Unit 9 Technology单元测试题 (人教版高一英语下册教学论文)

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Unit 9 Technology单元测试题
1. Where are the two speakers?
A. On the way to the cinema.
B. In a car. C. On a train.
2. Why does the man want to ring up Mr Li?
A. He wants Mr Li to return his car.
B. He wants Mr Li to pick up his son.
C. He wants Mr Li to repair his car.
3. What can we know from the conversation?
A. James is wearing long hair.
B. The woman recognized James at once.
C. The woman didn’t recognize James at the beginning.
4. Where does the conversation take place?
A. At a shop. B. At school. C. In a hospital.
5. How many people are there in the man’s city?
A. 7, 789, 000. B. 778,900. C. 77,789,000.
6. What does the woman want to do?
A. Buy a new car. B. Sell her old car.
C. Repair her old car.
7. What’s the possible relationship between the two speakers?
A. Husband and wife. B. Friends.
C. Workmates.
8. What is the man?
A. A taxi driver. B. A doctor. C. A teacher.
9. Where are the two speakers?
A. In an office. B. In the street. C. In a hospital.
10. What does the man help the woman do?
A. Find a doctor. B. Carry her bag.
C. Call a taxi.
11. Where does the conversation take place?
A. At home. B. On the way home.
C. On the way to the cinema.
12. What will the two speakers do first after supper this evening?
A. Buy something in the shop. B. See a film.
C. Have a walk in the shops and stores.
13. Why do the two speakers want to walk around the shops and stores?
A. They want to relax.
B. They want to buy something.
C. They want to meet their friends.
14. What did the man buy for his wife?
A. A new dress. B. A nice skirt.
C. A pair of glasses.
15. Where is Mary’s?
A. In front of the speakers’ company.
B. Behind the speakers’ company.
C. Beside the speakers’ school.
16. What’s the possible relationship between the two speakers?
A. Classmates. B. Workmates. C. Neighbours.
17. How many brothers and sisters did Ford have?
A. 6. B. 5. C. 7.
18. How much could Ford earn every week when he was young?
A. 2.5 dollars. B. 5 dollars. C. 3.5 dollars.
19. What did Ford do in 1893?
A. He invented the first car. B. He made a wood horse.
C. He bought a strong horse.
20. Which of the following words can’t be used to describe Ford?
A. Lazy. B. Able. C. Strong.
21. —Well, when can I come for my bike?
—It ______ be ready in half an hour.
A. must B. should C. can D. might
22. —Thanks for ______ me of the meeting this morning.
—You’re welcome.
A. advising B. suggesting
C. reminding D. telling
23. I can’t move into my new house as it ______.
A. was painted B. is painting
C. is painted D. is being painted
24. Unfortunately, our plan ______ as my parents had expected.
A. broke down B. broke out
C. broke away D. broke up
25. —Will you go travelling this weekend?
A. More or less B. No wonder
C. That depends D. With pleasure
26. She stood up and walked to the teachers’ office, ______ what the head teacher would say to her.
A. to wonder B. wondering
C. wondered D. to be wondered
27. —What shall we do tonight?
—It’s up to you — ______ you want.
A. any B. whatever C. whichever D. either
28. Bill ______ the business when his father retired.
A. took over B. took down
C. took on D. took for
29. ______ he arrives before I get back, please ask him to wait.
A. Unless B. Because C. In case D. Even if
30. I suppose few tasks _____ more patience than fishing.
A. ask for B. call for
C. care for D. look for
31. Preparations ______ for the conference and everything will be ready soon.
A. were made B. are made
C. have made D. are being made
32. The American boy found it very difficult to ______the rules in the school in China.
A. obey B. break C. defeat D. touch
33. The money he spent during the trip ______ more than 50 dollars.
A. added to B. added up to
C. added up D. was added to
34. He ______ tell his mother what had happened to his father.
A. dares not B. dare to not
C. dared not to D. dared not
35. At last they succeeded ______ the serious forest fire themselves.
A. to put out B. in putting out
C. to put down D. in putting down
Sometime in the future, the familiar early-morning newspaper on the front porch(门廊) will disappear. And instead of 36 your newspaper, it will read to you. You’ll get up and 37 the computer newspaper just like switching on the TV. An electronic 38 will distribute(发送) stories about the 39 events, guided by a program that selects the type of 40 you want. You will even get to 41 the kind of voice you want to hear. Want 42 information on the brief story? A simple touch makes the entire text 43. Save it in your own personal 44 if you like. These are among the predictions from communications experts working 45 the newspapers of the future. Pictured as part of broader home-based media and entertainment systems, computer 46 would unite print and broadcast reporting, 47 news and analysis with video images of news events.
Most of the 48 is available(可用的) now, but convincing(说服) more people that they don’t need paper to read a newspaper is the 49 step. But resistance(反对) to computer newspapers may be stronger from within journalism. Since it is such a cultural 50, it may be that present generation of journalists and publishers will have to die off 51 the next generation realizes that the newspaper industry is 52 a newspaper industry. Technology is making the 53 of traditional newspapers unavoidable.
Despite technology advances, it could take decades to 54 newsprint with computer screens. It might take 30 to 40 years to 55 the changeover because people need to buy computers and because newspapers have established financial interests in the paper industry.
36. A. seeing B. watching C. reading D. looking
37. A. make up B. turn on C. pick up D. turn over
38. A. voice B. picture C. book D. company
39. A. newest B. nearest C. last D. latest
40. A. resource B. style C. news D. TV
41. A. choose B. make C. pretend D. add
42. A. any B. more C. some D. little
43. A. print B. copy C. appear D. broadcast
44. A. library B. computer C. shelf D. house
45. A. in B. off C. up D. on
46. A. experts B. newspapers C. screens D. magazines
47. A. offering B. sending C. removing D. reminding
48. A. events B. wonders C. information D. technology
49. A. useful B. past C. next D. useless
50. A. move B. change C. choice D. work
51. A. till B. after C. before D. once
52. A. forever B. still C. no more D. no longer
53. A. end B. start C. survival D. birth
54. A. admit B. create C. relate D. replace
55. A. begin B. prepare C. complete D. stop
Growing numbers of people are becoming addicted to (上瘾) text messaging, a German doctor warned recently.
Psychotherapist(采用精神疗法的医生) Andreas Herter estimated that there were some 380,000 sufferers in Germany. Herter based his prediction on the growing number of manic mobile phone users among patients arriving at his Hanover clinic for addiction treatment.
“Text message addiction is a real and serious illness because it causes mental and financial damage,” said Herter. “The problem leads to depression and personality disorders, not to mention skyrocketing phone bills.”
For example, a teenage boy spent 8,900 euros (US$11,000) texting people he didn’t even know and a married couple could only communicate by text message, even when they were sitting side by side.
56. The passage is mainly to tell us ______.
A. why people like text messaging
B. text messaging has many advantages
C. overusing text message does great harm
D. text messaging does no good
57. Herter thinks text message addiction is ______.
A. acceptable B. easy to deal with
C. worrying D. unreasonable
58. The examples given in the last paragraph are used to show ______.
A. sending text message is their only hobby
B. they care about nothing else but text message
C. text message addiction is a serious disease
D. they are very rich
A proud US father has named his son after a computer software term(术语).
Jon Blake Cusack, from Mocjogam, told the local newspaper the US traditional way of adding “Junior” or “II” after a boy’s name was too common.
So, when his son was born last week, he decided on the name Jon Blake Cusack 2.0, as if he were a software upgrade(升级版).
Mr Cusack admitted that it took months to persuade his wife, Jamie, to accept the idea.
Mrs Cusack said she asked several friends whether they can accept this name or not.
All the men, she said, felt the name was “cool”. However, her women friends did not think so. “I think the women will end up liking it,” she said.
Mr Cusack told the local newspaper he got the idea from a film called The Legend of 1900, in which an abandoned (被抛弃的) baby is given the name 1900 to remember the year of its birth.
“I thought that if they can do it, why can’t we?” he said.
After little Jon Version 2.0 was born, Mr Cusack even sent a celebratory e-mail to the family and friends designed to look as though he and his wife had created new software.
“I wrote things like ‘there are a lot of new features(特点) from Version 1.0 with additional(其他的) features from Jamie’,” he said. And he is already planning for his son’s future. “If he has a child, he could name it 3.0,” he said.
59. From the passage we know that “Jon Blake Cusack 2.0” ______.
A. shows the traditional way of American baby naming
B. is also the name of a computer software
C. has the same meaning as “Jon Blake Cusack Junior”
D. tells something about the hope the father places on his baby
60. According to Jamie, who disliked the name?
A. All her friends. B. Her women friends.
C. Her men friends. D. Nobody.
61. What do the names of “1900” and “Jon Version 2.0” have in common?
A. They’re both uncommon.
B. They’re both connected with computer.
C. They both tell about the births.
D. They’re to be equally popular.
62. What does “Version 1.0” refer to in the last paragraph?
A. A computer software. B. Mr Cusack.
C. Mr Cusack and his wife.
D. Mr Cusack’s grandson.
Not very long ago, the computer was a strange machine. Not many people understood it. Not many people said yes to it. Today much of that is changing. The first computer system was introduced for use in business in the mid-1950s. Since then, the number of computer systems used in business, government offices, and institutions has grown rapidly. In 1975, about 250, 000 systems were in use in the United States. This figure is growing by tens of thousands every year.
The computer is an important factor in our lives. Each year we use computer more and more to help us to collect data and to provide us with information. At one time people thought computers were only useful to banks, department stores and governments. But today the rapidly increasing number of computers are used for many other purposes. Have you ever stopped to think how you are affected(影响) by a computer? The clothes you wear were probably made with the help of a computer. The newspaper you read could have been edited and typed by a computer. Even radio programmes are often prepared by computers.
Computers today are playing important roles in education, transportation and medicine. They are used to predict the weather, to examine the ocean, and to develop defense systems. They are being used by businesses, governments and institutions. There is no doubt that their uses will become a greater part of our lives.
The influence(影响) of the computer is great. The list of its uses could go on and on. Computers now affect millions of people in countless ways every day.
63. Before the l950s the computer was _______.
A. widely used B. no use at all
C. not understood by many people D. liked by people
64. The writer thinks our lives are affected by computers, but we _______.
A. don’t quite notice it B. have known it clearly
C. don’t want to know about it
D. don’t like it
65. Although the first computer system was only introduced in the mid-l950s, computers now affect millions of people in countless ways every day. This means the
writer _______.
A. doesn’t like computers B. likes computers
C. thinks computers have developed rapidly
D. thinks we can’t live without computers
第四部分: 写作(共两节, 满分25分)
Before he was a teacher, Bob told me that what he 66. ____________
would like to do a lawyer when he was at school! 67. ____________
He worked very hard at his lessons and try to 68. ____________
enter into a famous university, but something unhappy 69. ____________
happened in his family, which made necessary for him 70. ____________
to work for a life. As a young man, he had been a 71. ____________
bus driver, a dustman and a salesman. But he spent his 72. ____________
spare times studying and finally became a college 73. ____________
teacher. “Young people,” he often said, “full of wishes 74. ____________
and hopes after they step into the society.” 75. ____________
根据下列内容, 用英语写一篇题为 Life in the future的短文。
1. 人们可能到月球和其他星球上度假;
2. 科学家可能在海底生活;
3. 每家都有可视电话;
4. 孩子们可在家通过电视和广播接受教育;
5. 机器人为你做家务。
要求:1. 词数:100左右; 2. 可适当增加细节,使行文连贯。




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