关于think用法的几点注意事项 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)

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1. 作谓语动词时,否定前移现象.类似的词有:suppose, believe, expect, imagine
I don’t think he will come.
I don’t imagine they will come if it rains.
I don’t think I know you.
2. 反意疑问部分主谓的选择. 当复合句的主语是第一人称,而谓语动词是think,believe, suppose,imagine, expect等表示认为,猜想,相信的词的一般现在时时, 反意疑问句的主谓与从句一致。
I think that it is a good thing, isn’t it?
I don’t suppose he cares, does he?
Compare:You never told us why his brother was thrown into prison, did you?
He says that it is true, doesn’t he?
This is the first time you have operated a computer, isn’t it?
3.双重疑问句. 对它的宾语从句中的某一部分提问时,语序应是疑问词+ +宾语从句其余部分。
和它这种用法相同的词还有say, suppose, imagine, etc.
What do you think the ocean bottom is made up of?
Which way do you imagine he went?
What do you imagine has happened to him?
Who do you think is fit for the job?
Whom do you think he lives with?
4 简单答语. So 作代词时,可以作宾语,用在动词think, hope, expect, suppose, imagine, believe 等的后面。
Do you believe he will come?
---Yes, I believe so./ No, I believe not./ I don’t believe so.
But: Will it rain tomorrow?
----I hope so./ I hope not
5. 过去完成时表“曾认为,本认为”。类似的词还
有hope, plan, want, expect, suppose, mean,Intend,wish.
We had hoped(=hoped to have caught) to catch the early bus, but found it had left.
I hadn’t expected that I should get the first prize.
She had thought of paying us a visit, but the weather made her change her plan.
1. I think they’ve finished their work,_____?
`. do I B. don’t I C. have they D. haven’t they
2. I don’t believe she knows it,______?
A. do I B. don’t I C. doesn’t she D. does she
3. Why do you think ____ cut down the big tree?
A. we can’t B. can’t we C. that we can’t D. that can’t we
4. What do you think ____ we should do to improve our English?
A. that B. X C. which D. how
5. Do you think _____ Jim and Della loved each other? A. that B. when C. why D. how
6. ______ is the richest man in the town?
A. Whom do you think B. Who do you think
C. Do you think who D. Do you think whom
7. She thought Tom had done it, ____?
A. didn’t she B. did she
C. hadn’t she D. had he
8. ---Will it rain tomorrow? --- ________.
A. I don’t think it B. I don’t hope so C. I hope D. I don’t think so
9. What do you think ____ an apple ____ to the ground
A. cause; to fall B. to cause; falling C. causes; to fall
10. Where do you think ____ he ____ the computer?
A. X; bought B. has; bought C. did; buy D. had; bought
11. Which record of his do they say_____ best in this shop?
A. sells B. is sold C. sell D. are sold
12.----He promised to come on time.
----What do you imagine _____ to him then?
A. has happened B. was happening C. happening D. was happened.
13.---What do you think ____ him so upset?
---I have no idea because I wasn’t at home then.
A. making B. made C. to make D. to have made
14. It was such a serious mistake, _____ caused by carelessness.
A. which I think was B. which I think it was C. I think which was D. I think which it was
1. 若否定不转移,则否定意义较强,因此语义不委婉。
2. 当 think以过去时,过去进行时或过去完成时,现在完成时或现在进行时出现时,不用转移。
I thought that you hadn’t finished the job.
I was thinking that you wouldn’t come to my help.
I had thought he wouldn’t come to my help.
I’ve supposed that I won’t trouble you again.
I’ve been thinking that the sky won’t fall down. 我一直相信天不会塌下来。
3. 当 think前有副词修饰语时,不转移。
I often/always think that you are not fit for that job.
I really think you needn’t worry about his safety。
4. 当 think前有助动词do 表强调时,不转移。
I do think that you shouldn’t do that.
I do think it is wise of him to do so。
5. 当think用在疑问句中时。
Why do you think I can’t change your note.
Do you think my mother wouldn’t permit this?
6. 当think与情态动词连用时。
He must think I am not for the job。
7.当宾语从句有no, never, hardly, 等否定副词时。
I believe John never tells a lie.




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