1 May与Might的用法要点 (人教版高三英语上册教学论文)

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—1 May与Might的用法要点
1. Enjoy yourself while you___.
A.may B.might
C.should D.must
2. You may regard him as a hero, but you___make him become a true hero.
A. may not B.can not
C.shall not D.must not
3.-- Will you permit me to go to the movies tonight?
-- ___I go to the movies tonight?
A.Must B.Need
C.May D.Will
4.He said the news ___ be false.
A.may B.might
C. can D.must
5. Bring your raincoat along. It___ rain this afternoon。
A.can B. shall
C.must D.may
6. He wondered whothe man just passed by___.
A.is B.might
C. might be D.can be
题解 (1)may(表能力) may=can 可能 can not 不可能
(2)may(表允许) may 许可 must not 不可以
(3)may(表推测) may 或许 may not 或许不
7.He works hard that he __ succeed.
A. may B.might
C.must D. could
8. I got up early this morning so that I___ catch the first train.
A.must B.can C. may D.might

[题解] 主句+ so that... may+ V (may表目的) (in order that... may+ V
9. However handsome he___,I don't want to marry him.
A. is B. can C. may be D. may be
10. Wherever you ___ ,there's no place like home.
A. go B. may go C. can go D.might
11. Whatever reasons he ___,they can only be excuse.
A.gives B.give
C.may give D.can give
[题解] may用于让步句型:
12. John ___ still in bed now.
A.may be B.may be
C.may have been D.may have
13. He ___ here yesterday.
A. may be B.may have been
C.might be D. maybe
14.It is probable that she forgot her promise.=She ___ her promise.
A.may forget B.might forget
C.may forgot
D.may have forgotten
15.She __ there now because I hear someone call her name.
A.may be B. maybe
C.may have been D.might be
16.She ___ there now,but l am not sure.
A.may be B.might be
C.may have been
D.might have been
17.The sky is cloudy.You had better bring your raincoat alone.It ___ this afternoon.(可能性大)
A.may rain B.might rain
C.may have rained
D.might have rained
18.She__ 1ast night,butI didn't see her. (可能性小)
A.may arrive B.might arrive
C.may have arrived
D.might have arrived
题解] may表示推测时,有如下变化:may十V 对现在的推断(可能性大) ; might十V 对现在的推断(可能性小); may十have十过去分词 对过去的推断(可能性大); might十have十过去分词 一对过去的推断(可能性小)
8--2 Can与Could的用法要点
19.She used to__ dance well.
A.able B.Can
C.be able D.be able to
20. Johnson seems__ do that exercise excellently.
A.unable to B.can’t
C.not able to D.be unable to
21. The children asked whether they___ go for a swim.
A.were able to B.can
C.could D.may
22.___ go swinlming this afternoon,Mother?
A.Am I able to B.Can I
C.Shall be able to
D.Can l be able to
[题解] be able to不能用来表允许之意。
23. Such a businessman__ honest,he gets his money by dishonest means.
A.Can't be B.can't have been
C.may be D.may not be
24. It __ he that tells such alie,it___ you.
A.must not be;must be
B.can't be;must be
C.must not be; can be
D.can't be;can be
[题解] (1)用在否定句与疑问句中,表推测。(2)can用于问句表示疑惑时,否定的答复用can't表示,而肯定的答复则用must。 (3)can十have十过去分词,表示对过去的推理(用在疑问句 中);cannot十have十过去分词,表示对过去否定的推理。
She cannot have said such a foo1ish thing.
Can he have said so?(他可能这样说吗?)
I must have fallen asleep when the telephone rang last night.
25. It was too hot for me to sleep,
=It was so hot that I__ sleep.
A. can't B.can
C.could D.couldn’t
26. I __ hardly hear you.
A.can B. can't C. don't D.won't
[题解] can表体力、知识或技术方面的“能力”。
8—3 ought to与 must 的用法要点
27. It was necessary for her to see her grandmother last Saturday,=She___ her grandmother last Saturday.
A.must see B.must have seen
C.had to see D.must see
28. It is certain that somebody sto1e her bike last nigh.=Somebody___ her bike last night.
A.must steal B.must have stolen
C.had to steal D. must have to steal
[题解] (1)must;have to(在一般情形下意思相近) (2)had to 必须;不得不 must have十过去分词 对过去事情的肯定推断(十有八九)
29. I forbid you to write down on the book.=You ___ not write down on the book.
A. do B.will C. need D.must
[题解I must(必须)的两种否定句型:(1)need not+V=don't have to (没有必要) (2)must not+V (禁止)
30. This__ be a woman's handkerchief.It be a man's.
A.cannot;may B.cannot;must
C.must not;can D.cannot; can
[题解I must(十有八九)(必定)的两种否定句型: (1)may not+V (可(2)cannot+V (不可能,决不)
31. These machines ought___ once a week.
A.to be cleaned B.to clean
C.clean D.be clean;d
[题解] ought to十V=should+V指现在或将来
32. I am sorry that you were late for the meeting.You __ on time this morning.
A.should be B.would be
C. ought to have been D. ought to be
[题解] (1)oughtto have+过去分词=should have+过去分词
(2)ought to十动词原形,用于间接引语中表示过去,但一般指后来实现了的事。
I told him that he ought to write a letter to his parents, so he wrote it,
—4 ShouId与would的用法要点
33. You__ brush your teeth before going to bed.
A.ought B.have C.should D.would
34. One___selfish,proud and cruel.
A.shall not be B.shouldn't have been
C,should be D.shouldn't be
[题解] should+动词原形,表现在应承担的责任或义务。
35. You___ yesterday,but you didn't.
A. should come B. should have come
C.came D. would have come
36.Those men should ___ that work two days ago.
A. finish B. finished
C.had finished D.have finished
37. The plant is dead.I ___ it more water.
A.will giVe B.would have given
C.must give D. should have given
38.You are late again. You__ earlier this morning.
A. could get up
B. should have got up
C. must get up D. ought to get up
39. It is strange that she __ marry such an ugly man.
A. would B. should C. will D. shall
40. It's a great pity(regret) that you __ think so.
A. shall B. will C. should D. would
(表示以外,遗憾, 竟然)
It is not necessary tha one ___ speak ill of others.
important (impossible) "应该如此"
43. insist (demand, suggest, order, require, request)
45.___ you mind passing me the vinegar?
A. Would B.Should
C. Can D.Might
46. ___ you please tell me your address?
A.Do B.Can
C. Shall D.Would
47. I ___ 1ike to become a scientist some day.
A.shall B.should
C.will D.may
[题解] (1)should多表示婉转谦让之意。would多表示礼貌的请求。
(2)I'd like(you) to do something =I want(you) to do something.want后不能接动名词或从句。
48. I ___ often go fishing when I lived in the country.
A. should B.would
C.could D.might
49.He ___ often play a trick on his little sister when young.
A. should B.could
C.might D.would
[题解] would多和often,sometimes等并用,表示过去不规则的习惯。
50. I __ 1ive in Happy Valley.
A.am used to B.get used to
C.used to D.was used to
51. John has been sick for a longtime,so he__ pain.
A.used to B.got used to
C.became used to D.is used to
52.I __ rather stay at home than go to the cinema with you.
A.should B. might
C.would D.had better
[题解] would rather...than+ 动词原形:宁愿...而不愿。
8—5 Need与Dare的用法要点
53. He ___ the meeting,so he stayed at home.
A. needn't have attended
B. didn't need to attend
C.didn't need attend
D.needn't to have attended
[题解] need to do,don't need to do (及物动词)
need not do (情态动词)
54.I ___ that time is more valuable than money.
A. need hardly to say
B. need hardly say
C. hardly need say
D. hardly need to say
55. A rich man ___ about his next meal.
A.does not need to worry
B.does not need worry
C.needs not worry
D.needs not to worry
[题解] need及dare即可以用作情态动词,又可以用作行为动词。
56.--Did you walk home by yourself last night?
--Yes,I did.But l guess I ___.
A.needn't B. needn't have
C. shouldn't D.may not have
57.--Need I go to see her now?
--Yes,you ___ .(No,you__ .)
A. need; mustn't B. must; mustn't
C. must; needn't D. need; needn't
58. --Must I do you a favor?
--Yes, you ___. (No, you ___.)
A. need; needn't B. need; mustn't
C. must; mustn't D. must; needn't

59.--Where were you this afternoon?I tried to call you,
--I __to the library for a while.
A. must go B. should go C. tried to go D. had to go
60. --The streets are all wet.
--It ___ during the night.
A. must be raining B. must rain
C. might have rained D.must have rained
6l.--Dan failed to pa3s the exam.
--Because he didn't study as hard as he___.
A. does B. used C. has D. had
62. --Would you like to see the film tonight?
一Yes,I __ meet you at the gate of the cinema.
A. would B. will C. must D. ought to
63--I don't have to work tonight.
--Then __ you like to go to the theatre with us?
A. will B. won't C. wouldn't D. do
64. What would you ___ to eat toight?
A. wish B. want C. 1ike D. hope
65. --I usually go dancing at night.
--_______do that.
A. You had better not B. You had not better
C. You havebetter not D. You had better not to
66. --Do you mindifljoin you? --_____.
A. No,please don't B. Yes,please do
C. No,I don’t D. Yes,I don’t
67. The boys in the reading-room___ to make a noise.
A. dare not B. had better not
C. must not D. ou8ht not
68. He __ be a good man,but he cannot be a great man.
A.will B.Can C. should D.must
69. You __ return the book now.You can keep it till next week if
you 1ike.
A.Can't B.mustn't C,needn't D.may not
70.I thought you___ 1ike something to read.
A.may B.might C.could D.must
71.--I didn't see her yesterday.
--Oh,but you___.
A.must have B.ought to
C.Shou1d have D.cannot have
72--Must l take a bus?
--No,you___. You can walk from here.
A.must not B.don't
C. don't have to D.had better not to
73.--When did you first visit New York?
--I think it __ in l978.
A.must be B.shou1d have been
C.may be D.must have been
74.--Willyou please go to the zoo with me?
---N0,I__ .
A. Wouldn't B.shall not
C.won't D.shouldn't
75.--Why do you make me do so?
--I am sorry that you ___ do such a thing.
A.Would B.can
C.should D.may
76. --Why aren't you swimming this weekend?
--Well, I didn't want to go alone, and no one___ with me.
A.went B. has gone
C.had gone D.would go
77.--Are you still going to Florida for vacation?
---Yes,but l really___ because l don't have much money.
A.Shou1dn't B. can't
C.mustn't D.won't
78.--Shall I turn on the television?
--No,1'd rather not___ television tonight.
A.watching B.to watch
C.watch D.watched
79.--Must l finish a11 this work in an hour?
A.am used to B. am used for
C. used to D.used of
91.--I was late again this morning.
--Well,I think you had better___on time.
A.start being B.to start to be
C.started being D.to be
92.--Shallwe 80 skating or stay at home?
--Which___ do yourself?
A. do you rather B. would you rather
C.will you rather D. should you rather
93.HiS advice ___ not be taken,
A. Was needed B.needs
C.need D. is needed
94.--Do you speak French?
--No,I don't speak French,but I__speak Chineseo
A. do B. must
C.ought D.have to
95. --John smokestoo much.
--Well,he used to smoke more than he___ now.
A. did B. does C. could D.has
96.--Did you criticize(批评)him for his mistakes?
--Yes,but ___ it.
A.I'd not rather
B.I'd rather not have done
C. I'd better not do

用于表推测的情态动词常用的有:can/could,may/might,must, should等。
一、表示肯定的推测一般用might/may ,should,must,意思分别为“可能”、“应该”、“必定”,语气逐渐加强。如:
You might/may walk ten miles without seeing a house.你可能走上十英里也看不到一所房子。(might比may语气更加不肯定)
They should be home by now,I think.我想他们现在该到家了。
There must be a mistake.一定是出了毛病。
二、表示否定的推测可用may /might not,can /could not。如:
He may come,or may not.他可能来,也可能不来。
She might not be here.她可能不在这儿。
Itcan'tbe Mr.Li.He has gone to Shanghai.那人不可能是李先生。他已经去上海了。
The young girl couldn't be your teacher.那个年轻姑娘不可能是你的老师。
三、在疑问句中表推测一般只用can /could。如:
Who can it be?可能是谁呢?
Could the news be true?这消息可能是真的吗?
四、对正在发生的事情进行推测可用上述情态动词+be doing的形式。如:
He isn't in the classroom.He must/may /might be playing football on the playground.他不在教室里。他一定/可能在操场上踢足球。
It's 12 p.m.She can /could not be typing now.已经是夜里十二点了,她不可能现在还在打字。
五、对过去已经发生的事情进行推测可用上述情态动词+have done的形式。如:
They may /might have come to a wrong conclusion.他们可能是得出了一个错误的结论。
The road isn't wet.It couldn't have rained last night.路面不湿。昨晚不可能下雨。
I don't know why she didn't call me.Could she have forgotten my telephone number?我不知道她为什么不给我打电话。她可能是忘了我的电话号码了吧?
注意:上述情态动词(一般must除外)+have done还可以表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气或对过去所发生的事情表示后悔、惋惜、责备等。如:
If the hurricane had happened during the daytime,there might have been more deaths.如果飓风发生在白天,死的人可能会更多。
If Ihad been more careful,I could have done better.如果再细心一点儿的话,我可能会做得更好。
They shouldn't have left so soon.他们本不应该这么快就离开。
六、对于一直都在进行的事情的推测可用上述情态动词+have been doing的形式。如:
It's very late now.He couldn't have been doing his homework in the classroom.时间已经很晚了。他不可能一直都在教室里做作业。
All the lights were out.They couldn't have been carrying out the experiment in the lab.所有的灯都灭了。他们不可能还在实验室里做实验。

D. I'd rather not doing




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