词path,其后是介词组to the front ,即要求一个现在分词和to the front连成现在分词短语修饰名词path作定语,path名词虽表示物不能使用过去分词,是小路本身延伸到前线的,所以选C。
考题3 They set up an ____ table in a small temple to operate on the ___ soldiers.’
A. operating ;wounded B. Operated ;wounding
C. operated ;/wounded D. operating ;wounding
解析 据题意在第一个提干里应使用动名词作tale的名词的定语,修饰table,说明战士是被枪击伤的即受伤的士兵,表被动完成的动作,所以选A。
The cadre told me that he had a meeting ____.
A. to attend B. Attend C. Attending D. to be attended
He asked for a piece of paper ____ and a pen _____.
to write ;to write B. To write ;to write on C. To write on ;to write with D. writing ;writing
Are you going to the dinner party ____ at the hotel.
A. to give B. To be given C. Giving D. to giving
The man drinking ____ water was scalded (烫伤) by ___ water yesterday.
A. boiled ; boiled B. Boiling ;boiling C. Boiled ;boiling D. boiling ;boiled
Holding a ____ stick he went into the dark cave.
A. burn B. Burnt C. To burn D. burning




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