江苏省石庄高级中学06届高考语法(倒装、省略、插入语)练习 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)

中学英语教学资源网英语论文高考复习指导 手机版

1.—Why can’t I smoke here? —At no time ____ in the meeting room.
A.is smoking permitted B.smoking is permitted C.does smoking permit D.smoking does permit
2.Only ____ as an interpreter ____ how important it is to grasp English.
A. when did I work; I realized B. when I worked; I realized
C. when did I work; did I realize D. when I worked; did I realize
3.Zhang Hua is clever and works hard at his lessons. _________.
A. So is Li Ming B. So does Li MingC. It was the same with Li Ming D. So it is with Li Ming
4. that they may eventually reduce the amount of labor needed on construction sites by 90 percent.
A. Such construction robots are clever B. So clever the construction robots are
C. Such clever construction robots are D. So clever are the construction robots
5.Important ___ his discovery was, it was regarded as a matter of no account in his time.
A. when B. until C. as D. although
6. ____ in 1812, the New Orleans Battle could have been avoided.
A. If the peace agreement was signed in America B. If the peace agreement had signed in America
C. Was the peace agreement signed in America D. Had the peace agreement been signed in America
7.It was too noisy outside. Not until I shouted at the top of my voice ____ his head.
A. did he turn B. had he turned C. he hadn’t turned D. he didn’t turn
8.The old couple have been married for 40 years and never once ________with each other.
A. they had quarrelled B. they have quarreled C. have they quarrelled D. had they quarreled
9.Only in this way_________ to make improvement in the operating system.
A. you can hope B. you did hope C. can you hope D. did you hope
10.—You forgot your purse when you went out.—Good heavens, _______.
A. so did I B. so I did C.I did so D.I so did
11.Not only ________interested in football but ________ beginning to show an interest in it.
A. the teacher himself is…all his students are B. the teacher himself is…are all his students
C. is the teacher himself…are all his students D. is the teacher himself…all his students are
12.Only when the war was over ________to his hometown.
A. did the young soldier return B. the young soldier returned
C. returned the young soldier D. the young soldier did return
13.An awful accident ________, however, occur the other day.
A. does B. did C. has to D. had to
14.My sister speaks English , if not better than, my brother.
A.as well B.as well as C.so well D.so well as
15. , you have given me a lot of help.
A.Tell the truth B.To tell the truth C.Telling true D.Telling truth
16. his face, the young man must be over 20.
A.Judged from B.Judged C.Judging from D.Judging
17. heat is different from temperature?
A.How do you think B.How you think C.What do you think D.What you think
18.What he said, , has nothing to do with what he did.
A.to my surprise B.to my surprised C.to my surprising D.to our surprises
19.This Englishman is good at writing, reading and is kind to others.
A.above all B.first of all C.in all D.after all
20.If Bob’s wife doesn’t agree to sign the papers, .
A.neither he will B.neither does he C.neither will he D.he won’t neither
21.Hardly the people ran toward it.
A.had the plane landed when B.had the plane 1anded than
C.the plane had landed when D.the plane was landing than
22.0nly by practising a few hours every day be able to master the language.
A.you can B.can you C.you will D.will you
23.Never before our country as strong as it is today.
A.has;been B.不填;has been C.has been;不填 D.is;不填
24.Not only polluted but crowded.
A.was the city;were the streets B.the city was;were the streets
C.was the city;the streets were D.the city was;the streets were
25. got into the room telephone rang.
A.He hardly had;than B.Hardly had he;when
C.He had not;than D.Not had he;when
26.—Listen,there . — Oh,yes.There .
A.goes the bell;it goes B.goes the bell;goes it
C.the bell goes;it goes D.the bell goes;goes it
27. then he wouldn’t have made such a mistake.
A.If he followed your advice B.Were he to follow your advice
C.Had he followed your advice D.He had followed your advice
28.Only after set free able to go on with his research work.
A.he was;was he B.was he;was he C.was he;he was D.he was;he was
29. do we go for picnics.
Sometimes B.Certainly C.Seldom D.0nce
30.No sooner had she seen her father she ran to him.
A.than B.when C.as D.that
31.Nowhere else in the World cheaper tailoring than in Hong Kong.
A.a tourist can find B.can a tourist find C.a tourist will find D.a tourist has found
32. ,the football game has been decided not to be put off.
A.Heavily as did it rain B.As it rained heavily C.Heavily as it rained D.As heavily as it could
33.Now here else in this city .
A.can such cheap things be found B.Can find so cheap a thing
C.such cheap things can be found D.you can find sucn cheap things
34.-----I don't think I can walk any further.
------ _______ . Let's stop here for a rest.
A. Neither am I B. Neither can I C. I don't think so D. I think so
35.—Can you tell me where my uncle is? —Yes,of course, .
A.here your uncle comes B.here comes your uncle
C.comes your uncle here D.your uncle here comes
36.So 1oudly that even people in the street could hear him.
A.he spoke B.did he speak C.he did speak D.spoke he
37.The door burst open and ,shouting with anger.
A.in rushed the crowd B.rushed in the crowd C.the crowd in rushed D.in the crowed rushed
38.On the top of the hill where the old man once lived.
A.a temple stands there B.a temple standing C.does a temple stand D.stands a temple
39.The soil is a part of the earth, is the atmosphere.
A.that B.such C.so D.it
40.On the wall _____ two large portraits.
A.hangs B. hanging C.hanged D. hang
41.—— I usually go there by train.
—— Why not__________by boat for a change?
A.to try going B.trying to go C.to try and go D.try going
42.__________ for your brother, I would not have gone to see Mr. Wang.
A.If it is not B.Were it not C.Had it not been D.If they were not
43—— I’d like to have a piece of bread and two eggs.
—— Anything __________?
A.following B.follows C.to follow D.to be followed
44. He suggested that the work _________ at once.
A.be done B.should do C.could do D.does
45.It’s a fine day. Let’s go swimming, __________?
A.won’t we B.will you C.don’t we D.shall we
46.Be sure to be here early tomorrow, __________?
A.will you B.aren’t you C.can you D.could you
47.We will have a meeting next week, but we don’t know __________.
A.who B.where C.as D.which
48.I don’t like the way __________ you talk to your mother.
A./ B.in that C.which D.of which
49.I know the boy very well. I have seen him up from childhood.
A.grow B.grew C.was growing D.to grow
50.Though the little boy is often made by his brother, he made his brother ___yesterday.
A.cry;to cry B.crying; crying C.cry; cry D.to cry; cry
51.—— I’ll go to Korea to watch the 14th Asian Games. Would you mind looking after my dog?
—— Not all. __________.
A.I can’t B.Please don’t C.I’d like it D.I’d be happy to
52.Tom wanted to play football with his friends in the street, but his father told him__________.
A.not to B.not to do C.not do it D.do not to
53.——Do you think Jack is going to watch a football match this weekend? —— __________.
A.I believe not B.I believe not so C.I don’t believe it D.I don’t believe
54.—— What do you think made the girl so glad? —— __________ a beautiful necklace.
A.As she received B.Receiving C.Received D.Because of receiving
55.—— Aren’t you be chairman? —— No, and I __________.
A.don’t want to B.don’t want C.don’t want to be D.don’t want be
56.Well, we have been waiting here__________for the guest.
A.long time B.a long time C.the long time D.some long time
57.You’re__________your time trying to persuade him. He’ll never join us.
A.spending B.wasting C.losing D.missing
58.Father advised me not to say anything until__________ at the meeting.
A.asking B.to ask C.asked D.ask
59.—— Coffee __________ milk?
—— Only milk, please, __________ I used to like coffee.
A.and;and B.and; but C.or; and D.or; but
60. —— He promised to come to see you.
—— But he __________. I’ve been all alone.
A.didn’t B.wouldn’t C.hasn’t D.won’t
61.—— How about the number of students playing on the playground?
—— __________.
A.Small B.Many C.Little D.Most
62.All substances, __________ solids, liquids, or gases, are made up of entirely atoms.
A.whether they B.whether C.whether are they D.whether are
63.Mr. Black, __________ born in Kentucky, lived and practiced law in Missouri.
A.was B.he was C.although D.who he was
64.—— Have you watered the flowers?—— No, but __________.
A.I am B.I’m going C.I’m just going to D.I will go
65.—— He hasn’t gone to the office up to now. —— Well, he __________.
A.should B.ought to C.ought to go D.ought to have
66.If you go to Xi’an, you will find the palaces there more magnificent than commonly .
A.supposing B.supposed C.to suppose D.suppose
67.If __________ the same treatment again, he is sure to get well.
A.giving B.give C.given D.being given
68.He broke his legs while __________.
A.riding B.ride C.was riding D.rode
69.—— Would you like some wine? —— Yes, just __________. (NMET’93)
A.little B.very little C.a little D.little bit
70.He said__________his sister had passed the entrance examination of college, and__________she would go to college in about 20 days.
A.that; / B.that; that C./; / D.that; which
1-5ADDDC 6-10DACCB 11-15DABBB 16-20CAAAC 21-25ABACB 26-30ACACA
31-35BCABB 36-40BADCD 41-45DCCAD 46-50ABAAD 51-55DAABC
56-60BBCBC 61-65ABCCD 66-70BCACB
1.—Why can’t I smoke here? —At no time ____ in the meeting room.
A.is smoking permitted B.smoking is permitted C.does smoking permit D.smoking does permit
答句中否定介词短语at no time位于句首,表明了句子的主谓结构应采用部分倒装的形式,即将句中的助动词调至主语之前。根据句子意思该句为被动语态,排除选项B、C、D。
2.Only ____ as an interpreter ____ how important it is to grasp English.
A. when did I work; I realized B. when I worked; I realized
C. when did I work; did I realize D. when I worked; did I realize
3.Zhang Hua is clever and works hard at his lessons. _________.
A. So is Li Ming B. So does Li MingC. It was the same with Li Ming D. So it is with Li Ming
根据题干及句子结构可知,它含有两个不同的谓语动词,当它的内容也适合另一个主语时,这个句子需用So it is/ was with sb/sth. 或It is/was the same with sb/sth. 来表示。选项C时态错误。
4. that they may eventually reduce the amount of labor needed on construction sites by 90 percent.
A. Such construction robots are clever B. So clever the construction robots are
C. Such clever construction robots are D. So clever are the construction robots
在so...that 或such...that 引导的结果状语从句中,当so或 such 位于句首时,主句要采用部分倒装形式。
5.Important ___ his discovery was, it was regarded as a matter of no account in his time.
A. when B. until C. as D. although
分析句子意思可知,选项部分为让步状语从句,当从句中用作状语的形容词或名词位于句首时,要用as 或though,但助动词不前置。
6. ____ in 1812, the New Orleans Battle could have been avoided.
A. If the peace agreement was signed in America B. If the peace agreement had signed in America
C. Was the peace agreement signed in America D. Had the peace agreement been signed in America
7.It was too noisy outside. Not until I shouted at the top of my voice ____ his head.
A. did he turn B. had he turned C. he hadn’t turned D. he didn’t turn
根据题干及句子结构可知,not until引导的时间状语从句位于句首,且表示过去某一点时刻所发生的动作,主句应采用一般过去时的部分倒装形式。
8.The old couple have been married for 40 years and never once ________with each other.
A. they had quarrelled B. they have quarreled C. have they quarrelled D. had they quarreled
考部分主谓倒装。否定句(如该句中的never)在句首时,应用部分主谓倒装。这类副词有:never ,hardly ,seldom ,scarcely,little等。这句话的意思是:那对老夫妇结婚已经四十年了,连一次架也没吵过。
9.Only in this way_________ to make improvement in the operating system.
A. you can hope B. you did hope C. can you hope D. did you hope
10.—You forgot your purse when you went out.—Good heavens, _______.
A. so did I B. so I did C.I did so D.I so did
“so+正装句”的意思是“是的”,表示同意别人所说的话。所提供的情境Good heaven说明自己确实在出门时忘了带钱包,所以回答说:“so I did.”。so I did的意思是“我确实忘了带钱包。”注意区别so I did, so did I, I did so。例:①“He sang this song just now.”—“So did I.”(我也是)②The doctor told me to breathe deeply.“I did so”.(我照着医生的吩咐做了深呼吸)③“You forget to post the letter for me.”—“So I did.”(我的确忘了邮信了)。
11.Not only ________interested in football but ________ beginning to show an interest in it.
A. the teacher himself is…all his students are B. the teacher himself is…are all his students
C. is the teacher himself…are all his students D. is the teacher himself…all his students are
Not only… but…引导的句子前一部分要用倒装。这句话的意思是:不仅老师对足球感兴趣,学生们也开始对足球感兴趣了。
12.Only when the war was over ________to his hometown.
A. did the young soldier return B. the young soldier returned
C. returned the young soldier D. the young soldier did return
13.An awful accident ________, however, occur the other day.
A. does B. did C. has to D. had to
这是一个对谓语强调的句子。时间状语the other day表示过去,所以要用一般过去时。由于在主语和谓语中间插入了however,增加了试题的难度。注意:对谓语强调句子必须用于肯定句的一般时中,在谓语动词前加did, does或do。
14.My sister speaks English , if not better than, my brother.
A.as well B.as well as C.so well D.so well as
if not better than为插入语。
15. , you have given me a lot of help.
A.Tell the truth B.To tell the truth C.Telling true D.Telling truth
to tell the truth(说实话),常见的作插入语的不定式短语还有:so to speak(可以说是),to be sure(无疑地),to sum up(概括地说), to be honest(坦率地说),to be frank(坦率地说),to be fair(说句公道话)。
16. his face, the young man must be over 20.
A.Judged from B.Judged C.Judging from D.Judging
judging from, generally speaking, strictly speaking等都为插入语。
17. heat is different from temperature?
A.How do you think B.How you think C.What do you think D.What you think
do you think为插入语置于疑问词之后,而特殊疑问句本身的主语、谓语用陈述语序。
18.What he said, , has nothing to do with what he did.
A.to my surprise B.to my surprised C.to my surprising D.to our surprises
to my surprise为插入语。
19.This Englishman is good at writing, reading and is kind to others.
A.above all B.first of all C.in all D.after all
above all意为“更重要的是”。
20.If Bob’s wife doesn’t agree to sign the papers, .
A.neither he will B.neither won’t he C.neither will he D.he won’t neither
“他也不去”是将来的事。neither will he=he won’t agree to sign the papers,either
21.Hardly the people ran toward it.
A.had the plane landed when B.had the plane 1anded than
C.the plane had landed when D.the plane was landing than
22.0nly by practising a few hours every day be able to master the language.
A.you can B.can you C.you will D.will you
23.Never before our country as strong as it is today.
A.has;been B.不填;has been C.has been;不填 D.is;不填
24.Not only polluted but crowded.
A.was the city;were the streets B.the city was;were the streets
C.was the city;the streets were D.the city was;the streets were
25. got into the room telephone rang.
A.He hardly had;than B.Hardly had he;when
C.He had not;than D.Not had he;when
26.—Listen,there . — Oh,yes.There .
A.goes the bell;it goes B.goes the bell;goes it
C.the bell goes;it goes D.the bell goes;goes it
“Here, There, Now, Then + come (或be等) + 主语” 结构
27. then he wouldn’t have made such a mistake.
A.If he followed your advice B.Were he to follow your advice
C.Had he followed your advice D.He had followed your advice
省略了If的虚拟语气条件句:在虚拟结构中,条件从句的谓语含有were, had 和should这三个词是,可省去if,将这些词移至主语之前。
28.Only after set free able to go on with his research work.
A.he was;was he B.was he;was he C.was he;he was D.he was;he was
29. do we go for picnics.
Sometimes B.Certainly C.Seldom D.0nce
30.No sooner had she seen her father she ran to him.
A.than B.when C.as D.that
No sooner…than=hardly…when
31.Nowhere else in the World cheaper tailoring than in Hong Kong.
A.a tourist can find B.can a tourist find C.a tourist will find D.a tourist has found
32. ,the football game has been decided not to be put off.
A.Heavily as did it rain B.As it rained heavily C.Heavily as it rained D.As heavily as it could
33.Now here else in this city .
A.can such cheap things be found B.Can find so cheap a thing
C.such cheap things can be found D.you can find sucn cheap things
here, there, up, down, in, out, off, away等副词开头的句子表示强调
34.-----I don't think I can walk any further.
------ _______ . Let's stop here for a rest.
A. Neither am I B. Neither can I C. I don't think so D. I think so
Neither can I =I don’t think I can walk any further,either.参看20题
35.—Can you tell me where my uncle is? —Yes,of course, .
A.here your uncle comes B.here comes your uncle
C.comes your uncle here D.your uncle here comes
36.So 1oudly that even people in the street could hear him.
A.he spoke B.did he speak C.he did speak D.spoke he
So + 形容词、副词及such 置于句首时要倒装
37.The door burst open and ,shouting with anger.
A.in rushed the crowd B.rushed in the crowd C.the crowd in rushed D.in the crowed rushed
为了表达生动,有时把表地点、方位的副词,如 up, down, out, away, in等放在句首,同时把谓语动词放在主语之前。若主语为人称代词,主语和谓语动词的位置不变,只将副词放在句首。(完全倒装)
38.On the top of the hill where the old man once lived.
A.a temple stands there B.a temple standing C.does a temple stand D.stands a temple
In the corner of the room stands a writing-table./South of the city lies a big factory./Under the bed lies a cat./In these oceans live huge numbers of a small fish 5cm long.
39.The soil is a part of the earth, is the atmosphere.
A.that B.such C.so D.it
so, neither或nor表示前句内容也适用于另外的人或事。
40 On the wall _____ two large portraits.
A.hangs B. hanging C.hanged D. hang
析:由于介词短语on the wall位于句首,全句要采用完全倒装式,因为主语是复数。
41.—— I usually go there by train.
—— Why not__________by boat for a change?
A.to try going B.trying to go C.to try and go D.try going
Why not try going...?=Why don’t you try going...?
42.__________ for your brother, I would not have gone to see Mr. Wang.
A.If it is not B.Were it not C.Had it not been D.If they were not
43—— I’d like to have a piece of bread and two eggs.
—— Anything __________?
A.following B.follows C.to follow D.to be followed
Anything to follow?=Is there anything to follow?在there be句型中,修饰主语的不定式可以用主动形式,也可以用被动形式,但口语中,常用主动形式。
44. He suggested that the work _________ at once.
A.be done B.should do C.could do D.does
45.It’s a fine day. Let’s go swimming, __________?
A.won’t we B.will you C.don’t we D.shall we
Shall we=shall we go swimming?
46.Be sure to be here early tomorrow, __________?
A.will you B.aren’t you C.can you D.could you
47.We will have a meeting next week, but we don’t know __________.
A.who B.where C.as D.which
where=where we will have a meeting next week
48.I don’t like the way __________ you talk to your mother.
A./ B.in that C.which D.of which
当way,time(次数)等作定语从句的先行词时,引导定语从句的关系词可以用that或in which,也可省略
49.I know the boy very well. I have seen him up from childhood.
A.grow B.grew C.was growing D.to grow
50.Though the little boy is often made by his brother, he made his brother ___yesterday.
A.cry;to cry B.crying; crying C.cry; cry D.to cry; cry
51.—— I’ll go to Korea to watch the 14th Asian Games. Would you mind looking after my dog?
—— Not all. __________.
A.I can’t B.Please don’t C.I’d like it D.I’d be happy to
某些表示心理或情感状态的动词如:love, mean, want, hate, like, prefer, wish, expect, hope等的后面跟不定式时,为避免重复,常省略与上文相同的动词,而只保留不定式符号to
52.Tom wanted to play football with his friends in the street, but his father told him__________.
A.not to B.not to do C.not do it D.do not to
tell him not to (play football with his friends in the street.)
53.——Do you think Jack is going to watch a football match this weekend? —— __________.
A.I believe not B.I believe not so C.I don’t believe it D.I don’t believe
so 和not可放在动词expect,fear,hope,suppose,believe,think,以及词组be afraid的后面,省略与上文相同的肯定或否定的宾语从句。
54.—— What do you think made the girl so glad? —— __________ a beautiful necklace.
A.As she received B.Receiving C.Received D.Because of receiving
Receiving a beautiful necklace(makes the girl so glad)
55.—— Aren’t you be chairman? —— No, and I __________.
A.don’t want to B.don’t want C.don’t want to be D.don’t want be
56.Well, we have been waiting here__________for the guest.
A.long time B.a long time C.the long time D.some long time
a long time前省去了介词for。
57.You’re__________your time trying to persuade him. He’ll never join us.
A.spending B.wasting C.losing D.missing
waste one’s time (in) doing sth.意为“浪费时间干某事”;spend time (in) doing sth.意为“花费时间干某事”
58.Father advised me not to say anything until__________ at the meeting.
A.asking B.to ask C.asked D.ask
until asked=until I was asked.
59.—— Coffee __________ milk?
—— Only milk, please, __________ I used to like coffee.
A.and;and B.and; but C.or; and D.or; but
Coffee and milk?=Do you want both coffee and milk?
60. —— He promised to come to see you.
—— But he __________. I’ve been all alone.
A.didn’t B.wouldn’t C.hasn’t D.won’t
He hasn’t.=He hasn’t come to see me.根据下一句,应用完成时态
61.—— How about the number of students playing on the playground?
—— __________.
A.Small B.Many C.Little D.Most
说明the number of...,应用large,big或small
62.All substances, __________ solids, liquids, or gases, are made up of entirely atoms.
A.whether they B.whether C.whether are they D.whether are
在带有状语从句的复合句中,如果从句与主句的主语一致,且从句中含有be动词,则可以省略从句的主语及be动词。此处从句中省略了they are
63.Mr. Black, __________ born in Kentucky, lived and practiced law in Missouri.
A.was B.he was C.although D.who he was
在though, although,等引导的让步状语从句中。如:Though (they were) tired, they went on working. 虽然他们累了,但他们仍继续工作。
64.—— Have you watered the flowers?
—— No, but __________.
A.I am B.I’m going C.I’m just going to D.I will go
在某些结构,如:be about to, be going to, be able to, be sure to, be certain to, be likely to, be ready to, be supposed to, be obliged to, be to等后,常省去与前面动词一致的动词原形
65.—— He hasn’t gone to the office up to now. —— Well, he __________.
A.should B.ought to C.ought to go D.ought to have
如果不定式本身为完成时态,简略答语中常保留have。ought to have=ought to have gone to the office.
66.If you go to Xi’an, you will find the palaces there more magnificent than commonly .
A.supposing B.supposed C.to suppose D.suppose
本句为比较状语从句的省略,省去了they are
67.If __________ the same treatment again, he is sure to get well.
A.giving B.give C.given D.being given
本句为条件状语从句的省略,省去了he is
68.He broke his legs while __________.
A.riding B.ride C.was riding D.rode
while riding=while he was riding
69.—— Would you like some wine? —— Yes, just __________. (NMET’93)
A.little B.very little C.a little D.little bit
a little=a little wine
70He said__________his sister had passed the entrance examination of college, and__________she would go to college in about 20 days.
A.that; / B.that; that C./; / D.that; which




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