factory. 但, 表示时间, 距离, 重量, 国家, 城市, 地点等无生命的名词也可用’s形式来表示其所有关系(人教版高三英语下册教学论文)

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factory. 但, 表示时间, 距离, 重量, 国家, 城市, 地点等无生命的名词也可用’s形式来表示其所有关系, 如: three days’ sick leave, half an hour’s walk, today’s newspaper, a ton’s weight, China’s agriculture, Shanghai’s industry.
3.指有生命的名词也可以用of词组表示所有格, 常用于以下情况之下:
①.名词较长时, 如: the story of doctor Bethune, the works of Marx, Engels and Lenin
②.名词的定语较长, 如: the son of the man who you just talked to, the name of the boy standing there
4. of +名词的’s所有格形式或名词性物主代词称为双重所有格. 在表示所属物的名词前有冠词, 数词,不定代词或指示代词(如a, two, some, any, such, no, a few, this, that, these, those等)时, 常用双重所有格表示所属关系, 如: a friend of my father’s =one of my father’s friends, two brothers of his, some inventions of Edison’s, these poems of Li Bai’s, a few classmates of Xiao Ming’s, any friend of Tom’s, some houses of my grandfather’s.
①.在双重所有格中, of前面的名词不和the连用, 如不能说: the new dress of Susan’s. 但若有定语从句在后, 则可以用the, 如可以说: the friends of my father’s who is going abroad
②.在双重所有格中, 作of宾语的名词必须是人, 而且是特指
第二章:代 词
英语代词分为以下八类: 人称代词, 物主代词, 反身代词, 指示代词, 不定代词, 疑问代词, 连接代词, 关系代词. 本章只说明前五类代词的用法, 后三类代词的用法在其他章节说明
一.人称代词的形式: 人称代词有人称, 数和格的变化
我 我们 你/你们 他 她 它 他们/她们/它们
主格 I we you he she it they
宾格 me us you him her it them
1.主格的用法: 作主语, 表语
a. He often helps me with my English.
b. It is he who often helps me with my English.
2.宾格的用法: 作及物动词的宾语或介词的宾语.
a. Mr. Li teaches us English.
b. We often go and see her on Sundays.
c. You are really above me in maths.
d. Father bought a new bike for him.
①.在than / as引导的比较状语从句中常有省略, 注意其中的人称代词作主语用主格, 作宾语用宾格. 在这类从句中, 在不引起误解的情况下, 有时用宾格代词代替主格代词
a. He likes Mary better than I ( like Mary ).他比我更喜欢玛丽
b. He likes Mary better than ( he likes ) me他喜欢我,更喜欢玛丽
c. He is taller than I / me.
②.在强调句中, 若被强调的部分是代词, 则其格不变, 如:
a. It was I who first opened the door this morning.
b. It was me whom they talked about.
③.人称代词单独使用或是在not之后, 常用宾格
a. “ I like English. ” “ Me too.”
b. “ Would you like more wine ?” “ Not me.”
④.在同位语中, 人称代词的格视与之同位的词在句中的成分而定, 如:
a. We, Tom and I, showed her many wonderful pictures.
b. She showed us, Tom and me, many wonderful pictures.
⑤.人称代词在代替一些不定代词, 如: anybody, everybody, anyone, someone, no one, whoever及person等这些无明确对象的代词或名词时, 在正式场合用he / his / him代替, 在非正式场合用they / them / their代替, 如:
a. Nobody came, did he/they ?
b. Whoever comes, tell him / them the news.
⑥.在be或to be之后的人称代词的格应根据它所指代的名词或代词在句中的成分而定
a. I thought it was she. / I thought it to be her.
b. I was taken to be she.我被当成了她. / They took me to be her.他们把我当成了她
a. “ Who is that ? ” “ It is me. ”
⑧.they可指“有关的人” “人们”, 相当于people, 如:
a. They say the fire broke out at midnight. = People say the fire broke out at midnight. / It is said that the fire broke out at midnight.
⑨.三个人称代词同时出现时, 其顺序一般是: 你, 他/她, 我; 我们, 你们, 他们
a. You, he and I all enjoy music.
一.物主代词的形式: 物主代词有形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词两种
我的 我们的 你的/你们的 他的 她的 它的 他们的/她们的/它们的
形容词性物主代词 my our your his her its their
名词性物主代词 mine ours yours his hers --- theirs
1.形容词性物主代词相当于一个形容词, 作定语, 如: our work, her students, their house
2.名词性物主代词相当于一个名词, 作主语, 表语, 宾语
a. His brother is a driver; mine is a worker.
b. These books are mine.
c. You can use my bike and I may use hers.
3. “of +名词性物主代词”可构成双重所有格, 如:
a. Wang Ling is a friend of mine.
b. This baby of hers is so lovely.
①.动名词的逻辑主语如果位于句首, 则多用物主代词, 如:
a. His coming late made everyone angry.
②.在介词后, 表示身体某部位或身上某位置的名词前, 用the而不用物主代词, 如:
a. I’ve hurt him in the finger.
b. He hit me on the back.
c. He caught me by the hair.
d. The man pulled me by the sleeve.揪住了我的衣袖.
一.反身代词的形式: myself, ourselves, yourself, yourselves, himself, herself, itself, themselves
a. He taught himself English.
b. He is old enough to look after himself.
2.在句中作名词或代词的同位语, 以加强名词或代词的语气, 一般表示 “亲自” “本人”
a. I myself did the work.
b. You had better ask Tom himself.
一.指示代词的形式: this, that, these, those, it, such, same
1.this / these常指时间, 空间或心理上较近的人或物, that / those常指时间, 空间或心理上较远的人或物
2.this / these常指后面要提到的事物, 有启下的作用; 而that / those常指前面讲到过的事物, 有承上的作用
a. What I want to tell you is this: The meeting is put off until Friday.
b. He had a bad cold. That is why he didn’t attend the meeting.
3.that / those还可用来代替上文出现过的名词.作此用法时, 它们的用法及与one / ones的对比见下表
代替什么词 替换成... 定语问题
one [C]单数 某名词 有前置定语或后置定语
ones [C]复数 某名词 有前置定语或后置定语
that [C]单数或[U] the + 某名词 必无前置定语, 必有后置定语
those [C]复数 the + 某名词 必无前置定语, 必有后置定语
a. The weather in Beijing is not so hot as that ( = the weather ) in Shanghai.
b. The population of China is a quarter of that ( = the population ) of the world.
c. The students in class one work harder than those ( = the students ) in class two.
d. The question is an easy one.
e. Which pencils do you want ? The red ones.
f. He has a new coat and several old ones.
g. I have lost my pen. I am going to buy one.
a. He is such a man.
b. I don’t like such words.
c. Such is our plan.
②.such应位于no, one, another, some, many, all等词之后
a. One such grammar book is enough.
③.such + a(n) + adj. + n结构等同于so + adj. + a(n) + n, 如:
a. It is such a good chance. =It is so good a chance.
④.如果名词为[U], 则只能用such而不能用so, 如:
a. He has made such great progress.
b. It was such good weather.
⑤.如果名词被many / much / little / few四个词修饰, 则要用so而不用such, 如:
a. He has made so much progress.
5.the same的用法: the same =同样(的), 可以作定语, 表语, 主语和宾语
a. They left for Beijing on the same day.
b. He will go to swim and I’ll do the same.
c. Whether he will come or not, it is all the same to me.
②.模糊it: it指时间, 季节, 气候, 距离, 情况等
a. It is time for the meeting.
b. It is Saturday today.
c. It is fine today.
d. It often rains in summer and it often snows in winter in this city.
e. It is five kilometer from home to the school.
f. It is well with you ? 你身体好吗?
③.it作形式主语: it作形式主语时, 真正的主语可以是动词不定式, 动名词或由that引导的主语从句.当句中的这些真正主语用词较多时, 常用it作形式主语, 而把真正的主语移到后面
a. It is a good habit to do morning exercise.
b. It is no use learning without thinking.
c. It is pity that you didn’t see such a good film.
④.it作形式宾语: it作形式宾语时, 真正的宾语可以是不定式, 动名词或that引导的宾语从句. 当宾语之后有宾补, 而作宾语的不定式或宾语从句用词较多时, 常用it作形式宾语, 而把真正的宾语移到后面
a. I find it easy to learn English well if in the right way.
b. I consider it wrong that you stand too close to an Englishman.
c. They want to make it clear that they are doing an important and necessary job.
⑤.it用于强调句型: It + is / was + 被强调的部分 + that / who + 其他
a. Professor Wang teaches us English every Monday afternoon.(一般陈述句)
b. It is Professor Wang that / who teaches us English every Monday afternoon.(强调句)
c. It is us that / who Professor Wang teaches English every Monday afternoon.(强调句)
d. It is English that Professor Wang teaches us every Monday afternoon.(强调句)
e. It is every Monday afternoon that Professor teaches us English.(强调句)
一.不定代词的形式: some, any, no, none, many, much, few, little, each, every, one, all, both, either, neither, other, another及some, any, no, every构成的复合不定代词
①.不定代词作主语时, 要明确其究竟是单数还是复数, 如: both是复数, either / neither是单数, all则根据情况可作单数或复数
a. Both of them are students.
b. All were present at the meeting.
c. All goes well.
②.不定代词作定语时, 要明确其修饰可数与不可数的问题, 如: many / few修饰可数名词; much / little修饰不可数名词; some / any既修饰可数也修饰不可数
③.all / both / each / everybody / everything等含有“全部”或“每个”意义的词与否定词not连用时, 通常表示部分否定. 全部否定时通常采用否定代词none, no one, nobody, neither, nothing等
a. Not all ants go out for food. = All ants don’t go out for food.并不是所有的蚂蚁出去找食物
b. None of them knew about the plan because it was kept a secret.
2.some / any的用法:
①.some常用于肯定句中. some在下列情况下也用于疑问句: 表示请求或邀请; 期待肯定回答,或认为对方肯定回答的可能性很大时; 表建议时
a. Could you lent me some money?
b. Will you have some milk?
c. Are you waiting for some friends?
d. Would you lend me some books please ?
②.any常用于疑问句和否定句中; any用于肯定句中表示 “任何”; 与一些否定含义的词如: hardly, never, not, without等连用多用any
a. I don’t have any ink.
b. Do you have any ink?
c. You can come and see me at any time.
d. Any student can solve the problem.
3.no / none / no one的用法:
①.no =not any, 通常用作定语, 修饰可数或不可数
a. There is no milk in the glass.
b. He has no brother.
②.none代替可数名词作主语时, 谓语动词用单数或复数都可(参看“主谓一致”); none代替不可数名词作主语时, 谓语动词用单数
a. None of the stories are / is interesting.
③. no one只泛指人, 不与of连用; none指人, 事, 物皆可, 可与of连用
4.many / much的用法: many用来修饰或代替可数名词; much用来修饰或代替不可数名词
a. Many students, many of the students.
b. Much has been done. / He has much to do. / He has much work to do.
5.few / little, a few / a little的用法: ( a ) few修饰或代替可数名词; ( a ) little修饰或代替不可数名词
a. Few of them are good at skating.
b. I met a few of my friends at the party.
c. There is still a little milk in the bottle.
d. Little remains to be said.
6.each / every的用法:
①.each指 “每个”的个别的情况, 相当于汉语的 “各个”
②.every虽有“每个”的意思, 但常从整体出发, 强调共同性, 相当于“每个都”
a. Every one of us has strong and weak points.(强调所有人都…)
b. Each of us has strong and weak points.(强调每个都…)
③.主语中有each / every, 构成反意问句时, 多用复数变化., 如:
a. Every student like the film, don’t they ?
b. Each of us takes part in the activity, don’t we ?
④.every可以和not连用, each不可以
a. Not every worker can do it.
①.表示“一个”, 如: one hour, one man
②.泛指不确定的人, 可译为“人们” “一个人”, 表此意时, 它的所有格是one’s, 反身代词是oneself
a. One should be strict with oneself.
b. One should serve his country wholeheartedly.
③.one / ones代替上文出现过的可数名词, 以避免重复
a. He has a washer. I want to buy one too.
b. Which shirt do you like? I like the red one.
8.all 的用法: 作主语时, 谓语动词根据情况采取单数或复数; 作定语时,修饰[ U/C]
a. All are here.大家都到了
b. All is going on well.
9.both表示“两者都”, 作主语时, 谓语动词用复数; 作定语时, 修饰复数名词
10.either 表示“两者之中任何一个”, 作主语时, 谓语动词用单数; 作定语时, 修饰单数名词
a. Here are two pens. You may use either of them.
b. There are shops on either side of the street.
c. Either of them is going there.
11.neither表示“两者都不”, 作主语时, 谓语动词用单数; 作定语时, 修饰单数名词
a. Neither is right.
b. Neither film is interesting.
12.other的用法: the other表示两者中的另外一个; the others =the other +复数名词, 表示“其余的一些”; others =other +复数名词, 表示 “别的人或事物”
a. He has two sons. One is a teacher. The other is a worker.
b. Some went to the Great Wall, the others went to the lake.
13.another 指不定数目中的另外一个; another +复数名词表示“再一些, 又一些”
a. This skirt is too long. Please show me another.
b. I want to have another cup of coffee.
c. I will finish the work in another ten minutes.
14.复合不定代词是由some, any, no, every和body, thing, one构成的, 如: somebody, something, someone. 带some的不定代词一般用于肯定句, 带any的不定代词一般用于否定句及疑问句中, 它们的用法与some / any的用法相似




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