语法系列复习专题三-----形容词、副词 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)

中学英语教学资源网英语论文语法专题指导 手机版

1) carry on(vi.)继续;carry out(vt.)实行;实现;执行。
例如:They carried out the plan and carried on with the work.
2) lie (lay, lain) down 躺下;lay (laid, laid) down 放下
3) in charge of 负责…,in the charge of 由…负责。
例如:I’m in charge of the class.=The class is in the charge of me.
4) be angry with/at sb. 生某人气;be angry at/about/over sth.因某事生气;
例如:Mother got angry with/at me only because I had broken a precious cup.
5) call on sb. 拜访某人;call at sp. 访问某处
drop in on sb. 顺便拜访某人;drop in at sp. 顺便拜访某处
6) knock on/at sth. 敲某物;knock into sb./sth. 撞上某人/某物。
7) by the way 顺便说;on the way (to)… 在去…的路上;in the way 以这种方式,
碍事;in sb’s way 碍某人的事
例如:By the way, would you please buy me a pen on the way to school?
If you work in the way you will be in my way.
8) deep与deeply:两词作副词用时,前者表可量度的“深”意思。后者表抽象概念
例如:They dug deep but didn’t find water./I was deeply moved.
9) be fit for = be suitable/proper for 适合于;fit(v.)(尺寸、大小)适合。
例如:The clothes fit me, and the colour is also fit for me.
10)glance at … 瞅/瞥/很快地看一眼…;glance over … 穿过… 瞅/瞥/很快看。
例如:He glanced at her shoulder. 他瞅了一下她的肩膀。
He glanced over her shoulder and found a short man following her.
11)say to oneself = think to oneself 暗自思量;talk to oneself 自言自语
12)break off (使)折断;停止说话;突然中断;停顿;break down 武力镇压;推翻;
将(门、墙等)捣毁;崩溃;分解;瓦解;出毛病;坏掉;break up 分解;驱散;
打碎;拆散 break into 闯入。
例如:Some people broke down the door and broke into his house.
They broke up the TV and something else.
When they left they broke off some trees in the gard.
13)be in love with sb.与某人相爱(延续状态);fall in love with sb.爱上某人(短
例如:They fell in love with each other three years ago and they have been in
love with each other for three years.
14)be dressed as/like … 穿得象/打扮成…;be dressed in … 穿着…。
例如:The man who is dressed in blue clothes is dressed as a worker.
15)seat vt.就座,容纳;sit vi.坐
例如:He is seated in the room.=He sits/is sitting in the room.
The cinema can seat 500 people.
16)work on 从事于;忙于;work out 做出,解出。
例如:They are working on the maths problems and have worked out nearly half.
17)believe 相信(某人的话);believe in 信赖;信任。
例如:Though I believe what he said just now, I can’t believe him.
18)share与share in:两词都可表“分享”意,但share还可表“合用”、“共用”意。
例如:We should share (in) both happiness and sorrow.
I wouldn’t like to share the bed with you. 我不愿与你合睡一张床。
19)many与many a:两词都表“许多”意。但many后跟复数名词,复数谓语;many a
例如:Many students are writing now.=Many a student is writing now.
20)more than 多于;不仅;not more than 不超过;no more than 不过;仅仅。
例如:Winter sleep is more than sleep. 冬眠不仅仅是睡觉。
She is not more than thirty. 她不超过三十岁。
She is no more than thirty.=She is only thirty. 她只不过三十岁。
21)by surprise, in surprise与to one’s surprise:by surprise用于take … by
surprise 出乎…意料;对…突然袭击。
例如:He took me by surprise when he suddenly appeared at the door.
in surprise 惊讶地。
例如:He looked at me in surprise. 他惊讶地看着我。
to one’s surprise 使某人惊讶的是。
例如:To my surprise he got full marks in the physics test.
22)astonish=surprise 使吃惊;使惊讶;shock 使震惊;使震动;使电击。
例如:It astonished/surprised us that he didn’t go to work this morning.
The news that all the boats had sunk in the storm shocked us.
23)raise与rise:raise vt.升起;举起;提高;饲养;rise vi.上升;升高;升起。
例如:They climbed up onto the top of the ship to raise themselves so as to watch
the sun which was rising in the east.
The workers wanted to have their pay raised.
24)take care与look out:两个短语都有“小心”、“当心”意。take care既可单独
使用,也可跟宾语从句或不定式;look out只能单独使用,若表“挑选”意,可
25)die of与die from:都表“死于…”意。die of后跟表“内因”的死因,如:hunger,
anger, brief(忧伤);die from后跟表“外因”的死因,如:flood, lock of water,
chest wound;具体病名,如:cancer, stomachache等则可用于两短语之后。
26)put out 熄灭/扑灭(火等);关掉(灯、煤气)等;put down 放下;平定/镇压(起义、
27)live on 以…为生/为主食;live in 住在…;live by (doing …)靠(做某事)维
28)think about 考虑;think of 考虑;想出;思念;think over 仔细考虑;think up
29)try on 试穿;try out 试…能力;试用(某人,某物)
30)make of 由…制成(成品中见不到原料模样);make from 由…制成(成品中见不到
原料模样);make up of 由…构成;由…组成;make out of 由…制出;由…改制
31)keep off 离开;勿接触;keep … out 将…阴挡在外
32)a number of … 许多/一些…;the number of … …的数目
33)hand out 分发;hand in 上交;hand to 交给;递给
34)fall to pieces 跨台;崩溃;倒塌;解体;fall into ruins 成为废墟
1)回答道谢语或道歉语可说“That’s all right.”“That’s OK.”(意“不用谢”,“没
关系”。)但不能说“All right.”“OK.”
2)回答“Would/Do you mind doing sth.”问句,表“不介意”多说“(No).not at all/not
in the least.”“Of course not.”“Certainly not.”而不要误说“Yes.”“Yes,
please.”“all right.”“Never mind.”要表达“介意”时,宜采用委婉方式,如:
“Sorry, you’d better not.”
3)别人赞扬你时,不要说“No, no, (don’t say so.),”通常说“Thank you.”
“Yes, thank you.”表示“不同意”多说“Thank you/That’s very kind of you, but…
(引出拒绝原因)”或“No, thank you all the same/just the same.”
(1)多数情况两者可以互换。例如:Seeing is believing. = To see is to believe.
Talking is easy and doing is difficult. = To talk is easy and to do is
It took him two hours to finish the work.
To be a scientist is his desire(愿望).
Getting up early is a good habit.
(1)有些动词跟不定式、动名词作宾语皆可,意义也差不多,主要有:begin, start,
continue, love, prefer等。
(2)有些动词后只跟不定式作宾语,主要有:wish, hope, expect, demand, refuse,
(3)有些动词后只能跟动名词作宾语,已学过的这类词有:finish, imagine, insist on,
enjoy, escape, consider, can’t help, admit, avoid, mind, miss, practise, put
off (延迟)=delay, suggest.
(4)有些动词后跟不定式、动名词意义有明显差别,主要有:forget, remember, regret,
stop, mean, try, want, need, require, go on
A. forget to do sth. 忘记要做某事
forget doing sth.忘记做过某事=forget having done sth. = forget to have
done sth.
B. remember to do sth. 记住要做某事 remember doing sth. 记住做过某事
C. regret to do sth. 遗憾(要)做某事 regret doing sth. 懊悔做了某事
D. stop to do sth. 停下(原事)去某事(不定式作目的状语)
stop doing sth. 停止做某事
E. mean to do sth. 决意/打算做某事 mean doing sth. 意味/表明做某事
F. try to do sth. 努力/设法去做某事
try doing sth. 试图/尝试用某一方法做某事
G. want/need/require to do sth. 要/想做某事
want/need/require doing. 需要/想要被…
H. go on to do sth. 继续做不同的事 go on doing sth. 继续做相同的事
(1)现在分词完成式表示一个先于句子谓语的动作。例如:Having finished his
homework, he went out for a walk.(完成作业在先,出去散步在后) Having been
rebuilt this way, these temples look even more beautiful. (重建在先,显得
(2)现在分词完成主动式或完成被动式都不能作定语。例如:The girl who has passed
the maths test looks very happy. (句中划线部分不能改为having passed the
test)The sentence made by him is very long.(made 不可改为 having been made)
Standing on top of the tall building, we could see the whole city.(正)
(Standing=When we stood)
Standing on top of the tall building, the whole city could be seen.(误)
Having found the cause, they continued the experiment.(正)(Having
found=After/When they had found)
Having found the cause, the experiment continued. (误)
He saw the old man knocked down by the car.(knocked down 不可改为being
knocked down或having being knocked down) Do you like the dictionary bought
by Zhang Ming?(bought不可改为being bought或having been bought)
状语:Disturbed by the noise,we had to finish the meeting early.
定语:Large boards can be used for printed posters.
表语:The supermarket is crowded with shoppers.
宾补:We must get the work finished today.

Do you see the hospital
你看见了那边那个 医院吗?

The continent connected with Asia at the Suez Canal is Africa.
Being led ( = Led ) by the Party, the Chinese people have won great
The soldiers lay on the ground,covered with nothing.
般被动式或完成被动式。例如:Built in 1192,the bridge was very useful.
Discussed(=Having been discussed)many times,the problem was settled at
Not having been invited,she had to stay at home.
补。例如:I’ll have my hair cut.(cut不能改为being cut或be cut)
He got his watch repaired.(repaired不能改为being repaired或to be repaired)
The speaker couldn’t make himself heard.(一般不说being heard)
He wanted his house painted.(一般不说being painted)
(1)引导主语从句,且在句首时。例:Whether he has won the tennis is not known.(但
It is not known whether/ if he has won the tennis.)
(2)引导表语从句时。例:The problem is whether he can get a job.
(3)引导同位语从句时。例:I have no idea whether he will come .
(4)词后的whether从句 。例:I worry about whether I hurt her feelings.
例如:That he got the first place in the competition surprised all of us.
<3>在“It is suggested / proposed /ordered /a pity /no wonder /necessary /
strange / …+that从句”结构中,that从句谓语有时用( should )do这样的
例如:It is suggested that we (should)improve the relations between us.
It is a pity that one (should )stay in one place all one’s life.
It is strange that she should have failed to see her own shortcomings(缺点).
<4>在“The reason why …is that …”句式中that不要误用because.
例如:The reason why he didn’t go to school yesterday is that he was ill.
<5>名词从句中that, what用法比较:
引导名词从句的that是连词,在句中无成份,无意义,而what是连接代词,what =
the thing(s) that.
例如:It was told in yesterday’s newspaper that what the students had done was
praised by the factory.
5)情态动词+have done
<1>must have done 表示“肯定做过”之意。如:
The ground is wet. It must have rained last night.
<2>should/ought to have done 表示“本应该做”之意。
should not/ought not to have done 表“本不应该做”意,是一种责备口吻。
例如:You are late again. You should have come earlier.
You ought not to have told him about it, because it was a secret.
<3>need not have done 表示“本没有必要做”之意。如:
You needn’t have waited for him because he said he would not come.
比较:You needn’t wait for him because he won’t come.
<4>may/might(not)have done 表示“可能(没)做了”之意。
例:He may not have finished the work. She might have had an accident.
<5>could/might have done 表“本来能够(可以)做…而没有做”意,含责备和婉转批
如:You could have finished the work before you went home.
You might have given him some help though you were busy.
<6>can’t/couldn’t have done 表“肯定没做”意。是must have done的否定式(不
说mustn’t have done)
例如:I saw him just now, he can’t have gone to Shanghai.
He stayed at home yesterday. he couldn’t have been hit by a car.
<7>will have done 表“肯定已经做了”意。
例如:You will have heard the news last night. 昨晚你肯定听到这个消息了。
He will have got home by now. 现在他该到家了。

5. 纠正几个陈旧错误语言观点:
1)at the end 不能单独使用,必须与of连用。
3)It’s no use/good/help后只跟动名词,不能跟不定式
4)虚拟语气中be只用were, 不用
5)key to the door, entrance to the hall这类短语中的to不能改为of
6)any other后只能跟单数名词
7)只能说who else’s, 不能说whose else
8)只能说hit sb. on/in the部位,不能说hit sb’s部位
1.What ______, if he ______ about it?
A. will happen;was told B. would happen;were told
C. will happen;were told D. would happen;is told
2.Her expression suggested that she ____ very angry.
A. should be B. be C. was D. being
3. The scientist devoted all his life ____ a new kind of machine.
A. to invent B. to discovering C. to discover D. to inventing
4. Is this dam ____ the students of that school visited last week?
A. the one B. that C. where D. which
5. The singer _____ I have always admired ____ her sweet voice is Yang Liyin.
A. whom;不填 B. that;for C. who;不填 D. that;不填
6.The ship with 2000 passengers on it is heading _____ Shanghai.
A. the south toward B. south on
C. south toward D. the south for
7. _____ he was made League secretary excited his parents.
A. That B. What C. Because D. Which
8. It is suggested that a study plan _____ today.
A. should make B. will be made C. be made D. would be made
9. I have no idea ____ he will join us.
A. if B. whether C. as D. unless
10.- Which would you rather have, tea or coffee? - _______.
A. Yes, both B. Yes, please C. Sure, I would D. Neither, thank you
11.Little _____ about his own health though he was very ill.
A. he cares B. does he care C. did he care D. he cared
12.We don’t doubt ____ she’ll win the tennis game this afternoon.
A. whether B. that C. if D. what
13.You ____ the good news on TV last night.
A. have heard B. hear C. will have heard D. had heard
14.She looked _____ his shoulder to see if someone was following her.
A. through B. over C. at D. on
15.Are the students busy _____ their coming examinations?
A. with preparing for B. preparing
C. preparing for D. in preparing
16.- _______? - Yes, I can’t sleep well.
A. What can I do for you B. Can I help you
C. How can I help you D. Hello
17.He acted ____ nothing _____.
A. as if;had happened B. as though;has happened
C. as if;were happened D. as though;happens
18._____ of the news, she got ____.
A. When told;excited B. When told;exciting
C. When she was told;excited D. A or C
19.The gymnastics that the girls competed ____ was rather difficult.
A. in B. 不填 C. on D. to
20.When you touch the ice, it ____ very cold.
A. is felt B. feels C. is feeling D. must be felt
21.- Can you do a bit fit the plan?
- Sorry, I’ve no time ____ and I can’t ____ the cost of it.
A. spare;share B. to spare;share C. share;spare D. to share;spare
22.He seldom goes there, _____?
A. does he B. Doesn’t he C. Isn’t he D. is he
23.Since you wouldn’t like to take part in the party, ____ do you feel like ___?
A. what;doing B. what;to do C. how;to do D. how;doing
24.This is ____ coldest day, but it is not ____ coldest day here.
A. a;the B. a;a C. the;the D. the;a
25.- ____ she turn to you for some help?
- Yes, with pleasure.
A. Would B. Must C. Shall D. Will
26.It is difficult to ____ a conversation with someone who only says“Yes”and
A. carry out B. give away C. go on D. keep up
27.The lady often sits by the window, _____ thought.
A. of deep B. losing in C. deeply in D. deep in
28.You needn’t have returned him double ____ you borrowed from him.
A. which B. all what C. what D. that
29.- She looks old ____ her age. - Yes, she has suffered a lot.
A. for B. with C. of D. than
30.His great progress is connected ____ his always making good _____ of time.
A. with;help B. to;use C. for;help D. with;use
1) carry on(vi.)继续;carry out(vt.)实行;实现;执行。
例如:They carried out the plan and carried on with the work.
2) lie (lay, lain) down 躺下;lay (laid, laid) down 放下
3) in charge of 负责…,in the charge of 由…负责。
例如:I’m in charge of the class.=The class is in the charge of me.
4) be angry with/at sb. 生某人气;be angry at/about/over sth.因某事生气;
例如:Mother got angry with/at me only because I had broken a precious cup.
5) call on sb. 拜访某人;call at sp. 访问某处
drop in on sb. 顺便拜访某人;drop in at sp. 顺便拜访某处
6) knock on/at sth. 敲某物;knock into sb./sth. 撞上某人/某物。
7) by the way 顺便说;on the way (to)… 在去…的路上;in the way 以这种方式,
碍事;in sb’s way 碍某人的事
例如:By the way, would you please buy me a pen on the way to school?
If you work in the way you will be in my way.
8) deep与deeply:两词作副词用时,前者表可量度的“深”意思。后者表抽象概念
例如:They dug deep but didn’t find water./I was deeply moved.
9) be fit for = be suitable/proper for 适合于;fit(v.)(尺寸、大小)适合。
例如:The clothes fit me, and the colour is also fit for me.
10)glance at … 瞅/瞥/很快地看一眼…;glance over … 穿过… 瞅/瞥/很快看。
例如:He glanced at her shoulder. 他瞅了一下她的肩膀。
He glanced over her shoulder and found a short man following her.
11)say to oneself = think to oneself 暗自思量;talk to oneself 自言自语
12)break off (使)折断;停止说话;突然中断;停顿;break down 武力镇压;推翻;
将(门、墙等)捣毁;崩溃;分解;瓦解;出毛病;坏掉;break up 分解;驱散;
打碎;拆散 break into 闯入。
例如:Some people broke down the door and broke into his house.
They broke up the TV and something else.
When they left they broke off some trees in the gard.
13)be in love with sb.与某人相爱(延续状态);fall in love with sb.爱上某人(短
例如:They fell in love with each other three years ago and they have been in
love with each other for three years.
14)be dressed as/like … 穿得象/打扮成…;be dressed in … 穿着…。
例如:The man who is dressed in blue clothes is dressed as a worker.
15)seat vt.就座,容纳;sit vi.坐
例如:He is seated in the room.=He sits/is sitting in the room.
The cinema can seat 500 people.
16)work on 从事于;忙于;work out 做出,解出。
例如:They are working on the maths problems and have worked out nearly half.
17)believe 相信(某人的话);believe in 信赖;信任。
例如:Though I believe what he said just now, I can’t believe him.
18)share与share in:两词都可表“分享”意,但share还可表“合用”、“共用”意。
例如:We should share (in) both happiness and sorrow.
I wouldn’t like to share the bed with you. 我不愿与你合睡一张床。
19)many与many a:两词都表“许多”意。但many后跟复数名词,复数谓语;many a
例如:Many students are writing now.=Many a student is writing now.
20)more than 多于;不仅;not more than 不超过;no more than 不过;仅仅。
例如:Winter sleep is more than sleep. 冬眠不仅仅是睡觉。
She is not more than thirty. 她不超过三十岁。
She is no more than thirty.=She is only thirty. 她只不过三十岁。
21)by surprise, in surprise与to one’s surprise:by surprise用于take … by
surprise 出乎…意料;对…突然袭击。
例如:He took me by surprise when he suddenly appeared at the door.
in surprise 惊讶地。
例如:He looked at me in surprise. 他惊讶地看着我。
to one’s surprise 使某人惊讶的是。
例如:To my surprise he got full marks in the physics test.
22)astonish=surprise 使吃惊;使惊讶;shock 使震惊;使震动;使电击。
例如:It astonished/surprised us that he didn’t go to work this morning.
The news that all the boats had sunk in the storm shocked us.
23)raise与rise:raise vt.升起;举起;提高;饲养;rise vi.上升;升高;升起。
例如:They climbed up onto the top of the ship to raise themselves so as to watch
the sun which was rising in the east.
The workers wanted to have their pay raised.
24)take care与look out:两个短语都有“小心”、“当心”意。take care既可单独
使用,也可跟宾语从句或不定式;look out只能单独使用,若表“挑选”意,可
25)die of与die from:都表“死于…”意。die of后跟表“内因”的死因,如:hunger,
anger, brief(忧伤);die from后跟表“外因”的死因,如:flood, lock of water,
chest wound;具体病名,如:cancer, stomachache等则可用于两短语之后。
26)put out 熄灭/扑灭(火等);关掉(灯、煤气)等;put down 放下;平定/镇压(起义、
27)live on 以…为生/为主食;live in 住在…;live by (doing …)靠(做某事)维
28)think about 考虑;think of 考虑;想出;思念;think over 仔细考虑;think up
29)try on 试穿;try out 试…能力;试用(某人,某物)
30)make of 由…制成(成品中见不到原料模样);make from 由…制成(成品中见不到
原料模样);make up of 由…构成;由…组成;make out of 由…制出;由…改制
31)keep off 离开;勿接触;keep … out 将…阴挡在外
32)a number of … 许多/一些…;the number of … …的数目
33)hand out 分发;hand in 上交;hand to 交给;递给
34)fall to pieces 跨台;崩溃;倒塌;解体;fall into ruins 成为废墟
1)回答道谢语或道歉语可说“That’s all right.”“That’s OK.”(意“不用谢”,“没
关系”。)但不能说“All right.”“OK.”
2)回答“Would/Do you mind doing sth.”问句,表“不介意”多说“(No).not at all/not
in the least.”“Of course not.”“Certainly not.”而不要误说“Yes.”“Yes,
please.”“all right.”“Never mind.”要表达“介意”时,宜采用委婉方式,如:
“Sorry, you’d better not.”
3)别人赞扬你时,不要说“No, no, (don’t say so.),”通常说“Thank you.”
“Yes, thank you.”表示“不同意”多说“Thank you/That’s very kind of you, but…
(引出拒绝原因)”或“No, thank you all the same/just the same.”
(1)多数情况两者可以互换。例如:Seeing is believing. = To see is to believe.
Talking is easy and doing is difficult. = To talk is easy and to do is
It took him two hours to finish the work.
To be a scientist is his desire(愿望).
Getting up early is a good habit.
(1)有些动词跟不定式、动名词作宾语皆可,意义也差不多,主要有:begin, start,
continue, love, prefer等。
(2)有些动词后只跟不定式作宾语,主要有:wish, hope, expect, demand, refuse,
(3)有些动词后只能跟动名词作宾语,已学过的这类词有:finish, imagine, insist on,
enjoy, escape, consider, can’t help, admit, avoid, mind, miss, practise, put
off (延迟)=delay, suggest.
(4)有些动词后跟不定式、动名词意义有明显差别,主要有:forget, remember, regret,
stop, mean, try, want, need, require, go on
A. forget to do sth. 忘记要做某事
forget doing sth.忘记做过某事=forget having done sth. = forget to have
done sth.
B. remember to do sth. 记住要做某事 remember doing sth. 记住做过某事
C. regret to do sth. 遗憾(要)做某事 regret doing sth. 懊悔做了某事
D. stop to do sth. 停下(原事)去某事(不定式作目的状语)
stop doing sth. 停止做某事
E. mean to do sth. 决意/打算做某事 mean doing sth. 意味/表明做某事
F. try to do sth. 努力/设法去做某事
try doing sth. 试图/尝试用某一方法做某事
G. want/need/require to do sth. 要/想做某事
want/need/require doing. 需要/想要被…
H. go on to do sth. 继续做不同的事 go on doing sth. 继续做相同的事
(1)现在分词完成式表示一个先于句子谓语的动作。例如:Having finished his
homework, he went out for a walk.(完成作业在先,出去散步在后) Having been
rebuilt this way, these temples look even more beautiful. (重建在先,显得
(2)现在分词完成主动式或完成被动式都不能作定语。例如:The girl who has passed
the maths test looks very happy. (句中划线部分不能改为having passed the
test)The sentence made by him is very long.(made 不可改为 having been made)
Standing on top of the tall building, we could see the whole city.(正)
(Standing=When we stood)
Standing on top of the tall building, the whole city could be seen.(误)
Having found the cause, they continued the experiment.(正)(Having
found=After/When they had found)
Having found the cause, the experiment continued. (误)
He saw the old man knocked down by the car.(knocked down 不可改为being
knocked down或having being knocked down) Do you like the dictionary bought
by Zhang Ming?(bought不可改为being bought或having been bought)
状语:Disturbed by the noise,we had to finish the meeting early.
定语:Large boards can be used for printed posters.
表语:The supermarket is crowded with shoppers.
宾补:We must get the work finished today.

Do you see the hospital
你看见了那边那个 医院吗?

The continent connected with Asia at the Suez Canal is Africa.
Being led ( = Led ) by the Party, the Chinese people have won great
The soldiers lay on the ground,covered with nothing.
般被动式或完成被动式。例如:Built in 1192,the bridge was very useful.
Discussed(=Having been discussed)many times,the problem was settled at
Not having been invited,she had to stay at home.
补。例如:I’ll have my hair cut.(cut不能改为being cut或be cut)
He got his watch repaired.(repaired不能改为being repaired或to be repaired)
The speaker couldn’t make himself heard.(一般不说being heard)
He wanted his house painted.(一般不说being painted)
(1)引导主语从句,且在句首时。例:Whether he has won the tennis is not known.(但
It is not known whether/ if he has won the tennis.)
(2)引导表语从句时。例:The problem is whether he can get a job.
(3)引导同位语从句时。例:I have no idea whether he will come .
(4)词后的whether从句 。例:I worry about whether I hurt her feelings.
例如:That he got the first place in the competition surprised all of us.
<3>在“It is suggested / proposed /ordered /a pity /no wonder /necessary /
strange / …+that从句”结构中,that从句谓语有时用( should )do这样的
例如:It is suggested that we (should)improve the relations between us.
It is a pity that one (should )stay in one place all one’s life.
It is strange that she should have failed to see her own shortcomings(缺点).
<4>在“The reason why …is that …”句式中that不要误用because.
例如:The reason why he didn’t go to school yesterday is that he was ill.
<5>名词从句中that, what用法比较:
引导名词从句的that是连词,在句中无成份,无意义,而what是连接代词,what =
the thing(s) that.
例如:It was told in yesterday’s newspaper that what the students had done was
praised by the factory.
5)情态动词+have done
<1>must have done 表示“肯定做过”之意。如:
The ground is wet. It must have rained last night.
<2>should/ought to have done 表示“本应该做”之意。
should not/ought not to have done 表“本不应该做”意,是一种责备口吻。
例如:You are late again. You should have come earlier.
You ought not to have told him about it, because it was a secret.
<3>need not have done 表示“本没有必要做”之意。如:
You needn’t have waited for him because he said he would not come.
比较:You needn’t wait for him because he won’t come.
<4>may/might(not)have done 表示“可能(没)做了”之意。
例:He may not have finished the work. She might have had an accident.
<5>could/might have done 表“本来能够(可以)做…而没有做”意,含责备和婉转批
如:You could have finished the work before you went home.
You might have given him some help though you were busy.
<6>can’t/couldn’t have done 表“肯定没做”意。是must have done的否定式(不
说mustn’t have done)
例如:I saw him just now, he can’t have gone to Shanghai.
He stayed at home yesterday. he couldn’t have been hit by a car.
<7>will have done 表“肯定已经做了”意。
例如:You will have heard the news last night. 昨晚你肯定听到这个消息了。
He will have got home by now. 现在他该到家了。

5. 纠正几个陈旧错误语言观点:
1)at the end 不能单独使用,必须与of连用。
3)It’s no use/good/help后只跟动名词,不能跟不定式
4)虚拟语气中be只用were, 不用
5)key to the door, entrance to the hall这类短语中的to不能改为of
6)any other后只能跟单数名词
7)只能说who else’s, 不能说whose else
8)只能说hit sb. on/in the部位,不能说hit sb’s部位
1.What ______, if he ______ about it?
A. will happen;was told B. would happen;were told
C. will happen;were told D. would happen;is told
2.Her expression suggested that she ____ very angry.
A. should be B. be C. was D. being
3. The scientist devoted all his life ____ a new kind of machine.
A. to invent B. to discovering C. to discover D. to inventing
4. Is this dam ____ the students of that school visited last week?
A. the one B. that C. where D. which
5. The singer _____ I have always admired ____ her sweet voice is Yang Liyin.
A. whom;不填 B. that;for C. who;不填 D. that;不填
6.The ship with 2000 passengers on it is heading _____ Shanghai.
A. the south toward B. south on
C. south toward D. the south for
7. _____ he was made League secretary excited his parents.
A. That B. What C. Because D. Which
8. It is suggested that a study plan _____ today.
A. should make B. will be made C. be made D. would be made
9. I have no idea ____ he will join us.
A. if B. whether C. as D. unless
10.- Which would you rather have, tea or coffee? - _______.
A. Yes, both B. Yes, please C. Sure, I would D. Neither, thank you
11.Little _____ about his own health though he was very ill.
A. he cares B. does he care C. did he care D. he cared
12.We don’t doubt ____ she’ll win the tennis game this afternoon.
A. whether B. that C. if D. what
13.You ____ the good news on TV last night.
A. have heard B. hear C. will have heard D. had heard
14.She looked _____ his shoulder to see if someone was following her.
A. through B. over C. at D. on
15.Are the students busy _____ their coming examinations?
A. with preparing for B. preparing
C. preparing for D. in preparing
16.- _______? - Yes, I can’t sleep well.
A. What can I do for you B. Can I help you
C. How can I help you D. Hello
17.He acted ____ nothing _____.
A. as if;had happened B. as though;has happened
C. as if;were happened D. as though;happens
18._____ of the news, she got ____.
A. When told;excited B. When told;exciting
C. When she was told;excited D. A or C
19.The gymnastics that the girls competed ____ was rather difficult.
A. in B. 不填 C. on D. to
20.When you touch the ice, it ____ very cold.
A. is felt B. feels C. is feeling D. must be felt
21.- Can you do a bit fit the plan?
- Sorry, I’ve no time ____ and I can’t ____ the cost of it.
A. spare;share B. to spare;share C. share;spare D. to share;spare
22.He seldom goes there, _____?
A. does he B. Doesn’t he C. Isn’t he D. is he
23.Since you wouldn’t like to take part in the party, ____ do you feel like ___?
A. what;doing B. what;to do C. how;to do D. how;doing
24.This is ____ coldest day, but it is not ____ coldest day here.
A. a;the B. a;a C. the;the D. the;a
25.- ____ she turn to you for some help?
- Yes, with pleasure.
A. Would B. Must C. Shall D. Will
26.It is difficult to ____ a conversation with someone who only says“Yes”and
A. carry out B. give away C. go on D. keep up
27.The lady often sits by the window, _____ thought.
A. of deep B. losing in C. deeply in D. deep in
28.You needn’t have returned him double ____ you borrowed from him.
A. which B. all what C. what D. that
29.- She looks old ____ her age. - Yes, she has suffered a lot.
A. for B. with C. of D. than
30.His great progress is connected ____ his always making good _____ of time.
A. with;help B. to;use C. for;help D. with;use




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