2008年高考重点语法项目复习讲义 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)

中学英语教学资源网英语论文高考复习指导 手机版

——南充白塔中学新校区高三英语备课组 唐浩
a.个体名词 man , woman , desk , pencil
b.集体名词 class , family , police , army
a.物质名词 meat , rice , cotton , iron
b.抽象名词 life ,help, happiness , sadness
I have a ruler . ( ruler 为单数名词)
I have five rulers . ( rulers 为复数名词 )
1) 在名词后直接加 s 如: desk--desks , bag --bags
2) 在以 s, sh , ch , x 结尾并且发〔s 〕〔ſ〕〔tſ 〕的名词后面加es 如:
bench--benches , box--boxes , brush--brushes
3)以辅音字母+y结尾的名词,应当变y为i,然后加es , 如: study --studies , baby-- babies
4) 以f 或fe 结尾的名词,一般加s , 如:roof--roofs , belief--beliefs
但有特殊情况,中学阶段有以下几个词,需变f 或 fe为 v ,然后加 es . 这些词有:thief ,knife, wife, leaf ,wolf ,half 如:half -- halves , leaf--leaves
5) 以 o 结尾的名词, 一般直接加s , 如:photo---photos , radio --radios
但有特殊情况,中学阶段有以下几个词,需 要加 es . 这些词有:potato , tomato , negro ,hero 如:hero--heroes , negro--negroes
6) 有些名词需要改变词中的元音字母,如:man-men , woman- women , foot--feet , tooth--teeth ,goose--geese , mouse--mice ,child--children ,
7) 单复数相同的名词:deer , fish , sheep , Chinese, Japanese
名词分为主格、宾格和所有格。主格和宾格与原形一致,这里主要研究所有格,所有格有词尾变化,变化如下:1)单数名词 后加“'s” 如:boy---boy's , teacher ---teacher's
2) 复数名词后加 “ ' ” 如:boys --boys' , teachers--teachers'
3) 特殊形式复数的名词需加 “'s ” 如: children ---children's , men--men's
1) 名词是表示有生命的东西, 如 : Mary's room ( 玛丽的房间),children's toys (孩子们的玩物)
2)名词是表示时间和距离的,如:today's paper (今天的报纸),ten minutes' walk(十分钟的路)
3)专有名词 如:China's capital (中国的首都),Beijing's weather (北京的天气)
4) 介词of 可以表示所有格,它一般用于无生命意义的名词 , 例如:the title of the film (电影的名字),the gate of the school ( 学校的门口)
三. 名词的功能
1. These ideas may seem strange to you .
这些想法似乎对我很奇怪。ideas 作主语
2. Both of them are doctors .
他们两个都是医生。 doctors 作表语
3. We love our great motherland .
我们热爱我们伟大的祖国。motherland 作宾语
4.We elected him monitor of our class .
我们选他当我们班的班长。monitor 作补足语
5. This is Mr Black , our department manager. 
这是布莱克先生,我们部门的经理。manager 作同位语; department 作 定语
1)在现代英语中,无论是口语还是书面语,名词作定语都使用得相当普遍。名词作定语修饰另一个名词时,常表示时间、地点、功能、性别、科目 、材料等。如:
an evening paper 晚报, afternoon tea 下午茶, school life 学校生活,
Tianjin Railway Station天津火车站, a wine glass 酒杯, a shoe store 鞋店
maths teacher数学老师 sun glasses 太阳镜 a train ticket 火车票,
food industry 食品工业, an iron bridge 铁桥, a woman astronaut 女宇航员,
a gold watch 金表(指手表是含金的)
a golden watch 金色的表(指表是金色的,但不一定含金)
the history teacher 历史老师
the historic May 4th Movement 具有历史意义的五四运动
an English (n.) teacher 一个英语教师
an English (adj.) teacher 一个英国教师
某些名词可以与其他单词构成固定搭配,要注意积累有关习语,因为对名词习语的考查也是考点之一。如:do shopping 购物 ,make room 腾地方 , make sense 有意义, make fun of 取笑, out of sight 看不见, all of a sudden 突然, 等等。
I’ll look into the matter as soon as possible. Just have a little ________.
A. wait B. time C. patience D. rest
联系上下文的语境,该题应当选择 C。因为前句的“我会尽快调查此事”为后句的“要有点耐心”提供了具体的语言情景。
第二部分:冠 词
① 表示上文提到过的人或事物。如:I have bought a book. The book is very useful.
② 用于说话人与听话人心中都有数的人或事物。如:Close the window, please.
③ 用于表示世界上独一无二的事物前。如:the sun, the moon, the earth, the world等。
④ 用于表示方位的名词之前。如:the east, the right.
⑤ 用于序数词或形容词的最高级之前。如:the first, the tallest.
⑥ 用于形容词之前,使其名词化。如:the sick, the wounded.
⑦ 用于由普通名词构成的专有名词之前。如:the United States, the United Nation.
⑧ 用于江河、海洋、海峡、山脉、群岛、建筑物等的名词之前。如:the Changjiang River, the East Lake.
⑨ 用于复数姓氏之前,表示“夫妇”或“全家”。如:The Smiths
⑩ 用于乐器的名词前。如:play the piano; play the violin.
⑾ 发明物。如:The compass was invented in China.
⑿ 年代名词前。如:He lived in the countryside in the 1970s.
  ⒀ 固定词组中。如:in the morning(afternoon, evening), on the other hand , at the same time
① 泛指一个。如:There is a book on the table.
② 指人或事物的某一种类。如:His father is a driver. Longjing is a wonderful tea.
③ 指某一个人或事物,但不具体说明。如:My sister was saved by a PLA man in the fire.
④ 用于某一些表示重量、长度、时间等单位前,表示“每一”。如:We have meals three times a day.(我们一天吃三餐。)
⑤ 表示同样的。如:They are of an age.(他们是同岁。)
⑥ 表数量,相当于one,但语意较弱。如:There is a pen and two books on the desk.
  ⑦ 使抽象名词具体化。如:The little girl is a hand to her mother. (a hand译"帮手")
  ⑧ 固定搭配。如:as a matter of fact , in a hurry, in a word
① 表示总称的复数名词之前。如:Children love cartoons.(儿童喜欢卡通影片。)
② 不含普通名词的专有名词前。如:We are studying English.
③ 名词前有指示代词、物主代词、不定代词或名词所有格修饰时。如:I like this picture; I do not have any money; As time went on, Einstein’s theory proved to be correct.
④ 季节、月份、星期等名词前,一般不用冠词。如:She likes spring most.
⑤ 呼语前不用冠词。如:What shall I do next, Mother?
⑥ 三餐饭前不用冠词。如:What did you have for lunch?
⑦ 节假日前不用冠词。如:People give gifts to each other on Christmas Day.
⑧ 球类和棋类运动的名称前不用冠词。如:She is fond of playing basketball.
⑨ 在一些成对出现的短语中不用冠词。如:arm in arm(手挽手); hand in hand(手牵手); side by side(肩对肩); day and day(日日夜夜); young and old(老老少少); from door to door(挨门挨户); from beginning to end(从头到尾); from morning till night(从早到晚)等。第三部分:形容词、副词
说 明 例 词
一般情况 加er, est smaller,smallest
以e 结尾 加r,st larger,largest
单音节词和少数多音节的形容词,加词尾er ,est 以"辅音字母+y "结尾的词 改y为i,再加er,est busier,busiest
重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母 双写末尾辅音字母,加er,est fatter,fattest
以ow,er结尾的双音节词 加er ,est narrower,narrowest  cleverer,clevest
多数双音节和多音节的词 加more most more beautiful,  most important  
  1.大多数以ly结尾的副词前加more 和most 来构成比较级和最高级。
  2.少数单音节副词,加er,est 构成其比较级和最高级 。
原级 比较级 最高级
good ,well better best
bad, ill, badly worse worst
many ,much more most
little less least
far farther, further farthest,further
old older, elder oldest, eldest
名称 句型 例句
相等 as 原形 as    (as 原形+名词 as ) The train travels as fast as the 3:55 train. He has not as much money as his friend.
不及 not as(so) 原形 as   (not as[so ]+名词+原形 as ) She is not as (so)beautiful as her sister.
比较级+ than Health is more important than wealth.
超越 the +比较级+of the two  两者中较… 的一个 He is the taller of the two.
用于否定 no +比较级+than   和…一样不 He is no richer than I.  他和我一样不富有。
用于否定 最…不过 His work couldn't be worse.  他的工作再糟糕不过了。
程度递增 er and er,more and more+多音节词原级 (越来越…) higher and higher more and more important
两种情况同时变化 the +比较级,the+比较级  (越…,越…) The quicker you get ready, the sooner we'll be able to leave.
三者或三者以上比较 the +最高级+of/in+比较范围  (…之中最…) Of all things in the world, people are the precious.
  almost, nearly, just, exactly, quite, half , twice,three times , a third,etc.
  John is almost as tall as you.
  The river is three times as long as that one.
  We have a third as many students as we had last term.
  many, a few (用于"more +可数名词"前)
  It takes many more hours to go there by train than by plane.
  a lot, much , a bit, even, a little , still, a great deal, far, rather, two years, ten percent,three times etc.
  It's cold this year, but it's even colder last year.
  We produced 6% more grain this year than we did last year.
  the very , much the ,by far the ,the first/second
  This hat is by far the largest in the world.
  Gold is the very most valuable of all materials .
  限(冠词[物主代词、指示代词]数词等)观 (描绘) 形(大小、形状等) 龄 (年龄、新旧等)色(色彩)国(国籍、出处等)材(材料、功用等)
  an interesting English film a heavy black Chinese silk umbrella
  做后置定语。修饰由不定代词no ,any, some ,every和one,thing等构成的复合词或形容词短语。
  变化系词: become, get ,turn, grow, go
  保持系词: keep ,remain, stay
  感观系词: look, smell , taste, feel, sound,appear , seem ,prove etc.
  He went to bed , cold and hungry.
  N:①某些以a 开始的形容词只做表语,不做定语。
  afraid, alike, alone, asleep ,awake,alive
  well, ill ,faint
  ③某些以-ly 结尾的词是形容词而不是副词。
  friendly, lively, lovely, lonely, likely, deadly, orderly 等。
  an 800-meter-wide river an English-speaking country a middle-aged man
  They went boating in Zhongshan Park yesterday.
  always, seldom, often, never, rarely, usually 等,通常放于行为动词之前,be词、情态动词和助动词之后。
  He is always telling lies,so I will never believe him.
  3)程度副词一般放在被修饰词之前(但 enough除外)
  He is very young ,so he is not old enough to go to school.
  N:有些副词有两种形式,一个与形容词同形,一个以ly 结尾,但它们的含义是不同的。
  closely-close nearly-near freely-free deeply-deep highly-high widely-wide 等。
  以ly 结尾的词表较为抽象的含义,而与形容词同形的副词则表较为具体的概念。
  He is highly praised for what he has done. (高度地)
  He can see a bird flying high in the sky.(飞得高,具有可见性)
①变化类: become get turn grow make come go fall
②感官类: look sound feel taste smell
③显得类: seem appear look
④状态类: keep stay remain lie sit stand (prove turn out)
二、使役、感官动词类: see look at watch notice observe let make have/get hear listen to feel
三、主动表被动: sell wash burn cook cut drive dress play last open write start run read act draw
四、只接动名词做宾语的词/词组: consider suggest/advise look forward to excuse/pardon admit put off/delay/postpone fancy avoid miss keep/keep on practice deny finish enjoy/appreciate forbid imagine risk can’t help mind allow/permit escape
提示: 考虑建议盼原谅,承认推迟没得想。
① “to”作介词 get down to devote… to lead to be/get/become used to
go back to object to adapt to owe … to
② 带有介词in succeed(in) spend/waste time(in) be busy(in)
have a good/hard time(in) have difficulty/trouble(in)
③ give up dislike feel like insist on can’t stand understand
④“值得”be worth=deserve be worthy of being done / be worthy to be done
⑤ It is no use/good It is of little use/good It is useless
五、只接不定式作宾语的词/词组: decide/determine learn want expect/hope/wish refuse manage care pretend offer promise choose plan agree ask/beg help
此外:seem attempt fail happen afford strive(努力)
make up one’s mind to be determined to would/should like/love to
make great efforts to
六、接动名词、不定式意义不同的词:forget remember regret go on mean stop try can’t help (can’t help but do = can’t but do = can’t choose but do = do nothing/have nothing to do but do = have no choice but to do sth = have to do sth.)
七、不带不定式作复合宾语: hope agree suggest demand imagine
八、宾语不同、语态不同、但意义相同: “需要” need require want
九、接宾语和宾补、形式不同:allow permit forbid advise consider
十、接虚拟语气的词: insist order command advise suggest propose recommend demand ask require request
动词是是各类考试的重点,高考试题中,单项填空、完形填空和改错等三项题型中,动词辨义的比重较大,并逐年增加。动词辨义主要指:1、形状相同的动词之间辨义。如:lie, lay; hanged, hung; rise, raise; sit, seat等。2、意义相近的动词之间辨义。如:borrow, lend; speak, say, talk; hope, wish等。3、动词与其它词形相近、意义相似的词的辨义。如:advise, advice; cost, worth; pass, past 等。4、意义不同,但容易混淆的动词的辨义。如:explain, say; discover, invent, uncover; find, find out等。5、某些常用动词的习惯用法的辨义。如:ask, give, call, make, find, get, keep, want, see, hear等。6、某些常用动词短语的辨义。如:give in, give up, turn on, turn off, turn down, turn up等。
1、lay(放), lie(躺)与lie(说谎):这三个易混动词构成见下表:
中 文 原 形 过 去 式 过去分词 现在分词 说 明
放 lay laid laid laying 及物动词
躺 lie lay lain lying 不及物动词
说谎 lie lied lied lying 不及物动词
3、hear与listen to:hear侧重点是听到,听见什么,而listen to是侧重于听的倾向,但hear用于无意中的听见,而listen to却用于集中注意力的听。
4、see, watch和look:see用作看电影,剧目;watch则用作看电视比赛,而watch还有在旁观看之意。如:Are you going to play or only watch?;look一般用作不及物动词,只是当盯着某人看时用作及物动词,如:The little boy looked me in the face.(小男孩直盯着我的脸。)
7、bear的过去分词born与borne:bear作为出生讲有两个过去分词born,borne。只有当be+born…短语后没有by介词短语时,才可用born。如:He was born in Shanghai. 而作它用时要用borne。如:She has borne five children. 但如果作忍受讲,则一律用borne。
8、sit与seat:seat为及物动词时是作容纳讲,sit只是表示一动作。seat如果表示就座时要用be seated。如:They were seated at their desks. 或用seat oneself, 比如:I seated myself in the armchair.
9、borrow, lend与keep:借入英文中用borrow,借出用lend,但这两个词都是截止性动词或瞬间动词,不能用于长时间的动作,所以我能借多久应用keep。
10、win与beat:win作胜、赢讲时其后应接,a game, an argument, a battle, a prize, a contest, a race, a bet,但不能接人,如果接人则有另外的含意。如:I have won him. 即我已说服他了,我赢得他的好感。而beat是及物动词为击败、胜过讲,直接接人、队。
13、take, bring 与fetch:英文中拿三个词,即拿来,拿去,去取然后回来(即双程)。所以拿来,带来是bring,拿去带走是take,而去取回来是fetch。
14、shut与close:shut与close有时是可以互换的,但有些地方则不可这样做。如:在正式场合多用close,而在命令,态度粗暴的场合则用shut。如:Shut your mouth!(闭嘴);又如:Shut up. 在指铁路、公路交通关闭或停止使用的场合,则要用close。
15、answer与reply:作为回答讲answer是及物动词,如作不及物动词,则意义不同,如answer for,意为向某人或向某事负责。而reply作回答讲是不及物动词,后跟宾语时,要加上to。
16、reach,arrive与get to:reach当到达讲是及物动词,而当延伸和拿得到、拿不到时讲,则是不及物动词。作到达讲时还有get to, arrive(at/in)。
17、cost,spend与take:英文中花费有三个词cost, spend, take,但各有不同用法。cost作 “花费”讲,主语不能是人,而spend的主语不能是物。如: she spent all his money on stamps.而take作花费讲时,可用人也可用物做主语。更多的用法是用形式主语it,如It takes me three hours to finish this work.
18、lost, gone与missing:作补足语时意为丢失、不见了,可以用lost, gone,但要用 miss时则不能用missed, 而要用missing.
19、have on, wear, put on及dress:作穿衣服讲的动词分为状态和动作两种。have on与wear作穿着状态讲;但have on不用进行时态,而wear则常要用进行时态。put on是动作,但dress既可用作状态,又可用作穿衣动作,但用作状态时要用其过去分词作形容词如:He was dressed in a b1ue suit作动作讲时,其后不要接衣物而要接反身代词或表示人、物的名词,如:I dress my children in the morning every day.
begin与Start 均可作开始讲,并无多少区别,同样可接不定式或动名词,但在下面的场合多要用Start:1)机器的开动发动;2)旅途的开始。如:we shou1d have to start early because there was a lot traffic in the street。
21、allow 与permit
allow与permit其后直接接动作时要用动名词,如接人后再接动词则要用不定式,所以用在被动语态时一定要用不定式。如:People are not allowed to spit.
find找到的过去式和过去分词都是found,而found是动词“建立”的原形,其过去式和过去分词是founded,founded,如:The People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949.
23、speak, say, talk 与tell
英文中讲有4个词,speak, say, talk, tell,但其中speak, talk多用作不及物动词,但speak后加语言名词时则用作及物动词,如:Please speak English。而say与tell是及物动词,其中tell常用作接双宾语,如:Tell me a story。但也有些特定的习惯用法,如:在作讲实话,讲谎言,表示时间常用单宾语而不能换其它词,如:My watch was broken. It couldn’t tell time correctly。在书信、便条、海报上写着英文应为It said …。在作辨别不同讲时是tell,如:Can you tell me the difference between the two?而讲别人好坏话时用speak,如:The father always speaks well of his son.。
24、excuse me 与sorry
excuse me用于来打拢对方前以提醒对方注意的提示语,而sorry则表达因作了某事向对方道歉。
25、care for 与care to do
care for其后要接不定式时则要省去for或换用名词,如:Would you care for a cup of tea?但care for作照顾讲时与look after相同。
26、与名词易混的动词有:advise(v.), advice (n.); accept(v.), except(prep.); pass(v.), past(prep.); bathe(v.), bath(n.); breathe(v.), breath(n.); choose(v.), choice(n.); succeed(v.), success(n.);
28、动词 + 副词 + 介词:catch up with, look forward to, come up with, keep up with, go in for, look down on, get on with …
29、动词 + 介词to的词组有:come to, stick to, object to, agree to, turn to, attend to, belong to, devote to, reply to …
30、与in相结合的动词有:give in, hand in, bring in, drop in, succeed in, take in, check in, engage in, fill in, trade in …
Harry turned up after the party when everyone had left. 晚会后,人们都已离去,哈里出现了。
Please turn every light in the house off. 请把房子里的每一盏灯都关掉。
注意:①如果宾语较长,就应避免把副词同动词分开。如:She turned off all the lights which had been left on. 她关掉了所有还在亮着的灯。②如果宾语是人称代词,只能放在动词和副词之间。如:She gave them away. 她送掉了它们。
I'm looking for my glasses. 我在找我的眼镜。
注意:①当它跟宾语时,不能把介词放在宾语后面。②动词短语可以放在句子或从句末尾。如:She's got more work than she can cope with. 她的工作多得使她应付不了。
I look forward to seeing you soon. 我盼望不久就见到你。
注:“动词+介词”、“动词+名词+副词”、“动词+副词+介词”,这三种搭配都是及物的,如变成被动语态,不可漏掉介词。In this way both grain and vegetable can be well looked after. (不能漏掉after) 这样一来,粮食和蔬菜都能兼顾了。
(1)同一动词和不同介词搭配时,意义上的差异。如:①hear from收到…的来信,hear of听说。 ②look after照料,look at看,look for寻找。
(2)同一动词和不同副词搭配时,意义上的差异。如:①ring back回电话, ring off挂断电话, ring up打电话 ②put away放好, put on穿,上演, put up挂起,举起。
(3)不同动词和同一介词搭配时,在意义上的差异。如:look for寻找, call for去取(某物),去接(某人), ask for请求, wait for等候, send for派人去叫。
(4)不同动词和同一副词搭配时,在意义上的差异。如:①break out发生,爆炸, carry out进行,开展, go out熄灭, hand out分发, let out放出, look out当心, sell out卖完, set out出发, take out取出, work out算出。②break down出毛病, come down落下来, get down下车, take down取下, write down写下。
时 一般 进行 完成 完成进行
现在 work

过去 worked
had worked had been working
将来 shall
will shall
will shall
have worked
will shall
have been
过去将来 should
would should
would should
have been
My neighbor does outdoor exercises every morning.
My uncle is a mechanic. He fixes cars.
Do they know each other? Yes, they do./No, they don’t.
2) 在复合句中,当描述将来的事情时,条件状语从句、时间状语从句和让步状语从句用一般现在时,主句用将来时。
When she arrives, I’ll let you know.
I’ll stay back in case he needs my help.
在make sure (certain), see to it, mind, care, matter +宾语从句, 从句用一般现在时代替一般将来时。
   So long as he works hard, I don’t mind when he finishes the experiment.
3)表示已安排、计划妥当的,十分确定的将来的动作或状态,用一般现在时替代将来时,但仅限于go, come,leave, arrive, start, begin, return等少数动词。
The train from Harbin arrives at 5:30 this afternoon.
1) 表示过去某一时间发生的动作或存在的状态。常与表示过去的时间状语连用:…three days ago, the other day, last year等等。
She regretted telling Jane about her own affairs.
Doctor Chen married very late.
2) 在复合句中,当描述过去将来的事情时,条件状语从句、时间状语从句和让步状语从句用一般过去时,主句用过去将来时。
She would give me a gift when she came again.
若表示“打算、准备、计划、即将”可以用be going to 替代shall、will;若表示预定的或安排好要做的事或表示命令、要求等,可以用be + 不定式。
When are you going to answer him?
The meeting is to be held next Monday.
He said he would not come home that day.
表示到说话时刻为止已经做或尚未做过的动作。常用already, yet, so far, by now, since two days ago, for a few days 等词语作状语。
注:give, see, come, arrive, leave,begin, start, finish, join, become, borrow, lend, die, end 等点时间动词可以用于完成时,但在肯定句中不能与表示一段时的 since和for 短语连用,因为点时间动词不能延续,而在否定句中可以与表示一段时间的for短语连用,因为否定的点时间动词可以看作是一种可延续的状态。
Mike has come for a year.( 〤)
Mike has been here for a year( √)
Mike hasn’t come for a year.(√)
By (=up to )last weekend we hadn’t got any information.
When he appeared, we had waited for 30 minutes.
What are you digging for, for gold?
The manager is studying the contract.
有时用现在进行时替代一般将来时表示不久将要发生的动作,主要用于 come, go, leave, arrive, start 等动词。
The train is leaving in 5 minutes.
At 9:00 last night I was watching football on TV.
They were having a discussion the whole morning yesterday.
He went towards the fire, which was still smoking.
You have been working for hours. You should stop to have a rest.(=…stop for a rest.)
When the secretary come in and interrupted us, we had been talking for an hour.
1. 一般过去时、现在完成时、过去完成时的区别。
In a poor district in Paris, in the year 1775, there was a wine shop, the owner of which was Monsieur Defarge.
----Would you go to see the film with me this evening?
----Sorry, I have seen it before.
b)过去的动作延续到现在。表示这种延续时经常会用到for、since, so far 一类时间状语。
I have worked in Beijing since I graduated from the university. (从毕业一直延续到现在)
When I got to the cinema, the film had begun.
2. 进行时态的两种概念
1)Our country is getting stronger and stronger.
2)I’m getting on well with my English.
I was doing my homework this time yesterday.
Mother was cooking when I came home.
He is writing a new novel these days.
The workers were building a bridge last year.
3. 将来时的五种动词形式
1)Go through the gate and you will find the entrance to Bear Country on the other side.
2)The light is on . I will turn it off . ( 表临时性的决定)
2.be going to + 动词原形,用以表示“打算做某事”或“已经有迹象将要发生的情况。
1)I’m going to cut this tree down.
2)It is going to rain. (有迹象表明将要下雨,可翻译成“ 可能” )
3.be to +动词原形,用以表示按照计划、安排即将发生的动作或表示命令、禁止, 必要性。
1)The message is this: you are to go to the hotel where rooms have already been booked for you.
2) If you are to be expected by others , you should expect others first .
4.will be doing,在当代英语中用以表示纯粹的将来。
Who will be taking over her job?
Everybody else will be wearing jewellery.
How many of you are making the trip?
Is anybody seeing you off?
6. 用一般现在时态表示按时刻表等的安排即将发生的动作。
You needn’t be in a hurry .The train leaves at six.
  语态指主动语态(Active Voice)和被动语态(Passive Voice)当句子的主语是动作的执行者时,谓语的形式用主动语态;当句子的主语是动作的承受者时,谓语的形式用被动语态。
1 被动语态的构成
1.一般现在时 am/is/are+ 过去分词
People use electricity to run machines. Electricity is used to run machines.
Is electricity used to run machines? Yes, it is . / No, it isn't.
2.一般过去时 was/were + 过去分词
昨天我们在山坡上种了许多树。We planted many trees on the hill yesterday.
Many trees were planted on the hill yesterday.
Were many trees planted on the hill yesterday? Yes, they were. / No, they were not.
3.一般将来时 will/shall +be+过去分词
下星期我们将举行一场运动会。We will hold a sports meeting next week.
A sports meeting will be held next week.
Will a sports meeting be held next week? Yes, it will. / No, it won't.
4.过去将来时 should/would +be+过去分词
He told us that people would build a big reservoir in his hometown.
We were told that a big reservoir would be built in his hometown.
Were you told that a big reservoir would be built in his hometown? Yes, we were./No, we weren't.
5.现在进行时 am/is/are +being+过去分词
他正在油漆房子。He is painting the house. A house is being painted.
Is the house being painted? Yes, it is. / No, it isn't .
6.过去进行时 was/were +being+过去分词
当我进厨房时,她正在做蛋糕。She was making a cake when I came into the kitchen.
A cake was being made when I came into the kitchen.
Was a cake being made when I came into the kitchen? Yes, it was./ No, it wasn't.
7.现在完成时 have/has +been+过去分词
他已经结束工作了。He has finished his work. His work has been finished.
Has his work been finished? Yes, it has. / No, it hasn't.
8.过去完成时 had +been+过去分词
They had translated the book into English by the end of last month.
The book had been translated into English by the end of last month.
Had the book been translated into English by the end of last month? Yes, it had./ No, it hadn't.
9.将来完成时will have +been+过去分词
The students will have learned 2,000 words by the end of next year.
2,000 words will have been learned by the end of next year.
Will 2,000 words have been learned by the end of next year? Yes, they will./No, they won't.
10. 过去将来完成时would have +been+过去分词
He told me that Mr. Brown would have taught them for two years by the next summer.
I was told that they would have been taught by Mr. Brown for two years by the next summer.
You must operate the machine with care. The machine must be operated with care.
Must the machine be operated with care? Yes, it must. / No, it mustn't.
2.含有“be going to”, “be to”等结构的谓语,变成被动语态时,分别用“be going to +be +过去分词”和“be to be+过去分词”。如:
The problem is going to be discussed at the meeting.
Is the problem going to be discussed at the meeting? Yes, it is. / No, it isn't.
This question is to be answered by Mr. Smith.
The boy got hurt when he was riding to school.
他已被检查过了。 不能说:He had been being examined. (×)
而应说:He has been examined.
不能说:He will be being examined when we get there.(×)
而应说:He will be examined when we get there.
2 被动语态的应用
This book has been translated into many languages.这本书已被翻译成许多种语言。
A new railway will be built in our hometown.我们家乡将建一条新铁路。
He appeared on the stage and was warmly applauded by the audience.
3 主动形式表被动意义
1.有少数及物动词转化而来的不及物动词,常见的有:cut, lock, open, read, sell, shut, wash, wear, write, blame , ride :
等。此时句子的主语一般是物,而且这些动词常和表示行为的状语,如:well, easily, badly或与否定词连用构成否定句。如:
  Glass breaks easily. 玻璃容易破碎。
  The car rides smoothly. 这车走起来很稳。
  The case locks easily. 这箱子很好锁。
  The book sells well. 这本书很畅销。
The door won’t shut. 这门关不上。
The clothes wash well. 这些衣服很好洗。
The clothes aren’t well washed. 这些衣服没好好洗。
a. be worth doing sth
The film is well worth seeing.这部电影很值得一看。
b. have/ get sb/sth done have作使役动词没有被动语态,但可用这种结构表被动或使役。
I had my watch stolen.我的手表被偷了。
c. need/want/require doing = need /want/require to be done
The room needs cleaning.= The room needs to be cleaned.这间房屋需要打扫。
There are a lot of things to do.有许多工作要做。
I have a lot of things to do.我有许多事情要做。
The question is easy to answer.这个问题很容易回答。
I bought him a story-book to read.我给他买了本故事书看看。
This is a hard question to answer.这是个很难回答的问题。
注:有些不及物动词容易被误用被动语态,如take place, belong to, consist of, prove等。
Taiwan belongs to China. 台湾属于中国。
Great changes have taken place in China in the past 20 years. 过去20年中国发生了巨大变化。
The UK consists of Great Britain and North Ireland. 英国包括大不列颠和北爱尔兰。
This plan proved unpractical. 这计划证明是不切合实际的。
动词不定式的否定形式通常是在动词不定式前加not或never。 动词ing形式的一般式的否定形式通常是在分词前加not或never;完成式中如果是never,则在having后加never,其余情况还是在having前加not。
(1)The teacher asked us______ so much noise. (NMET2003)
A. don't make    B. not make    C. not making   D. not to make
(2)______ the programme, they have to stay there for another two weeks. (2004广东)
A. Not completing B. Not completed
C. Not having completed D. Having not completed
(3) Victor apologized for __________ to inform me of the change in the plan. (2004上海春)
A. his being not able B. him not to be able
C. his not being able D. him to be not able
考点二: 非谓语动词时态和语态的考查
1. 动词不定式有一般式、完成式、进行式;动词ing形式有一般式、完成式、完成进行式;过去分词只由一种形式。
(4)— There is a story here in the paper about a 110-year-old man. ( 2006江苏卷)
— My goodness! I can’t imagine _________ that old.
A. to be B. to have been C. being D. having been
2. 动词不定式和动词ing形式的被动形式有一般式的被动形式和完成式的被动形式。
(5)As the twentieth century came to a close, the raw materials for a great national literature were at hand, waiting___________.(2006湖南)
A. to use B. to be used C. to have used D. to be using
(6)After he became conscious,he remembered________ and________ on the head with s rod.(2006江西卷)
A. to attack; hit B. to be attacked; to be hit
C. attacking;be hit D. having been attacked;hit
(7) It took a long time for the connection between body temperature and illness______ . (2006江西卷)
A. to make B. to be made C. making D. being made
(8)Faced with a bill for $ 10,000,________. (2006陕西卷)
A. John has taken an extra job
B. the boss has given john an extra job
C. an extra job has been taken
D. an extra job has been given to John
(9)Having been attacked by terrorists, ________.(2004上海)
A. doctors cane to their rescue B. the tall building collapsed
C. an emergency measure was taken D. warnings were given to tourists
(10)In order to improve English, . (2001上海)
A. Jenny’s father bought her a lot of tapes
B. Jenny bought a lot of tapes for herself
C. a lot of tapes were bought by Jenny
D. a lot of tapes were bought by Jenny’s father
(11)It’s necessary to be prepared for a job interview. _________ the answers ready will be of great help. (2005北京)
A. To have had B. Having had C. Have D. Having
(12)I think you’ll grow ________ him when you know him better. (2005江西)
A. liking B. to be like C. to like D. to be liking
(13)Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains______ whether they will enjoy it. (NMET2002)
A. to see     B. to be seen      C. seeing   D. seen
1. 能跟动词-ing或动词-ing的复合结构作宾语动词或动词短语有:
admit, allow, appreciate, avoid, dislike, enjoy, escape, deny, consider, mind, finish, permit, imagine, risk, prevent, suggest, lead to, look forward to , put off, keep on, give up, insist on 等。
(14)— There is a story here in the paper about a 110-year-old man. ( 2006江苏卷)
— My goodness! I can’t imagine _________ that old.
A. to be B. to have been C. being D. having been
(15)The parents suggested ___ in the hotel room but their kids were anxious to camp out during the trip. ( 2006上海春招)
A. sleep B. to sleep C. sleeping D. having slept
2. 只跟动词不定式作宾语的动词有:
ask, attempt, afford, agree, choose, expect, determine, manage, pretend, plan, desire, hope, decide, want, intend, refuse, would like, make up one’s mind等。
(16)I can’t stand ______ with Jane in the same office. She just refuses _______ talking while she works. (2006北京卷)
A. working; stopping B. to work; stopping
C. working; to stop D. to work ; to stop
(17)I don’t want ________ like I’m speaking ill of anybody, but the manager’s plan is unfair. (2005天津)
A. to sound B. to be sounded C. sounding D. to have sounded
3. 疑问词+动词不定式作宾语
(18)I've worked with children before, so I know what______ in my new job. (NMET2000)
A. expected   B. to expect       C. to be expecting D. expects
(19) Mother didn’t know _______ to blame for the broken glass as it happened while she was out. (2002NMET)
A. who B. when C. how D. what
4. 动词-ing和动词不定式作宾语意义截然不同的考查
remember to do(记得去做),remember doing(记得做过), forget to do(忘记去做)forget doing(忘记做过),regret to do(遗憾地做),regret doing(后悔做了), try to do(设法去做),try doing(试做), mean to do(打算做),mean doing (意味着), go on to do(继续做另一件事),go on doing(继续做同一件事),can’t help doing(禁不住),can’t help do(不能帮忙做)
(20)If you think that treating a woman well means always_______ her permission for things, think again. (2006湖南)
A. gets B. got C. to get D. getting
(21)When asked by the police, he said that he remembered __________ at the party, but not _______(2005北京)
A. to arrive; leaving B. to arrive, to leave
C. arriving; leaving D. arriving; to leave
5. to是介词,后用动词-ing作宾语的几个动词短语
to是介词的短语很多,常见的有look forward to(盼望), devote to(致力于), be/get used to(习惯于), lead to(导致),引起, get down to(静下心来做), pay attention to(注意), refer to(谈到), turn to(转向), object to(反对), belong to(属于)等等。
(22)Isn't it time you got down to________ the papers? (2006重庆卷)
 A. mark B. be marked   C. being marked D. marking
(23)The discovery of new evidence led to______. (2003上海)
A. the thief having caught      B. catch the thief
C. the thief being caught       D. the thief to be caught
6. 要接动词-ing的含有介词的几个句型的考查
prevent/stop/keep sb. from doing(阻止……做……); spend/waste time(money) (in)doing(在做……方面花/浪费时间); How/What about doing(做……怎样?); have some difficulty/trouble (in) doing(在做……方面有困难); have a hard time doing(做某事困难); There is no point (in)doing(做……没有意义), be busy doing(忙于做……)等
(24)Having been ill in bed for nearly a month, he had a hard time________ the exam. (2004福建)
A. pass B. to pass C. passed D. passing
(25)According to a recent U.S. survey, children spent up to 25 hours a week _________ TV. (2004上海)
A. to watch B. to watching C. watching D. watch
1. 在be said, be reported, be believed, be supposed, be thought等后常用动词不定式作主语补足语。
(26)AIDS is said ______ the biggest health challenge to both men and women in that area over the past few years. (2006湖北卷)
A. that it is B. to be C. that it has been D. to have been
2. 通常跟带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语的动词有:
ask, invite, tell, want, encourage, wish, expect, beg, order, advise, force, cause, allow, forbid, warn, remind, permit, would like/love , prefer等等。
(27)My advisor encouraged______ a summer course to improve my writing skills. (2004北京)
A. for me taking B. me taking C. for me to take D. me to take
3. 感官动词hear, listen to, see, watch, notice , observe, look at等和使役动词let, have, make后可以跟省to的动词不定式作宾补,在被动语态中用带to的不定式作主语补足语。
(28)While watching television, __________. (2005全国卷三)
A. the doorbell rang B. the doorbell rings
C. we heard the doorbell ring D. we heard the doorbell rings
(29)If anyone happens to drop in while I am out,________ him or her leave a message. (2005福建)
A. have B. get C. ask D. tell
4. 感官动词后跟分词和动词不定式作宾补的区别
(30) The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see______ the next year. (NMET2000)
A. carry out   B. carrying out     C. carried out   D. to carry out
(31) The missing boys were last seen __________ near the river. (NMET1994)
A. playing B. to be playing C. play D. to play
5. 可以用分词但不用动词不定式作宾补的几个动词
keep(让),find(发现), catch(碰见)等几个动词后常跟现在分词或过去分词作宾补,不跟动词不定式作宾补。
(32)A cook will be immediately if he is found _______ in the kitchen. (NMET2003)
A. smoke B. smoking C. to smoke D. smoked
(33)He looked around and caught a man _______ his hand into the pocket of a passenger. (2004北京春)
A. put B. to be putting C. to put D. putting
6. 可用现在分词、过去分词和动词不定式作宾补的几个动词:
leave, want, get,可跟现在分词和过去分词以及带to的动词不定式作宾补;have后可跟现在分词、过去分词和省to的动词不定式作宾补。
(34)Don’t leave the water _______ while you brush your teeth. (2004天津)
A. run B. running C. being run D. to run
(35)You should understand the traffic rule by now. You’ve had it _________often enough. (2005天津)
A. explaining B. to explain C. explain D. explained
1. 动词不定式和现在分词作结果状语的区别
动词不定式表结果状语、往往表示出乎意料的,令人不快的结果,不定式所表示的动作发生在句子谓语动词后,其前常有only, 也可用于一些固定句型,如:too…to…, enough to…等;现在分词表示结果状语,几乎和谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生,表示的是一种必然的结果。
(36)He hurried to the booking office only _________that all the tickets had been sold out. (2006陕西卷)
A. to tell B. to be told C. telling D. told
(37)Oil prices have risen by 32 percent since the start of the year, _________ a record US $57.65 a barrel on April 4. (2005山东)
A. have reached B. reaching C. to reach D. to be reaching
2. 只用动词不定式作状语的几种情况
在作表语的形容词后或作宾补的形容词后作原因状语;在句首、句中作目的状语只能用动词不定式,也可和in order, so as 连用,但so as to do 一般不放到句首。
(38)You were silly not ____ your car. (2004湖南)
A. to lock B. to have locked C. locking D. having locked
(39)All these gifts must be mailed immediately _______ in time for Christmas. (2005辽宁)
A. in order to have received B. in order to receive
C. so as to be received D. so as to be receiving
(40) this cake, you'll need 2 eggs, 175 g sugar and 175 g flour. (2006广东卷)
A. Having made B. Make C. To make D. Making
3. 不用动词不定式作状语的几种情况
(41)Don't sit there ________ nothing. Come and help me with this table. (2006湖北卷)
A. do B. to do C. doing D. and doing
(42)______for the breakdown of the school computer network, Alice was in low spirits. (2006福建卷)
A. Blaming B. Blamed C. To blame D. To be blamed
(43)__________ from other continents for millions of years, Australia has many plants and animals not found in any other country in the world. (2005湖北)
A. Being separated B. Having separated
C. Having been separated D. To be separated
4. 连词+ 现在分词/过去分词作状语的考查
有时候为了使分词表达的含义更为准确,常在分词前加上一个相关的连词,如when, while, unless, if, though等等。
(44)When_______ help, one often says “ Thank you. ” or “ It ’ s kind of you. ” (2005福建)
A. offering B. to offer C. to be offered D. offered
(45) When ______ different cultures, we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities. ( 2006浙江卷)
A. compared B. being compared C. comparing D. having compared
5. 形容化的分词(短语)作状语
英语中有些形容词化的过去分词(短语),常省略be动词,在句中作状语。常见的有:be lost in, be faced with, be located in, be dressed in, be tired of等等。
(46) __________in a white uniform, he looks more like a cook than a doctor. (2005湖南)
A. Dressed B. To dress C. Dressing D. Having dressed
(47) _____ and happy, Tony stood up and accepted the prize. ( 2006全国Ⅰ)
A. Surprising B. Surprised C. Being surprised D. To be surprising
(48) ______with so much trouble, we failed to complete the task on time. ( 2006四川卷)
A. Faced B. Face C. Facing D. To face
1. 动词不定式作定语,常位于所修饰的名词、代词后,表示将来要发生的动作。如果动词不定式中的动词是不及物动词,其后还应跟上相对应的介词。当动词不定式和所修饰的名词、代词是动宾关系,又和句子主语是主谓关系时,常用其主动形式。
(49)The Chinese are proud of the 29th Olympic Games ______ in Beijing in 2008. ( 2006四川卷)
A. hold B. holding C. held D. to be held
(50) Mr. Green stood up in defence of the 16-year-old boy, saying that he was not the one . (2006安徽卷)
A. blamed B. blaming C. to blame D. to be blamed
2. 现在分词和过去分词作定语
(51)The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket__________ the desert.(2006湖南)
A. covering B. covered C. cover D. to cover
(52)There have been several new events ________ to the program for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. (2006北京卷)
A. add B. to add C. adding D. added
(53)It is difficult to imagine his ________the decision without any consideration. (2006陕西卷)
A. accept B. accepting
C. to accept D. accepted
(54)______the meeting himself gave them a great deal of encouragement.(2003上海春)
A. The president will attend     B. The president to attend
C. The president attended      D. The president's attending
(55)I really can't understand ______ her like that. (2005安徽)
A. you treat B. you to treat C. why treat D. you treating
2. 非谓语动词的独立主格结构的考查
非谓语动词作状语,一般情况下要和句子主语之间存在逻辑上的主谓或动宾关系,但有时候非谓语动词也可以带有自己的逻辑主语,可以与句子主语不一致,构成“with +宾语+动词不定式/现在分词/过去分词”的复合结构,with可以省略。
(56)I couldn’t do my homework with all that noise _________.(2005北京)
A. going on B. goes on C. went on D. to go on
(57)I send you 100 dollars today, the rest_________ in a year. (2005湖南)
A. follows B. followed C. to follow D. being followed
3. 非谓语动词作评注性状语的考查
英语中,有的非谓语动词作状语,它们和句子主语之间不存在逻辑上的主谓或动宾关系,只是在句中起评注性的说明作用,如: generally speaking, judging from/by, to tell the truth, considering, given 等等。
(58)_________, the more expensive the camera, the better its quality. (2005全国卷三)
A. General speaking B. Speaking general
C. Generally speaking D. Speaking generally
1、shall 用在第一、三人称,will 用于第二人称表示“征求意见”。
Shall I go now?
Shall we invite her, too?
Will you help me with the work?
Shall the reporters wait outside or what?
Passengers shall not talk with the driver while the bus is moving.
3、shall 用于所有人称,表示说话人的许诺、威胁、警告、命令等。
You shall have an answer by tomorrow.
If he’s good, he shall have a new watch for Christmas.
If you children don’t do as I tell you, you shan’t go to the party.
4、would 可以表示过去的习惯(would 可表示反复发生的动作或某种倾向。used to表示过去的习惯动作或状态,强调现在已不存在)
He would come to see me on Sunday when he was here.
The dog would lie there in the sun all afternoon.
When we were children, we would go skating every winter.
I will pay you for it. 我会付给你钱买下它的。
Go where you will. 到你愿意去的地方。
We’re going on a climbing trip. Come if you will.
Sometimes the cat will lie there all morning.
Oil and water will not mix.
This machine won’t work.
二、can/could 的用法
The nine-year old boy can swim across the river.
Can you swim across the river?
We couldn’t get the truck to start.
2、表示“征询对方意见”和“允许”(could 语气委婉)。回答不用 could.
Can /could I smoke here? Yes, you can. No, you cannot.
Could you tell me where John is?
Can/Could it be true? 那会/可能是真的。
That can’t/couldn’t be true. 那不可能是真的。
Will you answer the phone? It could be your mother.
三.may/might 的用法
May I turn on the TV?
Yes, of course. Yes, you can/may.
No, you can’t/may not /mustn’t /I’m afraid not.
You may go home now.
You may/might have some fever. 你也许发烧了。
He said that the news might be true. 他说这消息可能是真的。
They may/might be having a bath. 他们也许正在洗澡。
Patients must use medicine according to the doctor’s orders.
There must be a mistake.
Can/Could there be a mistake
There can’t/couldn’t be a mistake.
He must be over sixty now.
They must be watching the news now.
They can’t/couldn’t be watching the news now.
3、注意must 的回答:
Must the ladies wear dresses?
yes, they must. No, they don’t have to. / they needn’t.
Can/May I come in? No, you can’t / mustn’t.
Children mustn’t go across the street alone.
(1)表示对现在和将来状况的推测:must 一定,may 可能,might 也许,can’t 不可能。
(2)对已经过去的情况的推测,用“情态动词+have+ done”结构:
① must have done 过去一定已经…(只用于肯定句中)
② can’t / couldn’t have done 过去不可能--- (表示否定)
③ may/might have done 可能已经----
④ needn’t have done 本来不必做---
⑤ could have done那时本来可以…(在肯定句中,不可用can)
⑥ should have done 本来应该做---(实际未做)
⑦ shouldn’t / oughtn’t to have done 本不应该做-----(实际做了)
He must have been drinking beer. 他肯定一直喝啤酒来着。
The money can’t have been lost there. 钱不可能是在那儿丢的。
He may have gone to bed. 他可能已经上床睡觉了。
She might not have settled the problem. 她可能尚未解决那个问题。
We could have solved the problem in a more reasonable fashion.
You should have come here ten minutes earlier.
She should / ought to have gone there alone.
You needn’t try to explain. Need we stay here this evening?
2、Need 作为实意动词可用在所有句型中。
She needs to come tomorrow.
You don’t need any help from others. Do they need this?
Dare he swim across the river?
He dare not come to see me.
How dare you be so rude! 你竟敢如此无礼!
Do you dare to ask her? 你敢问她吗?
He didn’t dare to go. 他不敢去。
八.should/ought to的用法
You ought to /should pay more attention to what your lawyer says.
This word is spelt wrongly. There should be another “s”.
2. 表示推测和可能性,是“应该”之意。
This pen ought to /should be yours. 这支笔应该是你的。
If the train is up to time, John should/ought to be here any minute now. 如果火车晚点的话,John现在马上就应该到了。
What’s happened to that money? How should I know? 那些钱怎么了?-我怎么知道?
It’s strange that he should have lost his temper for such trivial things as that. 真奇怪,他竟然为这么小的事情发脾气。
Why should I believe you? 我为什么要相信你?
第九部分:倒 装 句
1. 倒装句的定义
2. 倒装句的构成
a) 完全倒装
Now comes the chance. 机会来了。
b) 部分倒装
Has he come? 他来了吗?
3. 倒装的原因
a) 句子语法结构的需要。例如:
Did you attend the meeting? 你参加会议了吗?
b) 一些句型的固定用法。例如:
Long live peace! 和平万岁!
Such were his last words. 他最后的话就是这样。
Before us lay a lot of difficulties. 在我们前面有很多困难。
Often did we warn them not to do so. 我们曾多次警告他们不要这样做。
4. 倒装句的基本用法
a) 构成疑问句(除对主语或主语之定语提问的特殊疑问句外):
When are we going to drink to your happiness? 我们什么时候喝你们的喜酒?
Have you seen the film? 你看了那部电影吗?
b) 在以here, there, now, then, in, away, up down等副词开头的句子中:
Away went the crowd one by one. 人们一个一个地离去。
Here comes our teacher! 我们的老师来了!
c) 副词only+状语放在句首时:
Only then did he realize his mistakes . 只有在那时他才认识到自己的错误。
Only in this way can you learn maths well . 只有用这种方法你才能学好数学。
d) 含有否定意义的副词或连词(如little, few, seldom, scarcely, hardly, never, rarely, not, no, none, nothing, 等)放在句首时:
Seldom have we felt as comfortable as here. 我们难得像在这里这么舒服。
Only in this way can we do the work better. 只有这样我们才能把工作做得更好。
Never before have we seen such a sight. 以前我们从来没有见过这样的情景。
Little did I think that he could be back alive. 我没有想到他竟能活着回来。
Not until New Year’s Day shall I give you a gift. 我要到元旦那天才能给你礼物。
Hardly had the train arrived at the station when we ran towards the sleeping car looking for our guests. 火车刚一进站,我们就跑到卧车那儿去找我们的客人。
e) 副词so或 neither(nor)在句首:
He is interested in pop-songs, and so am I.他对流行歌曲感兴趣,我也如此。
He hasn’t been to the countryside, neither does he want to go there.
f) 在方式状语thus开头的句子中及程度状语so放句首:
Thus ended his life. 这样结束了他的生命。
So loudly did he speak that even people in the next room could hear him .
So small were the words that he could hardly see them. 字那么小,他几乎看不见。
5. 其他
1. 在以here, there, now, then, in, away, up down等副词开头的句子中,如果主语是人称代词,主语和谓语不可倒装。例如:
There he comes. 他来了。
Away they hurried. 他们急忙走开了。
2. so作“也”讲时,引导的句子用倒装语序,例如:
He went to the film last night. So did I. 他昨天晚上去看电影了,我也去了。
His mother told him to go to the film. So he did. 他母亲叫他去看电影,他就去了。
“He is a tall thin man.” “So he is.” “他又高又瘦。” “确实如此。”
3. 某些让步状语从句往往把表语提到主语前面或放在句首,以构成倒装结构。例如:
No matter how interesting the book is,he doesn't like to read it.
However hard a solid may be,we can change its shape.
Young as he is, he knows a lot. 虽然他年轻,却知道很多东西。
4. 在虚拟语气中,如果非真实条件句省略if,须将主句中的were, had和should等助动词和主语颠倒形成部分倒装。例如:
Were he younger (= If he were younger), he would learn skating.
Should they forget (= If they should forget) to bring a map with them, they would get lost in the woods. 如果他们忘记带一张地图的话,他们就会在深林里迷路。
Had they realized (= If they had realized) how important th




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