SB3 Revision for Unit 7-8 单元要点归纳 (人教版高三英语选修八教学论文)

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SB3 Revision for Unit 7-8 单元要点归纳
1. at work 在工作
work at 研究;致力于
与work有关的短语 work on 从事
work out 解决;结局;结果为;计算;算出
注意并比较:work 和 job 的区别
2. admit doing/ having done sth.承认做过某事
admit sb. into the university 获准进入大学
admit的用法 admit of 容许有;有…可能;容有…的余地
admit sb./ into 接纳某人进入…;吸收某人参加
admit that clause 承认…

联想: permit sb to do
forbid doing abundant in = be rich in 富于….; ….丰富 occupied in doing 忙于….
be occupied with sth. 从事/忙于….
联想:be busy with sth be busy doing keep sb busy doing
be engaged in doing for 1)喜欢;希求(多用于否定句、疑问句,不可用被动语态)
2)= take care of 照顾;照料;看护
辨析:care for与care about (介意….;在乎;关心)
He doesn’t care a bit about clothes./ I don’t care (about) what he’ll say.
6.leave….alone 不理会;不干涉;顺其自然
辨析:Leave sth as it is 听任某事自由发展
辨析:let alone 不消说;更别提( not to mention)
The baby can’t even walk, let alone run. want of =in need of 需要 比较: in want in need eg.
We are in want of knowledge. Knowledge is in need.
联想:in favor of 偏爱 in praise of 称赞 in honor of 向…表示敬意
in the face of 面对 in hope of 带有..希望 in search of 寻找
in charge of 负责 in memory of 纪念 in touch with 接触
in exchange for 交换
8.badly off (very poor) 穷困 His family was badly off after his father lost his job.
联想:be worse off 情况较差 be well off 富裕 be better off 情况较好
9. close up 关闭;使…靠近 eg. The old road has now been closed up.
联想:close about/ around 包围;围住 close down 关掉;倒闭 close in (白昼)渐短
close out 抛售廉价商品 follows 如下 eg. He explained it as follows= His explanation was as follows.
11.of late ( recently ; lately) 最近;近来 I have been very busy of late.
12.have an eye for 有眼力;有眼光 联想:to my eye 据我看来 an eye for an eye以牙换牙
keep an/ one’s eye on 密切注视 keep an eye out for 注意并记住(某人或某事) good to sb = do sb. good 对某人有利; do harm to sb. =do sb. harm 对某人有害
do a favor for sb.= do sb a favor 帮某人一个忙 for your own good 对你有好处
for the good of 对….有好处 联想:for good (and all) = for ever 永久地;一劳永逸地
14. bring in 赚;获利 These workers bring in $6,000 a year.
联想:bring out 把…拿出 bring about 引起;致使;造成 bring up 提出;养育;培养
bring down 使降下;使(物价)下跌 of 在…时;到…时为止 As of now, we know nothing about the terrible fire.
16.instruct sb in sth = teach sb. sth 教导某人某事 instruct sb to do sth 命令某人干某事
follow/ receive the instructions 遵从命令 secure of 对…有把握;确信 feel secure about ( as to) 对…觉得放心
18.adapt to 适合 adapt sth. for sth. 改变某事物以适应新的用途
19.stick to one’s post/ the policy/ principles 坚守岗位/ 坚持政策/ 坚持原则
stick out 伸出;突出 stick with sb. / sth. 和某人/ 某物保持密切关系
stick up 竖立;向上突出 other words 换句话说 联想:in a word 总而言之 in word 口头上
with the words 说完就… have a word with sb. 和某人说句话
have words with sb.= quarrel with sb. 与…争吵 keep one’s word= keep one’s promise 守诺
word came that 有消息传来
21.take (run) risks/ a risk 冒险 He took risks of his own/ losing his own life to save me.
联想:at any risk 无论如何 at one’s own risk 由自己负责 at risk = in danger 处于危险
at the risk of = at the risk to 冒…危险 risk one’s life 冒着生命危险
risk doing sth. 冒险做某事
22.knock sb./ sth. down 1)击倒;撞倒 2)拆掉 3)降价 He knocked down the price.
联系:knock into knock .. into.. knock at/ on knock about/ around knock over
23.make sense of = understand 理解… 的意思 联系:in a/ some sense 在某种意义上
make sense 有意义;讲得通 That sentence doesn’t make sense. 这个句子不通.
24.regardless of = despite of = in spite of 请查阅Unit 3-4 语言点整理中的16点
25.equip A with B / A be equipped with B 具备…;配备;装备
26.put sth. to use 利用 put sth. to good use 充分利用
联系: make the best possible use of 尽可能利用 come into use 开始利用
in use 在使用中 be of no use to sb. 对某人没有用处 go out of use 停止使用
It is no use doing sth. 做某事没有用处
27.It is the case 情况就是这样 Is it the case that you have lost your passport?
联想: in this/ that case 既然这样/ 那样 in any case 在任何情况下
in no case 任何情况下都不 in case (of…) 以防万一;万一
28.By the end of the chapter, you will have guessed its meaning.
by 后接表示过去的时间状语,主句要用过去完成时态;接将来的时间用将来完成时态.
By the end of last month, we had finished seven units.
29. distinguish…from… 把与区别开来 30.adjust to 调整;调节;使适合;使便于使用 the process 在进行;经过;在…过程中 common (团体)共同的;公有的
33.make mistakes 犯错误 34.make friends with 与…交朋友
35.take (an active ) part in (积极)参加 36.take patience to 有耐心去做….
36.that is to say 也就是说 37.fall behind 落后 different from 与…不同
39.communicate with 与…联系;与…交流 40. on the contrary 相反




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