Unit 11 听力材料及参考答案 (人教版高一英语下册教学论文)

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Unit 11 听力材料及参考答案
(Text 1)
W: I’d like to go to the concert with my husband this evening.
M: Do you enjoy music?
W: Not really. My husband enjoys music a lot. And I’d like to go with him.
M: Well, enjoy yourselves there.
(Text 2)
W: That singer sang very well, I think.
M: But I didn’t understand what she sang.
W: How could you? She sang in Russian. And you have never learned Russian.
M: Anyhow, I still think she sang very well.
(Text 3)
W: Look, your clothes are so dirty. Take them off and I will wash them for you.
M: Thank you, Mum. But I will play football now.
W: You can put on some clean clothes. Here you are.
(Text 4)
W: Look, it’s so cloudy in the sky.
M: Of course! The factories are giving out so much smoke and dust. How can we have clean sky?
W: I hope they can do something to keep the air clean.
(Text 5)
W: I bought this book yesterday, but I hadn’t found that it has two pages missing until a moment ago.
M: Well, you can go to the bookshop and change it for another one.
(Text 6)
W: I’ll cook supper for you right now.
M: Tell me as soon as you finish cooking supper. I’d like to have my supper early today.
W: Why are you in such a hurry?
M: I have a meeting to attend this evening. I can’t be late for it.
W: Take your time. I will finish cooking in fifteen minutes. Here is some fruit. You can have some first.
M: Thank you.
(Text 7)
W: I’d like to do some shopping this morning. Would you like to go with me?
M: Of course, I’d like to. But first, let’s make a list of what we are going to buy.
W: All right. Please get me a pen and a piece of paper.
M: Yes, here you are. Well, let’s buy some vegetables, some apples, some tomatoes.
W: And two dozen eggs, some...well, some pears. I like pears a lot.
M: We have no noodles now. Buy some noodles.
W: All right. Now, let’s go.
M: Where is the key to the car?
W: Here it is.
M: Don’t forget to bring the list with you.
W: I won’t. Here we go!
(Text 8)
W: Can I help you?
M: Yes. I’d like to buy a ticket to Washington.
W: We have two trains to Washington. One leaves in the morning and the other at night. Which one would you prefer to take?
M: What time do they leave?
W: The morning train leaves at half past six and the night train leaves at half past eight. Which one would you like to take?
M: The night one. How much is it?
W: One hundred and thirty-five dollars.
M: Here’s the money.
W: Thank you. Here is the ticket.
(Text 9)
W: I’d like you to take me to the park this morning, dad. It’s a long time since I last went there.
M: OK. I’ll take you and your mother to the park this morning. Let’s have a good time there. But how shall we get there?
W: We can drive our own car there.
M: But our car is being repaired in the shop. And it won’t be ready until tomorrow.
W: We can take a bike there. I think we can get there in a short time.
M: But I don’t agree with you. You see, it’s a fine day today and it is not so far. We can walk there in a short time. We get some exercise on the way there. Walking is good for our health.
W: I agree with you, dad. I will tell mother about it.
(Text 10)
And now, if you’ll walk this way, ladies and gentlemen, the next room we’re going to see is the room in which the family used to hold their dinner parties.
As you can see, the guests would be seated around this round table which is three hundred years old and is made from the Spanish wood. The carpet you see here was made in the north of India during the last century. Finally, can I draw your attention to the picture of the Sixth Lady? She is wearing a diamond necklace, which consisted of 3 diamonds on a gold chain. And now, ladies and gentlemen, if you’d like to follow me into the Great Hall...
1-5 BBCBA 6-10 AAABA 11-15 CBCBA 16-20 CCABA
21-25 DDADC 26-30 DCBDC 31-35 CABCC 36-40 BCDAB
41-45 BDCBB 46-50 CDAAC 51-55 CABCD 56-60 BDBDB
61-65 CADCB
66. invite→inviting 67. come前加to 68. had→have
69. but→and 70. 去掉all 71. prepare→preparing
72.去掉in 73. √ 74. wonderful前加a
75. return→returns
One possible version:
Why I love music
There are many reasons why I love music.
First, I find that I can relax myself by listening to music. I love both classical music and pop music. I have learnt many interesting stories about those famous musicians while enjoying their music.
Besides, I think music is one of the most important parts in our life. And it is a language of the world. It can bring love, happiness and peace to every corner of the world.
In a word, I choose music as my hobby because I really love it, and I’m sure it will help me with the development of my character.




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