高二牛津38期B3版(读写空间) 教材:牛津高二模块8Unit one 否定表达(二) (译林牛津版高二英语下册教学论文)

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教材:牛津高二模块8Unit one 否定表达(二)
Formulas [寻规找矩]:
1. ---Didn’t you see the film Titanic yesterday?
---________. I would like to have seen it.
A. Yes, I did B. No, I didn’t C. Yes, I didn’t D. No, I did
2. ---You haven’t been to Beijing, have you?
---________. And I visited the Summer Palace.
A. Yes, I have B. Yes, I haven’t C. No, I have D. No, I haven’t
3. Jack ________ why his mother was angry with him ________ she told him everything.
A. don’t understand / until B. understood / until
C. didn’t understand / until D. understands / until
1. B。由于yes与肯定句连用,no与否定句连用,首先可排除C, D 两项。A, B 形式都正确,但从题目语境中最后一句话“我倒希望自己看了那部电影。”可知事实上我昨天没有看电影,故答案选B。如果把题干最后一句话改为“It’s very moving.”,则说明我昨天看过电影,正确答案就应该选A。
2. A。这种“根据事实作答”在运用中很不容易掌握,大家应该仔细体会其用法;同时,这种应答方法也适合于对“前否后肯型”反意疑问句和否定祈使句的回答。例如:从答语提示可知事实上我去过北京,故答案选A。全句译为:“——你没有去过北京,是吗?——不,我去过。我还去参观过颐和园。”
3. C。这是否定意义肯定形式的表达方法。该句使用了“not...until”表示“直到……才”的句型,整体为过去时态,故正确答案选C。句义是“直到杰克的母亲把一切和盘托出,他才明白母亲为什么跟他生气。”
(六) 否定疑问句:常用来表示反问、惊讶、建议、赞叹等语气。例如:
Don’t you know these traffic rules? 难道你不知道这些交通规则吗?
(七) 双重否定句:由两个否定词搭配构成,表示一个较强的肯定语气。例如:
Without air or water, man can not live on the earth. 没有空气和水,人类是无法在地球上生存的。
It’s never too late to learn. 活到老,学到老。
He will not do it for nothing.他不会无缘无故做这件事。
If the world becomes less unfair, much of the poverty can be wiped out.
He was nothing if not clever. 他很聪明。(“nothing if not”表示“极其”)
(八) 部分否定:通常由not 与表示整体意义的词(如:everyone, everything, all, each, always, entirely等)连用来表达。例如:
Not all the animals hibernate in winter. (或者:All the animals don’t hibernate in winter.)
I’m not always at home on Sundays. 我星期天不一定总在家。
(九) 含蓄否定:英语中有些句子虽然并不使用否定词,但也能表达否定意思。例如:
That is more than I can do. 我干不了那件事。
He is too young to carry so heavy a case. 他太小,搬不动这么重的箱子。
It is three years since he was a teacher. 他不当教师已经有三年时间了。(在“It is +时间段+ since …”结构中,从句谓语是延续性动词时表示否定意义。)
(十) 否定形式肯定意义:英语中有些句子形式否定但却表达肯定意义,对其理解切不可望文生义。例如:
Isn’t this film moving? 这部电影难道不感人吗? (否定疑问句常表示肯定意义)
English is not too difficult to learn. 英语并不太难学. (双重否定句表示肯定意义。)
He is too ready to help others. 他总是乐于助人. (“too”修饰ready, glad, anxious, eager等词时相当于“very”)
You cannot be too careful to do your homework. 做作业你越仔细越好(或者:无论怎样仔细也不过分).
He is too careful not to have noticed it.
他那么小心,一定会注意到这一点的。(“too...not to do”表示“太……不会不……”)
There is nothing but sands left after the forest was destroyed.
森林被毁之后,只剩下沙地。(“nothing but” 相当于“only”)
Hardly had I got to the station when it began to rain.
我刚到车站天就下雨了。(“hardly…when”表示“刚……就”,可以换成“no sooner…than”)
Why don’t you come and join us in the game? 你为什么不和我们一起玩游戏呢? (“Why don’t you…?”.或“Why not ...?”表示邀请、建议等肯定意义。)
误:Anybody can not come in without permission.
正:Nobody can come in without permission.
"任何……不"是汉语中常用的否定句式,而在英语中与any构成的合成词或被any修饰的词语作主语时,谓语动词不能用否定式,因此any ... not的表达形式不符合英语的习惯。翻译这类句子时须用"否定形式的主语+肯定形式的谓语"。但当any的合成词或any所修饰的词带有后置定语时,谓语可以用否定式,如: 干那种事的人都是不诚实的。 Anyone who does that isn't honest.
误:Having heard the news, nobody did not feel excited.
正:Having heard the news, everybody felt excited.
汉语中常用"没有+主语+不+谓语"这一双重否定的结构,而英语中否定形式的主语习惯上不能与否定形式的谓语连用。因此nobody... not的结构不符合英语的表达习惯。翻译这类句子时,(1)可把主语和谓语都改成肯定形式;(2)也可用另一结构的双重否定式:there be +否定的主语 + 否定形式的定语从句,如: There was nobody who did not feel excited. 或:There was nobody but felt excited.
误:Both of the books are not published in England.
正:Neither of the books is published in England.
误:I don't agree to all these projects.
正:I agree to none of these projects. 或:I don't agree to any of these projects.
英语中的概括词all, every, both, 以及与every 构成的合成词,用语否定句式时,只表示部分否定,常译成"并非……都",因此两个错误译句的含义分别为:并非两本书都是英国出版的,并非所有这些方案我都同意。要表达全部否定意义时,英语须用全否定词语,如none neither, no, nobody, nothing, not…any, not…either等。
误:This lathe can not be used any longer, and that one can't, too.
正:This lathe can not be used any longer, and that one can't either. 或:This lathe can not be used any longer, neither (nor) can that one.
误:You won't have to worry about rank and pay.
正:You won't have to worry about rank or pay.
在肯定句中用and来连接两个并列成分,表示"和",但在否定句中and应改为or, 这时否定词对or的前后部分同时加以否定。
误:How not perfect the rules and regulations are!
正:How imperfect the rules and regulations are!
误:I think this is not worth trying.
正:I don't think this is worth trying.
英语中表臆想、猜测的动词think, believe, fancy, expect, guess, imagine, suppose等,如果带有否定的宾语从句,宾语从句中的否定词通常提前,用来否定主句的谓语动词。尤其是think, 按习惯用法,否定词只能置于think前。
误:He came here not to ask us for help.
正:He did not come here to ask us for help.
误:He mustn't have completed his design.
正:He can't have completed his design.

Grammar Work [语法专练]:
1. 你不是应该正在干活吗?(否定疑问句)
__________ you __________ to be working?
2. 如果不懂安全规则,千万别动这台机器。(双重否定句)
__________try to operate this machine __________ you know the rules for safety.
3. 网络上的东西并非都是可信的。(部分否定句)
__________ on the Internet is __________ reliable.
4. 如果你多花点时间,你的工作会做得更好。(含蓄否定句)
You __________ __________ __________ the job better if you had put more time into it.
5. ---李老师是个好老师。---我完全赞同。(否定形式肯定意义)
---Mr. Li is a good teacher. ---I __________ __________ more.
1. Aren’t supposed 2. Don’t unless 3. Everything not 4. could have done 5. can’t agree
1. 那个记者不可能已采访过NBA休斯敦火箭队小巨人姚明。
That reporter mustn’t have interviewed the "little giant" Yao Ming of the NBA's Houston Rockets.
2. 他们当中没有人是从北京大学毕业的。
Not all of them graduated from Beijing University.
3. 我们猜想他们昨天没有参加任何会议。
We guess that they didn’t attend any meetings yesterday.
4. 他来这儿不是为了求得我们的帮助,而是来给我们提供一些信息。
He didn’t come here to ask us for help, but to give us some information.
5. 对我们大家而言,这项任务真的不重要!
What a not important task it is to us all!
1. mustn’t-can’t 2. Not all-None 3. guess…didn’t attend-didn’t guess…attended 4. didn’t come…to ask-came…not to ask 5. a not important-an unimportant
Grammar Quiz[语法小测]:
1. There is no success ________ hardships.
A.with B. without C. except D. never
2. His attention was not ________ paid to his research.
A. entirely B. commonly C. carefully D. differently
3. This is the ________ thing I would ever want to do.
A. little B. lest C. early D. last
4. You can ________ be careful ________ to do your homework.
A. never / enough B. never / much C. never / completely D. never / seriously
5. Why not come and join us in the game?
A. not to come B. not come C. don’t come D. not coming
6. Not having finished homework, ________ was criticized by the English teacher.
A. no one B. nobody C. everyone D. anyone
7. ---Can’t you try your hardest to catch up with other top students?
---________. And I have made up my mind.
A. No, I can’t B. No, I can C. Yes, I can D. Yes, I can’t
8. ---Wait until we get a satisfactory reply, will you?
---I couldn’t agree ________. The idea sounds great to me.
A. much B. worse C. at all D. more
9. We don’t keep winning games _______ we keep playing well.
A. because B. unless C. when D. while
10. Of all the books on the desk, ____ is of any use for our study.
A. nothing B. no one C. neither D. none




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