
中学英语教学资源网英语论文语法专题指导 手机版

1 学习由关系副词引导的定语从句基本句法:
地点名词(时间名词)+关系副词+定语从句,引导定语从句的关系副词主要有where, when 和why。why只能引导由名词reason作先行词的定语从句。
关系副词where和when 所引导的定语从句用来说明先行词所发生的地点和时间,因此关系副词首先是起连接主从句的作用,其次在定语从句中作地点或时间状语。
where的语法功能相当于in (on, at, from...)+地点名词或表地点的副词there, here等。
when的语法功能相当于in(on, at, from...)+时间名词或表时间的副词。
例:①As a child ,he used to work hard and help his father on the small farm where he lived. (where =on the small farm) 当他还是一个小孩的时候,他就习惯了艰苦的劳动,并帮助他的父亲 在他们所生活的农场干活。
②This is the village where I was born. (where=in the village) 这就是我出生的村庄。
例:①This was a time when there were still slaves in the U.S.A. . 这是一个在美国仍处在奴隶制度的时代。 when=at that time在从句中作时间状语。
②I’ll never forget the day when I left for college with my father. 我永远不会忘记我和父亲动身去大学的那天。 when=on that day
why引导的定语从句主要用来限定reason的内容, 其表语才是说明原因。
例:①This is the reason why I did so . 这就是我要这么做的理由。
why = for which...
②The reason why he succeeded in the exam is that he worked very hard. 他这次考试成功的原因是因为他学习非常努力。
说明:在time作先行词表示“次数”时,如被序数词修饰或the last修饰时,只能用that为引导词。
例:①This is the last time(that) I shall go there with you. 这将是我最后一次和你一块到那里去。
②The first time (that) I saw you was last month. 我第一次与你见面是在上个月。
2 语法句型

1 make sb.+动词原形
例:The owners of slaves often made them work very hard on their farm. 奴隶主们常迫使他们(奴隶)在农场里拼命地干活。
说明:get,force作使役动词, 后接不定式作补语不能省略 to。
例:We should get everyone to understand it. 我们应该让大家都明白这一点。
2 反意疑问句
例:①That was a hundred years ago,wasn’t it ? 那是一百年以前的事了,对吗?
②She’ll not come to join us, will she ? 她不来参加我们的活动,对吗?
No,she will not. 或 Yes,she will. 是,她不参加或不,她来参加。
3 What’s on +地点状语
例:①What is on at the theatre in these days ? 剧院里近几天上演什么戏?
②What’s on in your office ? 你办公室里发生了什么事?
4 as+名词短语作时间状语。
例:①As (he was) a child he used to work hard . 他还是一个小孩时就习惯于艰苦的生活。
②As (she was) a little girl she could play the piano very well. 她还是一个小姑娘时,琴就弹得很好。
5 so+形容词/副词+that从句
例:①The family was so poor that the boy couldn’t get many books. 家里太穷,孩子不能买很多书。
②There were so many people in the room that I could not get in . 房里有太多人我进不去。
③He is so old that he can’t work any more. 他年纪太老了,再也不能工作了。
6 consider sb./sth. to be
consider作“认为”,“把……看作……”解,后往往接复合宾语,动词不定式 作补足语时“to be”可省略。
例:①The people had considered him(to be)a great leader. 人们一直认为他是一位伟大的领袖。
②I consider this sentence (to be) correct. 我认为这个句子是正确的。
3 学习中应注意的问题
1)在反意疑问句中,陈述句是I don’t think(believe)时,简单问句应和宾语从句一致,且用肯定式。
例:I don’t think he is a student , is he ? 我想他不是一个学生,对吗?
I am late,aren’t I ?我迟到了,是吗?
例:Everyone is here , aren’t they ? 大家都来齐了,是吗?
4)陈述部分有“have to”动词短语时疑问部分的助动词用“do”。
例:You have to get there on time , don’t you ? 你得按时去那里,是吗?
5)陈述部分have 为行为动词时, 疑问部分只能用助动词do的适当形式。
You had a good time on holiday, didn’t you? 你节日玩得快乐,是吗?
Ⅰ 单项选择
1.Such a mistake___ this can be avoided(避免).
A.like B.as C.about D.with
2.It’s necessary___ the book.
A.for him return B.that he return C.that he returns D.for him returns
3.That’s ___an important lecture that you’d better attend it.
A.very B.so C.such D.two
4.We’ll stay in Wuhan for___ ,then go to Beijing for a visit.
A.sometimes B.some time C.sometime D.some times
5.Professor Li gave some advice___ to learn English.
A.how B.on what C.on how D.on
6.The girl was late for school___ the heavy rain.
A.because B.because of C.for D.as
7.You’d better speak loudly so as to___ by all.
A.bearing B.heard C.be hearing D.be heard
8.Try to use___ many new words and expressions in the composition as possible.
A.much B.so C.as D.such
9.Only when he told me the news, ___what had happened.
A.did I know B.I did know C.I know D.I know did
10.Who was the first person___ today ?
A.that spoke to you B.that you spoke to C.you spoke D.whom you spoke to
Ⅱ 用适当的关系代词填空
1.I still remember the time ___we first came to the school half a year ago.
2.It is about a Negro(黑人)who wants to find his root ___his ancestor(祖先) was born.
3.The Negro will never forget the year,___ Lincoln led them fighting against slavery.
4.This is the last time___ I shall go there with you.
5.The house ___Lincoln used to live is now a school.
Ⅰ. 1.B.as指同一事物。
4.B.some time 表一段时间。
6.B.because of+名词表原因。
8.C.as...as possible尽可能的。
9.A.only when置于句首,主句倒装,过去时助动词为did。
10.B.主句为who引导的疑问句,且先行词由序数修饰,关系代词只能用 that。
Ⅱ.1.when 2.where 3.when 4.that 5.where
1 学习由whose引导的定语从句
whose 是定语从句中一个常用的关系代词, 它是关系代词who的所有格,在从句中作定语,也就是说当先行词与从句中某个名词有所属关系,表达“……的”意思时,用关系代词whose 引导定语从句,它既可以指代人,也可以指代物,既可引导限制性定语从句,也可以引导非限制性定语从句。
例:①Mr King,whose legs were badly hurt, was taken to the hospital. 金先生腿受重伤,被送进了医院。
②They lives in a room whose window opens to the south. 他们住在一间窗户朝南开的房间里。
whose短语在定语从句中有时可作介词宾语, 即构成“介词+whose+名词”引导定语从句并在从句中作状语。
例:①The boss in whose department Mr King worked had heard about the accident. 金先生工作所在的部门领导已经听人说过这一意外事故。
②He is the student of whose brother we are always proud. 他就是那个我们总是为他哥哥感到骄傲的学生。
whose引导定语从句时,通常可与of which/of whom引导的定语从句进行转换。
例:①I made a table,the surface of which(of which the surface)is quite smooth. 我制了张桌子,桌面很光滑。
I made a table, whose surface is quite smooth.
②I live in a room whose window(the window of which或of which the window)opens to the south. 我住在一间窗户朝南开的屋子里。
③The professor of whom a daughter(a daughter of whom) has gone abroad is very famous in China. 那位他的女儿已经出国了的教授在国内很有名。
2 语法句型
1 不定式作目的状语
例:He came to see me last Sunday. 他上星期天来看过我。
为了强调目的状语,可以用in order to+动词原形,甚至可以将in order to短语提到句首。
例:①I had to lie to the company and pretend to be a man in order to get a job. 为了得到工作,我不得不对公司撒谎,并装扮成男人。
②In order to catch the train, I’ll get up very early tomorrow morning. 为了赶火车,我明天将很早起床。
此外还可以用so as to短语来作目的状语,但so as to不能置于句首。
例:She lied to us because she had to so as to( in order to) get a job. 她对我们撒谎,那是因为为了得到工作,她不得不这么做。
2 一般现在时在条件状语从句中的用法
例:①Unless you tell me ,I shall not be able to help you. 除非你告诉我,否则我无法帮助你。
②If anyone at work discovers my secret, I shall lose my job. 公司里任何人知道了我的秘密,我都将失业。
3 形容词在句中作宾补
例:①So I cut my hair short. 于是我把头发剪短了。
②They washed their clothes very clean. 他们将衣服洗得干干净净。
例:①Will you please bring him in ? 请把他带进来好吗?
②We elected him monitor of our class. 我们选他当班长。
4 It seems that/as if...
本句型实际上是“主+系+表”结构,其中it是无人称代词,本身并无词意,也并非形式主语,seems为系动词,that/as if...引导表语从句,本句型使that/as if引导的从句所表达的意思变得不大肯定或者使语气变得较为委婉。
例:①It seems that it is more difficult for women to get to the top of the company. 妇女似乎更难提升到公司的最高职位。
②It seems to me that he has known everything.
(He seems to have known everything) 看来他似乎什么事都知道了。
③It seems as if it is going to rain.
(It seems to rain) 看来天要下雨了。
It seems(that...)常可以用I guess that...来替换。
例:①I guess men’s hands and fingers are too big !
It seems that men’s hands and fingers are too big. 男人的手和手指似乎太大了。
②It seems that she told a lie in order to get a job in our company.
I guess she told a lie in order to get a job in our company. 看来她为了想在我们公司找一份工作,向我们撒了谎。
5 have sb./sth. doing sth.
例:①We have never had women working in this part of our company before. 我们以前从来没有让女人在我们公司的这个部门工作。
②They had their lights burning all night long. 他们通宵把灯点着。
例:I won’t have you do such things. 我不让你去做这些事。
当使役动词have后接过去分词短语,作宾语补足语时,宾语则与补足语之间是被动关系,即have sth. done句型, 此句型有两种含义。
例:①I’ll have my bicycle repaired. 我将把自行车推去修好。
②I had my hair cut yesterday. 我昨天去理了发。
例:①King Charlies I had his head cut off. 国王查理一世被砍了头。
②She had her wallet stolen yesterday. 昨天她的钱包被偷了。

6 Does it matter...
例:①Does it matter if an engineer is a man or a woman? 工程师是男是女,这有什么关系呢?
②What does it matter? 这有什么关系?
③It doesn’t matter, does it ? 这没多大关系,是吗?
④It doesn’t matter to me what you do or how you do it. 你做什么,怎么做对我都无关紧要。
3 学习中应注意的问题
1 复合名词变复数的规则:
例:son(s)inlaw 女婿
looker(s)on 旁观者
passer(s)by 过路人
35yearold worker(s)35岁的工人
armyman(armymen)军人,但grownup(s) 例外。
例:gobetween(s)中间人 drawback(s)缺陷
mandoctor(mendoctors) 男医生
womanworker(womenworkers) 女工人
boystudent(boystudents) 男生
girlstudent(girlstudents) 女生
2 定语从句中只用that不用which的情况
定语从句中which与that在一般情况下可以互换使用, 但在下列情况之下,通常只用that(有时可省略)。
例:I’m sure there is nothing that a woman can’t do. 我相信没有女人做不了的事。
例:There are some jobs that men can’t do very well. 有些工作男人无法做好。
例:That’s the best book that I’ve ever read. 那是我所读的书中最好的一本。
(4)先行词受到the only,the very,the same,the last 等词修饰时
例:Corn was not the only food that was taken to Europe. 玉米并不是唯一的一种被带往欧洲的食物。
例:We were talking about the things and people we remembered in school. 我们当时正在讨论我们记得的在学校里发生的人和事。
例:Who is the man that was invited to the ball? 受邀请参加那次舞会的人是谁?
3 在学习不定式作目的状语时,我们应注意,不定式短语通常可用so that引导的目的状语从句互换。
例:The doctor asked him to remove his trousers so that he could examine his legs.
The doctor asked him to remove his trousers in order to (so as to)examine his legs. 医生请他把长裤脱了,以便检查他的双腿。
4 在it seems that/as if...句型中, seems 常可以由looks, appears替换,looks后常接as if... 从句;appear之后常接that...从句。
例:①It looks as if it is going to rain. 天看上去似乎要下雨了。
②It seemed(looked)as if the fisherman would have nothing to take home that morning. 那天上午,渔夫似乎没有什么东西能带回家。
1.It seems that he is lying.
He___ ___ ___ lying.
2.It seemed that he enjoyed the food very much.
He___ ___ ___ the food very much.
3.It seemed as if she were drunk.
She___ ___ ___ ___ .
4.Unless he tells me, I shall not be able to help him,
___he___ ___ ___ , I shall not be able to help him.
1.Shut up! I won’t have you ___such things.
A.to say B.say C.saying D.said
2.The engineer,___ doctor we knew all the truth,was put in a woman’s room.
A.from whom B.from which C.from whose D.whose
3.Jim had a gold watch___ chain(链条)had been lost.
A.which B.of which C.whose D.of whose
4.We arrived at a small island___ the name I’ve forgotten.
A.of which B.of whom C.whose D.of whose
5.Is there anything___ I can do for you ?
A.which B.what C./ D.where
6.He lives in the same building___ my brother does.
A.whose B.which C.that D.where
7.He took all__ was there and left nothing.
A.what B.that C.whose D.which
8.He had his wallet___ while he was on holiday in Guangzhou.
A.to be stolen B.stolen C. stealing D. being stolen
9.The old lady has three sons,all___ become engineers.
A.of whom B.of them C.of that D.of whose
10.She is the only one of the___ who___ stories for children.
A.woman writers ; write
B.women writers; writes
C.women writer ; write
D.woman writer ;writes

1 学习非限定性定语从句(一)


1 非限定性定语从句,修饰人用who,whom或whose,修饰物用which。
例:①Bob’s father,who worked on the project,spent four years in Egypt. 鲍勃的父亲,从事这项工程,在埃及工作了四年。
②The dam,which is the biggest in the world, is 3800 metres long. 世界上最长的大坝有三千八百米长。
2 在非限定性定语从句中,关系代词作从句中的介词宾语,构成介词+ which引导的从句。
例:①The Nile,from which electricity is produced, no longer destroys villages and crops. 用来发电的尼罗河不再毁坏村庄和庄稼了。
②About 2000 people, many of whom were Europeans,worked on the project. 大约有二千人,其中许多人是欧州人从事这项工程。 

3 在非限定性定语从句中,先行词在非限制性定语从句中作状语时用where或when引导,where或when也可转化成介词+which 结构。
例:①We will put off the outing until next week, when we won’t be so busy. 我们把郊游推迟到下礼拜,那时我们不会这么忙了。
②They will fly to Beijing,where they plan to stay a week. 他们打算坐飞机到北京,在那儿他们打算呆一周。 
2 语法句型
1 How about...?
例: How about playing football this afternoon? 今天下午踢足球如何?
在英语中,表达建议还可用情态动词had better;what about...句型。 

2 Can’t we...?
这是一个否定的疑问句型,表达“难道……吗? ”,结构虽表疑问,但意义上已不需要回答,带有惊讶,明知故问的色彩。
例: ①Can’t we visit the high dam ? 难道我们不去看大坝吗?(我们去看大坝)
②Can’t you know the class rules? 难道你不知道班规吗?(其实你早已知道) 

3 do shopping(reading,walking,swimming等)
例:①Can you do washing at school ? 在学校你会洗衣物吗?
②The old man likes to do some walking after supper. 这位老人喜欢在晚饭后散散步。
句型中do可换成go,即go shopping,go swimming,go walking等,意义相同。 

4 feel like doing sth.
例:①I don’t feel like walking very much today. 今天我不大想走路。
②I don’t feel like staying at home. 我不愿呆在家里。
但是would like后面常接不定式,不接动名词。
例: I would like to take a boat on the River Nile. 我愿意在尼罗河上乘船游览。
1 date from 的用法
date在此结构中作动词构成短语, date from意思是“追溯到……”,date from=date back to。
例:①A lot of important old temples date from about 1250 BC. 许多重要的古寺庙可追溯到公元前1250年。
②His family dates from the Qing Dynasty. 他的家族可追溯到清朝。 

2 work on 的用法
该短语的意思为“忙于”或“从事”,不及物动词work后面可接其它介词或副词,构成不同的句型结构,如work at,work out,work for等。
例:①In all,1,700 workers and 200 other people worked on the project. 总共一千七百名工匠和两百名其它的人从事这项工程。
②He is working on the maths problem. 他在解这道数学题。 

3 make a good effort的用法
该短语的意思为“尽最大努力去干什么”,这个句型结构常接动词不定式,即make a good effort+to do=try one’s best to do sth.
例:①Please make a good effort to arrive early. 请劳驾早到。
②I will make a good effort to help you with your English. 我将尽力去帮助你学英语。 

4 “愿意干……”的表达法
would like to do接不定式,had better do接动词原形, would prefer to do接不定式,而feel like接动名词或名词。
例:①You’d better not go out at night. 你晚上最好别出去。
②I would prefer to stay at home than go out. 我宁愿呆在家里也不愿出去。
1 学习非限定性定语从句(二)
1 非限定性定语从句的位置与作用
例:①She is going to spend the summer holidays in Qingdao, where she has some relatives. 她准备到青岛过暑假,那儿她有一些亲戚。
②Charlie Chaplin, who died in 1977,was one of the world’s greatest actors. 查理•卓别林是世界上最伟大的演员之一,他于1977年逝世。
2 引导非限定性定语从句的关系代词与关系副词
引导非限定性定语从句的关系代词有:which, who, whom, whose, as等;关系副词有:when和where。
例:①She had eight children, three of whom lived to grow up. 她有八个孩子,其中三个长大成人了。
②He went to the States in 1912, when he was noticed by an important film director. 1912年他去美国,就在那年他被一位颇有影响的电影导演看上了。
3 非限定性定语从句与限定性定语从句的区别
例:①The old farmer has a son who is a soldier. 那位农民有一个当兵的儿子。(老农不止一个儿子。)
②The old farmer has a son, who is a soldier. 那位农民有一个儿子,他是一个战士。(老农只有一个 儿子。)
③Beijing, which is the capital of China, is a very beautiful city. 北京是中国的首都,它是座美丽的城市。(专有名词不 需限定,只需解释或说明。)
④The earth goes round the sun, which is known to everyone. 地球绕太阳转,这是大家都知道的。(which代表主句。)
䦂WebdingsWBp 1非限定性定语从句的位置与作用
2 名词加后缀ful构成另一个名词。
②The child gave me a handful of sweets with a smile. 那小孩微笑着给我一把糖果。
③I saw him carrying a basketful of vegetables on his way home. 我看到他在回家路上带着一满篮蔬菜。

1 not only...but also, both...and, not...but, neither...nor与either...or的用法
(1)not only...but also与both...and的用法基本相同,连接两个并列的词或短语,意为“不仅……而且……”
例:①We learn not only Chinese but also English. 我们不仅学汉语而且学英语。
②Both teachers and students are interested in the film. 老师和学生都对这部电影感兴趣。
例:He is not American but British. 他不是美国人而是英国人。
例:①We had neithr food nor money. 我们既没食物也没钱。
②Neither he nor you are wholly right. 他不全对,你也不全对。
例:①One of them will have to go,either Tom or Marry. 他们之中只能去一个,或是汤姆或是玛丽。
②Either you must improve your work or I shall dismiss you. 不是你改进工作就是我解雇你。
2 表示“打算”的几个结构
表示“打算”可以用动词:intend, plan, want, hope,would like和have decided加动词不定式,也可以用be going to, be about to, be to。
例:①I intend to visit a friend. 我打算去看望一个朋友。
②What are you going to do today? 你今天打算干什么?
③I was about to leave when he came. 我正要离开时,他来了。
3 表示年龄的几种方法
例:When he was eighteen(years old),he joined the army. 他十八岁参军。
(2)用at the age of+数词,作状语表示年龄。
例:At the age of eight, he set off for the USA with a group of comedy actors. 八岁时,他跟一些喜剧演员去了美国。
例:Children go to school at six in China. 在中国孩子六岁上学。
例:A 12yearold player won a gold medal in the 13th Asian Games. 在第十三届亚运会上一位十二岁的运动员获得了一块金牌。
例:They are searching for a lost boy of three years. 他们正在寻找一个失踪的三岁男孩。
4 search, search for, in one’s search for与in search of的用法
(1)及物动词search, 后接名词或代词,表示搜查的对象,意为“搜查某地”,“搜查某人”。
例:①Mr Smith searched every room in the house. 史密斯先生搜查了房子里的每一个房间。
②When we searched him, they were in his pocket. 当我们搜查时发现东西就在他的口袋里。
(2)动词短语search for后接名词或代词,表示“寻找”的目标。
例:①All night they searched for the missing boy. 整夜他们都在搜寻那个失踪的男孩。
②I must search for that lost money until I find it. 我一定要寻找丢失的钱直到找到为止。
例:①The policemen searched the house for the stolen articles. 警察搜查那栋房子寻找被偷的物品。
②The doctor searched the wound for the bullet. 医生在伤口里寻找子弹。
例:①The search for the little girl went on all day. 寻找那个小女孩的活动整天都在进行。
②I will make a search for your book, but I don’t think I have got it. 我没拿你的书,但我愿意帮你找。
③So far, they have been unlucky in their search for gold and have no money at all. 到那时为止,他们寻找金子的运气一直不好,而且他 们身上一个钱也没有了。
(5)介词短语in search of 后接寻找的目标,在句中作状语意为“寻找某物”。
例:①The boys went in search of something to eat. 男孩子都去找吃的东西了。
②He joined us in search of a new way of increasing production. 他和我们一起来寻找增产的新办法。
5 be to do sth.结构
例:①He was later to regret his decision. 他以后会后悔作出这个决定的。
②The meeting was to be held the following week. 会议安排在下周召开。
6 打电话的用语
表示“我是……”用:This is...(speaking),It’s ... here。
不能用:I am...
询问对方姓名时用:Who is that speaking?/ May I ask who’s calling?/ Who’s calling?
不用:Who are you?
询问“……在家吗?”用:Is sb. in?/ Is sb. at home?/ Is sb. there?/ Is that sb. speaking?
请求与某人通话时用:May/ Can/ Could I speak to sb.? / I’d like to speak to sb. please.
叫对方稍等时用:Hold on, please. Hold the line./ A moment, please.
表达有某人电话时用:sb. be wanted on the phone
请对方留口信时用:Would you like to leave a message?
主动为对方传话用:Can/ Would I take a message for you?

7 it句型
(1)It+be+adj.+(for sb.) to do sth. 此句型中的形容词是对to do sth.加以说明,所以此句可以改成:To do sth. is+adj.
常用于此句型中作表语的形容词有:difficult, hard, easy, common,possible, necessary, important等。
例:①It is rather common to have the head of a famous figure on one side of the coin. 通常在硬币的一面有一个名人的头像。
②It is not difficult to find out information about the programmes. 要找到有关这些节目的信息并不难。
(2)It+be+adj.+of+sb.+to do sth. 此句型的形容词对sb.进行说明,所以该句型可以改为:sb.+be+adj.+to do sth.
常用于此句型中的形容词有 good, kind, nice, wise, clever,silly, stupid, foolish, wrong, impolite等。
例:①It’s very kind of you to help us.
(=You are kind to help us.) 你帮助我们真是太好了。
②It was foolish of you to do that.
(=You were foolish to do that.) 做那事你太愚蠢了。
(3)It+be+名词词组+to do sth. 此句型的名词是对to do sth.的判断或说明,所以此句型可以改为to do sth. is+名词词组,常用此句型的名词词组有:a pity, a pleasure, (good) advice, the custom, good(bad) manners等。
例:①It is good manners for an Arab to stand close to his friend when they are talking. 阿拉伯人同朋友谈话时,和他站得很近。这是表示有礼貌。
②In France, it is the custom to shake hands with people in the office every morning. 在法国,每天早上在办公室里与人握手,这是一种习俗。
(4)It+be+过去分词+that从句 此句型可以改为:sb.+ be+过去分词+to do sth. 常用于此句型的动词有:report, know, say, believe, tell等。
例:①It is known that thousands of Chinese worked in the gold mine in the late 19th century. 据了解,成千上万的中国人在19世纪后期曾经在这个金矿里劳动过。
②It was reported that he had won the game. (=He was reported to have won the game.) 据说他赢了比赛。
(5)It+be+adj.+that从句 此句型中常用的形容词有:possible,necessary, important, strange, natural等。
例:①It is strange that nobody knows where he has gone. 很奇怪没有人知道他去哪儿了。
②It is possible that one of them kept a kind of bank where the workers could keep their money safe. 其中有一个人可能保管一种钱库。工人们可以把钱存放在那里。
(6)It+be+no+n.+to do sth./doing sth. 用于此句型的名词有good, use等。
例:①It is no good to read without full understanding. 读书不完全理解是没有好处的。
②It is no use asking him again. 再问他一次也无用。
(7)It+动词+that(as if)从句用于此句型的动词有look,seem,appear, happen等。
例:①It looks as if it is going to rain. 看起来好像要下雨。
②It happened that he was not at home. 碰巧他不在家。
主语+v.+it+宾语+真正的宾语。常用于此句型的动词有:make, find, think等。
例:①I find it very difficult to write letters in Chinese. 我发现用汉语写信很困难。
②I think it expensive to buy a new shortwave radio. 我认为买一部新的短波收音机很贵。
③I found it very interesting to study body language. 我发现研究体态语很有意思。
常用于此句型的名词词组有:a shame, a pity, no wonder等。
例:①It is a pity I didn’t think of it earlier. 很遗憾我没有早点想起这件事。
②It is no wonder you were so late. 难怪你来得那么迟。
例:He was a foreigner,as(which)I knew from his accent. 从他的口音我就知道他是一个外国人。
例:He changed his mind, which made me very angry. 他改变了想法,这一点使我很生气。
(which代替he changed his mind在定语从句中作主语, 也是使我生气的原因。)
(3)在句首时,只能用as, 不用which。
例:As we know, the earth is round. 我们知道地球是圆的。
(4)在词组such...as,the same...as中,一般用as。
例:①You wouldn’t marry such a man as he is,would you? 你不愿意嫁给他这样的人,是吗?
②You must show my wife the same respect as you show me. 你必须尊敬我的妻,像尊敬我一样。
2 be to do sth.与be about to do sth.的区别
这两个结构都可以表示“将要干某事”,但be to do sth.表示按计划或安排做某事,所表示的时间可远,也可以较近;而be about to do sth.则表示正要(即将)做某事,一般没有时间状语。
例:①He met her in the doorway just as she was about to go away. 在她正要走开时他在门口遇见了她。
②I am to see him today at six o’clock. 我计划今天六点钟去看他。
③We were to have been married last year. 我们本打算去年结婚。 (用不定式的完成时表示“本来打算”)
3 几个过去分词作表语的特殊意义
(1)be receivedreceive 作动词,意为“接收,接受”,但received为形容词,意为“被普遍承认或接受的”,be well received相当于be popular。
例:①Chaplin’s later films, however, were not well received. 但是,卓别林后期的影片并不十分受欢迎。
②His speech was very well received. 他的演讲很受欢迎。
(2)be known to(as)know作动词,意为“知道、懂得、认识”,而短语be known to意为“为……所熟知”;短语be known as意为“以……著称”。
例:①He is known to the police. 警方认识他。
②This was known as“panning for gold”. 这就是人们所熟知的“淘金热”。
(3)be caughtcatch作动词,意为“捕捉,撞见”,而be caught意为“陷入困境、进退两难”。
例:①He was caught in a heavy rain. 他遇上了大雨。
②The car was caught between two trucks. 小汽车被卡在两货车之间。
(4)be set inset作动词,意为“放置,确定”,而be set in意为“以……为背景”、“(戏剧影片)的背景是”。
例:①The film was set in California in the middle of the nineteenth century. 这部影片以19世纪中叶的加利福尼亚为背景。
②The play is set in Paris. 这个剧的背景是巴黎。
4 作定语的过去分词与现在分词的区别
例:①The earliest coins in the west were made of gold (which is) mixed with silver. 西方最早的硬币就是用金和银的合金制成的。
②It contained 54,951 coins dating(which dated) from the years 260~275 AD. 共有硬币54,951枚,制币时间为260至275年之间。
例:①China is a developing country.
(=China is a country which is developing.) 中国是一个发展中国家。
②America is a developed country.
(=America is a country which has developed.) 美国是一个发达国家。
③So once more there will be milu deer living (which live) in the wild in China. 因此,中国将会再有生活在野外的麋鹿了。
④I hate to see letters(which are) written in pencil. 我讨厌看铅笔写的信。
5 add to, add...to...与add up to的区别
(1)add to 意为“增加、加强”。
例:①This adds to our difficulties. 这增加了我们的困难。
②The music added to our enjoyment. 音乐增加了我们的欢乐。
例:①She added sugar to her tea. 她把糖加到茶里。
②Chaplin’s earliest films were silent, because the equipment for adding sound to films had not yet been developed. 卓别林早期的电影都是无声电影,因为给影片配音的设备那时还没有研制出来。
(3)add up to 意为“总共有”。
例:The money he spent added up to more than $1000. 他花的钱总计有一千美元。

一 学习倒装句
1 常见的全部倒装句式有以下几种情况:
(1)以there, here, out, in,up,down, away, over, back,now,thus, then等副词开头的句子,谓语动词常用come, go, rush,run,jump等不及物动词。
例:①There goes the bell. 铃响了。
②Out came a group of children. 一群孩子出来了。
③Away ran the little girl. 那小女孩跑走了。
④Down rushed the policemen. 那些警察冲了下来。
⑤Now comes my turn. 现在该轮到我了。
例:①“It’s the most comfortable hotel I’ve stayed in so far.” replied the tourist. 游客回答说:“这是到目前为止我所住的最舒服的旅馆。”
②“What are you doing in the room? ” asked the mother. 母亲问:“你在房间里干什么?”
(3)“There be+主语”句型中。
例:There are many trees in front of the old farm house. 在那间古老的农舍前面有许多树。
(4)so, neither, nor放在句首表示前面所说的情况也适合于后者,其句型结构为:so/neither/nor+be/have/aux.V./modal.V.+S.
例:①The boy died,and a week later,so did his sister. 那少年死了,一星期后,他姐姐也死了。
②I can’t speak English. Neither/Nor can my friend. 我不会讲英语,我朋友也不会。
例:①Gone are the days when the Chinese people used foreign oil. 中国人用洋油的时代已经一去不复返了。
②In the armchair lay a cat, half asleep. 一只猫躺在椅子上,半睡半醒。
例:Long live the great, glorious and correct the Communist Party of China! 伟大、光荣、正确的中国共产党万岁!
(7)so...that结构中,so修饰表语形容词且置于句首,构成句型“So+adj.+link. V.+S.+that”。
例:So moved was she that she couldn’t say a word. 她太激动,以致于她说不出一句话来。
2 常见的部分倒装有如下几种情况:
(1)含有否定意义的副词或连词置于句首,如:never,seldom,not,no, little, not until。
例:①Seldom had she been asked to speak before such a big audience. 很少让她在这么多的听众面前讲过话。
②Not until midnight did it stop raining. 直到半夜才停止下雨。
(2)含否定意义的短语置于句首,如:in no way, at no time, by no means等。
例:By no means are these goods satisfactory. 这些货物一点也不令人满意。
(3)well,often, every day, many a time, always,every other day等频度副词置于句首时。
例:Many a time has he given me good advice. 他多次给我忠告。
例:Only in this way can you learn English well. 只有以这种方式你才能学好英语。
(5)not only...but also, neither...nor中的not only,neither置于句首。
例:Not only was the city polluted, but the streets were crowded. 不仅城市被污染,而且街道很拥挤。
(6)在no sooner...than, scarcely...before(when),hardly...when结构中否定词前置。
例:No sooner had he gone to sleep than the telephone rang once more. 他刚睡着,电话铃就又响了。
(7)as if/though引导的让步状语,(n./adj.+as+S.+link.V.)。
例:Successful as he is, he is not proud. 尽管他取得了成功,但他并不骄傲。
(8)虚拟条件句中,省略连词if, 把were, had, should置于句首。
例:Were I you ,I would go with them. 要是我是你的话,我就跟他们一起去。
二 主要句型结构
1 Hopefully+S+V
Hopefully=It is hoped that... “希望……”。
例:①Hopefully we’ll win. 希望我们会赢。
②Hopefully my dream will come true. 希望我的梦想变成现实。
2 manage to do sth.
manage用作不及物动词时,意为“设法解决”“能办到”或“勉强维持”,常和can, could及be able to连用。
例:①I shall be able to manage without help. 我一个人能行。
②The fish is too big, I can’t manage myself. 这条鱼太大,我一个人吃不了。
例:①He managed to escape from the fire. 他终于设法从大火中逃了出来。
②The room was very dirty, but he managed to clean it. 那间房间非常脏,但是他终于把它打扫干净了。
3 S.+Vt.+it+adj.+for sb.to do sth句型
此句型中“it”为形式宾语,“for sb. to do sth.”为不定式的复合结构作真正的宾语。
例:①I think it necessary for her to learn the piano. 我认为她有必要学钢琴。
②They felt it strange for me to come to school so early. 我这么早就来上学,他们感到很奇怪。
4 as+adj./adv.+as possible 结构
该结构等于as+adj./adv.+as one can(could)。
例:①Please try to be as friendly as possible (as you can) when you meet him. 你见到他时,请尽量表现得友好一些。
②You should finish your homework as early as possible(you could). 你们应当尽早地完成家庭作业。
5 prevent sb. from doing sth.
类似的结构有keep sb. from doing sth., stop sb. from doing sth.在stop /prevent sb. from doing sth.结构中,“from”可省略,但keep sb. from doing sth.结构中的from不能省,被动结构中,三种结构中的from均不能省略。
例:①Can’t you stop those children(from) fighting. 你能阻止那些孩子打架吗?
②We must do something to keep the roof from falling. 我们必须设法防止屋顶塌下来。
③There was nothing to prevent her(from) doing so. 什么也不能阻止她这样做。
6 It is+P.P.+thatclause
此句型中,thatclause为主语从句,it为形式主语,如:It is said/reported/recorded/believed+that clause.
例:It is said that he has passed the driving test. 据说他已经通过了驾驶执照考试。
People say that he has passed the driving test 或 He is said to have passed the driving test.
三 学习中应注意的问题:
1 使用倒装句应注意以下几点
(1)在以there, here, up, down, out, in等副词开头的句子中,主语是代词时,句子不倒装。
例:①There they are. 他们在那边。
②Here it comes. 它来了。
例:Only Mary knows the answer. 只有玛丽知道答案。
例:—I told you that I would come. 我告诉过你我会来的。 —So you did. 你确实说过。
(4)not until后接从句时,主句部分倒装,从句不倒装;no sooner...than, hardly...when, not only...but also引导两个分句时,前一分句部分倒装,后一分句不倒装,这种结构常用过去完成时,但neither...nor结构中,前后两个分句均要倒装。
例:①Not only did he complain about the food, but also refused to pay for it. 他不仅抱怨饭菜的质量,而且拒不付款。
②Hardly had he finished his speech when the audience started cheering. 他刚演讲完观众便欢呼起来。
③Neither do I know her name, nor does he. 我不知道她的名字,他也不知道。
2 manage to do强调努力的结果(达到目的)而try to do和try one’s best to do则不强调结果。
例:①He managed to escape from the fire. 他终于设法从大火中逃了出来。
②He tried to escape from the fire but failed. 他试图从大火中逃出,但没有成功。
③He tried his best to escape from the fire. 他尽最大的努力想从火中逃出。
A 知识建构.
1 请看下列句子,判断正误:
1.He stood there with his eyes fixing on the picture.
2.The pen is well written.
3.How delicious the soup is tasted.
4.We must do something to stop the water from polluting.
5.The project will have been completed before July.
1.He stood there with his eyes fixed on the picture.
2.The pen writes well.
3.How delicious the soup tastes.
4.We must do something to stop the water from being polluted.
一般来说,主动语态由主语+谓语+宾语+其他成分构成;主语是动作的执行者;而被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者.动作的执行者一般由介词by引导的短语来表示.即:主语+be+过去分词(p.p)+by sb.当主语不需特别指明或者是I, we , you , he, she, it, they时, 可将by sb.省略。请看下面几个句子:
1.About 20-50%of the eletricity which Egypt needs is produced from Aswan Dam.
2.Organic vegetables are those that are grown without chemicals that can be harmful to human beings or the environment.
3.Yao Ming is always being loved by his fans from different cities.
4.In the next Olympic Games, France will be represented by three fencers.
5.Pieces of the palaces that had been hidden before the Nazis came could now be
used to rebuild the city and its culture.
2 作为一种与主动语态相对存在的语态, 被动语态亦存在相应的时态变化.那么,被动语态的时态变化有那些呢?下面以及物动词do为例
时 态 构成模式
一般现在时 am/is /are +done
一般过去时 was/were +done
一般将来时 will/shall/be going to +be +done
现在完成时 have /has +been +done
过去完成时 had +been +done
现在进行时 am /is / are +being +done
过去进行时 was /were +being + done
过去将来时 would +be +done
带情态动词 can / may /must /need...+ be + done
不定式 to be +done
3 如何将主动语态变成被动语态?
1. 主语+谓语+宾语结构
People speak English all over the world.→English is spoken all over the world.
The heavy rain prevented us from carrying out the plan.→
We were prevented from carrying out the plan.
2. 主语+谓语+双宾语结构
英语中有很多词,如:ask, buy, sell, show, give,tell...后常接双宾语,即使用ask/buy/sell/give...sb.sth.句型.在变被动语态的时候:
e.g:My father bought me a birthday present.→
A birthday present was bought for me by my father.
Or: I was bought a birthday present 
Can you show me your new computer?→
Can your new computer be shown to me?
Or: Can I be shown your new computer?
一般现在时的被动语态表示现在经常发生的被动动作或存在状态。其常见句型以see 为例列表如下 :
人称 肯定 否定 疑问
I am seen amn’t seen Am I seen
He/ She/ It is seen isn’t seen is he/she/it seen
We/You/They are seen aren’t seen are we/you/ they
一般现在时的被动语态的构成: am/is/are+过去分词。例如:
Wheat is grown in the north ,while rice is grown in the south.
Mrs Baker does her hair every Friday after work.
=Mrs Baker’s hair is done every Friday after work.
一般过去时的被动语态表示过去的被动动作或存在状态。其常见句型以see 为例列表如下 :
人称 肯定 否定 疑问
I/He/She/It was seen... wasn’t seen... was I/he/she/it seen...
We/You/They were seen... weren’t seen... were/you/they seen
一般过去时的被动语态的构成:was/were +过去分词.
Model: His friends persuaded him to give up smoking and threw his remaining cigarettes away.
He was persuaded by his friends to give up smoking and his remaining cigarettes were thrown away.
1. His mother dried his clothes near the fire.→
2. Most of the students laughed at his accent,making him embarrassed.→
3. The noise disturbed us and we had to finish the meeting early.→
4. He became tense when the police questioned him about the murder.→
5. We settled all the programmes 10 minutes ago.→
am/is/are going to
一般将来时的构成模式:will be+过去分词.
Model: The director is going to film a new advertisement.→
An advertisement is going to be filmed by the director.
1. My father will dye his white hair black.→
2. We will hold a family meeting to discuss the event.→
3. Zhang Ziyi, a famous actress in China, will play a new part in the movie directed by Ang Lee.→
4. In 2008, Beijing will host the 29th Olympic Games.→
5. For many athletes, the Olympic Games is the only time when millions of people will watch them.→

其构成模式:would be +p.p.
He told me that a sports meeting would be held this week.
Primier Wen Jiabao announced that more efforts would be made to reduce the burden of farmers.
I asked him what would be taken there.
We wondered if more help would be given to us.
其构成模式: have/has been +p.p
1. They haven’t collected enough building material to rebuild the old temple.→

2. Have they done a lot of experiments for the project already?→

3. Our guide has organized a tour to the temple for tomorrow morning.→

4. The stone workers have already repaired the well-known building.→

Fill in the blanks in passive voice:(用被动语态填空)
5.I wonder when the garden _____ (water)
6.Great efforts _____ (make) to help them out of trouble.
7.They _____ already _____ (give) enough time to complete the project.
8. Whether to attend the meeting _____ not _____ yet.(decide)
(Answers: has been watered;have been made;have…been given; have …been decided.)
构成模式:had been+ p.p
The report had been written when the editor sent for it.
I had been measured before I could get in a word.
to pretend not to see me(假装没有看见我)
to become a teacher(当老师)
to study hard(努力读书)
I want to go hunting with you.(我想和你一块儿去打猎)
→I是主要动词want的主语,也是不定式to go意义上的主语。
I asked to speak to the manager.(我要求与经理谈话)
→I 是主要动词asked的主语,也是不定式to speak意义上的主语。
I will get someone to carry your baggage.(我将叫人搬运你的行李)
→主要动词的宾语someone,做不定式to carry意义上的主语。
The doctor advised me not to drink too much.(医生劝我不要喝太多酒)
→主要动词的宾语me,做不定式to drink意义上的主语。
I found that to talk with him was a waste of time.(我发现和他说话是浪费时间)
→由句子前后的关系可知I是不定式to talk意义上的主语。
He found that to leave the house unobserved was easy.(他发觉让房子空着,没有人
→由句子前后的关系可知He是不定式to leave意义上的主语。
To err is human, to forgive is divine.(犯错是人,宽恕是神)
It is better to give than to receive.(施比受更是福)
It is wrong to tell a lie.(说谎话是错误的)
It is difficult for you to read this book.(你要读这本书是困难的)
=For you to read this book is difficult.
It’s bad for him to live alone.(他独自生活是不好的。)
It is impossible for her to give up drinking.(要她戒酒是不可能的。)
When will it be convenient for me to call?(我何时去拜访方便呢?)
(2)It is +形容词+of+宾语(意义上的主语)+不定式(对of后的宾语称赞或责备时,用此句型)
It is silly of you to say so.(你这样说实在太傻了。)
=You are silly to say so.
It is unwise of you to live alone.(你很愚蠢要独自生活。)
It was bold of her to row up the river.(她很大胆敢向上游划船。)
It is very kind of you to do so.(承蒙你这样做,实在太好。)
It is important to work hard.(努力是重要的。)
→不定式to work hard意义上的主语应是anyone,所以若要将意义上的主语表明即为:
It is important for anyone to work hard.
It is time to go to school.(是上学的时间了。)
→不定式to go 意义上的主语是我(或我们,你等),所以若要将意义上的主语表明即为:
It is time for me to go to school.
The river is dangerous to bathe in.(在这条河里洗澡很危险。)
=It is dangerous to bathe in the river.
This house must be comfortable to live in.(住在这幢房子里一定很舒适。)
=It must be comfortable to live in this house.
Your question is difficult to answer.(回答你的问题是很困难的。)
=It is difficult to answer your question.
This is a hard question to answer.(这是一个很难回答的问题。)
=This question is hard to answer.
=It is hard to answer this question
She has no one to depend on.(她没有可以依靠的人。)
=She has no one whom she can depend on.
That question is difficult to answer it.(误) to answer.(正)(那个问题很难回答)
It is hard to please her son.(想要讨好她的儿子不容易。)
→不定式to please之前没有意义上的宾语,所以它的后面必须有文法上的宾语her son.
To cheat in examinations is punishable.(考试作弊应受罚) [做主语]
To err is human, to forgive divine.(犯错是人,宽恕是神)[做主语]
They planned to adopt an orphan.(他们计划领养一个孤儿。)[做动词的宾语] 
You forgot to call him up.(你忘了打电话给他。)[做动词的宾语]
He had no desire but to go abroad.(他只希望能够出国。)[做介词的宾语]
He is a bout to start for America.(他即将动身前往美国。)[做介词的宾语]
The worst is still to come.(最糟糕的还在后头。)[做主语补语]
To see is to believe.(百闻不如一见。)[做主语补语]
Jack ordered his brother not to enter his study.
They think him to be honest.(他们认为他是诚实的。)[做宾语补语]
〖CS%0,100,0,0]【注】〖CS] 不定式只能做but,except,than,about这四个介词的宾语。
He desires nothing but to go home.(介词)
They have nothing to do except wander about in the streets.(介词)
She thought of no other way out than to cheat.(介词)
They are about to start.(介词)
They talked about having a party.(他们讲举行宴会的事情。)
He is not a man to tell a lie.(他不是个说谎的人。)
He is the very man to do this work.(他就是要做这工作的人。)
He has many things to tell you.(他有许多事情要告诉你。)
There is nothing to do.(没有事情要做。)
He has no house to live in.(他没有房子住。)
=He has no house which he can live in.
因为不可说He lives the house。而应该说He lives in the house.再看下面的例句,其情形也和上句相似:
Give me a chair to sit.(误) to sit on (or in ).(正)(给我一把椅子坐。)
The child has no toys to play.(误)to play with.(正)(这孩子没有可玩的玩具。)
I have enough money to buy the book with.(我有足够的钱买这本书。)
=I have enough money with which to buy the book.[介词+关系代词+不定式=形容词片语]
I lit a candle by which to read.(我点了蜡烛借以阅读。)
= I lit a candle by which to read.
be,seem,appear,prove,turn out,happen,look,long,remain,等等。
He and I are to meet at the station at two o’clock.(他和我预定两点钟在
You are to pay your debt.(你应该付你的欠债。)[表义务]
He was never to see his wife or children again.[表命运]
(=It was his destiny never to see his wife or children again.)
Nothing is to be seen.(什么也看不见。)[表可能性]
You are to come when I call.(我叫你的时候,你必须来。)[表命令]

what am i to do? (我该做什么?)
=what do you want me to do?
②seem,appear,prove,turn out…+不定式
跟随在此类动词之后的不定式是用来做为主语补语,“…to be…”的形式可以省略,意义不变。可以用“it + v + that句子”的句型来代换。
he seems (to be) ill.(他似乎生病了。)
=it seems that he is ill.
the man turned out (to be ) an impostor.(这人竟是个骗子。)
the report proved (to be ) true.(这个报告已证明是真的。)
he appears (to be )very young.(他看起来很年轻。)

①表目的(to =in order to )
he works hard to keep his family in comfort.(他努力工作使家人生活舒适。)
(=he works hard(in order)that he may keep his family in comfort.)
we go to school to study.(我们到学校念书。)
i keep a dog to watch my house.(我养只狗看家。)
we eat to live, (but do )not live to eat.(我们吃饭为活着,不是活着为吃饭。)

为了加强语气可用in order to 。
为表带有结果或必有结果的目的则用so as to。如:he works hard day and night in order to (or so as to )pass the entrance examination next year.(他日以继夜地用功是为了能通过明年的入学考试。)
in order to secure a good seat, you’ll have to get there before eight.
再则表目的的不定式(不论有无“in order”)可置于句首以示加强语气,但句子的主语必须是该不定式的意义主语。如:
in order to appreciate poetry, it should be read aloud.…(误)
in order to appreciate poetry.you should read it aloud.…(正)

to be a good citizen, obeying the law is necessary…(误)
to be a good citizen, one must obey the law.…(正)
[obeying the law怎能做to be a good citizen的意义上的主语]
he grew up to be a famous scholar.(他长大的时候成了有名的学者。)
(=when he grew up, he became a famous scholar.)
i opened the door to find the room empty.(我把门打开,结果发现房间是空的。)
(=i opened the door and found the room empty.)

表“令人失望的结果”用only to…;表“结果没有再”用never to…。
he worked hard only to fail.(他的努力只有导致失败。)
he accumulated an enormous sum of money only to die before long.
they parted, never to see each other again.(他们分手了,从此没有再见面。)
the good old days are passed, never to return to us again.

i wondered to hear her voice in the next room.(我因听见隔壁房间有她的声音而奇怪。)
(=i wondered because i heard her voice in the next room.)
i grieve to learn of your conduct.(我因得悉你的行为而很痛心。)
she wept to see him in that condition.(她看到他如此处境而落泪。)
i could not but laugh to hear such a funny story.(我听到如此滑稽的事情不禁大笑起来。)
he rejoiced to know that she was still alive.(他因为得悉她还活着很高兴。)
they rejoiced to know that he would come soon.(他们因为得悉他会立刻回来,都很高兴。)

he must be a fool to say so.(他说这种话,一定是个傻瓜。)
(=he must be a fool, for he says so.)
he must be rich to buy that car.(他买那部车,一定很富有吧!)
he must have studied hard to have succeeded so splendidly.
what a lucky fellow i was to have such an income.(我有如此的收入,真是个幸运儿。)
you are no gentleman to hit a lady in the face.(你打女人耳光,实非绅士之风。)

you would make a great mistake to take his bribe.
(=you would make a great mistake if you took his bribe.)
i should be happy to be of any service to you.(如果我能帮助你,我会非常高兴。)
(=if i am of any service to you, i should be happy.)
it would be difficult to find a teacher better than our former one.
(=it would be difficult if we tried to find a teacher better than our former one.)
to hear him talk, you would take him for a scholar.
(=if you heard him talk, you would take him for a scholar.)
it would take up too much time to tell you the whole story.
(=it would take up too much time if i were to tell you the whole story.)

what a fool i was to trust him!(我竟然信任他,我真是糊涂!)
=what a fool i was that i should trust him!
how stupid of you to go there!(你竟然去那里,真愚蠢!)
=how stupid of you that you should go there!
the question is difficult to answer.(这问题难以回答。)
this mushroom is good to eat.(这香菇很好吃。)
it is not fit to drink (or to be drunk)。(这不适于饮用。)[fit 之后可接主动和被动的不定式]
it is likely to rain.(天可能会下雨。)
only human beings are able to laugh.(只有人类才会笑。)
she is eager to learn to speak english.(她很想学讲英语。)
he is apt to get angry.(他容易发怒。)
i am not competent to judge.(我无法判断。)
everybody was anxious to know what had happened.(每个人都急着想知道发生了什么事情。)
i am curious to hear the story.(我很想听这个故事。)
she is dying to see him.(她想见他想得要命。)
i am willing to co-operate with you.(我愿意跟你合作。)
be sure to come at five this evening.(今天今晚五点一定要来呀。)
you are mad to go in this weather.(这样的天气你要跑去,真是疯了。)
she was lucky to escape being hurt.(她真幸运没有受伤。)
my parents will be delighted (pleased,happy,glad)to see you.

i was too tried to walk any farther.(我太疲倦不能再走远了。)
it is never too late too mend.(亡羊补牢,犹未晚也。)
nothing is too difficult to be conquered by perseverance.
the artificial flowers are too skillfully made to be distinguished from natural ones.
【注1】too ready to ~句型中的不定式是用来修饰ready的,而不是修饰too,该不定式也没有否定的意味。属于像ready这类的形容词还有apt,eager,willing,inclined,easy等,都是“很喜欢……”之义。此种用法可看成too…to的例外。
he is too ready to criticize others.(他很喜欢评论别人。)
=he is very fond of criticizing others.
she is too ready to suspect.(她疑心太重。)
=she is very fond of suspecting.

【注2】 only (or all,but,really)too=very后如接不定式时,是修饰前面的形容词,而不是修饰too,该不定式当然没有否定意味。此种用法可看成too…to的例外。
i am only too glad to see you.(见到你我非常高兴。)
=i am very glad to see you.
you are really too kind.(你真是仁慈。)
=you are very kind.
the play ended all (or but)too soon.(这场戏结束得太快。)
these grapes are too sour for eating.(这些葡萄太酸,不能吃。)
= these grapess are too sour to eat.
these grapes are too sour for being eaten.(误)
these grapes are too sour for my eating.(误)
my emotion is too great for words.(我的感动非言语所能形容。)
it is too difficult for a text-book.(这太难了,不能做教科书。)
【注4】“too…not to ~”是双重否定,意思是“非常……不会不……”。
he is too wise not to see that.(他很聪明不会不明白那一点。)
one is never too old to learn.(活到老学到老。)
it is not (yet)too late for him to go there.(他这时候到那里还不会太迟。)

【注6】can not…too~是“不嫌太过分,无论怎样……都不为过”之义。
we can not admire her beauty too much.(我们怎么赞美她的美丽都不为过。)
one can not be too faithful to one’s duties.(对职务再怎么忠实都是不过份的。)
【注7】none too =not at all too“一点也不”之意。
we were none too early for the plane.(我们刚好赶上飞机。)
②so+形容词或副词+as to~“非常……所以;如此……以致于”不定式as to~是用来修饰副词so,表前面原因的结果。
she is so young as to look quite like a child.(她很年轻,看起来像个小孩子。)
=she is so young that she looks quite a child.
he spoke so eloquently as to move us to tears.(他口才太好,使我们感动得掉下泪来。)
=he spoke so eloquently that he moved us to tears.
the mother worried so much about her son’s safety as to be unable to sleep all night.
=the mother worried so much about her son’s safety that she couldn’t sleep all night.

在such+名词+as to~句型中,such是形容词修饰后面的名词;在such as to~中,such=so great,不定式as to~用来修饰形容词such。
i am not such a fool as to believe that.(我不是一个傻瓜会相信那个。)
his progress was such as to surprise his teacher.
③enough to ~“足够可以”这一句型中的不定式是修饰副词enough表结果。
she was kind enough to lend me the money.(她仁慈借给我钱。)
you are old enough to understand what i say.(你的年纪大得应该了解我所说的。)
i don’t know him well enough to lend him the money.(我认识他还不够,不能借钱给他。)

tell 
to speak the truth
say 
to speak frankl




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