词性的分辨 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)

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1. very, too
[误] The book is very difficult for me.
[正] The book is too difficult for me.
2. both, either, all; neither, none
[误] If you keep still, you can sit at both end of the boat.
[正] If you keep still, you can sit at either end of the boat.
3. most, mostly, almost
[误] The members of the group are most young people.
[正] The members of the group are mostly young people.
[误] He mostly fell down.
[正] He almost fell down.
4. beat, strike, hit
[误] He was beaten on the nose.
[正] He was hit on the nose.
5. calm, quiet, still, silent;
calm平静的/沉着镇静的,指无风浪或人的心情平静;quiet宁静的,指周围环境很静,没有声音,不吵闹或心里没有烦恼、焦虑;still静止的,不动的, 指无动作的状态;silent沉默的,指不说话。
[误] Tell the children to keep still, it’s not necessary to be anxious.
[正] Tell the children to keep calm,it’s not necessary to be anxious.
6. care, mind
[误] I don’t mind what others will say.
[正] I don’t care what others will say.
7. carry, take, bring, fetch
[误] Please remember to take your dictionary here tomorrow.
[正] Please remember to bring your dictionary here tomorrow.
8. cause, reason
[误] They still haven’t found out the reason of the fire.
[正] They still haven’t found out the cause of the fire.
9. test, check, examine
[误]They tested the tyre of the car and found it was flat.
[正] They examined the tyre of the car and found it was flat.
10. especially, specially
[误] I like the country, specially in spring.
[正] I like the country, especially in spring.
[例1] We had a pleased trip, but we were all a little tired.
[例2]He was hoped to be back in two weeks’ time.
hoped→supposed/expected。动词应用错误。 hope不能用于hope sb. to do sth.结构。
[例3]Have you found who broke the window?
found后加out。副词缺少错误。find指"找到"具体的物体;find out指"搞清楚、弄明白"事情的真相。
[例4]He was so angry that he stared at me.
[例5]I can’t suppose his raising objections at the meeting.
suppose→imagine。动词搭配错误。imagine 后搭配名词或动名词,suppose后搭配不定式作补语。
[例6]It’s necessary to keep health by doing more exercises.
1. We all thought high of him who reduced the high price.
2. We find his English greatly increased.
3. Care your own business!
4. Do you think he is possible to give us some help?
5. We found him sitting lonely in a corner.
6. We know she is quite special about clothes.
7. Did you notice which direction the car had gone?
8. I own great thanks to your help.
9. We were divided from each other when we went into the crowd.
10. I don’t know how long the work will be finished.
1. high→highly。 副词搭配错误。high用作副词,表示具体概念上的"高地",highly用作副词,表示抽象意义上的"高度地"。
2. increased→improved。 动词搭配错误。increase表示数量的"增加",improve表示质量、水平的"提高"。
3. Care→Mind。 动词搭配错误。care意为"在意",mind意为"当心",此处为固定搭配。
4. possible→likely。形容词搭配错误。possible"可能的",前面一般用it作主语;likely"可能的",表示判断,前面作主语的可以是人也可以是物。
5. lonely→alone。词类使用错误。lonely意为"孤独的、荒凉的",alone意为"单独地"。
6. special→particular。形容词搭配错误。be particular about...为固定搭配,意为"对……挑剔"。
7. direction→way。名词搭配错误。direction当"方向"讲时,前应用介词in,way当"方向"讲时,前面不需要加介词。
8. own→owe。动词搭配错误。当表示"归功于"或"欠"之意时,应用动词owe。
9. divided→separated。动词搭配错误。divide意为"把……分为几部分",后面搭配介词into;separate意为"分离、隔离",后面搭配介词from。
10. long→soon。副词应用错误。long表示动作持续的时间,soon表示动作结束的时间。




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