代词IT的用法 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)

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用 法 例 证
1. 用作代词,为人称代词;第三人称单数,主格与宾格 There is a map on the wall. It is a map of China. 墙上有张地图,它是一张中国地图。(It指代上文提到的a map,在句中作主语)
Our monitor suggested that we go outing on Sunday. No one was against it. 班长建议我们星期天去郊游,没人反对。 (it指代上句这件事,作介词的宾语)
2.作无人称代词,除了句中找不到它所代表的词语外,另一个特点是它后面的内容都是表天气,时间,度量及情况等。 "What time is it?" "It's twelve o'clock." “现在几点了?”“十二点钟。”(指代时间)
It was quiet at that moment. 当时非常安静。(指代情况)
3.作先行代词。It作先行代词时,本身没有具体意义,而只是帮助把真正的主语或宾语移到句子的后面去,it的作用是代替它后面起主语或宾语作用的不定式,动名词或从句。 It is very important for us to study English. 学英语对我们来说非常重要。(it指代后面的动词不定式。)
It's doubtful whether he will be able to come. 他能否来还很难说。(it代替后面的whether从句)
It's no use crying over the spilt milk. 牛奶倾覆,哭之无益。(覆水难收)(it指代后面的动名词。)
I owe it to you that I can achieve so much. 我能取得这些成绩都归功于你。(it指代后面的that从句)
4.用于强调句型中,it是引词,本身无词义。lt is/was+被强调部分+that/who+其它成分这一句型可强调主语,宾语或状语。 It was about 600 years ago that the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made. 大约是在600年前,造了第一只有钟面与时针的钟。
5.用于一些固定词组中,接在某些由名词变来的动词后,无实际意义。口语中用作某些动词或介词的含糊宾语,无意义。 Put it on. 夸大其词,吹牛。
Watch it. 注意。
Go it while you are young. 趁你年轻努力干吧。
I had a good time of it. 我玩得很高兴。
Depend upon it, she will soon recover. 不错(毫无疑问),她很快会复原。
As ill luck will have it. 偏偏不巧。
You'll catch it! 你可小心点儿!(警告用语)
You are in for it. 这下你可得干到底了(或这下你可要倒霉了。)
6. 用作代词。意为“的确是
那东西,更重要的(必要的)东西,理想,极致,最顶尖的人”,俚语中指“重要人物,讨厌,自负的人”。 That's it. 就这样了。/真是这样。
In a lilac sun bonnet she was it. 她戴着一顶紫色遮阳帽,瀑亮极了。
For barefaced lying you are really it. 以无耻造谣而论,你真算得上天下第一。
Stop acting as though you were it. 不要夜郎自大。
He is a perfect it. 他太讨厌了。
We'll foot it. 我们将步行去。
We'll taxi it. 我们将坐出租车去。
She queens it. 她玩着女皇派头。
用 法 例 证
Where is my school-bag? It's on the desk. 我的书包在哪里?它在课桌上。(it指代前面的物school-bag)
Tom's mother kept telling him that he should work harder, but it didn't work. 汤姆的母亲不断地告诉他要好好努力,但这根本没用。(it指代
Although we cannot see it, there is air all around us. 虽然我们看不见空气,但它在我们的周围。(it指代后面的air。在主从复合句中,it通常位于从句中,而它所指代的名词通常位于主句中。)
It would be wonderful if you could come to help us. 如果你来帮助我们,那就太好了。(it指将会发生的事情,代替if引导的从句)
2.代替有生命的但不能或不必分阴阳的东西。(包括某些集合名词,个体名词) Our class is a big one. We all love it very much. 我们班是个大班,我们都热爱它。(it指代前面的集体名词class)
The baby cried because it was hungry. 婴儿因为饿而哭了。(it指代前面的个体名词baby)
用 法 例 证
1.指时间 It's twelve o'clock now and it's time for lunch. 现在十二点了,该吃午饭了。
"What day is it?" "It's Thursday." “今天星期几?”“星期四。”
It has been ten years since I left Taiwan. 我离开台湾已经十年了。
2.指距离 "How far is it to the school?" "It's about one mile." “到学校有多远?”“大约一英里。”
It half an hour's walk to the factory. 到工厂需走半个小时的路程。
3.指自然现象 It is getting hotter and hotter. 天越来越热了。
It is going to rain. 天要下雨了。
It's cloudy today. 今天多云。
4.指度量 It's 10 kilegrams in weight. 重量为十公斤。
It is twenty square metres of area. 面积为20平方米。
5.指环境情况 It's dark in the room. 房间里很黑。
It was very quiet at the moment. 这时候很安静。
It's quite close in the room. Let's open the window. 房间里相当闷,把窗子打开吧。
用 法 例 证
1.It作形式主语,指代不定式,动名词或从句。 In fact it is a hard job for the police to keep order in an important football match. 事实上,在重大足球比赛中,警察们维护秩序是一件难事。(it代替动词不定式短语for the police to keep...)
It took them two years to finish the building. 他们花了两年时间建成了这座大楼。(it代替动词不定式短语to finish...)
It's no use reading without understanding. 读书不求甚解是无用的。(it代替后面动名词reading...)
It's no good talking up the matter now. 现在提起那个问题也没用。(it代替后面的动名词talking...)
It is a pity that you didn't come yesterday. 你昨天没有来,真可惜。(it代替从句that...)
It needs further discussion whether we'll build a new library or not. 我们是否要建一个新的图书馆还需进一步讨论。(it代替从句whether...)
2.it作形式宾语指代不定式,动名词或从句。 I found it difficult to hear what she said. 我发现要听见她说的话很困难。(it代替不定式to hear...)
Marx found it important to study the situation in Russia. 马克思发现研究俄国的形势很重要。(it代替不定式to study...)
She thought it no use telling him about that. 她觉得把那件事告诉他没有用。(it代替动名词telling...)
We consider it good reading aloud in the morning. 我们认为早晨大声朗读是有好处的。(it代替动名词短语reading...)
They think it necessary that we go there at once. 他们认为我们有必要立即赶到那里。(it代替从句that...)
1.谓语动词appreciate,dislike,hate,like,love,make(按时到达,成功)等后接有if或when等引导的宾语从句时,往往在从句前加上形式宾语it。 I would appreciate it if you could come to my birthday party. 如果你能来参加我的生日晚会,我将感到高兴。
2.动词have(表达,坚持说),take(认为,猜想),hide(隐瞒),publish(公布),put(表达,写出来)等后接由引导的宾语从句时,往往在从句前加上形式宾语it。 I take it you have been out. 我想你出去过了。
We published it that we had finished the project ahead of time. 我们宣布了我们已提前完成了这项工程。
3.短语动词answer for(担保), count on(期待),depend on(依靠),insist on(坚持),see to(确保)等后接引导的宾语从句时,往往在从句前加上形式宾语it。 I am counting on it that you will come. 我们期待着你能来。
See to it that you always carry your passport. 你得常带着你的护照。
用 法 例 证
1.可以改变句子结构,使句子的某一成分受到强调。其句型为It is/was+被强调部分+that/who/whom+其它成分,可强调主语,宾语或状语。 原句:I met Li Ming at the railway station yesterday. 我昨天在火车站遇到了李明。
强调主语:It was I that/who met Li Ming at the railway station. 是我昨天在火车站遇到李明的。
强调宾语:It was Li Ming that/who/whom I met at the railway station. 我昨天在火车站遇到的是李明。
强调地点状语:It was at the railway station that I met Li Ming yesterday. 我昨天是在火车站遇到李明的。
强调时间状语:It was yesterday that I met Li Ming at the railway station. 我是昨天在火车站遇到李明的。
2.强调句型也可强调一些状语从句。 It was only when I reread his poems recently that I began to appreciate their beauty. 只有当我最近重读他的诗歌时,我才欣赏到它们的美妙来。 (强调only when引导的从句)
It was not until she took off her glasses that I realized she was a famous film star. 直到她摘下眼镜,我才意识到她是一位著名电影明星。(强调not...until从句。注意not必须位于until前与后面的从句一起提前被强调。)
3.强调句的一般疑问句句型: Is/Was+it+被强调部分+that/who/whom+其他成分? Was it in 1969 that the America astronaut succeeded in landing the moon? 是在1969年美国宇航员成功登陆月球的吗?
4.强调句的特殊疑问句句型:疑问词+is/was+it+that/ who / whom? Where was it that you met with the famous singer? 在哪里你遇上了这位著名歌唱家的?
Why was it that he got so angry? 到底是为什么他会如此生气?
1. 强调状语时,连接词只能用that,强调人时,则可用that或who(在原句中作主语)或whom (在原句中作宾语)
2. 原句的谓语动词时态是一般过去进行时和过去完成时,用It was...来强调,其他时态用It is...来强调。
3. 强调谓语动词时不能用此句型,而应借助于助动词do,在句中要重读。 I did meet Li Ming at the railway station yesterday.我昨天在火车站确实碰上李明了。
I did forget your birthday.我确实把你的生日给忘了。
Do be careful.务必要小心。
4. 注意强调句不要与定语从句混淆。如果是强调句,那么去掉其强调结构It is/was与that/who/whom之后句子依然成立,否则便不是强调句。 It was on October 1st, 1949 what new China was founded.新中国是在1949年10月1日成立的。(强调句,强调时间状语)
It was October 1st 1949 when new China was founded.新中国成立的时间是1949年10月1日。(这不是强调句型,是一个定语从句)
1. Tom's mother kept telling him that he should work harder, but _____ didn't help.
A. he B. which C. she D. it
2. I was disappointed with the film, I had expected _____ to be much better.
A. that B. this C. one D. it
3. _____ is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.
A. There B. This C. That D. It
4. It was not until 1920 _____ regular radio broadcasts began.
A. while B. which C. that D. since
5. It was about 600 years ago _____ the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.
A. that B. until C. before D. when
6. It was only when I reread his poems recently _____ I began to appreciate their beauty.
A. until B. that C. then D. so
7. I hate _____ when people talk with their mouths full.
A. it B. that C. those D. them
8. It is the ability to do the job _____ matters not where you come from or what you are.
A. one B. that C. what D. it
9. Was it in 1969 ___the American astronaut succeeded _____ landing on the moon?
A. when; on B. that; on C. when; in D. that; in
10. Was _____ that I saw last night at the concert?
A. it you B. not you C. you D. that yourself
11. ---Wasn't it Dr. Wang who spoke to you just now? ---_____.
A. I didn't know he was B. Yes, it was C. No, he wasn't D. Yes, he did
12. _____ was in 1979 _____ I graduated from the university.
A. That; that B. It; that C. That; when D. It; when
13. It was _____ he said _____ disappointed me.
A. what; that B. that; that C. what; what D. that; what
14. What a pity my new computer doesn't work. _____ must be something wrong with it.
A. It B. There C. This D. That
15. An awful accident _____, however, occur the other day,
A. does B. did C. h~ to D. had to
16. In fact _____ is a hard job for the police to keep order in an important football match.
A. this B. that C. there D. it
17. It is these poisonous products _____ can cause the symptoms of the flu, such as headache and aching muscles.
A. who B. that C. how D. what
18. _____ is no possibility _____ Bob can win the first prize in the match.
A. There; that B. It; that C. There; whether D. It; whether
19. Since you have repaired my TV set, _____ is no need for me to buy a new one.
A. it B. there C. this D. that
20. It _____ long before we _____ the result of the experiment.
A. will not ho; will know B. is; will know C. will not be; know D. is; know
21. It was because of bad weather _____ the football match had to be put off.
A. so B. so that C. why D. that
22. I don't remember how many years ago _____ I last showed you round the factory.
A. it was that B. was it that C. it was when D. was it when
23. _____ it is going to rain.
A. It looked like B. It looks liked C. It looked as though D. It looks as if
24. Was it in this palace _____ the last emperor died?
A. that B. in which C. where D. which
25. It was in 1969 _____ the American astronaut succeeded in landing on the moon.
A. that B. which C. when D. in which
26. Is it in that factory _____ "Red Flag" cars were made?
A. in which B. where C. that D. which
27. It is the factory _____ we worked with these old workers.
A. in which B. there C. in that D. that
28. It was 1968 _____ we visited that factory.
A. during that B. during which C. that D. which
29. ---Now let me check the number"67845544".
---That's _____.
A. that B. this C. it D. one
30. Everything has now been said, hasn't _____?
A. they B. it C. which D. that
31. _____ very foolish of you to say so.
A. It's B. Its C. That's D. This
32. It is _____ to observe traffic rules.
A. of great importance for us B. important to us
C. great important of us D. if great importance to us
33. _____ is said that he has been to many places in the United States.
A. This B. He C. It D. That
34. _____ is no doubt that he will succeed in his examination.
A. It B. This C. That D. Them
35. What he has done helps us a lot, _____?
A. isn't he B. doesn't he C. isn't it D. doesn't it
36. _____ I was free that evening.
A. It happened to B. It happened that C. That happened D. It was happened that
37. We all thought _____ no use doing that.
A. it B. that C. this D. there
38. Was it by the roadside _____ they talking about the film?
A. where B. that C. what D. by which
39. Why is it _____ everyone thinks he's thief?
A. because B. as C. when D. that
40. Was it near the bridge _____ the car accident took place?
A. where B. that C. there D. /
41. Can it be in the office _____ you left your umbrella?
A. where B. that C. which D. in which
42. Jack is ill. Have you heard about _____?
A. him B. it C. this D. that
43. The problem is not so easy as _____.
A. it is B. it does C. there is D. it seems
44. He is fifty, but doesn't _____.
A. look at it B. look for it C. look it D. look him.
45. _____ is about two Li from here to the zoo.
A. This B. That C. It D. Which
46. The war and the suffering _____ caused impressed him greatly.
A. that B. which C. what D. it
47. There we found little snow, as most of _____ seemed to have been blown off the mountain.
A. that B. it C. which D. what
48. _____ won't take long to get to Shanghai by air.
A. That B. He C. It D. This
49. How happy _____ to be able to study and live together with you!
A. that will be B. is it C. will it be D. it will be
50. I found _____ to hear what he said.
A. that difficulty B. it difficulty C. that difficult D. it difficult
51. It was _____ who telephoned me yesterday.
A. him B. his C. himself D. he
1-5 D D D C A 6-10 B A B D A 11-15 B B A B B 16-20 D B A D C
21-25 D A D A A 26-30 C A B C B 31-35 A A C A D 36-40 B A B D B
41-45 B B D C C 46-51 A C C D D D




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