初三英语总复习语法归纳 (人教版九年级英语下册教学论文)

中学英语教学资源网英语论文语法专题指导 手机版


一. 名词
1. 可数名词
有单数与复数的区别,表示一个用单数,两个以上用复数,名词的复数形式是在单数名词后加-s或-es构成。如:a book一本书, three apples三个苹果.
1). 名词变复数的规则:
(1). 直接加-s 如: tree-trees树, desk-desks桌
(2). 以f-fe 结尾的词,改F为v+ es : f/knife-knives刀, leaf-leaves 树叶,
thief-thieves小偷, himself/herself/itself-themselves, life-lives生命
(3). 以辅音字母+ y结尾的,改y为i再加es : Country-countries 国家、乡村, city-cities城市,
(4). 以s,x, ch, sh, 结尾的加es. Bus-buses, box-boxes, watch-watches手表, brush-brushes刷子
(5). Hero-heroes英雄, Negro-negroes黑人 , potato-potatoes马岭薯, tomato-tomatoes西红柿.( 中学阶段除这几个单词外,任何一个以O结尾的单词变复数都+ S 如: radios ,photos
2). 名词复数的不规则形式有:
foot-feet脚, tooth-teeth牙齿, man-men男人, woman-women女人, child-children孩子们, deer-deer鹿, sheep-sheep绵羊, fish-fish鱼, Chinese-Chinese中国人, Japanese-Japanese日本人, ox-oxen公牛, Englishman-Englishmen英国人, Frenchman-Frenchmen法国人 , mouse-mice老鼠 policeman ---policemen 注意: German –Germans(德国人)
2. 不可数名词
单位+of+不可数名词(原形),如:a cup of tea一杯茶, five pieces of paper五张纸, six glasses of water六杯水
注:常见的不可数名词有:bread面包, news新闻, information信息, weather天气, newspaper报纸, work工作, homework家庭作业, housework家务, Chinese/Japanese汉语、日语等语言,fish鱼肉,meat肉, chicken鸡肉,water水,milk牛奶.
3). 名词的所有格:
The children’s house is near Tom’s.这些孩子们的家靠近汤姆的家。
(1).凡是不以s结尾的名词加’s : the boy’s bag这男孩的包, Mike’s knife迈克的小刀, the Children’s Palace少年宫, men’s room男厕所
(2).若名词已有s结尾,只加 ’ ::the Teachers’ Day教师节 , the workers’ struggle工人的斗争, ten minutes’ walk十分钟的路程.
It’s about two hours’walk from here to my hometown.从这到我的家乡大约是两个小时的路程。
(3). 表示几个人共有一样东西,在最后一个人的名字后加’s, 若表示各自所有,则须在各名字后加’s, 如:
This is Tom and Mike’s room.。 这是汤姆和迈克共用的房间。(只有一间房)
These are Tom’s and Mike’s rooms. 这些是汤姆和迈克各自的房间。(共有两间房,每人各自一间)
如:the windows of the house 房间的窗户
the title of the song 歌的题目
the map of China 中国的地图
the girl’s name=the name of the girl (’s可省去) 女孩的名字
my father’s friend=the friend of my father’s (’s也可省去) 我父亲的朋友
Beijing’s street 北京的街道
today’s newspaper 今天的报纸
ten minutes’ walk 十分钟的路程
代词: 我 我们 你 你们 他 她 它 他们
主格 I we you you he she it they
宾格 me us you you him her it them
反身代词 myself ourselves yourself yourselves himself herself itself themselves
形容词性物主代词my our your your his her its their
名词性物主代词 mine ours yours yours his hers its theirs
(mine=my+名词 ours=our+名词 ---------判断依据是后面是否有名词,如有名词,要用my,our,your等形容词性的物主代词;若没名词,则用mine, ours, hers等名词性物主代词。)
如:1). I know her.
主格 宾格
2).-- Is this your pen ?这是你的笔吗?
--No, it isn’t mine . It is hers. 不,这不是我的(笔),这是她的(笔)。
3).This is our classroom .Theirs is over there.这是我们的课室,他们的(课室)在那边。
4)。We must do our homework by ourselves. 我们必须独立完成作业。
1)。One(一个)与ones(pl.) 代替前面出现的东西。
I have an old bike , but he has a new one.我有一辆旧自行车,他有辆新的。
I like small cars better than large ones ,and this one is my favourite. 我喜欢小汽车,不喜欢大汽车,而这辆是我最喜欢的。
2)。修饰可数名词的:many很多, a few几个,一些, few几乎没有
修饰不可数名词的 : much很多, a little一些,, little几乎没有
如:(1) Many people can live to 80 years old , only a few people can live to 100 years old, but few people can live to 150 years old. 很多人能活到80岁,只有少数一些能活到100岁,但几乎没有人能活到150岁。
(2).There is little time left ,let’s hurry up.几乎没时间了,我们要快点。
(3). There is a little time left , you needn’t hurry.还有一点时间,你不用着急。
(4). —Can you speak Japanese? 你会说日语吗
---No,I know little Japanese.不,我几乎不懂日语。
(---Yes ,I can speak a little . 会,我会说一点。)
3)。Some 与any“一些” 都可以修饰可数名词的单数、复数或不可数名词,。如:some water, some books.
Some 用于肯定句中或邀请、请求、希望得到对方肯定回答的疑问句中。
(1) I have some story books.(肯定句)我有一些故事书。
(2) Can you give me some paper ?( 希望得到对方肯定回答的疑问句)你能给我一些纸吗?
Any 一般用于否定句、疑问句和条件句中。如:
(1) I don’t have any money.( 否定句) 我没有钱。
(2) Do you have any questions?( 疑问句 ) 你有问题吗?
(3) You can ask me if you have any questions.( 条件句) 如果你有问题,可以问我。
4)。Some-, any-, no- 与 -thing,-body,-one 构成合成词的用法与 some, any一样。但something ,anything ,nothing三者跟形容词时,形容词要放在他们后面。如;
(1) I have something important to tell you. 我有重要的事告诉你
(2) I don’t know anything about it.(I know nothing about it .)关于这件事,我什么也不知道。
(3) Anybody can do it.任何人都可以做这件事。
5)。Other , another , the other, others, the others.
(1). Other+名词复数=others “别的 some…others 一些。。。 另一些
Yesterday some students went to play basketball, others stayed in the classroom.(=other students) 昨天一些学生去打蓝球,还有一些留在课室。
(2) . another “另一个,别的”。泛指众多中的一个,后接单数名词,前面不加the
This book is too difficult for me .will you please give me another one( =another book)? 这本书对我来说太难了,请给另一本好吗?
(3). the other 表示两个当中另的一个,常与one连用。one …the other
I have two pens, one is red , (and ) the other is blue.我有两支笔,一支是红色的,另一支是绿色的。
(4)the others=the other+名词复数 “其余的全部”。相当于the rest
some … the others 一些。。。其余的 (剩下的)
There are forty students in my class, twenty-one are girls, the others(the other students) are boys. 我班有40人,21个是女生,其余的全是男生。
6).all , both
all “所有的”(三者以上)如:All of them go to the movie.他们都去看电影。
both “两者都”Both of my parents are healthy.我的双亲身体都健康。
1.and “和,而且”表顺接。
1). He got up and put on his coat.他起床然后穿衣服。
2). Use your head , and you will have an idea.动动脑筋,你就会有主意了。
2. or “否则,或者”
1). Hurry up, or you will miss the bus.快点,否则你会赶不上汽车的。
2). Tom or I am right.我或者是汤姆是对的。
3. but “(虽然)。。。但是 ”不能与though /although连用,只可单独使用。
1). She is ill, but she still goes to school. (虽然)她病了,但是仍坚持上学。
2). Marry likes violin, but Tom doesn’t.玛利喜欢小提琴,但汤姆不喜欢。
4. so “ 所以 ” 不能与because连用,只可单独使用
It began to rain , so I had to stay here.开始下雨了,所以我只好留在这里。
5. for(= because)“因为”只可单独使用
I soon went to sleep ,for(because) I was tired. 我很快就睡着了,因为我累了。
6. both… and …“和,既。。。也。。。” (与not连用表部分否定)
1). He can play both the violin and the piano.他即会拉小提琴又会弹钢琴。
7. either…or “或者。。。或者。。。,不是。。。就是”(与not连用表全否定)。
注意: 谓语 用is 还是 are , do 还是does ?关键看它最近的主语是单数还是复数。
1).Either you or he is right. 不是你就是他是对的。
2).I don’t want to visit either Tianjing or shanghai. 天津和上海我都不想参观。(全否定)
8. neither-------nor “既不---------也不”(本身是否定句,不可与not等否定词连用)
注意: 谓语 用is 还是 are , do 还是does ?关键看它最近的主语是单数还是复数。
1). Neither Peter nor his parents like playing football .
2).I can speak neither Japanese nor French .日语和法语我都不会说。
3). I can’t speak neither Japanese nor French。(错)
9. not only …but also…“不但。。。而且”
Jane is not only beautiful but also kind.简不但漂亮,而且人非常好。
{ 注意:当 either…or , neither…nor , not only …but also 连接两个主语时,谓语动词要遵循“就近的原则”。即: 谓语 用is 还是 are , do 还是does ?关键看它最近的主语是单数还是复数。
例如: Not only Tom but also I am a student of Grade Three.
Not only I but also Tom is a student of Grade Three.
10. as well as = not only …but also…:“不但。。。而且” (注意翻译)
Jane is beautiful as well as kind. 简不但为人好,而且人也漂亮。
11. so…(adj.)that…can’t …= too…(adj.)to+(do) “太。。。以至(不能)。。。”
He is so old that he can’t work.=He is too old to work.他太老了,不能工作。
12. if 如果(条件状语从句用一般时表示将来意思)
If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, I’ll go to the park.如果明天不下雨,我就会去公园。
13.though /although “虽然。。。(但是)”,单独使用。
Though I was tired, I still worked hard. 虽然我很累,但是我仍然努力工作。
14. but “(虽然)。。。但是”,单独使用。
I was hungry, but I have nothing to eat. 我很饿,但没东西吃。
You will be late for school unless you hurry up.除非你快点,不然你会迟到的。

四.冠 词
一、 冠词分为不定冠词和定冠词。
不定冠词a,an,表示一(个/位/件/。。。。。。)是泛指,a用于辅音前, an用于元音前。 定冠词the是特指,特指双方都熟悉或上文已提及。
1) a teacher (一位老师) an English teacher(一位英语老师)
2) a boy (一个男孩) an honest boy (一个诚实的男孩)(这里的h不发音)
3) a “b” (一个b) an “r”(一个r)
4) a “g” (一个g) an “s”(一个s)
5) a useful book(一本有用的书) an interesting book (一本有趣的书)
6) a red eraser (一块红色橡皮) an eraser (一块橡皮)
7) a minute (一分钟) an hour (一个小时)
8)Who is the boy under the tree? 树下的男孩是谁?
9)There is a book on the desk. The book is a useful one. 课桌上有一本书。 这本书是有用的书。
二、 什么时候用a,an
1. two yuan a kilogram (两元一公斤) five classes a week ( 一个星期五节课)
twice a month (一个月两次) 40 kilometers an hour (每小时40公里)
2 .such a useful machine (如此有用的机器) such an exciting film (如此刺激的电影)
3. 固定词组;
in a hurry (匆匆忙忙地) a lot of (许多) a piece of (一块/片/张) …...
have / take a rest(休息一下) have a headache/ fever (头疼/发烧)
in a word(总之) have a try / want a go(试一试)
make a face(做鬼脸) take an active part in (积极参加) once upon a time (从前)
1. 独一无二 the sun(太阳), the moon(月亮), the earth(地球), the sky(天空),
the world(世界), the space(宇宙、太空)
2. 形容词最高级前 (但副词最高级前可以要也可以不要)
She is the most beautiful girl of all that I know. 她是我所认识的女孩中最漂亮的一个。
We have the best parents in the world. 我们有世界上最好的父母。
He did (the) most carefully in this English test. 在这次英语考试中他做得最认真。
3. 序数词前
My room is on the third floor. 我的房间在三楼。
The fourth lesson is the most difficult. 第四课是最难的。
4. 江河、湖泊和山脉前
The Changjiang River is one of the most longest rivers in China. 长江是中国最长的河流之一。
I have ever been to the Mount Tai. 我曾经去过泰山。
The West Lake is getting more and more beautiful. 西湖越来越漂亮了。
5. 乐器前
play the piano / guitar/ violin 弹钢琴/吉他/小提琴
6. the +姓氏复数,表示“姓XX的一家人或夫妇)
the Wangs 王家或王氏夫妇
The Greens have been in China since 1995. 自从1995年以来,格林一家就来了中国。
7. the + 形容词, 表示一类人
The young have to respect the old. 年轻要尊敬老人。
Our country will become better if the rich help the poor.
8. 方位词前
Guangdong lies in the south of China. 广东位于华南(中国的南部)。
Japan is to the east of China. 日本在中国以东。
9 .1)the + 比较级, the + 比较级 表示“越。。。。。。就越。。。。。。”
The more careful you are , the fewer mistakes you will make.你越小心,犯的错误就会越少。
2).一个。。。。。。另一个 one ……the other
I have tow pencils, one is 2B, the other is 4B. 我有两支铅笔,一支是2B,另一支是4B。
3).诊所 the doctor’s
4). the winter of 1995 ( 带of的短语名词前加the ). 1995年的冬天
5). The girl in red. 身穿红色衣服的女孩。
10. 固定词组
at the moment 此刻 in the morning 在早上 in the end 最后 on the other hand 另一方面 by the way 顺便说一下 at the beginning of …. 在。。。。。。初 On the right 在右边
四、 什么时候不用 冠词
1. 国家名前 China / England / America 中国/英国/美国
(但the U.S.A也是对的,是因为这是一个固定的称谓,本身已经含有. The了)
2. 语言名前 Chinese/ English/ French …..中文/英语/ 法语
3. 人名前 Tom is a 11-year-old boy.
4. 可数名词复数和不可数名词在不是特指的情况下
Students must study hard at school. 学生在学校要努力学习。
Everyone needs water. 每个人都需要水。
5. 当名词前已经有了this/ that/ those/ these/ my/ his/…/ Tom’s/ …/ some/ any 等词。
I will buy this picture for you if I have any money.
in spring/ summer/ autumn (或fall) / winter 在春/夏/秋/冬
in January/ February/ March/ April/ May/ June/ July/ August/ September/ October/ November/ December
On Children’s Day 在儿童节 On Christmas Day 在圣诞节
7..一日三餐 have/eat breakfast/ lunch/ dinner / supper吃早餐/午餐/ 晚餐
(但可以 I have bread and milk for my breakfast我早餐吃面包和牛奶)
8..棋类 play chess 下象棋
9. 球类 play basketball/ football/ volleyball/ …….打篮球/踢足球/ 打排球/。。。。。。。。。。
I like table tennis 我喜欢乒乓球
His favorite sport is soccer 他最喜爱的运动是足球。
10. 固定词组
at night 在晚上 at first 首先 by train/ plane 乘火车/飞机/。。。。。。
at home 在家 go to school 去上学 on time 按时
be in danger 处于危险当中 be in bed 卧床 be in hospital 住院
五. 数词
一、 基数词/ 序数词
1). 1-10 one (first) , two (second), three (third), four (fourth), five (fifth), seven (seventh),
eight (eighth), nine (ninth), ten (tenth)
2) 11-19 eleven (eleventh), twelve (twelfth), thirteen (thirteenth), fourteen (fourteenth)
fifteen (fifteenth), sixteen (sixteenth), seventeen (seventeenth), eighteen (eighteenth)
nineteen (nineteenth),
3) 20, 30,--90 twenty (twentieth), thirty (thirtieth), forty (fortieth), fifty (fiftieth),
sixty (sixtieth), seventy (seventieth), eighty (eightieth), ninety (ninetieth)
4) 21, 22, …. Twenty-one ( twenty-first), twenty-two (twenty-second)
5) 百 -hundred 千- thousand 百万-million 十亿-billion
二、 数字的表达
2358 two thousand three hundred and fifty-eight 200 two hundred 3000 three thousand
成百上千的 hundreds of 成千上万的 thousands of
三、 特殊表达
1.年代 1898 年 ( eighteen ninety-eight) 2005年(two thousand and five)
2.时间 (1) 6:00 (six o’clock) , (2) 9:15 ( nine fifteen 或 a quarter past nine),
(3) 10:25 (ten twenty- five 或twenty-five past ten), (4) 2:30 (two thirty 或half past two), (5) 6:45 (six forty-five 或 a quarter to seven), (6) 6:55 (six fifty-five 或 five to seven)
3.分数 分子/分母----- 基数词/序数词 (当分子大于1时,分母要S)
1/3 one third ; 2/3 two thirds; 1/4 one fourth 或 one quarter;
3/4 three fourths或 three quarters ; 1/2 one half ; 3*2/5 three and two-fifths
4..百分数 12% twelve percent
5..小数 0.5 zero point five; 1.75 one point seven five
6. .年龄 I am fifteen this year / I’m fifteen years old this year今年我15岁 (I’m a 15-year-old boy.)
My mother is in her fifties. 我母亲50多岁了。
7.世纪 the eighteenth century (18 世纪); the twenty-first century (21 世纪)
8.常用编号 Bus 31 (the No.31 bus路公交车); Room 106 (106号房); Page 15 或 the 15th page (第15页) Lesson 9 或 the 9th lesson (第9课) ; Exercise 3 (练习3);
Class 3, Grade 1 或 Class Three, Grade One ( 一(3)班); the fifth floor(五楼)
1).这座桥高12 米, 宽 8米。The bridge is 12 meters high and 8 meters wide.
2.这条河有10米深。 The river is 10 meters deep.
3).小明有1.65高. Xiaoming is 1.65 meters tall.
10. 不定数量 hundreds of 成百上千的; thousands of 成千上万的; many/ many a / a number of许多(可数); much/ a great deal of许多(不可数); a lot of/ plenty of 许多(可数和不可数); more than = over 多于。。。; less than = under 少于。。。
六. 介 词
1. about
1) 关于 Kate often tells her children a story about herself. 凯特经常给她的孩子讲她的故事。
2)大约 You can leave here at about nine o’clock. 大约在9点钟时,你们可以离开这里。
2. above 在。。。上方
The sun is above us. 太阳在我们的上方。
3. across 横穿,横过
I helped an old woman go across the road just now.我刚才帮助了一位老太太过马路
1) 反对Class 3 had a basketball match against Class 7 yesterday.昨天三班和七班打了一场篮球赛。
2) 靠着The old man stands against the wall. 老人背靠墙壁站着。
5. along 沿着。。。
Walk/ Go along the street until you can see a bus station. 沿着这条街走,直到你看到了车站。
6. among 在。。。中间(三者或以上)
The doctor is standing among the boys. 医生正站在男孩中间。
7. around 1)环绕 Everyone knows that the earth moves around the sun. 每个人都知道地球围绕太阳转。
2)大约 He is around 30. 他大约30岁。
8. before 1)在。。。前面(指地点) 你最好站在我前面。
9. behind 在。。。后面
There’s a big tree behind the house. 在房子的后面有一棵大树。
10. below 在。。。以下/下面
The temperature is below zero. 温度在0度以下。
There are some flowers below the window. 在窗户的下面有一些花。
11. beside 在。。。旁边
He is sitting beside her. 他坐在她的旁边
12 .besides 除了。。。之外(还有。。。)
She has other students to teach besides me.
13 between 在。。。之间(两者)
There is a railway between the two cities.在这两座城市之间有一条铁路。
between … and … 在。。。和。。。之间
The post office is between the café and the bank.邮局在咖啡馆和银行之间。
14 .beyond 在。。。那一边
There is a small village beyond the hill. 在山的那一边有一个小山村。
15. but 除了。。。之外(就没。。。了)
There is nothing but a bed. 屋子了除了一张床之外就什么也没有了。
16 .by 1)以。。。方式/ 乘。。。 Shall we go by bus or on foot ? 我坐汽车出还是步行去?
2)在。。。旁边 来, There is a beautiful house by the sea. 海边有一栋漂亮的房子。
3) 到。。。止 By the end of last year, I had written 5 books. 到去年底为止,我写了5 本书。
17. down 1)沿着。。。 I was walking down the street when the accident happened.
2)沿。。。向下 He fell down the chair. 他从椅子上摔了下来。
18 .during 在。。。期间 The Young Pioneer visited some schools during the holiday.
19 .except 除了。。。之外(除去。。。; 除掉。。。)(不包括)
All the students went to bed except me.
20. for 1)表示 目的 We study for our future.. 我们是为我们自己的将来而学习。
2)表示 时间 I have worked here for ten years. 我在这里工作了十年。
3)表示 因。。。而。。。 Thank you for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。
4)表示 给。。。;供。。。用 Here is a letter for you. 这里有一封你的信。
21. from 1)从。。。到。。。 The shop is open from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
2)来自。。。 He comes from a worker’s family.他来自一个工人家庭。
The little boy is from Japan. 这个小男孩来自日本。
3)表示距离 My home is far from the school.我家离学校远。
4)从。。。学 We should learn from each other. 我们应当相互学习。
22. in 1)在。。。 He was born in Guangzhou. 他出生于广州。
2)用。。。语言 Would you like to say something in English? 你愿意用英语说些什么吗?
3)穿戴 The girl in a red coat is my sister. 穿着红色大衣的女孩是我姐姐。
4)表示方式 I’ll take you there in my car. 我会用我的车带你去那儿。
5)表示处。。。状态 They are in danger. 他们处于危险之中。
6)表示时间 Mr Green came to China in April 1994. 1994年四月,格林先生来到了中国。
23. into 进入。。。
We saw the teacher go into the classroom. 我们看见老师进了教室。
24 .like 像。。。一样 The mooncake is like the moon. 月饼就像月亮一样。
You can deal with it like me. 你可以像我一样来处理这件事情。
注意: as 也有像。。。一样,但as后面是接句子,like后面是接名词多代词 You can deal with it as I do.
25. near 近。。。
My home is near a new cinema. 我家在一个新电影院的附近。
26. of 1) 表示所有关系 The Capital of Japan is Tokyo.日本的首都是东京。
2) 表示具有某一性质、状况、内容等, of常不译出。
I want to buy a bag of rice. 我想买一袋大米。
27 .off 1) 从。。。下来 Let’s get off the train, shall we? 我们下火车,好吗?
2) 离开; 不靠近 I saw my good friends off at the airport.我在机场为好友送行。
28 .on 1) 在。。。上 The bowl is on the table. 碗在桌子上。
There are many trees on both sides of the street. 街道两边有许多树。
2) 表示时间(具体的某一天) My daughter was born on the 15th of May. 我女儿出生于5月15日。
3) 在。。。 She is on duty now. 她现在在值日。
4) 关于,论及 He is reading a book on physics. 他正在看一本物理书
29. out of 1)从。。。出来 She came out of a red car.她从一辆红色小车里出来。
2) 从。。。往外 Look out of the window, you will see a flag of China.
30 .over 1)在。。。正上方 The plane is over our head.飞机在我们的上方。
2)遍及 We have friends all over the world. 在世界各地我们都有朋友。
31. past 表示时间:过。。。
It’s half past seven. 现在7:30。
32 .since 自从。。。以来
The factory has been there since 1988. 自从1988来, 工厂就在那儿了。
33 .through 穿过(一个空间)
It took us 2 hours to go through the forest. 穿过森林花了我们2 个小时。
34. till/ until 直到。。。
He didn’t go to bed until he finished his homework. 他直到完成了家庭作业才去睡觉。
35. to 1) 到。。。 They are going to America next week. 下个星期他们将去美国。
2) 给。。。 Did she show her photos to you? 她把她的照片给你看了吗?
3)表示时间:差。。。It’s five to nine now. 现在是8:55。(现在是九点差五分)
36. under 在。。。下
The cat is under the chair. 猫在椅子的下面。
37. up 沿。。。向上;向上
He climbed up to the top of the hills. 他爬上了山顶。
38. with 1) 和。。。在一起 Who will you go to Beijing with? 你将和谁一起去北京?
2) 用。。。工具 He wrote a letter with a pen. 他用钢笔写了一封信。
3) 随身 Have you got money with you ? 你身上有钱吗?
4)伴随 With a book in his hand, he hurried off the room.
39. within 在。。。以内 I shall be back within an hour. 我将在一个小时之内回来。
40. without 没有He left the city without telling his parents. 他没有告诉父母亲就离开了那座城市。
1.at on in
at 5 o’clock, at midnight at noon, at night
on Saturday, on July 1st, on my birthday
on the morning of December 25th , on a rainy and cold morning, on a winter afternoon.
In the nineteenth century, in 1950’s
In 1997, in March, in winter , in the morning/ afternoon / evening
2.during, for , since, from
It rained several times during the night.
He stayed at his uncle’s for a week.
Mr zhang has taught in this school for twenty years.
Mr zhang has taught in this school since twenty years ago .
Most people work from morning to night.
We go to school from Monday to Saturday every week.
3.after, in
这两个介词都可以表示时间“在。。。。。。以后”。其区别是:after以过去为起点,表示过去一段时间之后,常用于过去时态的句子中;in 以现在为起点,表示将来一段时间以后,常用于将来时态的句子。试比较:
Mary came back after six days.
----How soon will he be back?
---- In a week.
A new school will be built in a year.
2. 表示地点、位置的介词
1.in , on, to
in表示范围; on 表示两个不同的个体相临或接壤; to 则表示两个个体之间有一段距离或隔海相望。
The Changjiang River is in the south of China. 长江位于中国的南部。
Mongolia lies on the north of China. 蒙古国与中国北部接壤。
Japan lies to the east of China. 日本位于中国以东。
2. above, over, on
on 指两个物体表面接触,在。。。的上面。如:
The plane flew above us. 飞机从我们上空飞过。
There is a bridge over the river. 河上有座桥。
There is a book on the desk. 书桌上有一本书。
3.between, among
This took place between 9:30 and 10:30 . 这件事发生在9:30和10:30之间。
I am sitting between my parents. (between my father and my mother.) 我坐在父母之间。
The town lies among the mountains. 这个城镇座落在群山之间。
I saw him among the crowd. 我看到他在人群中。
4.across, through
across 指“从一边到另一边”,“横过”、“越过”物体的表面。through指“穿越”“通过”空间。 如:
Let’s help push the car across the bridge. 让我们帮着把车推过桥去吧。
He can swim across the river. 他能游过河去。
The road goes through the forest. 这条路穿越森林。
The students walked through the gate with their teachers. 师生们一块走出大门。
5.in front, in front of…, in the front of…
in front,常表示位置“在前面”,后面不跟其他名词。in front of…表示“在。。。。。。的前面”。in the front of…则表示“在。。。。。。的前部”。 如:
I’ll go in front, you come after. 我走前面,你跟着我。
There is a big garden in front of the house. 房子前面有一个大花园。
The desk for the teacher is in the front of the classroom.讲台在教室的前部。
(一) 表示方式的介词 by, with, in
by表示“以。。。。。。方式(手段、方法)”和“乘某种交通工具”。with 指“借助于具体的手段或工具”。表示“以。。。。。。方式”、in“用。。。。。。(语言、文字)为媒介”。如:
He often goes to work by bus. 他经常乘公交车上班。
John cut the apple into two pieces with a knife. 约翰用一把小刀把苹果切成两半。
Can you sing the song in English?你会用英语唱这支歌吗?
七.形容词 (缩写为adj)
1. 修饰名词: She is my good friend.
He is a great singer.
2. 放在be 的后面,做表语: I am very happy.
3. 做宾语补足语 get sb\sth adj 使得某人、物------的
make sb\sth adj 使得某人、物------的
keep b\sth adj 保持某物-------的
sb finds \makes it adj to do sth 某人 发现/使 做某事 是------的
Eg: Have you got everything ready for the exam ? 你为考试做好每一种准备了吗?
The teachers made us tired . 老师使得我们很累。
We must keep the classroom clean and tidy . 我们必须保持教室的干净与整洁
We find it easy to learn English well. 我发现很容易学好英语。
4. 形容词修饰 somebody , something ,anything , nothing ,nobody等不定代词时,放其后面:
something important 一些重要的事情 something strange 奇怪的事情
anybody else 任何一个其他的人 nothing serious 没啥要紧的事情
注意对比:old enough 足够大的 strong enough 足够强壮的(enough修饰形容词时放ADJ的后面)enough money足够的钱, enough people足够的人( 修饰名词,则放名词的前面)
5. 半系动词become( 变的,成为)\ turn( 变的) \ grow + 形容词
Eg : The teacher became happy when she saw us . 老师很开心当她看到我们的时候。
His face turned red when he realized that he was wrong .她的脸变红了。
It begins to grow \get warmer and warmer . 天气变的越来越热了。
6. 感官动词:
feel (摸起来) \sound(听起来)\ taste(尝起来) \look(看起来)+ 形容词
Eg : The tea tastes good . 茶闻起来很香。
The cotton feels soft and comfortable . 棉花摸起来又软又舒服
That sounds good. 那听起来太好了。
7. 形容词前+ the 表示一类人.
This way is for the blind . 这路是专为盲人而建的。
The old are taken good care of . 老人们被照顾的很好。
8. 感叹句中 how +adj + the \this \these +名词 + 谓语
How fine the day is !今天的天气多好啊!
1. As + 只能加原级---as She is as tall as Peter . 她和Peter .一样高
2. not so\as +只能加原级- ----as 和---不一样 She is not so tall as Peter . 她不如Peter 高。
3.even (甚至,更加), a little (一点点),a bit(一点点) ,much 修饰比较级,
very, quite( 相当),pretty ,fairly只能修饰原级 very good , quite well
Mike is short, Peter is even shorter . Mike 很矮,Peter甚至还要矮
Mike is much taller than Jane . Mike比Jane高
How are you today ? -------- I am much better .
4. 二者比较用比较级,三个以上用最高级。
Who is taller ,Peter or Mike ?
Which is the heaviest ,an elephant ,a bag or a pig ?
5. the more ,----the more 越---越---
The more careful you are ,the few mistakes you will make .
6. more and more 越—越---
Our life is getting better and better .
7. 副词最高级前可以不要the .
Who runs fastest , Jane ,Peter or Mike ? 谁跑的最快,Jane ,Peter or Mike ?
Who jump farthest , Jane ,Peter or Mike ? 谁跳的最远, Jane ,Peter or Mike ?
八.情 态 动 词
( 一)。主要的情态动词有:
意思 原形的肯定 原形的否定 过去式的肯定 过去式的否定
1.能、能够: can can’t (不能) could couldn’t
2.可以、可能 may may not (不可以) might might not
3. 必须 must mustn’t (不可以,表示禁止)
4.必须 have/has to don’t / doesn’t have to(不必) had to didn’t have to
5.需要 need needn’t (不必)
6. 敢 dare dare not (不敢)
7. 应当 should shouldn’t (不应该、不应当)
8.会 would wouldn’t (不会)
1. 情态动词后面只能接动词的原形。
1). I can help you to carry the boy. 我可以帮你背这个男孩。
2). That can’t be Kate. She’s gone to America. 那不可能是Kate。 她去美国了。
3).You have to finish this composition before you go home .你们必须在回家之前完成这篇作文。
4). Peter may solve this problem. 彼得或许可以解决这个难题。
1) Can you help me to carry the boy? 你能帮我背背这个小男孩吗?
2) Must that be Kate? 那个一定是Kate吗?
3) Must we finish this composition before we go home ? 我们必须在回家之前完成作文吗?
4. 一般情况下, 在一般疑问句中,用什么情态动词来提问,就要用什么情态动词来回答。
例如:--- Can I go now? --- Yes, you can. 我可以走了吗? 是的,你可以走
----No, you can’t.。 不,你不可以。
---Should students come to school on time? 学生应当按时到校吗?
---Yes, they should. 是的,他们应当按时到校。
但是,用may, need, must 三个情态动词提问是,答法不同。
1)--- -May I go now? 我现在可以走吗?
--- Yes, you can/ may. 是的,你可以走了。
--- No, you can’t / may not. 不, 你不能走。(你不可以走)。
2)---- Must I finish it now? 我必须现在完成它吗?
---- Yes, you must/ have to. 是的,你必须现在完成。
---- No, you needn’t/ don’t have to. 不,你不必。
3) ---- Need I return the book today? 我需要今天归还这本书吗
----- Yes , you must/ have to. 是的,你必须。
---- No, you needn’t./ don’t have to. 不,你没必要。
5 have to 的助动词是do, 而 has to的助动词是 does. 在提问和否定时要注意。
1) I have to go to bed.
Do you have to go to bed?
I don’t have to go to bed.
2) He has to answer a letter. 他要回信。
Does he have to answer a letter? 他要回信吗?
He doesn’t have to answer a letter. 他不必要回信。
一、 常见的助动词有
1. do; does ( 用于一般现在时态)
2 .did (用于一般过去时态)
3. shall; will + do(用于一般将来时态)
4. should; would +do (用于过去将来时态)
5. be going to +do (用于一般将来时态)
6. have; has +done (用于现在完成时态)
7. had +done (用于过去完成时态)
9.. be +done (用于 被动语态)
10. be + doing (用于进行时态,包括现在进行和过去进行)
九. 非谓语动词
(一)。 以下动词或动词词组后只能接V动词原形:
had better do sth 最好做某事
had better not do sth 最好不要做某事
why not do something =why don’t you do sth 为什么不做--------呢?
make sb do sth 使得某人\物做某事
let sb do sth 让某人\物做某事
should \ can \could do sth 应该\能够做------- will + V
The teacher’s smile made her feel better. 老师的笑容使得他感到好受多了。
You had better not smoke here . 你在这儿最好不要吸烟。
Let him have a rest . 让他休息一会儿
Why not have a rest ? 为什么不休息一会儿呢?
mind doing sth 介意做某事 enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事 ------
finish doing sth 完成做某事 practice doing sth 练习做某事
keep ( on ) doing sth 保持、坚持做某事
prefer swimming to finishing sth 相对钓鱼更加偏爱游泳
prefer sth to sth 相对某物更加偏爱--------
stop sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事
be busy doing sth \with sth 忙于做某事
be good at doing sth 擅长于做某事
sb spend +时间 \ 钱+ in doing sth \on sth 某人发时间\钱在做某事上某事
feel like doing sth 想做某事
be worth doing sth 值得做某事
thank sb for doing sth 因为某事谢谢某人
thanks for doing sth 因为某事谢谢某人
be interested in (doing )sth 对做------感兴趣
instead of doing sth 代替做某事
be afraid of doing sth 害怕做某事
be terrified of doing sth 害怕做某事
be seen \heard \watched \found doing sth被看到 \ 听到 \ 注视到 \发现正在做某事
make a contribution to (doing)sth 对做什么而做出贡献
how \what about doing sth 考虑做某事
worry about doing sth 担心做某事
think of doing sth 考虑到做某事
I enjoy reading . 我喜欢阅读。
I went swimming instead of playing basketball . 我去游泳了,而不是去打篮球。
She is heard singing now. 她现在被听到正在唱歌。
She is often busy working . 她常忙于工作。
My mother spent one hour in doing housework every day . 我妈妈每天花一个小时做家务活。
( 三)只能接to do 的动词或动词词组有:
decide to do sth 决定做某事 want to do sth 想做某事
ask sb to do sth 要求某人做某事 want sb to do sth 想要某人做某事
tell sb not to do sth 告诉某人不要做某事 help sb ( to )do sth
sb would like to do sth 某人想做某事
be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事
prefer sth to sth 相对某物更加偏爱某物
It is dangerous \ easy \ difficult for sb to do sth 对某人来说做某事是危险的、容易的、困难的
Sb find it + dangerous \ easy \ difficult to do sth 某人发现做某事是危险的、容易的、困难的
Sb make it + dangerous \ easy \ difficult to do sth 某人使得做某事是危险的、容易的、困难的
Have some homework \ some clothes -----to do \ to wash 有作业 、衣服 ----要做、要洗
EG: I find it easy to learn English .
My mother asked me not to watch TV too late
It is easy for us to learn English .
I find it easy for me to learn English .我发现对我来说学英语是很容易的。
I would like to have a cup of tea. 。 我想喝杯茶。
I have something important to tell you . 我有重要的事情告诉你。
stop doing sth 停止做某事 remember to do sth 记得去做---动作没发生
stop to do sth 停下来去做另一件事 remember doing sth 记得做过某事—动作已发生
forget to do sth 忘记去做某事
forget doing sth 忘记做过某事
be seen \heard doing sth 被看到、听到正在做某事。 (动作正在发生)
be seen \heard to do sth 曾被看到看到、听到做过某事。 (动作已发生)
see \hear\ watch sb doing sth 看到、听到某人正在做某事。 (动作正在发生)
see \hear\ watch sb dosth 看到看到、听到某人曾做过某事。 (动作已发生)
begin\start to do sth
begin \start doing sth。
The baby is sleeping ,stop talking ,please ! 婴儿正在睡觉,不要讲话!
I see her playing basketball on the playground now .我看到她现在正在操场打篮球。
She is often seen to play basketball on the playground . 她经常被看见在操场打篮球。
Remember to bring your homework to the school ! 记得带家庭作业到学校来。
总的原则: 前面肯定,后面否定;前面否定,后面肯定。
She plays basketball well ,doesn’t she ? 她篮球打得好,是吗?
Peter will go to Shanghai tomorrow , won’t he ? Peter 明天去上海,是吗?
You didn’t visite your grandfather yesterday ,did you ? 你昨天没有去看你爷爷,是吗?
以下单词虽无否定词not , 但, 是否定意义, 出现在句子中要特别注意了:
hardly( 几乎没有、不能) , few ( 修饰可数名词,几乎没有),
little( 修饰不可数名词,几乎没有), never(从来不), seldom (很少)。
He can hardly write his own name , can he ? 他几乎连自己的名字都不会写,是吗?
He has never been to Beijing , has he ? 他从来没去过北京,是吗?
He has little money in his pocket, does he ? 他口袋里几乎没有钱,是吗?
Peter seldom has lunch at home , does he ? Peter 很少在家吃中餐,是吗?
There is little water in the bottle , is there ? 瓶子里几乎没有水,是吗?
He can hardly write his own name , can he ? 他几乎自己的名字都不会写,是吗?
Yes ,he can. 不,他会写
No ,he can’t . (后面省略了write his own name ) 是的,他几乎不会写.
has to(不得不) , have breakfast \lunch( 吃早餐\中餐) 等,看作是一个动词词组,借do \does 来完成。例句:
Mary has to go to bed at 10:00 every night , doesn’t she ? 她不得不每晚10点睡觉,是吗?
He often has breakfast at home ,doesn’t he ?
1。否定祈使句中,反意疑问句用 will you ?
Don’t smoke in the room , will you ?
2。let’s go to play basketball , shall we ?
十一. 感叹句
简记:(一)名词前有the \that \this \those 等特指词的话,就用how 。
1。how + 形容词\副词+ . the \that \this \those + 名词 +谓语
How delicious the food is ! 食物是多么的美味可口啊!
How nice these girls are !
2。How +形容词\副词+ he \she \we +谓语
How carefully he works ! 他工作多仔细!
How beautiful she is ! 她多漂亮啊!
(二)名词前没有the \that \this \those 等特指词的话,就用what 。
1. What + 名词 \ 名词词组+ 其它
what a nice girl she is !
what nice girls they are ! 注意:nice修饰 girl ,把他们看作是一个名词词组
What delicious food ! 注意:delicious 修饰 food,把他们看作是一个名词词组
What beautiful flowers !
1.so + is \am \are \did\do\will + 主语。上句情况也适合于下句情况:
You are a student, so am I . 你是一个中学生,我也是一个中学生。
Peter will go to Shanghai tomorrow , so will I . Peter明天将会去上海,我也一样。
Peter does well in English, so does Mary . Peter擅长英语,Mary也擅长于英语。
2. Neither + is \am \are \did\do\will + 主语
Peter will not go to Shanghai tomorrow , neither will I Peter明天不会去上海,我也不去。
I am not good at English ,neither is Mary . 我英语不好, Mary英语也不好.
3. so +主语+ is \am \are \did\do\will . 认同某人的观点。
She played basketball well -----so she did .。她篮球打的好。-----她的确如此,篮球打的好。
Mary is a Middle school student, -----so she is 。Mary是一个中学生。----她的确是一个中学生。
十三. 被动语态
重点(一): 如何判断被动语态,关键看主语和动词之间的关系 :若这个动作是主语发出来的则用主动,不是用被动。
The letter is written in English, can you read it for me ? 这封信是用英语写的,你能读给我听吗?
The students are asked to come to school on time 学生们被要求按时到校.
Teenagers are not allowed to drive . ( 分析同上,通过句子意思,青少年只能是不被允许开车)
The young trees must be watered every day .( 是情态动词的被动语态)
The hills will be covered with trees in a few years . ( 将来时的被动语态)
If the work is done ,you can have a rest . 如果工作作完了,你就可以休息了。
下列动词词组:let sb do sth make sb do sth 使得某人做某事
see \hear \watch \find sb \sth do sth 看到\注视\发现某人做过某事( 动作已发生)
在主动语态中,do前不带: be let \made to do sth
在被动语太中,要加to .:
即be let \made to do sth 被使得做某事
be seen \watched \heard to do sth. 被看到\听到\发现做过某事( 动作已发生)。
see \hear \watch \find sb \sth doing sth看到\注视\发现某人正在做某事( 动作正在发生)
be seen \watched \heard doing sth 被看到\听到\发现正在做某事( 动作正在发生)
I see him playing basketball on the playground now .我看到他现在正在打篮球。
He is seen playing basketball on the playground now .
主动语态 :Mr.Smith made his students copy the telephone number again .
被动语态 :The students are made to copy the telephone number again by Mr.Smith
主动语态 :I often hear him sing in his room .我经常听到他在房间里唱歌。
被动语态 : He is often heard to sing in his room . 他经常被听到在房里唱歌。
If the small trees are taken good care of , they will grow up quickly .注意of 不可以去掉
Mr. Smith ‘s story was laughed at by everyone who heard it . 注意at不可以去掉.
cost(发费) ,last( 持续),feel(摸起来) ,taste(尝起来 ,smell(闻起来),sound (听起来) ,happen (发生), take place (发生)等没有被动语态,不能用于被动语态中。
I like this silk dress ,and it feels so comfortable .我喜欢这件丝绸裙子,摸起来是如此舒服。
What happens to her ? 她发生了什么事情?
That sounds good . 那听起来太好了。
十四 .时态
1. 一般现在时:表示经常发生的习惯性的动作或目前所处的状态:is \am \are +adj +pron
常与always(总是), usually(通常), often(常常), never(从来不), once a week(一 个星期一次), once a month(一个月一次), seldom(很少),these days( 这些日子,目前),sometimes(有时候) ,on Sundays( 在星期天), every day(每一天), every week (每个星期) 等连用
I often get up at six in the morning .(我通常六点起来)
I usually go to school on foot .( 我通常步行来学校)
It never snows in Australia in December.
   The moon goes round the earth .(客观真理)
There is 60 minutes in an hour . (客观真理)
The plane takes off at 6 this afternoon . 起飞。
在时间,条件状语从句中用一般现在是代替将来时(即紧跟在if ,as soon as ,when(当----的时候) 后的句子用一般现在是代替将来时,主句用将来时)
If it doesn’t rain tomorrow , we ‘ll go to climb Baiyun hill with my friends ..
If you’re late , you should say “ sorry ” to the teacher .
I'll help you as soon as you have problem.
2. 一般将来时:表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态 。
主语+will + V( 动词原形)
主语+is \am \are going to do sth
常与以下的时间状语连用: tomorrow( 明天) , the day after tomorrow (后天),this afternoon , next year(明年) ,in the future ( 将来), in a day\two weeks \three years ( 一天二个星期\三年后), soon(不久) , in a minute (马上).
He will come back in five minutes . 5分钟后他就回来。
I will go to Shanghai this Sunday . 这周日我去上海。
3. 过去将来时:表示从过去的某一个时间来看将要发生的动作或存在的状态 :
would + V
was \were going to do sth
常与以下的时间状语连用: the next day过去时间的第二天 ,the next year ,she said that等从句中。
We never knew what would happen to the world in a hundred years .
She said that she would come here the next day .
4. 一般过去式:表示过去发生的某个动作或状态。
主语+ was \were + adj ------
常与以下的时间状语连用:Yesterday(昨天) , the day before yesterday ( 前天), two days \two years ago (2天\年以前 ) , last week(上个星期), last year(去年) ,the other day(几天以前) ,once upon a time(曾经) ,just now ( 刚才) ,in the old days(在以前的那些日子里) , in 1989( 在1989年)
He slept for 8 hours last night 。他昨晚睡了8个小时。
He phones me just now . 他刚才给我打电话了
5. 现在进行时;表示现在或这段时间正在进行的动作:is \am \are doing sth
常与:look看,listen 听,now 现在等连用,关键是根据上下文的语境来判断》
look! The children are playing basketball on the playground 。
6. 过去进行时:表示过去正在进行的动作: was \were doing sth.
常与when\while (当----的时候),at that time 在那时,this time 这个时间,yesterday morning 昨天早上,at 8:00 yesterday evening .昨晚8点。;
Peter was doing his homework when \while I saw him .当我看到Peter的时候,他正在做家庭作业。
What were you doing at 9: 00 o’clock yesterday morning ? 昨天上午九点你在做什么?
already(已经 ), just(刚 ) ever(曾经), never(从来不), once(一次)\twice (二次), recently (最近地), these days(目前) , since(自---以来), for (后接一段时间), in the past few years (过去几年来) this week , lately(最近地) ,
during the last two weeks(在上2 个星期以来), since yesterday, since two days ago (自从二天前以来), since 2002(自2002年以来) , for a long time , for a month , so far(到目前为止 ,直到现在),
up to now( 到目前为止 ,直到现在), till now(到目前为止 ,直到现在)
1)My classmates have already cleaned our classroom ,look ,how clean it is !( 同学们已经把教室打扫干净了,瞧,多干净啦!)
2)I’ve just finished my homework . 我刚做完我的家庭作业。
3)We’ve known each other since 1996. 自1996年以来,我们就彼此认识。
4)I have collected 1000 stamps so far\up to now .到目前为止,我已经收集了1000张邮票。
I’ve already posted the photos .( 说明这些照片已不在我这了)
------Have you had your supper yet? 你已吃过晚饭了吗?
-------Yes. I have . I’ve just had it .。是的,刚吃过。(说明现在已经不饿了)
for +一段时间
since +过去某一时间点
She has been ill for three days .她已经病了三天了。
I have been in Guzhen for 15 years since I was born in 1990.
I haven’t been there these days
------How long have you studied English ?
------We have learned English for 9 years .
3) 常含有“已经”的概念。常与 already, yet(仍然,还,尚 ) 连用。 注:already常用于肯定句当中,yet 用于疑问句和否定句当中,且常放在句子的末尾。
I have already watered the flowers .
Have you finished your homework yet ?
No , I haven’t yet .
(三) have \has gone to ————表示已经去某地了(还没回来)
have \has been to ————表示曾经去过某地(已经回来了)
have \has been in ————表示已经在某地
Where has he been ? 他刚才到哪儿去了( 说明他已经回来了)
She has been to Shanghai. 她到过上海
She has gone to Shanghai 她到上海去了(她可能在去上海的路上,或已经到上海,总之现在没有回来)
★ 注意:非延续性动词不可以与时间段连用。
8. 过去完成时:
表示过去的某个时间之前已经发生的动作:即表示过去的过去: had + V
by the end of + 过去的时间, when 当-----的时候, by the time 在----之前,当-----的时候。
We had learned more than 5000 words by the end of last term.
The train had already started when they got to the train station .
I remembered that Peter had taken my English book away .
By the time my parents came home yesterday ,I had cooked the dinner .
一个句子用来修饰某个名词。我们把“这个作宾语的句子”称为定语从句。而这个被修饰的名词,我们称它为先行词。当这个名词(即先行词)是指物时,引导词(即连接词)要用that 或which,(当名词前有形容词最高级或only, just 等词时,只能用that。):当先行词是指人的时候,引导词要用that , who 。
1). My brother studies in the school that /which is very famous. .我弟弟在一所非常著名的学校学习。
( the school 是先行词, that/ which是引导词)
(that /which is very famous.是从句)
2). It is the most interesting book that I have ever read,. 这是我所读过的最有趣的书)
(先行词book前面还有形容词的最高级the most interesting修饰,所以引导词只能用 that)
(that I have ever read,是从句)
3).My brother is an English teacher who/ that has taught for 10 years. 我妈妈是一位教了10年书的英语老师。
( 先行词an English teacher是指人,所以引导词用 that或 who)
( who/ that has taught for 10 years.是从句)
(即被修饰的名词) 引导词
(即连接词) 例句 备注
指物 that / which 1)This is a book that/which is written by Luxun. 这是一本由鲁迅写的书。
2)Football is an exciting game that/which is very popular.足球是一项非常受欢迎的刺激的运动。 1)当选项中即有that 又有 which
时,就选择that 。
2) 从句要用陈述句的语序。
指人 that / who She is a girl who/that is 15 years old.
I have a good friend who/that comes from South Korea. 我有一个来自韩国的朋友。
1) He said that he was caught in the rain. 他说他淋了雨。
(that he was caught in the rain是从句,它作了said 的宾语。其中that是引导词(即连接词))
2)Could you tell me where the zoo is ? 你能告诉我动物园在哪里吗?
(where the zoo is是从句,作了tell的宾语。 where 是引导词)
3) I don’t know if he will come. 我不知道他是否会来。
(if he will come.是从句,作了know 的宾语, if是引导词。)




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