语法专项系列之一冠词 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)

中学英语教学资源网英语论文语法专题指导 手机版

1. 种类: 定冠词和不定冠词及零冠词.
2. 冠词与可数名词搭配表示类别
有三种: 不定冠词+名词(强调任何一个) , 定冠词+名词(强调整个类属), 名词的复数形式.
3. 在发明物前用the , by + 手段, 方式 不加art. 但用介词on/ over/ through 则加art.
如: on the radio, over a phone, through a newspaper
4. 特定词组中不用冠词
①. turn/ go 后作补语的名词
turn writer/ go socialist = become a writer/ socialist
②. 在 引起的让步状语从句倒装结构中
Child as he is, ----
Hero as he was, ----
③. 在某些独立结构中.
He entered the room, book in hand.
但加上with 后用限定词.
He entered the room, with a book in hand.
④. 序数词作副词,或作名词表 “名次”时
First read fast.
He came first in the game.
⑤. 形容词最高级作表语只用来同本身做比较时, 并无一定范围.
Vegetables are best when they are fresh.
⑥. 表称呼或职位,军衔的名词做表语, 同位语和补语时,
Tom is monitor in our class.
We made Tom monitor in our class.
⑦. 常见词组:
at war/ peace/ table/ work/college/ sea
by force/ air/ sea/ train
in bed/ hospital/ peace/ ink/ public/ time of
take possession of
lose heart
5. 冠词词组
①. 位于such. What/ many/ half 后
Many a man is fit for the job.
②. as, so, to, how, however, enough,+ adj. + a/ an,
eg. as happy a day
③. quite / rather a day
但可以说: rather/quite a cold day
a rather/quite cold day
④. 在让步状语从句中, 有:
Brave a man though he is, he failed.
⑤. 倍数+ the + n.
twice the students
6. 有无冠词, 意义不同的词组:
in course of 正在进行中 in the course of 在---期间, 在过程中
out of question 没问题 out of the question 不可能
in charge of 负责,掌管 in the charge of 在---的主管下
in possession of 拥有 in the possession of 被---拥有
at table 在吃饭 at the table 坐在桌旁
in front of in the front of
by sea 坐船 by the sea 在海边
in case of 假使, 万一 in the case of 就---而言, 至于
by day 在白天 by the day 按日, 按天
on watch 值班,守望 on the watch 看守着, 提防着
to death 极度, 非常 to the death 致死, 到底



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