表示最高级意义的几种特殊结构 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)

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1. as +原级+ as any (或ever )
She is as bright as any in the school. 她是学校最聪明的学生。
2. as +原级+ as … can be
He is as happy as happy can be. 他幸福无比。
3. nothing (no) + so + 原级 + as…
Nothing (no) +比较级+ than …
No one is so deaf as those who won’t listen. 最聋着=者莫过于不听劝说的人。
Nothing is more precious than health. 健康的身体是最宝贵的。
4比较级+ than any other (或anything else )
She is more careful than any other / anyone else. 她比任何人都更细心(她最细心)。
5. never +比较级
can’t / couldn’t + 比较级 “再……不过了; 不可能更……”
I’ve never read a more interesting novel. 我从来没有读过比这更有趣的小说。(这本小说最有趣。)
I can’t agree more. 我完全同意。
The weather couldn’t be worse. 天气再坏不过了。
He couldn’t have done better. 他做得再好不过了。
Thiscould give her no greater pleasure. 这使她再高兴不过了。
He couldn’t care more. 他非常关心。
He couldn’t care less. 他一点也不关心。
1.-------How are you today?
-------Oh, I _______ as ill as I do now for a very long time.
A.didn’t feel B.wasn’t feeling C.don’t feel D.haven’t felt
2.--I was riding along the street and all of a sudden, a car cut in and knocked me down.
---- You can never be ______ careful in the street.
A.much B.very C.so D.too
3.The shop manager always says to her assistants, “We can never be ____ polite to our customers.
A.so B.more C.too Dthat.
4.----Yao Ming has begun his season in NBA.
----Yes, he couldn’t have wished for a _____ start to the new NBA year. He scored 19 points in 20 minutes in the opening game.
A.better B.good C.nice D.best.
5.----Mom’s gift? She _____ have chosen a better one for me.
-----She _____ be very happy to know it.
A.should; must B.might; wouldn’t C.couldn’t; must D.mustn’t; can’t
6.----How did your interview go?
-----I couldn’t feel ______ about it. I seemed to find an answer for all of the question.
A.better B.worse C.best D.worst
7.He had never spent a ___ day. He really didn’t know how to deal with the situation.
A.more worried B.more worrying C.most worried D.most worrying
8.----Are you satisfied with the progress you’ve made in your high school studies?
----Not a little. It couldn’t be _____.
A.any better B.any worse C.the best D.the worse
9. --- Are you satisf ied with the resu lt? --- Not at all. It couldn't be ___.
A. any better B. any worse C. so bad D. the worst
10.Tom did very well in the last exam and much to my joy, Mary did no _____ than Tom.
A.better B.worse C.faster D.further
11.Clean water is ____ necessory than fresh air to the people living in big cities.
A.no more B.no less C.much as D.not any more
12.----How do you like Miss Wang’s singing?
-----To tell you the truth, no one sings ____.
A.terribly B.worse C.badly D.fine
13.-----How did you like the food here?
-----Oh, excellent! We _____ a better hotel.
A.can’t find B.won’t find C.mustn’t have found D.couldn’t have found
14.----If our parents would listen more to us, they would understand us better.
----_____. They just expect us to listen.
A.I believe not B.No problem C.Good idea D.I can’t agree more
15.If you need a comfortable chair to sit in, there’s ____ better than this one.
A.nothing B.none C.no one D.nobody



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