人教版高一册第二单元同步重点精讲 (新课标版高三英语下册教学论文)

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1.Joe is an American who has come to Britain for the first time.乔是一个初次来英国的美国人。
for the first time“第一次,首次”,指有生以来或一段时间中第一次做某事,为介词短语,在句中一般单独作状语。如:
They were asked to make a trip for free for the first time. 有生以来他们头一次被请求作一次免费旅行。
For the first time he said nothing about our plan.第一次他对我们的计划没有说什么。
[辨析]the first time用作连词,常引导一个时间状语从句,其重点不是要说第一次做了什么,而是叙述另一动作或情况;同时该短语也可引导一个表语从句,强调到说话时为止某一情况或动作的次数,此时其后常用完成时态。如:
The first time I met her, I knew she was an honest girl.我第一次遇到她时,就知道她是个诚实的女孩。
—Do you know our town?你了解我们的城镇吗?
—No. This is the first time I have been here.不。这是我第一次来这儿。
2.Did you sleep at all on the plane?你到底在飞机上睡了没有?
at all有下面三种常见用法:
1) 用于疑问句中,意为“究竟,果然”,起加强语气作用。如:
Do you know who will come?你到底知不知道谁要来?
2) 用于否定句中,意为“根本”,起加强语气作用。如:
I don’t like the food at all.我一定也不喜欢这食物。
3) 用于条件句中,意为“既然……就……”。如:
If you do it at all, do it well.既干就得好好地干。
I’ll come tomorrow if I come at all? 如果我要来,就明天来。
[引申]not at all 不客气(常用于回答道谢)。如:
—It’s very kind of you to help me.谢谢你帮助我。
—Not at all.不用谢(不客气)。
4.Could I use your bathroom?我能用一下你的盥洗室吗?
Could I …?用来表示委婉的请求,比“Can I …?”更客气。可用于第一、
Could I use your dictionary for a minute?我可以借你的字典用一会儿吗?
Could you post the letter for me on your way home?在你回家的路上您能替我将信寄掉吗?
[注意]回答“Could I …?”时,一般不可再用could,而应其原形can,即不能说“Yes, you could.”,而应说“Yes, you can”,类似的肯定表达法还有:Yes, of course,Yes, please或Yes, help yourself。
—Might I put the book here?我可以将书放在这儿吗?
—Yes, you may.可以。
5. You don’t need to ask, just make yourself at home.你不必问,别客气。
The radio needs repairing. = The radio needs to be repaired.收音机需要修理了。
You don’t need to go now. They’ll arrive soon.你现在不必去了。他们很快就到。
—Need I go there?我需要去吗?
—Yes, you need. (No, you needn’t.)是的。(不,不必了)。
You need not tell her the news. She has known it.你不必要告诉她这消息了。她已知道了。
6.However, the number of people who learn English as a foreign language is more than 750 million.然而,把英语作为第二外语学习的人数超过7.5亿。
However, he didn’t finish the work on time.然而,他没有准时完成工作。
the number of表示“……的数量(数目)”,后接可数名词的复数形式,作主语时,谓语动词必须用单数形式。
[辨析]a number of表示“许多,很多”,后也接可数名词的复数形式,但作主语时,谓语动词常用复数形式。a number of 相当于本单元中的a great many。number前也可用large,small等词修饰,以表示数量的多少,大小。如:
The number of the students in the hall is about 200.大厅里的学生有约200人。
A number of students are planting trees.许多学生在植树。
7.It will become more and more important to have a good knowledge of English.精通英语将会越来越重要。
have a good knowledge of 意为“具有一种很好的……知识”。
He has a good knowledge of the English language but not much knowledge of English history.他对英语有丰富的知识,但对英语史知道得却不多。
I have no knowledge of what he said.我不理解他所说的话。
Knowledge is power.知识就是力量。
8.For a long time the language in America stayed the same, while the language in England changed.很长一段时间这种语言在美国保持不变,而在英国却发生了变化。
The shop stays open until 11:00 p.m.这家商店开门到夜里十一点。
After three years, the town stays the same as before.五年过去了,小镇还是老样子。
The meeting lasted (for) three hours.会议开了三个小时。
[对比]I hope the warm weather will last for another three days. = I hope the weather will stay warm for another three days.我希望暖和的天气会再持续三天。
I’m interested in music, while my sister is fond of sports.我对音乐感兴趣,而我的姐姐爱好体育。
9.Except for these differences in spelling, written English is more or less the same in both British and American English.除了拼写上的这些区别,英国英语和美国英语在书面语中或多或少有所相同。
[辨析]except与except for
except是从一组东西(整体)中排除其特殊一个或几个(部分)。而except for则是以保留的方式对整个句子内容进行修正,此时前后两部分所表示的并非是同一类的事,它们之间常是从属关系,后面一部分常对前一部分在细节上加以。如:
Everyone went to the cinema except Tom.除汤姆外,每个人都去看电影了。
Your composition is very good except for some spelling mistakes.你的作文除几个拼写错误外,其他都很好。
Except for an old lady, the bus was empty.除了一位老太太外,公共汽车内空无一人。
Two others went to see the film besides Tom.除汤姆外,还有两个人去看电影了。
10.However, most of the time people from the two countries do not have any difficulty in understanding each other.然而,大多数时候两国人在相互理解上并无困难。
have some (much, little, no,…) difficulty (in) doing sth. / with sth.为“做某事有一些(许多,几乎没有,没有,……)困难。如:
I have no difficulty with the maths problem.解决这个数学难题我没有困难。
Do you have any difficulty in finding his house?你找到他家有困难吗?




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