Unit 12听力材料及参考答案 (人教版高一英语下册教学论文)

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Unit 12听力材料及参考答案
(Text 1)
W: What a nice painting!Do you know who painted it?
M: Of course I do. It was painted by a very famous artist — Leonardo da Vinci.
(Text 2)
W: Why hasn’t our flight arrived yet?
M: It must have been delayed by the heavy storm. Be patient. It will be arriving soon.
W: But I have a meeting in Shanghai this afternoon. I don’t want to be late.
(Text 3)
W: Your English is very good.
M: Thank you. More and more people are learning English in our city. Many other taxi drivers can speak English much better than I can.
W: What great changes! I never thought a taxi driver could speak such good English.
(Text 4)
W: Do you want to employ a piano teacher in your school?
M: Yes. We will have one. Would you like to join us?
W: I’d like to.
M: Well, let’s hear you play the piano first.
(Text 5)
W: Are you going home now?
M: No, not yet. I’m going to the railway station to meet my parents. They will arrive in 10 minutes.
W: Then, I’ll go and buy something for their arrival.
(Text 6)
W: Please turn up the radio a little. The song is very beautiful.
M: But it’s only an old song. I don’t like it at all.
W: Though it is old, I find it quite familiar to me.
M: Why are you so interested in it?
W: Well, when I was at university ten years ago, I sang this song almost every day. It was quite popular at that time. Now, whenever I hear it, it will remind me of my life in the university.
M: All right. I will turn it up. Now, enjoy yourself.
(Text 7)
W: What a big and beautiful city! Let’s go around the city.
M: Good idea!
W: But this city is quite strange to us. I think we should find someone to show us around.
M: That will cost us a lot of money, I think.
W: If nobody helps us, it will be difficult for us to go around the city.
M: I think we can ask others about the places we will go to. I hear people in this city are very friendly. I think they will be ready to help us.
W: Look, someone is selling maps over there. A map will help us a lot.
M: Yes, I think so. Let’s go and buy one.
(Text 8)
W: It’s father’s birthday. What gift are you going to buy for him?
M: I’m not sure yet. What do you suggest?
W: I suggest you buy a new pair of glasses for him. He can’t see very well. I think he will need them.
M: Good idea. How about you? What are you going to buy?
W: I’d like to buy him a smoking pipe. He smokes a lot, you know.
M: But he says he is going to give up smoking. So I don’t think it is a good idea to buy him a smoking pipe.
W: Let me think it over. Er, now it is hot summer. Let me buy him a new shirt.
M: I hope he will like it.
(Text 9)
W: Why is the old man lying on the road? What happened to him?
M: He has just fallen off a truck. I think he must have hurt his head when he fell down.
W: We’d better carry him to the side of the road and let him lie under the tree.
M: No, we shouldn’t do that. We should leave him there and get some help from doctors.
W: Has anyone sent for doctors?
M: Don’t worry. We have just called the first aid center and they said they would come here soon.
W: We should hold an umbrella for the old man. The sun is so strong.
M: Look, here come a doctor and a nurse!
(Text 10)
Mr Edwards likes singing very much, but he is very bad at it. He went to dinner at a friend’s house last week, and there were some other guests too.
They had a good dinner, and then the hostess went to Mr Edwards and said, “You can sing, Peter. Please sing us something.”
Mr Edwards was very happy, and he began to sing an old song about the mountains of Spain. The guests listened to it for a few minutes and then one of the guests began to cry. She was a young woman who had dark hair and very dark eyes.
One of the other guests went to her, put his hand on her back and said, “Please don’t cry. Are you Spanish?”
Another young man asked, “Do you love Spain?”
“No,” she answered, “I’m not Spanish, and I’ve never been to Spain. I’m a singer and I love music.”
1- 5 BCABC 6-10 AAABC 11-15 BCABB
16-20 ACCCA 21-25 DDACD 26-30 DCDCB
31-35 DCDCB 36-40 BDABA 41-45 CCADD
46-50 BBACD 51-55 DAACB 56-60 DCACB
61-65 DBBBA
66. and→ but 67. book→ books 68. fall→ are
69. it→ them 70. way后加to 71. he→ who
72. have→ had 73. √ 74. 去掉the 75. hear→ hearing
One possible version:
To: johnbrown@yahoo.com.cn
From: dicksmith@hotmail.com
Subject: A film
Hi, John Brown, I have a piece of good news for you. There is going to be a wonderful film at the Red Star Cinema on October 25th. It will start at half past five in the afternoon. It is Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, which is based on JK Rowling’s works. It is said to be very popular and interesting. The ticket is 15 yuan. Would you like to go and see it with me? I hope you will.
Dick Smith




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