英语难点--连词的误用 (译林牛津版高三英语下册教学论文)

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[误] Which you can see, he is always ready to help others.
[正] As you can see, he is always ready to help others.
[误] Do like I told you.
[正] Do as I told you.
[析]like是介词; as是连词,在这里作"按照"讲,引导方式状语从句。
[误] He was reading then he was walking.
[正] He was reading as he was walking.
[误] As he is young, he knows a lot.
[正] Young as he is, he knows a lot.
[误] You don’t like him is none of my business.
[正] That you don’t like him is none of my business.
[误] The thief handed everything which he had stolen to the police.
[正] The thief handed everything that he had stolen to the police.
[误] I am happy as you passed the exam.
[正] I am happy that you passed the exam.
[误] Go to find your watch. It’s there where you left it.
[正] Go to find your watch. It’s where you left it.
[析]where引导表语从句,相当于at the place where。
[误] The place where there is water, there is life.
[正] Where there is water, there is life.
[误] I can’t remember in which place I met him.
[正] I can’t remember where I met him.
[析]where引导宾语从句,不能用in which。
[误] How an interesting story he told us!
[正] What an interesting story he told us!
[析]What an interesting story!=How interesting a story!
[误] I can’t remember the thing what he told me.
[正] I can’t remember what he told me.
[析]what引导宾语从句,相当于the thing that。
5.no matter + what/who...与whatever/whoever...的区别:前者只能引导让步状语从句,而后者既可引导让步状语从句,也可引导名词性从句。
[误] I will make friends with no matter who shares my interest.
[正] I will make friends with whoever shares my interest.
[误] You must hand in no matter what you’ve found.
[正] You must hand in whatever you’ve found.
[析] 引导名词性从句时只能用whatever。
6.whether和if的区别:两者引导名词性从句时都是从属连词,作"是否"讲,本身不作成分,此时句子中往往出现表示"不肯定"意义的一些短语,如not sure/certain, not known/decided,...is still question, depend on等。
whether 和if 引导动词后的宾语从句时可互换,但下列情况一般只能用whether:
(1) 引导介词后的宾语从句;(2)引导主语从句; (3) 引导表语从句;(4)引导同位语从句;(5)后面出现or not。
[误] If you can pass the exam depends on how hard you work.
[正] Whether you can pass the exam depends on how hard you work.
7.while, when, as 引导时间状语从句时的区别:
[误] I picked up some French words as I was having a holiday in Paris.
[正] I picked up some French words while I was having a holiday in Paris.
[误] We were having classes while someone knocked at the door.
[正] We were having classes when someone knocked at the door.
8.because, as, since(now that)引导原因状语从句时的区别:
because引导原因状语从句时,表示直接的原因,可以回答why的提问;as只能是一种"附加的"理由,不能回答why的提问;since(now that)多表示双方都已很清楚的事实,作"既然"讲。
[误] Because we’ve finished most of the work, let’s have a rest.
[正] Since(Now that) we’ve finished most of the work, let’s have a rest.
[析]表示大家都清楚的理由用since(now that)。
9.however和as 引导让步状语从句时的区别:
however引导让步状语从句时,相当于no matter how,后面跟形容词或副词;as引导让步状语从句时,用倒装语序,即把作状语的副词或作表语的形容词或名词提前,而且如果作表语的是单数名词,前面不加冠词,也可以把谓语动词部分的实义动词提前。
[误] As hard he works, he can’t catch up with his classmates.
[正] However hard he works, he can’t catch up with his classmates.
[误] A model worker he is, he remains modest.
[正] Model worker as he is, he remains modest.
[析]as 引导让步状语从句,前面的单数名词前不加冠词。
[例1] You must put things there you can find them.
[例2] I remember the time as my grandmother was telling stories to me.
[例3] A child as he was, he looked quite calm in that difficult situation.
[例4] Don’t make friends with such people that you think are dishonest.
[例5] He had been admitted by Beijing University made us very happy.
句首加That, 把He改为he。that引导名词性从句,本身无实际意义,也不作成分,但不能省略。
1. Anyone leaves the room last should remember to lock the door.
2. He is willing to help no matter who is in trouble.
3. Who breaks the law should be punished.
4. The place he has gone is not known yet.
5. I will buy the dictionary as it is expensive.
6. He said that he would do all what he could to help us.
7. The thing what he had done surprised everybody.
8. As everybody is here, let’s begin our discussion.
9. We will finish the work on time, however difficulties we meet.
1. Anyone→Whoever或Anyone who。 whoever可以直接用来引导名词性从句,相当于anyone who。
2. no matter who→whoever。 引导宾语从句应用whoever。
3. Who→Whoever。who和whoever都可引导名词性从句,但whoever泛指任何人,具有强调语气,who往往指一定的对象。
4. The place→Where。where可以直接用来引导主语从句。
5. as→although。此处让步状语从句是正常语序,因此应用although。
6. what→that或去掉what。 what不能引导定语从句。
7. 去掉The thing, 把what的首字母大写。what可以直接引导主语从句。
8. As→Since。since引导原因状语从句,表示大家都清楚的原因。
9. however→whatever。however引导让步状语从句时相当于no matter how, 后面跟形容词或副词;whatever引导让步状语从句时,相当于no matter what,后面跟名词。




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