独立主格结构常见类型及练习 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)

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1.__________no bus, we had to walk home.
A. There being B. Being C. Having been D. There was
2._______no bus, we had to walk home.
A. As there being B. As there was C. Being D. There was
3._______Sunday, the library doesn't open.
A. Being B. There being C. It being D. Having been
4.______Sunday, the library doesn't open.
A. As it being B. Being C. It is D. As it is
5._________, the train started.
A. The signal given B. Giving the signal C. The signal being given D. The signal giving
6.__________, the train started.
A. After having given the signal B. After the signal given
C. Giving the signal D. After the signal was given
7._________, the text became easier for us to learn.
A. Explaining new words B. New words explained
C. Being explained new words D. Having explained new words
8.______________, the text became easier for us to learn.
A. When new words were explained B. Explaining new words
C. New words explaining D. Being explained new word
9.___________, the patient can leave the hospital.
A. Better conditions B. Conditions better
C. Conditions are better D. Being better conditions
10._________, the patient can leave the hospital.
A. If better conditions B. If conditions better C. If conditions are better D. Being better conditions
11.________, we’d like to go outing.
A. Being Sunday B. Sunday OK C. Sunday is OK D. If Sunday OK
12.___________, we’d like to go outing.
A. If Sunday is OK B. Sunday being OK C. Sunday OK D.A,B and C
13._________, you can wait a while.
A. The play being still on B. The play still on C Being still on the play D.A and B
14._________, so you can wait a while
A. The play is still on B. The play being still on C. As the play is still on D. The play still on
15.The boy followed the nobleman here, ___________.
A. a sword in hand B. a sword in his hand C. being a sword in hand D. sword in hand
16.The boy followed the nobleman here ___________.
A. with a sword in his hand B. with a sword in hand
C. with a sword being in hand D. a sword being in hand
17.He left the office, __________.
A. tears being in eyes B. tears in his eyes C. being tears in eyes D. with tears being in eyes
18.The factory produced many famous cars, none of ____ shipped to foreign countries.
A. them B. which C. it D. what
19.All flights ____ because of the snowstorm, many passengers could do nothing but take the train.
A. having been cancelled B. had been cancelled C .have been cancelled D. being cancelled
20.The manager was very angry, for he had sent his business partner two thousand machines yesterday, half of ___ unqualified.
A. them B. what C. which D. whom
21.____________, I had to ask for two days’ leave.
A. Mother being ill B. Mother ill C. As mother was ill D. A,B and C
22.____________, we have to work late into the night.
A. The exam near B. The exam being near C. As the exam is near D. A,B and C
23. _____, we decided to go for an outing.
A. weather permitting B. The weather being so fine C. Had weather permitted D. If the weather is clear
24.__________, the text became easier for us to learn.
A. New words explained B. When new words were explained
C. When teacher explained new words D. all above
25.___________, we'll go to visit the Great Wall.
A. Weather permitting B. If weather permits C. If permitting D.A and B
26._________, the patient will recover himself soon.
A. If the treatment is in time B. The treatment in time
C. The treatment being in time D. A, B and C
27.We have lessons every day, ___________.
A. Sunday included B. Sunday including C. Sunday is including D. all the above
28.The boy fell asleep,___________.
A. cap on head B. with a cap on head C. a cap was on head D. all the above
29.Father came home,_________
A .a dog following him B. a dog followed him C. being followed by a dog D. all the above
30.With the man ______ us ahead, we had no trouble finding the village.
A. to guide B. guiding C. guided D. to have guide
31.With a lot of work_____, she doesn’t have time to rest.
A. to do B. to be done C. doing D. done
32.With the machine _____all the time, we finished harvesting crops in time.
A. to work B. worked C. working D. being working
33.The street looks more beautiful with all the lights _____.
A. are on B. on C. to be on D. been on
34.With our problem ________, we all felt happy.
A. to settle B. to be settled C. settled D. being settled
35. With a lot of difficult problems ___, the newly-elected president is having a hard time.
A. to settle B. settled C. setting D. being settled
36.With his work______, the secretary began to walk home.
A. to do B. doing C. done D. to be done
37.The man found the door with both his eyes ______.
A. to be closed B. being closed C. closed D. closing
38.We felt uncomfortable with two waitresses_______.
A. standing by B. to be standing by C. stood by D. being standing by
39.The murderer was brought in, with his hands________.
A. to be tied behind B. tied behind C. tying behind D. being tied behind
40.You can’t see well ________.
A. with the glasses on B. being on the glasses C. with the glasses to be on D. with the glasses
41.Do you know the man ______ a book in his hand?
A. with B. having C. being D.A and B
42.Please offer your seat to the woman _____ a baby in her arms.
A. carrying B. having C. with D .all the above
43._______late, we had to walk home.
A. Being B. As we were C. We being D.A and B
44.______ busy, they had no time to play.
A. As they were B. Being C. Because they were D. all the above
45. _______ the production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year.
A. For B. As C. Because D. With
46.With too many construction projects _____ all the strength out of the economy, people of the small country complained a lot. A. sucking B. to suck C. being sucked D. being sucking
47. —Come on, please give me some ideas about the project.
—Sorry. With so much work my mind, I almost break down. [2007 福建卷]
A. filled B. filling C. to fill D. being filled
48. I send you 100 dollars today, the rest ____________ in a year.
A. follows B. followed C. to follow D. being followed
49.Father came back, _______ a bag of money on his left shoulder.
A. carrying B. he was carrying C. and carrying D. all the above
50.Father came back, _______ by a monkey.
A. and he was followed B. followed C. and was followed D. all the above
51. With the weather conditions ____, they flew to London immediately.
A. taken account into B. taken into account C. taking account into D. taking into account
52._________, he finished playing the game of chess.
A. His eyes closing B. With his eyes closed C. Closing his eyes D. Closed his eyes
53._________, I couldn’t get the book I wanted.
A. Closed B. Library closed C. Closing library D. With library closing
54._________, the teacher told the class to go through the text
A. Checking the answers B. Checking the answers and
C. When checking the answers and D. all the above
55._________a rainy day, so all the farmers had to stay inside.
A. It being B. Being C. It was D. all the above
56.As_______a little sick, he remained at the clinic.
A. feeling B. he felt C. he felling D. all the above
57.______ in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.
A. Lost B. As he was lost C .He lost D.A and B
58._______for the bus at the stop, he suddenly caught sight of a thief.
A. Waiting B. When he was waiting C. As he was waiting D. all the above
59.The soldier fell asleep ___________.
A. with the candle burning B. burning the candle
C. when he was burning the candle D. when burning the candle
60.__________, the Tiananmen Square looks more beautiful.
A. Being on B. When being on
C. With all the lights on D. When it turns on all the lights
61.________ the notice, he had an idea.
A. When he was watching B. Watching C. When watching D. all the above
62.________ the notice, an idea came to his mind.
A. When he was watching B. Watching C. When watching D. all the above
63. ________,there is no school.
A. It is Sunday B. It was Sunday C. It will be Sunday D. It being Sunday
64. ________,all the students ran out of the classroom.
A. Class was over B. Class is over C. Class over D. When class over
65. ________,everything has changed.
A. Time goes on B. Time going on C. As time going on D. With time went on
66.He was lying on the grass,his hands________ under his head.
A. crossing B. crossed C. was crossing D. were crossed
67. The storm________ their house,they had to live in a cave.
A. destroyed B. destroying C. having destroyed D. being destroyed
68. He entered the room, ________.
A. his nose was red with cold B. and his nose red with cold
C. his nose red with cold D. his nose been red with cold
69. Here are the first two volumes,the third one________ next month.
A. to come out B. coming out C. will come out D. having come out
70. All things________, I think we ought to give the job to Mike.
A. considering B. considered C. having considered D. are considered
71. Spider was up and standing at the door, with every hair of her body ____.
A. stood up B. on its end C. on end D. on the end
72. The problem__________ ,they all went home happily.
A. settling B. to be settled C. settled D. to settle
73. A lot of work_________ ,he had no time to talk with us.
A. done B. to do C. doing D. to be doing
74.Everyone________ their seats, the meeting began.
A. taken B. taking C. having taken D. to take
75.He stood there,his hands________ behind.
A. tying B. tied C. were tying D. were tied
76.________, Mother had to stay at home and looked after him.
A. Being ill B. He was ill C. Tom being ill D. To be ill
77. The country has already sent up three unmanned spacecraft, the most recent ________at the end of last March. [2007 山东卷]
A.has been launched B.having been launched C.being launched D.to be launched
78. The children went home from the grammar school, their lessons _______ for the day. [07重庆]
A. finishing B. finished C. had finished D. were finished
79.There are a lot of stars existing in space,
most of ____ are unknown to us. B
and most of _____ are unknown to us. D
most of ____being unknown to us. D
A. who B. which C that D them
80. Anderson entered the classroom,_____ book in _____ hand.
A. /; his B. /; / C. a; / D. a; the
81. He left, his sweetheart ____ very lonely.
A. felt B. feels C. has felt D. feeling
82.Mr. Black left for Beijing this morning, his secretary ____ him there this Friday.
A. would join B .joined C. joining D. to join
83. ____ at hand, he had to borrow some to buy his wife a present.
A. There was no money B. There being no money C. Being no money D. Not been money
84. A team of 15 Indian experts are organizing a workforce of 400 Cambodians, ____.
A. most of them women B. most of whom women
C. and most of whom are women D. most them are women
85.The final exam ________ , your parents will not properly allow you to listen to music.
A. drawing near B. draw near C. is drawing near D. is drew near
86. The thief was brought in, his hands ____________ behind his back.
A. tying B. tied C. being tied D. having tied
87. So many students __________ for the traffic jam, the exam had to be put off.
A. were late B. been late C. has been late D. being late
A. have been canceled B. had been canceled C. having been canceled D. being canceled
88.He wrote a lot of novels, many of _______ translated into a foreign language.
A. them B. which C. it D. what
89. We got near a garden, ______ owner sitting in it. A. its B. whose C. that D. which
90. The fine day ______________ our pleasure, we had a good time in the country.
A. added up B. added in C. added up to D. added to
91. Our teacher entered the classroom, __________.
A. a book in hand B. book in hand C. book in his hand D. a book in hands
92. There ____________ nothing to talk about, everyone in the room remained silent.
A. was B. had C. being D. having




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