高考英语语法系列训练(三)数词 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)

中学英语教学资源网英语论文高考复习指导 手机版

1. 基数词:表示数目的词为基数词
1)21-99的两位数,在十位数和个位数之间加连字符构成。如:fifty- three (53)
2)101-999的三位数由hundred加and再加两位数或末位数。如:three hundred and twenty-five (325)
3)基数词hundred,thousand,million,billion表示确切数目时不能加s如:five thousand students (五千个学生),但在表示不确切数目时,要用复数形式,如:hundreds of/thousands of students(许多学生)
当dozen与数词,或many,several等连用时,不加“s”,所修饰的名词前常省去“of’,例如:two dozen pencils(两打铅笔);dozens of people(许多人)
注意:当后面的名词前有"these",“those",“them"," us"等词时,应加"of ",如: a dozen of these people,two dozen of them .two score of people中应加“of",但three score and ten people(七十人)中不加of,scores of people指“许多人”
2.序数词: 表示顺序的数词为序数词
1)序数词一般由基数词后+th构成,前面一般加定冠词the,表示“第几”。如:the two hundredth,the eighteenth。如加不定冠词,则意为“又一,再一”.如:I like the film very much, so I want to see it a second time.有时也可不加冠词,如: He was first in the race.The girl came out first/second in the contest.
2)以ty结尾的基数词构成序数词时,先把y改成i,再加eth。如:the twentieth,the fiftieth
4)“二十”以上的多位数,个位数用序数词,其余仍用基数词。如:ninety-third;one hundred and forty-ninth
5)基数词与序数词连用时,通常是序数词在前。如:the first two pages of the book(这本书的前两页)
1)分数由基数词和序数词合成,分子用基数词,分母用序数词,分子大于1时,分母的序数词要用复数形式 如:1/3: one(a)third 2/3: two thirds 1/2 : one(a)half 1/4 one(a)quarter/one(a)fourth 3/4: three quarters 注意:a year and a half/one and a haft years(一年半) 2)小数点读point;“零”读o[au]或zero;小数点后的数字按个位基数词依次读出。如:0.62读作zero point six two 3)百分数由percent(percent)表示:29% 一29 percent
1.主语:Two of them are teachers. 2.定语:There are fifty students in our class.
3.宾语:Give me two. 4.表语:I'm eighteen now.
5.同位语:You may leave it to us two.6.状语:This room is one-sixth larger than that one.
1) 正读法------按时间表上的数字读:先读钟点数,后读分钟数。如:10:20— ten twenty
2) 倒读法------表示几点过几分,用介词past,多用在半小时以内(包括半小时);表示几点差几分,用介词to,多用在半小时以上(不包括半小时).如:9:30: half past nine(九点半)
7:05: five past seven(七点过五分) 8:50: ten to nine ( 八点五十;差十分九点)
3)表示整点 8:00:eight o'clock (sharp)
4)表示在某个钟点,用介词at.如:They begin to work at half past seven.
1) 年代用基数词,在某年要用介词in。如:He was born in l983.他出生于1983年。(1983读成nineteen eighty-three)
2)月份首字母要大写,在某月也用介词in,如果有年代出现,在月份名后加年代,中间用逗号。如:It happened in January,1999.这事发生在1999年1月。
英国说法:顺序为先日后月。如:4(th)May(五月四日——读成: the fourth of May)
美国说法:顺序为先月后日。如:May 4(th)(五月四日——读成: May the fourth)
表示在某月某日,不管用在前还是在后,都用介词on如:The meeting will be held on March 9(th).We'll leave for Shanghai on 8th June.
4)年月日同时出现时,年代位于最后,其前加逗号 如:Mary was born on January 1st,1990,
5)表示“在几十年代”用in十the十 逢十的数词复数。如:in the 1990s/90’s
1)用基数词表示年龄。如:The baby is one year old.
2)表示“在某人的几十岁”时,可用介词in+ one’s+整十位数的复数形式。如:She is still in her twenties.她才二十几岁。
a boy of nine,a boy of nine years old,a boy of nine years of age,a nine-year-old boy
注意:与基数词合成的定语,其中的名词用单数。如:a three-month-old baby,a five-year plan
四 编号表示法
1.用序数词 he first part;the twenty-third section
2.用基数词 part one,pagel25,(NO.)183 Nanjing Road,Lesson One,the No3 bus,Room 302, NO.3 middle School,电话号码:55369866
1. Paper produced every year is _____ the world’s production of vehicles.(98 上海)
A. the three times weight of B. three times the weight of
C. as three times heavy as D. three times as heavier as
2. As a result of destroying the forests, a large _____ of desert ____ covered the land.(01上海)
A. number; has B. quantity; has C. number; have D. quantity; have
3. _____ people in the world are sending information by E-mail every day.(01春季 上海)
A. Several million B. Many millions C. Several millions D. Many million
4. He did it _____ it took me.(03 北京)
A. one-third a time B. one-third time C. the one-third time D. one-third the time
5. The young dancers looked so charming in their beautiful clothes that we took _____ pictures
of them.(03 上海)
A. many of B. masses of C. the number of D. a large amount of
6. It is reported that the United States uses ______ energy as the whole of Europe.(04内蒙)
A. as twice B. twice much C. twice much as D. twice as much
7 took us quite a long time to get here. It was journey.(05北京春季)
A. threehour B. a three hour C. a threehour D. three hours
8. A rough estimate, Nigeria is_______ Great Britain.(05上海)
A. three times the size as B. the size three times of
C. three times as the size of D. three times the size of
1. They arrived in________.
A. two and three B. twos and threes C. two or three D. twos or threes
2. The hero of the story was an artist _________.
A. in his thirty B. in his thirty’s C. in his thirtieth D. in his thirties
3. This story took place _________.
A. in the 1980s B. in 1980s C. in the 1980 D. in 1980’s
4. Put the sentence:“这个房子比那个房子大三倍”into English.
A. This room is three times as big as that one.
B. This room is four times bigger than that one.
C. This room is four times the size of that one.
D. This room is three times the size of that one .
5. They worked there for __________
A. two and a half year B. two and a half years
C. two years and a half year D. two and a half of years
6.----- Have you got everything ready for the meeting?
-----Not yet, we need __________.
A. three another chair B. other three chairs C. another three chairs D. more three chairs
7. The teacher asked us to write _________article.
A. a 8-thousand-word B. an 8-thousand-wordsC. a 8-thousands-word D. an 8-thousand-word
8. ----- What can I do for you?
----I’d like to take ________these tomatoes.
A. two dozen of B. two dozen C. two dozens D. two dozens of
9. The cotton production has increased by ______ percent this year compared with last year.
A. five point six eight B. five point and sixty-eight
C. fifth point and six eight D. five point and six eight
10. Shortly after the accident, _____police were sent to the spot to keep order.
A. dozen of B. dozens C. dozen D. dozens of
11. Mr. Smith ______ me to buy several ______ eggs for the dinner.
A. asked; dozen B. suggested; dozens of C. had; dozen D. persuaded; dozens of
12. ----- How many _____ these apples would you like, sir?
------ Two dozen, please.
A. dozen B. dozens C. dozen of D. dozens of
13. There are ______ eggs and _____ apples in the basket.
A. two scores of , two dozen of B. two score of, two dozen
C. two scores of , two dozen D. two score, two dozens
14. ----- Mum, I’m to visit my aunt. What about a week?
------ A week is too long. Try to be back in a ______ a day.
A. number B. dozen C. couple D. score
15. ______ of the land in that district ______ covered with trees and grass.
A. Two fifth, is B. Two fifth, are C. Two fifths, is D. Two fifths, are
16. ----- Where did you uncle live?
------ He lived in _____ house in China.
A. a four-hundred-year-old wooden B. a four-hundred-year-wooden food
C. an old four-hundred-year wooden D. a wooden four-hundred-year-old
17. My father served in the army in ______when he was in ______.
A. 1950’s, twenties B. the 1950’s, his twenties
C. the 1950’s, the twenties D. 1950’s, the twenties
18. ------ Have you seen _____ workers pass by?
------ Yes, I have seen _____ them.
A. woman, hundreds of B. women, hundreds of
C. woman, two hundred of D. women, hundred of
19. ------- How do you like the books?
------- Oh, they are wonderful. People here think ______ of the books.
A. a number B. a great many C. a great deal D. a plenty
20. Open your book at _____. Let’s learn the words and expressions.
A. ten page B. tenth page C. page ten D. page the tenth
21. _____ cave that George has discovered in his lifetime is near the Alps.
A. The hundredth B. The hundred C. Hundredth D. A hundredth
22.---- Have you got the result of your blood test?
----- No. I am told to go for it.
A. in half past one B. after half past one C. in one and a half D. after one and a half
23. ------ Do you regret paying five hundred dollars for the painting?
------- No, I would gladly have paid _____ for it.
A. twice so much B. twice as much C. twice much D. twice as much
24. We were all asked to write a _____ composition every other week.
A. two thousand word B. two-hundred-words
C. two thousands word D. two-thousand-word
251. He took such ____ boxes with him that he could not but call a taxi.
A. many B. a lot of C. a plenty of D. a large amount of
26. He lives in a ______ building. There is a _____ table in his room.
A. ten storey, three leg B. ten storeyed, three-legged
C. ten storeys, three leg D. ten storey, three leg’s
27._____ means the third line from the bottom.
A. The last line but two B. The last line and two
C. The last third line D. The last line but three
28.----Why does she look so happy?
----- She got _____ in the exams.
A. four five B. four fifths C. four five’s D. four fives
29. ______ pupils are absent from class today. What’s wrong with them?
A. Twenty percent B. Twenty percent of
C. Twenty percent of D. Twenty percent of the
30.---- How many pencils would you like, Madame?
------ Well, I want _______ these.
A. three dozen B. three dozen of C. three dozens D. three dozens of
31. Finally they came to a cottage, in front of which was a well about______.
A. twenty meter’s deep B. twenty-meter-deep
C. twenty meters deep D. twenty-meter deep
32.---- Hasn’t ______ arrived yet?
----- Not yet. I am also waiting for it.
A. the No.11 bus B. the Bus No.11 C. Bus the No.11 D. No.11 bus
33. Fifty-six _______ seven is eight.
A. divided by B. was divided by C. divides D. were divided
34._______ of the people did not agree with him.
A. One of the fourth B. One fourth C. A fourth D. One fourth
35. My friend lives at _____ on _____ floor.
A. Room Eight; the twelfth B. the eight room; twelfth
C. the eight room; twelfth D. the room eight; the twelfth
36. Many scientists believed that oil was formed in the earth _____ years ago.
A. million B. millions C. million of D. millions of
1-5 BBADB 6-8 DCD
1-5 BDACB 6-10 CDAAD 11-15ACBCC 16-20ABBCC 21-25ABBDB 26-30BADDB
31-36 CAABAD




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