英语语法分类总复习(一)------冠词、名词专练50题 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)

中学英语教学资源网英语论文语法专题指导 手机版

1.I don’t like talking on__telephone;I prefer writing__letters. (北京2002春招)
A.a; the B.the; 不填 C.the; the D.a; 不填
2._____a wonderful sense of humour.
A.The English have B.The English has
C.English have D.English has
3.①The young often___the old in our town.
A.helps B.wants to help C.help D.helping
②He had never envied the rich___money.
A.his B.their C.one’s D.her
4.The more you listen to English, ___you’ll feel in speaking English.
A.the well B.easily
C.the more easily D.the easier
5.In China,___bicycle is___popular means of transportation(交通).
A.the; a B.a; 不填 C.the; the D.a; the
6.___page of the book is torn and___cover looks very old.
A.The; the B.A; a C.A; the D.The; a
7.He is___teacher that all of us like him. (MET’84)
A.a such good B.such good a
C.a so good D.so good a
8.Father went to his doctor for_____about his heart trouble. (MET’87)
A.an advice B.advice
C.advices D.the advices
9._____danger man is often much wiser than usual.(MET’88)
A.In a time of B.In the times of
C.In the time of D.In time of
10.Alice is fond of playing___piano while Henry is interested in listening to___music. (MET’89)
A./; the B./; / C.the; / D.the; the
11.Beyond_____stars, the astronaut saw nothing but_____space. (MET’90)
A.the;/ B./; the C./; / D.the; the
12.Alexander Graham Bell invented_____telephone in1876. (MET’91)
A./ B.a C.the D.one
13.Which is_____country, Canada or Australia? (NMET’93)
A.a large B.larger C.a larger D.the larger
14.—— Where’s Jack?
—— I think he’s still in___bed, but he might just be in___bathroom. (MET’92)
A./; / B.the; the C.the; / D./; the
15. She is_____new comer to____chemistry but she has already made some important discoveries.(NMET’94)
A.the; the B.the; / C.a;/ D.a; the
16.If there were no examinations,we should have_____at school. (NMET’94)
A.the happiest time B.a more happier time
C.much happiest time D.a much happier time
17.—— I’d like_____information about the management of your hotel, please.
—— Well, you could have _____ word with the manager. He might be helpful. (NMET’95)
A.some; a B.an; some
C.some; some D.an; a
18.How beautifully she sings! I have never heard____. (NMET’96)
A.the better voice B.a good voice
C.the best voice D.a better voice
19.Many people agree that___knowledge of English is a must in___international trade today.(NMET’96)
A.a; / B.the; an C.the; the D./; the
20.—— Have you seen___pen? I left it here this morning.
—— Is it___black one? I think I saw it somewhere. (NMET’97)
A.a; the B.the; the C.the; a D.a; a
21.Professor White has written some short stories, but he is___known for his plays.(NMET’98)
A.the best B.more C.better D.the most
22.Paper money was in___use in China when Marco Polo visited the country in___thirteenth century.(NMET’99)
A.the;/ B.the; the C./; the D./; /
23.The warmth of___sweater will of course be determined by the sort of___wool used. (NMET2001)
A.the; the B.the; / C./; the D./; /
24.Jumping out of_____airplane at ten thousand feet is quite_____exciting experience.(NMET2002)
A.不填; the B.不填; an C.an; an D.the; the
25.Boris has brains. In fact, I doubt whether anyone in the class has___IQ. (NMET2002)
A.a high B.a higher C.the higher D.the highest
26.Mr Wang gave us_____on how to improve our English.
A.so good an advice B.a good advice
C.some good advices D.a piece of good advice
27.The suggestion has been made___the basketball match___put off.
A.for; to B.that; be
C.which; should be D.to; being
28.Tom’s and John’s_____came to London last week.
A.father-in-law B.fathers-in-law
C.fathers-in-laws D.father-in-laws
29.His “Selected Stories”_____first published in 1990.
A.were B.was C.has been D.have been
30.These tables and desks are all made of_____.(MET’79)
A.a wood B.some wood C.the wood D.wood
31.—— Did you find your pen this afternoon?
—— No, I didn’t find_____, but I’ve bought_____.
A.it; it B.one; one C.it; one D.one; it
32.If these trousers are too big, buy a smaller___.(MET’82)
A.set B.one C.copy D.pair
33.Three-fourths of the surface of the earth___sea.(MET’88)
A.is B.are C.were D.has been
34.We have worked out the plan and now we must put it into___. (MET’92)
A.fact B.reality C.practice D.deed
35.Here’s my card. Let’s keep in_____. (NMET’94)
A.touch B.relation
C.connection D.friendship
36.He gained his___by printing___of famous writers. (NMET’95)
A.wealth; work B.wealths; works
C.wealths; work D.wealth; works
37.—— Hello. Is Laura there, please?
—— I’m sorry, she is not here right now.Can I take a_____?
A.message B.letter C.sentence D.notice
38.The city government decided to keep the old temple for its historical___.
A.price B.cost C.value D.usefulness
39.Shortly after the accident, two___police were sent to the spot to keep order. (MET’92)
A.dozen of B.dozens
C.dozen D.dozens of
40.Come along now and sit down. Tom,can you make_____for Mary?
A.a face B.room
C.some difference D.space
41.Four years had passed, and I found Mary had_____.
A.little white hair B.some white hair
C.much white hairs D.a few white hairs
42.Although the city had been attacked by the stormseveral times, _____was done.
A.a few damages B.few destroy
C.little hurt D.little damage
43.Sometimes I have a cup of coffee after lunch, but I don’t make a habit_____it. (HK’91)
A.for B.of C.about D.from
44.The price of vegetables is_____than before.
A.much cheaper B.even higher
C.still dearer D.a lot more expensive
45. Such a magazine has_____except when you have time to kill.
A.little value B.much value
C.a lot of values D.great value
46.I’m sorry I’m forgetting your name for_____.
A.a moment B.moments C.the moment D.the moments
47.Opinions of that kind are best kept to yourself, and not voice_____.
A.by public B.in public
C.in a public D.in the public
48.Such men have made_____by developing oil businesses.
A.great fortunes B.a huge fortune
C.some huge fortune D.a great fortune
49.There are ten___teachers and two hundred___students in the school.
A.women; girl B.woman; girls
C.women; girls D.woman; girl
50.The boy wrote_____last week.
A.a two-thousand-words article
B.two two-thousand-words article
C.a two-thousand-word article
D.two two-thousand-words articles
1.B。on the telephone 的意思是“(在)打电话”,可作状语或表语,表示正在进行的动作,其中的 the 不可省略。
3.①C;②B。英语中, 有些形容词或分词(如 old, young, poor, rich, injured, wounded, dead, living, deaf 等)与 the 连用时, 表示一类人。这种结构通常表示复数,应与复数动词或复数代词连用。
4.D。“the+比较级,the+比较级”表示“越……,就越……”,其中的定冠词 the 不可省略。
5.A。“the/a(an)+单数名词”可表示“类属”,故第一空的冠词用the 或 a 均可。第二空指一种交通方式,应用不定冠词。
8.B。advice 表示“意见;忠告”,为不可数名词。
9.D。in time of 的意思是“在……时刻”,不与冠词连用。
10.C。play 后接表示球类的名词时,不用冠词(如 play basketball);后接表示西洋乐器的名词时,则须用定冠词(如 play the violin)。listen to music表示“听音乐”,是固定短语。
11.A。特指天上的星星,应用定冠词;space 指“太空”,一般不与冠词连用,但有形容词修饰时,应使用定冠词。
14.D。be in bed 表示“卧床”,为习惯用语,不与冠词连用;in the bathroom 特指“在(说话双方都知道的)浴室里”。
16.D。have a...time 指“过得……”;修饰比较级时用 much,不用 more。
17.A。information 在此为不可数名词,故可排除 B、D 两个选项;have a word with sb. 为固定短语,意思是“跟……说句话”。
18.D。voice 指“啜音”。此处不定冠词与比较级连用,表示“(以前)从未听过比她唱得更好的”。
19.A。此处knowledge 表示“知道;熟悉”,是know的名词形式,常与不定冠词连用。trade 指“某种贸易”,通常不与冠词连用。
21.C。此处指剧本(plays)与短篇小说(short stories)两者之间的比较。
22.C。(be) in use 为习惯用语,意思是“在使用中”,不与冠词连用;thirteenth 为序数词,序数词前面通常使用定冠词。
23.B。wool“羊毛”,为不可数名词,在此表示泛指,不与定冠词连用,故选项A、C均不对;sweater 在此表示“羊毛衫”这一类物品,与 the 或 a均可连用。
25.B。此句暗指班里其他人的“智商”没有比 Boris的更高的,故用比较级。
26.D。advice 表示“忠告;建议”,为不可数名词,指数量时,常与a piece of连用。
27.B。suggestion,advice 等名词后面接 that 引导的名词性从句时,从句中的谓语常用“(should)+动词原形"构成的虚拟结构。
28.B。A's and B’s 表示“A 和 B 各自的”,后面的可数名词要用复数形式;father-in-law 为复合名词,复合名词的复数形式通常是将其中的名词或主要的名词变为复数。
30.D。wood 指“木头”,为不可数名词,此处的 wood 指材料,是物质名词,不与 the 连用。
31.C。it 指代前面的同一物品;one 则指代与前面事物同类的物品。
32.D。trousers, scissors, gloves, socks, glasses等表示成双成对物品的名词,其数量单位为 pair。
34.C。put... into/in practice 为习惯用语,意思是“把……付诸实施”。
35.A。指“(与……)保持联系”,应说 keep in touch (with...)。
36.D。wealth 指“财富”,为不可数名词;work 指文学、艺术作品时,常用复数形式。37.A。注意这几个词的含义不同:message 指“口信”、“短信”;letter 指“信件”;sentence 指“句子”;notice 指“(书面)通知”。
38.C。price 指物品在金钱上的“价格”;cost 指事物的生产“成本或费用”;value 指事物内在的“价值”;usefulness 指事物“有用”。
39.C。dozen 指数量,意思是“十二”,常用于“数词+dozen +复数名词”及“dozens+of+复数名词”这两种结构。如:two dozen eggs二十四个鸡蛋;dozens of apples 几十个苹果。
40.B。make room for“给……腾出地方”,其中的 room 为不可数名词。
41.D。hair 指满头“头发”,为不可数名词;指具体的某种“头发”或一根一根的“头发”,为可数名词。
42.D。此处主句的含义应是否定的,故可排除选项A。destroy 为动词,不可作主语,所以也不对。hurt是对感情或身体部位的伤害,在此语意不符;damage 表示“损害”,为不可数名词。
43.B。habit 表示“习惯”,后面的介词常用 of。如:make a habit of, be in the habit of,have the habit of,fall into the ha猓imof 等。
44.B。英语中,price“价格”只能说 high(高)或 low(低),不能说expensive/dear(贵)或 cheap(便宜)。
45.A。value 指事物具有的实用“价值或重要性”,为不可数名词。
46.C。for a moment 的意思是“一会儿,片刻”,指动作持续的时间;for the moment 的意思是“当这时候、目前、暂时”,指一时的情况。
47.B。in public“当众;公然”,为习惯用语,不与冠词连用。
48.A。make a fortune 的意思是“发财;致富”,其中的 a fortune 有单复数的变化。此句的主语 men 为复数,故 fortune 也用复数。
49.A。名词作定语时,通常用单数。但 man 与 woman 作定语时,如果后面的名词是单数,这两个词也用单数,如果后面的名词是复数,这两个词也用复数,如:a man doctor, two men doctors 等。
50.C。由“数词+连字符+名词”构成的合成形容词,其中的名词必须用单数。此句若选 D,应将 words 后面的“s”去掉。
1. If I had___, I’d visit Europe, stopping at all the small interesting places.
A. a long enough holiday B. an enough long holiday
C. a holiday enough long D. a long holiday enough
2. These oranges taste___.
A. good B. well C. to be good D. to be well
3. How beautifully she sings! I have never heard___.
A. the better voice B. a good voice
C. the best voice D. a better voice
4. I’d be___, if you could give me an early reply.
A. pleasant B. grateful
C. satisfied D. helpful
5. Those T-shirts are usually $35 each, but today they have a (an)___price of $19 in the shopping center.
A. regular B. special C. cheap D. ordinary
6. Mr Smith bought a___purse for his wife.
A. small black leather B. black leather small
C. small leather black D. black small leather
7. —— How was your job interview?
—— Oh, I couldn’t feel___. I hardly found proper answers to most of the questions they asked.
A. better B. easier C. worse D. happier
8. Longjing tea, Jasmine tea and Wuyi tea are all famous,but which do you think_____?
A. tastes best B. smells most
C. sounds best D. drinks mostly
9. —— Can Li Hua help me with my English?
—— I regret to tell you her English is_____yours.
A. as good as B. no more than
C. no better than D. as much as
10. Although he sometimes loses his temper, his students like him_____for it.
A. not so much B. not so little
C. no more D. no less
11. When they came in, Mr Harris______like a baby.
Nobody would like to wake him from a good dream,because he needed rest.
A. fell asleep B. was sound asleep
C. got asleep D. went to sleep
12. This year they have produced___grain___they did last year.
A. as less; as B. as few; as
C. less; than D. fewer; than
13. —— Can I help you?
—— Well, I’m afraid the box is___heavy for you,but thank you all the same.
A. so B. much C. very D. too
14. —— How did you find your visit to the museum?
—— I thoroughly enjoy it. It was_____than I expected.
A. far more interesting B. even much interesting
C. so far interesting D. a lot much interesting
15. —— Would you like some wine?
—— Yes, just_____.
A. little B. very little C. a little D. little bit
16. It takes a long time to go there by train; it’s ____by road.
A. quick B. the quickest
C. much quick D. quicker
17. If there were no examinations, we should have___at school.
A. the happiest time B. a more happier time
C. much happiest time D. a much happier time
18. I’m surprised that you should have been fooled by such a(an)_____trick.
A. ordinary B. easy C. smart D. simple
19. The salesman showed her several bags and she chose___one as she didn’t want to spend too much money on it.
A. the less expensive B. less expensive
C. the least expensive D. least expensive
20. _____box cannot be lifted by a boy of five.
A. So a heavy B. So heavy a
C. A such heavy D. Such heavy a
21. If the manager had to choose between the two, he would say John was _____choice.
A. good B. the best C. better D. the better
22. It was_____late to catch a bus after the party, there fore we called a taxi.
A. too very B.much too
C. too much D. far
23. Greenland, _____island in the world, covers even two million square kilometers.
A. it is the largest B. that is the largest
C. is the largest D. the largest
24. —— Mum, I think I’m _____ to get back to school.
—— Not really, my dear. You’d better stay at home for another day or two.
A. so well B. so good
C. well enough D. good enough
25. Dracula and Frankenstein are_____film characters.
A. frighten B. frightened
C. frightening D. frightenly
26. When they heard the bad news, they all looked____
at the master and felt quite_____.
A. sad; sad B. sadly; sadly
C. sad; sadly D. sadly; sad
27. The storm kept me_____all through the night.
A. awake B. awoke C. awaked D.awoken
28. —— What do you think of the concert?
—— Oh, it was_____success.
A. a very B. quite a C .so D. really
29. My_____brother is two years_____than I.
A. older; older B. elder; older
C. older; elder D. elder; elder
30. I haven’t seen_____this since I collected stamps.
A. as old a stamp as B. so an old stamp as
C. stamp as old as D. as an old stamp as
31. Please come in and make_____at home, boys!
A. you B. yourself C. yourselves D. yours
32. The remark of_____is quite correct.
A. you B. your C. yourself D. yours
33. In our class_____given an English name by the teacher.
A. we each was B. each of us has
C. each we have D. we were each
34. You’ll have to borrow _____ dictionary. I’m using_____.
A. somebody else’s; my B. somebody’s; my
C. somebody else’s; mine D. somebody’s; mine
35. Some of the wheat is from China. What about____?
A. another B. the other
C. others D. the rest
36. —— You’re always working. Come on! Let’s go shopping.
—— _____ you ever want to do is going shopping.
A. Anything B. Something C. All D. That
37. —— He was nearly drowned once.
—— When was_____?
—— ____was 1998 when he was in middle school.
A. that;It B. this; This
C. this; It D. that; This
38. —— Can you come on Monday or Tuesday?
—— I’m afraid_____is possible.
A. either B. neither C. some D. any
39. I agree with most of what you said, but I don’t agree with _____.
A. everything B. anything
C. something D. nothing
40. —— Do you have_____at home?
—— No, we still have to get several pounds of fruit and some tea.
A. something B. everything
C. anything D. nothing
41. —— Who knocked at the door?
—— I’ve no idea. I just pretended nobody was at home, so I didn’t ask who___was.
A. he B. that C. she D. it
42. I prefer a street in a small town to___in such a large city___Shanghai.
A. that; as B. one; as C. one; like D. that; like
43. Not all these books are second-hand;___of them are new.
A. all B. none C. some D. each
44. As we were asleep, ___of us heard the sound.
A. both B. none C. all D. any
45. ____writer is better known in China, Charles Dickens or Mark Twain?
A. Which B. What C. Either D. Whether
46. Mr Smith gave the books to all the students except___who had already taken them.
A. the ones B. ones C. some D. the others
47. Few pleasures can equal___of a cool drink on a hot day.
A. some B. any C. that D. those
48. Young people may grow quickly in some ways and more slowly in___.
A. the other B. some other
C. others D. these others
49. Some people would rather ride bicycles as bicycle riding has___of the trouble of taking buses.
A. nothing B. none C. some D. neither
50. No bread eaten by man is as good as___got by his own labour.
A. one B. that C. it D. those
51. What I want to tell you is___:The meeting is put off until Friday.
A. this B. it C. that D. its
52. —— Could you give me some paper?
—— Sorry, I haven’t___left myself.
A. few B. little C. much D. many
53. Don’t laugh at the failure of___, because___enjoys being laughed at.
A. others; nobody B. other; everyone
C. the other; anyone D. others; someone
54. Computers must be of great use to___doing the scientific research.
A. those B. these C. whoever D. whomever
55. We couldn’t eat in a restaurant because___of us had___money on us .
A.all; no B. any; no
C. none;any D. no one; any
56. The Indians used to live in___is now part of the USA.
A. where B. which C. what D. that
57. God helps___who help themselves.
A. these B. those C. him D. them
58. All I have is yours. You may take___you like.
A. which B. whichever
C. whatever D. no matter what
59. —— How about the price of these refrigerators?
—— They’re equal in price to, if not cheaper than,___ at the other stores.
A. others B. it C. that D. the ones
60. His words remind me_____we did together during the past holiday.
A. that B. of that C. what D. of what
1.A。a long holiday意为“长假”;enough应放在被修饰的形容词、副词之后。
2.A。表示感觉的动词,如:taste, sound, smell, feel, look等作系动词时,后接形容词作表语。
3.D。这是用比较级表达最高级含义的常用句型。它相当于Her voice is the best one that I have ever heard.
5.B。special price意为“特价”。
9.C。no better than=as bad as;注意关键词regret to tell you。
10.D。no less=as much;句意为“尽管他有时发脾气,同学们还是同样喜欢他。”
11.B。be sound asleep意为“睡得正香”。
13.D。 too修饰形容词、副词,常表示“超过合适的限度”。
15.C。用a little表示“少许”。
20.B。表示“如此重的箱子”可以用“so heavy a box”或“such a heavy box”。
22.B。本题为“too...to” 结构;much too修饰形容词、副词,而 too much修饰不可数名词或单独使用。
23.D。the largest island in the world为Greenland的同位语。
25.C。表示“令人感到恐怖的”,用frightening;表示“(人)感到恐怖的”,用frightened。26.D。修饰look at用sadly;feel为系动词,用sad作表语。
28.B。quite a , quite some用以指人或物不寻常,如We had quite a party.(我们的聚会不一般。)It must be quite some car.(那辆车可不比寻常。)
29.B。指兄弟姐妹中“年长的、年龄较大的”用elder;而表示“年龄比……大”则用older。30.A。表示“象这么旧的邮票”可用以下形式表达:as old a stamp as this; a stamp as old as this; 否定句中前一个as可用so。
31.C。make yourself at home是招呼客人时的礼貌用语。
34.C。表示“别人的”需用somebody else’s。
35.D。the rest既可以指代可数名词,又可以指代不可数名词,意为“剩下的,其余的”。36.C。代词all作定语从句的先行词,并充当主句的主语。
42.B。one用来代替上文出现的单数可数名词a street;such...as为固定搭配。
43.C。not all及all...not均表示部分否定,故选some。
46.A。ones指代前文提到的复数可数名词;因有定语从句修饰,故ones 前须加the。这里the ones=those。
47.C。that用来代替上文中的the pleasure;题意为“没有什么能比在炎热的日子里喝一杯冷饮更令人痛快的了。”pleasure通常为不可数名词,主语pleasures指各种各样的快乐。48.C。some(ways)...others(=other ways)构成固定搭配。
49.B。none用以预指后面的不可数名词或代词,意为“毫无”。句意:有些人宁愿骑自行车,因为骑自行车毫无乘公共汽车的(那么多)麻烦。none还可指代前文中的不可数名词或代词,如:I wanted some bread, but there was none left.
52.C。much用以指代不可数名词,故排除A,D; not much意为“不多”。
54.A。题意为“计算机对于那些进行科学研究的人一定非常有用。”被定语所修饰的those指代the people。
55.C。A项为部分否定,与题意不符;B项中any不可与no连用;D项no one之后不可接of短语。
56.C。what=the place that/which; what作此用法时,既可指人也可指物。如:He is not what he used to be.(他不再是以前的他了。)
58.C。whatever=anything that。
59.D。the ones指代前文的refrigerators;if not cheaper than 是插入语。
60.D。remind sb. of sb./sth. 意为“使某人想起某人或某事”。what在句中引导宾语从句,并在从句中作宾语。
1. Henry, _____ Mary and Tom, is coming to China for a visit? Which is WRONG?
A. together with B. like
C. besides D. but in addition to
2. His father will be back from London____a few days.
A. since B. in C. on D. after
3. He usually goes to work on time ______.
A. except for raining days B. besides it rains
C. but that it rains D. except on rainy days
4. Did you have trouble _______ the post office?
A. to have found B. with finding
C. to find D. in finding
5. If you keep on, you’ll succeed ________.
A. in time B. at one time
C. at the same time D. on time
6. The train leaves___6:00 pm, so I have to be at the station___5:40 pm at the latest?
A. at; until B. for; after
C. at; by D. before; around
7. ___the gate and you’ll find the entrance___the park___the other side.
A. Through; to; on B. Along; of; on
C. Down; to; at D. Up; of; by
8. One___ five will have the chance to join in the
A. within B. among C. in D. from
9. —— Do you go there ___bus?
—— No, we go there ___a train.
A. in; on B. on; on C. by; in D. by; with
10. I made the coat ___my own hands. It was made___hand, not with a machine.
A. in; in B. in; with
C. with; by D. with; with
11. The trees ___front of the house are ___the charge of Mr. Li.
A. in; in B. at; in C. in; by D. from; in
12. The old man died______ cold _______ a cold night.
A. from; at B. of; in
C. of; on D. for; during
13. My uncle lives____116 Changhe Street. His room is ____the sixth floor.
A. at; on B. to; at C. on; in D. of; to
14. I don’t think you can work out the maths problem____her help.
A. since B. unless C. with D. without
15. He is running____the wind towards the station_____
Tom running ________the right.
A. down; and; on B. against; with; on
C. for; with; in D. with; while; to
16. In Hangzhou Mr. Black was so struck____the beauty of nature that he stayed___another night.
A. at; on B. with; at C. for; in D. by; for
17. —— How long has the bookshop been in business?
—— ______1987.
A. After B. In C. From D. Since
18. We offered him our congratulations_____his passing the college entrance exams.
A. at B. on C. for D. of
19. Guangdong lies___the south of China and Fujian is___the east of it. Hainan is__the coast of the
A. in; in; on B. in; on; off
C. on; to; on D. in; to; away
20. The student, ____whom all the teachers are pleased,is very strict ___himself ___ everything.
A. to; with; in B. with; with; in
C. with; at; with D. at; with; at
21. Some doctors were sent t?the front where medical workers were ___.
A. in great need B. in great need of
C. needed great D. needed in
22. _____hearing the good news, they jumped with joy.
A. For B. To C. On D. At
23. She is well-known____her poems and she is also famous ___an actress.
A. for; for B. as; for C. for; as D. by; for
24. He climbed silently______seizing the thief______.
A. in the purpose; by surprise
B. with purpose of; surprisingly
C. with purpose of; surprisedly
D. with the purpose of; by surprise
25. The touch they had both kept in ___many years broke.
A. for B. on C. into D. with
26. The pianist began to play and the girl in red began to sing ____the music.
A. with B. along C. through D. to
27. He divided the sweets___the children who were divided ___three groups.
A. in; in B. into; into
C. between; in D. among; into
28. Early ___the morning of May 1, we started off___the mountain village.
A. in; for B. in; to C. on; / D. on; for
29. Ted has been absent_____class for quite some time.
A. for B. with C. of D. from
30. The railway was opened______traffic_______ April 4, 1985.
A. to; on B. to; in C. by; on D. for; on
31. Such a problem is____difficult for a primary school student ___.
A. so; to work B. very too; to work out
C. rather too; to work out
D. quite too; to answer
32. By the time the fire-fighters arrived, the fire had been put___by the teachers and the students.
A. down B. away C. out D. off
33. David jumped___to get the first___the beginning of the sports.
A. enough high; in B. enough highly; in
C. high enough; at D. highly enough; at
34. I was wondering what to do and______Mr. Wang came in.
A. just B. just now C. just then D. justly
35. —— Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the station?
—— The station? Take the second turning_____and______.
A. to left; then go straight on
B. to the left; then go straight on
C. to left; then go right forward
D. to the left; then go right forward
36. The boy was______eager to get a geography book.
A. more B. too C. much D. far
37. We often say that something is “as light as air”, but air is___light.
A. hardly B. rather C. so D. really
38. ____to my regret, I am unable to accept your warm invitation.
A. Very B. Much C. Great D. A lot
39. Please drop _______ my home when you are free.
A. in B. on C. in on D. in at
40. Are you paying now, or shall I ______ to you?
A. book it down B. book it in
C. book it up D. book it out
41. —— ______ shall we have to go?
—— Another five miles.
A. How farther B. How long
C. How far D. How much farther
42. I want to ring him___to know the reason why he rang___while I was speaking yesterday.
A. up; off B. back; up
C. up; down D. on; off
43. There was no news; ____, she did not give up hope.
A. moreover B. therefore
C. but D. nevertheless
44. The guide told us that he would organize some business men abroad___next week.
A. some time B. sometime
C. some times D. sometimes
45. I’ve got ______work to do on a ________ cold day.
A. much too; much too B. too much; too much
C. too much; much too D. much too; too much
46. —— Is the bus stop far from here?
—— It’s a quarter’s walk, ________.
A. more and more B. and so on
C. all together D. more or less
47. When you drive home, you can’t be_______careful.
A. very B. too C. so D. only
48. Qingdao is _______ beautiful city in summer.
A. most B. a most C. the most D. much
49. —— How did you find your visit to the museum?
—— I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was____interesting than I had expected.
A. far more B. even much
C. so more D. a lot much
50. He’d like to sleep with the window ____ at night.
A. open wide B. open widely
C. wide open D. opened wide
51. She smiled to the people around but___looked straight ahead, getting hold of her son’s hand.
A. most B. almost C. mostly D. nearly
52. If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty, ___great it is.
A. what B. how C. however D. whatever
53. We decided not to climb the mountains because it was raining ___.
A. badly B. hardly C. strongly D. heavily
54. —— Excuse me, is this Mr. Brown’s office?
—— I’m sorry, but Mr. Brown___works here.He left about three weeks ago.
A. not now B. no more
C. not still D. no longer
55. —— How ________ can you finish the drawing?
—— In a week.
A. often B. soon C. long D. rapid
56. Our hall is ____theirs.
A. twice so large as B. twice as large as
C. as twice large as D. so twice large as
57. The plane got back to the airport and landed____at last.
A. safe B. safely C. safety D. save
58. I’ve never seen _______ film as this.
A. so a touching B. so touching
C. a so touching D. so touching a
59. Shall we meet at 5:00? Let’s make it ______earlier?
A. a few B. a little C. few D. little
60. Wei Hua told me that Wu Dong was_______ill.
A. terrible B. very terrible
C. terribly D. too terrible
3.D。except后接动词不定式可与but连用,但except后还可接that, when, where等从句或介词短语,在表示对细节加以纠正之意时用except for。
4.D。have trouble/difficulty in doing sth./with sth.是一个习惯用法,表示“做某事吃力、费劲”。
5.A。in time除平时熟悉的“及时”之意外,还有“迟早”的意思,相当于sooner or later。6.C。具体时间即点时间前常用介词at, 表示“到……为止”用by。
7.A。through指“从某事物的内部空间穿过”;entrance后习惯接to;表示“在……边”用on。8.C。“one in five”指“五人中有一个”,即“one out of five”。
10.C。“由手工制作”用固定词组with one’s hands或by hand。
11.A。in front of表示“在……前面”;in the charge of表示“在……掌管/控制下”。12.C。die of用于疾病、情感、饥饿、寒冷等原因造成的死亡,die from指除了疾病、情感、饥饿、寒冷以外的原因造成的死亡,on a cold night为特定时间。
13.A。在相对小的地点或门牌前用at;房间“在第几层”用“on... floor”。
15.B。“逆/顶风而跑”用against;“with +宾+宾补”表示伴随;表示“在左/右边”用on。16.D。“be struck by”意为“被……迷住/打动”,stay for the night表示“留下来过夜”。17.D。since常与现在完成时连用。
18.B。offer sb. congratulations on sth. or doing sth.=congratulate sb. on sth. or doing sth.
19.B。in the south表示在“一个范围之内的南部”,on the east表示“在东边接壤”,off the coast表示“离开海岸”。
20.B。表示“对……感到满意”,用be pleased with。此句为定语从句; 主句中用了be strict with sb. in sth.句型。
22.C。on (one’s) doing意为“当……时”,相当于when引导的时间状语从句。如:On (my) asking for information, I heard a loud noise outside.
23.C。be well-known/famous for 意为“因……而著名”,be well-known/famous as意为“作为……而著名”。
24.D。with the purpose of是一个固定词组,意为“怀着……意图”;by surprise相当于suddenly。
25.A。keep in touch为固定短语,for...表示一段时间。
26.D。sing to the music意为“伴随着音乐而唱”。
28.D。表示在“某一天的早晨”常说“on the morning of...”;后面用for表示去的目的地。29.D。be absent from是一个固定短语,意思是“缺席”。
30.A。be opened to traffic的意思是“通车”;在具体的某一天之前通常用on。
31.C。这是一个too... to... 的句型,首先排除A。very不能修饰too, 而rather可以。其次,work out常与problem搭配,而answer多与question搭配。
32.C。put out意为“扑灭(火)”。
34.C。just, just now和just then都可以作副词表示时间。just用于现在完成时,意思是“刚才”;just now与过去时连用当“刚才”讲,与现在时连用,表示加重语气的“现在”,等于at this very moment; just then等于at that moment,意为“在那个时候”; justly意为“公正地;正当地”。
36.B。too... to... 句型中如果too修饰eager, ready, glad, willing等时,这种句型译作“非常想干某事”,不能说very eager to get a geography book。
38.B。much或者greatly to on e’s regret意为“使某人感到非常遗憾的是”。不能用very。39.D。drop in = pay a casual visit 意为“顺便访问”,其中的in是一个副词,跟宾语时,需要加介词onsb.或者atsome place。
40.A。book down = put down in a book,意为“记账”;book in的意思为“签到,登记”;book up意为“预定座位或车、船票”等。
41.D。提问有多远,应该用How far 但是这里的答句是another five miles 提问的应该是再走多远,因此用How much farther。
42.A。ring sb. up意为“给某人打电话”;ring off的意思是“挂断电话”。
44.B。some time意为“一段时间”;sometime指“某个不确定的时间”,如:sometime today sometime yesterday sometime tomorrow some times意为“几倍、次”;sometimes意为“有时”。
45.C。too much可以单独使用,也可以修饰不可数名词,而much too修饰形容词或者副词。46.D。A 项意为“越来越多”;B项为“等等”;C项为“一起”。只有D项符合题意,意思为“大约”。
47.B。“cant... too... +形容词(副词)”或者“cant... +形(副)+enough”是一个习惯用法,意思为“无论……都不为过”。
49.A。形容词的比较级常用much a little far a lot a bit a great deal even等词修饰。
53.D。“下大雨”应该说“rain hard/heavily”。
54.D。no longer强调时间;no more强调数量和次数。
55.B。How soon的答语用in+一段时间,且全句的意思是:“在多长时间之内(或之后)你能画完?”How long的答语用(for)+一段时间。
56.B。表示“是……的几倍”常用twice/three times as... as... 的结构。
57.B。根据 句意分析此处应该是一个副词,所以选B。
58.D。句中应该是一个常用结构 so +形容词+a/an+名词(单数可数名词)。
59.B。根据句意“早一点儿”,应该用a little;few/a few常用来修饰可数名词。
1. —— Don’t forget to bring my new books tomorrow afternoon.
—— No, I_______.
A. don’t B. can’t C. won’t D. couldn’t
2. —— I hear you’ve got a set of Australian coins.___I have a look?
—— Yes, certainly.
A. Do B. May C.Shall D. Should
3. He seldom listens to others. He_____answer for what he has done.
A. shall B. will C. can D. would
4. —— May I leave the office before 5 o’clock in the afternoon?
—— No, I’m afraid you_______.
A. needn’t B. shouldn’t C. mustn't D. won’t
5. —— Shall I tell John about it?
—— No, you____. I don’t know his telephone number.
A. needn’t B. wouldn’t C. mustn’t D. shouldn’t
6. Mr Bush is on time for everything. How___it be that he was late for the opening ceremony?
A. can B. should C. may D. must
7. The traffic light is red, so I______stop my car.
A. must B. have to C. can D. mustn’t
8. —— What happened to the young trees we planted?
—— The trees______well, but I didn’t water them.
A. might grow B. needn’t have grown
C. would grow D. would have grown
9. I was really anxious about you. You___home without a word.
A. mustn’t leave B. shouldn’t have left
C. couldn’t have left D. needn’t leave
10. Children________in public very often.
A. should be praised B. shouldn’t have praised
C. shouldn’t have been praised
D. shouldn’t be praised
11. Let’s clean the classroom, _______?
A. won’t you B. shall we
C. do we D. will not you
12. Tom_______show his exam results to his parents.
A. dare not B. dared
C. dare to D. dares not to
13. I don’t think he_______ a new bike.
A. need to buy B. needs buy
C. need D. need buy
14. —— Nacy_________ the letter from her mother.
—— No, she can’t have. The postman hasn’t come yet.
A. can receive B. can have received
C. must have received D. must receive
15. She________the film. She knows nothing about it.
A. can’t see B. can’t have seen
C. must see D. mustn’t have seen
16. They must have been here the day before yesterday,____?
A. mustn’t they B. didn’t they
C. mustn’t have they D. had they
17. —— I didn’t see her yesterday.
—— Oh, but you _______________.
A. must have B. ought to
C. should have D. cannot have
18. —— Must I take a bus ?
—— No, you____. You can walk from here.
A. must not B. don’t
C. don’t have to D. had better not to
19. —— Why do you make me do so?
—— I am sorry that you________do such a thing.
A. would B. can C. should D. may
20. —— Will you stay for lunch?
—— Sorry, _____. My brother is coming to see me.
A. I mustn’t B. I can’t
C. I needn’t D. I won’t
21. What would have happened____, as far as the river bank?
A. if Bob has walked farther
B. if Bob should walk farther
C. had Bob walked farther
D. if Bob walked farther
22. You didn’t let me drive. If we____in turn, you___ so tired.
A. drove; didn’t get B. drove; wouldn’t get
C. were driving; wouldn’t get
D. had driven; wouldn’t have got
23. Without electricity human life_______quite different today.
A. is B. will be
C. would have been D. would be
24. Oh, Janne, you’ve broken another glass. You ought ____when you washed it.
A. be careful B. to care
C. have cared D. to have been careful
25. I______often go fishing when I lived in the countryside.
A. should B. would C. could D. might
26. He______rather stay at home than go to the cinema with you.
A. should B. might C. would D. had better
27. It’s high time we_______ to the theater.
A. will B. shall C. are going to D. went
28. —— Could I use your telephone?
—— Yes, of course you _____________.
A. could B. will C. can D. might
29. It’s strange that they_____nothing about this matter.
A. know B. would know C. knows D. knew
30. I wish you______go with me tomorrow.
A. will B. would C. shall D. can
31. —— Do you still remember the day when we went to the Great Wall?
—— I can’t remember it well, but______sometime last autumn?
A. might it be B. could it have been
C. could it be D. must it have been
32. —— I can’t get through to the general manager’s office anyhow.
—— The line is busy. Someone_____the telephone.
A. must use B. uses
C. must have been using D. must be using
33. He suggests we______to the cinema at once, otherwise we will be late.
A .must go B. go C. will go D. would go
34. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if ____.
A. breaks B. has broken
C. were broken D. had been broken
35. The general ordered that the thief____.
A. be punished B. would punish
C. would be punished D. should punish
36. If only I_____how to operate a computer as you do!
A. had known B. would know
C. should know D. knew
37. It is surprising that he____at the meeting.
A. was B. be C. is D. were
38. If you____wait a moment, I’ll go and find our manager.
A. can B. should C. will D. must
39. —— Do you think he will do me a favor?
—— As far as I know, he is the last one to help others. He____be prepared to give you a hand, though.
A. might B. must C. can D. should
40. Even though I’d hurt my leg, I______ swim back to the river bank.
A. could B. might C. had to D. was able to
41. You_______go to the party if you don’t finish your homework first.
A. won’t B. don’t C. oughtn’t D. shan’t
42. —— It is rather cold here. Shall we light a fire?
—— No, we______because things are easy to catch fire.
A. won’t B. can’t C. mustn’t D. needn’t
43. I______Professor Jones had taught me this question.
A. believe B. deeply think
C. wish D. suppose
44. The chairman requested that ___________.
A. the members studied the problem more carefully
B. the problems were more carefully studied
C. the problems could be studied with more care
D. the members study the problem more carefully
45. I______it again.
A. would like you to read
B. would like that you read
C. would like you reading
D. would like you read
46. If you really want yourself to be in good health, you must___always___so much.
A. not; be smoking B. not; have smoked
C. not; to smoke D. be not; smoking
47. If I___you, I____more attention to English idioms and phrases.
A. was; shall pay B. am; will pay
C. would be; would pay D. were; would pay
48. “Would you have told him the answer had it been possible?”
“I would have, but I ____so busy then.”
A. had been B. were C. was D. would be
49. He had an expression of resentment(不高兴), as if Martin___a fool of him.
A. had made B. makes
C. made D. would make
50. ____the fog, we should have reached our school.
A. Because of B. In spite of
C. In case of D. But for
51. There was a half smile on his face which suggested that he____happy to have given his life for his country.
A. was B. should be C. would be D. were
52. We all agreed to her suggestion that we______to the Great Wall for sightseeing(观光 ).
A. will go B. go
C. shall go D. should have gone
53. You must be a student, ________you?
A. wasn’t B. are C. mustn’t D. aren’t
54. The young man insisted that he_____nothing wrong and___free.
A. did; set B. had done; should be set
C. do; be set D. had done; must be set
55. Without your help, I ____the exam last term.
A. failed in B. would have failed
C. wouldn’t pass D. would fail
56. _____he come, the problem would be settled.
A. Would B. Should C. Shall D. If
57. Very loud noise_____make people ill or drive them mad.
A. should B. can C. need D. must
58. I lost your address, otherwise I____you long before.
A. had visited B. have visited
C. would have visited D. should visit
59. —— Where ________?
—— I got stuck in the heavy traffic, or I_____here earlier.
A. did you go; had arrived
B. are you; would come
C. were you; would come
D. have you been; would have been
60. I______you a beautiful present for your birthday,but I was short of money at that time.
A. would buy
B. had bought
C. would like to have bought
D. must have bought
2.B。May I...?中的may用以表示“允许、许可”。
3.A。shall 用于第二、三人称的肯定句或否定句,表示说话人的意愿,有“命令、警告、威胁、强制、允诺、决心”之意。
4.C。may表示“允许”。回答may引起的问句,肯定式一般用 Yes, of course./Yes, certainly./Sure./Yes, you may.否定式用No, you mustn’t.
7.B。must表示说话人的主观愿望,而have to多表示客观需要。
8.D。would have done表示对过去已发生的事情的推测,表示“可能……”。
9.B。shouldn’t have done表示“过去本来不应该做某事而事实上已经做了”。
10.D。should/should not+do,表示“(现在)应该/不应该……”。
11.B。Let’s do sth.表示“建议做某事”,含听话一方在内,故用 shall we。如果用Let us do sth.结构,则用will you?表示请求对方允许。
12.A。情态动词dare的过去式为dared,常用于否定句、疑问句及条件句中,没有人称和数的变化,否定式是在dare后接not,再接动词原形。dare作为实义动词时,有人称和数的变化,构成否定句时,前要加助动词,后接带to或不带to的动词不定式。13.D。need作为情态动词,一般用于否定句、疑问句及条件句中,后接动词原形。表示“现在不必干某事”,用need not do sth.;表示“过去不必干某事”,用need not have done。need作为实义动词,与其它动词用法相同,用于否定句或疑问句要加助动词。
14.C。“must have done”结构,表示对过去发生情况的肯定推测。
15.B。can’t have done,表示对过去发生情况的否定推测,意为“不可能已经……”。
16.B。must have done表示对过去发生情况的肯定推测,句中带有明确的过去时间状语,故附加疑问句用“didn’t they”。17.C。should/ought to have done表示“本来应该做的事而事实上并未做”。根据上下文,句中省去了seen her。
18.C。回答must引起的问句,否定回答用needn’t或don’t have to.
19.C。I’m sorry/surprised/disappointed之后的从句中,有时采用虚拟语气should do来表示“难过、惊奇”等情绪。
20.B。“Will you...?”在此表示邀请或请求,回答时如果用 I won’t 显得极不礼貌,也不符合下文; My brother is... me.表示“我不能来的原因”。
21.C。此题表示与过去事实相反的假设,主句用would have done,从句用had done,此处用了倒装的省略形式,即省去if, had提到句首。
25。B。would在此表示过去的习惯、习性、倾向等,意为"常......",通常与often,sometimes,for hours等表示时间的短语连用。
26.C。would rather do sth. than do sth.为固定搭配,“宁愿做……而不愿做……”。
27.D。It’s(high/about) time that从句的谓语动词多用过去式,有时也可用should do。
28.C。Could I...?问句表示委婉的请求,若允许对方,应用can来作答,而不用could。
29.A。在It’s important/surprising/desirable/strange/necessary/no wonder/a pity/a shame+that 从句中,从句谓语动词用(should ) do。
30.B。wish后接从句,如果从句指将来的愿望,谓语动词用would/could+do;如果表示过去未能实现的愿望,从句谓语动词用had done;如果表示现在未能实现的愿望,从句的谓语动词用过去式,be动词用were。
31.B。could have done表示对过去发生情况的可能性推测。
32.D。must be using表示此刻“一定正在使用……”。
33.B。在suggest, demand, request,require(要求),order(命令),insist(坚持),advise(劝告)等动词之后的宾语从句中,谓语动词要用(should) do,同时还应注意语态。
34.C。as if引导的从句,如果所说内容与事实不相符时,常用虚拟语气。此题是一种自然现象,故应用一般过去时。注意比较It seems/looks as if it is going to rain.(看起来天将要下雨。)
36.D。在if only引导的感叹句中,谓语动词的形式与wish后宾语从句中谓语动词的形式一样。
40.D。can表示能力时可用be able to代替。但can只有一般时和过去时,be able to可用于各种时态。如果表示“过去有能力并成功地做成了某事"时,要用was/were able to,不用could。
42. C。mustn’t在此表示“禁止”。
43.C。参见注 30。
45.A。would like sb. to do sth.意为“想要某人做某事”。为固定搭配。
46.A。mustn’t be doing与always连用,表示“一定不要总是在做……”,含有“埋怨、不满”等感情色彩。
47.D。该题表示与现在事实相反的假设,从句谓语动词用过去式,be用were,主句用would do。
49.A。该题中as if引导的从句表示与过去事实相反的假设,从句谓语动词用had done。
50.D。but for(要不是)引导的介词短语,相当于if it hadn’t been the fog。
52.B。在advice,demand,idea,order,plan,suggestion等名词后的同位语从句或表语从句中要用虚拟语气,其谓语形式为“(should) do”。
54.B。insist意为“坚持说”时,后面的宾语从句中谓语动词用陈述语气,即如果从句动作与主句动作同时发生,从句谓语用一般过去时;如果从句动作先于主句动作发生,则从句谓语用过去完成时。意为“坚决要求”时,后面宾语从句中谓语动词用“(should) do”。
59.D。or引出的一个分句表示对过去的情况进行假设,故用would have done。
60.C。从 but 引导的分句可看出,前一分句是与过去事实相反的假设。
1. The boy became fatter and fatter each day and ___made his parents sad.
A.which B.what C.he D.it
2. Someone is ringing the doorbell. Go and see ______.
A.who is he B.who he is
C.who is it D.who it is
3. In fact, ___is a hard job for the police to keep order in an important football match.
A.this B.that C.there D.it
4. Tom’s mother kept telling him that he should work harder, but ___didn’t help.
A.he B.which C.she D.it
5. Does___matter whether he can finish the job on time?
A.this B.that C.he D.it
6. ___used to be thought that the earth was square.
A.He B.What C.It D.That
7. I took ___for granted that he would believe in us.
A.that B.the thing C.it D.this
8. He lived in poverty, and he couldn’t help ___.
A.so B.such C.it D.that
9. We had to be patient because it___some time ___we got the full results.
A.has been ; since B.had been ; until
C.was; after D.would be ; before
10. ____four years since I joined the army.
A.There was B.There is C.It was D.It is
11. —— Have you ever seen a whale alive?
—— Yes, I’ve seen ___.
A.that  B.it   C.such   D.one
12. ____being March 12th, they planted trees on the hill.
A.That  B.It is  C.It   D.This
13. —— Was that the new comer who walked by?
—— _____.
A.It must be that B.It must have been
C.He must be D.This must have been
14. Our classroom is very clean. Do you know who___cleaned it?
A.was it that B.it was that
C.was it who D.he was
15. It’s the third time _____ arrived late this month.
A.that you B.when you
C.that you’ve D.when you’ve
16. He said, “_____ a long way to school. _____ a long way to go yet before we arrived.”
A.It is ; There is B.There is ; It is
C.It is ; It is D.There is; There is
17. ______ for the free tickets, I would not have gone to the films so often.
A.If it is not B.Where it not
C.Had it not been D.If they were not
18. She finds ______ boring ______ at home.
A.it; staying B.that; being stayed
C.this; to stay D.it; stayed
19. —— Few children are as bright as he is, and also, he works very hard.
—— It’s no _____ that he always gets the first place in any examination.
A.question B.doubt C.problem D.wonder
20. Now then, children. It’s high time you ______ and dressed.
A.washed B.should wash
C.were washed D.are washed
21. —— Why did he let you repeat his instruction time and time again?
—— ______that I remember what was_____after he went out.
A.To see to it;to be done
B.Making sure; to be done
C.To make sure;to do
D.Seeing to; done
22. ___the people have become the master of their own country___science can really serve the people.
A.It is only then; that B.It was that; when
C.It is only when; that D.It was when; then
23. _____ is no difference between A and B.
A.There B.Where C.It D.What
24. How long _____ to finish your composition?
A.will it take you B.will take you
C.you will take it D.you will take
25. _____is just like him to want to do something different from everybody else.
A.It B.There C.He D.Who
26. That young Swedish_____quite still, except that his lips moved slightly.
A.kept B.grew C.got D.stood
27. In late autumn leaves _____ brown.
A.get B.turn C.stand D.come
28. Little Jim’s speech sounds _____.
A.friendly B.wonderfully
C.pleasantly D.nicely
29. The poor boy _____ blind at the age of three.
A.turned B.went C.became D.looked
30. As a child, Franc _____.
A.was alive B.grew patience
C.ran wild D.came true
31. In spring, all the flowers in the garden _____ sweet.
A.become B.taste C.smell D.sound
32. She _____ like her mother in character.
A.feels B.seems C.looks D.is
33. It _____ another fine day tomorrow.
A.seems B.appears C.promises D.looks
34. His father _____ that older than he really is.
A.grows B.appears C.turns D.becomes
35. His girlfriend _____a singer.
A.has turned B.grew
C.has become D.turned
36. Obviously, the old soldier’s knowledge of English___very weak.
A.seems B.rised C.remained D.looked
37. His mother _____ teacher.
A.became B.has turned C.came D.proved
38. It sounds _____ the singing of rails.
A.as B.in C.like D.as if
39. Her temperature ______ to be all right.
A.seems B.sounds C.appears D.looks
40. His wish to become a driver has _____ true.
A.realized B.come C.grown D.turned
41. His plan _____ to be a perfect one.
A.proved B.was proved
C.is proving D.proving
42. When her mother came home yesterday, it was___dark.
A.running B.coming C.getting D.going
43. These apples taste _____.
A.to be good B.good C.to be well D.well
44. —— How about the cloth you bought yesterday?
—— That’s very beautiful. It ______ so soft.
A.felt B.feels C.is feeling D.fall
45. When his brother telephoned him last night, he_____asleep.
A.kept B.got C.fall D.fell
46. He looks____he hadn’t had a good meal for a month.
A.that B.as if C.when D.so far
47. It _____ that he was late for the train.
A.loos B.turns C.gets D.seems
48. What does your brother look _____ ?
A.as B.on C.after D.like
49. She _______ red with




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