Unit 10 The world around us单元测试题 (人教版高一英语下册教学论文)

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Unit 10 The world around us单元测试题
1. Why do the two speakers want to call the police?
A. They want to report an accident.
B. They saw the robber who was shown on TV.
C. There is a fire in their neighborhood.
2. What is happening to the two speakers?
A. They are in a fire.
B. They are on a sinking ship.
C. They are held up in the snow.
3. What does the woman want the man to do?
A. Repair her car.
B. Return the car.
C. Drive his car away.
4. What will the two speakers do after supper?
A. Go shopping.
B. Go fishing by the river.
C. Go to the riverside for a walk.
5. What happened to the man one night?
A. He got lost on the way back to his hotel.
B. He lost his taxi.
C. He couldn’t find his car.
第二节(共15小题; 每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6. What does the man suggest doing?
A. Swimming in the river.
B. Going skating on the river.
C. Playing with the snow.
7. What is the woman afraid of?
A. She is afraid of the cold weather outside.
B. She is afraid that the ice is too thin on the river.
C. She is afraid that the water is too cold in the river.
8. Where does the conversation most probably take place?
A. In a shop. B. In a restaurant. C. At home.
9. What color does the man’s wife like?
A. Red. B. Pink. C. White.
10. What will the woman do?
A. Buy the dress for the man.
B. Try on the dress.
C. Make a new dress.
11. What will the two speakers do this afternoon?
A. Plant trees. B. Have a meeting. C. Have a party.
12. When will they leave for the park?
A. At 2:00 pm. B. At 2: 30 pm. C. At 3:00 pm.
13. How will they go to the park?
A. On foot. B. By bus. C. By bike.
14. What does George usually do after school?
A. He usually does his homework.
B. He usually cleans the classroom.
C. He usually does some sports.
15. Where’s George’s father?
A. He is out on business.
B. He is at work.
C. He is in the hospital.
16. What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?
A. Classmates. B. Mother and son. C. Doctor and patient.
17. When did Burton and his children leave for the zoo?
A. At about 2:00 pm.
B. At about 2:30 pm.
C. At about 2:15 pm.
18. What shoes did Little Tommy wear at last?
A. Black shoes.
B. Brown shoes.
C. White shoes.
19. Why didn’t Mother go to the zoo with her children?
A. She didn’t want to go there.
B. She didn’t like to stay with her children.
C. The speaker doesn’t tell us.
20. What did Mr Burton tell his children to do in the park?
A. Keep quiet.
B. Stay with him.
C. Not touch the animals.
21. —Mike was beat black and blue. Do you know why?
—I don’t know, but everything has its ______.
A. effects B. results C. causes D. ways
22. When Mr. Smith heard the telephone ringing, he jumped up from his bed, ______ and hurried to the phone.
A. got dressed B. dressed
C. was dressed D. was dressing
23. Until now we have not decided how to finish the task. So you should _____ the planner.
A. act as B. act for C. act on D. act out
24. Too much work and too little rest often _____ illness.
A. brings in B. gives in C. leads to D. owes to
25. —Oh, my God, the boss reduced my salaries _____ at least 50 yuan last week.
—Really? I think you should ask him why.
A. to B. by C. of D. about
26. —Many books are on sale in the supermarket at _____ prices.
—Let’s go and buy some, OK?
A. common B. original C. attractive D. adaptable
27. —Can your factory really afford _______ food for the people in the flooded area?
—I believe we can because we have _______ workers.
A. a large amount of; a number of
B. a number of; an amount of
C. a great deal of; a large amount of
D. a large amount of; a great deal of
28. She got run over by a car and now she is still ______ in hospital.
A. dangerous B. in the danger
C. in danger D. in dangerous
29. Most of the old customs here have ______ already.
A. died down B. died out
C. died off D. died away
30. Her children ______ quickly to living in a small town.
A. added B. adapted C. changed D. responded
31. —I want to know whether we shall go hiking today or tomorrow?
—Does that make any ______?
A. difference B. importance
C. change D. value
32. Most of her time is devoted ______ the disabled children in the small town.
A. to teach B. in teaching
C. teaching D. to teaching
33. Jones later realized he had thrown _______ his best chance at becoming a professional golfer.
A. away B. off C. out D. over
34. It kept on raining heavily for a whole week. _______, we have big floods all around our town.
A. After all B. As a result
C. However D. Even though
35. The teacher told us water ______ at 100℃.
A. is boiled B. boiled
C. was boiled D. boils
In Taiwan, “motorpool” is commonly known as a place for the maintenance(维修) of official business and government cars. In 36, it is a place for vehicle maintenance.
More than ten years ago, I went to America on business and I 37 advantage of the chance to visit my friend. My friend drove a car to 38 me at the airport, and took me to his home. 39 the airport, my friend drove his car into the innermost line, 40 had a sign “carpool only”. I wondered what “carpool” meant. I felt 41 whether he was going to a motorpool. So I thought myself clever in asking, “Is there anything wrong with the 42?” “Nothing, 43?” said he. “Well then, why are you going to a carpool?” I replied. My friend couldn’t help 44 and told me that “carpool” 45 to the lane(车道) that only the cars with two or more passengers can 46. I felt rather embarrassed(尴尬的)on 47 that.
After dinner, my friend’s neighbour 48 to ask whether he could carpool the next day. “49,”my friend said. “I’ll accompany(陪伴)my friend to go shopping tomorrow.” I was puzzled again, 50 why he could not “car pool” with him since he had “carpooled” 51. My friend explained to me again that the “carpool” that 52 used meant they in turn drove the car to work so as to save 53. The first “carpool” is a noun, 54 the second “carpool” is a verb. It is really difficult for 55 in America to understand it in a short time.
36. A. common B. time C. general D. short
37. A. took B. had C. used D. found
38. A. carry B. receive C. meet D. accept
39. A. In B. Out of C. Inside D. From
40. A. that B. which C. it D. there
41. A. doubted B. surprised C. unexpected D. excited
42. A. plane B. sign C. line D. car
43. A. isn’t it B. why C. where D. what
44. A. laughing B. shouting C. stopping D. saying
45. A. means B. refers C. devotes D. comes
46. A. pass through B. go over C. drive in D. pass by
47. A. seeing B. doing C. hearing D. listening
48. A. went out B. came over C. arrived D. got
49. A. Yes B. I’m afraid C. Sure D. No
50. A. wondering B. wanting C. suggesting D. wandering
51. A. yesterday B. tomorrow C. the last day D. today
52. A. his neighbour B. his friend C. he D. I
53. A. time B. space C. energy D. pollution
54. A. when B. while C. so D. or
55. A. newcomers B. people C. Chinese D. those
A Shanghai rescue ship struggled for 28 hours in stormy seas to save the lives of 23 Russian seamen whose ship was sinking in Taiwan Strait, according to a report in the Shanghai Evening Post.
On December 28 last year, as high winds whipped up wild seas, a Russian fishing ship lost power off the Chinese coast near Xiamen in Southeast China’s Fujian Province.
It took the rescue ship “Hujiu No.1” nearly 10 hours to reach the accident site and another 7 hours to find the Russian ship because of the powerful winds and high seas.
After failing to supply power to the Russian ship because of the extreme weather conditions, “Hujiu No. 1” began to pull the Russian ship to Xiamen Harbour.
Heavy seas caused the pulling cable(缆绳)to break off but the rescue crew managed to get a second cable to the Russians and resumed(继续) the tow towards Xiamen.
On the way to the harbour, the sea suddenly began to pour into the Russian ship through broken steel plates and it began to sink.
Fighting the heavy seas and high winds, the “Hujiu No. 1” managed to move the stricken ship and the 23 Russian crew jumped to safety on board the rescue ship.
The Russian ship sank a short time later.
56. The Russian ship sank near ______ at last.
A. Shanghai B. Xiamen C. Taiwan D. Russia
57. The Russian ship needed rescue because ______.
A. it was lost in the sea B. of the stormy seas
C. it lost power D. sea water poured into it
58. The passage mainly talks about ______.
A. the rescue of a Russian ship
B. the weakness of Russian sailing technology
C. the bravery of Chinese seamen
D. the good relation between China and Russia
The elephant is the biggest four-legged animal in the world. It’s also the gentlest; but not always.
Elephants are like us in some way. They live for a long time — fifty or sixty years. They can remember things very well. They never forget great sadness or great happiness. A female elephant dies, her daughters and her granddaughters are sad for many months. They stay with the dead body. Then they carry a bit of it away with them. They never forget a dear friend.
Elephants are like us, but they are also different. They live in families of females. There will be a few young males — a few “baby boys”. But the female will soon send them away. An elephant family keeps only its daughters, mothers, grandmothers and its great-grand-mothers.
The females stay together for fifty, sixty... a hundred years. The older animals look after the young ones. The mothers teach their daughters and set a good example.
And what happens to male elephants? Well, the young males stay with their mothers for a time. Then they must leave the family. The females just send them away. A male elephant does not often have a friend. He lives apart away from other males.
Sometimes the females call a male. He can visit them then, and stay for a time. But soon his “wife” and sisters send him away again. The females have a very happy family life. What do the males think about it? We don’t know.
59. An elephant family keeps the following members EXCEPT ______.
A. daughters B. mothers
C. fathers D. grandmothers
60. According to the passage, a male elephant ______.
A. lives together with other family members
B. lives together with other males
C. lives almost all by himself
D. does not have a friend
Once the corals along the shores of the Israeli Red Sea resort of Eilat were a hot spot for divers drawn by one of the most beautiful and biologically different reefs in the world.
Today Eilat’s corals are facing extinction(灭绝) and the colorful fish are disappearing because of the fish-farm industry in the region’s waters. “It was one of the most beautiful reefs in the world, and it’s really very painful to see it dying,” said Professor Yossi Loya, an internationally famous coral ecologist. He and other experts say Eilat’s reefs will soon be destroyed unless the government quickly closes companies that breed(养殖) some five million fish a year in cages and are operating without permits(许可证).
“We are in the 11th hour, the very last moment to save them,” said Loya, who has studied Eilat’s reefs for tens of years.
The fish firms refuse any direct link with the coral decline. In fact the most serious damage began in 1993 after fish companies started mass production. At the time, the reefs should have regenerated(再生) as a sewage plant began to treat Eilat’s waste.
“What happened between 1993 and 2000 is that there was an exponential increase(指数倍增长) in the growth of fish cages from 300 tons per year to something like 2,000 tons per year, which makes the sea water dark and blocks sunlight which is necessary for coral living. The key point is that the Gulf of Eilat is a sea that does not have nitrogen(氮) at all, the condition of which is suitable for corals,” Loya explained.
61. After reading the passage, we know that in the Israeli Red Sea _______.
A. corals are facing a serious situation
B. reefs are very dangerous to man
C. corals will be more beautiful than ever
D. reefs will grow faster than ever
62. The underlined sentence “We are in the 11th hour” (in Paragraph 3) means that “_______”.
A. It is 11: 00 am
B. We have lasted for 11 hours
C. It is very important and needs to be dealt with immediately
D. There is still enough time for us
63. Facing the corals’ extinction, Yossi Loya feels ______.
A. satisfactory B. angry
C. interested D. painful
64. Which of the following things is necessary for the living of corals?
A. Dark sea water. B. Nitrogen.
C. Sunlight. D. Fish cages.
65. According to the passage, which of the following could be the possible advice to save the corals?
A. Killing all the fish in the sea at once.
B. Building more sewage plants.
C. Limiting the divers in the area.
D. Closing fish-farm companies operating without permits.
第四部分: 写作(共两节, 满分25分)
James had a terrible toothache. He kept 66. ____________
him from awake all night. It was difficult for 67. ____________
him to eat or drink. Something very hot 68. ____________
or cold made the toothache worse. James 69. ____________
did not want to stop his work, but he tried 70. ____________
to suffer the pain. However, the toothache 71. ____________
hurt such much that he had to go to 72. ____________
the doctor. He asked his boss for 73. ____________
rest. His boss could see what James was 74. ____________
in great pain, and he had agreed. 75. ____________
注意:1.开头已为你写好, 不计入总词数;
2. 词数:100左右;
3.参考词汇: 安慰 comfort。
支持养宠物的同学认为 反对养宠物的同学认为
1. 安慰孤寡老人 1. 造成环境污染
2. 人与动物和谐相处,增添生活情趣 2. 有时甚至伤人
Recently we have had a heated discussion on whether people should keep pets at home in cities.




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