被动语态 ````(人教版高三英语上册教学论文)

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主动语态(active voice) 表示主语是动作的执行者;
被动语态(passive voice)表示主语是动作的承受者。
Saddam is being tried(审判). ______________
The Iraqi government is trying Saddam. ______________
More and more people use computers now. ________________
Computers are more and more widely used now. ________________
时态 动词形式
一般现在时 am/ is/ are given
“During the interview, ________________________________________”
“No, __________________________________.””
In fact ______________________________________.
I felt a little nervous when I was being interviewed.
These fighters are imported from Russia.
That place has been turned into a swimming pool.
He’s said/believed/reported to be in the U. S. A. 据说/据信/据报道他在美国。
据说 ________________________ 据报道 ___________________________
希望 ________________________ 人们相信 _________________________
据宣布 ______________________ 众所周知 _________________________
已经决定 ____________________ 人们认为 _________________________
有人建议 ____________________ 务必记住 _________________________
被视为当然 __________________
二、变为被动语态后,谓语动词要和________________ 在人称、数上保持一致。
1. 把主动语态的_________变为被动语态的_____________;
2. 主动语态的主语放在介词 ________ 的后面,组成介词短语,再把这个介词短语放在被动语态的谓语动词之后。
3. 在动作的执行者无须说明或不必要强调时,by短语可以省略。
They will open a new supermarket there soon.
A new supermarket will be opened there soon.
The doctor gave two lectures in English.
Two lectures were given by the doctor in English.
Somebody has warned us to be careful of rats.
We have been warned to be careful of rats.
4. 如果主动语态有两个宾语(直接宾语和间接宾语),变为被动语态时,可将其中任何一个宾语变为主语,另一个不变。
The reporters asked the president some questions.
The president was asked some questions by the reporters.
Some questions were asked the president by the reporters.
The timetable can be changed any time.
This book may not be taken out of the reading room.
This dictionary must be taken good care of.
2、表示状态而不是动作的及物动词,如 break out, belong to, cost, deserve, fit, have ( 有、使),hold (盛下、装下),lack, resemble, suit, take part in, take place, want, wish等动词不能变为被动语态。例如:
Everybody wanted Doris to be the manager.
We like everybody to say what they think.
Do you wish me to stay?
Will you help me (to) do the work?
The war broke out in 1937.
This car belongs to me.
He has a good job.
They have a large house.
I’ll have him come early.
Though I like the dress, it doesn’t fit me.
We lack manpower at the moment.
My computer cost me seven hundred and ninety dollars.
She resembles her father.
1、make, see, watch, hear, notice, feel等使役动词和感官动词的宾语后面可以接不带to的不定式作宾补。但在被动语态中,不定式符号to必须补上。例如:
They made him go.
He was made______________.
I heard him say good-bye to his friends.
He was heard _______________________.
I got lost in the huge market.
You might get killed/ hurt.
In the end this story got translated into English.
His car got damaged in a road accident.
3、在need, want, require后面,主动的-ing形式表达被动的意思:
My watch needs cleaning. (=…needs to be cleaned)
Your garden needs watering. (=_______________________)
Does your suit require pressing, sir?
The car wants servicing. (=_______________________)
1)He gave me a present.
2)My sister made the soup.
3)The workers could not find the manager anywhere in the factory.
4)The army engineers and soldiers have built a bridge over the river.
5)The police will surely arrest the thieves.
6)My brother will repair my bike for me.
7)You must clean your watch once a year.
8)I didn’t tell you Xiao Wang could do the job.
9)I cannot find my dictionary. Someone has taken it.
10)She cannot find her bag. Someone must have taken it.
11)The pupils asked the teacher to tell a story.
12)The Association asked Mr. Green to make a speech.
13)The government is sending him abroad.
14)He told me to wait here for him.
15)Mr. Hopkins has found his wallet.
16)The workers themselves invented the new machine.
17)They set up this hospital in 1950.
18)Tom broke the window.
19)Did you write the letter?
20)They do not make this kind of watches in Beijing.
21)People call him Little Old Man.
22)John answered all the questions.
23)The farmer was ploughing the field.
24)People speak English in almost all the countries of the world.
25)The wind blew the clouds away.
26)We shall paint the room.
27)Must I do all the exercises on my own?
28)I am going to ring Tom up.
29)Everyone expects that he will win.
30)Did you finish your composition in class?
31)Do you wash your clothes very often?
32)Have they paid you the money?
33)Mr. Wang gave us an English lesson.
34)He told his brother the news.




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