阳西一中2009届高三英语总复习之句子系列复习(6) 句 子 翻 译 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)

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句 子 翻 译
1. 孩子们常问我们许多问题。 2. 孩子们常问父母们许多问题。
3. 我和哥哥是解放军(PLA men)。 4. 警察要这个人出示证件。
5. Tom 是两个人里面较高的一个。
6. 看那边的两个男孩,左边的那个是我弟弟,右边的是我的一个同学。
7. John的父亲是工人。 8. 牛是有用的动物。
9. 他住在学校附近。 10. 昨天他感冒了。
11. 下午三时,全体学生在校门口集合,欢迎美国学生。
12. 美国学生将参观图书馆,校办厂,实验楼,教学楼和游泳池。
13. 学生会将举办晚会来欢迎美国朋友。
14. 讲座内容是“美国教育”。
15. 除英语外,我的其他功课也很好。
16. 美籍教师 Black 夫妇将来班里与学生座谈。
17. Alice 买了些蔬菜,但她没买水果。 18. 再来点咖啡好吗?
19. 你能给我提些建议吗? 20. 我需要一些信息。
21. 我父亲是英语教师,我母亲是打字员。
22. 她是个好医生,我们都喜欢她。
23. 谁教你们英语? 你们英语老师不在这里。
24. 这是一本字典,我昨天买的。
25. 他们学校没有我们的大。
26. 这个钱包是他的。这个钱包是属于他的。
27. 邮局在这条街的那一边。
28. 他们每隔一年去一次美国。 29. 其它照片在哪里?
30. 你有其它有关这个问题的书吗?
31. 有些是红色的,另有一些是褐色的。
32. 有些是红色的,其它的都是褐色的。
33. 她在自学英语。 34. 我们当中几乎没有人认识他。
  汉语中修饰名词的“好”与修饰动词的“好”写法一样。但在英语中一个要用good, 而另一个要用 well。汉语的“比较好”,英语要说better,“最好”是best。这又是我们写英语句子时容易出错之处,因为英语中的这种区分,我们汉语没有,我们没有这种习惯。
35. 她是个好的钢琴演奏者,她钢琴弹得很好。
36. 他很仔细认真。 他总是仔细认真地做作业。
37. 这个练习很容易,你可以容易地做完。
38. 这个孩子选了两个玩具中较贵的那个。
39. 上海是亚洲最大的城市之一。
40. 这本书比那一本更有趣。 41. 我的书包比你的重。
42. 他跑得越来越快。 43. 我越想越高兴。
44. 冬天北方比南方冷。 45. 李平说话不象你那样快。
46. 历史和地理一样有趣,但比地理难。
47. 我们对英语越来越感兴趣。
  英语中动词的诸多变化是我们中文所没有的。从初一年级的 I am, you are, he is, she is, we are, you are, they are 到后来的动词的时态,语态, 助动词,疑问句式,以至于到高中的虚拟语气,非谓语动词等,都是中文里没有的语言现象。我们与英语动词整整纠缠了六年,到现在还能见到全篇都是原形动词的作文。这全因为我们没有要重视动词形式的意识,没养成正确的表达习惯。让我们在高考前赶快补上这一课吧。
48. 桌子有四条腿。 49. 桌子上有四本书。
50. 他天天洗衣服吗? 不,他通常隔天洗衣服。
51. 这几天我在看一本有趣的小说。
52. 他从来不说谎。
53. 我们每周上四节英语课。现在我们正在上英语课。
54. 你们上星期忙吗? 不,不忙。
55. 昨天下午妈妈跟我的英语老师谈了话。
56. 上周三几位外国朋友来我校,他们与我们班每个人握了手。
57. 今天下午我们将有节地理课。
58. 我放学后要去看一部新影片。
59. 五十七年前毛主席在这个房间里住过。
60. 学生们在哪里? 他们都去游泳了。
61. 从早晨起我就没吃过东西。
62. 这个电影你看过没有? 我看过了,是在南京看的。
63.上海是1949年5月解放的。 64. 病人应立即送医院。
65. 约翰问我是否收到他的信了。
66. 他没告诉我他住在什麽地方。
67. 假如下雨的话,我们不去公园。
68. 他年轻时游泳游得很好。
69. 小红到苏州去了。你到过苏州吗?
70. 他一回来,我就告诉他这个消息。
71. 你结婚了吗? 72. 昨天冷吗?
73. 明天他们去博物馆吗? 74. 你的名字是什麽?
75. Jim 在哪里? 76. 你住在哪里?
77. Jim 不是从英国来的。
78. Mary 昨天做家庭作业了吗?
79. Peter 昨天晚上没看电视。
80. 昨夜我等了你好长时间。 81. 有人在敲门。
82. 这本字典我已经买了两年了。
83. 我两年前买的这本字典。
84. 这里可以修理这台收音机吗?
85. 在澳大利亚也说英语。
86. 小偷已被学生们抓住了。
87. 他们一家人身体都很健康。
88. 房间里除了两把椅子外,没找到别的东西。
89. 一半的马匹跑掉了。
90. 已经过去了一半的时间。
91. 昨天,王先生和我都迟到了。
92. 昨天,不是王先生就是我,有一个人错了。
93. 刚才你是在邮局吗? 不,我在公园。
94. 我父亲在一家书店工作,他不在工厂工作。
95. 已经有两周时间没下雨了。 96. 我们尚未完成作业。
97. 他的家庭是个幸福的家庭。
98. 花园里仍有许多雪。 那里有许多姑娘。
99. 我想借一本书。 100. 他忘记把那些工具带来了。
101. 医生叫你别抽烟。 102. 他答应不再迟到。
103. 他在一家儿童医院工作,他的工作是为孩子准备饭食。
104. 今天下午我有许多事情要做。
105. 这孩子已到了上学年龄。
106. 英语并不容易学。 107. 这桌子需要修理。
108. 他非常喜欢游泳。
109. 她建议放学后打扫教室。
110. 我不介意坐后座。
111. 他的报告激动人心。 我们激动极了。
112. 听到铃声,我们立即走进教室。
113. 站在校门口,他们看到一辆公共汽车开过来了。
114. 她对这项 工作很感兴趣。 115. 他们对你的报告很满意。
116. 他看见一个人被汽车撞倒了。
117. 我们停下来休息一下吧。
118. 我不能决定借那本书。
119. 我不知道怎样回答这个问题。
120. 我们要请人把机器修好。
121. 那老板让工人们整天不停地干活。
122. 那位老人请一位年轻人扶他上公共汽车。
123. 他们围桌而坐,又说又笑。 124. 我有几封信要写。
125. 我常听那女孩唱英语歌。我看见那孩子正在爬树。
126. 他看过书了,还做了许多笔记。
127. 我坐下来,开始做家庭作业。
128. John 会讲德语,Mary 也会讲。
129. 老师问了我一个问题,我不会回答。
130. 我没出去,呆在家里看书。 131. 他不抽烟,不喝酒。
132. 他整日玩,什麽也不干。
133. 她什麽也不要,只要一辆小汽车。
134. 他不仅是个战士,而且还是个诗人。
135. 我不仅喜爱运动,而且还喜欢音乐。 136. 不是你疯了,就是我疯了。
137. 你可以坐火车去,也可以乘飞机去。
138. 我直到半夜才睡着。 139. 我一直睡到中午。
140. 我还没停下来,她就开始讲上了。
141. 直到我停下来,她才开始讲。
142. 昨夜想必下了雨,因为路是湿的。
143. 因为昨夜下了雨,所以路是湿的。
144. 这个市镇虽小,却没有污染。
145. 我们在温习功课,而他却在看小说。
146. 我正要去睡,这时电话铃响了起来。
147. 加拿大不仅说英语,而且说法语。
  it 作虚主语,形式主语,或形式宾语的句型,以及 there be 句型,也是英语有中文无的语言现象,我们不习惯。但在书面表达中,它们非常有用。
148. 和你在一起真好。 149. 骑车能去吗?
150. 你去与不去都没关系。
151. 再怎麽解释也没用,我不感兴趣。
152. 她发现与他相处很难。
153. George 已经表明,他不同意。
154. 现在几点钟? 现在十点半。
155. 该吃午饭了。 156. 今天天气晴朗。
157. 走到那儿要用半小时。
158. 我认为这样做是我的职责。 159. 据说他到美国去了。
160. 他们肯定下周来。
161. 有烟就有火,无风不起浪。 162. 今晚有会。
163. 解放以来,中国发生了许多巨大的变化。
164. 明天有电影。
165. 解放前中国没有化学工业。
166. 自从我们上次见面以来已有三年了。
167. 是Tom 昨晚给Jack 打了电话。
168. 外面有一辆小汽车等着。 169. 这时是深秋时节。
170. 今天公园里一定会很好玩。
句子翻译 参考答案
1. The children often ask us a lot of questions.
2. Children often ask their parents a lot of questions.
3. My brother and I are PLA men.
4. The policeman asked the man to show the papers.
5. Tom is the taller of the two.
6. Look at the two boys over there. The one on the left is my brother. The one on the right is a schoolmate of mine.
7. John's father is a worker.
8. The cow is a useful animal. / A cow is a useful animal. / Cows are useful animals.
9. He lives near the school.
10. He had a cold yesterday.
11. All of the students will meet at the school gate at 3 this afternoon, and give the American students a warm
12. The American students will visit the school library, the school factory, the school lab building, the classroom
building and the swimming pool.
13. The Student Union is going to hold a party to welcome our friends from the United States.
14. The lecture is about the education of America.
15. Besides English , I'm good at other subjects, too.
16. The American teachers, Mr. and Mrs. Black, will come and have talks with the students.
17. Alice bought some vegetables, but she didn't buy any fruit.
18. Would you like some more coffee?
19. Can you give me some advice?
20. I need some information.
21. My father is an English teacher, and my mother is a typist.
22. She is a good doctor. We all like her.
23. Who teaches you English? Your English teacher isn't here.
24. This is a dictionary. I bought it yesterday.
25. Their school is not as big as ours.
26. This wallet is his. This wallet belongs to him.
27. The post office is on the other side of the street.
28. They go to the U.S. every other year.
29. Where are the other photos?
30. Have you any other books on this subject?
31. Some are red. Others are brown.
32. Some are red. The others are brown.
33. She is teaching herself English. 34. Few of us know him.
35. She is a good pianist. She plays the piano very well.
36. He is careful. He always does his homework carefully.
37. This exercise is easy. You can finish it easily.
38. The child chose the more expensive one of the two toys.
39. Shanghai is one of the biggest cities in Asia.
40. This book is more interesting than that one.
41. My school bag is heavier than yours.
42. He was running faster and faster.
43. The more I think of it , the happier I am.
44. In winter, it is colder in the north than in the south.
45. Lie Ping doesn't speak so fast as you.
46. History is as interesting as geography, but it is more difficult than geography.
47. We are becoming more and more interested in English.
48. The table has four legs. 49. There are four books on the desk.
50. Does he wash his clothes every day? No. He usually washes his clothes every other day.
51. I am reading an interesting novel these days.
52. He never tells a lie.
53. We have four English lessons every week. Now, we are having our English lesson.
54. Were you busy last week? No, we weren't.
55. My mother talked with my English teacher yesterday evening.
56. Several foreign friends came to our school last Wednesday.
57. We shall have a geography class this afternoon.
58. I am going to see a new film after school.
59. Chairman Mao lived in this room fifty-seven years ago.
60. Where are the pupils? They all have gone swimming.
61. I haven't eaten anything since this morning.
62. Have you seen this film? Yes, I have. I saw it in Nanjing.
63. Shanghai was liberated in May,1949.
64. The patient must be sent to hospital at once.
65. John asked me if I had received his letter.
66. He didn't tell me where he lived.
67. We won't go to the park, if it rains.
68. He could swim very well when he was young.
69. Xiao Hong has gone to Suzhou. Have you ever been there?
70. I'll tell him the news as soon as he comes back.
71. Are you married? 72. Was it cold yesterday?
73. Will they go to the museum tomorrow?
74. What is your name? 75. Where is Jim?
76. Where do you live?
77. Jim does not come from England.
78. Did Mary do her homework yesterday?
79. Peter didn't watch TV yesterday evening.
80. I waited for you a long time last night.
81. Someone is knocking at the door.
82. I have had this dictionary for two years.
83. I bought this dictionary two years ago.
84. Can the radio be repaired here?
85. English is also spoken in Australia.
86. The thief has been caught by the students.
87. His family are all well.
88. Nothing but two chairs was found in the room. There is nothing but two chairs in the room.
89. Half of the horses have run away.
90. Half of the time has passed (gone by).
91. Both Mr Wang and I were late yesterday.
92. Either Mr Wang or I was wrong yesterday.
93. Were you at the post-office just now? No, I wasn't. I was in the park.
94. My father works in a bookshop. He doesn't work in a factory.
95. It hasn't rained for two weeks.
96. We haven't finished our homework yet.
97. His family is a happy one.
98. There is still a lot of snow in the garden. There are a lot of girls there.
99. I want to borrow a book.
100. He forgot to bring those tools with him.
101. The doctor asked you not to smoke.
102. He promised not to be late again.
103. He works in a children's hospital. His job is to prepare food for the children.
104. I have a lot of things to do this afternoon.
105. The boy is old enough to go to school.
106. English is not so easy to learn.
107. The desk needs mending/to be mended.
108. He enjoys swimming very much.
109. She suggested cleaning the classroom after school.
110. I don't mind taking a back seat.
111. His report is exciting. We are excited.
112. Hearing the bell, we went into the classroom immediately.
113. Standing at the school gate, they saw a bus coming.
114. She is very interested in the work.
115. They are satisfied with your report.
116. They saw a man knocked down by a car.
117. Let's stop to have a rest.
118. I can't decide which book to borrow.
119. I don't know how to answer the question.
120. We must have the machine repaired.
121. The boss had the workers working all day long.
122. The old man had a young man help him to get on the bus.
123. They sat round the table, talking and laughing.
124. I have some letters to write.
125. I often hear the girl sing in English. I saw the boy climbing the tree.
126. He has read this book and made a lot of notes.
127. I sat down and began to do my homework.
128. John can speak German and Mary can, too./......and so can Mary.
129. The teacher asked me a question, and/but I couldn't answer it.
130. I didn't go out, instead, I stayed at home and read.
131. He neither smokes nor drinks.
132. He does nothing but play all day long.
133. She asked for nothing but a car.
134. He is a soldier, and a poet as well. He is a poet as well as a soldier.
He is not only a soldier, but also a poet./but a poet as well.
135. I like sports, and music as well. I like music as well as sports. I like not only sports but also music.
136. Either you or I am mad. Either you are mad, or I am mad.
137. You can go there either by train or by plane.
138. I didn't sleep/go to sleep until midnight.
139. I slept until noon.
140. She began to talk before I stopped.
141. She didn't begin to talk until I stopped.
142. It must have rained last night, for the road is wet.
143. It rained last night , so the road is wet.
144. Though it is a small town, there is no pollution here.
145. We are reviewing our lessons, while he is reading a novel.
146. I was going to bed/was about to go to bed, when the telephone rang.
147. Not only English but also French is spoken in Canada.
148. It's nice to be with you.
149. Is it possible to go there by bike?
150. It doesn't matter whether you go or not.
151. It is no use trying to explain again. I'm not interested.
152. She found it difficult to get along with him.
153. George has made it clear that he disagrees.
154. What time is it now? It's half past ten.
155. It is time for lunch.
156. It is fine today.
157. It takes half an hour to walk there.
158. I think it my duty to do so.
159. It is said that he has gone to America.
160. It is certain that they will come next week.
161. Where there is smoke, there is fire.
162. There will be a meeting tonight.
163. There have been many great changes in China since liberation.
Many great changes have taken place in China since liberation.
164. There will be a film tomorrow.
165. There was no chemical industry in China before liberation.
166. It is three years since we met last time.
167. It was Tom who telephoned Jack last night.
168. There is a car waiting outside.
169. It is late autumn.
170. It will be lovely in the park today.




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